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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Mar 1953, p. 5

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PICKERING HIGH SCHOOL GROUP IN DRAMA FESTIVAL sent the play, *'Campbell of Kil- Pictured above are students from Pickering High School who will compete with Newmarket and Scarboro High Schools in the | Third Preliminary of Simpson's Collegiate Drama Festival at Pickering on Friday, March 13th. From 1. to r. they are: Johm Newell! Ken Chafen, Pat Shipton, Bert Cafik, David Pegg, and Barbara Knips. Directed by Mr. C. D. Jolliffe, the cast will pre- mohr"', Photo by Ann Abbott, ji AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Pickering 355-J-3 AJAX -- At the regular aneeting for March of the Ajax-Varsily|P Chapter, IODE, held in the Board IODE Appoints Its Conveners For Year The following conveners were ap- ointed for the year 1953-54: Empire and World Affairs, Mrs. |Couples Club Meeting Planned AJAX--The monthly meeting of the Couples' Club will be keld this coming Friday, March 13, at 8.30 p.m., in the church. An interesting program has been arranged by the committee which will include sing- ing, the showing of two films, and light refreshments. All married couples of the parish have been invited to attend this evening of fellowship. On Thursddy of this week, March 12, an all-day quilting bee is being held by the Naomi Group of the W.A., at the church. The ladies are bringing their lunches with them, and a pot-luck dinner is being ar- ranged. The Alpha Croup holds it regular monthly meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the church. The monthly meeting of the par- ent group of the WA will be held next Wednesday, March 18, in the church. All ladies are asked to keep this date open. Badges Awarded To Girl Guides AJAX -- (Times-Gazette Staff Reporter) -- 8ix Ajax Girl Guides were presented with their, 2nd Class Badges by Captain Iona Po- cock at the Guides last meeting. To earn these badges the girls are required to pass tests in Handi- craft, Health, and Intelligence. Each of the girls, Donna New- some, Marion Johnsion, Be!sy Johnston, Sharon Smith, Gail Mec- Luhan and Donna McLuhan receiv- ed their badges with all due cere- mony. Ajax Guide Patrol Leaders will attend the Guiders Conference in Oshawa on April 9 THE PASSING YEARS On Friday, February 5, an en- rollment meeting was held of the 1ccal Girl Guide organization. The enrcllment exercises were held un- der the direction of Mrs. Hobbs, district Commissioner from Osh- awa. Elizabeth Schell was enrolled as Captain and Joyce Schell and Mary McNiven as her Lieutenants. Twenty five uniformed Guides from Oshawa and several members of the local organzation attended the ceremony which was held in the Ajax School. An organization meet- ing was held on February 8 and the first regular meeting on Feb- rary 15. Hydro To Build Sub-Station At Trenton Airport Ontario Hydro will construct one mile of 44,000-volt line and a new 44,000-volt substation, plus addi- tional feeder lines at Trenton Air- pert to take care of expanding load at this hub of Canada's air de- fence program, Chairman Robert H. Saunders announced today. Plans call for these facilities to be placed in service by late Sum- mer at a cost of $141,500 of which $121,500 will be borne by the De- partment of National Defence. Trenton Airport is now supplied at 6,600 volts from Ontario Hydro's Sidney Transformer Station some three miles distant from Trenton. The new distributing station, to be owned by the Department of Na- tional Defence, will eliminate ow! voltage conditions created hy the heavy load increase of the past few months, and will take care of estimated future requirements. No Extension Of License Time Hon. George H. Doucett, Ontario Minister of Highways, warned to- day that there will be no further extension of time for use of 1952 motor vehicle permits and drivers' licences. Procrastinating motorists said to number thousands who have not yet got 1953 permits and li- eenses, are advised to act at once and thus avoid last-minute bottle- necks in issuing offices through- out Ontario, especially in Toronto and other major cities. Deadline for use of 1952 motor vehicle permits and drivers li- censes, as previously nnounced, is midnight, Wednesday, March 18. $ Immediately following, any with- out proper 1953 permits and li- censes, as previcusly announced is tion and, on conviction, fines rang- ing up to $50 even for first of- fenders. Only by prompt action can many of Ontario's motorists