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Daily Times-Gazette, 14 Mar 1953, p. 13

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TEE DAILY. TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, March MM, 1088 99 Build, Repair, Remodel Your Home GARDEN VIEW LIVING MAKES HOME ATTRACTIVE | « BROUGHAM ~ President of Rebekahs =" Welcomed By Members -- oon BROUGHAM: = The Rebekah's, The program was in charge of the Independent Order of Odd- | Mrs. T. Philip. Plans were com- 8 held a very eventful even- pleted for the social evening on on March 9, in Brougham [March 11 when five WA groups Fowaahip Hl the occasion being | will be visitors. Pictures are to the President of the shown by Mr. and Mrs. Ewart PLAN No. elevations of the twin homes "ho- Note how the front and rear illustrate pictured above ward the street" and "garden- | view" living as you like it. A | terrace adds to the charm of this three - bedroom design. Data: Living area, Plan 1 and April. Watch this paper for the sale announcement. Many from here attended the Minstrel show in the United Church being put on by the Greenwood young people on Friday evening last. The cast are to be congrat- ulated upon the rendition and its | bright and clean subject matter. | The Community Club held its re- | tgular meeting at the home of Chas. | and Mrs. Clemence on Wednesday | of last week with President Fred Puckrin_ in the chair and Mrs. Grace Guthrie as secretary. Sev-| eral guestions came up in the busi- | ness part, The letter from the Hos- pital Auxiliary was discussed and- a committee of three appointed to | | monton, Alberta . | afternoon. 21120 sq. ft.; Garage and Porch area, Plan 1-384 sq. ft.; Plan 2 --352 sq. ft.; Cubage, Plan 1-- 16408 cu. ft.; Plan 2--23,114 cu. For further details and blue- prints, write to the Harry Loder Company, Revillon Building, Ed- UK. Advances Bovine TB Campaign LONDON (CP)--Britain has an-| nounced details of a large-scale attack on bovine tuberculosis, part of the eradication plan announced in 1948 and which may take an- other 16 years to complete. | Four areas--two in Scotland and | "Washing of the disciples' feet", | Church of Christ in Angola' took | | the form of the study period. | see if the district could not con-|One each in Egnaldn and Wales-- | tribute enough money to furnish have been declared tuberculosis one of the Nurses' room, on which | eradication zones in which farmers | 8 plaque of the Club 'would be | Will be supplied free tuberculin | laced. Ten dollars was donated to | tests. After March 1, 1955, the tests | e flood relief. A special social Will be compulsory and infected | evening is to be announced soon Cattle will be slaughtered. Compen- | to get funds for the hospital com- Sation will be paid mittee. | The ministry of agriculture esti- | After.seveal musical numbers by Mates that only 398 per cent of | local talent, Mr. Gilbert of the | the nation's cattle have been in- Ajax Bank of Commerce addres- SPeced for TB so far. GREENBANK { Mission Group Holds Meeting GREENBANK -- The monthly meeting of the Women's Mission- ary Society was held in the home of Mrs. Robert Leask on Tuesday The meeting opened with quiet music by the pianist, Mrs. E. Phair. The president, Mrs. Chapin, took the chair and conducted the business portion. The group leader, Mrs. McMaster, was in charge of the worship service. Others on the group were Mrs, William O'Neil, Mrs, C. Pearson, Miss Coolidge, and Mrs. Robert Leask. Scripture was takep from the book of Mark and John" on the the Lord's Supper", "Institution of and the read by Mrs. Pearson and Mrs, Leask. : The study book, "Along African Trails", and the chapter on "The Mrs. Pearson spoke on the Em-| manuel Theological Seminary and | the Ordination of a pastor, and] how such a service took place in! the open, to make room for the large congregation and held in a grove of trees. | Mrs. Leask spoke on the Cate- chist's School, to whom it consist- ed and their work of study. She | said how literature is needed badly | and that we have missionaries there who could produce