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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Mar 1953, p. 15

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Jones, B.A., John A. Cameron, B.A. Money * to loan. @ . | Good News For You If You Haven't Tried Times Ads--They Bring The astest Results! Mrs. M. has used Times-Gazette Classified Ads for years. This article was sold the first morning. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, March 24, 1983 18 ANGETTE AUTOMATIC OVEN control, only 1 year old, $35. Cost $79. Apply -- Park Rd. North. (86¢) ant, * eollect, Empire Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 8--Building Trades 21---Personal Services, EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING chimney repairs. Dial+3-4373, SAVE ON mill to mount, (April) LUMBER -- DIRECT FROM you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kin- Ont. Phone 17RI11. (May20) AND | EXPERT RADIO SERVICE--AND ELEC- . Dial 85-4311 102 (Apri) TAX FORMS FILLED OUT, Fr i tric Appliances repaired. Wilson Rd. South. 1a--.Accountants, Chartered EPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE an. per way. Dial 5-3986. (Apr2) IRVING REISS CHARTERED ACCOUNT: Adelaide Street ,. Toronto. Call a case Te Torn pry) KITCHEN CUPBOARDS BUILT AND IN- stalled; also alterations. Dial SOME, MONTEITH AND NE, CHAR- tered Accountants, 37 King St. E., Dial and Fised "Cordon W. Mie, CA. Resident ing BRICK AND BLOCK LAYING PLASTER- general cement work, estimates, prompt service. Lilly Bros. Dial 50002 ' Pl 2--Auditors ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 8. H. Top. 253 TRENCHING, EXCAVATING AND GRAD- ing work done. Foundations dug, etc. Call Trans - Northern E ring, Pickerily , (691) AND CAMERON, East. Dial 3-2269. Ralph (Aprl) & BOYCHYN, BARRIS tors, 6 King West. Phones: ; Residences 5-4604, Whitby Money to loan. (Aprl) 761. ROOF LEAKING? HOUSE COLD? LET US fix it up with new shingles, insulation, a pita plied by fF relienced men, Call ch augnits Coal and Su Ltd. al 3-3481, mates without obligation. frie Pre-Cast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS Delivered ond Installed BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Brooklin -- Phone 155 (Aprils) 8a--Sharpening Services r Solicitors. Clients' funds fer mortgages. 20 Simcoe St. N. Phone 85-3566. Charles C. McG;bbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo. Mar24) CONANT A AND "CONANT, . BARRISTERS and Solicitors, Roger G. Conant, Ba, " , Ont., mcoe 3 ces: Oshawa pane, (Aprld) BARRISTER, East. Dial Greer, Dial 3-2227: Ajax, Ont., Qc, A.W. 8. GREER, QC. I ¢ King SO ostdence 3-4759, John M. B. ne. Bt., resident 5-3368. (Mar10) , SALMERS, B.A., BARRISTER, z io ete, 13% Simede Street North. ' nce office 5-3741, residenc: A Maran AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, SETTING retoothing and gumming. Al types of saws, lawnmowers, shears, 24, Sie, sharpen- ed. Stan's Sharpeningg Service. 227 King West, ar2atf SAWS FILED AND SET, RETOOTHING, etc. Lawn mowers, shears sharpened. Percy Neil, 102 Highland Ave., Oshawa. Dial 3-8363. (Apri) Dial 37947. (Mar2s) MAE'S MENDING AND REPAIRS Mending pit al iJ inde " done. Free nex wi (Mara7) DON'T BREAK YOUR NECK LET ME DO IT | take your storm windows off and clean the windows, also general spring cleaning. R. MAEDER ot DIAL 5-1724 115 BEATRICE ST, 21a--Auctioneers JAMES WOOD AUCTIONEER Livestock, furniture, purebred live- stock sales; no sale too large or small. Dial 5-5980 Oshawa (Apr10) 23--Women's Column CHARIS -- DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL types of Foundation Garments. B. Blatter, Dial 5-3434. (Apri) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING SPE- cial 209% off all permanents, time. 16 Church. Dial 5-2241. 