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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Mar 1953, p. 4

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]. H. ORMISTON Editor and Manager PHONE 703 WHITBY AND DIST RICT NEWS nAnm ~~""BETT tor ' asvall 703 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, March 28, 1953 os H H Whitby Classified Christ's Crucifixion NOTICE: d i ts for this column must be in the Whitby winter with PAL-O-PAK loose fill. Cheaper and better. Free estimates Made 'n Whitby. Phone 2374, Whitby (Apr22) g DOES THE SNOW MELT ON YOUR roof? Insulate with Mineral Wool.-Save: Fuel. Add comfort, fire-proot, weather proof. Home Insulation, 204 Chestnut West. Phone 2563, Whitby. Terms. (Aprl®) NINE CENTS A YEAR WILL PROTECT a man's or lady's suit from moth damage for 5 years. One spraying of Berlou Guar- anteed Mothspray does it, or Berlou pays Hardware, (74a) for the Mcintyre Whitby. HOUSE FOR SALE--220 PERRY STREET, brick bungalow, 6-room and bathroom. $3,500 down or more. Hardwood floors. 3 modern kitchen. Phone (Aprd) damage. Phone 560. piece bathroom, 2646, owner, 806 Brock North? WANTED TO RENT---SMALL APART: ment or two or three rooms, unfurnished. No children. Phone 2165. (73¢) FOR RENT -- LARGE, CLEAN ROO | Gave Ho tory over sin, Rev. Dr. tard, MA, of Broadview United Church, declared in a thought-pro- voking and inspiring sermon last evening in St. Andrew's terian Church. Christ's crucifixion and atone- INSULATE YOUR HOUSE NOW FOR | ent for the sins of mankind have giien : down through the centuries--assur- new 'nope and assurance ince of sins forgiven and the vie- M. Mus- Presby- The service was the last in 'a series of five planned by the Whit- by Ministerial Association for the approach of Passion Week. Rev. David Marshall, church, presided, the veteran guest preacher, was introduced by Rev. Robert Scott, of the United Church. minister of the Taking as his text the words of Paul, 'God was in Christ, reconil- ing the world unto Himself," Dr. Mustard said the cross of Calvary helps us to see sin in a new and fully furnished for light h 3 All conveniences available. 307 Byron North. (73b) FOR SALE--6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, hardwood floors throughout, 3-piece bath. 908 Brock North. Phone 2585. (Aprd) FOR RENT----ONE FURNISHED ROCM, board optional. Phone 2359. (74b) FOR RENT -- SELF - CONTAINED, 3- room apartment. Apply 119 Athol Street. (74c) FOR SALE--2 SOWS, DUE IN MAY AND WHITBY DAY BY DAY Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and names of visitors are apprecia- ted. PHONE 703 number of choice shoats; also Red Clover seed. Phone 953, Whitby. (73b) POULTRY, JAKE PARKER WILL PAY the highest prices for poultry of all kinds. Special price for Easter holiday, also new and old feathers. Phone 486, Whitby, or Oshawa 3-7333. (Apr5) FEMALE HELP WANTED--CAPABLE middle-age# housewives with free after- noons or evenings can earn $30.00 and up per week by writing 304 French Street, Oshawa. (No door-to-door work). FOR SALE The Red Cross work room will be closed until April 15, for the Easter season. The branch takes this opportunity to thank Mr. A. Muir who gave a bathette to the loan cupboard. ATTEND ZONE RALLY Quite a number of members of Whitby Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion plan to attend rally evening. the zone to be held in Oshawa this UNITY CLUB MET The Unity Club of the Past Noble Grands of Benevolent Lodge 132, STE he | | Mankind, Says Minster | different light, and to realize the saving power of His redemption. went to the cross not because of! the acts of Pilate, the Caiaphas, the | high priest, or even Pilate, the gov ernor, because of good people and | those in authority in His day. To- crucifying Christ afresh. Every sin | and nail in his body. It is our sins | that make the crucifixion today a! reality. NEW ASSURANCE" The speaker said that in the light ferent light and gain new hope, new assurance. God was in Christ on Calvary when sin confronted Him. The cross was not the last word, for out of the darkness pain, suf- fering and sacrifice that surround- ed it came ah assurance of victory, and in the words of Paul, "we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." GIVEN NEW HOPE The cross of Christ has not only given new hope but sent men to all parts of the world to declare its message. The cross of Christ con- vinces men of sin and offers for- giveness. It is the greatest manifes- tation of God's love, and the won- der of it all is that it applies to every man and woman. It is uni- versal in its application and appeal, and man's greatest hope for today and the after life. Today, said Dr. Mustard, the challenge of the cross of Christ was greater than at any time in the world's history. Rev. James E. Harvey, presi- dent of the Ministerial Association, expressed thanks to the viting min- Dr. Mustard pointed that Jesus! estly hoped, all had spiritually ben- | efited. He also thanked those who had placed the different