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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 Jan 1953, p. 13

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Casablanca Now Paris Of Africa By HENRY BUCKLEY The "new" Morocco was created by the French out of a wilderness, a process which put the clock panded from forward five centuries. of some 40,000 inhabitants into gn| Irrigation projects, hydro-electric of | plants, superb highways, 8 mainly |m, ibed | electrified railway system, new of | industries of all kinds and mining activity have transformed the pan- RADIO LOG WGR S50 & CKFY S80 © CBL 740 © CBC 860 © CHML 900 WBEN 930 @ CFRB 1010 e CHUM 1050 e CKOC 1150 ~ CKLB 1240 © WKBW 1520 eo CHVC 1600 information sadio programs 1s supplied by the individual stations. The og ts pi ou and changes as submitted and does not assume responsibility for 'maccurate listings ® MONDAY EVENING 7.45 P.M. CBL-Provineial WBEN-One Man's Family WGR-News CFRB- Loi ui PM, m) EC Mase 10.30 PM. B-News; Sports 5.00 PM, Sports CBL:Now I Ask You CJBC-Press Conference Hamer, Pecs> Brooks r; Pe -Share the Wealth sg Eran hy me Adams eslodies al "a: Son -Radie M Blues for Monday CJBC-Opportunity Knocks 'FRB-Double or Nothing WGR-Arthur Godfrey WBEN-Voice of Firestone CBL-Farm Soran P.M. om News: Hillbilly mboree cin BC. Court of CKEY:News; L, mble: pa sdale and Co. Lux Radio Bg fon. Lux Radio The BEN-Telephone aire CBL Woman's 3 Collage Hosp. CKEY-Chattes Antel CBL-M me's i CIBC. The c WBN Bango o y ro CKEY-L. Sh WGR- Three Suns 11.00 P.M. CKLB-Man About Music CBL-Bob McMullin CKEY- News; 11.30 WGR- Glaey' s FE CBL-Who's Herb Gott? CIBE Prefud le to Drea CrRE-News; Sports: M Go Round 13,00 MIDNIGHT | CKLB-News; For Pete's | Sake EBL News CJIBC-New:! CREY-News H House Parly TUESDAY MORNING WIR Mus. | Clock; News OFRB News; Sports; Merny Go Round orama of what when the 20th ecen- tury opened was a land mainiy of nomads seeking grass for. their flocks of goats and camels, From the luxurious Restaurant Panoramique of the ultro-modern Hotel Anfa there is a view of a superb modern eity with wide boulevards and skyscrapers, a booming, go-getter eity pulsing with life and vitality. Fifty years ago, there were only a handful of Europeans living here, Today, out of 600,000 residents there are 160,000 Europeans, mostly French, This is a hard-working town full of bustle and hustle by 8 a.m, By 10 p.m, the city is quiet, except for the few night clubs which try to keép up the entertain. ment side of Casablanca's boast of being "le petit Paris." But last month eight Europeans were killed by Moroccans in an outbreak of rioting here and in the same month Moroccan spokesmen were appealing to the United Na- tions for self-government for Mo- rocco, Casablanca is a strange mixture of ancient and modern. The white, hooded Moorish "chilaba" of dis- tinguished maids brush the latest models from Christian Dior or Balenciaga on the boulevards. Moorish women, their faces still veiled but whose long gowns are Bex | today often close fitting enough to reveal lings formerly hidden, gaze wistfully igto huge windows of the |sreat Galeries Lafayette depart- ment store, An industrious 'red-fezzed guide, Mdstapha showed me the sights of the gleaming modern town but was very sad about the tough and rough native quarter known as the Bousbir, or Quartier Reserve. The red-light district of Casablanca had been closed since the December riots. + "Thre," he told me, "you eould have drunk tea served by beautiful Mooresses." SEEK WAGE INCREASE MONTREAL (CP--Five thou- sand employees of Montreal Trans- port Commission, operating the city's public transportation sys- tem, have applied for a wage in- crease of 10 cents an hour and a 40-hour week, it was announced Saturday The employees are members of the tramways section of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees (CCL-CIO). A