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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1948, p. 28

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\ A : = 3 . ri -- : EE | i a0 i fl "ACE TWENTY-EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, DECEMBER -24, 1 # ; . - . ° ° - The voyage of more than 500 miles | Passing Scenes In Snowfall Family Enjoys A Really Merry Christmas [fk met 3a Bours "°° 33) 20 Rh SERN a i 2 APR J . for winter cruises in tropical waters wg a 1a 7 , by no TE es and six-day journeys across the » og er" | , Pate ih ey Jo North Atlantic, between Southamp- z ny gs 4 pharls kg on ton and New York in the summer Lm wane ¥ bi Ga Ret] 5 Gn i : tourist season, will sail for New we Sas 0 i b Bini vs wee LH 4 : . York January 4. < a te "9 he | 2 wo "hy After her maiden voyage to New [| £7" ENR OREN ee a & i anil ai Go York she will remain there for a ; ab } | p. ih hn ' br few days for public inspection. She {| \ en - Si a is i , | will sail back to Southampton on : | bo wt January 15th, The first of her ye Loa da oa scheduled four cruises to the West * ; "i ed ; i, Ll a Indies will begin from' New York ; f | i " Ca a by Doe tr on Fébruary 12. She will return to \ | 4 ; i gn UN er a the North Atlantic run on April 22, er | | 2 : be ER Lo ha Cherbourg will be a regular port of ' 8 | Gt" a a ; call on her North Atlantic schedule. : : | oA Heid Ee Li This new Cunard liner came here , be] ! + Sivan : dn over the week-end with 422 special ry pd | c ; & guests aboard, including the Duke a | pop a sill ' of Edinburgh and officials and Si 1 CA . fh we a Ly ; ployees of the Cunard White Star be goon i -- Ling 'and John Brown and Com- gat! RR jE pany Ltd. the ship's builders. * + dors : i BE eR es YP ve Ye NAL WA 4 J The Caronia was launched Octo- BA be | . oe, ber 30, 1047, by the Duke of Edin- | Jil Wn burgh's wife, Princess Elizabeth. oi} i " i . In a speech at a dinner aboard fis § ' i ve the liner Sunday night, the Duke ||» | : = AS: ] sald his wife was sorty ane gouldn't . We extend to you the Ha Bi. a rr go on the first trip of the Caronia, "i | oA n i, fa 3 because "we have had a little warmest wishes for the aH ie Aud ¥ launching of our own." The merriest Christmas ever EE ai 5 fy Princess' son was born a month || 4 New Year filled with ah : 5 Ga is Wi ago. el a ; oH . 2] EE The new liner is the fourth ship gladness and contentment. | E : wo] er built for the Cunard Line since = ¥ | Tn § 0 va i " ie the end of the war. ; ei LT : ah oat £34 -- i A ; » Gi Built along the lines of a vast ab i ay BEV a Whe: wm Chin sig : EL yacht, the Caronia has an open-air fv | Ly hh. wa A gl a Li swimming pool, two luxurious din- =u i i oF a, aoe % 2 f > i LE a CIE an gh E : ing rooms, seating 300 people, a 2 4 i et rE # 2 ay & Ha dibs, oa AB i 0 he Ha Es coe : : . : gymnasium with a Turkish bath, on A a ' RL Aes a 4 tig \ el a : 2 - a night club and, of course, three A Gah hh oe. ey | ¢Jack Finley, home for Christmas from the Toronto General Hospital, |lounges and bars. LTD : EF Le Sa IY . : 5 eine, where he will undergo an operation for a "blue baby" heart condition, he 15 elton 3 light green Dish ] § £0 add PT wor ans T; E. tH l Fo Ch : t joins his wife on the floor with the kiddies who tried out their toys as |is almost gray-white. A pamphle | 2 55 i kad ii a 8 ples te ye ree L.ssentia or ristmas soon as Santa left. Prompted by news of the family's plight while Mr. BVO: the SD ele eoioy Gent's Migs i i iki 2 fore oA : v3 0 de] isn op pn | Finley waswunable to work and in hospital, friends sponsored Santa's visit Sha. Golor tock 18 onthe to tind Furnish FE Sa ae b° a 05 Sh BEET Cha ae | ------------ -- --------------------------|It has been tested to make sure 14 King W. Ph. 1870 0 EE y be pa : bee 0 AE A | ; that it does not change in the ' ' Bi | ; --Oeatial Press Osnadlan, th pot Lia ; wy My candle casts a ring of lambent | { iioa1 heat or the cold winds of © | Lonfused by the heavy snowfall, this pheasant appeared on a porch in | = Fi boo 0 Ry Lo ° light; : the North Atlantic. There is no | _Prooklyn and caused considerable excitement