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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Dec 1948, p. 8

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1948 PAGE EIGHT Holiday Personals "Christmas in lands of the fir and the pine - Christmas in lands of the palm tree and vine; Christmas where snow-peaks stand solemn and white, Christmas wuere c:.rn-fields At this friendly season of the year the Social Deparjment welcomes all those who are re- turning home for the Christmas holidays and would appreciate a "Personal" call AR A J Miss Eileen McKnight is spend- ing Christmas at her home in Co- balt, Ontario. * bP Mrs. A. W. Barton, Simcoe Street North, expects to have as a Christ- mas guest, her sister, Miss Laura Cole, of Toronto. "eo Miss Eleanore Petrie, of the teaching staff of Ritson School, will spend the Christmas vacation visit- ing friends in British Columbia. * +b Miss Irene Boes, a member of the staff of the Oshawa Public Library, will spend Christmas at her home at Brighton. * bb Mrs. A. D. Cornett will have as Christmas guests, her daughter, Mrs. Mark Frank, and Mr. Frank, from Ottawa. REE Miss Peggy Thompson, daughter of Mrs, E. Thompson, Agnes Street, who is attending the University of Toronto is home for the holidays. * + Miss Helen Moffat, Girls' Super- visor at Simcoe Hall, will spend the Christmas week-end with friends at Weston. * & Mr, and Mrs. G. K. Harvey and daughter Sharyn are journeying to Napanee to spend Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Jones. * op Mr. and Mrs. H.W, St. John, Simcoe Street North, will spend Miss Elizabeth Ford, Simcoe Street South, will spend the Christ- mas vacation at the home of her brother in Detroit, Mich, * + + Miss Janet Carruthers, Simcoe Street North, will spend the Christ- mas vacation at her home in Bow manville, ; * +P Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy and Mr, and Mrs, Percy Mount- joy all of Kedron, will be Christ- mas guests at the home of Mrs. Walter Langmaid, Simcoe Street South. * + * Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Graham, Shkncoe Street North, will have as their Christmas Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Graham and family, of 'Whitby, *> +P Mr. Edsel Coppin, of St. Thomas, will spend the Christmas vacation at the home, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Coppin, Arthur Street. * +P Mr. Donald Jackson, who is at- tending the University of Toronto will spend Christmas at the home of his mother, Mrs. F, B. Jackson, Ritson Road South. * + Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Owens, of Picton, will be Christmas guests of Mrs. Owens' parents, the Rev. and Mw, George Telford, Simcoe Street * dW Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Highfield and Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Morphy, all of Sarnia, will spend Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Highfield, Simcoe Street North. * bb The Rev. and Mrs. B. 8. Mor- wood, McLaughlin Boulevard, will Luiz FLOWER MIST Lot fear, He's sure to win her heart for you because he's full of Flower Mist that ladies love! Elizabeth Arden's Snowman surprise hides a 4 oz. bottle of Blve Grass Flower Mist. . . wears a bow-tie of sparkling green ribbon and a Holly red hat. 'What could be a better way to show your affection! Blve Grass Flower Mist Snowman - 2.50 JURY and LOVELL COSMETIC DEPARTMENT King E, ...... Phone 28 Simcoe 8. .... Phone 68 lie sunny and bright." be guests for Christmas at the home of Mrs. Morwood's father, Mr. W. F. Woollard, of Toronto. * bP The Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Clever- don, Greta Street, will have as their guest at Christmas, Mrs. Cleverdon's mother, Mrs. Donald McIntosh, of po 'Catharines. + % Mr. H. W. McNeill, Boys' Super visor at Simcoe Hall, and Mrs. Mc- Neill, will spend the Christmas week-end with Mr. McNeill's mother, Mrs. Samuel McNeill, of Toronto. * rd The Rev. and Mrs. H. F. David- son, Brock Street East, will be guests for Christmas Day at the home of Mrs. Davidson's sister, Jars. J. E. Skinner, of New Toron- * 4b Miss Olive Nickle, a member of the staff of the Oshawa Public Library, will spend the Christmas holidays at her home in Harris- ton. * kb The Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Moffat and family will be Christmas Day guests at the home of the Rev. Moffat's mother, Mrs. T. L. Moffat, of Weston. * + % 4 Mayor and Mrs. Frank McCal- lum will have among: their Christ- mas guests Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mid- dlemass and daughter, Joy, of Sus- sex, England. * + Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Sleeman and son