it, had they only the time. In conclusion, she said this was a challenge for us to share in strengthening our work in Angola. Mrs, McMaster explained about the schools for Deaconesses and how the younger church needs help. The African children and adults have much unsatisfied hun- ger for health, knowledge of the Word of Life and all that Jesus came to bring mankind. The meeting closed with hymn and prayer followed by a social half hour. Sorry to report Mr. William Walker is confined to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandon of Markham spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Phoenix. Miss Annabelle Lee of Toronto | Normal School, daughter of Mr, | and Mrs. Frank Lee, has complet- | '9 visit Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, in | | | | : | ; ph H 1 b 3 ~ Fue of Mrs. Caroline Cutler, Kinoven Rebekah , Brooklin; Easter Rebekah | Stiver of Unionville. Plans were also made for a pot luck supper on Friday evening, March 27. The weekly Community Club e; Pickering, and Joy Rebek- dance, held in the township hsll sh Lodge, Brougham, were co-hos- | Saturday evening is bigger and tosses. | better than ever showing the pop- Joy Lodge Brougham, opened the | ularity of Clinton Pascoe's music. with Sis. Gladys Barclay | Mr. and Mrs. M. Ellicott spent .G. and Sis. Irene Masters, V. G. sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 5 their chairs.' Kinoven Lodge, | jewel of Sunderland. . , formed the Guard of Hon-| The Women's Institute weekly our with stalks of spring flowers, | eychre on Tuesday evening was very beautifully done, for our hon- well attended. The winners were, oured guests. Ladies first prize, Mrs. L. Hop- We were very happy to have with kins; second prize, Mrs. Gordon Assembly Officers. Sister Caro- | Greig; third prize, Mrs. Carleton; Cutler, President; Brother Dr. | Gentlemen winners first, Mr. B. ey, Past Grand Master, Beer; second, Mr. Wm. Clark; and his wife , Sister Mabel Disney, Past| prizes won by Mrs. L. Hopkins t; Sister Margaret Shep-|and Mr. G. Hodgins; spot prize District Deputy President; PY Mr. N. Burton. Gladys Morgan, pianist AUDLEY of the Rebekah Assembly of On- fario; as wel las some two hundred | other brothers and sisters frgm| AUDLEY -- It is wise to take other lodges. |the license number of every wolf Quests were present from Brook- | you see. , Plokering, Oshawa, Markham | We regret to know that Mrs. Fal- Welland. laize Sr., and Mrs. Leonard have very impressive closing was been in the hospital. , with Sister Mildred Barrett | Mrs. Wonnacott has let the con- .G. and Sister Bilk, V.G. in the tract for her new house with Mr, chairs. Young of Brooklin. It will be simi- All formed a friendly circle and lar in design to the house he is 8 very tasty lunch was enjoyed, living in on Grasmere. ed by the very capable lunch| Mrs. Davidson makes frequent committee, with Dr. McKinney as; trips to Clarkson where she has a §istng Souting coffee. |class in leather work until April. A | Alan Dawson of the Globe and The Women's Association met on | Mail Editorial staff has purchased Wednesday evening, March 4, at a five-acre lot on the Greenwood the home of Mrs. Dean Mairs. Mrs. | Road from Mrs. Wonnacott. Wannop led the devotional period | F. M. Chapman was in Oakville the theme being "A Working on Friday last arranging for the Christian." sale of his Jersey heard early in AR ol / & ED = ass 8 A Dream Come True Your dream of owning your own home can come true. We have everything necessary to help you build that home you and the wife have always wanted. Our years, of experience assure you a comfortable, lifetime lasting house. Stop in -- talk over your plans -with us today at 84 Simcoe Street South. YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED 84 Simcoe StS. OSHAWA Dial 5.4443 i [to tell employers about yousselfl | - Sister Irene McKir. third, Mrs. H. Plaxton; travelling | sed the gathering on many of the | intricacies of the banking business and the transfer of funds over the world. Many questions were ask- ed and answered. A great deal of