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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1948, p. 18

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PAGE EIGHTEEN THE DAILY TIMES.-GAZETTE ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1948 SPORT FANS Drason's Breetings Geo. H. Campbell, SPORTS EDITOR. Bob Rife, Asst. BY Geo. H. Campbell SPORT Our "Sports Dept." extends the above greetings to all the Oshawa and district sport boosters, enthusiasts, fans, atheletes and arm-chair eritics too, Especially do we extend hearty greeting to the members of our "Sports Snapshots $5.00 Club". To the various teams and rec- > reation clubs of the city, we send best wishes for success and the hope that Mrs. Kringle's husband will have a few more champion- ships tucked in his, bag and labelled for Oshawa delivery. Our pile pile of Christmas cards which have arrived from across the Atlantic, across the border and across the Domini plus d of "locals," is a list that teems with happy memories of old friends, times and places. The pell-mell rush of the season may seem sometimes grim but the warmth of Christmas greelings makes it all so very worth while. So here's to all those we like and to all those who like us-- "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" * * + . The Boston Olympics hockey team which 'was disbanded a couple of weeks ago, has now been scattered all over the country, some having gone to the Maritimes, some to U.S, a couple to the Old Country and others to the Quebec Senior League. Johnny Chenier, former Oshawa General is one who will play his hockey in the Northern Quebec League. Others who were members of the Bostom team, names known to hockey fans of this district, were Marcel Filion, Jacques Richard (brother of Rocket), Fiori Goegan and Mert Prophhet (goalie). + * * The Oshawa Junior "B" puck team will hold their "coming out party' this Monday night at the Oshawa Arena when they tangle wit the Toronto St. Michaels College "B" club known far and wide as the Buzzers. The game for which Vic Burr and his charges have been hustling around early every morning down at the Arena for the past few weeks, should be a hummer. (That early morning stuff is 500 a.m. if you want to watch a practice). Lets turn out and see what we have in store for the coming season. And by the way, the season's schedule is issued today. * Ld * President J. J. "Tiny" McFayden has announced that players Ron Plumb of Guelph and John Lumley of Galt Rockets have been suspended and that means theyll be out of hockey until the OHA Executive meets again, in the New Year. Guelph has three games in that period and Galt has two. The suspension follows along with past-President George Pan- ter's declaration this morning that the O.H.A. intends to stamp out ex- cessive rough play, high-sticking, etc. Mgr. Geo. Lasby of Guelph issued a statement that Montgomery wasn't in the hassle here the other night and that Plumb's blow was accidental. We saw No. 11 of Guelph strike a spectator and we know the spectator received a cut lip and 'he can positively identify (and did) the player that struck him. Mgr. Lasby needs - only to look up his team's line-up and sweater numbers. However -- if we were the manager of the Guelph club, we'd have hurried into print Just as fast or faster, with a similar statement in defense of our club and while we do not agree with his remarks, we certainly don't blame him. * * * A rumour that there'd be a couple of "subscriber tickets" for sale is unfounded. A lot of statements that appeared im print late yesterday are not founded on fact but after all, this: one isn't an Oshawa problem, and néilther the Oshawa Hockey Club nor this scribe is going to get into an argument over something that has al- ready been explained away as "accidental" by the official himself who received the 4-stitch cut. Its mot our business, however, we would like to say that even though some other clubs in the Junior "A" circuit aren't "putting over" a brand new artificial ice arena and most clubs aren't hed by an ex ber of the O.H.A, referee staff, we think that if a similar incident occurred to a member of any other Junior "A" club, the same tolerance would be shown and the incident would be described as "accidental." Sure, that's what we think today -- because today is Dec. 24 and that's the one day of ICE SKATING SATURDAY NIGHT Jr. "B" Hockey MONDAY NIGHT St. Michael's BUZZERS VS. Oshawa JR. BEES Admission--Adults 35¢ Children 10c , i CHILDREN'S SKATING