16) THE LUCIENNE BEAUTY SALON are again offering their pre-Easter spe- cials: cold waves $7.50; machineless $5.95. Dial 3-9411 over Ward's Store. (M24) 1 wm 9--Business Opportunities CLARKE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE. MACHINE. less Permanent, $3.50 up, cold-wave $5. guaranteed. Dial 32651, 172 Gibbon St SELF-SERVE GROCERY STORE FOR rent, E, good growing district. Write Box 642, tte, for particul (70¢) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C. BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, cask Oth Joan, Office 14% ¥ awa. King Sireet En 5-3405 (AprD) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLICI- tor, 11 King East. Room 2. Dial Office $-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Apr) 11a--Tailoring Marl?) COLUMBUS BEAUTY SHOP -- PER- manents: machineless, $4 to $10; Cold Waves, $6 finger waves. Donalda- Mc- Leod. Phone Brooklin 13RS. Columbus -- evening appointments. (Apr?) STRICTLY BUSINESS o meeonen 30----Room and Board 32--Automobiles For Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted OOM ANC BOARD FOR 5 GENTLE- en, also laundry. Dial 5-3071. (66f) 4) him L +] Ze [3 \ V2 A D TERS = ) = Nd 3 ) i a C--, r-- -- N\ I --.... Zz Axl aN a ~ 2 "Scalpel . . . scissors . . . sponges . . . pipe wrench . , ."" Surgeons need the right tools aot the right time -- and The Times-Gazette Classified Ads are the right tool all the time for selling, renting or buying, Call 3-2233 Roou AND BOARD FOR MEN WILLING share. Also lunches made. Apply 86 Wiliam St. West. 69) BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS & trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Dial $8 2256. (Mar28) '41-81 aden ar BRING ong CASH fod *52 PONTIAC SEDAN WITH 4,500 MILES. Apply 346 Division St., after 6. 69) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men to share, 5-day week. Dial Li 0c) 51 BUICK DELUXE SEDAN, DYNAFLOW, fully equipped, excellent condition, 431 Simcoe North. Dial 53-0301, (69¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 1 GENTLE. man, willing to share, close to new G.M. Dial 3-8165. (70a) 31--Room & Board Wanted MODEL A FORD, PERFECT SHAPE, original mileage 36,000. A 236 Beatty Ave., after 6 or phone 3- (70¢) 41 CHEV. SEDAN, REASONABLE. DIAL 5-5041, evenings. 70 ROOM AND BOARD, DESIRED BY ung woman in Christian home. Write 644, Times-Gazette. (70c) GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGNMENT wheel balancing at Moring's Garage, 1084 Simcoe St. North. (Apr10) ROOM AND BOARD, WANTED BY man, private home, central pre- erred. Write Box 634, Times-Gazette. (70) WORKING MOTHER REQUIRES ROOM and Hoard for Sel and two children, 6 ay care children. 637, Times-Gazette, Write Joos 32--Automobiles For Sale '51 CHEV. AIR CONDITIONING HEAT- er, 9,000 miles, like new. Priced low. Pri- vate. Dial 3-3574, (Mar24,25and27) '38 BUICK CONVERTIBLE. A-1 CONDI- tion, $395 or best offer. Dial 5-273 PND (702) 1946 INTERNATIONAL CABIN CHASSIS, new motor has 15,000 miles, D.P. axle, driving lights, ete. This truck 1s in At REBUILT ENEE ACTION, 34-38 ouEy. and Pontiac. Retall and wholesale. Garage, Verdun and Fa fe FOR BETTER oral 0 SLEANER CAprad) cars, see Bill Motors. Dial ed SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or quality asa car, at af Beimont Motors, 137 King Wi Phone 5-0732. (Mar19) PHONE TED CAMPIN Jor NN NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Motors. Dial 3-4634. (Apr13) '44 CHEV. 2-TON STAKE, GOOD oon. dition. Dial 3-2158. '40 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, CAN BE financed or tradedn for truck. Apply 93 Colborne East. (70) condition. Can