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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Mar 1953, p. 5

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AREA RN as 'WHITBY NEWS Thirty Children Speak At Hillcrest Contest "in memory of the meeting of the Hillcrest dg School Association was he the school on Thursday | with he president, Mrs. Cyril | Heard, in the chair. Following the | | singing of "God Save The Queen", one minute's silence was observed late Queen | | Ma, : May 2. | 4 are recitations, and the balance | 3 the judges' report and present- Flood Relief [| $1,100, the amount contributed by vate citizens, church, fraternal and other organizations as acknowledg- i generously to flood relief sent their ! lic Relations of the Legion Pro- vine Enjoyed at w 320, ibald 212; N. McCarroll 239; Kadwell 213; F. Lott 286; F. During the short business session | | arrangements were made to give | ( the pupils of Grade 7 a day's] | outing, visiting the museum and | | other places of interest in Toronto. | | Garton's Bus will transport the | | boys and girls and the date will | be denidey upon by their principal, 2nd, Douglas Hird; Catherwood. Announcement was made of the ! rummage sale to be held in the 3 Chambers on Saturday, Thirty children, representing all grades in the school, took part in the Oratorical Contest. Grades 1 to on essay, on any chosen subject. Three teachers judged the vari- \ ous entrants. They were: Mrs. . Rogers, principal of Brooklin hool; Miss G. O'Connor and Neil of Ajax The various numbers were well ven and it was after much de- beration that Mr. Ellis brought ed books to the prize winners who were as follows: rade 1 -- 1st, Vivian Treen; ' 2nd, Sharon Smith; 3rd, Stephen | Sytnyk. --1st, Scott Lindsay; Grade 2 3rd, Michael 2nd, Ross Gibson; Sheedy. Grade 3 -- 1st, Judy Pamenter; 2nd, Carl Smith; 3rd, Jacklin Hunt. Grade 4 -- 1st, Robert Ing; 2nd, | Ida Henry; 3rd, 'Robert Palmer. Grade 5 -- 1st, Katleen Horock; 2nd, Judy Forbes; 3rd, Joanne Lindsay. Grade 6 -- 1st, Nancy Beer; 2nd, | Joyce Campbell; 3rd, Sylvia Stry- natka. Grade 7 -- 1st, David Gibson; 3rd, Lucille Mrs. Clarke's room. won the ban- ner and prize for the greatest num- ber of parents present, and Carol Smith and Mr. W. Lawler won the door prizes. Fred Ing, on behalf of the School Board, accepted various articles of kitchen equipment purchased by the Association during the year, P. | and presented them to Mr. Cather- wood for use at Hillcrest School. Two talented y oun g pianists, Lynda Lee and Marlee Burnside, pleased the audience by their pres- entation of two duets entitled, "Queen of the Pixies Waltz". The judges and pianists were thanked by Mr. J. Hird. The moth- ers of Mrs. Okey's and Mrs. Frost's room were in charge of the lunch period which closed a very enjoyable evening. Legion Sends $100 To Help Whitby Branch 112 of the Cana- dian Legion yesterday forwarded to the Right Honourable Vincent Massey, Grand Patron of the Cana- dian Legion BESL., a cheque for citizens through the Legion the National European Flood lief Fund. "The mayor and council request- ed the Legion to sponsor a flood relief fund drive here, and a special i Cg set up to handle Deverell, treasurer rr Fo iy chairman. ns came from many pri- ed in The Times-Gazette from time to time and the Legion is very