Wayne are spending Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. George Sleeman, Guelph and Mr. and Mrs, William Anakin, Chatham. * * S Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Worthington snd daughter Mary Jane will be spending Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J W.P. Worthing- ton, Paisley. * + * Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sykes and son Peter, of Vancouver, B. C., and formerly of Oshawa, are enjoying a month's visit at the home of Mrs. Sykes' parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. J. Davenport, Burk Street. * * b The Hon. G. D. Conant and Mrs, Conant, Buena Vista, will have as their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Dougias Conant and daughter San- dra, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Conant. * + Miss Joyce Babcock, daughter of Mrs, Mabel Babcock, Bruce Street, will be home from the London Bible Institute to spend Christmas with her mother. * + The Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Whitely, Athol Street East, will have as their Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Kellogg and sons, the Rev. J. C. Kellogg and Mr. Lloyd Kellogg, of Port Hope. * + Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson, King Street East, who celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary re- cently, have received a cable of congratulation from Their Majesties The King and Queen. ] * * Pb Miss Sybil Langmaid entertained last evening at Adelaide House at a Christmas party for the teach- ers of the Primary and Beginners classes of the Sunday School of Simcoe Street United Church. he A 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Brimage of Simcoe and Mr. and Mrs. William Ahern of Orangeville will spend the Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mary Street. * +b Guests from Toronto at the Ticknor-Huller wedding on Friday were Mr, and Mrs. G. P. Proulx, Mr. Peter Donelly, Mr. Grant Duff and Mr. Dick Bullock. Also from out of town was Mrs. William Martin of Stirling. . * + Mr. Jack Langmaid, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, who is a member of the Faculty of Den- tistry, ,University of Toronto, will be home for the Christmas vaca- tion. Dr. and Mrs, Langmaid will also have as their guest, Miss Ruth Case, of Toronto. Irene Huller is Wed To Port Arthur Man ---- Christ Memorial Church was the scene of the wedding on Friday evening of Irene Gladys Huller and Arthur Edward Ticknor. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Huller of Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. A. PF. Ticknor of Port Arthur and the late Mr. Ticknor. The Rev. H. D. Cleverdon performed the double-ring ceremony against a background of pink and white chrysanthemums and Mr. W. George Rapley, the church, organ- ist, played the wedding music. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a blue moire taffeta ballerina dress and carried a nosegay of pink rose buds and white chrysanthemums. Match- ng flowers composed her head- ess The bridesmaid was Miss Blanche Clark who wore a similar dress-in || wine colored moire taffeta with a matching headdress, Her flowers were yellow and white baby chyys- anthemums, The best man was Mr, Wilfred Bacon of Toronto and the ushers were Mr. Walter Huller, the bride's brother, and Mr. George Proulx. Wearing smoke blue crepe with navy blue accessories the bride's mother received the guests at the reception which was held at the home of Mrs. C. A. Kinnear, King Street West, which was decorated with pink and white chrysanthe- mums and snapdragons. Later the couple left for a honey- moon. The bride was wearing light blue wool gabardine with a wine colored topcoat and brown acces- sories, : Mr. and Mrs, Ticknor will reside in Toronto on their return. Mys. Fred Graham Re-Elected President Mrs. Fred Graham was re-elected president of Centre Street United Church Women's Association on Thursday. The Rev. F. J. White- ley installed the officers as follows: Hon. presidents, Mrs. F. J. Whiteley and Mrs. J. Johnston; president, Mrs. Fred Graham; first vice-president, Mrs. David Morris: second vice-president, Mrs. Herbert Terwillegar; secretaries, Miss Flora French and Mrs. Dean Peel; treas- urer, Mrs. Ed James; flower con- vener, Mrs. Walter' Vice; press re- porter, Mrs. W. L. Frost; pianists, Mrs. Harry Young and Mrs, Wil- liam Calder; social convener, Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith, The meeting was a joint meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society and the Woman's Association in the form of a candlelight service. The meeting opened with a Christ mas story