be bought Apply Jenny. Van Court Motors, 8 Ritson Rd Mar20tf) '52 PONTIAC SEDAN, LOW MILEAGE, privately owned and driven, in new car condition. Dial 5.4632, After 5 p.m. Dial 3-2707. (65tf) '50 AUSTIN STATION WAGON, GOOD condition, would suit commuter, carries 6 passengers and baggage. Cash $300 and balance aver May be seen at 120 676) 25-----Real Estate For Sale 28--For Rent HOUSE, 4 ROOMS AND BATH, COM- plete with modern conveniences, 2%-acres of land, 1 mile north of Maple Grove school. Terms. A. H. Bothwell, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. (691) TOP TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' and gents' made - to - measure clothes. All materials of the finest British woollens. 18% Simcoe North. Dial 5-0632. (Mar25) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, National Hous- Barristers, Mortgage loans, Igtional Hous. ing Act leas, a Simcoe (AprD 4619. Res. 3-241 A ARTZ, BARRISTER, MANNING F. SA Pr Bavectt Solicitor, Notary. Residence LC ad No. 4 Dial 3-4697. dense 12--Gardening & Supplies SPECIALS---COLD WAVES, $475 UP; machineless, $3.50 up. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Dial 5-5363. (Aprid) 25-~Real Estate For Sale ACRE FARM, LOT 3, CON, 8, DAR- 100 acres workable, 6- NOW IS THE TIME TO FERTILIZE your lawns -- prepare for shrubs, trees, flag and chrome stone walls, also rock- eries. Have your garden a place to live in an, FoRjoy, Hardsand Landscaping -- Dial 5- ZU WILLSON, DENTIST, OS! aws ne Hows 8 to 6 daily. Saturday mornings. Dial 3-863 or 3-3792. (Apr) Evergreens, roses and shrubs Order now for spring delivery. Lawns sodded and seeded. Nursery stock planted. Gardeners: For economy and efficien- cy have us demonstrate the "Merry Tiller" at your home, CLARE & ALLEN SHANK HILLSIDE NURSERY, OSHAWA Dial 5-2744 te (Apra2) acres woods rest pasture, 1 creek, good well, large barn, good driving shed and hen house. 9-room insul brick house, hydro and furnace, Possession April 1.. Owner advertising. Phone 2878, Bowmanville, LOT, 80° X 275', AT PRESTONVALE, ON No. 2 Highway. Apply 172 Colborne St. East, (68¢) 3-PIECE For fur r 8 (692) JARVIS ST.--6-ROOM BRICK AND SHIN- gle, good roof, furnace, insulated, heavy wiring, electric hot water tank, many ex- tras. Would take 4-room bungalow on payment. Write Box 641, Times.Gageits, > a 6-ROOM INSUL BRIC HOUSE, bath, floors alr furnace, south end of city, ther particulars, dial 5-6193, PORTABLE CEDAR CABIN FOR SALE, 6%' x 16°, screened verandah. Write Box tt, 13--Household Repairs 643, Ti (700) 6-ROOM, 2-8TOREY BRICK, MODERN LLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIMCOE our 2 tos dally. Saturday morn. ings. Dial 5-4832. (Mar24) 7--Optometrists C. I. TUCK. Mon., tact lenses and FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP- holstared. See materials gting, Bruce 'D Dalton, 75 Conroe kiteh: oll heated, garage. Early posses- sion. Apply 87 Warren Ave. (Mar24,26) BROOKLIN--BRICK HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, modern conveniences, large corner lot on CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, goes od. Like Why pay more? Our new. pay are reasonable. Satisfaction "earanteet: reb Oshawa y, 2-car garage. Also nice corner building lot. Phone. Brooklin 161J. (70f) 2-YEAR-OLD, SIX-ROOM BRICK VENEER allt. Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Apr3) 11,500. Down payment, $5,200. Dial 3-9658. (70f) Expert your drapery prob- lems. Beautiful o_o shown in your BOARDING HOUSE, 6 LARGE ROOMS, hardwood floors, oll' heated, any Sacar. own home, where the actual room @. 