~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 20) 41 --Articles Wanted 89--Articles For Sale WANTED--QUANTITY OF WELL-ROTTED manure from barn. Write Boy 542, Times- A NEW GOODRICH TIRE FOR down, Ut Cities Service A (Mar20) BARGAIN--HAY CRAFT PLYWOOD CAR- top boat, 995. Dial 3.3289, after § o'clock, 5 ; A NEW GOODRICH TIRE FOR 00 down, at United Cities Service 792 Simcoe St. S. (Mar20) INATION RADIOGRAM, GOOD . Dial 5-4520. (sof) »T BUY TELEVISION UNTIL YOU 'them all, at Dean Kelly Enterprises-- al, Philco, General Electric, RCA Vietor, Northern Electric, Addison, Wes- tinghouse, Marconi. See them at our new stove, 81 King West. Easy ik] py CUT-RATE PLUMBING, tollets, wash basins, sinks, i systems, tanks, motors, soil pil , le: lead, jacket heaters, boilers, ra space heaters, oil burners, 8, furniture. Dial 3-7088. (Aprid) \ MUNDINGER ACCORDION, 120 BASE, 2 Dial 3-2168. « MAN'S AND (6a) 35, BICYCLES -- JUNIOR, raser. Dial 35-0870. CBMBINATION ADMIRAL RADIO AND | 3. player; floor model, like mew. Dial 5.1872. (84c ) | WANTED -- (65¢) YOUR. PIANO Simcoe N 'Dia PIANOS, CASH ICR now. Wilson & Lee, i» (Mar23) WANTED OLD VIOLIN, NOT IN USE. Dial 5-3083. (6e WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, scrap iron, metal, rags and mattresses. Dial L. Turner, North Oshawa, 3-2043 col- lect. (April) GOOD USED FURNITUR! WaNTED dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets Crysler - Furniture. 56 King West Dini 5-0132. (Mar23) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Irén, Metals, Paper, Rogs, etc. Loca! and out-of town calls pick up tree. 100 Annis St east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432 Res, dial 5-4159. Rortsy 42--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, DAY SHIFT, good wages. Apply South End Grill, Dial 3433. (640) CLEANING WOMAN FOR Friday or Saturday morning, LAST CHANCE--3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE, latest finish, double dreaser, chiffonier, double bed, regular $169. Special $99.50. 3.pe. limed oak bedroom suite, vanity, chiff robe, double bed, regular $189. Special $130. 4-pc. mahogany bedroom suite, vanity, eMiffonier, bed, vanity bench, reg. $179.50. Spevial $142.50. All cedar chests, congoleum rdfs, hostess chairs, all Simmons mat- tresses less 20 per cent from our regular low prices. 3-pc. used velour chesterfield , $59.00. 3-pe. used Kroheler chester suite $79.00. Reliable-Topp Furniture, "Bond St. West, 53-5112. (84c) forth end of eity. Write Box 503, Times. Gazette. (60f) WAITRESS WANTED FOR MAIN DINING room, must be d. Apply G h Hotel, (63f) TENOGRAPHER FOR PART TIME i) as convenient. Would suit married woman, Apply Mill Valley Lumber Co. Ltd. 112 Simcoe St. North. (Mar16,18) PART-TIME GIRL, WANTED FOR clerk in drug store. Please state age and Write Box 635, Timea Gases, GATELEG TABLE, PRACTICALLY NEW. Rgasonable. Dial 3-451. (84e) PRESSURE SYSTEM; SPACE HEATER: hine; tires; 65¢) RECEPTIONIST FOR A FUNERAL home, evenings mostly. Apply in writing to Box 517, Times-Gazette, stating age, i ete. (65a) (Margo) UPRIGHT PIANO, GOOD CONDITION. BH 37472. : (63¢) Bis. Me™ Dial BEATTY IRONER FOR FLAT WEAR, as mew, $125. Dial 38601, or 102 + West. (4b) R, 3 SPEEDS, GOOD CONDITION. 