entitled, "The Christian World at the Feet of Jesus Christ." Christmas carols were sung. Mrs. William Calder, Mrs. W. P. Fletcher, Mrs. Herbert Terwilligar, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs, F. J. Whiteley and Mrs. Fred Graham told the story, with Mrs. Graham taking the leading part. J Mrs. F. J. Whiteley sang a solo, "He Would: See Jesus," accompan- ied by Mrs. Harry Young, followed by a prayer offered by Mrs. Fred Graham. > The minutes were read by Miss Flora French and the treasurer's report given by Mrs. Ed James, The East and West groups gave very satisfactory reports. The East group treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Cory Deguerre; the secretary's report by Mrs. Harry Young. The West group treasurer's re- port was given by Miss Flora French; the secretary's report by Mrs. Thomas Solomon. The Woman's Association turned over $1,000 to the official board of the church. The Rev. F. J. White- ley addressed the members briefly on their good work, and offered prayer. Plans were made for the congregation's supper to be held on January 21. Plans were made for the capsule sister banquet to be held December 29. The Rev. F. J. Whiteley closed the meeting with a prayer, and lunch was served and a social half-hour spent. Christmas Party For 'Little Liberals' The Forresters Hall was the scene of a happy gathering when the mothers of the Oshawa Liberal Women's Association entertained their children at a party on Thurs- day evening. Mrs. H. T. Brain accompanied at the plano for the carol singing, and the children joined heartily in singing "Jingle Bells" as a welcome to Santa Claus. The genial, red- coated old fellow came bustling in and distributed candy and gifts to about 55 children. °* The president of the Association, Mrs. George Jewell, spoke briefly. Among those taking part were Margaret Lyons, Marlene Brain, Louise Powless, Cheri Brady, Jus~, teene Bell, Louis Marcoux, Betty Ann Luke, Pamela Wilkinson, Ann LaRush, Eaileen McCay, Mary Fair, Robert Brain and Terry Brain. The children were escorted to the dining room where the long tables were gaily decorated and laden with dainty refreshments. Mrs. George Bell and her com- mittee worked very hard fo make this Christmas party one that will be lone remembered by those pres- ent, Games for the children followed lunch after which the parents gath- ered round the Christmas tree and each of them received a gift. Mr. Elmo Dunn acted on behalf of Santa who had a special deliv- ery elsewhere and refreshments were served by the capable com- mittee. On behalf of the Liberal Wom- en's Association Mrs. John Booth thanked Mrs. Bell and her com- mittee for their united efforts in providing lunch; also to those who had in any way helped to make the evening a success. In replying Mrs, Bell said it was indeed a pleasure to have had the co-operation of so many . good friends and hoped everyone had enjoyed the party. Mrs. Thomas Wilcox Reaches 81st Year Mrs. Thomas Wilcox, Centre Street, celebrated her 80th birth- day on Sunday with a tea party at- tended by her four daughters, two sons, eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. In the best of health, Mrs. Wil- cox took great pleasure in receiving numerous gifts and messages of congratulation." She is an active member of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's Anglican Church, and the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legign. One daughter, Mrs. Arthur Little, came from Montreal and the other Moose Jaw. Girl Is Wed Here MR. AND MRS. DENNIS W. TYCE who were married recently by the Rev. E. Donovan Jones. The bride, who is the former Nancy Mary W. G. Domney, of Moose Jaw, Jean Domney, is the daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Domney. 'The bride- groom is the son of Mrs, Mary Eden, of Ilford, England, and the late Mr, Tyce. --Photo by: Hornsby Studio h "Will He Really Come?" RAY CHARLES GRAHAM son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Graham, Bond Street East. One year old, Ray is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kettle, of Oakwood, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Graham, of Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby Studio three all of Oshawa are Mrs. Thomas Twentyman, Mrs. Charles Garrard and Mrs. F. E, Conlin. Her two sons are Mr. C. J. Wilcox and Mr. Alfred Wilcox, both of Oshawa. Mys. George Beard Entertains SA Group A pleasant evening was spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. George Beard, Carnegie Ave- nue, when the mother and daugh- ter group of the Salvation Army Home League held its Christmas party. Chicken dinner was served at 7 o'clock