EVERY AFTERNOON ALL NEXT WEEK! Any doubts that defenceman Allan Stanley wouldn't live up to his press clippings when New York laid a bundle of cash and players on the line for him two weeks ago have vanished in that short space of time, . Since this solid citizen of Tim- mins joined the Blue-Shirts camp from Providence Reds of the Am- erican Hockey League the Rangers have lost only one of their-last six games, winning four and gaining a draw in the other. Patrick's First Win New York, making good at the first asking for new coach Lynn Patrick, lent further proof Thurs- day night that all National Lea- gue clubs will have to sit up and take notice of these battling men of Manhattan. Rangers stepped into the lair "of the goal-hungry Chicago Black Hawks to shade the, tri en 3-2 in one of two contests on the N.H.L. menu. Montreal Canadiens moved to within one point of the third- place Hawks by whipping Boston 4-2 in the other fixture, Rookies' Plays Stanley made the plays for two ALLAN STANLEY STILL LIVING UP TO CLIPPINGS of the New York goals and turned in a. superb defensive game along- side partner Wally Stanowski as Rangers squeaked through to rtheir narrow victory. - As was the case when goalie Emile (The Cat) Francis, subbing for the injured Chuck Rayner, made his season's debut in the big league against Montreal last Sun- day night, The Cat had a shutout with only a few minutes of the last period to go. : With the New Yorkers coasting home on a 3-0 lead and only five minutes remaining, Chicago attack- sar Sa two goals within three minutes. Bill Mosienko cashed the first marker at 15:41 and then Gus Godnar drilled one past Francis at 18:42 to give Rangers a scare before they copped the duke. : Ou Athlete Rangers had taken an early lead on goals by Edgar Laprade, Dunc Fisher and Buddy O'Connor, who Thursday was named in a Canadian Pres poll as Canada's outstanding ma's athlete in 1948. Stanley's two assists gave him one goal and four assists in six ON RANGERS' DEFENCE ee shook loose to hammer home (gi ames. At Montreal, Maurice (Rocket) Richard recovered his scoring eye to rap home the first two markers of the game. i Boston, who broke a five-game 10ving streak the previous night with a 6-2 triumph over the league- iéading Detroit Red Wings, matched 'Canadiens first two counters, but their travel-weary legs gave out in the third frame as Montreal salted the game away with goals by Billy Reay and Norm Dussault. Jimmy Peters and Paul Ronty fired the Boston goals. PITTS CONTINUE Pitts Electric and U.A.W.A. Grab Off Victories In "Merk" TO SET MERK LOOP PACE Pitts Overcome Early Lead Built Up by Parts To Scrape Win on Coach's Goal -- United Taxi Soundly Trounc- ed by Speedy Union -- Forrester in Goal for U.AW.A. Comes Up With Rousing Display Down at the arena last night the Oshawa Mercantile Hockey League presented another thrill- packed = twin-bill. The scheduled meeting between Pitts and Parts and Union and Cabbies took place and the favorites won out. Pitts, who lead the league, dis- posed of Parts on coach Jerry Cooper's beautiful goal in the late minfites of the third period, win- ning 5-4. The Union ran wild over the United Taxi about as edpected, trouncing the hack-boys 6-1.despite the way the game went last week. Pitts Stay-Power Pitts displayed a little too much slaying power for the G.M. Parts team and after taking a back seat for the first half of the game, Pitts recovered in the second period to make it close, tied it up and went on to win in the final frame. March and Lintner put the Parts club two up in the first, but Pitts drove back with Baxter scoring to make it 2-1 before the frame Hockey Twin-Bill at Arena Barrie's Meger Setting Pace Jr. "A" Scoring -- Toronto, Dec. 24--(CP) -- Paul Meger of the league-leading Barrie Flyers in the O.H.A. junior A circuit has taken over top scoring honors Windsor Spitfires it was shown in statistics released Thursday and in- cluding games played Dec. 18. and 31 assists. In second spot is Bruce Giesebrecht of the second- place Windsor club with 48 points from 20 goals and 28 assists. Brother Bert has 47 points from 23 goals and 24 assists. The leaders: G. A. Pts. Meger,- Barrie 31 Bruce Giesebrecht, W'sor 20 Bert Giesebrecht, W'sor 23 Sullivan, St. Catharines. 16 McNabney, Barrie Hildebrand, St. Cath'es . O'Grady, Windsor Flanagan, Stratford O'Hearn, Stratford Gamble, Oshav~ Tkachuck, Evans, St. Catharines .. 