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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Mar 1953, p. 15

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$6 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, March 10, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 3%---Articies For Sale 41--Articles Wanted - GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. stoves, heaters, kitchen NEW WESTINGHOUSE 1953 REFRIGERA- to odds, Frost-Free butter keeper and new features. See them at Sicasher'. 92 Simcoe North. __ (Apro NATIONAL CASH "REGISTER, 6F meat slicer, meat grinder, Rll electric. 2 sets Toledo scales, electric Coca Cola cooler, aisle show case. All articles like new. Apply Thrift Food Store, 74 Celina, 34 MUNDINGER ACCORDION, 120 BASS, 2 years old, quick sale. Dial 3-2168. we (56) FRIGIDAIRE, 6 CU, FT. LIKE NEW, $200. Dial 3-3557. (56c) KITCHEN RANGE, WATER FRONT, Quebec heater, and radiator. Phone 108J, Brooklin, (56¢) VACUUM CLEANER, GOOD CONDI- sets Crysler Furniture. 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. {(Mar23) 42--<Female Help Wanted COUNTER GIRL REQUIRED, NO SUN- day work, Apply Lakas Lunch, 55 Ring 5 St, EERIE COOK -- SOUTH END Grill, 5 Bloor St. East. Dial 5-3433. on 556) FULL OR PART-TIME HAIRDRESSER with 3 years experience. Dial 5-1033. ao (§7¢ KITCHEN HELP REQUIRED. APPLY Home Dairy, 24 Simcoe South. (57b) EXPERIENCED CASHIER FOR GROCE- teria in Oshawa. High school education preferred. Please state full particulars to Box 442, Times-Gazette. (58f) $50 Million More In Tourist TORONTO (CP)--An untapped market of $50,000,000 in American tourist dollars is waiting to be de- veloped through intensive promo- tion work, Travel Minister Ceeile said Monday. Speaking during the throne speech debate in the legislature Mr. Ce- cile said business would jump by at least that much if tourists could be induced to stay one day longer. "Our surveys show that 73 per cent of Ontario's visitors have va- cations lasting from 14 to 21 days. Only '10 per cent spend two to three weeks in the province," he said. "In other words the tourist potential of Ontario is greater than it has ever been." He also suggested that Labor Day be changed from the first to the Market third Monday in September. He said this would extend the tourist season by two weeks, and greatly increase the revenue from Ameri- can visitors. He said a one-day increase in the length of stay for persons who stayed one or two days normally would increast tourist business by 28 per cent. wiPhis would figure out to about $10 for every man, woman and child in the province," he said. "It doesn't work out quite that way but eventually somé portion of syery tourist dollar affects every- one in the province." Mr, Cecile deplored "Americani- zation" of Canadian tourist attrac- tions by hanging out the U.S. flag, and similar methods of catering to the patriotism of Americans. tion, able offer. Dial 5-1610. (566) 3-SPEED RECORD PLAYER, SMART styling from $23.95 up. Easy terms. s, 5 King St, West. (Aprd) 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, WINE AND green; also 2 end tables. Dial 3-8247. (38¢c) WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN FOR light housework, steep-in if desired. Please write, stating full information, age, etc, to Box 341, Times-Gazette. (saf) WOMAN FOR HOUSE CLEANING, 16 p.m.; if satisfactory, part-time work as- sured. For particulars, dial 3-2537, or apply 118 Warren Ave. (586) , 6-PIECE DINETTE SUITE, NATURAL: * yocking chair; ice box; Tudhope r green rug. Reasonable. Dial 3-4170. ro EXPERIENCED PART-TIME DRESS- maker wanted. Write Box 437, Times- Gazette. (58b) WASHING MACHINE; _ ICE BOX; weooD and coal stove. Dial 5-4548. 4 - BURNER HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range; refrigerator; both in good condi- tion. Reasonable. Apply 130 Cedar Sireat, Whitby, after 5:30. (58¢) BEAVER TABLE SAW; BEAVER LATHE; 3-wheel band saw; all complete with mo- tors, perfect condition. Dial 35-4818. aw WALL SCREEN FOR SHOWING COLOR- ed slides on, 28 by 36. Dial 3-7279. > GOOD CONDI- . (38d TRUMPET FOR SALE, tion, nearly mew.. Dial 3-3893. TWO SINGLE BEDS: FOLDING DINING room table; both in excellent condition. Apply 131 Albert Street. (58a) TWO MAROON WILTON CARPETS WITH felt. Size 11 by 9 feet, at iss 9 by 8 feet, Good condition. 