hope to avoid delays due to swamping of issuing staffs or risk of police ac- tion and prosecution if warnings issued are ignored. Motor Vehicles Branch of the Ontario Départment of Highways THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Welnesfay, March 11, 1953 § ~ BOWMANVILLE REPRESENTATIVE--HENRY HOLFORD AND DISTRICT PHONE 881 BOWMANVILLE --- Plans for warble fly control work in the township were laid at a meeting of the Darlington Township Coun- cil last week. It was agreed that individual farmers will pay for the spray material and the township will pay for the inspector at a rate of $1 per hour and 8 cents a mile for travelling expenses. The ap- pointment of the inspector was left in the hands of G. B. Rickard and Ross Stevens who will report at an early meeting of council. Arrangements were made to buy spray material. Council discussed Robert Sim's claim for sheep damage and de- cided to pay $175. It was decided to purchase a Darlington Council Plans Warble Fly Control Assistance {ruck from Bond Brothers at the tender price of $7,378.70. F, G. Smith and Fred Partner were named as a committee to secure costs, etc., relative to re- foresting 35 acres of township " in Lot 1, Concession 9. C. Miller addressed the council regarding stand-by time during the winter months. Council voiced its sympathy to him and will reime burse him at the end of the winter season, Cecil Lockwood will be notified that if he does not take the logs out of the mill bridge, when a heavy rain occurs, he will be held responsible for damages to roads. It was decided that a special meeting of council will be held on Thursday night, March 12. Motor Sales Go Over $74 Billion NEW YORK (AP) -- General Motors Corp., world's largest in- dustrial firm, sold more than $7.- 500,000,000 of its products in 1952, a record. It paid total taxes of more than 1,000, It made nearly $559,000,000 in profits. These figures were disclosed Tuesday in the annual Fopors. 1p 488,000 stockholders by: Alfred P. Sloan, chairman, and Harlow H. Curtice, the new president who succeeded Charles E. Wilson when he became defence secrtary in th Eisenhower cabinet. . The net sales of $7,549,154,419 compared with $7,531,086,846 in the previous record year of 1950. ; The 1952 net income of '$558,721, 179 was equivalent to $6.25 a coms mon share after payment of $12, 928,313 in preferred dividends. this was the third highest in the com- pany's history. Sales from production of 'GM plants in Canada totalled 199,763 cars and trucks. Want to buy, sell or trade? A Classified Ad and the deal is made. SALLY'S SALLIES Anniversary Is Observed By Ajax United Church AJAX -- The United Church in|concerning the part of the Chris- Ajax celebrated its third annivers- tian and the Church in the world. i Under the able direction of Mrs. ary at the mo g and evening Jean Mills the choir anthem "Geth- services on Sunday, March 8. In semane Hymn" by Redhead, and the morning » guest preacher, ! Mesdames Dowden and MacDuff Rev. J. R. Mwchmore, DD, Sec-|and Misses Mason and Wiles sang -Decoration. |Gladys Hamen. retary of the Board of Evangelism |a double duet, "Bless this House" | The members were asked by the FASHION SHOW PLANS and Social Service of the United |by. Bralie at the morning service. Hospital Convener, Mrs. R. A. Con-| The plans and preparations for Church, spoke to a capacity con. (In the evening the choir sang the ant if they approved the name of the IODE Fashion Show at Rotary gregation. Dr. Muchmor preached |anthems "Angel Voices Ever Sing- |The Duke of Edinburgh Hospital Hall, Ajax Monday March 23 are on the subject "Christ's Own," |ing" by Bortniansky, and 'Fierce which has been suggested to re-|progressing. The evening will be choosing for the scriptural basis (was the Wild Billow. |place the name of The Ajax and highly entertaining and everyone of his sermon St. John 1:1-14. The minister Rev. A. H. Mc-| pickering Township General Hos- will be afforded the opportunity Dr. Mutchmore pointed out to [Lachlan conducted both services pital, It was unanimously approv- of viewing first hand the latest the congregatisn that the unique |and introduced the guest preach- ed. fashions. charcher of the church lies in the | ers. - | Mrs. Velma Cloutier a new mem-| All the merchants and industries oneness of its members in the fel-| OPEN HOUSE HELD |ber, was welcomed ny the Regent approached for gifts have been Jowship of Christ; that the actions| Following the evening service and presented with a constitution Helen Ballanger; Tel - / allanger: Telephone