32 32 32 Hockey Players ended. . > The teams traded goals in the | second period to make the count 3-2. R. March scored for Parts | while John Drummond netted the | rubber for the Pitts club. : In the final go it was strictly Pitts all the way. The forecheck- ed furiously and in this matter gained their winning edge. Bird scored unassisted at the 13-minute mark to make the score a tie at 3-3, and_then Cooper grabbed off a funfble in the Parts backfield, rolled to the attack and scored on goalie Barriage with a very clever deke and flip. That made 'the final count 4-3 for Pitts and it was a great win. G.M., PARTS--Goal, Barriage: defence, Murphy, W. Vipond; centre, R. March; wings, E. March, Childerhose; alts, Mayne, Valentine, Lintner, Reld, Bragg, McCoy and L. Vipond. PITT'S ELECTRIC--Goal. Aitchison; Baxter; centre, Bird: alts. Williams, Watson, Blaké and Drum- 1st Period 1--Parts, E. March 2--Parts, Lintner (R. March) 3--Pitts, Baxter (Williams) .. Penal A H mond. , R. March (Lintner) 5--Pitts, Drummond (Andrews) Penalties--L. Vipond. 3rd Period 6--Pitts, Bird 7--Pitts, Cooper (Barnes) yo Penalties--R. March. ; Union Swamps "Taximen The U.AW.A. team' got revenge for the upset win last week that United Taxi pasted on them when they blasted the same taxi team by the score of 6-1 last night at the arena. The game was pretty close in the first period, but after that frame, the Cabbies simply folden when it came to putting a stop to the on- rushing Union club. Turner counted for the Union in the first and Wes Keeler got the answering marker for the United Get Jail Terms Geneva, Dec. 23--(CP)--Arthur Hodgins and Norman Gustavsen, Canadian members of the touring Streatham hockey team from Eng- land, yesterday were sentenced to six days in jail for assaulting a po- licemen. The 21-year-old players both from Timmins, were released immedi- ately because the judge took into account the time spent in custody since their arrest Saturday night. The arrest followed a melee with a policeman called when Geneva citizens complained of the noise Gustavsen and Hodgins were alleg- ed to have been making. Master pulled a neat one for his Union club when he took Harman's pass and shoved it by Czerewaty to put his team out in front 2-1 at the end of the second. Came the final hectic frame, and both goals and fists came thick and fast. McMaster, Burnett, Turner and Cooke blasted home the four goals that opened the breach in the Cabbies' fortress, and Trimm and Edmunds fought for the honor of 0 having the only major penalties of the, evening. U.A.W.A. -- Goal, Forrester; . defence, Farrow, Dell; centre, McMaster; wings, Cook, Hicks; alts, eman, Dionne, Perry, lott, Burnett, Trimm, er. UNITED TAXI--Goal, Cgerewaty; de- fence, Bouckley, Edmunds; centre, W. Keeler; wings, O. Keeler, Crandal; alts., Rorabeck, McMullen, Elliott, Stark, Myles, Noonan, Wilson and, Carey. 1st Period 1--Union, Turner (Cooke, Hicks) 3:05 2--United Taxi, W. Keeler 2nd Period 3--Union, McMaster (Harman) . Penalties--Forrester, Myles. 3rd Period ton, McMaster (Hicks) 5--Union, Burnett 6--Union, Turner (Dell) 7--Union, Cooke (Burnett Penalties--Trimm (major), Taxi. In the sandwich session, Mc- im (major), Crandal and W. Keeler. the year on which, ever since we Santa Claus. * the Liftlock City teams seem to be or SPORTS SHORTS--Peterboro is squawking because they have two Senior "B" puck teams and no group to play in, Oshawa, they say, isn't interested and now that Toronto Meteors have dropped from the loop, were 12, we still think there's a * up the well-known creek. ... The {from the Giesebrecht brothers of |w Meger has 40 points from 18 goals | Galt Oshawa Fish and Game Protective Association will hold their movie night at the C.R.A. Hall Boxing Day night, 8 pm. Everyone is invited and the program will include films of the great outdoors taken both by nationally recognized professionals and locally recognized amateurs. ... And, of course, it is our wish for you to have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ... Tommy Burns, Canadian-born claimant to the world's heavyweight boxing championship, was beaten in 14 rounds by Jack Johnson at Sydney, Australia, 40 years ago today. Two year slater Johnson won what was considered the "official" title when he knocked out James J. Jeffries at Reno, Nevada, in 15 rounds. Johnson was the first negro titleholder. ... Hal Newhouser, speedball artist who made fictional Frank Merriwell look like a bat boy as he pitched the Detroit Tigers to the world's baseball championship, was officially crowned three years ago tomorrow the American League's 1945 king of the mound. + LJ * Three more crack Australian race horses may follow Shannon II to the United States next'year, They are Filipino, Royal Gem and Sam (Continued on Page 19) . MOTOR CITY CAB THE TAXI SERVICE WITH ALL PASSENGERS FULLY INSURED ® Prompt : ® Careful ® Courteous é OPPOSITE US TERMINALS TXXXXXXXXXXTXIXXXXXXXXE HOCKEY oe STANDING eo ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEXXXX, NATIONAL LEAGUE P WL TP Fu Saturday--Detroit at Toronto; New York at Montreal; Chicago at Boston. Sunday--Montreal at Detroit; Chicago at New York. TF A. P 0 127 66 38 1119 76 33 31 27 23 16 14 +. 