before being captured. Ger- | © | i i bE bd gat | By Candle Light And in its mystic circle dreams | gio. passenger liner afloat of this S tYrude Ross (right) hands the bird to Dorothy Richards. Below, New | SFE a a oe a nd childhood | SPeci#l color. : 4 "| York's skyscrapers were obscured at the height of the storm. Shown arey i 4 al Ko 3 | 1 this Blech Yeh let. orgo en} reams. and. o Her master is Captain Donald W. isanhs pris = _ 'a pair of snow pushers clearing Park Avenue sidéwalks. Second only to i Yarm Fah, oy 4) n this Electric Age, when elec memories; £1 1 Sorrell, 55-year-old veteran who 2 poo, adi £"| _ Jast year's record-breaking fall of 25.8 inches, a total of 19.7 inches fell in | -; LS. a tricity is the universal means of 1l- | Faces and scenes of long, 10ng | pegan This seagoing career in a full || JERS r: Ei : 3 | 'New York, the heaviest hit area in the east. 3 Ry wag lumination in all modern cities, we | A onl up beneath the |Fi88ed sailing ship when he was 15 BY. BE 4 ; EA NA LUI x 1 Awe a : Ho, are apt to despise the candle and | * candle glow. years old. He has served on many er : 4 E sh k a a | other Cunard liners, including the . : A ' Fi . Si M. h h Jd ro A 2, # to forget tiic important part it has | Backwird my dreaming goes Aquitania and Berengaria, and was ar ' Le ( Ju iy ag ad played in the history of mankind. | three hundred years staff captain of the Queen Eliza- ge ed i - rst ting ince olherhoo ag tae ji | We are apt to forget what a dark | And in my mind a vision dim ap- | 001, bs Queen Mary before he 'eo Jel? Be Cal 3 . -- . . Joe of t | world this was, even up to the nine- pears. commanded - his first ship, the v. +. TH . £2 ny Sis i Aa iP | | teenth century, when people groped Of Shakespeare sitting in a nar- Samaria. iE LL : b4 hy re their way about. city streets feebly row room, ' ¥ ' Crh gf lit with glimmering gas lamps. But Writing his plays, alone amid the | ----------mmsemeiomseeeeeeee eee eee ---------------- > iu pg gas lighting must have seemed to gloom; : ! : p en] those people like daylight compar- | Faces and scenes, that live in AML ba ed with the nights when there was deathless fame. la a aa a a a a dh vagy \ Len no outside illumMation with. the | Ie conjures ap beneath the can- os D> E li nights when there was no outside dle flame. ° Orda, Path WG illumination other than the torch | Here Doctor Johnson sits in ~--p Hr: or lantern and the fitful glimpses solitude, i PAR CRE of the moon. And there is Blake in rapt ecsta- bor SL en : tic mood; d ells Satan Evening Meals By Lamplight ' gd | Gong : an Indoors, of course, they had oil ¥ouuer Ie Colqemity, writing tales | ; i y | Rt a i '| lamps, around which they ate their Hi : ey a. | |. | evening meals and did thelr night- | And there's De Quincey, sitting ( HRISTMAS 3 q) | ERs ee a A |} di rif B up in bed; ee . '| ly reading and writing. But during z HSE ie] : | | the ofl-lamp period the candle was | Each working. magic, 'mid the a Ee spoil , #7 black of night | a po Cane | | indispensible for hunting. in dark Ih apt Olu Sirol of the d d . AE fo Cond jf | corgers and lighting one to bed. I 4 i | Ee Wo anne h bs ' PE 4 i most of Dickens and others of he Jipnt. oes. more. tn To All Our Friends. an { os. Poh ese rE E | th ssics - y » » i : ! bab ro xh gr ¢ ; pr a oles hy Sandie-lign in pin -mortal work of imagination to the Neighbors 4 1 dl ' sa Ea % | }ittle room, struggling with the ele- | candle than will ever be produced J ¥ 4 la --Central Press Canadian. |, oc of literary composition. In| bY electric lights, ar i ' | Somehow 1t wouldn'{ woven Vie. Christians Withivk 3 iver. You cau hve. | those nights the ssndle seemed to -------- * i a lot of fun this year going out and getting one yourself. ese x - Sze . lumberjills have cut down a good one and look quite happy as they drag | ion, and its little circle of light was New British ' i home their prise in triumph. an aid to concentration. One could . M 11 x : aze into its soft flame d ( H+ i - RG fic ove ate ind ad see| Luxury Liner ohns- ansvilie io : 8 . All this éame back to me the oth- | Has Trial Run PLANT AT 5 ; ; er evening during a temporary y 4) BA S olving Gift P r ob lems blackout when we had to resort lo} - TORONTO . Bi . - . " . candles. In an instant we had re- Ne -------- | of PORT UNION ) ve turned to the Candle Age, and Southampton, Eng.