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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Mar 1953, p. 12

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42 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, March 28, 1953 Jesus Christ And Stalin R. BARCLAY WARREN One newspaper editorial follow- ng Stalin's death was composed of three Latin words which mean "Thus always to tyrants'. After being viewed by great throngs of people his body was laid to rest by Lenin's tomb in the nation's capi- tal. Already his name is slipping from the memory of the ple and is heard less often. History will bear the record but the man is gone and will soon be forgotten by the mass of the people. Nearly 2000 years ago a young man of 33 was put to death as a criminal. He had *written no books and had travelled. in only a tiny area of the world. They put his body in a Borrowed tomb outside the nation's capita], Jerusalem. Strangely enough, Stalin didn't care for this man. But how was it that Stalin knew of this man? Something happened that had never happened before. On the third day, Easter Sunday friends went to the tomb. To their surprise the stone from the mouth of the tomb had been rolled back and an angel was sitting on it, The Roman soldiers who had been sta- tioned to guard the tomb had be- come like dead men. The ange, said to the women, "Fear not ye: for 1 know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for He is risen, as he said. come, see the place, where the Lord lay." The women departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring His disciples word. Jesus Christ conquered death. By this He proved that He was indeed the Son of God. This confirmed the truth of all His teaching. It was He who had come from heaven to bring salvation to men. What He taught about repentance, be- lieving on Him, and the New Birth was truth. He had done what no other man could do. He feated that enemy of all -- death. Jesus Christ wasn't mentioned at Stalin's funeral. Stalin didn't wish to be His disciple, But Jesus Christ is living. Stalin is dead. We who have yielded our hearts to Jesus Christ know that He is liv- ing. He is real. He is closer than our dearest friend. I would sooner be a disciple of Jesus Christ than a follower of Communism. It is more satisfying here and then --all of us, including Stalin -- will be judged at the last great day, 4s to whether or not we accepted God's offer of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. BELFAST (CP) -- Storekeepers here make a point of smelling the money paid over the counter. They are watching for stolen banknotes that were kept in a box contain- ing camphor. SIMCOE STREET N., AT BROCK David Jenkins, Leader of Praise Stuart B. Coles, B.A., Minister PRESBYTERIAN 11:00 a.m.--MORNING 11:00 A.M.---PUBLIC WORSHIP 10:00 a.m.--KNOX CHURCH SCHOOL 2:00 p.m.--SOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL 7 p.m. --EVENING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY EVENING MIDWEEK SERVICE "THE CRUCIFIXION" by J. Stainer, presented by the combined choirs of First Baptist Church end Knox Church in Knox Church ot 8:00 P.M. ST. PAUL'S 3:00 p.m.--THE CHURCH SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS. GOOD FRIDAY WILSON RD., ONE BLOCK NORTH OF KING ST. E. WORSHIP APRIL 3rd at You and Your Friends Are Cordially Invited to Attend a Presentation of SELECTIONS FROM HANDEL'S "MESSIAH" ON GOOD FRIDAY EVENING St. George's Anglican Church AN OFFERTORY WILL BE RECEIVED DURING THE SERVICE 8:00 P.M. in i 17 ERIE ST. DIAL 5-3872 EASTER SUNDAY NIGHT, Ve: Fre METHODIST CHU? CH 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--"A TRIUMPHANT LIFE" 7:00 P.M.--" JUDAS" COMING ; =, THE GRIFPING STORY THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD! REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor APR. 5 -- 7 & 8:30 P.M. 40 months of earthly hell miraculously penetrated This Y.F.C. "GOD OF CREATION" Sound Film Amazing, Inspirational, Gripping Talent -- Vocal Trio 'OSHAWA'S OWN TOP TALENT Saturday Night, March 28 - 7:45 p.m. -in SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Week Presents in Technicolor Vocal Solos Instrumentals Let All Go To Church Regularly Church of England in Canada (ANGLICAN) ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets Rector, The Rev. Canon D. M. Rose -- Phone 5-2386 ( CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector, The Rev. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-5795 ® HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Barrie Street, 1 Block East of Albert Street Rector, The Rev. A. E. Irwin -- Phone 5:4860 SUNDAY SERVICES 8am -- 11 am. -- 7 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A. D.D. +] ist and Choi : Mr. Kelvin James, A.T.CM. SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1953 11:00 A.M.--THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 9:50 A.M.