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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Mar 1953, p. 8

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Flay wih JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR onern DIAL 3-2233 $ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, March 11, 1953 PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Mills and fir. Thomas Richardson have re- turned from a month's motor trip through Florida. . Out of town guests at the Heney- Bone wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Budai and Miss Sylvia Budai of Welland. Mrs. E. Brennan of Toronto, Mr. Hadaro, London. Mrs. Arthur Clark and Mrs. Al- fred Harrell will convene the card party being held in the. Hillcroft Street scout hall on Friday. March 13, under the auspices of the 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Mnthe x . Mrs. Dwight Bunner will welcome the guess. Mrs. Walter Kilburn, Mrs. Garth Trevaill and Mrs. Frank Thompson of Taunton attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Mr. Nat. I | Ray. Mr. Ray who was a native of ~ "PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY The marriage was solemnized recently of Harriett Saunders and Robert S. Gutsole who first became acquainted as members of the Golden ,Age Club. The couple who came to Canada from the same corner of Kent-- Mrs. Saunders from Folkestone and Mr. Gutsole from Dover, are both well-known residents of wa, ~--Photo by Hornsby Studio Eleanor J. Bone, Steven A. Heney Wed in King St. United Church An all white basket of snapdrag- ons, stocks and carnations flanked with tall standards of ferns formed the setting in King Street United Church last Saturday afternoon for hter of Mr. and Mrs. William e, was united in marriage with Steven Alexander Heney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Heney, all of Oshawa. The Reverend Mervin A. Bury, MA, BD, performed the ceremony, and Mr. Wallace Young, Mus. B.,, ATCM, church organist, played the wedding 'music. Given in marriage by her father the bride chose a gown of drift white Chantilly lace over satin. The hip length bodice, featured an oval neckline and short sleeves com- plemented with elbow length mat- ching mittens. The fully gathered skirt fell in soft folds. A bonnet fashioned from lace from her gown held her veil of tulle illusion, which ed to the hem of her gown. 8he wore the bridegroom's gift, a single strand of pearls, and carried oolonial bouquet of Johanna Hill roses with tulle florets and long white ribbon streamers. Mrs. Robert E. Stewart was mat- ron of honor for her sister wearing 8 gown of navy blue ribbon lace, over taffeta, fashioned with a fitted bodice and a slim straight skirt with which she wore a matching bolero jacket. Her headdress was a bandeau of pleated navy corded ribbon accented with a pink ostrich Gughier when Eleanor June, | feather. She wore pink gloves, and [ias carried a nosegay of pink delight roses with ivy leaves and pink rib- bon streamers. Mr. Robert Tumey performed the duties of best man and the ushers were Mr. Elmer Matyas of Toronto and Mr. Robert E. Stewart, broth- er-dn-law of the bride. The reception was held at the e of the bride's parents, Church Street, where snapdragons, BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Do Jou gasp, Wheere and fight for breath, n't get proper sleep? Templeton's RAZ MAH capsules help you to breathe easily, relieved of wheezing and gasping. y loosen tight-packed phlegm in bronchial tubes, so it comes away easily. Sleep and work in comfort, take RAZ. MAH today. 65¢, $1.35 at druggists. 2-55 stocks and carnations in shades of pink and white graced the rooms. To receive the guests the bride's mother wore an afternoon dress of smoke grey plisse, a small hat of pink milan straw trimmed with tiny pink flowers and narrow green velvet ribbon. Her agcessories were pink, and pink sweetheart roses comprised her waist corsage.. The bridegroom's mother assisted chose a street length dress of a charcoal Srey with beaded motifs. a white straw hat with navy blue accents, navy blue accessories and a corsage of red pinochio roses. A three tier pedestal cake set in white tulle and ped with pink rosebuds centered the brideé's table which was 'illuminated with pink tapers in silver candlesticks. The Reverend Bury offered