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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE * ~ THE DAILY TIMES- GAZETTE ions Good N ews Comes To World LET'S . ALL GO TOC HUI CH REG Milk Foundation of Oshawa By NEWMAN CAMPBELL "WHAT WAS the world like when Jesus was born and lived His short life on earth? It was very different from our own' world. There was no gas, elec- tricity, telephones, streetcars, buses, autom trains or airplanes. No good ds as we know them to- day. ple walked to their desti- nations or rode on donkeys or horses or in chariots. How did they get messages to one another? How did they light and heat their homes--often tents in early Old Testament times? Messen- gers carried communications from one place to another -- runners, something like they do today in the wilder parts of India or Africa. Into this rough world came the Babe, / Jesus, whose birth we cele- brated last week, and the story of Whose birth was our lesson two weeks ago. Babies were no differ- ent, than they are today. Mothers | y .q and fathers loved them just as they do today, and rejoiced at their birth. The great men of the world are born in a time that needs them. They have the necessary qualifica- tions to meet the needs of that period. So, "when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son." \Never was a Great Man such as thig born into a world that so despergtely needed Him, and His in- fluence\ is werld-wide--for all peo- ple, not\just His own race. In this brief space it is impossible to give much of the historical back- ground of this time. Rome was the ruling power, and it was a Roman world that was restless in its re- ligious life, dissatisfied with its many gods and goddesses, needing a Saviour, but few recognizing Him when He came. After the correct number of days had passed after Jesus' birth, His parents took the Child to Jerusa- lem to the temple to offer a sacri- fice of "a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons," as was the law. Now there was a man in Jeru- salem whose name was Simeon -- a saintly man who had received a message from the Holy Ghost telling him that he should not die until he had seen the Messiah. When Simeon saw the Baby brought into the temple, he took Him in his arms and blessed God, saying, "Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, ac- cording to Thy word: For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation." Simeon alsp blessed Mary and Joseph, who marvelled much .at the things Simeon said. After this Mary and Joseph went back to Galilee, to the city of Naza~ reth, from whence they had tra- velled to Bethlehem, the city of David, to register for taxation--be- cause Joseph was of the House of David. "And the Child grew and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God yas upon Him." Another great man was born shortly before Jesus of Nazareth. He was John, son of the priest Zacharias, and he spent his life in the wilderness, but when the call came from above, John came forth "into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repen- tance for the remission of sin," and prophesying 'the coming of the John baptized Jesus, at His 'in- sistence, and when that was done, heaven was opened, and a voice from heaven said, "Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee' I am well pleased." Matthew tells us of the Pharisees and Sadducees who challenged Jesus when He left His boyhood home and began preaching, trying to entangle Him. The Pharisees asked Him if it was lawful to give trouble to Tiberius Caesar, the Ro- man ruler of the world. Jesus an- swered by calling for a coin on which Caesar's head was stamped. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's," was Jesus' an- swer; "and unto God the things that are God's," and He called them hypocrites who professed righteous- ness but did not live righteous lives. Then the Sadducees had their turn, asking Jesus about the Resur- The Golden Text Presentation at the temple. "Thou shat soll His name Jesus, for it is He thot shall save His people from their sins."'--Matthew 1:21. rection, in which they did not be- lieve. This too Jesus answered | wisely, so that they could not trap | Him. In this world into which Jesus was sent, the Greeks and Romans "11 AM. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS AND THIS ST. ANDREW'S UNITED: CHURCH MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., B.D. Organist and Cheirmaster: Mr. C. J. W. Taylor, D.C.M, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26TH 2.30 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES RE 00 P. M. THE AUTHORITY QF THE CHILD Come and join us singing Christmas Carols. "' A'CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL, THE SALVATION ARMY (Corner Simcoe and Oak Sts.) '11 AM. ... AFTER CHRISTMAS . .. WHAT? 7 PM. .,. THE PRICELESS GIFT... , (A film entitled 'The Babe of Bethlehem' will be shown _~ at conclusion of Service) SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES -- 2 P.M. HAPPY WIND UP BROADCAST -- 3 P.M. WATCH SERVICE NIGHT -- FRIDAY, 31ST, 1/PM. PLAN TO "ATTEND THESE SERVICES. year and approaching its fourth, | provides that the new price must be fixed by Dec. 31. However, Mr. St. Laurent indicated that this will not be allowed