359 Mary St. (84d . CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 2 PIECES, , chair grey. Excellent condition. Dial or apply at 75 Wiliam St. W., 8. * IGERATOR, BEST OFFER, GOOD tion. Dial 85-2302. (64e) DAVENPORT, LIKE NEW; ALSO ahrome and arborite grey buffet, like new, Apply 207 Court St. (65h) AND (85¢) &e AND WOOD SPACE HEATER, 313. annex heater. Dial £3265. . (83¢) "CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON fa AND METALS hol 100 Annis St. See us fer TBeam, Channel, Angle, Rad. Plate Steel, ete. Dial 5-3432 TWO 18" AND THREE 3" TIRES tubes. Dial 53265. Re-Inforeing Res. 35-4139 (Aprill3) "DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE" Unless you get the right ome. We carry the largest selection in new adil) recom ditioned Sewing Machines. From $20 up. | "Easy terms -- no interest charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER il Dial 3-7355 y (AprD) i =: "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows end screens. "Moloney" Aluminum Combination Doors. LADIES---DO YOU NEED EXTRA MON- ey? Sell our exquisite perfumes and cos- metics, in your spare time. 50% commis- sion. Write Box 543, Times-Gazette. " ' (65¢) EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK, AP- ply in person to La Vine Bros. 74 Simcoe St. N.* (65b) ) w------ HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, NO OBJEC- tion to 1 child, working man's home. Dial 3-3521. (65¢) CAPABLE SHORTHAND TYPIST to Urgently required as secretary executive, Phone or write FISHER and LUDLOW (Canada) LTD. AJAX Phone Ajax 91 (Mar16,18,20) CLERK TYPIST Required for the Production Office of a growing company. High School and commercial training and some office experience preferred. Accuracy with | figures is essential. Hospital and in- | surance benefits are provided by the company. Apply to Personnel Man- ager. R. D. WERNER Co. (Canada) Limited (65b) 43--Male Help Wanted DESK CLERK, MODERN HOTEL, EX. cellent working conditions, must be of good appearance. Apply giving age. experience, references and salary expected. to Box 421 Times-Gazette. (63f) RELIABLE SERVICE STATION. ATTEN- dant wanted. Write Box 533, Times- Gazette (85¢) YWCA WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 CRAFTS -- a fully equipped craft shop open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, etc., 7-10 p.m, OSHAWA CAMERA CLUB --this hobby club meets alternate Wed- | |nesdays and has an interesting schedule of meetings dealing with various phases of photography, print criticisms, exhibits, and spe- cial salen showings, 8 p.m. ART EXHIBIT -- Open to the public whenever the building is op- en, all day. Exhibit, Japanese prints, 1625-1951. THURSDAY, MARCH 19 * MORNING NURSERY: A nurs- ery school program for children, 4 years of age. 9.30 - 11.30 a.m. CRAFTS: A fully equipped craft shop open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers. wéav- ing, felt work, ete. 2.00 - 5.00 .m. YWCA BASKETBALL: Girls' basketball practices. and games held weekly. Open to business girls working in industry, offices, stores, etc. Held at Simcoe Hall, Registra- tions taken at the "Y'. 6.00 - 8.00 p.m. CRAFTS: A fully equipped craft shoo open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, etc. 7.00 - 10.00 p.m. YWCA BADMINTON CLUB: this club is for young men and women in the community. New members are welcome. Held at Simcoe Hall gym. Registrations at "Y"', 8.00 - 10.00 p.m. YWCA RENDEZ-VOUS CLUB: A social club for married ladies. This club meets the 1st and 2nd Thursday in each month. New- comers are always welcome. 8.00 p.m. ART EXHIBIT: Open to public whenever the building is open. Exhibit: Japanese Prints, 1675 - 1951. All day. SO-ED PLANNING MEETING: 7.30 p.m. BALLROOM DANCING: 9.00 - 10.00 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 20 MORNING NURSERY: A nurs- ery program for children, 4 years of age. 9.30 - 11.30 a.m. CRAFTS: A fully equipped craft shop open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, etc. 9.30-11.30 a.m.; 2.00 - 5.00 p.m. YWCA JR. LEADERS' CORPS: A leadership course for girls 14- 16 years of age. Course includes instruction in crafts, games, folk dancing, party planning, program planning, etc. 4.15 p.m. OSHAWA CHESS "CLUB: Dy hobby 'club meets every Friday evening; they