7. HORTON. ONTARIO LAND SUR- Sar, Phone SUR, Ajax. (Maral) ONTARIO All types of tracks and Jods, venetian blinds supplied and install For appointment call V. L. MONTGOMERY Brooklin 122 (April) ated, 1 (70a) INCOME HOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND 3 room apartment, double garage, nice back yard. $3,500 to $4,000 d Ea, own. 20 Brock $10,000--Colborne KE. 7-room brick, oil heated; large lot. Reasonable 8--Building Trades ALTERATIONS AND REMODELLING, attics and and installed; general re- Floor and wall tiling. Work suzran. . G. Parks 3-2631. (Apr9) CARPENTRY, ALTERATIONS, boards, all general repairs, also paincing, 14--Instruction LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Cv Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence, Efe] prio) DANCING--BALLET, TOE, TAP, IRENIE Harvey: Burk St. New classes now foi: Fosdeock, dial 3.7048. (Apre) A. Woods. (Apri0) , H. HENDERSON -- = CONCRETR AND Si blocks, large stock on bana._Disi C.R. Gibb st. (May "3% LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School -- Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Pre- School--Masonic Temple, Saturday. Infor mation 3-7253. (May6) COURSES IN STENOGRAPHY, aE sociated subjects. Day and ht school classes nig? begin any Monday. Oshawa Bus- iness College. Dial 5-4343. (Mar22) 16--Insurance MCMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, AUTO, Dial 3-4790. CONCRETE WEEPING AND CULVERT tile. Dial 5-4052. (Apr) Life (Rep., Imperial Life) -- (Mari?) a1 King 'West. Dial 3-3722. PRUDENTIAL OF ENGLAND ASSURANCE COMPANY is repr in Oshawa and District by NOW IS THE TIME -- SAND, GRAVEL and fill for driveways, foundations. For quick service call Cochrane Haulage 3 YOUR LOCAL ROOFER -- SHINGLING; insul-brie; flat roofing; flashing; eaves- FRANK E. TURNEY, C.L.U., 47 PRINCE STREET DIAL 50832 Life, Fire and Auto Insurance Overseas policies given special attention (Apr.29) estimates, Terms. % Tucker, dial 35-6161. (April) ROOFS © SHINGLED, CONCRETE SILLS poured, stone work and masonry repairs, reasonable rates. For free erimates dial 51279 or S5-5124. (Apr20) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING and d free Dial 9313. (Apr10) PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES, FIT- and used. tings, fixtures, new e tions at reasonable prices. Dial 35-4241. (Apri0) ORDER NEW HOMES Now. JESTRICT. Eighty percent N.H.A. read pore . mort- yy repairs S00, . (Marl?) CARPENTRY WORK, BY HOUR OR fobs new and repair work. Phone 2969 thy. (Mar19) 18-Lo.t & Found LOST--WALLET, BROWN LEATHER, IN- itials on outside, contains sum of money, valuable papers. Reward. Dial SL (69b) 3. | LOST--19TH MARCH, ENGLISH SETTER, female, blue belton, half face black. An- swers to name "Pearl". Reward. Dial 3-9173. (70c) --LOST--GIRL'S NEW RED GABARDINE coat, on Drew, King East to Simpson's Store. Monday night. Dial 3.3527, (70a) 19--Money to Loan FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Sale Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick & Hennick Barristers, 31 St. E. Dial 37 (Mar26t PAINTING AND DECORATING For latest Papers - Finest Paints Best Workmanship G, PRESTON AND SON DIAL 3-3752 Ss (Apré) HARDWOOD FLOORS "Do your springe€ieaning early While cheaper rates are in effect' Hardwood floors sanded, finished and refinished, stair treads refinished or tiled LILLEY'S MODERN FLOORS Dial 5-4902 Dial 5-4851 (March26) Roofing, Insul-bric; all masonry. Fireplaces, chimneys, walksy blocks. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GORDON MAY Dial 3-9911 types of side- GIVEN stucco, REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT or arranged. North Shore Realty Company Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Dial 5-3568. (203tf) CLIENT'S MONEY TO S0AN ON FIRST a tor sale purchased on terms, Creighton, Fraser & an, Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers. (Mar27) CLIENTS" MONIES AVAILABLE FOR im and second worigages, Mortgages sale chased. agreements pur NA. and Buiders Loans arranged. Mppiyopt, F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. S§., Oshawa. Dial oy. D pr' favorable 20--Personal SOUR CUP READ CONFIDENTIAL. DIAL Ic) CARRIE: LIFE MEANS NOTHING without you. Please meet me in frent of The Regent Theatre tonight. Laurence Olivier. (70a) | 20a--Cartage FOR GENERAL CARTAGE CALI A E. Pretty, 5-0965, 444 SimcoeS. (Mar21) WE Move. 2 MosT ANYTHING ANY- time. Dial (Apr3d) down payment. This is a good property. U. JONES BROKER Dial 5-6412 HOUSE FOR SALE 8 rooms, brick, large lot, double ga- rage, three-piece bath, $11,500. Possession April 1. APPLY 131 ALBERT STREET (Apral) $6,500--4-room bungalow, North Simcoe. Hardwood floor, hot-air heating with oil. Quick possession, WALTER R. SMITH BROKER 18 BOND ST. WEST DIAL 3-2911 HENRY R. STINSON Salesman DIAL 5-2130, Evenings (70a) $8,500 -- 8 large-room clapboard, good income home, close to new Mo- tors. Lot 66 x 166 ft., new hot-air furnace, garage. $9,000--An exceptional opportu- nity duplex, 4 rooms in each apart- ment with separate bachrooms, new furnace, heavy wiring, separate me- ters, very easily heated; landscaped lot, 48' x 300', new double long ga- rage is heated and wired for com- mercial purposes, suited for various types of small or private enterprises, extras are included; property in good condition and well located, just off highway. $4,800--5-room, comfortable frame home on paved street, 3-piece bath- room, 3 bedrooms. Possession 30 days. $10,800--5-room, almost new brick home on beautifully landscaped lot, oil héated, 4-piece bathroom electric tank hardwood floors. A nice home. $27,000--For a new income proper ty, attractive rug brick apartment house, combining 4 separate apart- ments, heating is hot water by oil. Each apartment is modern in every detail, No. 1 oak, and tiled floors throughout, 6-room apt. available for owner. Apartments bringing in high- est rentals, Large lot has frontage on new street at rear. Exceptional value, Listings Wanted Personal Service Berneice H. Patrick Real Estate Broker 16 BOND ST. Dial 5-3692 or 5-5165 299 Simcoe S. ) PORT PERRY Large selection of choice properties featuring lower prices, easier terms, low taxes, 20 minutes from Oshawa -- regular bus service. See . . . WM. HEAYN Port Perry Representative ERNEST RIDOUT Real Estate Limited Phone Port Perry 174r12 (Tues&Fri-tf) 3-ROOM SELF-CONTAINED APART- ment with bath, no children. Apply 214 Mary St. (70) 6-ROOM HOUSE, VACANT APRIL 16. Will rent for 6 months. Dial 2-5247 2 - 6. (70¢) BROOKLIN (70¢) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. 61 Ring 3. LARGE FURNISHED BED - SITTING room, suitable for light housekeeping. Dial 3-2164. (70a) CLEAN, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED room for men or girls, bus stop at door, Dial 3-7697. (70a) CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM, USE OF kitchen and other privileges, also gar- age. Suit young couple, abstainers. Apply 462 Drew St. (70c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen to share. Near new GM plant. Dial 3-4302. (70b) FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME. Central. Dial 5-4574. (70a) breakfast optional. SELL OR RENT Cement Block Building 21" x 60' modern office Steam boiler, upstairs, central location. Ideal for cleaning and press- ing business, small manufac- turing or warehouse, etc. DIAL 5-2631 (sath) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GENTLE- man, containing hot water, very central. Quiet home. Apply 142 Celina