by the hostess. The tables were prettily decorated in the Christmas colors, and tapers. Miss Shirley, Beard and Miss Norma Smith assisted in serving.' Mrs. Ina Follest, president, of the group, thanked Mrs. Bea and Mrs. Smith, also every member for her share in helping to make the dinner such a success. After dinner, Mrs. Wilbert Clarke led in contests and this caused a lot of merriment. Before leaving for home, waffle ice cream sandwiches and coffee were served. Christmas gifts were exchanged and a truly social time was spent. Mrs. Follest also thank- ed all the members for their co- operation and the harmony that existed. The group had a successful sale of work with the Home League two weeks ago, the returns of wh.cn go to help the Home League in the splendid work in which it is en- gaged. v The Home League meets every Tuesday afternoon, when tea is served and a profitable hour of fel- lawship and friendship is enjoyed. CHEER FOR DEPRESSED In 2000 B.C. there was at least one temple in Egypt where suffer- ers from melancholia went for re- creation. SIBBY CLEANERS -- Announce -- : Last Week's Contest Winners 1ST PRIZE -- NO. 996 -- MR. HOLMES HOLMES REAL ESTATE, ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA 2ND PRIZE -- NO. 1184 -- MRS. J. CIRKO 122 BLOOR ST. E., OSHAWA Ny 3RD PRIZE -- NO. 1168 -- Name Unknown 29 GEORGE ST., AJAX : 181 BOND ST. W. PHONE 5541 Mys. Dan Guiltinan Heads Legion Aux. Mrs. Daniel Guiltinan was elect- ed president of the Ladies' Auxili- ary to the 'Canadian Legion No. 43, at a meeting on Tuesday even- ing. Mrs. William Evans, zone re- presentative, conducted the elec- tion and other officers for 1949 are as follows: First vice-president, Mrs, Charles Lamb; second vice- president, Mrs. C. A. Vermoen; secretary, Mrs. William Evans; treasurer, Mrs. William Reed; standard bearer, Mrs. Howard R. Davies; chaplains, Mrs. William Collins and Mrs. William Hewett; pianists, Mrs. William Skinner and Mrs. William Reed; executive, Mrs. Frank Davey, Mrs. Ber! Jacklin, Mrs. Mdward Maidman, Mrs. C, A. Vermaen, Jr. Mrs. Jack Jackson, Mrs. Edward Maidman, Jr. The scrutineers were Mrs. Henry Foote, Mrs. Ben Jacklin and Mrs. Bert Holbrook. Mrs, Joseph Wilson presided at the meeting and four new mem- bers were initiated and welcomed into the Auxiliary. Mrs. Vermoen reported on cater- ing done recently and a substant- fal sum was handed to the treas- urer. It was decided to hold & short meeting tonight to be followed by carol singing and exchange of gifts. Refreshments will be served. Don't Delay! Get Your Fresh Roast Turkey For Christmas NOW! CAPONS -- Over 5 Ibs. ... Ib. BOILING FOWL 1b, 45¢ ROASTING CHICKENS Ib. 55¢ FRIERS 1b. 50c ROASTING DUCKS . .<. Ib. 55¢ Please put in your order Before Wed. Dec. 22, for Delivery before Christmas FREE DELIVERY Drop in and pick up your fowl We have a large stock on hand. R. R. LITZ POULTRY STATION 117 Bloor St. E. Phone 4394M Socioki ORDER OF EASTERN STAR The Christmas meeting of Sun- beam Chapter, O.E.S., was held on Thursday last in the Masonic: Temple. . Mrs. Mina Wood, Worthy Matron, and Mr. Lloyd Wood, Worthy Patron, presided at the ting, welcoming visiting mem- PDD.G.M., were extended an es- pecial welcome, as were also the Past Matrons and Past Patrons of were taken care of; an invitation to Harmony Chapter, Toronto, on Jan. 19, 1949, was accepted; thank you letters from who had found the O.ES. hospital bed of help in their illness were read by Mrs. Laura Stewart, P.M., secre- tary. A Christmas card was re- ceived from our adopted Chinefe boy, accompanied by a picture of the children and house mother in the cottage where he lives. The meeting was closed when the Worthy Matron gave the farewell and the members gathered to await the arrival of Santa Claus. Amid much merriment Santa arrived and distributed the gifts from the beautiful Christmas tree in the room. A large Christmas cracker and the Christmas cake centred the luncheon table flanked by red candles in blue candle holders. Mrs. Alberta Ward and her committee served a tasty and delightful lunch Io Shas a most enjoyable eve- Boxing Day Old + As Christianity In the early days of Christianity boxes used to be placed inside the churches for the reception of alms, and these were opened on Christ- mas Day and the contents distribut- ed among the poor by the priests on the following day. Later, ap- prentices carried round a box to their masters' customers for small gratuities, and the day after Christ- mas when this was done came to be called Boxing Day and the gifts were known as Christmas boxes. Friends Entertain , In Honor of Bride Miss Irene Huller whose mar- riage to Mr. A. E. Ticknor took place last Friday was entertained by her friends prior to the event. Tae girls of the Order and Pur- cl Ltd. held a shower at the home of Mrs. C. A Kinnear, King Street West, and presented the bride-elect with a bathroom hamper and bath towels. Mrs. George Torbet held a miscellaneous ' shower for her at the home of her mother, Mrs. George Hiltz, Mary Street. 