have coaching for beginners and keen trophy com- petition for advanced palyers, 8.00 p.m. FASHION ILLUSTRATION COURSE: Open to those interest- ed in learning how to draw a fash- fon figure and how to draw various types of clothes on a fashion fig- ure. 7.30 p.m, ART EXHIBIT: Open to the pub- lic any time that the building is open. Exhibit: Japanese Prints, 1675-1951. All day. SATURDAY, MARCH 21 SAT-R-DAY CAMP: A club pro- gram for girls 9 - 12 years of age, Handicrafts, games, folk dancing, club projects, parties, skits, etc. 10.00 a.m. YWCA BADMINTON CLUB: this club is for young men and women in the community, New members are welcome. Held at Simcoe Hall Gym. Register at the "Y', 3.30 - 5.30 p.m. OVER - 20 CLUB DANCE: A weekly club dance held for those in the community over 20 years of aze. 9.00 - 12.00 p.m. Free Esti TOM BARBER fin Dial 3-8924 iH (Aped) hoo UNION ECONOMY PAINT Interior -- Exterior : ¥ $3.59 gal. x Paint Store 315 Simcoe St.-S. + Dial 3-2472 (Tues, Wed Fri t) TRADE-IN .. BARGAINS AT ~ RUTHERFORDS » 9--3-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITES; _ velour, your choice .... $39.00 T=-3-PC. DAVENO SUITE .. $39.00 1--3-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE; mohair, good condition $49.00 1--3-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE; blue and wine, wool frieze, spot- _ less condition $129.00 --SPACE-SAVER DAVENO; grey tapestry . .., $39.50 1--STUDIO; including back, lime green, homespun $49.50 1=--RED MAPLE RECLINER; tapestry »1... cushions : $39.50 | 20-6" x 9° AXMINSTER RUGS; r J $19.95 1--WILTON RUG; 9' x 12' plain "% French blue. Reg. $239. Used th $149.00 1--SOLID OAK ROCKER .. $10.50 1--LIBRARY DESK; solid oak $29.50 156 Simcoe St.' South (652) Low cost er. at SEWING MACHINE REPAIR MAN wanted. This job is for an older man who would like steady average wages. Every- thing is at hand to work with, and we will give you good training. For further information please phone or apply in per- son te the manager of the Singer Sewing Machine Co., 14 Ontario St. Phone 5-5443. (65f) PAPER CUTTING MACHINE OPERATOR, y. 5-day week, benefits. Apply Superintendent General Printers, Ltd. (65b) SHIPPER - RECEIVER, WITH CHAUF- 15--Agents Wanted EARN UP TO $15 DAILY SELLING SU- per-Sox. Amazing one-year guarantee. Also guaranteed nylons, latest sweaters. No investment. Free sales kit: or send $5.00 f6r master sales kit with samples. Super- Sox Canada, 18 York St., Hamilton, om 4 « ) 46--Emjiloyment Wanted CHARLIE MILLS, NORTH OSHAWA -- Watch and Clock Repiurs; Toki your Pick-up elivery. Dial 449, lence and 'salary expected to Box azette. (65b) Times-Gi '| ONE OF THE BETTER SERVICE. STA- tien and garages in Oshawa have an 3-8530. (April) WHY NOT TRY MAE'S MENDING SERV: ice? You'll get more wear from clothes needing repair. Dial 3-4840. (Mar36) MARRIED WOMAN WILL BABY-SIT any afternoon or evening. Dial em, SOLINA GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent SOLINA -- Solina community was gaily decorated with green and white streamers, shamrocks, and pipe cut-outs, on the occasion of the St. Patrick's dance, on Fri- day night. Bryce Brown's Seven Aires Orch- estra provided excellent music for dancing throughout the evening. Lucky spot dances were won by Mrs. George Graham and partner, of Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, while the birthday elimination dance was won by Grant Williams (birthday, March 17) and Jean Cameron. Lunch was served by the committee in charge of the fine evening's enter- tainment. Mr. and Mrs. Joe §nowden en- tertained friends at ah enjoyable jary on Saturday night. Prizes for highest scores in Court Whist were won by Mrs. M. Bickle and Harvey Yellowlees. Congratulations to Mr.