collective agreement between the empldyees' union and the trans- port commission expires March 28. { 9.00 A.M, CKLB- News: Devations CBL} CJBC-Breakfast Club CKEY-News: Jay and | Ginger CPRD Neighborhood News CJBC-June Dennis CBL-Back-stage Wide CFRBMemoly Lak Lane CKLB-House of *peier McGregor CFRB-Homemaker CBL-Front Page Farrell Harm oniee -Stars Sing AM. CBL- rT CF' Wallace: Homemaker Harm 'GR-Memory Time les | ey WBEN-Welcome Travellers | WHEN Bob Hope TUESDAY RFTERNOON WEEN Peper LT CBL-Pepper Young TUESDAY EVENING WGR-! Pd Carden Co ation's Business CIBC Rhytiun Rendezvous WHEN Ona oh 's Family WGR. Ny ae +sonalities: News WEEN Home WBE N- Two For The Money | CBE National Ed 10. BL: Leslie A aay |CFRB-John Sturgess CKEY-Band Music ' ey Audi P.M. | uditions CBL First Rehearsal SFRB-Outd CJBC-Way of Children CFRB-SI King CBL-Leicester Square Won able are tunny | WBEN- NSYhoard Melodies, bo LE 'ops Program First Nighte: CKEY-News: Mickey WGR- News; Brooks 0.45 P - JKL8-P, Sar: 5.30 P. - analog Parade gREsaiotin (CEEBNGR 4 Hout mow Orchestra Ro Symphony [we Three Suns WGR-Mr. and Mrs. North | 11.00 CFRB-| Parade |WGR-News; CBL-Mr. Showbusiness Basement WBEN-Red Skelton 5.00 P.M CKLB-News; P.M. Sports: Glacy's : For Pete's : CJBC-News |ZKEY-News; Music {-FRB-News: Sports CBL-Here's Juliette WBEN. News: Sports. Diane WBEN-Martin and Lewis r.M. CFRB-Hallmark Playhouse eL% di NS Todss 0.15 P.M. CKEY-Lee Harris EN Fibber McGee 10.00 P.M. {CJBC- CJBC-Crime is Our Business CKEY-News: CFRB-Al Harvey CFRB-News: jer A News, Sports, Go Round |{WBEN-News, | wah: Loyal Parsons; . |EBi-Nows Mu our nen Voice of the Army -Perry Como eo LADIW M04 TELEVISION PROGRAMS CBLT, TORONTO, » MONDA :00~Cowboy Corer 3 Music CHANNEL # ¥ 10:00--Studio One TUESDAY 5:00---Ed's Placé 5:30--Willie Wonderful 5:45--Children's Film 6:00--Music 7:15--Let's See 7:30--Sunshine Skatches 8:00--Cue for Music 8:30---Fighting Words 9:00---Boxing 10:00--Scotland Yard WHAM CHANNEL 6 MONDAY EVENING 6:00 p.m.--Film; Brokenshire :45--Perry 7:00-City Club Corner 7:15---Do It Yoursel 7:30--Those Two 7:45--Camel News Caravan 9:30--Dangerous Assignment 10:00--Studio One 11:00--News 11:10--Almanse 11:15--The 10: 30_Take It Easy 11:00--Arthur Godfrey 11:15--Tower Clock Time 11:30--Strike It Rich 12:00--Bride and Groom 5:15--Gabby Hayes §:30--Howdy. Doody TUESDAY EVENING hort Dramas T:18--Am can Barn Dance 7:30-Din; 7:45--Camel News Caravan 8:00--Circus 'Time 9:00--Cinderella Weekend 9:30---Cirel 11:45--Tales of Tomorrow | 13:00--News 12:10--Almanae 12:15--1 Married Joan WBEN -- CHANNEL ¢ MONDAY EVENING 6:00 ». m, ASagebram Trail, Western 6: 30 News 6:45--Sports 7:00--~Ozzie and Harriet a 30--Stranger Than Fiction News Caravan 5 Video Theatre 8:30--Voice of 9:00--I Love Lucy 9:30--Marine Theatre 10:00--Studio 'One 11:00--News, Sports, Weather 11:20--~What's the Record 11:30--Boston - Blackie 12:00--Suspense TUESDAY 7:00--~Today 9:00--Your Figure 9:15--Garry Moore Show 9:30--Learn and Live 9:45- 'Children's' Theatre 10:00--Shoppers' Guide 17:08 Plain. ana Fancy Cooking ain a an: 11:30--Strike It Rich si 12 noon--News--Bob Tennant 12:15--~Love of Life, drama 12:30--Search for | 12:45--Guiding Light | 1:00--Matinee Playhouse I45---Johnny's Show 2:00-~Wheel of Fortune 2:30--~Meet (the Millers 3:00--Short Drama 3:15--Stop, Look, Listen 3:30--Film 3:45--Welcome Travellers ER 15--Don Winsle of the Navy 5:30--Howdy Doody .- TUESDAY EVENING 6:00 p.m.