'The rooms were gaily decorated in yellow and white and the bride to be was presented with a corsage of bronze and yellow chrysanthe- mums and many attractive gifts. Miss Helen Richards and Miss Blanche Clarke entertained at the home of Mrs. Marion L. Richards. The bride to be received a miscel- | lany of gifts and cut a wedding cake when refreshments were served, From her neighbors on Wood Street © Miss Huller received a handsome walnut end table. was quickly | an Departments of Fittings |" Barbara Ann Says She Can's Skate Unless She Puts Left Boot On First New York, Dec. 18.--(CP)--Sup- erstition plays a big part in Bar- bara Ann Scott's ability to skate. At least so she says, she thinks superstitions are "nonsense." © "I can't skate at all unless I put on my left boot first!" she confided as she was trying on her boots just before an early-morning rehearsal at the Theatre. ':'Have you ever tried putting on your right boot first?" she was ask- ed "No," the pretty Ottawa skater replied, "But I just know I couldn't skate if I did!" Despite that quirk, Barbara Ann thinks most superstitions are silly. Things like expecting seven-years' bad luck for breaking a mirror or argument if you spill salt, "They're just nonsense." "How about the number 13?" the world champion was asked. "Why that's my lucky numbe. | I've drawn that number in compe- tition so often I think it's a lucky one for me. "For that matter, when the Minto Skating Club of Ottawa gave me a gold pen fashioned like a skate, they had 13 diamonds set in it. I don't think there's anything une lucky about 13." The world figure-skating . cham- pion, who rakes her professional debut early next. week, admits to another little superstition. "I knock on woci1 when someone asks me about something that has never happened to me," she said. "Tre other day when the editor$ of high school newspapers were in- terviewing me, someone asked me if I had ever fallen in competiton. Before I answered that I had not, I knocked on the wooden table in front of me." Student Nurses Hold Joint Birthday Party Student nurses at the Oshawa General Hospital held a party on Saturday night to celebrate six birthdays all falling within a few days of each other. Those with birthdays were Miss Helen Leppan- en, Miss Amy Irwin, Miss Marjorie Glover, all seniors, and Miss Mary Clarke, Miss Beverley Flintoff and Miss Agnes Thomson, ies. Colored lights decorated the recs reation hall and Mr. A. W. Arm- strong acted as M.C. for the novel- ty dances and games. Miss Amy Irwin, and Miss Phyllis Parker acted as chaperones. " The highlight of the evening was a visit of Santa Claus who was generous in his distribution of gifts. It's So Easy to Cook COMPLETE MEALS this Electrical way! Westinghouse Ad justomatic ROASTER: OVEN Treat your family to roasts that are thoroughly 'done, yét deliciously tender and juicy. Serve tem 35 yep ota les rich in vi with all their full flavor re- tained! And bake perfectly browned pies, cakes, bread of cookies . . . you can quickly prepare all these foods--and many more besides with the Westing- 2 covered vegetable dishes. SEE THEM AT Roaster -Oven. : y MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE ST. N. 5 KING ST. W., PHONE 4600 PHONE 42 231, SIMCOE ST. S. « Montreal -- Toronto Lingerie lt China Gin] mae SLIPS: Dainty slips in crepe, and satin, come in tailored styles, or are lavish with lace. They're pretty enough to please every woman, und are the ideal Christmas gifts. Sizes 32-52. Priced from $1.95 > $5.95 each. GOWNS: Here are lovely gowns for Christmas gifts, in a galaxy of colours-- white, pink, blue, yellow, orchid, green, and black. See our many styles in [ersey, Crepe, and Satin. Sizes 32-46. Priced from $2.95 -- $8.95 each PYJAMAS: Reitman's habe a wide selec- tion of printed and plain pyjamas in Crepe, Satin, Spun, and Flannel. Both Butcher boy, and lace trimmed styles make big hits as Christmas gifts. Sizes 14-20. Priced from $2.49--$5.95 per pair. A Gift Box with every purchase. WHEN IN DOUBT + GIVE A Reitman's GIFT CERTIFICATE Reiman "Where Smart Young Women Shop" TELEPHONE 5303 © Other branches located in: vt / -- Sherbrooke -- Hull -- Quebéc' -- Ottawa -- London -- Windsor Hamilton -- Brantford; -- Kingston --. Cornwall.

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