grace and later as toastmater, proposed a toast to the bride. Mr. Robert Tumey also toasted the bridal couple. Serving the wedding party and guests were Miss V. Heney, Miss Mary Grace Austin, Mrs. Roy Blig- don, Mrs. John Sharpe, Miss Gwen M. Wilson and Miss Margaret Bone. Mr. and Mrs. Heney left in the early evening for their honeymoon which will be spent in the United States. For travelling the bride wore a dress of celestial blue wool jersey, a small matching felt hat, a black seal shortie coat, black accessor- ves, and a corsage of white garden- On their return Mr. and Mrs. Heney will live in Oshawa. The bridal bouquet was caught by Miss Gwen M.) Wilson, FLUTE BAND AUX. The monthly meeting of the Sona of Ulster Flute Band Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Alex Martin Stacey Avenue. Presi- dent Mrs, Walter Dawe presided. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. John Shearer, Mrs, Harry Braiden read the minutes and roll call. It was decided to have a St. Patrick's tea on Tuesday, March 17 at the home of Mrs, Alex Mar- tin, Stacey Avenuk at 230. The next meeting is to be held.at the home of Mrs. Robert McClimond, Buena Vista. gor TELEVISION at home tomorrow FREE! Our AN RCAVICTOR in your home within 24 hours RCA VICTOR Townsman Big 17 inch Screen ) 5 RCA VICTOR Qualify | % Only $329.50 wainr A Phone now for full details MEAGHER'S 8 KING ST. W. PHONE 3-3425 FREE Home Trial Plan puts ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART © 92 SIMCOE ST. N. Whitby, died suddenly: in Florida where he was vacationing. Mrs. Uriah Jones Becomes President Of Local VON At the annual meeting of the] J Victorian Order of Nurses held last 'night Mrs. Uriah Jones was elect- ed president of the board; Dr. Thelma Blair was named first vice- president; Mrs. F, H. Wetmore, second vice-president. The treasur- er is Colin Bird and the secretary, Miss Kate Connolly. The Board df Governors of the VON for Canada are Mrs. R. 8S. McLaughlin, Mr. A. G. Storie and Mr. W. H. Wecker. Honorary members are Mrs. E. V. Lander, Mrs. B. A. Brown, Mrs, A. W. Smith, Mr. William Boddy, Canon D. M. Rose. * Board of Management: Dr. A. F. Mackay, Mr. N. S. McFadyen, Al- derman Clifford Harman, Mr. E, F. Bastedo, Mr. J. D. Graham plus five executive members of the Board and the 'chairman of each committee, The committees for 1953 are as follows: Supply Committee: Mrs. Harold Sproule (chairman), Mrs. A. F. Annis, Mrs. A. H. Crockett. Medical Advisory Committee: Dr. M. P. Townsend (chairman), Dr. J. E. Todd, Dr, W. G. Watt. Publicity Committee: Mr. L. W. McConkey (chairman), The Rev. H. D. Cleverdon, Mr. W. A. Hol- land, Mr. D. H, Lander, Finance Committee: Mr. L. 8. Hyman (chairman), Mr. N. 8S. McFadyen, Colin Bird. Nominating Committee: Dr. George Telford (chairman), Mrs. Uriah Jones, Dr. A. F. Mackay, Mr, E, F. Bastedo, Mr. J. D. Gra- Bedside Nursing in the Home Continues to be Chie In her report at the annual meet. ing of the Oshawa Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses held last evening at Adelaide House Miss Edna Knutson, nurse-in- charge, stated that the aim of the f | VON had been and would continue to be to provide bedside nursing care in the home under the doctor's supervision to everyone in the com- munity who would benefit from such a service. {) MISS EDNA ENUTSON Reviewing the statistics for the year 1952 it was interesting to note that the trend was toward more and better nursing care than ever be- fore. Early in the year Miss Edythe Young was transferred to the Ot- tawa Branch and her place was filled by Miss Bessie Snowden. Miss Roberta MacDonald and Mrs. Agnes Messent substituted during annual vacations of the regular nurses. On December 1 a full time nurse joined th® staff in the person of Miss Ellen Christensen from Copenhagen, Denmark. The nurses had attended a ser- ies of lectures sponsored by the Civil Defence on nursing - as re- lated to atomic warfare and had begun a new project, namely, a Staff Education program which presented valuable opportunities for staff development. During the year 473 cases were|. admitted for service, 49 percent of which were for general care and 51 percent for new-born nursing care and obstetrical advice. OVER 3,000 VISITS Visits for 1952 totalled 3,639, ap- proximately 10 percent less than Golden Jubilee