grateful for the amount rea- Several churches contributing contributions from Whitby Baptist and St. Andrew's Presbyterian con- gregations. ies of the letter sent to the Honourable Vincent Massey have been sent to Mayor Harry W. Jermyn and to Mr. M. McIntyre Hood, Oshawa, chairman of Pub- ial Command. Irish Program onds Sch. e regular monthly meeting of Almond's Home and School was held on Thursday evening. The eeting was called to order by president, Mrs. Bowcott, wha opened with two minutes silence in memory of the late Queen Mary, followed by the Lord's Prayer. a short business meeting, Mrs. O'Connor, music convener, in- Sroduced the guests for the even- Lynde tby, read i ge JYery humorous Irish read- ings and Shelia Hayes favoured the Association with some Irish songs. Bryce and Bruce Marks played a few selections on their qubars, Carol Lee wés pianist for evening. Mrs. O'Connor gave a few interesting remarks on the ie 2 Thomas Moore, well known h poet and song writer, follow- iy this Mr. Jack Moss lead those present in a sing song. A. Foster thanked the visitors for a very enjoyable eve- ning and a social hour followed. TO BUILD NEW HOMES Prospects are that several new homes will be built this year in Whitby. The following lots have been sold through the office of Bow- man and Gibson, within the past weeks: Corner of Trent and Green Jireets. owned by Mr. Herbert T. nar of Burns and Kin green, owned by Mr. Herbert "E ilson. ison owned by Mr. On I on Henry St., owned by Mr. D. J. Cuddy, y Two lots on King Street, owned by ar. ih Mclntyre, 0 lots on King Street, owned by Aig pn Melatyre. o 0 lots on Henry Street, owned Dr. F. S. Mills. With the exception of the last mentioned, all were purchased by the Buckles Construction Company. WHITBY LADIES' CANDY LEAGUE High Singles: L. Watson 229, 240, if] Rg Wiles 217; R. Peleshok M. Pogson 261, 221, 212; Mrs. Pl 202; E. Bartell 254; W. 228; F. Missett 23; J. Eric alar 233; S. Atkinson 208213: C. ; C. Watts 250; H. Moore 268, 206; E. Barton 209. : L. Watson 706; G. a 535; 'Team standing: Lifesavers, in Gumdrops 13; Maplebuds 12; Pep- permints 12; Lollipops "9; Allsorts pres 6 Jelivheans 4. rizes go . Campbell and J. Burns. Whitby Guests At Wedding Held In Waterloo Vows of wide interest were pledged last Saturday at Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, when the principals were Margaret Jean Lockie and Gerald Raymond Bracey, both of Toronto. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James Lockie of Timmins, formerly of Waterloo. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bracey of Whitby. A setting of white snapdragons and candelabra was used and the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. G. Murdock. Miss Louise Ger- mann was organist and the solo- ist was Jack Whitfield of Toronto. A gown of white organza, enhanc- ed by an embroidered bodice was worn by the bride. Her finger-tip veil was of white illusion net and she carried white sweetpeas and valley lilies with pink aristocrat roses. Dianne Lockie attended the bride wearing mauve net with eyelet em- broidered bodice. Her accessories were in matching shade and she carried mauve sweet peas with yellow Queen Elizabeth roses. Best man was James Gaine of Whitby and the ushers were Mr. John Hemphill of Waterloo and James McKay of Toronto. A re- ception