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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Mar 1953, p. 13

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, March bed 1958 13 THEATRE GUIDE Regent -- "Caribbean", shown ab Last (Games Rooms -- billiards, erokin-| |ole, hockey games, ping pong; | ! Boys' Basketball, Floor Hockey; | the coronation of King George | . |Pyoue Libra Childrdrgs Dept; a Prince Poses | VI in 1937, Princess Margaret, then | MONDAY. | "Piano Lessons, 4.00 p.m. | 6%, sat through th tire cere-| ] n and ) IO e Adult -- Woodshop, Strength and | Rovers Basketball, 5.30 p.m. {mony. Her legs dangled off the. ; ind i . |ft6or as she sat on her chair and |Health Club. Boxing Instruct ster Abbey. will be too much for {the youngster. At Fi crowning service in Westmin- | Law Typist Wins Ontario Art Show TORONTO (CP)-Audrey Little. Threatre, Industrial Bask- |etball "League, Model Aeroplane Gar. 00. - 9.00 p.m For Planners LONDO N(Reuters)--Four-year- old "Prince Charles is posing the latest problem for planners of the June 2 Coronation. Unofficial sources said today the Queén herself has not made up her 'Imind on what part her son, the |sister Elizabeth was seen 0 give |" Central Council Committe e | Club, Junior Fish and Game Pro-| |her an occasional nudge. Meeting, Rundle Park L.A. 7.30 Present tentative plans are for pm, {Prince Charles to arrive at the | 'Ladies Softball Union Executive, abbey by car with his nurse® half- 800 p.m. i way through the ceremony. | Dale Carnegie Grads, 7.30 p.m. | If the Queen changes her mind,' North Oshawa N.A. Meeting, N.O. | he will sit with other peers in front School, 8.00 p.m. {of the throne, ready to pay homage | |immediately after the actual crow 8.00 p.m. | ing. v TUESDAY tective Association, St. John Am- | bulance First Aid Examination, 7.00 p.m, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 Nursery School, 5 yr. olds -- free | play, music, story heur, rhythem Thorntons Corners-N.A. Meeting, | band, books, crafts, 9 - 11.30 a.m. Golden Age Loun ge Room open, 11.30 - 5.30 p.m Re Friday won the J. W. L. Forster award in the Ontario Society of Artists' annual show with her oil painting entitled-#Voyage.'" It was the first time Miss Garwood en- tered a painting in an exhibit. An unknown artist who has never | sold a picture; she is the first] woman and the youngest entrant | ever to take the award, top honor wood, a typist at Osgoode Hall, | 1:30, 335, 5135, 7:40, 9:45. complete .show at 9:16 pm. Biltmore -- "Tangier Incident", 12:40, 3:03, 5:26, 7:49 and 10:15 p.m. "East Side Kids", 2:01, 4:24, 6:47 and 9:13 p.m, Last complete show at 9:10 p.m. Marks--' 'Women of Twilight", i Recreation Olle Rig all_day ol G2" Joudvorkmg Club; Boss* : {Lions Club Room for the . Gym Activities; ys' Games Traffic officers don't get all gop. 530 p.m. | Rcoms, billiards. crokinole, shuffle the law breakers. Ambulances | Adult -- Woodshop, Shuffleboard. | hoard. hockey games, ping pong, one of | and hospitals get some . . . as Strength and Health Club, 2.00 - floor hockey: Girld® Gym Activi- [4.00 p.m.. - ities, 3.30 5.30 p.m. { Children -- Leathercraft, Shell-| Teenage Girls' Club -- badmin- |craft, Woodshop, Girls' and Boys' ton. business meeting, table tennis, { Gym, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m. ._ |gymnastics, are dancing, 6.30 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Aneel Shuffleboard, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m. | Boys' Stamp Club. Golden Age ¢ Adult -- Woodshop, Strength and |1ounge Room open. 7.00 p.m. ' Health Club, Leathercraft, Boxing - oer. pe Dam Instructions, 7.00 - 9.00 p.m. Blind Bowling (Motor City Al- leys) 7.00 p.m. . Barbershoppers, Rundle Park, N.A. Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Valleyview N.A. Meeting (Park- house) 8.