[Speedy Results Will Be Yours After Your Ad Appears In The "I had wonderful results!" exclaimed Mrs. Mc---- |, Division St., and sold her article the first night >> THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, January 19, 1053 13 Times Ph. 3-2233 DOUBLE BED AND SPRING - FILLED = good Dial Business -- Protessionc! DIRECTORY" 4a-- Accountants, Chartered SiONPETTH AND MONTEITH, CHAR. tered Aceountants, 37 King St. £. Dial og CA Rest 14--Instruction 25---Real Estate For Sale LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 ce St. Dial 5-084] or Restdanes Ever DANCING--BALLET, TOE, TAP, IRENIE Harvey, Burk St, New classes now form. ing. ings. C.R.A., Gibb St. (May 30) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING Schoo] ~ Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Pre- School--Masonic Temple, Saturday. Infor mation 3-7253. (May$) dent Partner. 2--Auditors 1b6--Insurance ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 8. T. HOP: kins, akhr a) General Accountant, 3 King St. East. Dial 5-350. (Feb2 2 Barristers McMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, AUTO, Burglary, Life (Rep, Imperial Life) ~ 21 King West. 33722. 17--Loan Wanted HYMAN, Q.C., BARRISTER, 1008 5 Bldg, 3 King Street East. M Loans Arranged. Phones: Office 3-443; 85-0254. (Fi ND /CAMERON, JONES AND on, King East, Dial 3300, Rai Jones B.A.. John A. Cameron, Money BASTEDO, BARRISTERS gy Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simone hy 0 phone $3500, Charles ©. McGibbon, Q.C.. Edgar HUMPHREYS, Q.C.. BARRISTER, Bolictior, ete, 6 King St. West. Phones: Office, Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial S404. Money to loan George 8. Boychyn, BA Associate. A ) CONANT & CONANT, BARRISTERS AND 18% | ering 299, after 8. CLIENT 18 DESIROUS OF BORROWING Seoved 'farms' property. in Pickering Town. arm pi . ship valued at. $25,000. No bonus. Please contact G. R. R. Frame, barrister, Hex. hs 18--Lo.t & Found LOST -- BEAGLE HOUND, FEMALE, January 3, vicinity % mile west of Burke- ton. Anyone having seen dog please phone Brooklin 47-R-4. (14b) LOST--THURSDAY NIGHT, PEN, BLACK Parker '51, gold top. Near OCVI. Please return V. N., Nurses' Residence, 47 Alex- andra Street. (152) 19--Money to Loan citors, Gordon D. Conant, Q.C., Raget CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST nd tor B.A., Offices: O ¥ jax, Ont. . Dial 32227: AJ ANAT A. W., 8. GREER, QC. BARRISTER, ., 6 King Street East. Dial Sane dence T4780 John M. Greer, , Re! B.A. Ss., resident §5- ~ Feni0) A, BARRISTER RS, B.A. 2 Enc simcoe Street North. Dial: office 5-3741, residence 5 ; JOSEPH_P. MANGAN, QC. BARRIS. . Money to loan. Office 14% iy ed East, Oshawa, Dial 3-8232 Residence. Dial 5-3405. C y | Dial 5-3568. a sale purchased on favorable terms. Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers. (Jan27) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agTesiments for. sale purchased. N.H.A. Loans Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c. 3 (Febl) Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT or arranged. North Shore Realty Company Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, osawa NEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLICI- PERNT King East, Room 2. Dial Office 34311; dence 3-4325. ARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, 20a--Cartage FOR GENERAL CARTAGE CALL A. E. Pretty, 3-0065, 444 Simcoe South, (Feb8) 1 Hous loans, Dial 3-4619. : Res. 3-2417. "(Pehl MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER. NN Sorat. Money to loan, Bassett Block, Suite N -4697. Residence o. 4 Dial 3-4697, idence HTON, ASER AND DRYNAN, SREIGHTC eltors, Notaries, Bank of Com PE ene N.C. Fraser. T. K. , Q.C., N. » yon G. K. Drynan, G. L. 21--Personal Services GUARANTEED REPAIRS ON ALL makes of sewing machines. Singer drop- head for sale. Guaranteed. Dial LD MANTEL, GRANDFATHER, ELECTRIC, alarm clocks repaired, work guaranteed. Called for and delivered. prices reason- azle. Dial 5-4283. (Feb2) Jama |: STRICTLY BUSINESS br Meteotton AJAX--MODERN HOME, TILED BATH. led floor, bi room, til y ll take best garage, full price $7,000. offer over $2,500 down. Phone Pickering 203m1. (156) $5,500--12 - room, 2 - storey; con- veniences, large lot. A good buy, We Have Others W. McAULEY REALTOR 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 Residence: Dial 5-2133 (140) SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE ° é-room brick veneer, storey and @ half. Air conditioned furnace, 4- piece bath, convenient to schoof, shopping. Owner leaving town by end of February. PHONE 3-4737 (150) We hove for sole a lovely 6-room brick