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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Mar 1953, p. 11

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¢ \ THE DATLY TIMES-GAZETTE, Welnseler, Mark W, WO8 Wy Pee Wee Baseball Boosters | SCISSORED SPORTS By 1 ® * WINDSOR "CAGERS 'Hold Night At CRA Friday LEAMINGTON, Ont. (CP)--Ken-| 0 19 t t In a nedy Collegiate Clippers of Wind-! The CRA will be the scene of ning will be the loky diave sor scored a 61-49 victory Tuesday many celebrities on Friday night|the boys and their . Herp is a in the first game of a two-game, ag the CRA presents its second | rundown 'on prizes that will be total-point- junior basketball series annual Pee Wee Baseball Booster en: two season's tickets for | with Leamington High School. Win- Night. boy and his father for the Oshawa ners of the series will get a berth| The night was organized last|Merchants home games in the in- in the Western Ontario Secondary | year -for the first time by CRA |ter-county league. These were don- Schools Association basketball fi-| Sports Director, Bill Smith, for the ated by the Oshawa ts nal at London, Ont., next week-|purpose of getting the Pee Wee Baseball Club; two aul od end, Second game of the series| baseball season off to a good [hockey sticks, pictures will be played.-here Friday. start 204 | also vA get the Joys 2nd fom the Dass General 3 ey 3 eir Da gether and interes! ; some 8) m SOOKIE KNOCKED OUT |in°ihe game. of baseball. A. full |Bolahood's Sports Haven: fires Lammers, rookie St. Louis Car-| evening of entertainment has been | autographed programmes by the dinal shortstop, was knocked un-|blanned with the feature guest Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Club conscious when he collided with being Bill Harriss. Scout for 'the land in addition, 300 pictures auto- second baseman Jack Dittmer of | Brooklyn Dodgers of the National graphed by Gil. Hodges of the Boston' Braves Tuesday while ai-|Baseball League. Mr. Harriss is|Brooklyn Dodgers will be given tempting to steal a base. However | flying up from Florida where the away. he wasn't seriously injured. Lam-| Dodgers are presently in spring| At the conclusion of the evening mers' head struck Dittmer's knee |training. He will have many inter- refreshments will he served to the in the crash, The rookie suffered | esting stories to tell about the boys and their fathbrs. Those pre- a convulsion before first aid could | Spring training camp and also sent will get an opportunity to 1k be applied on the field. At hospital | bout the proposed school here this | to the sports celebrities attending. examination disclosed he had a summer. This is cerainly a big night in concussion. Another of the many guests will| Oshawa sporting circles and it s be Mr. L. M. McKenzie, the Athle- hoped that a record crowd will at- UPSET SWEDISH VICTORY {ic Commissioner of Ontario. Mr.|tend this father and son night at BASEL, Switzerland AP)--Swe-| McKenzie is vitally interested in|the CRA this Friday evening. Pro- den upset a strong Czechoslovakian | our haseball setup here in' Oshawa | ceedings will get underway at 7.30 OA 3 the orld hockey Sham. and he will speak Jo those present p.m. and it is advisable to be on Dionstubs | Fuesda: Fg Tui iin on what his office is doing to assist | hand early for this mammoth pro- sports throughout the province of gram. scramble for the world title left| ontario, Boys wishing to play baseball this undefended by Canada. The 8wiss| Also attending will be Mr. Frank |year in the Pee Wee League will be provided another surprise in the Clare coach of the Toronto Argon- given registration forms to fill out tournament by defeating Germany on Friday night and Bill Smith will ; aut Football Club and Grey Cup 3-2 at Zurich. > champions last year. Mr, Clare will [tell of plans for the 1953 season. If you are a sports fan you will answer any questions on football and will also tell stories on the 1952 | want to attend this big night of sports, Friday, March 13th at CRA. - ATTERSLEY FINISHED 4th Junior "A" Scoring Records Reveal Close Race In Points GALT BLACKHAWKS JUNIOR A J. McBurney 55 3 9% K. Wharram 0 74 F. Bonello 56 37 57 J. Sleaver 