to interfere with the negotiations and that additional time will be taken if both sides think this necessary. were looking for gods in whom they could trust; the Jews were looking for a Messiah who would restore the race to its former glory. Few of them accepted Jesus because He in- sisted that they--the people them- selves--should repent for their sins, love God, and their brother men. Smallest Pilgrimage Jerusalem, Dec. 24--(AP) -- The strangest Christmas Eve and the smallest Christian pilgrimage since the Crusades were in prospect to- day for Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. War and the Weather were to blame. Sand-bagged gun Posts, barbed wire and mine zones laid out dur- ing Arab-Jewish battles barred the Judean hill roads that Joseph and Mary travelled on their way to Bethlehem 1949 years ago. The Holy | Land, in uneasy truce, was still without hope of real peace soon. Rain, hail, cold winds and fog have swept this area for the last 24 hours. It was dreary weather for travel. Thousands have made the trip in previous years. About 130 Chris- tions in Jewish-held New Jerusalem planned to go today. When the stars shine again to- night over the shrine of the manger and the bells of Bethlehem peal for prayer at midnight most of the worshippers will be Christian Arabs of Bethlehem. They make up 9,000 of the town's population of 11,000. Gone will be the British troops who last year went to Bethlehem in armored cars and bearing arms for their 30th and final observance of Christmas Eve at the shrine in the Church of the Nativity. Soldiers will be there tonight, but they will wear the red-and-white headdress "of the Arab Legion and .the uniforms of the Egyptian Army. 'Few of these are Christians. . The main road to Bethlehem, usually travelled by Christian pil- grims from Jerusalem, is closed and under gunsight, Wheat Price Still Secret Ottawa, Dec. 24--(CP)--The full | cabinet Thursday heard the inside story of the Anglo-Canadian wheat price negotiations from Agriculture Minister Gardiner, recently return- ed from talks with British govern- ment officials in London. Primé Minister St. Laurent met reporters in a pre-Christmas press conference following Thursday's meeting, but declined to indicate when the wheat price would be an- nouriced. He said the question still is being considered in London and Ottawa, with a "serious" effort being made FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER KING AND MARY STREETS PASTOR--REV. RALPH F. WILLSON ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER -- MRS. F. VANDERVOORT 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "The Gift Appraised" 7 p.m. "The Vision Splendid" Christmas Messages in Song and Sermon A HELPFUL "PLACE TO WORSHIP ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH : Christmas Services CHRISTMAS EVE--11.15 P.M. CHRISTMAS -DAY--10.00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS 8 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION 11 AM.--MORNING PRAYER (Broadcast CKDO) Preacher--The Rector 7- P.M.--Carols and the Service of the Nine Lessons SIOMPDIMBMBMMBR St. Geofge's people wish to all in the community the blessings of Christmas peace and joy. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Anglican Rev. E. H. McLellan (1 Block East of Albert St. on Barrie St.) Christmas Services Christmas Eve 11.30. p.m.--Christmas Music, Carols 12.00 (midnight) THE CHRIST MASS Christmas Day 10.00 a.m.--Holy Communion, Carols Blessing of the Children on both sides to reach an agree- ment before the end of this year. The price being discussed is that to be paid by Britain for 140,000,000 bushels of Canadian wheat and wheat flour to be shipped to Brit- ain in the 1949-50 crop year, be- ginning next August 1, under terms of the Anglo-Canadian wheat agree- ment. For the cyrrent. crop year--1948- 49--the United Kingdom is paying $2 a bushel. There have been un- official suggestions that agreement may be reached on a similar price for 1948-50, hut official sources said the negotiations have not reached the point where a specific figure is under study. The contract, now in its third BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Be generous in prosperity and thankful -] Ys be ortny of the trust of ur, a 00k upon hi. a bright and friendly er ii GIBBONS ST. GOSPEL MISSION 228 GIBBONS ST. 7.00 P.M. SPECIAL SPEAKER Reverend Norman Parish Colombia, South America TUESDAY --Special Lantern Slides of the Nativity will he shown at 8 p.m. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US KNOX CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) SIMCOE ST. N.,, AT BROCK Rev. H. F. DAVIDSON, M-A., Minister Mr. DAVID JENKINS, Oyga fst and Choirmaster. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th PUBLIC WORSHIP 11 AM.--"THE IDEOLOGY OF THE INCARNATION" 7 P.M.--C.G.I.T. CANDLELIGHTING SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOLS MAIN SCHOOL: 10:00 A.M. Y.P. BIBLE CLASS: 2:30 P.M, South School in Ukrainian Presbyterian Church: 2:30 p.m. January 3-7 -- Week of Prayer Services CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. E. SUNDAY SCHOQL AT 12.15 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11.00 AM. Subject: Christian. Science Lesson for Christmas Day Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock jnciudes testimonies of healing through Christian lence The- reading room at 1 Simcoe St. South, Room No. 3, (upstairs In TUNE IN STATION CHUM 1050 on Your Dial -- Sunday, 12:15 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH "INDEPENDENT--EVANGELISTIC--MISSIONARY" REV. A. W. WHITEHEAD, PASTOR 11 AM.