house, Colborne East. Priced right; ask for terms. Quick posses- sion. Your chance. JONES REAL ESTATE 62 Prince Street Diol 5-64.12 A GOOD SELECTION $7,500--6-room bungalow, all con- veniences, hot air heating, modern kitchen, large lot. Near St. Greg- ory's, $3,500 down. $8,000--4-room modern bungalow, oil heating, Warren Ave. $4,500 down, $9,800--7-room brick storey-and-a- half. All conveniences, hot air heat- ing, garage, McGregor St. $4,500 down. $9,800--6-room brick 2-storey ook trim, hot air heating, garage, ex- tras, south-east section. $4,500 n. $26,000--Good 10-room 2-storey brick. Oil heating, 2 bathrooms, garage, Simcoe St. North, $10,000 down or good house in exchange. We Have Others W. McAULEY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 Residence: 5-2133 DANCE BAND, SMALL COMBINATION, or Phone Ajax 152 ngs. Dorothy Cross. (Feb 10) 4--Chiropodists JAMES A. BRITTAIN, R SUR. cal Chiropody. Specializing in foot disease: orthopedist, X-ray diag fee'e Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial sal, b1) B--Dentists N, DENTIST, OSH- SR A ER hdd Hours 9 to 6 dally Saturday Dial 3-8632 er 33792. (Febl) C. R. COLLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIMCOE hy turd morn- N. Hours: 4 to 6 dally. Sa ay mun PETER E. awa Clinic. mornings. 6--Nursing Services EN VILLA REST HOME, MibrLe ii ville. Vacancies for men Dial 56143. (Febl) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR. y vil neer, 27 Wi se Cres for. Cv nals 247-R, oa (Jan27) THREE PASSENGERS WANTED -- GO- ing R % Leaving kend of 24th. Dial 50712. ' (4c) TV SERVICE AND SALES On-the-spot service to all makes of radios and television and appliances. Phone 307 Whitby GIFT WRAP CLUB Let Gift Wrap Club end your wor- ries! We wrop all kinds of shower gifts and presents, making a pretty y | parcel of each; we supply all paper, etc, at a very reasonable rate, JUST PHONE 3-4783 for information. (Jan16,19) 23--Women's Column PEGGY'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOUR, 73 Church St. Snappy curls, $2.50 up. Dial (Jan20) CLARKE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE. DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTARIO MACHINE less Per A up, cold-wave $5, guaranteed. Dial 3.2681, 172 st. (Febl4) Land Surveyors, and eors. 213 King St. E. Phone susie U1 bo) 'el 8--Building Trades CHARIS JANUARY SALE, SUAVITE girdle, beautiful slips, half slips, tailored by Charis, B. Blatter. Dial 5-3434. Cn ATIONS AND REMODELLING, os and bathrooms modernized; kitchen dullt and installed; general re- . Floor and wall tiling. Work guaran. G. Parks 3-2631. (Feb) Y, ALTERATIONS, CUP- boards, all general repairs, also painting, plaster tching. Work guaranteed. ko dial 3-7048. (Feb8) NEW PLASTERING AND ' REPAIRS, archways, remodelling, water proafing basements. Free estimates. Phone 3-8912. A, Woods. (Feb10) AND PAPER HANGING, repairs, clean Di (Jan13) CARPENTER WORK, CUPBOARDS, RE- pairs, alterations of all kinds, Terms ar- ranged. James Clarke, 35-1754. (Febl) , H. HENDERSON -- CONCRETE AND Sn blocks, large stock on hand. Dial 3-412. (Febl2) FRAMES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND service. Tiling kitchen, bathroom. ee Alex Vajda, Modern Woodworking Shop. Phone 3-9851. . (Fel bd) EAVESTROUGHING, ROOF REPAIRS. Dial 3-4373. (Feb3) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SANI. gary way. Dial 5.3986. (Feb2) CALL LOU RASICOTT FOR BRICK, block or chimney work. Dial 5-1474, ¥ evenings. (Feb6) Ba--sSharpening Services we Neil, 102 va. Dist 38965. AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, ps and ming. G. SET, RETOOTHIN Highland Ave, Osh: (Jan15) SETTING made All materials of the finest British 18% Simcoe North. Dial 5-0632. (Jan2s) BERNARDS TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' or gents' made-to-measure suits and coats of finest British materials or customers' goods, alterations, all work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. e and see for yourself! 446 Simcoe St. ® Dial} 3-4834. an26) "PLAIN SEWING AND ALTERATIONS, rates. Dial 38845, (Mon, Tues, Wed) 13--Household Repairs REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON ELEC trical appliances. Frenchie will pick up and deliver. Dial 5-4166. (Feb9 FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP hoistered. See our materials for recov Fy Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Dial 3 (Feb3) CHESTERNFIELDS REBUILT, RECOVER ly pay more? Our rates Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholsteriny Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Feb3) 14--Instruc..ion PARALYTIC' AND BLIND IN SOME ean De ta EL of N. | conveniences, SPE- limited (Febl6) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING cial % permanents, off a time. 10 Church. Dial 5-2241. 