56 3% 56 H. Menard 55 19 42 Switzer 56 41 40 33 WIN fame. It isn't strictly spotty, but Oshawa is having it's first live jazz show this evening at a certain spot on east King, Street and the guy leading a combo out of milton had some experience studying un- der Mr. G. ..: which we rigure makes the show worth » mention, Further is the fact that Paul Summerville of CKLB sports stati is the gent behind the operation, 'wnich makes the plug sporting, eh? Man here says there'll be dancing after the show ,..but from past shows we've seem, the fans will gather round and shout for more...that is if all goes nicely-nicely. And we figure it will, Three former members of the London Ball juniors who met and 'defeated the Oshawa Transporters in the OBA Junior "A" baseball fin- als a season or so back are now on their way to Florida and the Vero Beach camp of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Fans here will remember the work of Bill Dixem (pitcher and slugger of note) and Les Themas (sparkling thirdbase- man and slugger), but may There are two games sched- uled here in the city this eve- ning to distract the sports fol- lowers. One is a juvenile hockey play-off, the other is a city championship basketball play- off. On the matter of the hockey game, the Hayden Macdonald crew are showing more form than any local team from the City League in some seasons, They've marched past Peter- boro and Kingston and the op- position now is a Toronto crew. This is the first game of the series and should pro- voke a lot of lively interest in the team ...to say the very least. ' One of Canada's schoolboy curling. champs, Dunc Brodie, plays for the team , , , the same guy who Wg oo the odd game up with the Generals last sea- son. Yep, it's good hockey. And it will be good basket- ball down at Simcoe Hall where the two now famous rivals of the Oshawa and Dis- trict Association, the Simcoe Hall Grads and the Merchants square off in the first game of their best-of-three series to 31-1 4 £3 McDonald 56 Lalonde 56 Kowalchuk 54 Bettiol 52 Muckler 54 Mantha 54 Markarian 50 Wilson 56 Halstead 8 Crawford 16 Moore 17 Tiel 23 Ciascini [ ] i 3 1 . DOPOD HNOOIARY Welan Hatt Hogan McMeekin 6 OSHAWA GENERALS B. Atterlsey 56 45 J. Armstrong 56 36 Maissonneuve 58 .. Etcher ." Sinden . McIntosh Parker . Mader Stewart . Collin AHQE>UURIEI RN ATEZE esco-nnuwn SBR » JACK ARMSTRONG large enough to place him 4th in the entire league. Jack Arm- strong, another centre - ice per- fermer for the Generals, finish- ed second in the team's scoring records, with a total of 65 points. G Points 61 on BOB ATTERSLEY he conclusion of the OHA Junior "A" schedule for 1952- 53 reveals that Bobby Attersley headed the Oshawa Generals' scoring race with the fine total of 88 scoring points, a. mark Player Team Jim McBurney, Galt 5 { Grey Cup final. Along with Mr. | 55 LEE EE BE RE EEE TTT Orville Tessier, Kitchener-Barrie . Greg Hicks, Kitchener iy Bob Attersley, Oshawa Ron Murphy, Guelph .. ... Jack Caffery, St. Michael's . Doug Mohns, Barrie Ken Wharram, Galt Brian Cullen, St. Catharines .. PS Wally Maxwell, Marlboros ..... Wana os uimeid JUNIOR "A" GOALKEEPERS' RECORDS Goals 56 Player Team P. ohn Albani, Marlboros ohn Henderson, Marlboros. ..... Norm Delefice, 8t. Catharines .... 11 128 Bd Chadwick, St. Michael's Les Binkley, Galt . Marvin Edwards, St. Doug Lessor, Guelph Gilles Bolsvert, Mike Oirka, Oshawa Tony Parisi, Barrie-Kitch, Lavi Purola, Guelph Bob Holland, Oshawa i BonMBS SESS RE URTRENR | coennnan ENERSBELE J. Ss. J. Fr. 0. L. B. R, P K. i J. D, Moroney B. Colvin B. Hope ST. CATHARINE! Player B. Cullen C. Marshall Will Hass K. Schinkel H. Ciesla H. Barlow Alex Leslie Allan Kellog W. Roberts J. Kastelic D. Poliziani Ed Mateka P. Kamula | I R.