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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Mar 1953, p. 9

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HARMONY Home and School Assoc. Marks Second Anniversary e Corre RICHER HARMONY -- Harmony Home and School Association marked its second anniversary "Monday night with a gala birthdaysparty. The happy event, which reflected the success of the organization, was well attended, not only by par- ents and well wishers interested in the work being done in the Com- munity, but by several members of fue, Oshawa Home and School Cc! ~ A very Sopaial welcome was ex- to all by the President of the organization, Mrs. Orvilk Souch. Business was kept to a minimum, on order to make the evening's program the unqualified success it was. However, one or two items were of special impor- tance, and were therefore deait with. One was the announcement of.an evening of cards to be held at the school on the evening of b+? rch 18. The other was the ap- ent of delegates to the an- nual convention of the OEA in To- ronto during Easter week. These delegates are Mrs. George Terry, Mrs. Gordon Robinson, and Mrs. Souch. Mrs. Stephen Harkin introduced the guest pianist, Miss Dorothy Clarke, who played as her two numbers: *"Nobody Knows t he Trouble I've Seen' and "London- derry Air", Mrs. Harkin also in- troduced a new song, "Home and School on Parade', and accom- panied Mis§ Mary McDonald, the soloist, who offered as her two numbers, "That's How I Spell Ire land" and the "Kerry Dance" Much humor was injected 'into the entertainment when Mrs. yton Lee, well - known to the ony people, gave two groups readings. She was introduced by Mrs. T. Fountain. GUESTS INTRODUCED Mrs. Souch introduced Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, President of the Home and School Council, Mrs. Sidney Sharples, Mrs. J. H. Val- leau, and Mrs. E A.. Mounce. These ladies had been instrumental in organizing the Association, and were among its closest friends. Mrs. Courtice was asked to cut the € | Atchison, Mrs. J. M, Lambe, Mrs. hirtgay od and "Happy Birth da nent of of Snterest was the tea. table, laid with a white cloth, and centred with a cut-glass vase of daffodils. Point of color were the two lighted tapers, blue i yel- low, further carrying out the color scheme. The beautifully decorated birthday cake, silver and other ap- pointments all combined to make a very Sarg picture. Mrs, Arthur Korry, wife of the school principal, and Mrs. Ray Grills, one of the first Presidents, poured tea. Assisting in serving the guests were: Mrs. E. Noakes, Mrs. Court Stanley Cook, Mrs. ' Jack MeGill, Mrs. Charles Twining, Mrs. don Robinson, and Mr. Hugh Mash, A vote of thanks was extended to the guests and all those taking 'part in the program by Mrs. Ed- ward Rose. INJURED IN FALL Mames Drew, better known jd his old acquaintances as "Jimmy' Harmony's senior male resident, having recently observed his 94th birthday, is in the Oshawa Hospital, recovering from a fall. He was lis- tening to a hockey broadcast last Saturday night, and fell or stumbl- ed on a piece of wood near the stove, He was taken to the hospi tal where he is resting nicely, no bones having been broken. He has severe bruises and swelling, in the area affected. Strangely enough, the ambulance that took him to the hospital had just taken his sister-in-law, Mrs. Vic. Drew, home after injuring her hip in a similar fall. Members of the Harmony Rec- reation Association are one for a large turn-out at their regular meeting tomorrow night at the school. Plans for the coming sea- son will be made, and it is hoped that many parents will be on hand. The CRA will be D-- ed by Wes: gy LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP)--The Arkansas Gazette's shortest editor- ial in its history was devoted Fri- day night to the death of Joseph Stalin, It read: "Sic semper tyran- ' The translation of this Latin ae is '"Thus always to tyrants." ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem THAT ENCHANTING ODOR. § YOU SMELL IN THE TEST TUBE IS THE RESULT OF 27 EXPERIMENTS I MADE BEFORE FINALLY GETTING IT/...DELIGHTFUL, EH? ...I'M CALLING IT 7 ...THIS WILL NEVER GO AS A 7 {T IAS THAT MUSTY SMELL © OF AN OLD TRUNK IN THE ATTIC/ J PERFUME ...BUT IT COULD AS AN INSECT REPELLENT. THE ODOR IS DISAGREEABLE ENOUGH TO MAKE A MOSQUITO BACK "OFF A PERSON/ (® Here's the biggest bargain in fown-- anodized aluminum) {tumblers in eight sparkling colors, filled with delicious cottage cheese! | Vier = ps: Enter the A Dry "WIN-A-PUP CONTEST" Bid forms at your I.D.A. Druggist's STOP that "Utility" HOT WATER BRONCHIDA BOTTLE COUGH $1.33 SYRUP Reg. 1.79 Promptly relieves deep, tight chesty coughs LIVER OIL _ Capsules IDAMALT I.D.A. English Style Extract of Malt & Cod Liver Oil. be Ib. 2 Ib. N OA Erond Reg. 73¢ Reg. 1.19 Biologically assayed and stand- 53c 83c ardized for high potency. 