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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Mar 1953, p. 16

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46 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, March 3, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) 43--Male Help Wanted 42--Female Help Wanted DO YOU NEED MONEY? HAVE YOU three hours to spart afternoons or even- ings® No investment required. Pleasing ty. essential. Write Box 445, zotte. (49¢) COOK, REFERENCES RE. ANTED -- R - » Cook Apply Spracevilla REQUIRED FOR OSHAWA AND DIS- trict. full or part-time canvassers. Zhone STRZ, Breehlin. collect. . ---- 47e) MAN FOR HOUSE WORK, Fai me in Nora Oshawa district. Sal 43--iviale Help Wanted "CLA TOOL AND DIE MAKER (others not apply). Best wages in town. 55013. YOUNG MAN Preferably with some radio knowledge to learn television and installation. Must be. ac- tive, and not afraid to climb. Good wages Apply FOWLER TELEVISION 16 Bond .St. W. BOY--RELIABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY, 16 years old or more, to work on farm. Write Box 545, Times-Gazette. 1953 EXPANSION PROGRAM We are enlarging our selling organiz- ation in Oshawa, Ajax and Port Hope and surrounding territory. If you are out of employment or you feel your present position is unsatisfactory, we would like to talk to you. We desire men 21 to 45 years old for selling positions in greater Oshawa territory. Experience in selling not necessary, as we will teach you our methods. : UNBIASED -- SCIENTIFIC APTITUDE TESTING ) PLAN Télls whether you possess the funda- mental qualities necessary to success- ful salesmanship. You will enjoy tak- ing this test. It is free and upon com- pletion of factory representative will give you a personal interview. Should you qualifyxwe-will give you the ben- efit of associating with an experienced salesman. APPLY TUES, MARCH 3 ONLY GREY ROOM, 2ND FLOOR GENOSHA HOTEL Applicants apply 1:30 p.m. Tests start promptly at 2:00 p.m. : (51a) 43--Male Help Wanted 43--Male Help Wanted 48--Auction Sale MAN WANTED Immediately, preferably with some clerical or bookkeeping experience. Store or sales ex- perience an asset. No age limit, if capable. > Apply - FOWLER - TELEVISION 16 Bond St. W. + (49¢) STATIONARY ENGINEER -- 3RD OR | BEING FAVORED WITH pemmucno 58, + Apply | from the of the estate of the late Viscose Products Ltd., Ajax. «c) | Louisa Lister Kaiser, 45 King St. East, lt - i 7 shawa, there will be sold by public auc- BEVERAGE Roo WAITER, MUST »E | Hon at Srtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall able to supply satisfactory references, as | guy 'evening. March 5 at oT po Story. 0 full-time | Nordheimer Piano and Bench; Large Floor and 2 p.m. | Model Radio; Chesterfield; 3-piece Settee: (50¢) | Large Mirror; Upholstered Chairs; Buffet; | Dining Room Table and Chairsy' Rugs large and small: Electric Refrigerator; El- work. Apply only between 1 Commercial Hotel. 45--Agents Wanted | ectric Range; Heavy-Duty Mantel Radio; | Desk and Chair; Wall Cabinets; Kitchen ¥ Table and Chairs; Hoover Vacuum Clean- MEL, COMMISSION DAILY. EVERY | orbiter, cain Vico Singer . rl wing achine, drop-head; Cane Sea.e Increases Business -- Cuts SXponses. ctx. | Chairs; Wicker Chairs; End Tables; Bed- y. Free 1 room Suite; Diessers; Beds; Springs and Monadaco, 304--AN §., Deazbor; Chicago, Mattresses; Chests; Drawers; Verandah ahaa | Swing and Chairs; Coking Utensils; many BUILD A FINE BUSINESS; FULL OR antique pieces too numerous to mention; spare time. Learn how you can sell 250 Silverware and china; Linens; Dishes and fully guar Open- IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AVAILABLE with the ONTARIO REGIMENT (11th Arm'd. Reg't.) You can make extra money in your spare time and learn an interesting trade. Come in and check the ac- tivities of the Regiment -- You'll enjoy the association. Apply M3nday Night 8:00 p.m. Oshawa Armories (Mar2) | contract work. For information dial 3-285]. 