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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Mar 1953, p. 13

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| MentalHospitals To Be Expande TORONTO (CP)--Premier Fost | i y in his budget speech in the On-| % 8 tario legislature today announced details of a $65,000,000 public works program, aimed at meeting essen- tial needs resulting from a grow- « ing population. His budget inclu- ded appropriations of $22,000,000 for the work, of which was included in last year's budget al- though not completed. A major part of thc investment was devoted to expansion of the province's mental hospitals, he said. In the next fiscal year, 2,240 beds would be added as of a program aimed at a total of 6,750 new beds. This year 740 beds would be available at Port Arthur, which will have 1,200 when completed, an dditional 900 at Smiths Falls and 600 at Brockville, A new, hospital was planned at North Bay, with 1,200 beds. The following projects were .in- HON. WM. GRIESINGER PROVINCIAL BUDGET (Continued from Page 1) : 7 1 mutuels, now graded from gighi| A policy aimed 1 at elimination of | jlo 48 Ber ent depending 90 the | ounced with an initial appropria- amounts wagered, will become a |," res 100 000 to be supplemen- Straight eighi-persoent ind an: ted by matching grants from the in Toronto, York county and Ham. federal government and the rail- n, is being abolished. > : : + The 8 eine 2 bill for the next The program includes such items: year was estimated 4 at $78.004.000, as he Sbproaches fo Je Hiirling.! Po ncted that it ad go | bottleneck on the four-lane Queen' still higher in future years because | Elizabeth Way: work on a pro-, Bovine sohadt "age. children "tin | In" Ontario aad. Quebec: stato one Berens Be & Ra on {work to link the iron mining centre | mand an increasine expenditure [Of Wawa in the Michipicoten dis-| for school construction. | trict with the Trans-Canada High- | A spectacular increase in motor way and Sault Ste. Marie; work on | car registrations--up from 691,615 the Atikokan highway, providing a in 1943 to 1,290,600 last year--made | road outlet for the Steep Rock Iron new and improved highways essen- Mine area in Northwestern On- al, sai r. Frost. ' ! The $153,000,000 highway spend-! Part of the $65,000,000 public | ing program would provide $95. works program was included in 300.000 Joo tapital SonEiryation and | previous, ssimaies,, as year's. 000, or outlay on ordinary | bude: ncludes ,000,000. Pro-. account including maintenance of | jects include more government highways, department administra- office space in Toronto; additions tion, resurfacing of existing roads to Ontario hospitals at Smiths and grants to municipalities for Falls, Kingston, Brockville, Tor- road mantenance. 'onto, London and Orillia; a new' mental hospital at North Bay; com- I CHARITIES pletion of a mew mental hospital | The supplementary tal grants at Port Arthur; additions to the of $8,500,000 to were Ontario Agricultural Oofjege ol Jad hy $400 3, bed Jor, Sach ett Guelph and two agricultural 'on which no ea g schools at Kemptville and Ridge- paid since April 1, 1947, and $100 town: additions 10 land re bed for each hed on which a buildings at Sudbury and Brace- grant been paid or approved | bridge and a new building at Port {i the last six years. The grants Arthur: provincial police buildings | brought hospital assistance this at Port Arthur, Long Lac. Ignace, | year to $22,350,000. ! Chapleau, White River, Sioux Nar-| The estimates included $10.000.