St. (70b) OFFICE SPACE TO RENT The house now used as a parsonage at 139 King St. E., will be available for yental for offices between April 1 and The lower floor plan consists of three large rooms and a kitchen, the second floor consists of four bedrooms, a study and a bathroom. Oil heated. Parking space available at rear. Interested parties write or phone W. GORDON BUNKER Chairman, Trustee Board King Street United Church 822 King St. East Telephone 5-5373 (68d) 29--Wanted To Rent WANTED -- HOUSE OR APARTMENT for family with children. Oshawa or dis- trict, GM employee. Urgenily required by April 1st. Write Box 514, Times- Gazelle. 56 ROOM HOUSE, GOOD TENANT. best of references. Dial 3-3783. (68¢) 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, . ALL cash or your equity. For quick results and Satisfactory sale, ite W. McAuley, Toslink YOUNG COUPLE, ONE CHILD AND EX- pecting baby, desires 2 furnished rooms by April 15; abstainers. Dial 5-1080 aes 1 3-ROOM APARTMENT, HOUSE OR St. Dial 32512. 13 Prince (AprD) WANTED--5-ROOM HOUSE WITH 2 OR more acres of land outside of city, cash sale. Dial 5-5640. (70f) BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker Listings Wanted Personal Service 16 BOND E -- DIAL 5-3692 00 WILSON RD. N DIAL 3-3800 Lm an R. J. Fursey - Dial 3-705 (Mar30) Have client who can arrange to pay cash for a good 6-7 room home -- North Oshawa. Must be in good con- North 4 WALTER R. SMITH 18 BOND ST. a --_-- ® DIAL 3-2911 HENRY R. STINSON -- Salesman Dial 5-2130 -- Evenings 0a) with bath. In Oshawa or suburb, by May 1st. Dial 3-8643, (68¢c) WANTED--3 OR 4-ROOM APARTMENT, 2 children. Whitby district. Phone Mr. Estabrooks, 901 Whitby. (690) WANTED TO RENT IN BROOKLIN, UN- furnished apartment or flat, 3-4 rooms with private bathroom, commencing May or June. Quiet business couple. Write Box 630 Times-Gazette. (69b) REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY, 7 - 8-ROOM house. Responsible couple. Please dial 3-8600. (69¢) 3-ROOM, SELF-CONTAINED APART- ment with bath, unfurnished, in Oshawa, by April 15, no children. Dial 5-1215. (70¢) 56 ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE oF by April 1. Dial 5-0040. OUT-OF-TOWN COUPLE, 1%-YEAR-OLD child, desire house, or 4-5 room apart- ment. Maintenance employee at G.M., Oshawa preferred. Dial 5-3213. (70¢) I8 THERE A GOOD CITIZEN, WHO HAS a 6 or 8-roomed house, or know of one for rent after June 1st., central preferred. Urgently needed bY adult _ family, good 28--For Rent ROOM FOR 1 GENTLEMAN TO 8 single beds, opposite Duplate. Dial Su, Ic FOR RENT--STORE WITH ADJOINING house, 3 bedrooms, south district. Write Box 525, Times-Gazette. (68c) CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM FOR MEN or girls. Apply 213 Oshawa Bilvd.,, or 5-3641. (69¢) TWO GOOD BRIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms, ground floor, separate entrance. Phone 141), Brooklin (70b) LARGE BEDROOM, CLOSE TO MOTORS clean, Will you please help us? Dial 5-5862. 700) URGENTLY NEEDED, THREE OR four unfurnished rooms, by bricklayer with wife and three well-behaved, school- age girls, preferably in the country. Dial 5-4859. (70¢) YOUNG SCOTCH COUPLE WITH 3 CHIL- dren, ages 6, 5 years, 18 months, want 4 or 6-room houfe, within 8 miles of Oshawa. Please state rent. Write Box 539, Times- Gazette. (70¢) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, CENTRALLY located, for 3 business girls. Dial 3-9128. (70b) SELF- UNFURNISHED. THREE: ROOM, suit two Dial 5-1014, 327 Leslie. (698) LARGE BRIGHT WARM BEDROOM IN private home, very central, suit one or two girls, 225 Kendal Ave., dial 3-7228, after six. (69¢c) BUCKINGHAM MANOR--A BRIGHT 5- room apartment, every modern