25--Real Estate For Sale 5-ROOM HOUSE, PORT PERRY, ALL erful fruit. garden, 3 blocks from business section. Apply after 5:30, Ellen MacGregor. (13¢) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 3 LARGE LOTS, Blackstock, 3 miles east of Port Perry. Opposite public school. Reasonable for quick sale. Dial 3-7203. (13¢) North Mary St. $10,575 Down Payment $5,500 $9,500 -- MARY Reduced to clear, this attractive bark brick bungglow with attached garage on landscaped lot. offers some one seeking a cozy, comfortable home, a real opportunity. Good sized living room with open fireplace, small din- ing room and modern kitchen, 2 good sized bedrooms, large sunroom in regr. Deep dry basement, hot air oil heating. #Oak and linoleum floors. Completely equipped for immediate occupancy. $3,000 DOWN, $60 monthly. $9,800 -- EULALIE 134-storey brick with garage on land- scoped lot, Good sized living room, family dining room, large modern kitchen, 3 good sized bedrooms. Deep dry basement, hot air coal heating. Oak and rubber tile floors down, fir up. Interested in on attractively --_-- H enmamen; Ir / | DA [DISTRICT _SALESMEN | plat a 4 woos mes) y au L% + ; Ld Slagway"s trouble is 3-2233 for quick advertising results. There's plenty of get-up-and-go in The Times-Gazette Classified Ads. Call no get-up-and-go!" 28--For Rent COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, SUITABLE for 1 or 2 1 Apply 299 Si oe 5 32--Automobiles For Sale '52 CUSTOM METEOR SEDAN, UNDER 5,000 miles. Phone 2965, Whitby. (14b) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH private entrance. Apply 1353 Simcoe St. North, (11£ ) | Simcoe St. North, GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGNMENT wheel balancing at Moring's Garage, 1084 | 5, (Feb10) CLEAN ROOM FOR TWO, SINGLE BEDS, near G.M. in new home. Dial 5-6124, after 6 p.m. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE GENTL! man to share. Dial 3-7594. 13 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, NO OB- | jection to ome child. Apply 105 Colborne | £ | 6) | St. East. 13¢) | LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE | | tor two, willing to share; central. Dial! (13¢) | TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING | rooms. Heat, lights, water lied. Sui ye ni HRI | "47 AUSTIN, IN GOOD SHAPE, $85. TAKE | Garage, Verdun and Gliddon. GOOD CONDITION. (15¢) '41 CHEV. COACH, Dial 3-7721 after 5 o'clock. over payments. Apply 480 Montrave Ave. (15¢) SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or quality used car, at Belmont Motors, 137 iKng West. Phone 5-0732. (Jan19) REBUILT KNEE ACTION," 34'-38 CHEV. and Pontiac. Retall and Im: 39--Articles For Sale 43--Male Help Wanted FIVE THOUSAND FEET DRY CEDAR and hemmlock, Stanley Cain, Sutton West, c BUFFET, NATURAL COLOR, $15. DIAL 3.2677. (13¢) PIANO, SMALL SIZE, KARN, GOOD condition, $85 or best offer; also skis, Dial 3-8131. 136 Rosehill Blvd. (13¢) 5-PIECE KITCHEN SUITE, WHITE EN. amel with red trim, like new. Dial 3-4414 after 6 p.m. (13¢) B. F, GOODRICH STORE --- TIRES. BAT. teries, auto accessories, Hotpoint appli ances--thrifty budget plan. Dial Edo 15 an; WANTED--MESSENGER BOY. Canadian. Pacific Telegraphs, St. East; good chance to . APPLY 11% King learn railwi (Janidth) BOY WANTED, TO LEARN PRINTING trade, Arjay Press, 182 Simcoe St. A 10 DISTRIBUTOR WANTED FOR THIS TER. ritory. Combination aluminum self-storing storm windows and aluminum storm doors. P.O. Box 92, Weston, Ontario. (Febl9) HELP WANTED -- ONE GOOD BODY man with painting ability, st wages. Snployes hemellis, house ay ble. Apply ce nager, Donald's VIolel, Oldsmobile Ltd., Whitby. (15¢) STORM WINDOWS. PHONE Koolvent tative, 5-5509 for demonstration wi tion. (Jani?) RCA VICTOR RADIO COMBINATION, good condition, cheap. Apply 121 Avenue, Dial 5-2104. (15h) GE REFRIGERATOR, NEW UNIT, 6 CU. ft., first-class condition, B, F. Goodiiey Stores. Dial 5-4543, TOBOGGAN (2), - REGULAR » Goodrich Sec) obliga: | fore RELIABLE DRIVER FOR DRY CLEAN- ing firm. Must know city. Dial 5-6042 be- or 3-7021, after 6, (152) TRUCK DRIVER WANTED, STEADY employment. Apply Cities Service Oil, 204 Court Street. (15¢) FOR are COULD YOU US EXTRA $5 3 hours spare road Our products Jaionally Adveriised. We have 0 men, hoose your own Write Box 146, Times-Gazette. (le) WANTED---MALE TYPIST, accordance with experience. A 8-FoOoT $12.50, half price $6.25. B, F, Stores. Dial 5-4543. RUGS--SAVE UP TO % ON NEW RE. versible broadloom rugs, made from your old woollens, rugs, clothing, etc. Dial 3-3836. (Jan27, VACUUM CLEANER, Queen, cost $129, sell for polisher, Dial 3-4954, ELECTRIC SUMP PUMP, 60-CYCLE; white metal ice-box; both in good condi- tion. Dial 3-2013, aif) SKATES, ALL SIZES, 'MEN'S, WOM. en's and children's, New and used. Sold and exchanged. Lowest prices. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond St. E. Dial Se. an26) VENETIAN BLINDS -- THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop- ment in venetian blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more grace- ful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligation. George Reid, Dial 5-0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. (Febl2) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial -1179. (Jan2s) 9-PC. DINING ROOM SUITE, FRIGI- daire heavy-duty electric stove. Best offer. Dial 3-2044. (14f) MOTORCYCLE, PRE-WAR 500 C.C. road-racing Norton, perfect condition in- side and out. A beautiful high performance machine for the experienced rider, $300. Will store till spring. 3-2674. (Jan19tf) 1 SET OF BUNK BEDS; DOUBLE BED and mattress; rangette, as new. Dial 3-7877. (156) NEW FILTER $50; also floor aon m. mediate installation or delivery. Morey's Dial 5-4332. (Jan23) | couple or two girls. Apply 204 Drew St. f (13¢) fe -- ee YAR , LARGE BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2! gentlemen; central. Dial 3-9503. TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING | rooms for couple, oil heated. North end. Dial 3-3183. (13c) | FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GENTLE. | man or girl. Dial 51022, after 6 o'clock. | (14c) QUIET Ae LAN 2 OR 3-ROOMED APT. CLE home, near Rosses Corners, couple preferred. Dial 3-4250 after 6. (140) ON. FURNISHED ROOM, GENTLEMEN ly. Apply 87 Queen St. Dial 5-2171. SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH sink, no objection to children. Apply 176 Simcoe South. (14e) 2 UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, Apply 471 Athol E. Dial §- 5 LARGE ROOM SUITABLE FOR 2 OR 3 girls, Dial 5-05 decorated, older home in at condition? Possession 60 days. $9,800 -- MASSON Brick bungalow on landscaped and hedged lot. Large living room, family dining room, good-sized modern (140) CLEAN COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, 2 separate beds, suitable for 2 gentlemen, abstainers, central. Dial 3-7069. (14¢) TWO DOUBLE ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR no acilities, new- ly decorated. Dial 5-4234, (14b) » business | ,. PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Motors. | al 3-4634. (Febl3) | MINNEAPOLIS - HONEYWELL ELEC- tric janitor, for coal furnace. Also three burner gas stove. Dial. 5-0400. (15b) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR oLD rugs and clothing. Reversible and seam- less broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide (13¢) | FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE | onions Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675: evening 5-5706. (Feb1%) TRADE-DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN trade any article of value, In on a good used car at Kenny Van Courte Motors, 83 Ritson Rd. S.? For instance, guns, outboard motors, radios, boats, ete. fact, anything within reason. We do this help you make up your down pay: ment. We are the original traders. Many people took advantage of this offer last year with excellent results, So hurry ! -- to Kenny Van Courte Motors, 83 Ritson Rd. S. (Jan22) TERMS ARRANGED, ai) '50 HILLMAN, Dial 5-3215. BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS & trucks. Ontario Motor Sales- Léd. Dial 3- 2256 or 3-9672. (Jan28) 1939 INTERNATIONAL %-TON PICK UP, model D,2, best offer accetped. 1953 GMC 1-ton, express body, equipped with heater, directional lights and radio, $1,550. Private sale. Dial 35-5080. (14b 33--Automobiles Wanted PRIVATE PARTY WANTS LATE MODEL Chev. Sedan, must be in perfect condition, all cash. Dial 5-4274. (Jan3l) kitchen, one large, one dium-size bedroom, 4-pc. hve bath, Deep dry divided basement with large heated recreation room, hot air coal heating by stoker. Laundry tubs, storms, screens. Hardwood ond tile floors. See this attractively decorated home today. Immediate possession. DIAL 3-2265 6 SIMCOE ST. NORTH AFTER 6 P.M. DIAL Ralph Vickery 5-6342 Steve Macko 5-0771 APPRAISERS REALTORS LOANS < asm) ROOM WITH SINGLE BEDS, SUITABLE for two gentlemen. Apply 168 Warren Ave. (14b) FURNISHED ROOM, 2 SINGLE BEDS. Apply 40 Royal St. (12¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR three gentlemen to share. 