was held at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hemphill, 205 Mary Street, Waterloo. Blue lace with white accessories was chosen by the bride's mother. A navy blue ensemble was worn by the mother of the bridegroom and both mothers wore corsages of red sweetheart roses. For a wedding trip to Montreal and the Laurentians, the bride wore a pink flannel suit, with navy accessories and a white camelia corsage. They will live at 63 Hed- dington Ave., Toronto. Brooklin Man Wins OAC Award John Thomson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomson of Brooklin, has completed the first year of a five-year course in vet- erinary practice at Guelph. On Fri- day, March 21, at '"'Open House", John was awarded the Holstein Scholarship of $50 by Mr. Clem- ence, secretary of Holstein-Fresian Association. This prize was won by writing a thesis on treatment of cases that he had dealt with gy ga sary og ig gp BROUGHAM Rebekah Lodge Three Years Old NINA L. SHEPPARD Correspondent BROUGHAM The Womens Institute euchre, on March 17, was a special evening with. 21 tables under the leadership of Mrs. Gec. Duncan and her committee. The prize winners were, Ladies first, Mrs. M. Birrell; second, Mrs. Jewel; third, Mrs. B. Hamilton; Gentlemen first, Mr. Ed Williams; second, Mr, W. Knox; third, Mr. Rus. Pilkey. Travelling prizes won by Mrs. Jewel and Mr. G. Grieg. The dance held in the Township Hall on the evening of March 20, sponsored by Jay Rebekah Lodge, No. 355, was enjoyed by many young people. A door prize wed- ding anniversary prize and spot prizes were given. Balloons decor- ated the hall and the orchestra was tops. A real good time was reported. on March 24, the Women's In- stitute euchre, under the leader- ship of Mrs. 'Sheppard and help- ers, resulted in the following prizes awards: First ladies, Mrs. S. Jewel, second, Mrs, Hollinger, third, Mrs. N. Burton; 'Gentleman, first, Ross Carleton, second, Mr, A. Gray, third, Stan Powell. Tra- velling prizes, Stan Powell and Mrs. Gordon Hodgins. There will be one more euchre on March 31. The last evening sponsored by the WI will be held April 7 at which the series prizes will be given. The Brougham Library Board is sponsoring a ecuchre party on April 14 in the Township Hall in 'aid of the Library. This evenings euchre will be on the same basis as the WI euchres, lunch provided and prizes. MARK ANNIVERSARY Jay Rebekah Lodge. No. 355, held its third birthday party, the eve- ning of March 23 in the hall with N.G. Sister Gladys Barclay and Sister in their chairs. Alberta Lodge No. 262, Mark- ham with N. G. Sister June Mash- Irene Masters ell and V.G. Sister Florence Mach- | ck ell with their degree Captain Sis- ter Empringham and team, confer- red the beautiful degree on four candidates, two for Alberta Lodge and two for Jay Lodge, in remem- brance of the founder of the Re- bekah Lodges, Schuyler Colfax born in 1823 in connection with the IOOF Lodge work. Candles were lighted on two birthday cakes which were cut, one by Sister Margaret Sheppard, DD President of Pickering and one by Sister Bertha Hackney, PDDP of Bowmanville, who was DDP when Jay Lodge was instituted. Grand Lodge Officers present were Sis- ter Hastings of Oshawa E. No. 8 and Sister Sheppard, Oshawa No. 7. Sister Gladys Morgan, Assemb- ly pianist of Oshawa. Other guests