4 Ib, Reg. 2.09 100s 500s Reg. 1.29 Reg. 4.79 153 3.39 * » TRUSHAY LD.A. eforehand ANTACID 37¢ all STOMACH PACQUINS POWDER HAND CREAM for normal skin & for dry skin 47¢c 75¢ (ITALIAN / BALM ~ for chapped hands 37c S59c $1.09 NOXZEMA LOOK LOVELIER Quickly relieves gastric dis- tress by neutralizing excessive 4 Etat WP) 26. 29° digestion. mY 4oz.reg.75c 160x reg. 1.95 NOXZEMA'S NEW § 59¢ 1.59 'HOME FACIAL (SEE PKG. INSERT) -Cout | with LDA safe . "Evelyn Howard" COLD CREAM Theatrical type. Gives your skin an exquisite cleansing. I Ib. jar, 69¢ CLOTHS Good quality terry cloth -- white with colored borders. \ MARY 92 1420 many specials and timely reminders. There are you to save maney on the products used in your home. Check up on your Y aniage of the unusual vales offered during this full week sale at I.D.A. Drug Stores. For (Coughs and (olds - [mono == Is LD.A's annual March a an on o : and ~ 1.D.A. COLD TABLETS Prompt . . . efficient . Jor head colds, headaches, neuralgia. 25 tablets Reg. 50¢ 33¢ A Safe Antiseptic ond Effective Liniment Idarub Mentholated Chest Rub, 3 oz. ...0.u'.... 43¢ Pinex Cough Syru Concentrate +..ceeessrss... TSC Prepared Pinex (Ready to use) .......... 50c, 85¢ Idaphedrin Aqueous Nose Drops 65c DeVilbiss Atomizers ........ «ee. 1.50, 2.00, 3% Mentholatum, | & 3 or. : L.D.A. Baby or Children's Cough $ Infrared Heat Lamp ... 1.55; "Ro vg Bowl" ... 3.08 Privine Nose Drops Sc Musterole, Regular & Children's ..ce0eeveees.. 33c Extra Strong sees $9¢ Thermogene Medicated Wool ....... . 39¢, $1.19 Face-Elle Deluxe Cushioned Tissues, 23¢, 2 for 45¢ ORAL GLINICAL THERMOMETER BRIMM'S PLASTI-LINER Permanent reliner for dentures IPANA Tooth Paste 33¢c, S9¢ 89¢ 1.D.A. Tooth Paste 32¢c S7¢ OOLGATE Dental Cream 33¢, $9¢, 89¢ CASCARA | Aromatic--3 & & ounce, reg. 30c & 50¢ EPSOM SALTS | pound can--Regular 26¢ FLAXSEED Whole Seed--16-ounce carton, reg. 35€ «ecco seencccccnnans 29 LINSEED MEAL iim g? ation. 201,30: Wires hazel 23,89: Pocket & Bobby COMBS Regularly 10¢c each 7¢ 2 for 13c * IDA. COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO Big 8-ounce bottle-- _ 37¢c Regularly 49¢ ; BRECK SPECIAL! 12 or. Breck Shampoo . PLUS 21/3 oz. Breck Hairdess IDA. Brand 650 sheets to each wrapped roll Regularly 2 for 27¢ including Celane and Nylon World's Largest Selling Tints and Dyes } 15°+2%° When you feel tired, nervous, irritable, run- down, fry 79¢ Dr. CHASE'S EL. D. A. MILK of MAGNESIA oh and § bl va and hiv Te tive. Ideal for children as well as adults. 16 oz, reg. 35¢ 32 oz, reg. 80c 0aé SS with Petal-Smooth Covering' 9G REGULAR, / ¢ SUPER, 128 sires" 2/79 ST. M. Reg'd. Box of 48 (Regular) -- $1.53 For the relief of pain of headache, neuralgia, toothache. 5 grains. of Acetylsalicylic Acid in each tablet. 300's 49° for healthier-looki FORMULA 9 Sly Shampoo as $3.75 and $2 "Economy" WRITING PADS #% Linen or Vellum -- I.D.A. Brand NOTE SIZE -- Reg. 10¢ 8¢, 2 for 18¢ LADIES' & LETTER SIZES Reg. 15c--12¢, 2 for 28¢ ENVELOPES Pkg. of 25's, Reg. 10c 8¢, 2 for 15¢ Eno's "Eruit Salt" .. 69¢c, . $1.09 Kkovah Salt 38¢, S9¢, 89¢ Follows Syrup «ceeeesnesc.. $1.49 Scott's Emulsion «eee 73¢, $1.33 Reg. 2.80 value. 1.95 THE DATLY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, March 11, 1083 § DYES ALL FABRICS Jain = na 55 or Giant li i FORMULA 9 only 0 Shampoo as @ gift. These tumblers are similar to the fine-quality tumbler you find in better stores for a dollar or more. They can't chip--can't |break--last a lifetime. They are odorless, tasteless, non-rusting, {shine without polishing. Order your Bascal Tumblers--packed with cottage cheese-- pow. Get a different color every week until your set is completes 1 Chg) OSHAWA DAIRY LTD. SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR KIT Schick Injector Razor and 20 "Gold Pack" Blades. . Smart plastic case. KARN'S DRUG STORE (Next to Post Office) 28 KING ST. E, POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 SIMCOE ST. N. (Next to Loblaws) MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 SIMCOE ST. N. $2.00 Value BORACIC ACID I.D.A. Brand ma. 33¢ World's most popular after - shave lotion, Tingling . . . refresh- ing. Everybody likes 59¢, $1.79 We D Prompt Delivery DIAL 5-4734 DIAL 3-3431 r reg. 8%¢ * HYDROGEN For gloves, PEROXIDE face, .D.A. Brand lotiing! 4, 8, 16 ox.--Reg. 19¢, 29¢, 45¢ I.D.A. 14¢, 23¢, 37¢ B lids spt Remover 4 oz, 20¢ 35¢ ; ¢ 10 rr Te 69% ¢ Rime. Jucliy » eho Jl Lo WASH # DIAL 3-4621

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