25 6 18 13 Future Games 4 Tuesday, Dec. 28--Oshawa- at Marl- boros; Windsor at Galt; Guelph at St. Catharines. Oshawa Grads Open Hoopla Season Jan. 8 An idea has become a fact. The Oshawa Grads cage team, which just an idea a few months ago now has become a reality through the work of a group of energetic young men and through the generous co- operation of the Oshawa Board of Education. In a meeting between represen- tatives of the Board and the execu- tive of the basketball club last night at Centre Street School, it was decided that Wednesday nights between 8 and 9 p.m. would be the time granted to the Oshawa Grads to hold forth at the court game, LE J J OHA JUNIOR "A" P WL indso Oshawa .. Stratford Guelph | St. Mich 7 7 10 11 15 8 Schedule Opener Word came through the mail to- day that Oshawa has been ac- cepted into the Ontario Basketball Association Inter "B" Lakeshore loop, and will play with teams from Peterborough, Lindsay, Port Hope and Cobourg. The schedule begins for Oshawa on January 8 when they make the trip to Peter- borough. The first home game will be in the OC.V.I. gym Jan. 12, when Lindsay will be the visitors. Representatives of the Board of Education at the meeting last night were Mr. A. E, O'Neill, Mr. George Fletcher, Dr. Grant L. Bird, and Mr. Gordon Bunker. Speaking for the Oshawa Grads were Ric Solway and Bob Rife. The meeting seemed agreed that while the whole project was an ex- periment to see how basketball would go over in Oshawa, it was also a test to see what would hap- pen when outside groups were al- lowed within the Collegiate. Home and Home The Grads club will play four home games and four away games in the regular schedule which ends near the close of the month of February. Play-offs will then be the rule, with Oshawa, Peter- borough and Lindsay in Inter "B" competition and Port Hope and Cobourg battling it out for the Inter "C" group title. These play- offs should be over before the middle of March, The Grads will hold an im- portant meeting on Jan. 5th at the Delieglate, their first regular prac- ce. 1 cracked down on Plumb Suspended "Indefinitely" By OHA Officials Toronto, Dec. 24 -- (CP) -- On- tario Hockey = Association officials the Junior A league Thursday and chances are the action taken will prompt play- ers to carry their sticks lower in the future. League President W. J. McFadyen of Galt suspended Ron Plumb of Guelph Biltmores for his part in a fight and John Lumley of Galt Rockets for an attack on another player. Both penalties are indefinite but subject to review and the next executive meeting. Plumb's stick caught referee Al Woods of Toronto on the head and opened a wound that required four stitches to close. Lumley almost connected with Stratford Kroehlers' Pierre Cadieux, but. Cadieux ducked. Woods said he didn't think Plumb's acfioy was deliberate. The fracas start when a spectator grabbed Flumb's stick. Plumb tried to climb the boards. A scramble started and Woods said he was struck when he tried to break it up. Heated comment came from George ' Panter, past president of the league. He said, "If it hadn't been for the action of a fan, inter- fering with a player, all the trouble which came about, could have been avoided." Panter, assistant-secretary and supervisor of referees, added: "We'll stop any roughhouse play just as we did last year. We started the season right, but the sticks slowly started to.come higher and higher." He said a rule that would sus- pend coaches might be adopted in the O.H.A. if players persist in fighting. LAST NIGHT'S STARS Allan Stanley, New York's rookie de- fenceman who made the plays for two gotls as Rangers shaded Chicago 3-2. Maurice Richard, Montreal right- winger who found his sniping eye to blast home a pair of tallles as Canag diens whipped Boston 4-2. N.H.L. LEADERS By The Canadian Press Standing--Detroit, Won 14, Lost 10, Tied Two, Points 