«4 THN DAILY TIMES-GAZETTY, Thursfay, March 13, 1983 Conciliation Boards Useless OFL Says TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Federation of Labor (CIO-CCL) said here most Ontario concilia- tion boards make no real effort to conciliate wage disputes. Te is. Frost an He esented to mier Da inet that pk sould be com jorm Cc tion of pelled toe or be eliminated entirely, Generally, conciliation boards make no effort to bring together parties in a labor dispute, said the federation, which claims to for 200,000 organized workers. "They have no suggestion to make, no formulas to offer." In the rare cases where a board advanced a formula or suggested alternate bases for settlement, it could succeed in bringing the par- ies together. f . 5 chairmen of boards merely act as investigators gather- ing evidence, Many of them give no indication of their feeling about a possible settlement until the parties have left the meeting. Surely they could present their recommenda- tions at the meeting and, if they are not accepted, have further propositions to put forward. This would be real conciliation." The federation suggested as an alternative to conciliation boards that calling in a conciliation officer be the final step in trying to med- iate a dispute. The federation proposed that a panel of arbitrators who are ex- perts in the field of public relations be set-up to handle grievances arising out of signed contracts. Another proposal was that the provincial government make funds available to competent organiza- tions prepared to undertake a hous- ing project under terms of the Na- tional Housing Act and make loans easier for persons 'who are ready to solve their own housing problem. It urged outlawing the use of strikebreakers in a legal strike. It urged also that the government establish minimum wages of $1 an hour for both men and women. A-Data Swap Not Possible With States OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's atomic chief said here that Canada and Britain are continually trying to et the United States to lift the fia on her atomic secrets but with- ou success. Dr. C: J. Mackenzie told the Com- mons atomic energy committee that American legislation which prevents U.S. authorities from co- 'operating fully with her Allies in the field of atomic energy has been "attacked" officially by Britain, He did not know whether Can- ada also had done so officially, but it was a matter which "is being attacked all the time ypofficially." Replying to Howard Green (P Vancouver Quadra), the head of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. ad- "The Americans are very much aware of the fact that both Can- ada and Britain would like to have more co-operation. I do not think that the lack of co-operation is due to the fact that the Americans do not know we want it." He made these other points: 1. A new and vowerful atomic furnace is rising slowly at River, Ont., but it won't be com- pleted before the end of 1955. The cost will be higher than the $30, 000,000 originally estimated. 2. The old atomic furnace which was knocked out by' an internal rupture last December is recover ing. slowly, but it would be "months" before it would start operating. Crack Shot Clips Eagles From Plane SYDNEY, Australia (CP) -- A crack Australian shot is shooting down giant wedge-tailed eagles in northern New South Wales from an Auster aircraft. The owner of a station near Gun- nedah, H. H. Austin, recently lost 40 lambs which were attacked by the eagles. He found he could never get near enough to them on the ground to kill them and so he de- Sided 10 try attacking them from e . » He asked the president of the Tamworth Gun Club, to do the shooting and hired: an alr taxi plane. Mr. Moore strapped Rinselt into Jie seal aid kept the I open. r the first expedi- tion he said: ' "We saw two of the eagles about 1,000 feet up and the pilot did a wonderful job in manoeuvring with- in 40 yards of them. We came up underneath them but I had time | only to fire one barrel at the first bird with my 12-gauge shot-gun. The first bird disappeared under the plane and we lost sight of it. I we 1 hit it Though, e second eagle went do with feathers flying. A Orson killed it on the ground stick." 