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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1948, p. 25

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+RRIDAY, -DECEMEER 24, 1948 J THE" DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE. PAGE ER ve . PLANNING ON BUILDING OR RE-MODELLI EE ---- Ch eck This Builders' Page for Al l Your Needs | =mmmmmmmmmmmmamnn. 2 sivcusn 206 o LIVING ROOM 130x210 corner room. There is good closet space in each of the bedrooms; e linen closet; comfortable-sized bath and a minimum of space token up by the hall. The living room of The Everett is large and sunny. It has three exposures for cross light and ventilation, and ample wall space. One end of this room may be used for din- ing. The kitchen is convenient to both the front and rear entrances. It has a well- lighted corner for informal dining. Two handy are also provided on the first 840g 3 FLOON __8LCONDRILOOn THE EVERETT is eo 3-bedroom compact home for the larger family. It has a spa- cious, pleasant appearance given to it by large corner windows, second floor over- hang ond a brick veneered lower half. Every one of the 3 bedrooms on the second floor of The Everett is a breeze-catching floor. The Everett has a full basement. Plans call for fsame construction, siding exterior and asphalt shingle roof. The lower half of the front is faced with brick. The house measures 24 feet across the front; 22 feet deep; and covers an area of 528 square feet with 14,784 cubic feet. For further information about THE EVER- . ETT write the Small House Planning Bureau, St. Cloud, Minn. ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS Attention Builders Brave Man Reasonable! Ola Floors Refinished! Laid e Sanded TILE : FLOORS SSN Phone 4128w13 or 723w2 PLANS DRAWN AND BLUEPRINTS MADE Phone 1527W Says Judge Washington, Dec. 24 (AP)--When | When Chief Petty Officer Laurence C. Garrett, 45, walked into District Court the other day he had two wives--a blonde and a brunette. Thursday he "walked out of court with none. Judge F. Dickinson Letts made him a bachelor after expressing amazement that a man would dare WITH $924.75 DOWN PAYMENT You Can Build Your Dream Home Through OUR "HOME-OWNERSHIP" 'SERVICE This Service Offers Assistance Securing a good location Obtaining Blueprints Estimating Cost Arranging Contract 5. Securing Maximum Loan Make application to Prov. Housing Corp for assistance on Down Payment are cordially invited to come to our office and discuss your requirements with us. We have blue- hore, etc., available for your inspection prints, p INSVYRA ES Roser Selick, PHONE 4400 6 SIMCOE ST. N. undertake to maintain two wives "in these days when it costs so much." || The court decision was complicat- ed. First the husky sailor, with 25 years Navy service, lost a suit to annul his marriage to the brunette, Margaret Compton Barrett. He also lost in an attempt to keep the blonde, Ruth Matilda Garrett. He claimed they had lived together as man and wife for 12 years. Judge Letts first held Garrett was legally married to Margaret and then granted her a divorce on grounds of adultery. He next ruled the marriage of Garrett and Ruth in 1936 was in- valid because it was five months before the sailor's divorce from his first wife, Nanette, became final. As a result of Thursday's devision, Garrett found himself in this posi- tion: He will not be permittel to marry again for six months. He must pay alimony for the support of Mar- garet and her daughter. Manitoba Town Is Tax-Free Sherridon, Man..--This Northern Jo One and All" 45 WHITING We join in the chorus of hoppy young voices that sing out, "A Merry Christmas W. B. BENNETT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHONE 4568 Manitoba mining community of 1,600 population can claim an unus- ual distinction -- it has no muni- cipal or business taxes. Residents enjoy free schools, free fire and police protection and they don't have to lay out a cent for water and sewers. Cost of provid- ing these services is borne by a min- ing company upon which the econ- omy of the town is dependent. C. R. Neely has been appointed by the mining company as town ad- ministrator. He collects rents from company-owned houses and gen- New Home, As Investment Needs Good Neighborhood Even though the®whole amount of the monthly payment required to buy a house may be equivalent to or less than the rent you have been paying, a natural question for you to ask is: What will I have when my last payment i been made? Let's suppose you have achiev- ed outright ownership