numbered 150 from Markham, Brooklin, Bowmanville, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa. Friendly circles were formed and a dainty lunch served by the committee. Battle To Save Road Is Ended SARNIA (CP)--Lambton county council decided Friday to end a 10-year battle to keep three miles of the lakeshore road from being washed into Lake Huron, if the Ontario department of highways will approve construction of a new road farther inland. County clerk John Huey said groynes to protect the three-mile | CKE section of the roadway a few miles east of here have cost $10,000 in the last 10 years. Council members estimated ie cost of a new road at $300,000 to $500,000. They suggested it be built So to 1,400 feet from the shore- ne. Approval of the Ontario depart- ment of highways will be sought before construction begins. MODERN TREND REGINA (CP)--A new traffic di- vision has been established by the Regina police force. Officials said it was necessitated by the recent switch from theft to traffic as the main problem inlaw enforcement. during the year. Mr. Clemence, a personal friend of the Thomson's; remarked that it was strange that a son of a Jersey breeder should win the Holstein prize. John also won a $10 prize in competition essay on Fur Bearing Animals and Treatment. 'CROSSWORD PUZZLE CIRIAIMERA IR] ALB) ACROSS 48. Man's name 15. Complacent (poss.) DOWN 1. Unrefined 3. Of the city 3. Shore recess 4. Affirmative vote (var.) 8. Quantities of paper 6. Poker stake 7. Coin (Siam.) 8. Pleasure 9. Native of Arabia 1 Island blie playwright Hl. Fardistant MM. Loamy IEA LIAIDIE ID] [TIATKIE IL [A IMIA} PIRIEIS]1 [DIE ERIE IT] [TIAL [EERIE] MIOIRIAIS 5) A] iN 0] A] EICIAID] 8 Yesterday's Answer 38. Sweet potatoes M4. Point of "he compass 37. Hint 86. Constel- lation 40. Greek letter deposit (Mississippi valley) ON 777 CL 7 scarf 96. A delicate point 38. Artificial alloy of golé or silver (Egypt. Archeol.) 30. Drench 40. Smooth with an pea Beines S. | CHL-News; A pl A SRR RADIO LOG WGR 550 CKFY 580 © CBL 740 ® C.JBC 860 © CHML 900 WBEN 930 © CFRB 1010 ® CHUM 1050 e CKOC 1150 CKLB 1240 ® WKBW 1520 e CHVC 1600 information op radiv programs Is da and 'Pimes «sazette prints prog does not SATURDAY EVENING 6.00 P.M. CKLB-News: Sports Weather CKEY-News: Ballroom CFRB-Song Time WGR-News, Story Sports Heartbeats in Sports | WBEN-News 6.15 P.M. CKLB-Recreation on the Air; Theatre Shsdales: CKEY-News; CFRB- Rythm by Roth 6.30 P.M. JJBC-News: Sports: Four Knights CBL-Dixieland Jazz CFRB-News; Sports; Photo Club WGR-Forward March WBEN-NBC Symphony 9.1 CFRB-News: 6.40 P.M. CKLB-Hockey Interviews CBL-News; WGR-News JFRB-Ski Report . 7.00 P.M. CKLB-Sports; Bands News CBL-John Fisher CJBC-Juke-box Jury CKEY-News: Ballroom QERE. Hopalong Cassidy WG R-Thrugh re Years 7.10 CBL-Sports oliege CJBC-Music WGR-Dean MoNairy 7.30 P.M. CKLB-Old Ranch House CKEY-News: Hoedown CKLB-News; House CKEY-News; WBEN-University 9 Rawhide CFRB-Wild Bill Hickok WGR-Vaughn M 8.00 P.M. CBL--Just Waxed CJBC-Dance Party Lee Harris; | Cavalcade of Music CFRB-Arthur Godfrey WGR-Gene Autry CFRB-Arthur GoGdirey WBEN-Bob and Ray 8.30 CKEY-Drama PE sship WBEN- Medicine > S.A. 0 P 5 Hockey CJBC-Range Riders WGR-Gangbusters WBEN-Pee Wee King Old Ranch 9.30 P.M. CJBC-Dance Party WBEN-Grand Ole Opry WGR-Gunsmoke Freddie Grant Trio