\and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr. on 'the birth of a son on Saturday, March 14, in Memorial' Hospital, 'Bowman- ville, A brother for Phyllis-Anne and Joan. The Young People's class had charge of the worship service which opened Sunday School on Sunday afternoon. Pearl Leacn took charge while the scripture reading was given by Mrs. Joe Snowden and Donna Vice sang a solo. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H, Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Mar- ilyn and Peter, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Yellowlees were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dav- 1s and Patsy. Sunday School next Sunday, Mar. 22, will be at 1.30 p.m. Church ser- vice will be withdrawn owing to Hampton anniversary service. Mrs. Annie Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Fitzgerald, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Everett Cryderman"s. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Eben- ezer, were at Harry Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and children, Hampton, visited on Sun- day at Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, and Marlene, visited at Ernest Ewart's in Toronto and also called to see Garnet Goyne at Sunnybrook Hospital. Chas. Johnson, Sunnybrook Hos- pital, Toronto; Mrs. Johnson and children, Peterborough, visited at Mr. J. Baker's. Mr." and Mrs. Frank Burrows, Miss Marilyn Burrows and Bob Elston, Oshawa, were Sunday vis- itors at E. Spires'. Mrs. H. H. Harris and Billie at- tended the funeral of'Adam Spears at Whitevale. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Balson and family, Kingston, spent the week- end at A. J. Balson"s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Beverley, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Ern- est Hockaday"s, VARIETY PROGRAM The St. Patrick's variety pro- gram was well attended Monday night in the hall. Four-year-old Billie Wade of Ebenezer really stole the show with his masterful performance at the traps with his mother as his capable accompanist at the plano. He returned with LONDON (CP)--An average of five marriages a day between Brit- ish girls and United States ser- vicemen stationed in England is being performed. During the last three months there were more than 500 such weddings. St. Patrick's Dance Gala Event At Community Hall encores in response fo continuous applause. Other items consisted of humor- ous readings by Messrs H, Os- borne of Ebenezer and Howard Foley of Bowmanville, vocal solos and harmonica selections by Ross Metcalfe of Maple Grove with Ileen Balson at the piano; piano duets by Mrs. E. Cryderman and Gladys Yellowlees. Community singing was led by Mrs. J, Baker. Piano solos by Ileen Balson; vocal duets by Emma and Olive Cryderman, with ukelele and guitar accompani- ment, and Mrs. E. Cryderman, their mother, at the piano. Vocal solos by Mrs, J. Baker. The prize for guessing the nearest correct number of potatoes in the iron pot was won by Mrs. Wes Hills, who received a potted shamrock plant as an award. Proceeds of the evening were over $30. Mr. Tom Baker was chairman for the eve- ning. The Men's Brotherhood will meet in Zion Church on Monday night, March 23. M. Macintyre managing editor of The Oshawa Daily Times - Gazette, will be guest speaker. There will also be musical entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended a fam- ily party at Mr. John Borrow- dale's, Oshawa. Mrs. W. D. McLaughlin, Oshawa, visited her father, Mr. A. L. Pascoe. Chas. Shortridge attended the fu- CRA WEDNESDAY Adult -- Woodshop, Strength and Health Club, Boxing Instructions, Skating Club, 7-9 p.m. Oshwa N.A. Bowling (Motor City Alleys), 9 p.m. Bathe Park N.A. Meeting (Rit- son School), 8 p.m. THURSDAY Recreation office open all day. 9.00 - 5.30 p.m. Lions Club Room for the Blind. 