--The Cunard - AG ® 1 h while others were peevishly won- , Go pH o i | dering what was the matter or a ie Siar Lites Jaw um ion NT J la a A iS Ly: . y fl | groping in the basement vainly try- ' y ] A aah Contin! Pew Canndlan Fv ing to restore the lost age of elec- |ship built anywhere since the end ug tk Princess Elizabeth, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, left Buck- Yo Ye tric lighting, I sat contentedly at|of the war, completed her trial rn | | ingham Palace, unnoticed by the crowds gathered at the gate, as she oy my desk gazing into the gentle | recently. went en her first outing since the birth of bonnie Princes Charles, She i flame of my old friend, and this | The ship tied up at her new home 1 and the duke, who cannot be seen, paid a visit to Clarence House, their 5 di ® | is what I saw: | berth here after a smooth and un- © Lendon residence. i Vy y Like a lone star amid the black | eventual trip from the Clyde where U) A RR LL EE DNAS EA A Ta, y a, * i | of night, | her keel was laid in October, 1045. rt ' ° \ ° Gi bo 0 LAR a : : 1,' \ : ] Wishing You A Merry Christmas i, fH, {7 A NN ' " cn i 4 ga a 4 \ & 3 ! te! Ya oo F | bi Yo Hi, fi 2), 2 vA 1, | ; guy i $ Piss Greet ings. a / 1) E 5 Fh 5 0 2, ; ss hi '7/ VY. oad ' PX) Td g ¥ ga ; May the gl f oN 7' ad be Ve / AB rr - y ! e giow 0 A > 4 dog nan h Sn Christmas Joy o, ° oo i ga A > : 4 3 : 4 Noon va ry abound in your home y J ] : i p Vay this Yule season. t WW NWN o ~( F 4 ) --% 9 ; "8 4 4 % ik 7 "a A pr i aid | 7 9 ) : w £3 vi, XNA # Xo / IR RS N | i giz aan KE PRICE & KERRIGAN ARNE | 4,0 hi go Central Press Canadian. y Rs or Lf Phd) BH, ok ge "" . *e | 4 si ik Little girls ean solve their gift problems with their own hands. This little The Little Store Around the Corner' ® rg May the Volotide bs | & ih oral girl, whose topgue shows how much she is absorbed in her task, is decor- 11 CELINA STREET ha 3] " £y A At we viiBY bn I J 4 ho wi wi ating a cookie container. It will be a useful present for her mother. Tile PHONE 54 (rs \ the harbinger of a year of peace |: i : 4 [ ; and prosperity for all our friends. : | ; ; 5% ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | | I. Ss JS -------- BE S. JACKSON & 'SON | po ere . odes i i 3 . 7 Sp | SNA BE CAS oR SN oso | FUEL ] ~Central Press Canadian. i ae % RT RR a 0 84 ATHOL E. PHONE 280 Appropriate for a Christmas setting is the holly wreath framing the 1 7 Ne § al Soe 4 7 oo rk Ply, -- St, Bernard, his brandy barrel and pretty ownee. oe a Noe 5 'aru oy a ESE at gl J 1 : sp : WS TTS a0 Sg be Rs tt So limi J TTT TTT -------------------- . Co = } © id he J yy 5 J ARIANA ANA ARMIN RI ANRI SRA IRAIN AIAN RI INRI AND : sora -- = eh F : ic ET Ely | RE A tT AAT TL AV TIN ; x ¥ a E A 3 Efe 2 25 = | ¥] | ams = : -- Ee ig 1 Lh = 38 AE | 2) 1 -- SE WP= | | Cm N W, SA FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR | § WITH BEST WISHES ¢ | ¥ | | > | ; | TW | SHEATHER ; | ' Ma : s the minutes of the old year tick away, y S G t ; g : y we wish you the best the ] we want to extend to you and yours our HARDWARE easons reerings | ' season has to offer with an £ Sikers wishes for a-happy and prosperous & ELE CTRIC : ew Year! ! i : f ¢ abundance of good cheer for ' May this" be the merriest ae _ everyone ; Christmas season ever for | g yone. P A T T E 4 S 245 KING ST. E. PHONE 4725 you and your family! | i MAURICE BERG § Ww Rady dee oon SLE 0 2 4 HOME APPLIANCES Z NS EAR / ¢ PAINT and WALLPAPER SALTO UAE Re Ai £ { 38 SIMCOE ST. N. - = PHONE 759 : 85 SIMCOE ST. N. .-- PHONE 125 Bic vc ARTA 0% LARLY Sy av 90 SIMCOE ST. S. --- PHONE 690 ih 2 Lr HURON TE 3 : i FR A FS FR 5 |B IOAN NNN DNDN DANS | | i DB | [ ppmpmpmanampnmsyraiemey | | J on? » : SN : d : po: os : r ks PT Cn RET Aa 5 : : hi - . . I . A RS NSA Se 2 x oy * 74 3 Si v NI Wl rn 5. RR : - ------ Eg: Sh 4 : :

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