- rows and Missanabi; lands and 000 to carry out the government's forests buildings at Maple ne a r (housing program in Dasthersiip Toronto and in Sault Ste. Marie | With the federal government whic! and North Bay districts; new teach- | contributes three times the pro- ers' colleges at Toronto and Hamil- | vincial grant. Housing agreements ton; a junior school and hospital | were reached during the year with buildings at the School for the! Blind 'at Brantford. An expenditure of $16,500,000 was scheduled on conservation projects n the next year. Plans were ready for flood control and soil conservation projects involving an expenditure of $41,000,000 but a start depended on federal assis- tance. In the present year, some 25,000 more farms got electrical serviee. ther 25,000 would be added next year at a cost of $9,700,000. Maintenance grants to universi- ies in the next year would be $6,- ,000, an increase of $308,000. ya ipalities and negotiations were being carried on with annth. er 17. The establishment of a new form of metropolitan gove: .iucu | for the Toronto area would the way for housing development where it is needed most. Suspension of the Ontario cor- poration tax under the agreement with the Dominion reduced taxes on corporations to five per cent from seven per cent and also re- moved special taxes om eapital and places of business. A change in the Succession Du- ties Act will permit' charitable foundations to make grants to bod- i THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, March 12, 1053 13 Canada-wide basis, without losing free from tax. The rpari-mutuel tax change re- sulted from an amendment in fed- | 419,000 eral law permitting race tracks to retain nine per cent of all betling pools. Previously their share was on a graduated scale and the On- tario tax was graduated to conform so that tax-plus-track shares of betting pools amounted to 17 per cent, The flat eight-per-cent On- tario levy keeps the total charge against each betting pool at 17 per The Mortgage Tax Act, to be Tepealed permitted municipalities with a population of more than 200,- 000 to tax mortgages at the rate of open [$1 per $1,000. The ciies of Tor- onto and Hamilton and the county of York, only municipalities to' im- the tax, would be reimbursed or loss of revenue in 1953, Grants to municipalities in the next year would total $121,200,800, an increase of $4,700,000 from this year, exclusive of capital grants. The municipal $300,000 to complete standardiea- grants included | owned by the province, purchased y ($5,064,000 of municipal debentures issued for waterworks and sewers, bringing. 165 total holdings Go $15. "A Frost Cie, roti ing was n althoug! the ied borrowed $50,000,500 in New York for the Ontario hydro commission and guaranteed hydro wssues. of $150,000,000 underwritten in Canada. "He reported Ontario's net debt was $633,192,317, up $78,557,514 from a year ago; gross debt $917.1 408, up-$90,877.142: funded deh 2775. . $82,500, up $55,209,000 ' contingent ibiigins $726,856,947, up $152,977,- The budget offered some ofher facts about Ontario: The provincial product increased in 1952 seven per cent In value and six per cent in physical volume over 1: births hit a record high of 124. 600, an increase of some 10,000; the natural population i aSe-- births minus deaths--esta fished a tion of fire fignting equipment. In [$500 the last year, the Ontario munici- pal improve ment corporation, ment was $2,000,000,000 crease of $250,000,000. ies that carry on their work on a cluded in the list of public works: Government offices in the Toronto area, $9,290,000 and a reformatory at Millbrook, $2,500,000. Ontario hospitals: Smiths Falls, $6,500,000; King ston, additional units to provide 500 beds and assembly hall, $3,500,000; Brock- ville, extension of cottages to pro- vide accommodation for 700 pa- tients, $4,200,000; Toronto, $2,470,- 000; London, 400 beds, $2,800,000; thur $763,000; Orillia, $2,680,000. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph: Addition to MacDonald In- stitute, $100,000; field husbandry research building, $285,000; water eservoir, $150,000; electrical im- provements, $100,000; start on new gymnasium building, $75,000. Ridgetown Agricultural School, new assembly hall, $160,000; Kemptville Agricultural School, en- gineering building, $400,000; new 'ood terminal building at Etobicoke In the Toronto area, $3,605,000; Highway stores and buildings at Toronto, $3,000,000; additions to registry office buildings at Sud- registry building at Port Arthur, |: $680,000; provincial police head- quarters building at Port Arthur, $210,000; provincial police detach-|* nace, Chapleau, White River, Sioux Narrows and Missanabi, $350,000; 50 residences for police in Nor- county buildings at Minden, $135, Lands and forests pathological | building at Maple near Toronto, | $375,000; chief ranger's headquar- |; ters in Sault Ste. Marie district, $240,000; chief ranger's headquar- ters at Trout Lake in North Bay district, $210,000; Teachers colleges, at Toronto $2, The Budget Actual $354,854,000 854,787,000 67,000 ! Ordinary account: Gross revenue Gross expenditure Surplus \ Capital Account: Gross receipts Gross payments Debt Position: Gross debt Net debt Funded debt Liabilities Expenditures TRONTO (CP)--Gross ordinary expenditures of the Ontario gov- ernment in the fiscal year en March 31, 1953 (10 months aot . Actual dE Agriculture Attorney-General Education Health Highways Insurance Labor nds and Forests ieutenant-Governor ines unicipal Affairs anning, Development Minister . e ovincial Auditor ovincial Secretary ovincial Treasurer blic Welfare blic Works «Reform Institutions 'Travel and Publicity @ sioner account 'Debt, interest, ete. Sinking Tands Capital TORONTO (CP)--Gross capital payments by the Ontario govern- ment in the fiscal year ending March 31, 1953 (10 months actual, 1952-53 guase BS3%BE g8esss Fd RjEs23 8:2388 HE SeBREEZREEK gsgsssasasass Ze oom Bena 3 g Payments riculiure $9,990,000 ith 2,000,000 Lands and Forests Mines Planning, Development Provincia] Secretary Provincial Treasurer Public Welfare Public Works Miscellaneous gs282 HEHE Rel E $8838 -- 3 iu Revenue Forseen * TORONTO (CP)--Gross ordinary | gevenue of the Ontario government | in the fiscal year ending March 81, 858 (10 months actual, two ' 1952-53 558 gst SHEBES at S883 388 a Bone g g ines unicipal Affairs lanping, Development rime Minister Lov inctal Secretary 'ovineia] Treasurer Public Weltate Public Works Reform Institutions Travel and Publicity Public debt Miscellaneous Totals $8338 205 g88s3 nN s $ 2elx=8s.8 | g g Account | estimates at the Schaol for the Blind at 1952-58 304,208,000 200,000 and 'at Hamilton $1,000,000; junior school and hospital building Brantford, $550,000 In Brief n Briel Estimates $304,296,000 88,000 48,943,000 #826.208 300 564,634,803 670,273,500 574,479,645 two months estimated), compared with estimates for the same year and estimates for the new fiscal year ending March 31, 1954: ! : 1952-53 1953-54 | Estimates Estimates $8,914,000 11,500,000 58 : : 8 EY LTE] gs aH 388 5 g 8 $88888 gs35338833sss fon HOM Be £8u28 a = a BRE: £3 BR: 8 < SEER: i g83ess 358s gs ust 238 Bel wal EL 00 NDS © > LE g88| is two months estimated), compared with estimates for the same year and estimates for the new fiscal year ending Maren 31, 1954: -53 1953-54 Estimates Estimates $11,250,000 2,000,000 45,000,000 i: 8 288 8 sBEEEEEEE geese HH 5,893,000 | 24,675,000 150,000 110,003,000 8 s months estimated), compared with estimates for the same year and r the new fiscal year, ending March 31, 1954 1952 1953-54 31, -53 Estimates | 4,029,000 101,030,000 | 320,000 498,000 15,975,000 5,592,000 445,000 99,000 790,000 + 201,657,000 655,000 161,124,000 40,000 ),0 3,066,000 s 100.000 | 304,296,000 350,995,000 Hydro Pla To Extend SQ ral Lines TORONTO (CP)--Ontario will spend $9,700,000 in the coming fis- al year to extend hydro-electric