9.00 - 5.30 p.m, Adult -- Woodshop: Shuffleboard; Strength and Health Club. 2.00 - 4.00 p.m, Children -- Leathercraft; Shell- craft, Woodshop; Boys' Gym. 4.15 5.30 p.m. Teen-agers Table Tennis; Shuffleboard. 4.15 - 5.30 p.m. Adult Leathercraft; Wood- shop: Strength and Health Club Boxing Instructions. 7.00 - 9.00 p.m. Lionettes Club Social. 8.00 p.m. Storie Park NA Meeting (Club- house). 8.00 p.m, Victory Park NA Meeting (Park- house). 7.30 p.m. FRIDAY . Recreation office open all day. 9.00 - 5.30 p.m. Lions Club Room for the Blind. 9.00 - 5.30 p.m. Strength and Health Adult -- Club; Woodshop; Shuffleboard; Shell- 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. Children -- Leathercraft; craft; Boys' Gym; Woodshop. 4.15- 5.30 p.m. Teen - agers Table Tennis; Shuffleboard. 4.15 - 5.30 p.m. Adult -- Strength and Health Club; Boxing Instructions. 7.00 - 9.00 pm, Teen-agers -- Teen Town Dance and Social. 8.00 p.m. SATURDAY Children -- Woodshop. 9.30 - 11.30 am, Adult--One-Day Provincial Area Conference (all day). Recreation on the Air, reported by Bill Smith (CKLB). 6.15 p.m. CROSSWORD PUZZLE _ ACROSS 1. Immense 8. Short-billed rail 9. Melody 10. Precious stone . Slopes . Wicked 15. M opening for a service station hani Write Box (65h) 602 Times-Gagette. JUNIOR REPORTER An opportunity for work in a branch office of The Times-Gazette. Reply, stating any experience, to Managing Editor, The Times-Gazette, (65¢) RELIABLE LADY WISHES HOUSE: keeping on; will take complete charge. Write Box 334, Times-Gazetls, a) 47--Legal Notices P.F.M. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 73 of "The Ontario Municipal Board Act" (R.S.0. 1950, Chapter 262), and IN THE MATTER OF Section 177 of "The HELP WANTED Operator wanted to spray cottle in East Whitby Township for Warble- Fly. Sproyer and materials supplied. Applicants to state wages. Applica- | tions to be sent to the Clerk of East MWhitby Township by March 18th, 1953. 63¢) TWO SALESMEN Interested in $125 weekly, wanted immediately for reference research work, reply giving phone number "to GENERAL REFERENCE RESEARCH t. 159 Boy S Toronto (84b) 39a--Fuel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, $4 single cord: hardwood slabs, $5.50 single cord. Alse body hardwood. Dial a. ] ) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR furnace, range or jacket heater, $5 or $3 lots, delivered. Dial 3-739 810) 44--Male or Female Help Wanted MALE OR FEMALE HELP FOR LOCAL | shoe store. Permanent position to right | parties, experienced preferred, but not | essential. Apply in writing, giving details | to Box 532, Times-Gazette. (85¢) | CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, MAPLE, Radd and soft slabs delivered. Phones 37R33 Bethany. or 52R12 Blackstosk, " - (Apri8) 39p--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL AND FUEL OIL, PROMPT pov deliveries by metered trucks. Cities &) Oil Products. Dial 3-9443, (Apr$) Articles For Rent ING CHAIRS, CARD AND BAN tables, for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Apres) 41Y--Articles Wanted SHAW RAG and METAL 89 BLOOR EAST Dial 5-2311 J. Shaw Res: 3-9111 Highest prices paid for scrap irom, metal, rags. batteries, mattresses. ete. Factory accounts appreciated. a (Apr2) > \ 45---Agents Wanted | WANTED: RELIABLE MAN AS DEAL. | er in Oshawa and Ontario County. Ex- | perience not necessary. A fine opportunity | Act" (R.S.0. 