- Murphy I. Cushenan D. Nash Bob Maxwell TORONTO MARLBORO W. Maxwell 52 22 McCreareys0 33 MacDonald55 39 Bendo 56 25 Harris 5% Nesterenko34 58 McCarthy 56 Ingram 4 Bionda 5 Burns 33 MacDonald46 Tolton 55 Glover Stoyan Fisher . Sanderson SEN SL TEPPER 20 27 19 12 13 3 DN AA ERNE EEA AE EAR DDO ht dr AN DOOD OOO NN WIRD NW 37 31 women ERE ERB BELS 85» TE G Against Shutouts Average 1.83 256 DODO PO EAN EPEE 4 'John Ford 47 . Hillman . Appleby Ed Lacey Montemurro P. Chapman J. McBeath G. Casey WHEE Enon wABLINLLERFERER R. Murphy . Henderson Connelly Dimma Blair Chalmers Whyte Scott White Gillis Graham Holmes Shack Toneguss Howell Bathgate Wallae Doug Ashley T. Brady Graham Burmister Renaud Restilli Webber Noble Voyce Atkinson WEEE ES >= AEOES0 o ho] = 8 2 5) n° i ~IOIWYTIW . McAlendin Dietrie . Graham Burton Marcotte Horton Arbour Burton Hillman Palamar Price Huggard Craven Kawulia Lamorie McNeil McAteer | KFTCHENER JUNIOR "A" . Hicks , 56 | G. Joyce 56 | B. Horne 50 . Collins 58 . Collins 56 . »' 56 56 uw ~SRRRRTRLRCRRERRRRRXY IWAPHIOEC A> =O >A | | M. Boileau | G. Cressman B. Klinck GULEPH BILTMOR BrurmrrneanwBBuBe a RRERRBRRNBRRRRS Tt et bt ND fb ek fed RE REELR -] DOP dW OE cococcoornnmInnunsnunaEREBRE Soo N~N-NaAninnarD J Lo] COOIINNIAARANNNS Aw ww >» PPP OOD HDD HN ~NNRNRTD i SEEEEEBREEEE E cessonunnSREEERRRY ° J FeRREEBER GS oe enusw ut Qo LE. - ornmsnaeSRERRSESERS 0000S HH"NNNUNANNOR ASB RBIBRR > SRR es (MESS RMER OS PD2ODINWAMN GREENSHIRTS Sit $3 33 } | | decide an ODBA champion. Last year the Grads became the first team to score a grand slam in local basketball. They won both the All-City tourney and the ODBA title. This year the Merchants won the All-City tourney to break in on some of the glory... just what will happen in the current series is anyone's guess. Don't count either team out until the final game, and don't go by past performances, es- pecially in such a short series. Game time there is 8 p.m. . The hockey tussle will begin ot 830 p.m. CHECKLETS -- Remember the Nortown Junior basketball club which the Grads played in Toronto St. Mike's gym a couple of Sundays back . ..and defeated? They played off with Wind- sor AKO in the Junior "A" finals for the OABA title and copped the dwo-game total- points affair 77-80 and 86-57 for a round victory of 163-117. It makes for a new record «++. you see the Fratmen have ' won that crown for the last four seasons in succession! We gets sent by Getz... and by that we mean Stanley Getz of the sax-piaying tribe of Getz' from Four Brothers 58 23 54 48 I. Tennant B, McCord J. Novak Mongeon Vaughan 46 Greenen 56 Stankiwicz18 Youngbergl] Holowaty 10 Gravett Smola Janelle Heideman Mortimer ooo oNOCOOINWN DPODO HOWL NPOI- ooo -HNWADmD 2 3 4 4 LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Then wake wp your liver bile . . . jump out of bed rarin' jo go Life not worth lis It may be the liver! It's a fact! u your liver bile is not i 1H i i i jit Risin BERTIE MEANWELL HER SNOOTY BRIDGE €LUB E saa) Shae DTA or home li' T'S MRS. MEANWELL'S TURN TO ENTERTAIN +++ 50 SHORTLY BEFORE THE GALS ARRIVE, INTO THE SPOTLESS BATHROOM GOES BERTIE TO "CLEAN UP', 7 NEAY AND TIDY HABITS are well worth cultivating. They will be a big help to you personally and even more appreciated by people who share your working HE GALS ARE AT THE FRONT DOOR AS MRS.M TAKES A FINAL LOOK AROUND... BERTIE'S GOING TO BE (N HOT WATER TONIGHT A LOT LATER. THAN HE EXPECTED. BREWERY LIMITED # man not recall Slim Butler a piteh- er Dixon has already signed while the other two are just going down on a if-we-like-em- we'll-sign-"em basis. « +» » by Bob Rife. ICE CHIPS FROM AHL By THE CANADIAN PRESS Pittsburgh Hornets kept alive their hopes of overtaking the pace- setting Cleveland Barons before playoff-time in the American Hoc- key League by routing Hershey Bears 8-2 Tuesday night. The vic- tory cut Cleveland's lead to five points. Pittsburgh has six games left to play, the Barons four. St. Louis Flyers edged Provi- dence 6-5 and broke a fifth-place tie with the Reds. The Flyers are only two ints behind Hershey, currently holding the last of the coveted playoff spots. At Pittsburgh, John McLellan and Bill Ezinicki each scored two goals for the winners. Bob Solin- ger, Willy Marshall, Ray Timgren and Ear] Balfour notched the oth- ers. Lorne Ferguson and Arnie Kullman tallied for the Bears. St. Louis' Guyle Fielder pleased a home-town crowd when he picked up three assists to tie Eddie Olson of Cleveland for the scoring leader- ship. Each has 77 points. Motto McLean, Pete Conacher, Lou Jankowski, Ed Stankiewicz, Joe Lund and Ken Hayden got the St. Louis goals, while Al