CJBC-Orchestra WBEN-P WGR- Country oy CKLB- Ney Sports CBL-Organ Music CJBC-Orchestra CKEY--News: Joe Crysdale; WBEN-Music Room WGR-News; Sat. Night 10.45 P.M. CFRB-Jimmie Shields CKLB-Airlane Mle 11.00 P.M. CKLB-News; Man About Music CFRB-News; Sports Variety Band! CJ! SKEY- News: WGR-News; Glacy's Basement Hayloft 0 WGR-Glacy's Basement WBEN-Music to. Remember .2.00 MIDNIGH! KLB-News; Man About Music CBL-News CJBC-News CKEY-News; House Party CFRB-News; WGR-News: Glacy' ( ] SUNDAY MORNING AM, Call to CBL-News; 7.00 CKEY-News: Worship WGR- Daybreak pacientes CFRB-Chapel 5 Me Road- e CKEY-Sacred Heart 8.00 A.M. CFRB-Farm Review CKLB-News; Rise and Shine ZBL-News; Postmark U.K. CKEY-News; WBEN-News; 15 A. WBEN- News 9.15 WGR-News CFRB-Chapel | SKLB-Ukrainian Russian our JFRB-Back to God ORLBiUkrainian WBEN-Cioiz CJBC-Milton Cross Piano CFRB-News and Sports Your Life WGR- Chapel Choir P.M. CKEY-Churches of Christ CFRB-Forward on WBEN-We Hold These Tru 9.30 A.M. CKLB-Oshawa Youth For Christ CBL-Dance Music CJBC-String Recital CFRB-Children's Hour WGR-Hour of St. Francis CJB.-News: Prelude to Worship WGR-Treasury Guest WBEN-Nat. Radio Pulpit 10.15 A.M. WGR-Healthaids 10.30 the Air |CELB CKEY-Young St. United CFRB-Voice of Prophecy WGR-Headlines WBEN-Art of Living 10.45 A CKLB-Moment or "Devotion WBEN-News WGR-We: Church 11.00 A.M. Baptist Chur WBEN- Cristian Science CKLB- Eddy Howard Show KEY Stone Church 10.00 A CKLB-News; AM. CKLB- King' s Radio Quintet CKEY-Cl CFRB-E. J. Springett WGR--Silver Lining WBEN-Faith in Action A.M. Sunday school CKLB-Church Service CBL-Fine Arts Quartet CEEY Rawat: Carlton CFRB- nited Church Ry Westminster Pri and News CJBC-Meditation News CBL-News: WGR--News 9. WM. CKLB-News: Youth for Christ; Music CKEY-News; Centre News CFRB-Lutheran Hour W tethodist Church ig CJBC-United Chueh 11.30 A.M, Evangelistic + . ie CBL-Concert Hour SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12.00 NOON CFRB- Queer ' Quirks CFRB-Salt i City Chor CJBC- Cote o Ges hiv CKLB-News: Treasure in Melody CBL-BBC News Home News From Britain CJBC-News; Cavalcade JKEY-News; J. C WBEN-News WGR-News; Conducts. 12.1 CFRB-Salt Laxe City Choir CKEY--Bandbo: Children's Theatre CBL-Radio League of St. Michael WBEN-Waring Choristers 2.30 P.M. Dept. Nat. 2.00 |CKLB-News; on Parade CKEY-News; RB-J. C. JKLB-News; Sports CFRB-Hour of Decision CJBC-Harmony Harbor WBEN-Orchestra WGR-U.N. on the Record 'BL-Boston Pops CKEY-Canary Pets 1.00 P.M. CBL-Music Makers CKLB-In His Steps 2JBC-Folk Songs WGR. _FRB-News; Sports WGR-Record Review; Operation Safety | CBL-Way of th CKF'RB-Sunday Hour (WOR, -Syncopation Piece BEN-U of R Tound "Table Personalitie® CBL-Symphonic Musie CJBC-Piano Playhouse WGR-Symphonette CF! Reade: Call to Worship WBEN-Catholic Hour 2.30 P.M. CFRB-N.Y. Philharmonie CBL-Religious Period CJBC-Album of Fine Music Melody Sketches CKEY-Tony Martin, WGR-N.Y. Philharmonic WBEN-American Forum 3.00 P.M. CKLB-EASTER SEAL § Ww CJBC-Top Tunes WBEN-Critic At Large -N.Y. Philh; CBL-NBC Symphony KEY-Doris Day WBEN-Waring Cl WBEN L135 P.M, 3.15 WBEN-Humanitarian Hour CBL-Just Mary y ows Desk CJBC-Music ve IWBEN-Melachrino Strings 33 PM. CJBC-Operation Safety Thru The Listening Glass | CIBC CIBCViews the Shows WBEN-Bob Considine | CKLB-Music Hall of Fame | 'KEY-Let George Do Health; | 3.45 P.M. |CKLB-Student