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY Recreation office open all day, Lions Club Room for the Blind, 9.00 - 5.30 p.m. Adult -- Woodshop, Shuffleboard, Strength and Health Club, 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. Children -- Leathercraft, Shell- craft, Woodshop, Girls' and Boys' | 40. Bavarian Gym, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m. river Ballet--children, pre-school, 3.00- 44701d times 4.00 p.m. : (archaic) Ballet -- Children 7 and under, 45. Eskimo 4.00 - 5.00 p.m. sl SIMCOE HALL 46. Steal 48. Close to (A Red Feather Service) MONDAY, MARCH 2 Simcoe Hall and Crusader Cadets --First Aid, woodburning, wood- work, punch work, photography, signalling; Oshawa Nursing Cadets ~--drill, Home Nursing Course, 7.00 Duke of Cornwall, will play in it. | As next in line to the throne he | should lead the other nobles in the rites of 'paying homage." But the solemn ceremony, ; whe most moving parts of the three- ' well as their victims. at the annual show. 2:20, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05. "Mr. Walkie Talkie', 1:15, 3:45, 6:20, 9:00. Last complete show at 9 p.m. Brock, Whitby--'Tsland of Desire', and "Boy From Indiana". Even. ing shows at. 7 p.m. Last com- plete show at 8:20 p.m. BISHOP KEEVIL DIES NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. (CP) --Rev, Archibald R, L. Keevil, 77, Bishop primus of the Reformed Episcopal Church of Canada, died in hospital Friday. He was elected bishop in 1944, and was consecra- ted at Belleville, Ont. Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club, Weight lilting Club, Simcoe Hall ? Taas- etball, 7. p.m. STARTS CIRICIWERTIAIP IE | . : lc IH0[T EMMAIRIAIRIA ACROSS 2 Seaeagle 18 Miscellany [TIENITESIUNIOIALY] 1. To wax » 8. Rodent 19. Twilled ARE ICIRITINOIS SIA] (obs.) 4. Elevated fabrics UIT SRALY I EH} 8. Russian train 20. Spinning toy [SIEIRIFIRRIOIOD] inland sea 8. God of the 24. Platform on 9. Goat ante- sky (Babyl.) side of stage lope (Asia) 6. Speak 26. Coin (Peru) 10. The nostrils violently 28. American 12. Search 7. Incendiar- poet 13. The setting ism 29. Allots of the sun 8. Wary 30. One to 14. Ahead (slang) whom lease 15. Type 9. Specters is granted measure 11. Inflamed 82. Bear 16. Member of swelling of through a political eyelid the air party (var.) 84. Seaweed (Gr. Brit.) 13. Merganser 35. Bellows . Bright red 15. Hebrew 86. Asiatic . American name for country humorist God 38. Sun god . Prong Striking success (slang) Strikes . Indian fig tree . Female pig . Organ of smell "BADGES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION 9 With 70 merit badges to his his speed. With so many badg- jeredit, sccuting officials believe | es for prcficiency to his credit 17-year-old Garry Haxton of | that they are "too numerous to Toronto (seen ahove with sister | mention," Garry is already Gloria) may be the most pro- | working on remaining 16 any ficient 'Queen's Scout in all | scout can possibly earn. And Canada. Certainly everyone ad- | all of these talents were devel- mits no scout ever matched his { oped -in the four 'years he has ability for acquiring talents or ' been with the scout troop. . Ontario Is Planning o Vast North Roads | TORONTO (CP)--Two cabinet| Mr. Wren said export of raw Al ministers hit back Friday at oppo- | wood was continuing unabated de- | || sition charges of laxity and politi- | spite government legislation to stop cal favoritism in the government. it The forestry minister said this Agriculture Minister Thomas and | was incorrect, adding that by 1957 and Forests Minister Gem- no wood cut from Crown lands ex- Spoke nearly two hours in the | cept poplar would be exported. , In answer to charges | po gai export in 1948, whenere- COMING Friday, March 13th AlCIEIERMVISIELS] Saturday's Answer - Masterpiece of love, ii laughter and adventure, produced by the company at made. *QUO VADIS"! bP ad rag 3 5 Sr 0 [i 2'/2 HR. STAGE Largest Of Its Kind In All Canade made Thursday by Albert Wren (Lib-Lab.