churches | at the Association's disposal for the, services. isters of the week for their inspir-| ing messages from which, he earn- | ! Plan New Artificial Ice pe. Promise To | Arena in Whitby at Cost Approximately $100,000 Erection of a modern artificial ice arena in the Town of | Considerable preliminary work Whitby is projected, and definite steps launch a campaign to raise the sum of $100,000, the estima- | day, our complacency and sin are| ted cost of the arena. The money is to be raised by public is a another thorn in his erown| Subscription, and will be a community-wide project, in which |i5 all citizens will be asked to participate. The Whitby Com- munity Arena Board has been organized, with the following money and volunteer labor in pro- officers and executive: Chairman of Board, Francis J. Mec- of Calvary we see Christ in a dif-| Intyre; chairman of campaign and publicity, A. C. Morrison; !if the arena would be sold and | chairman of finance, Donald A. Wilson; Executive Commit- w. e been taken to established board and methods known as soon as possible. and the amount invested in it |viding hockey and skating fac {ties at a time when it appeared torn down. The Committee plans work in close co-operation w. 1 be necessary by the newly of raising the $100,000 will be made REGARD WORK OF KINSMEN In the overall plan the committee not unmindful of the Kinsmen {Club which owns the present arena in ili- as to ith His . F. MacRae, May rv W. Jermv {the Kinsmen Club. whose interests tee--His Horor J acRae, Mayor Harry W. Jermyn, G. it is planned in the final analysis, Norman Irwin, Gordon McMahon, David Cuddy, power to create sub-committees and add to their numbers. {will be taken care of. After the whole question It is planned that the new 'arena will serve the Town of [been studied by the Board, it ithe intent'on to call a »uhlic meet- Whitby and surrounding district. |ing at which fime complete plans METHODS OF FINANCING sion on the best way to finance citizens, also gegarding a site, as it seemed to be the wish of th>| majority that a new arena be built, | also that it would be easier to finanace a new building than it would to rehabilitate the present | structure, No definite decision was made | regarding financing or site, but it | was definite that a real effort for a new arena should be made. | Members of the Board will get in- formation regarding various ways | and means of promoting the pro- TENDERS 'ject and present same to the next? There was considerable discus- meeting to be held on Tuesday, | March 31, the arena for presentation to the |fice. will be made known. QC, with !as a new arena becomes a reality, has is 3 : GREAT DONOR in the Town Clerk's of-| STOCKHOLM, Sweden |K. 0. Pettersson, (CP) = an electrieion, The organization meeting was the |recently made his 140th blood do- aftermath of two wublie meetinas | nation at the S: held recently in the Town Hall to hele Yom consider the ficial ice. tal here. Altogether he has donated question of an ary. aboy; 75 quarts of blood since TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE: GARBAGE COLLECTION Every owner, lessee or occupant of premises within the T: y hall a Jioper receptacle for the deposit of garbage, which shalt be ALARA 8 Hah cover and shall not, together with contents, weigh more than fifty Every such owner, lessee or occupant shall thoroughly drai . x : LUNN { kitchen waste before placing some in such bir if Prick gl table ony garbage is in said receptacle keep it tightly covered. Gorbage or kitchen refuse SHALL BE WRAPPE receptacle with ashes ond rubbish. PID ond mot placed jn the yame The above regulations must be followed. 7 Collectors are not responsible for the collection of Garbage which is not met in the Lodge room on Wed- in regulation containers. JOHN M. RAE, Works Supervisor. nesday, March 25, with President Mrs. Donna Martin in the chair, assisted by Mrs. Lena Pellow, Min- utes were read and 11 members were present. Business was trans- acted in the usual manner. Each member raised some money and told how they had earned it. and next meeting they are planning a quilt, so as many members that|to Galt. can come out please try and come. ) (Thurs.&Sat..t) | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lottie Plaskitt, Mrs. Isabel Saun- ders, and Miss Lavina Whitelaw. COMING EVENTS The next meeting will be called later and the members will be noti- | fied. RESERVE JUNE 17 FOR CHILDREN'S | ---- Garden Party, auspices of Evening | - Guild of All Saints' Anglican Church. | CARDS OF THANKS | EXTRA DOLLARS Put your extra dollars to work 1 wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, cards through the practical, con- venient facilities of Investors Mutual. Ask your Investors and fruit sent to me during my recent illness in the hospital. Also I wish to Syndicate representative for full details. n new subdivision, North of | , North o ACCEPT CALLS LINDSAY '(CP)--Rev. R. E. J. Brackstone, minister of the Bap- tist Church at Fenelon Falls for the last, Si Jears, has areepted a call atham. R. Henderson, student || ; - pastor of Emmanuel Baptist invites tenders for the sand Church at Fenelon Falls for the|| ing of floors at King Street last 18 months, has accepted a call and exterior painting at | Hillcrest Schools. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary, C. E. Bowman, not later than April 4th, 1953. For further particu- lars apply to WANTED Whitby Public School Board No. 2 Highway light on Ajax sideroad. Also several good lots in Town of Whitby. Apply REEVE AND WIFE HOLD OPEN HOUSE On the occasion of their 25th | Mrs. Morley of Pickering Village wedding anniversary yesterday, ; entertained their friends. : Reeve Cyril E. Morley and '--Photo by Scott's Studio, Whitby PopularCoupleMark 25 Years Together Surrounded by their friends and girl, the former Cynthia Olive jék- | Burns. They have two children, amid:a host of sed wishes, Pick Log gd Se ering Vallage's first reeve Cyril |Lynda, 8. Mr. Morley's mother, Morley and Mrs. Morley yester- Mrs, Emma Morley of Whitby, day celebrated the 25th anniver- | was unable to be present through sary of their marriage. It was a illness. 2 gala occasion for the popular| Four of Mrs. Morley's sisters couple who are identified with al-|were present to assist with pour- most every phase of Pickering af-|ing of tea. They are Mrs. George fairs. The house was bedecked McIlroy of Pickering, Mrs. Carl with spring flowers sent by well-| Bishop of Hamilton, Mrs. L. M. wishers; dwring the day hundreds Morley of Pickering and Mrs. of persons called or sent congrat- |Gladys Burns of Toronto. The cat- ulagory messages. A handsome | ering was done by the Women's wedding cake centred the table as | Association of Pickering United a reminder of the significance of Church under the convenership of the occasion. {Mrs. Arthur Mitchell. Also assist- Resident of the village for the (ing in the tea were: Mrs. M. R. past 23 years, Mr. Morley is in | Jenkinson of King, Mrs. Harold H. the real estate and insurance busi- (Stainton of Mimico, Mrs. W. C. ness. He was born on the Isle of |Murkar of Pickering, Mrs. W. Bak- Wight, coming to Canada at an |er of Pickering, Mrs. Albert Brown early age. After marriage, he liv- | of Toronto and Mrs. Fred Terry ed two years in Georgetown, On-|of Torcrnto. Manveother friends as- tario. Mrs. Morley is a Pickering sisted with the serving. SUNDAY SERVICES IN WHITBY CHURCHES : | THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 413 JOHN STREET PHONE 2978 Pastor: 0. MacPHERSON "The Church of the Old-Fashioned Gospel" ISAAC PUCKRIN WHITBY, 914 SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1953 10:00 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.--"CHRIST'S TRIUMPHANT ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM" 7:00 p.m. --"IT IS FINISHED" Tuesday, 7:30--Christ Ambassadors showing and Crucifixion of Christ' Thursday, 8:00 p.m.--Bible Study and Prayer Ajax, Sunday, April 5--Sunday School and Service at 2:30 in the Rotary Hall. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. R. J. SCOTT, M.A., Minister MRS. VERNON ROWE, A.T.C.M., Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1953 11:00 a.m. --"ENTERING IN TRIUMPH" Duet: "The Palms", Misses Marilyn and Gwendolyn Jones. 7:00 p.m.--Sound Film "YOUTH FOR THE KINGDOM" A moving picture for young people, Friendship hour with new members as special guests, WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH (Affiliated with The Baptist Convention ot Ontario and Quebec) REV. C. A. HILL, B.A, B.Th., Minister Mrs. W. E G. Summers, A.T.C.M., Organist STROWGER'S FURNITURE CO. LTD. Authorized Dealers for Canadian General Electric Appliances 123 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY PHONE 611 S. THREADGOLD, Work Supervisor 319 King Street, Whitby Phone 439 slides, "The Life thank the Whitby Baptist and Faith Bap- | tist Churches, Ladies' Aid, Mission Circle, Vimy Ridge Lodge 630, Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, the doctors and nurses and 'anyone elise who helped in any way. --Mrs. Lila V. Wilde: | me SEEDS AND FERTILIZER FOR FIELD and GARDEN H. H. GOODE & SON LTD. 601 Brock Street North, Whitby Phone 2917 HARRY HINKSON 101 Mary Street West Phone 536 Whitby WASHER WORK GUARANTEED Complete 'check - up Wringer greose and ear oil ringer stock. Special price od complete over- BUTT RADIO * And Appliance 130 Brock St. N., Whitby in Toronto the plans and specifica- en ers | tions can be seen. | It is expected that work on the { building, if satisfactory tenders are Sam obtained, will begin a few few or 1 10N 0 weeks. It is a one-storey structure {and will be built to the south R . t Offi | of the present one. Tenders for an addition to the County Registry office in Whitby are being called for by William G. | Manning, clerk and treasurer. They close on April 16th. MANAGED AND DISTRIBUTED B INVESTORS SYNDICATE OF CANADA LIMITED Tel. 707 TOWN OF WHITBY TENDERS WANTED Refreshment Booth and Change House at Lake . SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1953 9:45 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 o.m.