2 Seat many other articles, Terms casi. 4 s x irtevant, auctioneer. Dial 5-5751. ings in your surroundings. We offer you: ron aT free goods monthly, more preparations She. eonienis may be seen day of Sole and the chance of establishing a business : of your own. Familex, 1600 Delorimier, | Dept. D., Montreal. (Mar2,9,16) | WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY TRAVEL | amo mers in shawa an = | a Poanoment connection we FOR THE BLIND Comtacred. Write" Ravielen's Dest. Cais | Wolf Cubs of the 10th. Moncton, 131, Montreal, Manat tern NB. Synagogue) Pack, Yeconciy ee spo , [raise y their own efforts SuperSox, Amaeing onevear guarantee. aNd presented it to the Canadian Also nylons, latest sweaters. No invest- | National Institute for the Blind for ment, Free sales i. or send S500 Ju iihe purchase i a mmistre Yow), master sales samples. Super-Sox | ing alley, e use! y e in Canada, 18 York St., Hamilton, Ont. Bin lin their Club, at gatherings and so- cial events. 14 BUY BOWLING ALLEY 46--Emjiloyment Wanted - CHARLIE MILLS, NORTH OSHAWA -- Watch Clock Repairs. Solicit your Pick-up and delivery. Dial (Marl11) PAINTING « DONE BY THE HOUR OR ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--The 90.- 000 school children in Newfound- land will each receive a half-pound box of candy bearing the picture of Queen Elizabeth as a Coronation memento. Each classroom will also Tecsive a Prolograph of he Queen, WHY NOT TRY MAE'S MENDING sErv- | While Coronation scholarships are ice? Youll get more wear from clothes Planned by the provincial govern- need;ng repair. Dial 3-4840. (Mar26) ment and the city of St, John's. patronage. 3-8530. 476) :| Washington Spent Bleakest Birthday At Valley Forge WASHINGTON -- The nationwide celebration of George Washington's birthday this February 22 will mark the 175th anniversary of one of the blackest periods in the nation's life, the bitter winter at Valley Forge. Washington's 45th birthday, in February. 1778. found the Revolu- tion at its lowest ebb, says the Na- tional Geographic Society. A rag- ged army, dwindling through ex- pired %nlistments and resigned commissions, was encamped scutheast Pennsylvania in a rough triangle between the Schuylkill riv- er and Valley Creek, four and a half miles north and east of 'Paoli. The troops faced three mortal foes fully as deadly as the Red- coats comfortably wintering Philadelphia some 20 miles to the southesst. They were lack of shelt- er, clothing, and food. LITTLE SHELTER When the Continental army first arrived in the then desolate, rolling area in December there was little shelter save a few scattered farm buildings. But there was forest. and axemen were put to work cutting timber for log huts that eventually provided crude housing. Fortunately, the worst weather held off until the middle of Feb- ruary, when most of the soldiers had at least the doubtful comfort of huts. But the supply situation was so desperate that Washington re- | ported to Congress that ". . . unless | some great and capital change sud- denly takes place . , . this Army must inevitably be reduced fo one or the other of these -three things. |Starve, dissolve or disperse, in in | |order to obtain subsistence in the {best manner they can . , ." | Most pleas to the states for cloth- {ing were in vain, Washington was | vec R - Our. sick are naked, our well naked, our unfor- ,tunate men in captivity naked." 22ve thir huts for duty borrowed clothes and shoes from others who could re- 'main inside. Those fortunate enough {to have blankets used them night in>and day, and on at least one oc- cdasion the General saw a soldier {run from one hut to ganother dress- ed in nothing more than a thread- bare blanket. COMMISSARY WAS BARE Perhaps worst of all was the lack of food. On three separate occasions |the commissary was forced to re- port that there was nothing to is- sue. Flour trickled jnto camp in small quantitites an uted occasionally, but meat was an | extreme rarity, For at least a week there was no meat at all for the Continental army. v/az.in on continued to warn Congress of the danger. On Fgb- ruary 17 he said: 'A prospect now openes of absolute want such as will make it impossible to keep the {army much longer from