--Keénora) during the throne speech debate. . Wren said the government | wag playing politics in awarding | contracts; that "high bracket" civil | servants are running the province, | and waste of wood resources is being tolerated. | Mr. Thomas, former public works | said Mr. Wren', ks minister, J were "ridiculous." He said govern- ment contracts are best bidder, with no regard for political affiliations. He challenged the Kenora mem- ber to give specific instances of . favoritism. Mr. Wren mentioned a mental hospital in Port Arthur. The minister read off the figures for all the bids tendered and said that in each case the low bid was accepted. He said Mr. Wren's remark that ministers were 'ignorant' of their departments was 'uncalled for and unwarranted." Mr. Thomas said he | Mr. Gemmell spoke in reply to . Wren's statement that "tim- pirates" were roaming the northern part of the province. "I would like Mr, Wren to show any instance of the government ealing in timber at the expense | the public," he said. "Regard- | of whether big industries want | strip the forests, which I don't | they do, the people are pro- | strictive measures were first intro- duced, totalled 470,000 cords. Last year it was 424,000 cords and in 1953 would not exceed 390,000. "These exporters have tremen- dous investments. We've got to give them a chance to clean up. It can't be done overnight," he said. He said eight export permits: ex- pired last year, and the remainder | will terminate at the end of the 1957 cutting season. | When funds become available, | the federal and provincial govern- ments, together with the industries | concerned, will undertake a 25-| year road-building plan in Northern Ontario, Mr, Gemmell said. But he | saw little chance of financial aid | from the federal government for 1. Assembly some time, because it was pre- of persons occupied with the defence pro- x . Town (Indiana) . Liberal giving . Solitary . Music note' Part of "to be" . Mechanical device (collog.) 48. Drive 47 Arabian gazelle 48. By oneself 49. Brownish-red chalcedony 80. Vats DOWN . p.m. St. John Ambulance -- Duplate First Aid Course, 7.30 p.m. | Weight Lifting Club, 8.00 p.m. | TUESDAY, MARCH 3 Nursery School -- 4 yr. olds -- free play, music, story hour, rhy- thm band, books, crafts, 9 - 11.30 | a.m. | Golden Age Lounge Room open | (Sewing Group), 1.30 - 5.30 p.m. Boys' Woodworking Club; Boys' - You are invited to the STH ANNUAL OPEN MEETING OF ALCOHOLICS | gram. --- «'Roads are the greatest single | need for the development of the | lands,"" Mr. Gemmell said. wx ube EN | 70 GREATEST SHOW VALWE AL LIA ; 30-minute talk Friday. However, | his remarks were confined largely | to problems of his own and neigh- | boring constituencies. He urged the government to or- ganize hospital districts in North- | western Ontario to ease the fi-| nancial strain on municipalities. He said Kenora and the Lakehead | cities treat patients from a vast | area, but had to pay the hospital | costs themselves. YWCa' STUDIO CLUB -- this club is to gentlemen and ladies to diction make-up, play read- prompting, etc., p.m. OSHAWA ST. CLUB -- this h club mee 1st and 3rd Mon each my and the mem- bers 'show a keen enthusiasm for the stamp collections; there is ex- changing and further study for the philatelist, 8 p.m. ART EXHIBIT -- Open to the public whenever the building is open, Exhibit, Liturgicne, all day. | Bridge Class, Movie club, 8 p.m. . TUESDAY MARCH 3 MORNING NURSERY -- a nur- sery school program for children 4 years of age, 9.30-11.30 a.m. CRAFTS -- a fully equipped oraft work shop open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, Sipyers, weaving, flit work, etc., .m. FIT CLASS -- a rhythm- ical