conveni- ence, $100, adults. Apply Apt. 5. [700 WHITBY HOTEL WHITBY ONTARIO Home-like surroundings, rooms by the day or week. Only a few miles from Oshawa and Ajax. Good bus service. PHONE 2337 (Apré) CEMENT BLOCK WAREHOUSE 4,600 sq. ft. floor space, ground floor, high basement, furnace, flourescent lighting, side loading door. DICK BRADLEY MOTORS Dial 5-1549 Tot) y Dial 5- (70¢) GARAGE FOR STORAGE SPACE. THE bigger the better. Dial Jim, 5-5124. URGENTLY REQUIRED 5 - 6 room house or bungalow by responsible couple. Phone D. J. THOMPSON Advertising Department Times - Gazette quiet couple, without children. 6368. 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE: men willing to share séparate beds. 231 Beatty Ave. (68¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 TO SHARE, continuous hot water; central. Apply 184 King/W. or 3-8490. (68b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE- men willing to share, in clean home. Dial 3-4359. (69¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE. |- men, near Duplate. Apply 544 Drew Street. Dial 3.7762. (69¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE MAN willing to share, close to Motors and dowa- town. Dial 5 I) BUY "NEW "GOODRICH _ TIRE FOR only stoo down at Suited Cities Service Station 792 Simcoe St. 8 (Mar20) '48 FLEETLINE CHEV., 18,000 MILES, in excellent condition; also piano. aon 5-2637. '50 DELUXE PONTIAC SEDAN (BLACK), 19,000 mileage, excellent condition. Hi est offer accepted. Dial 3-2059, (708) 47 KAISER SEDAN, BEST OFFER OVER $600 this week, will trade. Dial 3-2326. (70e) '40 CHRYSLER, GOOD CONDITION, $300 or best offer. Apply 119 Willingdon. (70a) 33--Automobiles Wanted FOR A SQUARE DEAL ees JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New | and used cars. Dial 3-4675: evening 85-5706. (Apr13) | LARESHORE athe JRECKERS. WANT cars for wrecking, st ces id. Dial 5-0533. we i Kore Hand Pic At Lowest Prices 52 CHEV. 2-DOOR SEDAN -- miles 52 ing, 11,000 miles 51 ditioning, 11,000 miles 50 50 new seat covers, etc. 49 CHEV. DELUXE SEDANETTE -- Radio, heater, model 47 tion 47 ing, etc. 47 clean Vries A 46 46 equipped 41 39 36 popular model perfect. 46 motor, with 15,000 miles, Very reasonable. Kenny Van Courte MOTORS 83 RITSON RD. S. "A GOOD PLACE TO DEAL" DIAL 3-4331 FORD MAINLINE TUDOR - -- Metallic blue, air-condition CHEV. 2-DOOR SEDAN -- Rich black, like new, ) Bit Cone $ STUDEBAKER SEDAN -- Radio, climatizer. loaded with FORD TUDOR -- cA beauty, light green, white wall tires. 2. A 5 OLDS. SEDANETTE -- Orie owner, BUICK SPECIAL SEDANETTE -- - Rod, air condition- CHEV. COACH -- One owner, 38,000 original mils, CHEV. "COACH -- Ne 'Oshawa blue, outstanding .... BUICK SUPER SEDAN -- Top condition, OL PONTIAC BUSINESS COUPE -- Oshawa blue, heater, 8 OLDS. 5- PASSENGER COUPE -- Beautiful finish, terrific radio and heater, mechanically Al, PONTIAC SEDAN -- Metallic green, heater, good motor and tires, etc. Excellent value, STOCK CAR A Handyman"s Choice HUDSON SEDAN -- Over $200 spent on motor, runs LOOK! -- $80 -- LOOK! TRUCK INTERNATIONAL 2%4-TON CAB AND CHASSIS -- New ked Cars Green, air-conditioning, 9,000 850 .. $1795 645 $1495 ter. sharp $1395 in amazing condi- $1095 " $1150 ve 075 caer esses RR RR SY original 585 il axle, driving lights, etc. 33--Automobiles Wanted 33--Automobiles Wanted WANTED 00 Chevrolets 1946 TO 1948 00 Pontiacs 1946 TO 1948 We will give you the very best Chevrolet or Pontiac ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 0O.K. Used Car Lot Corner King and allowance on a 1950 to 1952 Division Streets Fils b bial at Kenny Van Courte Will Buy Your Car Pays top dollar, must be clean, 83 RITSON RD. S. Dial 3-433) (Aprid) RITSON MOTORS