Con reports that owners of commercial vehicles and trailers, whose time for use of 1952 permits was ex- tended to midnight, Wednesday, March 25, are seiting an example by taking advantage of the leee- way granted. ATAX PERSONALS AJAX--Congratulations to Mr. Scott Russell who celebrated his birthday on Saturday, March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Falling and baby son Daniel visited: Mrs. Full- ing's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheaver on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, D. R McRae and Miss Mary McRae spent Saturday in Cobourg Congratulations to Miss Mary M. BOWLIG LEAGUE TEAM STANDING AJAX -- Standing of teams in the Ajax Industrial Bowling Associ- ation at the end of the 3rd series is as follows: Pins Hudson's Bay 1.G Huxters : The Boys K.IL. room of Rotary Hall, the Regent, |yener Mrs, B. Humphrey: films, Mrs. Rundle occupied the chair.|Mrs. Ruth Benson; hospital, Mrs. There were 17 members present Frances Conant; Immigration and and 1 guest. Canadianization, re Eve Davis; embership, Mrs. Norma Slater; In connection with Yue: Corona. | Brass and Publicity, Mrs. Ruth tion pogram the following com-| Brace; Services at Home and mittees were appointed; Essay Abroad, Mrs: on Seam; Cana- an ociation of onsumers, contest, Refreshment Booth and nj.g a "Davolin; Hospitality, Mrs. Dowty Rotarians 20957 Lawrence and Rowland 20888 Kinsmen and Legion 21615 Sweetman's Transport 21193 Tully Townson 21105 Rowlands 21008 Marketeria 20234 Hill-Cornish most. co-operative and to date ov- of each member have their effect on all members and that therefore it is the duty of the Christian in all his actions to consider the wel- fare of all others and especially of "the weaker brother." Dr. Mut- chmor. stated that the 'most "im- pore thing for all members of church to keep in mind is, that in anything that affects the whole of the Church and commun- ity and in all decisions that must be made, the unity of the Church and its fellowship in Christ must be maintained. EVENING SERVICE ; The guest preacher at the even- ing service was Rev. A. E. Young, of Pickering 'United Church. Rev. Young chose as his sermon topic "The Blind Beggar' in which he ably expounded the meaning and significance for the church and our day of the account in Luke 18:35-43 of the blind beggar's en- ter with Jesus. He challenged the congregation to examine the blind attitude of mere satisfaction with respectability so common in the Church and to look to the great Rev. and Mrs, McLachlan held op- en house for the congregation at the manse, where they entertained a large number of members and friends of the congregation. The Young People of the YPU journeyed by car to Bowmanville on Monday eyshing to attend a skating party held by the Oshawa Presbytery YPU. Everyone had an enjoyable time. APPROVE CHURCH PLANS Following the morning service on Anniversary Sunday the ccngrega- tion met to consider the revised plans for the new church as de- by the Architect, S. Kent, and presented by Building Com- mittee. W. Laycock, chairman of the Building Committee, called on Alex. Russell to explain the plans. Mr. Russell presented them very clearly. After some discussion, Rev. A. H. McLachlan called for the vote on a motion to approve of the plans and present them to Presbytery. This motion was un- animously passed by the congre- gation, which had shown great in- and enthusiasm for the pro- and badge. e r 25 gifts have been donated. Liquor Vote On AJAX--Those entitled to vote at next Monday's liquor plebiscite are Ajax residents over the age of 21 years, who are Cangdian citi- zens or British subjects and have lived in Ontario for one year, and the voters list, but who meet the above qualifications, may be vouched for cn election day by any person who votes at the same Residents Eligible For and the count for or against each question is recorded. For any ques- tion to carry, it must be accorded 60 per cent of the votes cast. In other words, if 3 out of 5 of the in Ajax for two months prior to| "yms March 16. Persons who are mot on Yolen yore »" 'that question close at 7 p.m. Each voter will be! handed 8-ballots when he or she enters the poll. Monday es. The polls open at 8 a.m. and | poll, There are eight questions to be submitted to the electors. Each is on a separate ballot and it is most importa that all ballots be mark- Northern Africa, stretches for 650 miles along the Mediterranean coast. "Migeria, a French territory in Kaspersky, 815; 20293 7 High averages: G. Simpson, 218; D. Walker, 216; A. Kaspersky, 216; A. Wiles, 216; A. Doer, 213; E. Steer, 210; D. Kemp, 208; T. Fili- powicz, 208; C Winter, Baker, 207; D. Caldwell, 205; W. 207; J. Hewitt, 200. High triple without handicap, A. high triple with handicap, J. Baker, 921; high single without handicap W. Clcss, 300; high single with handicap, J. Bak- er, 379. By virtue of a higher pin-fall for the third series, the I.G.A. team edged Huxter's and now qualify for the play-offs with Rotarians and Hudson's Bay. UP-TO-DATE SHERINGHAM, England (CP)-- (John High, 72-year-old blacksmith in this Norfolk town, modernize his business. He equip- ped a motor-truck with a forge, anvil and we!?'