activity class of exercises for business girls in industry, offices, 8 » Mippers, , felt work, etc., 8-10 p.m. WE ml BLL vity ¢ exercises 8 ed for married ladies, 8.15 p.m. ART EXHIBIT\ -- open to the | public whenever the building is | open, Exhibit, Liturgione. Fashion Illustration Course, 3 pm. WEDNESDAY MARCH 4 MORNING NURSERY --.a nur- Jory school ) progialn an Jor. childrén ears age, 9. .30 p.m. CRAPS -- a fully equipped craft shop open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, etc., 2-5 p.m.; 7-10 p.m. SLIM AND TRIM CLASS -- a weight reducing and wight normal- izng class for married ladies 3 p.m WA CAMERA CLUB --this club. meets alternate Wed- nesdays and, has an interesting schedule o f Hee (3 dealing with val es raphy, print criticisms, exhibits. hogs ind cial salon showing, 8 p.m, | ART EXHIBIT .-- Open to the! open; Exhibit, Liturgione. | Folk and Recreational Course, 8 p.m. ur from St, Kitts jured in States LIVINGSTON, Mont, (CP)--Four | members of a family from St. | , Ont., were injured Sat- | urday when their car collided head- | on with another three miles west of here, i They were Mr. and Mrs. Abram Froese, their daughter Mad~lin about 4, and an older son, Peter. Thomas M. Jacobsen, 62 © - { Dance arently was conditions. UAW Plans Apprentice Expansion LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Encour- agement of apprenticeship trainin in Canadian industry was ne by delegates to the skilled trades council of the UAW-CIO unions eeting here Saturday and Sun- ay. Delegates plan to approach ma- jor jn pnd with a formula which would employ one apprentice for each eight journeymen in industries where facilities are available for their training. The plan would apply to boys with high school graduation standing or the equiv- alent. Ernest Marion of Windsor, an ex- ecutive of the UAW, said the or- ganization would hold its next Jhecting in three months in Brant- George Burt, regional Canadian director of the UAW, welcomed delegates from London, Tilbury, amilton. Chatham, St. Catharines Windsor, Oshawa, Brantford, Wel- land and Merritton. »* Wiley and CARTOO EARLY START DUBUC, Sask. (CP) -- Sprin, signs: One farmer here reported his turkey hen made a nest in an outside haystack and has been lay- regularly since January. An- otlfer farmer found a sparrow's == owt FARO SW aR a - NEWS - SHORTS ANONYMOUS PLAZA THEATRE SUNDAY, MARCH 8th 8:30 p.m. IN PERSON! Gordie Tapp as "Gaylord" The Hillbilly Jewels Jack Kingston Morris Bolyer & His Banjo Cousin Clem and Cousin Hess ' The Main Streeters 0.C.V.l. AUDITORIUM ADVANCE SALE RESERVED Children V2 Adults $1.00 at MEAGHER'S RECORD BAR King Street West * SCOTT'S RECORD BAR Simcoe Street South Tune in the Broadcasts EVERY SATURDAY 8:30 P.M. 900 On Your Dial -- CHML Cet Pin. Lia Fin FEATURE SHOWN ? AT 1:00, 3:10 5.10, 7:25-9:40 J "a "Mouse in Manhattan" Tom and Jerry Color Cartoon Latest World News TODAY ONLY "CARIBBEAN" In Color JOHN PAYNE end ARLENE DAHL 2 TH A NEW TWIST AND HERE SHE NEGLECTED! CONDEMNED! Here is a motion picture jammed with a lifetime of emotion... picture thatplunges heart- deep into the story of a young girl's AR a v ¢ | FOTO-NITE | LJ EVERY TUES. AND WED. LJ THIS WEEK'S OFFER Ml nest with three eggs. AGAIN. BILTMORE LEADS its ist ACTION! Za 1 " OSHAWA SHOWING 2 SMASH HITS! ++. We the most emasing gang warin history «when a bunch of kid-killers | Sgeeial JOYCE BRYANT LEON AMES AND THE ORIGINAL EAST SIDE KIDS MALLY CHESTER Hamm e grea G TODAY | the your money refunded! STARRING LOIS MAXWELL GUARANTEED ENTERTAINMENT pneoaaacxson As this is a most unusual subject management guarantees you an unusual experience in screen entertainment . . . Or RAY Powerful Slory of i 11,013» Je MOTHERS! The First Of Its Kind! Adult Entertainment ly A ~ wiam =" joe TRACY « SAWYER

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