--" "THE TRUE KINGDOM" 7:00 p.m.--""SCOURGING JESUS" MON., 8 p.m~--B.Y.P.U. WED., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting and Bible Study THURS, 8 p.m.--Lord's Supper THE SALVATION ARMY 211 BROCK ST. SOUTH LIEUT. R. INGLEBY LIEUT. A. MacMILLAN TOWN OF WHITBY APPLICATIONS FOR CARETAKER OF WAR MEMORIAL PLOT The addition, to which the county § Applications will be received until noon on Monday, April 6th, 1953 for and the city of Oshawa will con-| Conntok AEC tribute, has been contemplated for | 3 of pi if at Thi Sn Memotial Some Hime as the rapid increase in |} $100.00. : y e volume of business handled i conipletely taxed the room and fa-| Aplications mhould be oddrssied 19 cilities. | Architects are Rounthwaite and | EVERETT SUANTRILL, Fairfield, who designed the new | Town: Property ; Commitfen Fairview Lodge, and at their office | Applications will be received by the under- signed until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 14, for the position of Superintendent of Fairview Lodge (Ontario County Home for the Aged). PY Applicants must complete the regular appli- cation form for this position. Said forms may be obtained from the undersigned. WM. G. MANNING, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, Court House, Whitby, Ontario Tenders will be received until the hour of 12 o'clock noon on Monday, April 6th, 1953, for the operetion of the Refreshment Booth end Chonge House owned by the Town of Whitby at the Lake Shore. Tend should state what rent they ere prepored to pay, what services will be iloble to the public, ot whot hour the booth and change house will be open and who will be in charge. The term of the lease will not extend beyond September 30th, 1953. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be occepted. All tenders should be oddressed to the Town Property Committee ond left ot the Town Office. EVERETT QUANTRILL, Chairman, Chairman, Town Property Committee. SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1953 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AT PICKERING 11:00 AM.--HOLINESS MEETING, PICKERING 2:30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL, WHITBY 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING, WHITBY 7:00 P.M.--AJAX EVANGELISTIC MEETING Emme TO THE CITIZENS OF WHITBY! During the past three months a person or per- WHITBY 1 ik 31 OC K PHONE 618 'NOW PLAYIN SATURDAY EVENING SHOW STARTS AT 6 O'CLOCK rf tiie Together Ap: in Love Apr! | ONY > PIPER NAL presents CURTIS ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BYRON AND ST. JOHN STS. TENDERS FOR REGISTRY OFFICE ADDITION SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 16, 1953 for the construction of an Addition to the Ontario County Registry Office at Whitby, Ontario. Drawings and specifications and tender form may be obtained from Rounthwaite and Fairfield, Architects, 22 Harbord Street, To- ronto, Ontario, on deposit of $25.00 Which payment will be refunded upon return of the drawings and specifications in good condition within 3C days aftei receipt of tenders. Bid bond in the amount of 5% of tender required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILLIAM G. MANNING, County Clerk-Treasurer, of County of Ontario, Court House, Whitby, Ontario. SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1953 10:00 A.M.--BIBLE CLASS 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M.--JUNIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH (Meeting in the Council Chambers, Whitby) PASTOR: REV. E. CORBETT, B.Th. the old-fashi d Gospel" sons have been telephoning ladies in this commun- ity and using the name of the Mercantile Dept. Store. These calls have been in connection with a ---- a at a es pe tari aemaa-------- so-called survey on ladies' lingerie and hosiery. At times this voice has been very insulting. May the people of Whitby please be informed that we are not running any such survey and the name Mercantile Dept. Store is being used without our permission. As this is a very serious offence we are hereby posting a reward of $10.00 for anyone supplying information which leads to the arrest of this person or persons who is falsely using our name. . "up, hi 4 10:00 o.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES. 11:00 a.m. --" THE GARDEN PRAYER MEETING" 7:00 o.m.--"THE POWER OF DARKNESS" The Pastor will be presenting the 3rd and 4th messages of the Easter series this Sunday. Special guest and soloist: Whitby Town Clerk, Mr. John Frost. Come early with your friends, a special welcome awaits you. NOTE: Drawings and Specifications may be seen at the Clerk- Treasurer's Office from: Ec SUSAN CABOT- vicToR JoRY "Too Many Wives" "Motor Mania" | 9:00 A.M P LUS! "Canadian Mounties", "Glamour In Tennis" 1:30 P.M. Lin ny 430 PM. HUDSON MARSHALL. ECLA ERATOR CARRE RARER a -- PUA ANAM tn ans a i.

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