-- "HE MADE IT AGAIN" 7 P.M.---"A PROGRESSIVE EXPERIENCE" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 3 P.M. WEDNESDAY: PRAYER MEETING 8 O'CLOCK NEW YEAR'S EVE SERVICE 8-12? SPIRITUALIST CHURCH I. O. F. HALL, 20 KING STREET WEST PASTOR REV. COROS 184 KING WEST -- 4714) * Come and Worship with Us on Christmas Sunday EVERYONE WELCOME GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS Block) will be open daily from 2 to 5 p.m. excepting Sundays and legal holidays, where the Bible and Christian Science literature may be studied and purchased, and subscriptions placed for periodicals. GRACE LUTHERAN 150 Albert St. -- REV. N. KRITSCH, Pastor OHRISTMAS EVE -- DEC. 24TH 7.30 P.M.--CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS SERVICE CHRISTMAS DAY -- DEC. 25TH 8.00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION ADORE AND BE STILL SUNDAY -- DEC. 26TH 10:00 AM. --SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A M.--~MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 PM.--~THE CAROL T There are bargains galore -- on The 'Times-Gazette classified page. CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MEN'S COMMITTEE ..." TORONTO Every Saturday ay 2. CHVC ZZ Niagara Falls Bn a 160% Your i a Radio Program of Interest to ALL \ Post Office! Box 96, Toronto-- J ' 1 4 3 RA ra : 3 : : : ¢ : SRSA A Very Sincere Welcome To Our . . . Special Christmas Services Sunday 11. am, 7 p.m. At the Evening Service All the Wonderful Christmas Music! Come! \Arfd Bring Your Family! ALBERTu=CHURCH "The Church With a Challenge" -- Corner Albert and Olive MINISTER: Rev. E. Donovan Jones, B.A, M.Th. MUSIC: Mrs. R. Holden, Sr | | SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Cor. Simcoe and Bagot Sts. Rev. Johu K. Moffat, B.A. -- Minister Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Assistant Minister Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. -- Organist and Choir Leader m1 AM. "OUR RESPONSE TO THE INCARNATION" Special Christmas music with Mr. Edouard Bartlett, noted violinist. 7 P.M. "THE GREATEST DRAWING POWER IN HISTORY" Mr. Edouard Bartlett, will play violinist, 2.30 PM. SUNDAY SCHOOL All departments NEW YEAR'S EVE WATCH NIGHT SERVICE 11.15 P.M.--DEC. 31st CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. F. J. Whiteley, B.A., B.D.--169 Athol St. E., Phone 543TW Organist-Choirleader: Mr. N. Williams ---- 801 Ritson Rd. 5, Phone 4692R SUNDAY SCHOOL--10 A.M. BIBLE CLASS 10.00 AM. Theme: "Temptation", Read Matthew ch. 4 MORNING WORSHIP--I11.00 A.M. "THE PRINCE OF PEACE" EVENING WORSHIP--7.00 P.M. "WHAT KEEPS CHRISTMAS ALIVE?" Is Christmas a "dead issue" the day after? KING STREET UNITED CHURCH 8EV. J. V McNEELY, M.A, B.D. Minister Organist and Choirmaster, Wallace Young, A.T.C.M., RM.T. SERVICES OF WORSHIP 11 a.m. THE NATION AND THE BABE Christmas music by the choir. 2.30 p.m. The Church School. 7.00 p.m. THE AFTERGLOW OF CHRISTMAS Carols by choir from the Oshawa Public Schools. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH COR. SIMCOE AND ARLINGTON Rev. B, 8. Morwood, Minister Kelvin James, A.T.C.M., Organist SPEND THE LAST SUNDAY OF THE YEAR ARIGHT COME TO WORSHIP CAN WE TREAT BY-GONES 7 PM. -GONES? ; : AS BY-00) Evening Fellowship THE CHRISTMAS STORY IN SLIDES Be present to consider this question at 11 AM. Bring the little tots to the Morning Nursery. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU | Young People Specially Invited What Was Jesus' World Like? ILLUST RATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--Matthew 22 22:15-28:39; Luke 2, 3:1-8; Galatians 4: :1-85. By Alfred J. Buescher Simeon took the child in his 2 blessed Him, for he recognized WE The Bfant Jesus was taken to the tem. ple in Jerusalem a short time after His birth, and there an old man named "After Joseph and Mary had taken Jesus to the temple according to the law, they returned to Galilee and their home in Nazareth, where the Boy grew strong in body and spirit ané was filled with ; Wisdom a and BTACE, sit rms and Him as pws Mw = ce, i Now 'John the Baptist, son of the priest Zacharias, lived all his boyhood in the wilderness, and when he was a man he came into the country about Jordan, Preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission When Jesus grew to manhood -and preached His gospel, He was: closely questioned by the Pharisees and 'Sad- ducees who sought to entangle Him, but He answered them all wisely. of sins. ~~" MEMORY VERSE---Matthew 1:21, | Pe Gio ne cena N- * A134V¥S 17 Erie St. "CEDAR DALE'S EVANGELISTIC CENTRE" 17 Erie St. 10:00 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. Speakers: MR. H. B. WILSON MR. J, ALDOUS "Special Music at All Services" WATCH NIGHT SERVICE! New Year's Eve commencing 10 p.m. to be held in The Pilgtim Haliness Church--97 Athol St. West "A MERRY CHRISTMAS 0 EVERYONE". PHONE 474R PASTOR: REV. L. E. FLETCHER

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