117 Stacey Avenue. Dial 3-3701. (15¢) $35 PER MONTH, 4 ROOMS, GROUND floor available to couple who will buy some contents. Phone Srooklin 117J. (15¢) TWO UNFURNISHED HEATED ROOMS, In. light housekeeping. Apply 617 Byro:: Soutn, Whitby. (14a) SEMI-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED two-room apartment. Full kitchen sink, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards. Also bed-sitting room with light house- keeping. Central. Dial 3-7123. (15¢) SINGLE ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME FOR gentlemen. Apply 102 Elgin St. East. asp 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS NEAR NEW G.M. plant. Apply 62 Cordova Rd. (150) ROOM FOR 1 OR EN, 27--Real Estate Wanted Storey and half, 6 rooms, brick, hout, storms, screens, venetian blinds, fully insulated, economic: heat- ed by coal; newly decorated fully landscaped. Principal and Interest car. vied at $27 75 monthly. with an NHA 44% AouSES WANTED FOR Ee ALL cash or your equity. For quick results a , see W. McAuley, Tealios (15a) ONE OR TWO UNFURNISHED OR SEMI- rooms for business couple. Twi gentlemen or two nurses. Dial 5-3613. 150 (15¢ 2 GENTLEM spring central. Dial 3-7698. satisfactory sale 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512. L (Feb?) mortgage. This ay would enable one to carry a second mort gage. Dial 5-3887. on WANTED -- FARM TO PURCHASE OR rent, reasonable. Write Box 12, Times- 5-ROOM HOUSE, with about 1 acre of land adjoining Newcastle, on paved road. Taxes $33. Price $5,500 with $750 down payment. Immediate possession, SERVICE STATION, new on Simcoe St. North. Brick building, 50' x 55', oil heated. ! WELDING BUSINESS, including al 4 (14c) HOMES -- HOMES We have buyers for all types of homes. Big or small; good down payments Free heerfully given. 1 LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR "LIGHT housekeeping. Suit 1 or 2 girls or gentle- men. Dial 3-4434. (156) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BUSINESS couple, abstainers. Dial 35-3400. (15) BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENT, POS- session Feb. 1, 3 large rooms, hot water heating, 3 large clothes closets, 4-piece lored china bath room, fixtures, oak " H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 13 Bond St. E. Dial 3-3822 J. Penicka -- Salesmen -- J. Barnoski (Febl1l) equipment with or without 8-r house. 1 H. C. PEDWELL Newcastle -- Phone Clarke 3855L for Agincourt. (14b) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 11 ACRES--5-room good house, con- veniences, chicken house, machine shed, double garage, fruit trees and berries--North Oshawa. $15,000, or will exchange on house as part pay- ment, V4 ACRE and house with 3-rooms and bathroom, only $3,200 with $1,200 down, at Bowmanville. Agent W. J. Warren, gardens; no buildings. Will accept a house or good mortgage as payment, 20 ACRES--Good land, corner lot, high land, with flowing stream -- north of Oshawo, only $3,200. 100-ACRE FARM--North of Port 1 Perry, $11,000. W. McAULEY Real Estate '& Insurance Agent 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 Res.: 5-2133 30 ACRES--Valuable land, Lakeview, HOUSES WANTED To Buy and Sel W. EE HOLMES BROKER Bond at Ontario Dial 5-2363 (Jan29) Have client with good cash pay- ment for é-room home, North Osh- awa. List your home now if selling] or buying. WALTER R, SMITH BROKER 18 Bond St. West Dial 3-2911 FARMS WANTE D Farms, country properties and village homes wanted for waiting clients. Contact Mervyn Bird, Brooklin, Phone 44W. David McLean Ltd. , One of C. s largest farm agencies. « (Feb18) floors, kitchen tiled. $90 per month. Write Box 819 Times-Gazette. (15¢) 29---Wanted To Rent GARAGE WANTED--VICINITY SIMCOE and William Sts. Dial 5-4462. (14b) EXECUTIVE DESIRES 6 OR 7 ROOM- house or duplex with all veniences, Dial 3-4533 3 pm. URGENTLY NEEDED, 3 OR 4 ROOMS, unfurnish all ed, young couple wi school 'children. Dial 5-1735. 56389. WARM, COMFORTABLE, LIGHT HOUSE- room b; '41-'51 CARS BRING . MORE CASH FOR you at Dodd's Car Lot. 300 Park Road S. Dial 3-9421. (Feb7tt) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. WANT cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. Dial 5-0533. ebb) 100 CARS Immediately '4) . '52 Models Must be good, clean cars. Out-of-town dealer Can be reached at 3-8412 after 9 p.m. Brooklin 54R24. 