1950, Chapter 331), and IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Oshawa Railway Company for ap- proval of an increase In the amount of fares to be charged for the transporta- tion gf passengers in motor buses oper- ated by the Applicant in the City of d with the 5 Oshawa, In tariff: ADULTS Cash fare 12¢c (present fare 10c) Tickets 5 for 50c (present fare 3 for 25¢) CHILDREN (a) Scholars Cash fare 7c (present fare 5¢) Tickets 5 for 25¢ (present fare 6 for 25¢) c (b) €hildren 51 inches and under: Cash fare 7c (present fare 5c) Tickets 5 for 25c (present fare 7 for 25¢) APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the Seventh day of April,, A.D., 1953, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Council Chambers, in the City of Oshawa, hearing of all parties interested in sup- port of or this licath 1067 | (Chin.) 16. Obtains 18. Evening (poet.) 19. Simpleton 21. Talked rapidly 23. Stinging insect 25. Stripe 26. Thong 28. Web-footed bird A cheer Shelf of a trunk Early settler High priest Symbol of indebted- ness 41. God of love 43. At home : Minute skin 36. 37. 38. 32. 34. 35. 39. 40. opening 46. into bales Warbled 50. hydroxide 51, Otherwise DOWN . Stout- Making 48. Sodium . Golf pegs hearted 24. IAIVIAISIT] ETLILT ISERPIEI TIE IN OIIEIRIERA IS ERRIA | AIHA] Seana 7 ok ICIAIGIE]S] Mountain 1 IOICITIEIT] TIC IAISIREIRANELE Yesterdey's Answer 42. Astringent fruit 45. Half ems 47. Fish 49. Earthasa goddess Not tight Perceived by hearing Cook in an oven DATED at Toronto, this day of February, A.D., 1953. M. B. SANDERSON, Secretary. (Mar18,28) twenty-fourth SEAL OF THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 16 step into oid profitable where | Rawleighs Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on eredit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. B-310- 163, Montreal. (Mar4,11,18,25) | -- | SALESMAN WANTED TO SERVICE AND | sell in Oshawa and district. Experience | always helps, but definitely not necessary, | as we have a good training. program, | and tr rtation on the job is supplied. | This § steady salary job (married or sing nd good increases for right man. You sheuld be neat, reliable with an average education, For further informa- tion please phone or apply in person, to the manager of the Singer Sewing Ma. | chine Co.. 14 Ontario St. Phone 55443. | (850) ONE OF CANADA'S OLDEST ELECTRIC | Appliance manufacturers would like 10 | meel' two young men not over 30 years of age, one Polish or Ukrainian speaking, | and 1 'English-speaking. Must be reliable | and own a good car. Apply, giving name, address and phone number to Box 439, | Times-Gazette, (65¢) ' 48--Auction Sale BEING FAVORED WITH INSTRUCTIONS from F. J. Staples, R.R. No. 2, Whitby, and the executors of the estate of the late Viola Staples, there will be sold by public auction at Stirtevant's -Auction Room, 33 Hall Street, Oshawa, Thursday evening, March 19th at 7 p.m., doors open at 6:43, the household contents. Piano and Bench: Chesterfield and Chair: China Cabinet; Walnut Bedroom Suite; Chairs; Chintz Cov- ered Bedroom Chair; Bress Candelabra: Oak Desk; 1 Oak Bedroom Suite: Wicker Chair; 2 Small Rockers; 1 Couch; 3 small Tables; Green Bedroom Rug; 2 Jardineers; Kitchen Table and Chairs; 1 Combination Electric Coal and Wood Range; Vacuum Cleaner; Floor Lamp; Radio; Radio Cabin- et: Electric Refrigerator: Lawn Mower: Sliver Flatware: Bedding: Quilts; Sheets; Pillows; Flannelette Blankets; Cooking Utensils; Dishes and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer. Dial 5-5751, (65h) GOOD Reference 43 KING ST. WEST . STEADY JOB - TRUCK DRIVER-YARDMAN HOSPITALIZATION -- HOLIDAY PAY LANDER COAL CO. WAGES Necessary OSHAWA, ONT. neral of A. Challener at Hampton. ! THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, March 18, 1953 £1 SIMCOE HALL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 ' Simcoe Hall Badminton Club -- | Dept teenage boys and girls, 6.30 p.m. Boys' Stamp club, 7 p.m Teenage Girls' Club -- business meeting, table tennis, gymnastics, square dancing, Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club, Weight Lifting Club, Simcoe Hall Grads Basketball, 7.30 p.