Chapter Welcomes Honorary Regents & New Members At the second meeting for 1953 of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE on Monday evening, Mrs. E. G. Storie, Regent, welcomed Mrs. T., K. Creighton and Mrs, W. J. Naylor as honorary regents for 1953. Mrs. 8. J. Hopkins, treasurer, proposed a budget for the year, giv- ing a high incentive to all members. Plans are being made bv Mrs. 8. A. Willson for the adoption of a public school in the northern parts of Canada where help is so much ne i Mrs. Roy Day, convener for serv- ices at home and abroad, promis- ed an interesting line up of her work. She has divided members into groups of ten, meeting in sep- arate . homes to do knitting and se for the Chapter's work abroad. All such articles worked by the members last year have al- ready been gratefully acknowledg- ed by provincial headquarters in Hamilton. Mrs. Vernon Walker has kindly consented. to be the official dele- joie to the provincial convention to held in Hamilton on April 22, 23 and 24. Mrs. E. G. Storie and Mrs. Decree McLaughlin will also at- tend. Mrs. T. L. Horton, Golden Age Club convener, has. promised fun for the Golden Age Club at their annual birthday party April 2. Interest runs high in the display of Spode to be held in St. An- drew's Church on the evening of March 25. Mrs. E. A. Bassett is planning this demonstration which consists of a lecture on Spode, set~ of the china, lucky draws and refreshments. Tickets may be obtained from members. Three new members were enroll- ed by Mrs. Storie. Mrs. Edward PHONE 5-4711 Bind, Mrs. W. H. Faint and Mrs, | Gordon Baker were welcomed. . Really BARKED the old-fashioned S\\ NZ EBAY PORK AND TOMATO S Mrs. H. E. Parr has consented to act as representative for the Chap- ter to the local Coronation meet- ings. Highlight of an inspiring meet- ing was the reading of an address given by Dr. Marion Bates at the provincial conference IODE at Ha- milton last year. This address so impressed the delegates that Dr. Bates was asked for it and Mrs. W. F. Taylor presented it to the members. In it Dr. Bates analyzed the Prayer of the Order: "Almightly God, our Heavenly Father, we praise Thee for the blessings of our homes; for the ful- ness of life and opportunity in this Dominion; and for the ties which find us tcgether within our Em- pire. We beseech Thee to bless our Queen and Royal Family, and to guide and direct all who sit in au- thority over us. Grant that peace and the spirit of brotherhood may prevail throughout the world. Par- don our sins and accept our thans- giving. Give to each member of our Order grace to serve Thee faith- fully and to labour loyally for the welfare of our country; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord." A little starch added to washable rugs that slip too easily will keep them from slipping and prevent accidents. im of VON the total for last year. Of the visits, 82 percent were made for the pur- pose of giving bedside nursing care and 18 percent for demon- strating the baby bath and in- structing mothers. Last year 67 percent of the visits were for bed- side nursing care, There were 303 more nursing care visits made this year than last, she said. A total of 4,488 hours were spent on duty by the nurses and the time per visit was 74 minutes, consider- ably higher than that of 57 minutes for last year. This was due mainly to the increase in nursing care visits which required more time than health instruction visits. Fees collected for the year total- led $2,065.50 made up of $390.25 for Metropolitan Life 'Insurance service, $175.50 from the Cancer Society and the remainder for gen- eral nursing services. The cost per visit was $1.65 and the actual charge of $1.50. As of December 81, 1952, the MLI nursing service was conclud- ed but all the MLI policyholders a may still have the services of the VON on payment of its modest fee, she remarked. TRIBUTES PAID In closing her report Miss Knuit- son paid tribute to the Board mem- bers to the local doctors, the Times-Gazette and Radio Station CKLB, Dr. 