30. UP, Points--D. Bentley, Chicago, 33. Goals--Warwick, Boston, 15. Assists--R. Conacher, Chicago, 21, Penalties--Ezinicki, Toronto, 81 mins. Shutouts--Durnan, Montreal, four. Guelph Mgr. | States His Version Of It Guelph, Dec. 23--(CP) -- Man- ager George Lasby of Guelph's Junior Biltmores yesterday denied that Guelph forward Ron Plumb at- tacked Referee Al Woods in an On- tario Hockey Association Junior "A" on Wednesday night at Osha- wa. Woods suffered a four-stitch head wound when Plumb's stick broke over his head during the game be- tween Guelph and Oshawa Gener- als. Plumb was given a match misconduct penfity. "Woods was hurt accidentally," Lasby said. "Two Oshawa spectators reached over the boards and grab- bed Plumb. He swung his stick at them and unfortunately Woods got in the way. The other referee, Red Farrell, assured us afterwards that Plumb was in no way to blame for the incident." Lasby also denied that Guelph player Keith Montgomery was in- volved in the fracas. "Montgomery wasn't even in the fight," Lasby declared. "When one of the guys who grabbed, Plumb tried to beat it out of the rink Montgomery jumped over the boards and held him until the po- struck and the police thanked lice arrived. There were no blows Montgomery for his assistance." Montgomery was not penalized. St. Paul Saints Grasp U. S. H. L. Loop Lead By The Canadian Press St. Paul Saints, on the strength of a three-game sweep, held first place in the United States Hockey League today. The Saints completed their trio of victories Thursday night at Fort Worth with a 6-2 decision. The night before, St. Paul won from Dallas by the same score and Tuesday night 8t. Paul won at Houston, 5-3. The game was the league's only contest and pushed St. Paul one point ahead of Kansas City in the standings. Bing Jukes scored three goals and the Saints' forward lines of Wes Trainor, Dutch Delmonte and Jukes accounted for all of St. Paul's goal making. Lakeshore Junior "B"' Schedule bi JUNIOR "B" GROUP NO. 2 -- SCHEDULE Jan. 3 --LINDSAY AT OSHAWA; North Toronto Lions at at Peterboro. Jan. 4 --Whitby at Toronto Royals (Uxbridge); Oshawa at Lindsay, Jan, 5 --Toronto Royals at Whitby. Jan. 7 --Oshawa at North Toren- to Lions (Richmond Hill), Jan. 10--PETERBORO AT OSHA- 11--Lindsay at Toronto Roy- als (Uxbridge). 12--Oshawa at Whitby; Lind- say at Peterboro. 14--Peterboro at North Tor- onto Lions (Richmond Hill). 15--North Toronto Lions at 1'ndsay. . 17-NORTH TORONTO LI- : ONS AT OSHAWA . 18--Whitby at Lindsay; North Toronto Lions at Toron- to Royals (Uxbridge). 19--Peterboro at Whitby. . 21--Oshawa at Peterboro; Toronto Royals at North * Toronto Lions (Richmond Hill). . 24--TORONTO ROYALS AT OSHAWA; Whitby at Peterboro. . 25--Oshawa at Toronto Roy- als (Uxbridge); Peter- boro at Lindsay. 26--Lindsay at. Whitby. 28--Lindsay at North Toron- to Lions (Richmond Hill), 20--WHITBY AT OSHAWA. 1 --Peterboro at Toronto Roy= als (Uxbridge). . 2 --North Toronto Lions at Whitby; Toronto Royals at Peterboro. --Whitky at North Toronto Lions (Richmond Hill). --Toronto Royals at Linde say. --WHITBY AT OSHAWA. --North "Toronto Lions at Toronto Royals (Ux- bridge); Peterboro at Lindsay. 9 --OSHAWA AT WHITBY. 11--Toronto Royals at North Toronto Lions (Richmond Hill; Lindsay at Peter- boro. LJ JUNIOR "B" PLAYOFFS Semi-Finals--1st and 3rd Teams; 2nd and 4th. Teams. Best of. 3 Games commencing February 14th. Finals -- Best of 5 Games if time permits. JUNIOR "C" -- PLAY-OFFS Best of 7 Games commencing February 14th. For all group games and play- offs, O.H.A. will appoint referees, home team will appoint linesmen. Jan. Jan. Jan, FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By The Associated Press Philadelphia--Otis Graham, 150, Phil. adelphia, optpointed George Larover, 148, Philadelphia (8). Atlantic City--Brown Lee, 132, Harris- burg, Pa. outpointed Percy Bassett, 1285, Philadelphia (8). Fall River, Mass.--Jackie Lovett, 152, Providence. outpointed Jose Contreras, 153, Fall River, (10). . MILLS MOTOR SALES 266 KING STREET WEST e PHONE 4750 GM PARTS AND ACCESSORIES To All Our Friends and Patrons May Your Christmas be the Mer- riest Ever and the New Year "Filled With Happiness. DISTRIBUTORS OF GENERAL TIRES PONTIAC-BUICK-G.M.C. TRUCK 0 i -- By Ray By Ray Gotte N WHAR J AH DON'T a 2 'SEE HIM) J7- OZARK IKE AIN'T EVEN IN SIGHT: TH HISTORICAL BARSKIN'LL BE OURS IN NO Ti=- BACK FRUM TH' CITY JUST IN TIME... "CAUSE OZARK"S CLAN 1S HANGIN ON TH' < IN :

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