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 19 Nursery School -- 4 yr. olds-- free play, story hour, rhythm band, music, books, crafts, 9-11.30 a.m. Golden Age Lounge Room open, 1.30-5.30 p.m. + Golden Age Sewing Group, 2 p.m. Boys' Woodworking Club, Boys' Games Rooms -- billiards, crok- inole, hockey games, ping pong, floor hockey, Girls' Craft Club, Public Library -- Children's Dept., 3.30-5.30 p.m. Plano Lessons, 4 p.m. YWCA Basketball, 6 p.m. Golen Age Club -- cards, check- ers, games, refreshments, movies, anyone 70 or over is welcome, 7 p.m. YWCA Badminton, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Nursery School, 5 yr. olds--free play, story hour, rhythm band, music, books, crafts, 9-11.30 a.m. Golden Age Lounge Room open, 1.30-5.30 p.m. Boys' Basketball, Public Library Children's Dept,, 3.30-5.30 p.m. Movies -- boys and girls --all ages, Piano Practice periods, 4 p.m Archery Club, 7.30 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Speech Training Classes, Plano Lessons, Accordion Lessons, Boys' Basketball, 9 a.m. Public Library -- Children's .» 9.30 a.m, : Pee Wee Cadet Corps, 10 a.m. Harvey Dancing Academy, In- dustrial Basketball, 1.30-3.30 p.m. YWCA Badminton, 3.30 p.m. Seventh Day Adventists Social Evening, 7.30 p.m. Pee Wee Hockey, Oshawa Arena, Valleyview vs Simcoe Hall 11-12 noon, Sheetless Ghost Pays Hob In Court COOKSVILLE (CP)--The case of the sheetless ghost threw magis- trate's court into an uproar Tues- day and ended in dismissal of a charge of assault, causing bodily harm, against Henry Perelte, 70- year-old watchman. Perelte was charged following STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 DUNDAS ST. E, WHITBY PHUNE WHITBY 552 Memorials © Markers the wounding of Jack Perdue Feb. 19 when Perdue and two compan- ions, Jack Adams and Tobias Hub- bard appeared outside Perelte's trailer dressed as ghosts, Adams testified he had supplied the sheets, adding that the haunt- ing expedition was intended as a joke to test the watchman"s su- perstitious beliefs. Warned by a frozen piece of earth tossed at his trailer, Perelte confronted the ghosts armed with a shotgun. When the trio started whooping it up in ghostly fashion, the watchman pulled the trigger. In the excitement Perdue lost his sheet and stopped some of the shotgun pellets. He was in hospital for two weeks. Asked by Crown Attorney A. G. Davis why he didn't let Perelte know who he was, Perdue replied: "Ghosts aren't supposed to talk." ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS OLD FLOORS REFINISHED Wall AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID DIAL 3-7251 iy BRECK SPECIAL! Get the 12-0z. Breck Shampoo PLUS The 2V52-0z, Breck Hairdress! Regular '$2.80 value 1 95 * for only CHARLES ANTELL SPECIAL Get the large jor Formula 9 only $2.50 -- and get $1.28 Shampoo as a gift -- OR Giant ! family size Formu'a 9 only $3.75 and $2.50 Shampoo Competitive Prices, Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES COUGH SYRUP FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS SOLD ON A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE AND REMINDERS Baby and Children's Regular 50 CASCARA TABLETS Bottie of 100 «Regular 3% .... IDASAL TABLETS For headache relief 300s, Regular 89%c THROAT GARGLE For relief of sore throat MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 100's & 300s Reg. 3%9¢, 89¢c Regular 50c 33+, 69* CASTOR OIL Tasteless and odourless Regular 40c Quick Relief from Chest COLDS! IDARUB A white, stainless chest rub that relieves congestion due to chest colds. 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