--SENIOR AND INTERMEDIATE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--BEGINNERS, PRIMARY AND JUNIOR CLASSES NURSERY FOR CHILDREN, 2-5 7:00 P.M.--"WHO CRUCIFIED JESUS," (3) The Privileged Priesthood. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE -- KING ST. CHURCH -- 10:30 AM. ( THE % OF CANADA UNITED CHURCH - dna Street nated Ghureh REV. MERVIN A. BURY, M.A., B.D., Minister Organist and Choirmaster--Wallace Young, Mus.Bac., A.T.C.M. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Comer Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert RECTOR -- REV. E. A, IRWIN, LS.T. Organist and Choir Leader -- Mrs. G. K. Drynan, Mus. B. (Tor.) LENT VI -- PALM SUNDAY 8:00 A.M.--Holy Communion 10:30 A.M.--Solemn Blessing and Distribution of Palms followed by Procession and Sung Eucharist, Antiphons, etc. (Tradi- tional Plainsong). Miss Brevis II (Willan) + Motet -- Of the Glorious Body (Vittoria) 7:00 P.M.--Evensong and Address Sanficles==Plaintong with faux-bourdons by Martin aw. Preacher for the day -- THE RECTOR. SERVICES DURING HOLY WEEK Wednesday -- 9:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Moly Thursday -- 7 a.m. ond 7:30 p.m. Good Friday -- 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. 10:00 a.m.--Church School 11:00 a.m.--Nursery PALM SUNDAY, HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--Sermon: "HAIL! KING!" Offertory Anthem: "Surely, He Hath Borne our Griefs" (from the Messiah) "And with His Stripes we are Healed" (Handel) Communion Anthem: ""O Lamb of God" (McCollin) 7:00 P.M.--Colored Film Strip: "PETER AND THE RESURRECTION" Colored slides, story and Lenten Hymns on the Screen Solo: "Open the Gates of the Temple' (Knapp) Mr. Donald Allman ¢ Offertory: "'Jesus, our Trust and our Life" (Bach) \ The evening service is sponsored by The Men's Club. ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDY FAMILY CHURCH ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH "The Church With a Challenge" (CORNER ALBERT ond OLIVE) MINISTER -- REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON Mr. J. R. Roberteon, Organist and Choir Leader 11:00 A M.--THE PASSING PAGEANT OF THE KING 2:30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--RADIO GOSPEL SERVICE Service of Passion Music and Readings. Sermon on the Last Word from the Cross. 8:15 P.M.--Colored , motion pictures: "THE BE- TRAYAL," and "CHRIST IS RISEN." CHURCH ri: OPEN BOOK LAY PASTOR. R. B. WILKINS Gibbons St., North of Louiso -- Formerly Gibbons St. Mission 11:00 AM. and 7:00 P.M. -- Speaker: MR. WILBER BEECH, Missionary-Elect to Southern Rhodesia. 3:00 P.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL GOSPEL HALL 40. NASSAU ST. (Half block south of King St. E.) \ SUNDAY 10:30 a.m.--Remembering the Lord 12:15 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class # 7.00 p.m.--Speaker: Mr. O. G. Sprunt, of Toronto Monday, 7:30 p.m. Children's Meeting Attendance Prizes A VERY HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Wed,, 8:00 p.m.---Bible Study Fri., 8:00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER JOMN AND CENTRE STREETS REV. R. W WIGHTON. F.R.GS. Minister and Preacher ot Both Services "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call yet upon him while he is near' --Is. 55:6. 'Seek ye me, ond ye shall live."--Amos 5:4 Calvary Baptist Church extends to you a loving invitation to be with us, to hear of Christ's love and to experience the truths learned of Him, 11:00 A.M.--Ministry of the Word. Subject: "THE WORLD'S GREATEST INVITATION" This service will be broadcast over C.K.L.B, Listen in, but better still, come. 6:30 P.M.-- "Calvary Echoes' comes to you once again over C.K.L.B. 7:00 PM.--The Gospel preached. Subject: "THE VALUE. OR OTHERWISE, OF HUMAN OPINION" Do your friends a favour, and bring them to enjoy the service with us Tonight, the 28th, o Special Meeting for Men of the Church J edassday, ot 8 p.m.--A Bible Study, open to all, in "The Old Testament acrifices." HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Northeast Corner Harmony Rd. and King St. E, MINISTER--REV. RICHARD R. NICHOLSON 10:00 A M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION and Reception of New Members. Subject: "Jesus in the Garden" A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH ROSEHILL BLVD. JUST NORTH OF KING ST. REV. R. LORNE McTAVISH, D.D., Minister MR. FRANK OWEN, Choir Leader MRS. ANNE POTTER, Organist 11:00 A.M.--COMMUNION SERVICE and RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS 7:00 P.M.--"SPRINGTIME IN THE SOUL" 10 A.M.--INTERMEDIATE; 2:30 P.M.--PRIMARY Sunday School -- Miss M. A. Luke, Superintendent A CORDIAL WELCOME TO NEWCOMERS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. Eost Sunday School -- 9:45 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 AM. Subject: "REALITY! Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonies of healing through Christian Science. The reading room located at the, church, open Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4:30 p,m., excepting legal holidays, where the Bible and Christian Science literature may be studied, borrowed or purchased and subscriptions placed for periodicals. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 79 King St. E. Attilioted with the B Con of O and Quebec Minister: Rev. L. D. Begg, B.A., B.Th. Music Director: Mrs. M. Joyce CONCLUDING OUR WEEK OF MISSIONS, the work of "The Grand Ligne Mission' among French Canadians will be presented at both services. 11:00 AM.--REV. A. ENGLAND, of Uxbridge 7:00 P.M.--MRS. N. H. PARKER, of Hamilton ON GOOD FRIDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock the combined choirs of Knox Presbyterian Church and First Baptist Church will present a Cantata: "THE CRUCIFIXION" by J. Stainer, in the KNOX CHURCH. y We invite you to worship with us, NORTHMINSTER vwreo CHURCH (Corner Simcoe and Arlington) Rev. H. A. Mellow, B.A., Minister Organist, Miss Mary McRae 9:30-11:00 AAM.--COMMUNION ond RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS A 7:00 P.M.--SONGS, VESPER, DISCUSSION: SUNDAY SCHOOL -- NORTHMINSTER HOUSE 9:45 o.m.--Junior, Intermediate ond Senior 2:00 p.m.--Primary ond Beginners A CHURCH SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ~ CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. A F. Cowan, B.A, 169 Athol! St. E. Phone 3-4956 Organist-Choirleader: Mr. N. Williams -- 801 Ritson Rd. S. Dicl 3-8740 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION and Reception of New Members 7:00 PM.--RELIGIOUS FILM -- "The Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord." A FRIENDLY CHURCH i THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PASTOR: R. A. BOMBAY 245 SIMCOE ST. § SUN. The Pastor and Congregation will welcome you to Fellowship in the Spirit and Ministry of the Word of God. EVERYBODY IS WELCOME 11 AM --""THE CHRISTIAN'S GOAL" 7 P.M.--"THE CHRISTIAN'S HOPE" Both Sermons by the Pastor, R. A. Bombay. 10 A.M.--Sunday School and Bible Classes for Every Age THE SALVATION ARMY Corner of Simcoe and Oak Streets MAJOR and MRS. 6. DOCKERAY . 10 A.M.--DIRECTORY (Y.P.) 11 AM.--HOLINESS MEETING 2 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 7 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING Monday, 8 p.m.--Youth Group. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m--Home League Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting GOOD FRIDAY MEETING AT 10 A.M. SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH The church in the heart of the city with the city on Ns heart MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 7 PM. LENTEN THEME "THE ond CHRISTIAN AND PRAYER" R tion of New Members 6. "PRAYERS ACHIEVEMENTS The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Presentation of new car to our Mis- vie be administered after this ser- vi . 11 AM. PALM SUNDAY COMMUNION sionary, Rev. Harold Steed, for use in Angola, Africa. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate and Senior Departments 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Departments. ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 -- 7:30 P.M. . Final Mid-Week Service. Social ion for New Members after this Service. DON'T FORGET THE GOOD FRIDAY 3ERVice in King St. United Church ot H am, Grace Lutheran Church | Jesus Is Crucified ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 150 ALBERT ST. Rev. N. C. Kritsch, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 29 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship "THE CHRISTIAN. MUST WITNESS FOR CHRIST". Mr. Raymond Mantynen of Concordia Seminary, Spring- field, Illinois, will preach. 7:00 p.m.--Quarterly meeting of congregation. NEW YORK (AP)--An insutance- Jesus: was bound and led away to Pon- tius Pilate to be tried. When Judas saw that he offered the 30 pieces of silver statistician predicts an increase of four or five years in the average North American's life expectancy during the next 20 to 25 years. he had taken to betray the Lord back to the Priests. They refused it and. Judas cast the money in the temple snd went ' 0 hang hime. Secripture--Matthew 21:2-11; 27. pl When Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, she governor asked Him, "Art Thou the King of the Jews?" Jesus an- swered him, "Thou sayest." Then the chief priests and scribes accused Him, but the Lord answered them never & werd. Pontius Pilate marveled at Him. people. After the Passover it was customary for the governor to release a prisoner to the He gave them the choice of Barabbas, murderer, or Jesus; and they chose Barabbas. Pilate washed his hands, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just person." a 3-28-55 Dinsiaed by King Rte Spode So they crucified our Lord and the sol diers divided His garments among them by casting lots. At the ninth hour Jesus cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" When He died the earth did quake and rocks were rent. 5:8.

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