gorvice to another 25,000 rural cvs. liely-owned hydro-electric power commission of Ontario. Ten years ago hydro had 136,164 rural customers and at the end: of 1953 it had 343,537, the premier reported in a brief review of the system's expansion. The commissieh was established 47 years ago. In its first 37 years it brought it hydro-electric gen- erating production to 1,500,000 horsepower. In. the last 10 years it had added another 2,000,000 horsepower. ""The remarkable increase in the thern Ontario, $500,000; Haliburton | * bury and Bracebridge and new ¢_# > PIS la oz, ment buildings at Long Lac, Ig-|% . Special Offer! FREE SILVER-PLATED TEASPOON IN EVERY PACKAGE MAPLE LEAF PURE SOAP FLAKES DOUBLE 6 1 ® SIZE AYLMER CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP AYLMER CONDENSED VEGETABLE SOUP CONNOR'S KIPPER SNACKS FOR YOUR PET! DR. BALLARD'S HEALTH FOOD DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION Cat Food CONVERTED -- LONG GRAIN UNCLE BEN'S RICE FINE, SOF" TOILET TISSUE CASHMERE 10-02. Tins -23¢ Te 20° im 19¢ 29¢ 25¢ te 24¢ 2 Rolls 29¢ 15-0z. Tins 15-02. Tins LEAN PEA MEALED COTTAGE veal ROAST VEAL GUES cRESH or SWEET PICKLED BEEF CHOICE PORK GWIFT PREMIUM BOLOG SWIFT PREMIUM FBA 1 MAPLE LEAF gY THE PIECE, LB: Serve Hot or Cold Salmon Dishes during Lent. "Ideal for Salads, Sandwiches, CLOVERLEAF -- GOLD SEAL -- FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON RED SEAL -- CUOVERLEAF COHOE SALMON FOR SALMON LOAF -- CLOVEREAF PINK SALMON Casserole Dishes W's Tin 3% TOMAT W's Tim TERRIFIC VALUE! - W's Tin 21° OUTSTANDING VALUE! CHOICE GOLDEN CORN CASE OF 24 TINS . YORK CREAM-STYLE REAL SAVING! SERVE OFTEN! AYLMER FANCY 0 JUICE CASE OF 24 TINS DELICIOUS WITH ICE CREAM! PEACHES CASE OF 24 TIN BISCUIT FEATURE -- REX M arshmallo Biscuits wo me 33 CELLO. BAG Horsey Juices --- Buy by the Case & Save BLENDED 20-0z. Tins CASE OF 24 -- $3.39 48-0z. \ Tin EOF 12 -- $3.89 SORK SHOULDERS 10 TENDERLOWS - 8 958.0.» 28° GRAPEFRUIT 20-01. 27¢ Tins CASE OF 24 -- $3.19 48-or. Tin 3 1 s CASE OF 12 -- $3.67 ORANGE 2 20-01. 31« Tins CASE OF 24 -- $3.63 29¢ DEL 33¢ Tin CASE OF 12 -- $3.89 CANNED GOODS GLEN VALLz/ -- IN TUVATO SAUCE PORK and BEANS 2 7 19¢ CASE OF 24 TINS $2.23 AYLMER -- CHOICE 19¢ CUT GREEN BEANS CASE OF 24 TINS YORK -- CHOICE CUT WAX BEANS CASE OF 24 TINS CULVERHOUSE -- CHOICE ASPARAGUS Cuttings CASE OF 24 TINS RAYMOND -- CHOICE VEGETABLES Mixed 2 CASE OF 24 TINS HEINZ (in Tomato Souce) -- COOKED SPAGHETTI Tins CASE OF 24 TINS .. DOLE -- FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL TREAT -- CHOICE 15.02. Tin 15-01. Tin 15¢ 19 $4.49 9s 81 $3.65 31 RI 20-0z. Tin 33¢ 0-02. Tins $3. 23 HOLLAND 27e ' FAIRHAVEN -- IN OIL Ya's Tins VALUES EFFECTIVE MARCH 12, 13, 14 FLORIDA VALENTINE C ALIFORN| A SEEDLESS NAVELs BUY BY THE CASE! CULVERHOUSE CHOICE TOMA CASE OF 24 TINS ...... CASE OF 24 TINS ICIOUS ANYTIME! CASE OF 24 TINS . - E IRM GOLDEN YELLow PE BANANAS ONTARIO no, WASHE il ; = SWEET, MILD Fi ay, otk' Neo: 1 ToP EETS IN OSHAWA TOES ces eme essen h 0B 4 29: STRINGLESS FRESH SUNKIST (Size 24g) TURNIPS |, CARROT WASHED : 20-0. 2 29° vemnsssaneess $3.43 20-02. 2 2 .... $2.73 LYNN VALLEY STANDARD in 35 'esi gs. SAS 231 crises. $3.68 35° . $4.15 29* $3.40 2 20-0z. Tins Sevens TREMENDOUS SAVING! CULVERHOUSE -- UNGRADED CHOICE PEAS 20-01. Tins 2 CULVERHOUSE -- SWEET WHITE CHERRIES 2 20-02. Tins « 19° 2 : 49 = 19° 20.0r, Bags 25° Lge. Orig, supply of low-cost electric power vis rl ihe S§pansiop of cir | capacity, e | Fre of our farms an' the continued progress in: provid- | ing laborsaving devices in the home." | Premier Frost! in his budget h te the Ontario legislature y forecast an expansion of ru- ral service matching that of last ooh when 25,000 rural customers added to the line of the pub-

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