Baceari and Pete Kapusta each scored twice for Providence and Pat Egan tallied the other. OMHA Survey Shows Injuries Not Numerous TORONTO -- Releasing figures ed and accidents reported, the On- tario Minor Hockey association to- day offered convincing proof that co-operation of players, team' of- ficials and referees with the as- sociation can result in clean, com- paratively accident - free hockey without detracting from the quality of the entertainment offered. With most of the OMHA's fifteen series entering the semi-final rounds, 694 games have been re- ported , to OMHA headquarters. This figure does not include the hundreds of "local league" games, results of which are not reported to OMHA office, Players' certifi- cates show 5,613 players signed to OMHA certificates. Out of this total of 5,613 players taking part in at least 694 games (and more than a thousand local league games), twenty-eight injur- ies have been rportd, and three accident insurance claimed com- pleted. The three claims complet- ed are for $50, $35 and $25. The balance includes ane broken leg, one broken arm, one broken nose, and two in which dental treatment only was required. Of the remaining accidents re- poried, seven have idicated that njury costs will not exceed twenty- | five dollars, and the rest of the reports indicated that the claim (form was being requested 'in case {of mecessity", but that it was not in connection with players register- | Clare will be a couple of the Do- minion champion Argonauts. Another well-known guest will be Lloyd Percival, director of the fam- | ous Sports College, and he will tell | the boys how to play better base-! ball. Mr. Percival is well-known | in the sports field for his training | {of athletes and while he is here | in Oshawa he, will do a tape record. | ing for his Weekly sports show which comes coast to coast on the C Mr. Purdue, public relations di- | rector of the Toronto Maple Leaf | Baseball Club will also be present and he will give a rundown on the 1952 Toronto Maple Leafs and their plans for the coming International League season. ! There will also be representa- tives from the Oshawa Generals | Hockey Club, the sports staff of- The Times-Gazette and Radio Sta- tion CKLB. On top of this the 1952 World Series film between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Yankees and these films will be on interest to young and old alike. ! Possibly the highlight of the eve. lo Wo RINARY [Le 'Appr DISCy | likely they would exceed the ten, ! dollars minimum claim. ow AC Ik 867 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO Distinctive Ww 0 DESOTO FIREDOME V-8 FOUR-DOOR SEDAM in power, in style, in performance You'll be a standout in any 'company in a new 1953 DeSoto -- either the luxurious DeSoto FireDome V-8, or the big, smooth-performing Powermaster Six. ; Both cars bring you automobile styling at its freshest and finest . . . distinctively different, as you can quickly see. For proof of their outstand- ing performance, drive these no-shift DeSotos at your first opportunity. You will be thrilled and delighted. "DeSo TWO, SMOOTH, POWERFUL ENGINES The ultra-modern FireDome V-8 engine lets you cruise smoothly and safely at highway speeds--with plenty of power in hand for any emergency. The economical Powermaster 6 answers easily to all the demands of modern motoring and, combined with Fluid Torque gives unexoelled all-round performance in its class. SAFE, SIMPLE FULL POWER STEERING Drive * DeSoto Full Power Steering does 4/5ths. of the work of wheel-turning for you--whenever the engine is running--whether moving or standing still. child's play, even in tight spots.* EASY, SURE STOPS arking ie Just a slight pressure on the brake pedal brings you an easy sure stop under all conditions in a DeSote equipped with Power Brakes. Malate "Tip-Tos™ Bhift, finest of no-shift driving, standard equipment on all models. Fluid Torque Drive for sprinter starts and DeSoto Full Power Steering available.on all models at extra oost. Power Brakes available en FireDome models at extra ceed (O SEE THEM AT YOUR DODGE-DESOTO DEALER TODAY...LET A DEMONSTRATION CONVINCE YOU '

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