288tf) 4 seam, any length. Solids, tone- and patterns. For information 5-1553, Continental Rug Co., Ltd. ¥Febl19) SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and . GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 dial (Feb13) PHILLIPS TELEVISION and RADIOS and APPLIANCES Free installation for the first 10 sets sold. PHONE 307 WHITBY aon) GENUINE BROADLOOM RUGS All-wool pile, beautiful ection of sculp- tured, tone on tone, carved, needle point. We also. sell silverware, aluminum ware, dishes, blankets, bedspreads. Terms arranged. DIAL 5-0494 (Feb 17) 39a--Fuel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, $4 single cord; hardwood slabs, $5.50 single cord. Also body hardwood. Dial SI el CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, MAPLE; hard and soft slabs delivered, Phone 18R33 Bethany. (Jan6) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR quick sale to clean factory, $5 or $3 lots. Delivered. Dial 3-7391. (Jan30) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL AND FUEL OIL. PROMPT day deliveries by metered trucks. Cities ice x Out-of-Town Buyer will be at BOWER'S SERVICE STATION on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21 From 12 - 7 p.m. Highest Prices Paid for Good Clean Cars (Mon, Tues.th 36--Pets and Livestock COCKER AND SPRINGER PUPPIES, dogs boarded. Gordeene Kennels. Apply Kinsale, No. 7 Highway. Phone Brooklin 18R15, , (Jan 15) Master Dog Foods, Dr, Ballard's Dog Foods, dog collars, leashes, brushes, combs and toys. Bird cages, Hartz Mountain, Justrito and Brock's bird foods and bird accessories, bird cages and stands, Sergeant's dog medicines, flea powder, dog and cat dishes. MASTER FEEDS, 54 Church St. Dial 3-2229 (Feb16) 37--Farmers Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 2679. Also live horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. (Feb2s. A young Must be iners. Write Box 15, Times-Gazette (15¢) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE WOULD like 4 or 5-room house. No children, good references, reasonable rent. Dial 3-3560, after 6:30. (15h) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD, GENTLEMEN PRE- ferred: central; nice comfortable home. Apply 26 Gladstone or 5-1980. 10) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2, SINGLE beds, all conveniences. Apply 212 Court St. (13¢ POULTRY EQUIPMENT, ELECTRIC battery, capacity 500, stoves 'and pipes, wired mats for brooder house, incubator and two breeding geese. J. K. Shephard, Sr., Rossland Rd. East, R.R. 2. (15¢! Oil Products. Dial 3-9443. : (Mar3) 40--Articles For Rent FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD AND BAN- quet tables, for rent. Cleve Fox. Oshawa, 41--Articles Wanted BUNK dition. Dial 3-8131, 136 (13¢) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets, Crysler Furniture, 56 King West.. Dial 5-0132. (Jan23) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR IANO now. Wilson & Lee. 7» Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. Jan23) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, scrap iron, metal, rags and mattresses. Dial L Turner. North Oshawa, 32043 col- lect. (Febl1) SHAW RAG and METAL 89 BLOOR EAST Dial 5-2311 J. Shaw Res: 3-9111 Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal; rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory accounts appreciated. (Feb2) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of- town calls pick up free, 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432 (Jan15) 42--Female Help Wanted 38--Wearing Apparel GENTS' FORMAL, SIZE 40-42, COM- plete with vest shirt, collar, tie, shoes, like new, all for $45. Phone 3-8086. «aon Ba---Market Basket IRDRESSERS, HIGHEST COMMIS. ons, shortest hours. Write Box 4, Times. Gazette. (13¢) HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED FOR country home. Three children, ages 38, 10, 12. All conveniences. Reply giving all particulars to Box 11, Times-Gazette. (14¢) CHOICE McINTOSH AND SPY APPLES, well lored, delivered. Dial 35-3214 WILL GIVE GOOD CARE TO INFANT IN licensed home, $10 weekly. Must be re- liable. Dial 5-4455. )14b) SINGLE ROOM, WITH GOOD BOARD, BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker Listings Wanted Personal Service : 16 BONDE. -- DIAL 5-3692 100 WILSON RD. N DIAL 3-3800 Salesman R. J. ~ -- "Dial 3708 Fursey (Jand0) hot water. Apply 184 King W. Dial 3-8490. an) 31--Room & board Wantec YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES WARM, FUR- nished room in quiet heme, with board. Must be abstainers. Write Box 15 Times- Gazetle. (14¢) YOUNG DESIRES ROOM AND | board in private home. Close to Duplate, | Dial 5-4350, . it (158) | (Jan16) POTATOES FOR SALE, $3 BAG. DE- liveries made every Friday. Dial 3-7024. 5 Jan?) GOOD TABLE TURNIPS, $1 BUSHEL, carrots and parsnips $1.50. Dial 3-4953, early for delivery, (Feb) JANUARY SALE-34's OF WHITE OR amber honey for $2. Dial 52441 for de- livery. (Febl3) POTATOES FOR SALE, $2.75 PER BAG, delivered. Phone 67R41, Brooklin. «asf COOKING APPLES DELIVERED. BY |ply Dial 3.9935. ase) the bushel. EXPERIENCED NURSE-MAID, MOTH- er's help, country home near Oshawa. At- tractive wagés, liberal time off. Write, giving references and wages expected, to Box 845, Times-Gazette. 