--Sagebrush Trail 6:30--News 45 ~Sports Spotlight 7:00--Jeweller's Showcase 7:30--This Week In Sports i 145 - News Garavap 10: 304. Star Playhouse ew . Wea'her, | 11:25--FBI Fugitives 11:30 Where Was 17 12: t Squad Sports "Idawha," the a DY soldier shouted at the Korean cook, "and gimme more sukoshi chop-chop. And hubba-hubba!" * "Don't panic," a sergeant said, "there's tokusan for all of us." Sound silly? Not at all. It's merely an example of a combin- ation of army &§ and pidgin English as spoken daily by Cana- dian troops in Korea. Every war produces its inevit- able quota of slang and the Korean conflict is no exception, But this time much of it stems from the Japanese and much of is unprint- e Literally, translated, if you have- n't already figured it out, the a- bove conversation would run some- thing like this: "Come pore and give me a little food. And hurry.' "Take it easy, there's plenty for all us.' Strange as it may sound, troops have found it most effective, es- CRA MONDAY EVENING 7:00-9:00 -p.m .~Adult, woodshop, strength and health club, boxing in- structions, 7:30 pm. -- Oshaws Little Theatre. --Junior Yacht Club. 8:00 p.m.--N.A, Ladies Social, 'TUESDAY MORNING 9:00-5:00 p.m.--Recreation office open all day. ~Lions Club Room for the Blind, TUESDAY AFTERNOON 2:00-4:00 p.m,--Adult, woodshep, shuffleboard. table tennis. 4:15-5:30 p.m.--~Children, leathers craft, shelleraft, woodshop, boys' and girls' gym. ~-Toon-agers--shuttiobourd, table TUESDAY EVENING 7:00-9:00 p.m.~--Adult, woodshop, strength and health club, barber- shoppers, leathercraft. 7:00 p.m.--Blind bowling (Motor City Alleys), 7:00-9:00 p.m.--Boxing {nstrue- tions. WEDNESDAY MORNING 9:00-5:30 p.m. --Recreation office open all day. -Lions Club Room for the Blind, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2:00-4:00 p.m.--Adult, woodshop, sbuffiehpard, strength and health olub 4:15-5:30 p.m rSilldres. leather- craft, shellcraft, boys' and girls gym, woodshop. een agers -Shuffisboard. table WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:00-9:00 p.m.--Adult, woodshop, strength and health club, boxing in- structions. 7:00-11:00 p.m.--Skating ¢lub. 8:00 p.m .--Central Counel arena committee, 9:00 p.m .--Neighbourho8d Assocl- ation Bowling (Motor City Alleys). SIMCOE HALL MONDAY, JANUARY 26. EVENING 7:00 p.m. Oshawa Nursing Cadets -- drill; Home Nursing Cadets -- First Aid; woodwork; punch work; graphy; signalling. 7:30 p.m.--8t. John Ambulance-- Duplate First Aid Course--Senior Brigade Meeting. 8:00 p.m.--Weight Lifting Club. TUESDAY, JANUARY WN. MORNING 9-11:30 a.m.--Nursery School 4 yr. olds--iree play; music; story hour; rhythm band; books; erafts, AFTERNOON 1:30-5:30 p.m. -- Golden Age Lounge Room open (Quilting Group). 3:30-5:30 pm. -- Boys, Wood- working Club; Boys' Games Rooms --billiards; erokinole; hockey --Children's Dept 4:00 p.m.--Piano Lessons. 5:30 p.m. -- Rovers Basketball Club. EVENING 7:00 p.m, -- Golden Age Lounge Room open; Industrial Basketball League; Model Aeroplane Club. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28. MORNING 9-11:30 a.m.--Nursery School-- 5 yr. olds--{ree play; music; story hour; rhythm band; books; e AFTERNOON 1:30-5:30 p.m. -- Golden Age Lounge Room open. 2:30 p.m, -- Clubs' Committee Meeting. 3:30-5:30 pm. -- Boys' Wood- working Club; Boys' Gym Activi- ties; Boys' Games Rooms -- bhil- liards; crokinole; shuffleboard; hockey games; ping pong; Girls Gym Activities. 3:30 - 7:15 p. m--Harvey Dancing Academy. EVENING 6:30 p.m.--Teenage Girls' Club-- badminton; business meeting; table tennis, gymnastics; square dancing. 7:00 p.m. -- Boys' Stamp Club; Golden Age Lounge Room open. 7:30 p.m, -- Oshawa Duplicate | Bridge Club; Weight Lifting Club; Simcoe Hall Grads Basketball. REPAIRS TO T.V. - RADIOS WASHERS Fast, Expert Service WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N.