'A. F. Mackay, Miss Gertrude Tucker, and the staff of the local Board of Health, Miss Mary Bourne and staff 'of the OGH, Miss Doris Moore and staff of the Hcmemaker Service, Mrs, Mack Soanes and staff of the Nurs- es' Registry, Mrs, O. D. Friend of the Canadian Cancer Society, Mr. Harold McNeill and staff of Sim- Loe Hall,eMrs. A. W. Smith of the Red Cross Loan Cupboard, the ser- vice department of the Ontario Motor Sales, Miss Marion Bannon and staff of the Welfare Depart- ment, the local druggists, the Ser- MRS. URIAH JONES At the annual meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses held at Adelaide House last evening, Mrs. Uriah MRS. A. W. SMITH Jones was elected as president. She succeeds Mrs. A. W. Smith who has been president for the past year. vice Clubs, Church organizations, merchants and all those who had in any way contributed toward the furtherance of the VON program of providing better bedside nursing care in the home at a nominal cost. Mrs. Uriah Jones, first vice- president, presided in the absence of Mrs. A. W. Smith, president, who was absent on account of ill- ness, Mrs. Jones, who had been acting president for several months, paid tribute to the work of the VON nurses. She also ex- pressed appreciation for the co- operation she had received from the board of directors, The Times- Gazette, the members of the City Council, the Oshawa Community Chest, officials, the 'members of the Board of the Public Utilities and all those who had assisted in any way. SECRETARY'S REPORT In her report Miss Kate Connol- ly, secretary, stated that during the year nine meetings of the Board of Management had been held with ah average attendance of seven which was below the average of the preceding two years. All phases of the operation of the Oshawa Branch had been dealt with at these meetings with any matters requiring special atten- tion being referred to their rela- tive committees. Early in the yesr, Mr, L. W. McConkey joined the Board and was appointed convenor of the publicity committee. The Oshawa Branch was repre- sented at the National Comventien held in Ottawa during May by Mrs, Uriah Jones. During the comm ty chest drive last fall the was represented by Miss Knutsea and the secretary at the Rotary Club luncheon. FINANCIAL REPORT The financial report as presented by the treasurer, Mr. N. S. M den, showed expenditures of $8,» 038.98 as against receipts of $7, 714.94. Fees collected totalled $2,- 752.44. Community Chest grant was $2,250.00 and the City of Osh- awa grant was $2,500.00. Chief items of expenditures were salar- A Sc.0m.1 and car operation An address by L. V. McConkey is held over due to lack of space, Mrs. Steve Kay 'Honored by Friends Mrs. Steve Kay, the former El len Mary Windeatt, was guest of honor at a pre-nuptial pa re- cently at the home of Mrs, D, L. Souch, those in attendance being the girls of the order and purchas- ing departments of Fittings Limit. ed. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a Canadian General Electric featherweight ir- on to Mrs. Kay, with Mrs. Souch doing the honors, With the gift was a white satin bride's book cone taining the names of all the guests. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Vera Topping, Mrs. Douglas Scott and Mrs. Alma Haskill. At this time Mrs. Kay placed the knife in a gaily decorated bride's cake in the traditional manner. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Kay was again honored when the office staff of Fittings Limited presented her with a white chenille bedspread a pair of foram rubber pillows and a pair of pillow cases. Mr. D, G. Campbell expressed the good wishes of the staff in presenting the gifts. Reilman find... the loveliest curves are added with pidder treasure + by merry-go-round _ Here's the natural answer to a lovelier figure . . . a fuller bustline . . . Hidden Treasure bra, with patended Magicup. No puffs, | no pads . . . the contours are built right in . . . won't ever wash out! Hidden Treasure 'Strapless -- Black or white nylon: Hidden Treasure Regular -- Black or white satin: A cup 30 to 36; B cup 32 to 36. 4% to 36. * 6 A and B cup, 32 50 4 *Awarded a rating of "excellence" in the Lux laboratory washability tesh 23'/2 Simcoe St. S. Dial 5-622 pe Speed him to breakfast It gives wings to a man's shave--that heavenly whiff of fragrance that comes drifting from the kitchen where Chase & Sanborn is a-making! A great coffee for nearly a hundred years! So richly fragrant --so deeply satisfying, Try it tomorrow! (hase a 2 & Sanbom 44 for. goer op 2 Can hokyl/ \ J

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