~7 equipment as a travelling smithy. ' decided to ed. Each individual question stands by itself. When the polls close, all E-- Rae in obtaining first class honors in her eighth grade vocal examina- tions last week at the Conservatory of Music. Mr. Lynn Williams will leave by air for Sault St. Marie on Thurs- day for a business appointment. The rummage sale planned by the Club Fidelis in aid of their hospital project will be held in the March 19. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mills were din- ner guests of Mr, and Mrs, James Mifls, Oshawa Airport on Sunday. Copr. 1953, King Features Syndicate, Inc., \ rid nights reserved. "Don't let us keep you up. We don't want to run out your welcome." ural Look lovelierin10 days "Skin Specialists Facial terest necessity for new vision and sight 'jected church building. ballots are sorted and counted, = Cokeisonthemenu! Its so good with meals There it Is--right next to soups; meats and desserts. Yes, Coke with meals is growing fast ACCIDENT-FREE DRIVERS ELIGIBLE FOR PREFERRED RATES Tn recognition of those drivers who drive their cars ind manner which safeguards the lives and property of others, the 169 automobile insuranee companies, mem- bers of the Canadian Underwriters Association, are introducing, effective April 1, 1953, the... "/y - "PREFERRED RISK" RATING PLAN" YOU Can Help to Reduce Accidents and Promote Safety by "Vancouver. "1 find Noxzema keeps my skin fresh and un- blemished," says J Horp "It's a fine grease- less night-cream." Save these directions! Follow them daily fora lovelier-looking complexionl Mornings 1. For thor- ough cleansing apply Noxzema liberally to face Do you-long for a skin that wins compliments--that looks softer, smoother? - @ Then we urge you to try Noxzema's simple, sensible 4-step Beauty Routine. It was developed by a great skin spe- clalist. And in actual clinical tests, it has helped the complexions of 4 out of to/look lovelier. It should do end neck. Then with a Toronto. "My skin cloth wrung out in warm has a tendency te y Water ' "creawy-wash" as ; becomg dry and you would wibeep and p flaky looking," says water. How clean and Marilyn Lavis. fresh your skin looks. Not ; "Noxzema helps a bit dry or drawn. 2, Ap- keep it soft and ply Noxzema lightly as powder base. Si smooth." It holds make-up beautifully and helps protect your skin all day. Evening: 3. "Cream- wash" aggin less No: completely it washes away make-up and dirt. 4. Now apply Noxzema as your night cream to help your skin look softer and smoother. Pat a bit extra overanyblemishestohelp heal them during the night. It's med- icated--that's the secret! Greaseless, too. No smeary face! No messy pil- low when you use Noxzemal by reds of women with remarkable stilts. Read how delighted the two omen at the right are with the way Noxzema improved dry skin and helped heal blemishes. Noxzema works or money back! It's a medicated formula. That's one se- cretof Ni 's ing effecti: Follow simple directions at right-- for 10 days. If not delighted with re- .sults, return jar to Noxzema, Toronto-- your money will be cheerfully refunded! Take advantage of Look Lovelier Offer ~get Noxzema Skin Cream todayl - '*Eligible for a 20% reduction off the new public liability and pro-. perty damage premiums are all pleasure car drivers (over 25 years of age) who have had a three-year record of accident-free driving.' SEE YOUR OWN INSURANCE AGENT FOR COMPLETE DETAILS! CANADIAN UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION ' r vse this trial jor--see how much thorized bottler of Cosn-Cola under contrast with Coca-Cola Ld 1 | ® lovelier your complexion looks} HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES 145 KING ST. w. : ~~. PHONE 3-2733 "Coke™ Is @ registered trade-merk. : then save money by getting * GIANT 10 oz. JAR only $1.25. Tussin oii

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