4 1of) CLERK FOR GROCERY STORE, steady position, must have at least 2 years high school education. Write in own hand- writing to Box 17, Times-Gazette. EXPERIENCED W. ES, GOOD wages. Apply Rose Bowl, Bond tou 43--Male Help Wanted 4TH CLASS FIREMAN REQUIRTD. AP: En, Oshawa Gene Hospital. BEDS, MUST BE IN GOOD CON-| 3 Rosehill Blvd versal F Rd South, Uni- G.M. Truck Plant. Park (14e) Experienced, reliable mon as service station attendant. Write, stating Age, experience and salary expected to BOX 2 TIMES - GAZETTE BE A DRAFTSMAN ENJOY AN EXCLUSIVE CAREER FILL A PRODUCTION BOTTLENECK AS A MACHINE TOOL DETAILER. Master precision inspection, blueprint reading, electrical and structural de- tailing and 'many other key, highly paid production jobs. Shopway prac- tical home training mastered without interrupting present income. Send coupon, Free Information ENGINEERING INSTITUTE STANDARD 15--Agents Wanted 500 WIDE-AWAKE MEN ARE GOING TO get fine Made-to-Measure suits FREE | from us this Spring. Will YOU wear one TS of them? Show it to friends and and take their easy orders--I Sian bo how, and supply big Woollen Sample Dis- play FREE! But act QUICK. Write us a letter--tell us something about yourself-- send NO money. Dept. 328, Mayfield Tail- oring, P.O. Box 68, Montreal, P.Q, (Jan19,26-Feb2.9) IF YOU WANT AN OPPORTUNITY TO make more money -- if you want a fu. ture that gives you a chance at indepen: dence -- if you want to enjoy financial security -- become a Familex Dealer, We offer the best deal on the market today. 250 guaranteed products to sell in a protected JTliory. Experience unnec- essary. mmedistely for details. FAMILEX, Dept. 2, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. (Jan19,26-Feb10) TWO SALESMEN Required by large Canadian distributor for American manufacturer . handling one product only. Would 1ike to contact men who have the following: 1. Ability to supervise 2. Organizing ability 3. Neatness 4, Aggressiveness Age no barrier, 20-50., Ex- perience, no--for you will have to take training in our product. You do require a car. Kindly enclose photo if pos: sible. Will be returned. Write Box 14 Times-Gazette (14) 46--Employment Wanted MILLS, NORTH OiHAwA -- CHARLIE Watch and Clock Repairs, (Feb?) CHAIN- SAW CUTTING, TREES RE- moved, firewood cut, cordwood for sale. Fast, efficient, reasonable, Asx TR , el EXPERIENCE BOOKKEEPER WOULD like part or full-time work. Write Box 113 Times-Gazette. (14c) REPAIRING * DEFECTIVE OR BROKEN Trklights, bridge lamps, or small electrical appliances. Phone Frank Snudden, 107 Athol St, E. ° (Jan21) CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING DONE. PHONE Mount Albert 3711, Mr. R. Young. 14) 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE -- STIRTEVANT"S AUC- tion Arena, Monday, Jan. 19 at 7 p.m. "81 an and Stool, EI- ectri pe. Dinin, Room Suite (walnut), Chest Drawers with Mirror; Quantity Kitchen Chairs, Wicker Chairs, Antique Dresser with marble top, Anti tire) Wicd , Storm Window Frames, Settee (walnut), Antique Couch, Dressers, Beds, Spring and" Mat- tresses, Space Heater (Coleman), Din- ing Room Tables and Chairs, Set Oil Burners, Kitchen Range with Oil Burners, Chesterfield and Chair (new) Electric Stove and a great many other articles too numerous to s cash. Frank Stirtevant, al LF mention. T auctioneer. 47--Legal Notices On and after this date, January 18, 1953, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. W. A, Norton. (12¢) SPECIAL COURSE OXFORD, England (CP)--Two Canadians are among those who will attend a special British Council course on Commonwealth studies here next June as a Coronation year event. They are Professor J. A, Gibson of Carleton College, Ottawa, and Dr. C. W. Lightbody of the University of Saskatchewan, Charlie's Double Is Revered IN Glen Moriston, near Ceanna- croc, two rough stones on the riv- er bank mark the grave of Rod- erick MacKenzie, whose brave deed has won him a place among the immortals, Seton Gordon write in The Manchester Guardian. Roderick was one of the Prince's bodyguard. After Culloden, when those of the Jacobites who had escaped the sword had scattered and were in hiding, our hero was in Glen Moriston, perhaps at the when Prince Charles Edward was In the safe-keeping of the Seven Men of Glen Moriston in IN |Uaimh Ruairidh sa Seilg, Cave of Roderick the Hunter, high up in Coire Dho. nw 'BUTCHER' AT WORK These were dark days for the people of Glen