2 BURNS PROVE FATAL TORONTO (CP)--Dominic Prov- enzano, Jr., severely burned about the lower part of his body by flaming gasoline Nov. 24, died Wed- nesday. Police said at the time of the accident that the man's gaso- Massey Busy On Day Tour Of Farm City CHATHAM (CP)-Governor-Gen- eral Vincent Massey paid his first| official visit to this city this week, a one-day stop In his week-long tour of Western Ontario centres. But that 12-hour period here was a tightly-packed schedule of civic receptions, visits to schools and other institutions, a tour of pridei- pal industries, an official dinner and a ceremonial regimental par- ade. . Mr. Massey arrived here Sunday night from a two-day Visit to Lon- don but remained in his private coach until morning, When he step- ped from the car he was greeted by a guard of honor and welcomed by civic and government officials. From the depot Mr. Massey, in an escort motercade, visited all the city's schools, stopping at each to greet lines of cheering flag- waving youngsters. At Vocational School he addres- sed a gathering cf pupils represent- ing all of the schools. He won the hearts of Chatham's children when he promised "in the name of the Queen" that they would have a holiday. VICTORIA (CP)--The , Prowess of an Indian who goes hy the name of Radar Joe was brought to the attention of the British Col- umbia legislature Tuesday by Tony Gargrave (CCF-Mackenzie). Residents of Bella Coola, 250 miles up-coast from Vancouver, last year started, on their own, construction of a rough road over the Coast range to the interior to give Canada a hird outlet to the Pacific. Mr. Gargrave said no formal Indian Leads Way, Builds Own Road survey of he 32-mile route had ever been made. Radar Joe, who has an unfailing sense of direction, said Mr. Gargrave, pointed out the way for the lead bulldozer. The trail-blazers ran out of money with six miles of the 32 still to go. Works Minister Philip Gaglardi sad the government is so pleased with the road-building intatve of Bella Coolans that t is sending them a cheque for $20,000 to con- tinue 'the work. Turkish Baths All Lined Up For Coronation LONDON (CP)--Visitors in Lon- don this Coronation year needn't hesitate a minute if they can't locate,a Turkish bath. Accredited guides of the British Travel and Holidays Associatien, who have just completed exhaus- tive tests on whereabouts of diverse London sights and facili- ties, will know at least two prem- ises where tourists can dunk them- selves Turkish style. And that isn't all, The dagger that killed Wat After lunch Mr. Massey visited many of the city's manufacturing concerns and in the evening gave | Tyler. the bullet that slew Nelson and the last resting place of the Duke of Suffelk's hcad can be line-soaked clothing was set afire|an informal address at a civic re-|located by qualified guides. by a spark from a welder's torch. ception dinner. Almost any thing about bus, COOKS WITH THE POWER OFF 3/4 OF THE TIME Oven is better built than others, better insulated . . . holds the heat and uses little power. Monotube top elements are power savers 100 . . . have greater surface contact, heat up faster. They swivel up easily, even when hot for quick cleaning. Giant oven cooks the whole meal at one time. SUPER DY IRTD ¢ 7 New Models - 80 choose from $ 930.50 uw UP Big trade-in allowance offered NOW for your old range 68 SIMCOE ST. N. \ BD COME IN AND SE THE NEW Sport NEW DESIGN MAGIC CLOCK CON Testy AUTOMATIC RANGE TROL makes it fully avtomatic Set it and leave it. Turns on. T Automatically cooks your meal while you are away. Controls oven, surface and appliance outlet. HAS EVERY MODERN FE Note the new safety panel switches -- within easy reach for you, but not the children. Has thermostat control, automatic oven light, warming oven, minute minder, pilot light, smokeless broiler. JACK BIDDULPH'S OSHAWA DIAL 5-1179 SAVES YOU MOST SERVES YOU BEST urns off. element ATURE froners Rat Value Packed 17-INCH CROSLEY DELUXE MODEL IN WALNUT, MAHOGANY *OR BLONDE FINISH 369-50 TOP CROSLEY FEATURES INCLUDED! . . . | Precision Brightness Control -- Automatic Gain Control -- Long-Distance Booster Switch -- "Pic- train, or air schedules, former liv- ing quarters of the famous, works of art and architectural wonders and styles will be at their finger- ps. Thirty - one prospective guides out of 250 applicants wrote the examination and the successful ones will be added to the associa- {tion's register of official guides. begun in 1950. None work for the association but are to be found at travel agencies, bus lines or work- ing free lance. HONOR CANADIANS OXFORD, England (CP)--Two Canadians will receive honorary degrees at Oxford July 1 in con- nection with the Rhodes centenary celebrations. Dr. W. G. Penfield, OM, of Montreal will receive the degree of doctor of civil law, and Dr. Marius Barbeau, retired eth- nologist, will be given the degree of doctor of letters, VLA Officials Open Course On Land Use LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Officials of the Veterans' Land Act from vari- ous parts of