--DIAL 3-7752 Course; Simcoe Hall and Crusader i) . games; ping pong; Publi¢ Library || Colorful Korean Sl Slang As Used By Canadians pecially when dealing with civilian labourers, For the record here's a list of some of the expressions most used by Canadian troops in Korea: Hava-no: "I haven't got it." Hava-yeas: "I've got it." ! Don't panic: Take it easy, re- ax. Bug-out: To withdraw. Had it: To be defeated or licked as "we've had it." No sweat: ' No trouble, handle it, Sukoshi: Small er little bit (from the Japanese and pronounced Skoshi). | Tokusan: Plenty, lots, many (from the Japanese and pronounced to- ksan), Clobber: To whip decisively (fav- vorite British expression). Chop-chop: Food, also to eat. Oheyo: Good morning (from the Japanese and pronounced Ohio). Sayonara: Good-bye (from the Japanese): Most Canadians avesliite dit- "| ticulty picki ng up enou Japanese to get along, but have gh Jopaness considerable difficulty attempting Korean. However, most South Kor- leans speak Japanese so there's "no sweat' there, TRUCKING EXPERT DIES TORONTO (CP)~--Rutherford Gil- bert Caley, 54, known throughout Canada as a trucking expert, and manager of. automotive transport for the British American Oil Com- pany, died Sunday. He had been with British American for 23 years. Plazga-- Black Castle", 1:03, 3°14, 5:25, 7:36 and 9:47. "Actors Blood", 2:27, 4:38, 6:49, 9:00. Last complete show at 9:00 pm, Biltmore -- "Sound Off" (Color); 1:10, 4:00, 7:08 and 10:10 pm. "Aaron Slick From Crick" (Technicolor): 3:39, 5:88, and 8:40 pm. Last complete show at 8:40 pm. Regent--"Encore", shown at 1:90, 8:25, 5:26, 7:26, 9:25. Last com- plete show at 8:55. ' Marks-- The Rains Came", 3:50, 7:00, 10:15. "Laura", 5:25, 8:45. Last at 8:45 pm. Brock, Whitby-- "You Never Can Tell", and "Mutiny". Evening shows at 7 pm, last complete show at 8:20 p.m, Man, 50, Alone, Beaten By Thugs STRATFORD (CP)--Robert Bich. ler, a 50-year-old man who lives alone in a small house in the vil- lage of Shakespeare, five miles east of here, told provincial police Sunday that he had been beaten and robbed by two or five men. Eichler said the men entered his small house Saturday ht. One of them struck him, then held him while another stole $123 and three cases of beer. He later thought there may have been five men after first re- 12:45, 3:20, show porting two, __ CROSSWORD PUZZLE 9. More painful 8. Moisture 10. Cr 4. Erbium 12. Bird's (sym.) stomach §. Conscious 13. District (W. 6. Ordinarily Indian % Cord from Union) candlenut 14. Steal from tree bark 15. Weary 8. Grow 16. Denoting 9. Rubhard analcohol 11. A witticiam (suffix) 13, Prussiag 17, Personal canal pronoun 18. Happy 20. Ruined DOWN 85. 184Hired by », 21. Mu. dl Plurst pronoun charter Chafe Conjunction an TL IT] ERPIRIETETT |X] ATL oT AMATI 1) A going owt Ssturdoy's Answes Takes dinner 3. Bamboo-like 35. 37. rages Miscellany town (Palestine) $2. Imitative of art 23, Ineffectusl Z x e act 34. Malt beverage 25, Cleatrix 27. Drooped 30. Perverse 32. Greek letter 33. Indefinite 84. Weird (ver.) - 385. Male descendant 36. Bellowed J me DAILY TIMES- GAZETTE, Monday, January .88, 188 13 Trapped On Bridge, Alertness Saves 3 ST. THOMAS (CP)~--Three St. Thomas lads were trapped on a trestle bridge crossing Beaver creek by a London and Port Stan- ley Railway train Sunday, Robert Babcock, Jack MeCulley and Bobby Passfield were on a hike to Port Stanley when young Babcock saw the train. He ordered them to fall on their faces beside the track, The train ran past the boys, rip- ping Passfield's pack from bis back, Though he apparently fered nobrokenbone shewaskept rs Jered no broken boned, he was kept SMOF NG | niin CH PACKED WITH LAUGHTER, . ROMANCE, NINN "LUNCH WITH PUNCH" Popeye Color Certosn Lote World News Only for love will people do such brave, dangerous, foolish, amazing " "ENCORE" SHOWN AT , , , 1:30, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:28. See it From the Beginning Catacombs ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Terror stalks the Battlements, and Horror crawls the TODAY and TUESDAY # Fo Be ¢ beneath! * WGHIAD GOFENE DOR KARLOF STEPHEN hi PAULA GORDA LON CHANEY DARRYL F. ZANUCK'S PRODUCTION OF a 201h CENTURY-FOX ENCORE TRIUMPHI L0¥- POWER BRENT TEI THE SAME TLL. STARTS TODAY , desirable 2 Ah d all desire. wi

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