of your home, having taken perhaps 20 years to. complete payment and free it of all financial obligation. What has happened to the house during this period . . and how _does its value. now compare with its initial cost? Assuming of course that you have taken reasonably good care of your home, and that economic conditions have remained relat- ively stable, your house should have very close to its original value, if you have plan--ed well. If, on the other hand, it is worth only half as much as you paid for it, there is something wrong; and that something may have been present one month after the house was completed. Assuming that good workmanship has been em- ployed and that your plan is a reasonably efficient on with a room arrangement which another family would be willing to use, the value of your house will prob- ably be determined by the con- dition of the neighborhood at the time you finish paying for it, and the architectural style you selected in the first place. Good Neighborhood Important The development and fate of many neighborhoods is to a large degree in the hands of God but there are indications which should give you a key as to what to ex- pect. One of these is the original price of the lot. Very cheap land has some reas- on for being cheap. It has been made cheap.to give is an attract~ iveness which it does not other- wise have. There is a good rule of thumb to femember in the 'buying of building sites. Do. not pay more than 20 cent of the value of your completed property for a lot--and by the same token exam- ine carefully any proposition which tsfers a lot which is less than 10 per cent of the value of the com- pleted property. Be careful of the architectural style of the home. Certain basic architectural styles have been gaod for 200 years and will prob- ably remain good for at least 200 more. Other architectural styles of a freak nature may last in popularity no longer than 10 years. Choose an enduring style. Phys- ical deterioration of houses is slow and ordinary care can practically eliminate it. We will probably never see a better ' grade of good artisanship and fine materials so universally employed in home building as dur- ing the period from 1880 to 1900. But, unfortunately, the penchant of our Victorian ancestors for fancy work, cupolas, "fussy" porches and over-ornamentation, has so reflected on houses built during this period that their value to the soundness of struction, Simple architecture has always been the best architecture and probably always will be. Flas as houses come and go, so if you ar interested in your Fl inhi build conservatively.--From the Peterborough Examiner. their con- erally functions in the ordinary capacity of a mayor. Mr. Neely admits that there are some 'rawbacks. There are no sidewalks. - This makes it tough on a mother who wants to wheel a baby carriage downtown when she 'wants to shop. Carriages don't push very easily through mud. Nor are there any paved streets. However, most roads have a foundation of rock from the mine. Sherridon was a half-built ghost town during the depression years of 1932 to 1937. Its fully equipped mine plant, company club for em- ployes, and various buildings lay idle. Work had Leen halted be- cause of the low price for copper and zinc, main products of the mine. However, for the past 11 years the mine has operated close to cap- acity and the town where the work- ers live has grown bit by bit. Carl Sherrit, its founder in 1928, never got around to organizing a regular municipality and so the community escapes municipal, bus- iness and local improvement tax- ation. Saskatoon -- (CP) -- A Univer- sity of Saskatchewan engineering professor, whose hobby is heraldry, has drawn a new coat of arms for the city. The old one was called in- correct. Council is expected to ap- prove the new one. Plumbing & Heating New Work and Repairs H. COLVIN PHONE 537 : Nationalized Industries Face Trouble London, Dec. 24--(CP)--Britain's nationalized industries and services have received unseasonal warning that their new year may not be happy. These developments point to trouble for the Labor Government and its agents who are responsible for day-to-day operations under public ownership: 1. The Trades Union Congress general council proposes an inquiry into the administration and con- duct of the nationalized industries. 