Western Ontario be- gan a two-day study this week of 2 phases or basic farm opera- on Each of the 36 officials will take part in five lecture and discussion groups as part of the week-long staff conference on 'farm plan- ning," being held at the London district office here. Land use, including farm layout, soils, crops, conservation, costs of production and rates of seeding and cultivation, are among the topics being covered by Milt Greer of Hamilton. L. M. Ramsay, London, and Mar- tin Bower, Guelph, are leading groups studying livestock in rela- tion to feed production and needs of the farm, amount of feed re- quired for each animal, discussion PILES that Itch and Burn you now suffer from the itching soreness and burning pain of piles you can be helped. Just get a package of Hem-Roid, an internal pile treatment, at any drug store ry and labor is the topic of an address by D. M. Gillies of London while agriculture econom- ics is covered by Ray Corman of Windsor. Want to buy, sell or trade? A Classified Ad and the deal is made. LONG CHURCHGOERS SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)~In its annual roll call service the Char lotte Street United Baptist Church honored two long-time members, Miss Lydia Fullerton, 96, has a member for 80 years. Her sister | Basste Joined the church 69 years ago. The true Saltine. Thin as a wafer... delight fully crisp... specially blended for lightness and fresh, fine flavor. hs and use as dirocted. You will be at how quickly your pile trouble is re lieved. Only $1.59 for the bir? GO tablet k If you are not 1009 pleased "Want to b , sell or trade? A Classified Ad and the deal is made. after using Hem-Roid 2 or 3 days, as a 'test, ask for your money back. Refund agreement by all drug stores. ALWAYS BUY THE BEST--- @nglish Quality BISCUITS and CANDIES £. Use the Coupon in every Weston box fe get your copy of "Our Queen is Crowned" nae PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH 14th, 1958, SUNNYFIELD GRADE *A" GE LAR EGGS eindoz 63c CANADIAN CHEESE COME SEE -- COME SAVE AT A ByDAIRY DEPARTMENTS IT'S NO WONDER CHEESE IS SO POPULAR FOR LENTEN MEALS, THERE ARE SO MANY WONDERFUL VARIETIES AND WAYS TO SERVE THEM. YOU WILL FIND A VARIETY TO SUIT EVERY TASTE, NEED AND BUDGET AT YOUR A&P DAIRY DEPT. Black Diamond Tangy Kra't Ro!l HANDI-SNECK Borden's CHATEAU Borden's OLD VINTAGE Clever Valley SLICES Skim-Mil; Cheese HI-N-LO Skim-Mill: Clicese . vatb pkg 3c 4-ozpkg R3c pkg of 8 slices 29 2.1b family loaf 7 5c Kraft Cream Cheese b59c valb 25¢ Krat Cream Cheese A&P Rich Precessed Cream Cheese BAUMERT Sharp Cheese Ontzrio Coloured ib 39c SEE THE DIFFERENCE | A&P Fancy Red Sockeye A&P Fancy Pink Habitant A&P Special Blend A&P Nectar Concentrated Javel JAVEX Super Creamed Ann Page (In Tomato Sauce) PORK & BEANS 220.0: 31 Iona Dessert A Year Ago i's tin 45¢ tell tin A6c 28-0z1in 23¢ B-oztin Ic b77c 60'sbox 67¢ Woz bil 19¢ b 36c 2 15-0z tins 33 MEAT SPECIALS! RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF Blade Bone Removed >» ~. AYearAge BLADE ROAST PRIME RIB ROAST CHICKENS Eviscerated Grade A, Aver. Wr. 2-3 tbe. 1 §9c SIDE BACON WIENERS Rind On = Cello Pkg. Choice PINEAFPLE LOAF CHEESE OKA CHEESE Today's Price Yas tin 3 3 (4 win 3 7c 28-021in J Qe 3 15-020ins 29 s55¢ a'stox 39 16-0z bil 15. 35 & 200ztins 27 ¢ & 15oztins 2G ¢ © 79 B doz loss 23 4oz glass 23¢ ble U-0z pkg 69 %.1b pkg 2de valb box 45¢ b43c ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIX CHOCOLATE NY) WHITE ny 2 PRODUCE SPECIALS! No. 1, Florida . Seedless Size 80 Firm, ripe, Yellow, No. 4 BANANAS Mexican, Hand Selected, N CARROTS TOMATOES Florida White Sebagoes, No. 1, New Crop POTATOES Texas Fresh Green Tops, No. 1, large original bunches GRAPEFRUIT 5=29: 19. ose 23 sb 39: = 29e Beehive or Crown YRUP 2b tin 29c Genuine Four-Strand Comm Vo-day's Price &y Old Dutch Post SUGAR A&P Choice ech 9c 13 2pkgs 33c 2 20-0z tins 25c 36-02 phy Bc Creamed Robin Hood Reflled . 55¢ ® 33: b59% © 49. 85: English FRUIT REGULAR PRICE 33c -- SAVE 8 BAKERY SPECIAL CAKE -+29:c 559% b 35¢ CUSTOM GROUND ture Interference" virtually eliminated with Crosley TV circuit -- Automatic Focus -- Matched speaker and Audio System. Full year warranty on all parts and picture tube at no extra cost at OLVIN EL 339 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Ba7e B® 35¢ B47c ® 35c b42c SMOKED FILLETS \ Mild Cure PERCH FILLETS Ocean Perch SMELTS Fresh Caught, Headless and Dressed BOKAR COFFEE 93 34b bag $2.73 * SUPERMARKETS THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. TRIC || muwceread 1a @if VITAMIN "B" (Canada Approved) or REGULAR DIAL 5-0733 CRACKED WHEAT or WHOLE WHEAT GT 7 HED