better understanding of monetary | affairs was gained' by all present. | Arch Bell moved a vote of thanks, | after which a luncheon was served. | There was a good crowd present. | CEDAR CREEK Many Attend Coates Funeral GEORGE A, KILPATRICK | Correspondent | CEDAR CREEK -- Several from | Cedar Creek attended the funeral | on Friday of Mrs. Robert Coates. | The A. L. McDermott Chapel was | filled to capacity and a large crowd was outside the chapel. i The Rev. C. W. Hutton of! Blackstock conducted the services and he was assisted by the Rev.! R. Wylie of Port Perry. Pallbearers were Harold Bray, | Roy Carnochan, Sandy Moore, Roy Robertson, Norman Wilson and Bob Vernon. Flower bearers were Clifford English, Elwood Mann, Lloyd Roz- ell, Hector Wilson, Everett Wilson and Ross Wilson, Interment was in Pine Grove Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mosienkio and family were in Toronto on Satur- ay. ' 4 Misg Flossie Spencer and broth- ers, John and Richard, called on Mrs. Kilpatrick and George on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blain enter- tained on Sunday for their daugh- ter, Mrs. John Greenwood, who was celebrating her birthday. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett and Georgeen of Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter and children, Louise, Loraine and Fred Jr., of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood and child- ren, Sandra, Leonard and Robert. Misses Effie and Greta Brawn and their cousin, Herb Brawn, of Mount Carmel, were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. a Mrs. Wm. Steele and Mr. Elgin ite. Mrs. Gordon Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Corner and Myrt}é\on Sunday afternoon and Mis§ Fldssie Spencer and brother, i visited the Corners on vening. | rdon Stinson of Cadmus | is stAying with her sister, Mrs. nk Harris. Mrs. Harris is im- oving in health. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Fred McCue on the loss of his wife. Mrs. McCue died Sunday eve- ning at Port Perry Memorial Hos- pital. Services were held at the chapel of Washington and Johnston in Toronto on Wednesday. Inter- ment was in Pine Hills Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. McCue lived for several years in the former Kirby farm house and moved to Scugog Island last fall Mrs. Joe Mosienkio, Miss Flos- sie Spencer and John and Richard Have experts r del | | THE TIME - TO REMODEL! b nt into a pleasant topping. 50 SWITZER DRIVE your recreation room -- and have your kitchen planned or remodelled with beautiful Formica or Arborite counter WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES KASTEL and BIRO WOODWORK SPECIALTIES PHONE 5-2944 door? ¥ so, Ws on easy problem the space that swinging doors Spencer and Russell Corner Spencer's sale at Bethany on Wed- nesday afternoon. ' Allan Keetch of Brooklin, for- | merly of Cedar Creek, is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. SWEDISH '"CHFEQUF¥RS" STOCKHOLM (CP)--A country place for rest and recreation for the Swedish prime minister, simi- lar to the English Chequers, has been donated to the governnient {bv the late Carl Wicander indus- | trialist and financier. "he '~r~e es- 'ate si of T'cehelm includes a manor house and 5.07 ar-es of woods and farmland Wont a better jeh? Place a Work Wanted ad in The Times - Gnaette and | Norman Wilson atténded Mr. Otto --never cracks, peels, or fades water. Write or phone ws for a Giod- for vothing comer goes to wrk with a "MODERNFOLD' DOOR ! How about your home? Do you have a corner that could be 'atractive and useful, i you didn't have to allow for a swinging Put in sturdy, efficient "Modernfold" doors and put Jo work portitioning, use large size "Modernfold" doors as movable walls, Beautiful and Practical #Modernfold" doors look lovely in every type of home. Their flame-resistant vinyl covering--available in 22 distinctive colors fo solve. waste. And for low-cost room ...cleans easily with soap and demonstration. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST ed her week's course on teaching at Utica. | Our church service Sunday morn- | ing at 11 a.m, will be in charge of the YPU. . Miss Joyce Beare of Toronto spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beare. T. Bushby spent Wednesday with relatives at Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pearson spent Sunday with relatives at Leask- dale. Hugh Leask of Toronto visited with relatives here on Tuesday and Wednesday, Miss C. Reycraft is spending a few days in Toronto. Our pre-Easter service in the church on Tuesday evening was | well attended and hope to see an| increase during the next few] weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson, Man- chester, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. McMaster and hér he { J. Phillip. Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. E. Lee and Mrs. H. Hook attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lee at Toronto on Sunday. EVERYTHING IN WOODWORKING ® Doors @ Windows @ Frames @ Sashes @ Kitchen Cobinets @ Ward- robes, ete Oshawa Woodwork 233 SECOND AVE. DIAL 3-290) Pronk Loe Yr] REFINISHED 'Withdraw Drama Award SARNIA (CP)--The Hanna shield, formerly 'awarded for the winning play in the Western Ontario re- gional drama festival, will not be presented at the 1953 festival, | which ends here tonight. The shield now is designated as | an award for outstanding contribu- tion to the theatre in Western On- tario, awarded by the executive | of the, Western Ontario drama ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS OLD FLOORS WaLL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID DIAL 3-7251 league 'from time to time." At an executive session Mri presided over by the & y Prof. R. H. Ozburn of Guelph, it was decided to defer the placing of this important award until fur- ther consultation and bly with some guidance from the inion Drama Festival regarding the Bessborough Trophy. . HEATED CONCRETE DIAL 3-7651 FREE ESTIMATES CURRAN & BRIGGS READY-MIX LIMITED CIRCULAR TYPE PROVIDE all tection HE Honk SWITCHED § [Eos r Gray-Moore Aj This mon HAS NOT switched from Ernle Coy Lumber. Why switch? We offer _plecsant, orderly shopping fe- cilities and @ long supply of short items which completely. satisfies. Our service is slick, quick but personclized. We wouldn't have a stick of green lumber in our yord, even on St. Pet- rick's doy! Our lumber is cured ond carefully selected, consistent in qual- ity and priced to please your pocket- book. Order today while really fine lumber is still available, ERNIE CAY 165.1823 05 CE O10 Fu i 4b 53 ALBERT STREET DIAL 5-0122 OSHAWA Cail AIRSHADE AWNINGS for your porches, doorways and steps. winter long they keep out snow, rain, and sleet and in the summer they protect you from the hottest sun. weather pro- All FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DETAILS PHONE OR WRITE 110 VERDUN RD. AIRSHADE ALUMINUM AWNING of OSHAWA DIAL 5-4332 HICKORY ST. "AJAX LUMBER CO. WHITBY AWN I ' Every type puilding Eyes Lo mSiST #7 VE NGS For Odded o COMFORT o BEAUTY PROTECTION o UTILITY HARLEIGI MAVEEPCTURING CO. 160 KIMG STREET WEST »IAL 5-3012 5 OSHAWA | "The Place Where Particular People Buy" | - When you install KOOLVENT Aluminum Awnings, you dress' up your home for year 'round comfort. In summer, they rooms up 30 20° cooler, In winter, they protect against snow, ice and storms. Users everywhere like the convenience of these modern awnings. No struggling with pif aad rods twice a year! No storing! No frequent replacement! forget them. They won't sag, rot, ce KOOLVENTS are installed, you can rust, tear, burn or wear owt. And KOOLVENTS arc as casy on the pocketbook as they are on the eyes. They'll actually pay for themselves out of replace- ment savings ia just a few years time. Why not start enjoying all the benefits of KOOLVENTS right now! You'Hl soon discover why asc being sold than all other types of metal awnings combi more KOOLVENT Awnin Whoa pheobos ab Been tibel Sele 6 PHONE 5-4632- sALEs KOOL VERT service 49 ALBERT STREET ---- hageovadhy, OSHAWA a ---- aE ome

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