dissolu- ttion unless the most vigorous and | effectual measures are pursued to {prevent it." | But the army did not dissolve, nor {did desertions increase nor expect- {ed mutiny break out. The soldiers, | with complete confidence in Wash- 'ington, stuck it out. They even jok- ed about their discomfort in a trad- lition that has lived until today in was distrib- | kn she American armed forees. And from this lowest point, thé unhap- pest birthday of Washin , the ungry, ragged Continen! of Val- ley Forge went on to become the victors ai xorktown, Best Teachers Aid Future TORONTO (CP)--Education Min ister Dunlop of Ontario said Sun. dav night that education vitally concerns every person in the coun- try because everyone will have to live with the Jouns veople being taught in schools today. Speaking at the vpenng of Edu- cation Week here, Dr. Dunlon ~id some people think good education means large and modern buildings. But "I believe the best in educa- tion may be obtained bv having the best of teachers and the kind of self-disciplined young people who ow, why they are coming to sc . Scouts of the Canadian Contin- gent to the Coronation will be guests at Roland House for a few days during their visit to the U.K. this year. - STAFFORD BROS. ~ MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 DUNDAS ST E., WHITBY PHUNE WHITBY $52 Memorials ® Markers "INTRODUCING THE NEW AUSTIN A-40 CONVERTIBLE Here's the cleverest innovation in body design to appear in years. Drive it as an ultra-smart Coupe de Ville. Drop the top completely out of sight for glorious open road freedom--or, in seconds, pull the top over for snug, air-conditioned closed ear comfort. Built on the famous A-40 chassis this new Austin convertible will carry you fast and far--in luxury --at half usual operating costs. NO EXTRAS TO BUY--A COMPLETE CAR AT $2]19500 IDEAL ANSWER TO THE HIGH COST OF MOTORING WITH: 1. A completely new convertible with three-position top! 2. A capable, family-size, 4-door sedan! SEE THE NEW AUSTIN A-30 4-DOOR SEDAN Since the war, AusTIN has been swamped with requests for a new version of the most famous small car in automobile history, the AusTIN Seven. It's here now--the new A-30 4-door sedan--offering yo It is handsome styling, an ts without crowding. 4-door sedan is a surprising car--you'll see when you take/it for a trial drive. yo NO EXTRAS 10 BUY--A COMPLETE CAR AT $149500 NO EXTRAS TO BUY * WHEN YOU BUY AUSTIN Every Aust is delivered complete, ready for the road with no extras to buy. bth deg © Deep foam rubber cushioning, © Genuine leather upholstery. © Constant-speed electric windshield wipers. ® New super heater with full air conditioning. ® 12-volt electrical system. ® Directional turn signals, ® Full kit of tools. + City and Provincial taxes extra in some arcage \ Ai SEE THE FAMOUS AUSTIN A-40 SOMERSET 4-DOOR SEDAN This is the 1953 model of the AusTiN which created a sa And small wonder! With such features as deep foam ru upholstered in wear defying real leather--wide-vision, windshield--quiet agile the Somerset ranks high in performance =and astonishingly low in costs of owni les sensation last year. bber cushioning, curved one-piece power that keeps you abreast of today's traffic-- and operating, igh in beauty. both inside and out NO EXTRAS TO BUY--A COMPLETE-CAR AT $]89500 TATHAM MOTOR SALES vu 37m ® 3. A 1953 edition of the most famous small car in automobile history! © Meet three different AUSTINS--built to meet different needs and yes sharing one important AUSTIN heritage: the ability to save you hundreds of dollars each year on owning and operating costs while giving you top ranking performance and comfort. If you haven't talked AustiNs--haven't driven AUSTINS--or haven't seen proof of AUSTIN's remarkable performance and economy, then please accept our invitation t§ the surprise of your life, an open-road drive.in a new AUSTIN. why more than 70,000 Canadians now drive AUSTIN, WHEREVER YOU 60... You'LL sti Bustin THE __Weeostise MOTOR COMPANY (CANADA) LIMITED » ter that, you'll know J LZ 4 bo]

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