3-704. ow CLERK TYPIST, For General Office Work Apply THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE (55t) 45--Male Help Wanted ) | MAN WITH CAR. EARN $1.30 TO $2.00 per hour on nationally advertised Wat- kins Food Routes. No experience neces- sary, age no handicap. full or part time. Apply 244 Tresane, after 6 p.m. (87¢) MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, FULLY Qualified, report for Personal interview to per Viscose GREY GENDRON CONVERTIBLE CAR- riage, good condition. al 3-3348, (58¢c) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR 20 clothing. Reversible and rugs and less Ear shee to 13 feet wide without a sears. aay "length. Solids, one Fi dial 5-1553, Continental Rug Co., Ltd. (Mar19) BICYCLES, = TRICYCLES, NEW used--Sold and exchanged. Repairs to yo] makes. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond St. East, one block west of Ritson Rd. 5 WALNUT $-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE, attractive design. Tea wagon, low price, Dial 3-4316. (58a) ENGLISH PRAM, EXCELLENT CONDI tion. Apply 90 Quebec St. (58¢) "DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE" Unless you get the right one. We carry the largest selection in new and recon- ditioned Sewing Machines. From $20 up. Easy terms -- no interest charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 3-7355 3 ONLY '52 Model Refrigerators Reduced to Sacrifice Prices at WARNER WILLIAMS ELECTRIC 78 Simcoe North (Tues.thurs,sat) APPLIANCE CLEARANCE SALE Pay only 109; down and save up to $100. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 438 SIMOE 8. DIAL 54822 Hurry -- supply is limited! (Mars) 200 AMPT. Fully equipped portable welding machine for rent by the week, Dial 5-2443 before 5.30 p.m. (380) ELNA THE MIRACLE SEWING MACHINE With many special features Exclusive Free Arm Forward and reverse' stitch Darns, mends, embroiders, etc. Modern in design with built-in sewing light, knee-control lever. There is only one genuine Eine. Sold exclusively in Oshawa by . MEAGHERS' S$ KING ST. W. DIAL 3-3425 «TF 39a--Fuel Wood Iso body hardwood. Dial §-: + CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, and soft slabs delivered. bam, Bethany. or 52R12 Blackstock. (Mar16) $22 A CORD, DELIVERED, VERY BEST hardwood for stove or fire place. Phone Port Perry 84R21. (56¢) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL AND FUEL OIL,. PROMPT daily deliveries by metered trucks. Cities Servien Oil Products. Dial 3-9443. (Apr) 40--Articles For Rent FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD AND BAN. quet tables, for rent. Cleve Fox, Oatiavs, (Apré) 41 --Articles Wanted WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, Soran | iron, metal, rags and mattresses. lect. (Marl) SASH FOR YOUR . PIAN Lee. 7» Simcoe N. ANS (Mar23) DIAL (56¢) BAN aos GIRL'S SIDEWALK BICYCLE. 3-2286. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paialtor Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Locai and out-of town calls pick up tree, 100 Annis St east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432 Res. dial 5-4159, (Maris) SHAW RAG and METAL 89 BLOOR EAST Dial 5-2311 J. Shaw Res.: 3-91 Hizhest prices paid for scpap iron, metal, ras. bei'eries, mattresses, ete. Factory accounts appreciated. . wo | r, North Oshawa, 3-2043 col- F Ltd, Ajax. (58¢) EE YOUNG MEN TO WORK EVEN- shift. Apply plant superintendent, General Printers Ltd, 57 Simcoe St. South, (58¢) YOUNG MAN, 2 OR 3 YEARS' HIGH , for position of ticket and informa- tion clerk. Apply Gray Coach Terminal, Prince Street, Thursday. (58b) MOTOR MECHANIC, WITH CLASS A papers -- service station attendant, good wages. Small garage. Write Box 428, Times-Gazette. (56¢. ARE YOU EARNING TOP WAGES? Huge present and future construc- tion, lumber, hydro .and seaway projects creating demand for men skilled in pipe fitting, millwrighting, welding, machine work, and opera- tion of Diesel engifes. Learn all this os well as maintenance of Diesel electric units, in one training. Send coupon for information end free catalogue showing you how easy it is to become a Diesel mechanic without interrupting present income. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Box 417, Times-Gazette NAME ADDRESS erry arses gessvesssscenns espsnsecsccnscend. Ssssssssssensscne 46--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED CounLE DESIRE PART- time work, restaurant, snack bar, etc. with accommedation. Dial 3-2673. (58a) Walch "ana Clock Repairs, Baio your Seno. Pick-up Rap, delivery. Yo Marit) WHY NOT TRY MAE'S MENDING SERV- ice? You'll get more wear from clothes needing repair. Dial 3-4840. (Mar26) REGISTERED NURSE DESIRES POSI- tion, full or part-time. Prefer doctor's of- fice, but gig consider offers. Can start April 1. Write ow Box 846, New Lowell, Ont. (36c) 47--Legal Notices On and after this date, March 6, 1933, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name without my written consent. Builder Fears Labor May Hamper Futwre, TORONTO (CP)--People plan- ning to build need assurance that costs will be stable, John N. Flood of Saint John, N. B., president of the Canadian Construction Associ- ation, said today. Addressing the Toronto Builders' exchange, Mr. Flood said: "The outcome of labor negoti- ations in the building trades in the next few months has an important bearing on whether the prospects for this year's building program will be realized. "It is sincerely hoped that there | will not be a repetition in the building trades this year of 1952's work stoppages, conciliation pro- ceedings and prolonged negotiation periods. . . "In most cases the ultimate settlement approximated the em- ployers' offer and no party gained from these costly work stoppages --the unions, emloyers, or, most of all, the owners." Mr. Flood said re-negotiation of wage agreements had as yet started in relatively few centres, but in most cases unions had re- quested substantial raises, both in connection with basic wage-rates and 'fringe' benefits. "Without an offsetting gain in productivity, demands for higher wage rates will only lead to a reduction in the potential volume ) | of work and decreased employment opportunities," he said. Prospects for an increased vol- Grab Hot Car - Headed North, Hold Driver POWASSAN (CP)--Charles Hep- worth, 32, of Hamilton was ar- rested Sunday on a charge of steal- ing an automobile in Thorold. He is b Be returned to Thorold to stand al. Provincial constable Gerald Kas- ubeck, stationed in this North Bay district town, sald he stopped a car after receiving a radio report that it had been stolen. He said that - the car he found Hepworth, Mrs. Hepworth, their two children and another man who identified himself as Hepworth's brother-in- aw. Three Hurt 5 In Car Crash Near Sarnia STRATHROY (CP)--Two youths and a girl from Sarnia district were brought to hospital here Mon- day night after their car skidded off No. 22 highway and then spun back on the road upside down. "Extent of their injuries was not known but the girl, 17-year-old Phyllis Raymer of Sarnia, whose back was hurt, was believed the 5 | most seriously hurt. The men were Jack Stewart of Sarnia and L. E. Chalkey, who works at Sarnia but whose home is RR 1, St. Paul, both aged 19. was thrown several yards ; {hatkey e car. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 0 ACROSS 4¢8.A son 1. Head cook of Adam 5. DOWN 9. 1. A tight 10. necklace 12. (collog.) 2. In what 13. manner 3. Erbium' (sym.) 4. Iron (sym.) 5. The shank (anat.) 6. Employs 7. Past 8. A high-seas robber 9. A weapon 11. Ventures 13. Poker stake All correct (abbr.) 15. Minister's house 17. Land. measure 18. To have recourse for use 20. Location 22. Cleared the bottom of 24. God of pleasure 14. 