Moriston, Cumber- land's soldiers mercilessly ravag- ed the glen, killing old and young, and in a contemporary account it is said that the 'militia from the Isle of Skye" (it will be remem- , | bered that the MacLeods were hos- tile to the Jacobites) were urged by their officers to plunder the glen when the Earl of London, accompanied by MacLeod and Sir Alexander MacDonald of . Sleat, passed through Glen Moriston with their followers some little time af- ter Culloden. All this time a re- ward of 30,000 pounds was offered for the capture of the Prince, alive or dead. Roderick MacKenzie was the Prince's double, and when a party of soldiers found him in hiding their joy must have been great' at the thought of the reward which would be theirs. MacKenzie, no doubt hearing their excited shouts that they had found the royal fugi- tive and seeing that escape was hopeless, refused to surrender and fought determinedly against odds. *|When he fell he had the courage and the presence of mind to say, almost with dying breath, "Alas, you have slain your Prince." The soldiers severed his head, which they bore in triumph to Cumber- land at Fort Augustus. LIMITED RECOGNITION An officer of the Fort Augustus garrison, no doubt by Cumber- land's orders, approached Mac- Donald of Kingsburgh, who was a prisoner there, and very earnestly asked 'him whether he would re- cognise the Prince's head if he saw it. Kingsburgh made answer, "I would know the head very well, provided it be on the body." The officer then said, "What if the head be not upon the body?" *'In that case, sir," replied Kingsburgh "I will not pretend to know any- thing about it." Realizing that Kingsburgh would not identify the Read if it was brought to him, the officer did not trouble him further. But the Duke of Cumberland, apparently having satisfied him- self that the head was indeed that of the Prince, made a hurried de- parture for London to acquaint the Morison, one of the Prince's serv- ants, was brought to London from Carlisle, where he lay under sen- tence of death, to identify the head was unable to travel imme- diately, through illness, and when at last he arrived the head was beyond recognition. There is no doubt that Roderick MacKenzie's heroic action was the means of giving his royal master much needed respite. GRAVE UNTOUCHED The road up Glen Moriston sep- arates the cairn set up to Mac- Kenzie's memory from his grave, which, it is good to know, has been untouched in the making of a new read through the glen. Near the grave is a wee stream, named, on the authority of William Mackay his classic work 'Urquhart and, Gléenmoriston," Caochan a Chean- naich, "the Merchant's Streamlet" (Roderick MacKenzie was a jewel- er in Edinburgh.) Not far from the spot, a sword, probably Mac- Pia | Kenzie's, was found about 60 years ago -- there is no record of what subsequently happened to it. Two hundred and six years after the deed of self-sacrifice, on a winter's afternoon, a friend and I reached the cairn and the grave after sunset, for we had come to listen to the tribute about to be paid to the hero by a wandering piper. The ground was hard. The high tops above Coire Dho, where long ago the Prince was conceal- ed by the Seven Men of Glen Moriston, were clear and snow- clad. The piper tuned his pipes, and on the still, cold air came the: strains of '""Tulach Ard," the Gathering tune of the MacKenzies. The river ran low, and while the piper played the waves caused in the pools by the rushes of spawn- ing salmon were visible. Then, as though a curtain had been drawn across the scene, a gray bank of mist, moving up the glen from the east hid the high snowy hills; hid the lesser hills; id at last even the glen itself. Darkness came swiftly, the frost still more firmly bound the earth, and, having been witnesses of a simple act of hom- age, my friend and I traveled west ward through the glen in the dark of a windless night. U.K. DEBATERS WIN TORONTO (CP) --- Two Cam- bridge University debaters Friday night won their seventh successive victory over Canadian opponents. Law student Michael Hydleman, 22, and history student Hugh S. Tho- mas, 21, defeated Albert Strauss and Kenneth Jarvis of Osgoode Hall." The subject: 'The more things change the more they re- main the same." The Cambridge team took the negative. STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PHUNE WHITBY . 552 Memorials © Markers LONDON (CP)--Frank Mullen der, 22, who became blind while training as a telephone engineer, now is one of the: most efficient operators at a London ge. His colleagues devised new appli- ances and equipped him with a Braille chart to trace calls