2. The National Union of Rail- waymen, representative of nearly 500,000 workers in the publicly owned British railways, says a strike may be called unless de- mands for increased wages are met. Union leaders have been faithful now to be undertaken together , GYPSUM LATH BELGIUM CEMENT McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD., 110 KING ST. W. PHONE 1246 Ras slumped out of all proportion | C.K. CAMERON ELECTRIC FOUNDED IN 1913 BY CAMERON ® Elootvicel Construction @® Wiring and Repairs ® Range Runs ® Water Heaters PHONE 460 The Fire King Furnace For ew or PLUMBING HEATING OIL BURNER and STOKER Installation and Repairs Wm. SEVERS '512 DREW ST. PHONE 1739 undreds in use TURES: . arc welded radia! an@ combustion chamber. Heavy ribbed fire almost 'straight. wot, Unique and efficient grate. Fhecially designed cast FEA steel in and ashpit doors with ground joints. Adaptable to coal or oil Subplied with round or square casing. Ideal for forced air jobs and air conditioning, Manufactured by Im Iron Co ration Ltd, St. Catharines. Te Sold and Installed by 238 ARTHUR STREET, OSHAWA "Try Us For Better Furnaces" Downtown Building Project Making Progress On Prince Street, just south of Richmond Street West, an ambitious wiers of construction work is making good progress. It is a large brick structure, being built for an automobile supply firm by the Jackson Construce tion Company of this city. This picture, taken a few days ago, shows the progress now being made. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo. allies of the government in the general program, including nation- alization. But they have not been happy about results of public own- ership and their criticism of admin- istration and methods employed has become louder. The proposed inquiry would help solve differences of opinion within the TUC itself. There is a tendency, for instance, for the iron and steel trades unionists to criticize the coal board fdr failing to increase the coal output to the degree essential to provide more steel. for other goods. But the miners assure the coal board they are doing their best and pulling their weight in the national effort. The coal industry now has been nationalized for two years as the first step in the government's pub- lic ownership program. Coal prices have increased, fuel quality re- mains mediocre and production tar- gets have not been reached. The demonstration of nationali- zation has led some unionists to argue that extension of public own- ership is needed to ensure effici- ency in economic planning. Other unionists say it proves the govern- ment must go slow and concentrate on praving that nationalization is beneficial to the community before proceeding further. The TUC statement indicated that the far-reaching inquiry proposed: "A further review of the admin- istrative arrangements and conduct of the nationalized industries is Deepening or Digging Wells by the Foot or by the Hour. " 4 OAK ST. AJAX or 108 WALNUT ST. WHITBY PHONE 2256 To All Our Kind Friends and Acquaintances We Wish a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year M. heggeltie 110 KING ST. W. eo Oil Burners Fuel Oil : " 2 PROMPT DELIVERY and SERVICE McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. PHONE 1246 with an examination of their cur- rent problems as a preliminary to further discussions with the Labor Party." The railwaymen's demand for a weekly pay increase of 12 shillings sixpence ($2.50) conflicts with the government's policy of fighting in- flation by imposing--through the co-operation of industry and em- ployees--a ceiling on incomes. But the NUR delegates' confer- ence Mas told its executive to give 21 days' notice to Transport Minis- ter George Isaacs that the dispute exists. "If the minister does nothing we are permitted to strike," said J. B. Figgins, union secretary. HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC Electrical Contractors @® Industrial and Domestic Construction and Maintenance WIRING and SUPPLIES Phone 341) 50-53 Prince St. -- Oshawa Mr. Builder ® Your business should be listed on this page. ® People read this page every week in order to keep posted on the "Whys and Wheres" in building construc- tion. ® Home Appliances are now in demand. Phone 35 THE TIMES-GAZETTE GIL-BURNER SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO ALL KINDS The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd. PHONE 262 313 Albert St. Oshawa -- . ) © NORM ADVERTISING. ha you've ever had! 84 SIMCOE ST. S. Happy Holiday Greetings from the Oshawa Wood Products Company. Best wishes for the MERRIEST. CHRISTMAS, the MOST ENJOYABLE HOLI- DAY SEASON, the HAPPIEST NEW YEAR Oshawa Wood Products Company OSHAWA PHONE 667

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