36. Unrolled 37. Music note 88, # merican Indian's tent 40. Nickel (sym.) 41. Rub gently 43. Humor 44. Hoist 45. Incites 47. Hagten 15. A way 16. Cant 19. City in 35 Cooking . range RIAIAIOBEOIE 2S] Y OPIS Alabama 21. Norwegian playwright 23. Arrange, as folds 27 Fencing sword 28. Bog 29. Rugged mountain crests 31 Thick cord 32 Culmination 33 Prepares for 45. Roman pound 46. Exist publication N ume of new construction this year were 'reasonably bright" but yf struction contracts awarded so =f this year had shown a 21-per-cent | decrease from the same period last year. ' STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PHUNE WHITBY 552 Memorials © Markers ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern WHAT'S THAT QUEER ODOR OUT HERE IN THE HALL 7... SMELLS LIKE A MIXTURE OF SHOE POLISH AND FLY SPRAY. HOPE IT ISN'T SOMETHING WELL HAVE FOR SUPPER/ The JUDGES THE JUDGE IS IN THE PERFUME BUSINESS AND USESHIS ROOM FOR THE LABORATORY/....I'LL WARN HIM TO LEAVE A WINDOW OPEN, OR. THE AMBULANCE ATTENDANTS WILL HAVE A TOUGH TIME TRYING TO CARRY HIS BULK AROUND THAT I FIRST BLEND VIGOR OIL Co. Lid. | ° FOR THE VERY BEST : NO. 1 STOVE OIL At The Most Reasonable Price! Dial 5-1109 78 Bond St. West | | | | Le BOOSTS PRODUCTION CAPETOWN (CP)--Experiments in the Cape coastal area have shown the unproductive stretch can be turned into, a great food- producing area, says.Dr. I. 8. Per- ola, biological chemist. In the tests copper and cobalt were added to the crop-producing soil and to live- stock feed. AIDS FARMS KARACHI (CP)--Work has star- ted on a fertilizer plant for Pakis- tan to cost more than 000,000, including contributions from the United States. Pakistan has deposits of gypsum, one of the mi jor raw materials used to iid ammonium sulphate. = TT ------------ PRESCRIPTIONS Quikly and Accurately Filled -- at -- MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Diol 3-3431 the "know how". Today you con move easily ond quickly. Do not let your a Yeaining Courses a to see for yourself shows you how. H SCHOOL AUTOMOTIYV! ACCOUNT! SMANSHIP PRIVATE SECRETARY MATHEMATICS DRAFTING Le CALLING ALL MEN! Who want to get ahead Who want to make more money Look around you, at the men with the good jobs, the big pay cheques they are trolned men -- experienced men;--me; These are the men that industry values! into this better trained, more experienced group, You Puig troin yourself at home in your spare time. or lock of experience hold you back. American/School's ave been so thorough t. today thousands of men and women use them to Sacation, their vocation or technical training. how we con prepare you for a better job. ARCHITECTURE SHEET-METAL WORK FOREMANSHIP TOOL MAKING DON'T PUT IT OFF! MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY n with education, -- and complete over the last fifty improve their is your opportunity Free Book Here BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CONTRACT! & UILDING DIESEL TECHNICIAN ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL | AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept. O.T.G., 165 Colborne St., Please send information on training c¢hec NAME Kingston, Ont. me -- without cost. or obligation -- FREE BOOK and complete "MERCURY LINC PIE ~ Weleor BERCURY SALUTES FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 1953 MERCURY CUSTOM FOUR-DOOR SEDAN PEE *xCITIvG new '53 Meteury bs # a style master. piece in the modern tempo. Mercury's style is 'way-ahead today. Tomorrow it will be a tradition. Every day more and more Canadians are enjoying a Road Test in Mercury. Each driver--each rider--is en- thusiastic about Mercury's easier handling--smoothes riding-- pilot-house visibility and livelier performance. Inspect and Road Test "53 Mercury yourself. Yom must see "53 Mercury to fully appreciate its perfection of line and true beauty of interior styling. You muss drive °53 Mercury to experience the thrilling response of the smoother, "53 Mercury 125 Hp. high-compression V- 8 engine! Learn for yourself why '53 Mercury is the greatest performer on any road and is "way-aheadin style. 3-WAY CHOICE IN TRANSMISSIONS: Merc-O-Matic Dries, greatest of all automatic 'drives; ap thrifty Touch-O-Matie Overdrive (both optional at extra cost); or Silent-Ease Syme chronized Standard Transmission. ] Melds and Dumper-grikie guards are acadadie af stra cond. AS ALWAYS BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR "ROAD TEST MERCURY") WAV ¥ EFA A WHITBY CAD IW FOR A 'SAFE-BUY' IN A ERE NEWCASTLE USED CAR BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES NORTH OSHAWA SEE YOUR MERCURY DEALER

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