Pays Highest Prices For good, clean used cars *46 to '52 Models 506 Ritson Rd. S. ) | Dial 3-4851 Open evenings till 9 (C1) Dnt Town Buyer will be aot BOWER'S SERVICE STATION on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 From 12 - 7 p.m. Highest Prices Pald for Good Clean Cars (Mon.,Tues.th 50 CARS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID BELMONT MOTORS 137 King W. Dial 5-0732 36--Pets & Livestock 6 PUPPIES--NEED GOOD HOME. DIAL 5-2206. (680) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN. ing, talking strain, all colors. 114 Elgin East. 3-9767. (Mar20) FOX TERRIERS (SMOOTH) LABRADOR Retrievers. Knowlton Kennels. } Dia 03 BLACK MALE COCKER, 4 MONTHS. Gordeene Kennels, No. 7 Highway, Brook- lin 18RI5. (Apr18) 37--Farmers Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP Dowmtavllle (Mar2s) HAY, CHOICE QUALITY, IN WIRBTIED es. enn » Ux N ih Ye abies. itt 38--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S SPRING COAT AND HAT SETS, sizes 3 and 4; living and dining roo:n drapes, lined, with valance sone; in good condition. Apply 289 King W. (682) LADY'S SPRING Burt ALMOST NEW, size 13. Dial 3-7300. (70a) MAN'S SPRING TOP COAT, SIZE 39, rown. Reasonable. Dial 53082 after 5 p.m. (70c) iBa---Market Basket WE WILL "PAY YOU § CENTS FOR Rm Sivilege of cashing your Subermatker, J tre Ri Rin LG.A. Road Sou South. Open 10 p.m. iy. FINEST FOODS AT EVERYDAY LOW ces at Glecoff's 1G.A. Supermarket. pen to 10 p.m. every night. 174 Ritson Road South. (Apr10) GOOD LARGE PARSNIPS-SLR a el; good table turnips, $1.00 bushel. Dee livered. Dial 3-4953, (Marl?) 39--Articles For Sale BARN YARD MANURE, HORSE OR COW. $5 load (no straw). Order early, limited supply. Dial 3-8133. (April) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, NEW AND used--Sold and exchanged. Repairs to all makes. mn Cycle, 204 Bond St. East, one block west of Ritson Rd. Dial 5-6344. B. F. GOODRICH STORE -- TIRES, BAT- teries, auto accessories, Hotpoint a budget plan. Dial prthy (Apri) PRESSURE SYSTEM; SPACE HEATER; heating, EX A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of washers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-1179. Mar2s) DON'T BUY TELEVISION HS You see them all, at Dean Kelly En! Admiral, Philco, General Eleotida, RCA Victor, Northern Electric, Addison, Wes- tinghouse, Marconi. See them at our new store, 81 King West, Easy (April) EWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD clothing. Reversible and seam. ey broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide without a seam. any le Solids, tone- on-tones and patterns. For information dial 51553, Continental Rug Co. Ld 19 ar! DIAL (69¢) ELECTROLUX, Queen, Airway. RUGS rugs UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE. 5-2019. $19.95 UP -- HOOVER, General Electric Filter Dial 5-5121, Rexair Sales. (Mar28) CUT-RATE PLUMBING, BATH TUBS, toilets, wash basins, sinks, sump pumps, pressure systems, tanks, motors, soil pipe fittings, lead, jacket heaters, boilers, ra- diators, space heaters, oil burners, tires, niture. Dial 3-7088. (Aprid) + Used Appliance Bargains Westinghouse Refrigerator, 6.5 cu. ft. $163 Coolerator Refrigerator, 7.5 cu. ft. $165 Norge Table Top Range $195 WARNER WILLIAMS ELECTRIC : A - Dial 3.7753 (Mar24,26,28) FILTER QUEEN Don't be fooled -- patented -- can- not be duplicated, See for yourself why Filter Queen offers the most for the least. DIAL 3-7938 NOW (69¢) 78 Simcoe N. H MOSIER SHEET METAL AUTHORIZED DEALER NEW IDEA AND ANTHES IMF OIL & GAS FURNACES ESSO OIL BURNERS; WILLIAMS OIL - O -MATIC OIL UNITS APPLY 21 Church St. Dial 5-2734 (Maras) (Continued on Page 16)

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