Book Review e Spirit |WBEN- Fier Jom oxpY: Ney Baseban Previews CFRB. Howard K. Smith WGR-String Serenade CKLB-Polish Hour -News; Curtain WBEN-G.1. Joe 4.15 P.M. CFRB-Dick Tod 4.30 P.M, CFRB-Quiz iKds CJBC-Church of the Ale CKEY-Vic Damone WBEN-Freedom U.S.A. WGR-. ATT Goutrey CBLFiddie og Yarns CJBC-Cuckoo Clock House CFRB-News: Sports: Canadian WGR-King arthur Godfrey WBEN-Youth Wants to Know CKEY-News; JalJy and Musical News armonic 5.30 P.M. CBL-Jake and the Kid |CKEY-Ballroom FRB-Harmonies WBEN-Counter Spy WGR-News; C. Adams ICJBC-Organ SUNDAY EVENING 6.00 P.M. FRB-News, Sports; Melody Mar Ji Gras CKLB-The Healing Waters CBL-News, Weather Club CKEY-News; the Headlines 6.15 P.M. CBL-United Nations On Record KEY-Ballroom WBEN-Sports WGR-Canoe Tilting Contest 6.30 P.M, EN- P. CJBC-Musical CFRB-R 'KLB-Calvary Echoes; Aboard for Adventure CBL-Chamber Music CJBC-Enchanted Hour JFRB-Our Miss Brooks NGR-Our MiSs Brooks WBEN-Juvenile Jury 7.00 P.M. JKLB-Albert St. . Church Service CBL-Sunday Choral CKEY-News; Ballroom CJBC-hTe Tylers CFRB-Meet Millie WOE Jack Benny 'BEN-M Son Jeep 7.30 P.M. CJBC-Pat's Music Room CBL-Little Symphonies CKEY-Salvation Army CFRB-Amos 'n' Andy WGR-Amos 'n' Andy to Read By CBL-Stage 53 CKEY-News; 9. JKLB-David WGR-Escape CxL8 News: WBEN---Aldrich Family 8.00 P.M CFRB-Charlie McC: CBL-LAST EMPRESS JKLB-News, Cote Glee WGR-Charlie McCarthy Sir - Ernest Plays Favorites WB Harris, A. Faye ildwood 2JBC-Leslie Bell Singers ed Skelton WGR-My Little Margie WBEN-Theatre Guild 00 P.M. CKLB-Union Forum; CFRB--Guy Lombardo WGR-Hallmark Pl&@vhouse CIEC-State of Tomorrow 9.15 P.M. CKLB- "Record A Mibim id Ross CJBC-Greatest Story Ever Told WBEN-Dragnet CFRB-Ozzie 2d Slane 10.00 tration oe Dre: CIBC-Bod' 's Scrapbook CFRB-George Murray CKEY-News: N.H.L. Hockey WBEN-Barrie Craig CBL-News Review WGR--Music 10.30 P.M. CBL-Distinguished Artists CFRB-Symphonette WGR-News; Listen to Korea WBEN-Meet the Press CJBC-Hawaii CKEY-Canada at Work; Labor Reporter LW CKLB-News:: a Dream CBL-Winnipeg Concert CKEY-News; St. David's Day CJBC-Dominion News CFRB-News; Orchestra WGR-News WBEN-News 11.15 P.M. CFRB-Escape CJBC-Paul Neighbor Program .M. Invitation & Music Hockey 11. a 2JBC-Escape With Me CKEY-Kay Starr WGR---Jazz Inc. CBL-Recital WBEN-Freedom Foundation 12.00 MIDNIGH' CKLB-News CBL-News CJBC-News MONDAY MORNING 5.30 AM. WBEN-Farm Reporter 5.45 AM This 1 Believe JER Chore Tim CFRB-Morning Melodies 6.00 A CKLB-News; Rottee Korner CFRB-Farm Breakfast Coke. -News: Musical k WBEN;: News: Musical Clock WGR-News; Chore Time Apple Growers' Report, Farm Reporter 9.00 CKLB-News; 43% AM CBL-News: CKLB-News; Koffee Kornei cype 3 Dawn Patrol ; Musical Clock sical Clock: oR CBL-M {| CKLB-News; 00 A.M. ; Koffee Korner CFRB-News: Top O' The Morning CHET News; Musical Clock WBEN-New: WGR-News: Musical Clock 7.30 AM. CKLB-News: Koffee Korner CBL-News; Concert CFRB-News: Top 0 Morning CKEY- News: 9.45 | Broadcast Musien Clock | CKLB-Koffee Korner oxen. News; CFRE-1ost Sud Found AM CKLB- Neva Sports CBL-News; Sports CJBC-News; Sports CKEY-News: Sports CKEY-News; CFRB-News:; Top O° Morning 8.15 A.M. CKLB-Koffee Korner orning Devotions | CIJBC-Toast ande Jamboree CKEY-Musical Clock WBEN-Music Clock 8.30 A.M. Koffee Korner CBL-Musical March Past CFRB-Top O' Morning; Peggy Brooks: Gospel Singer A.M. Devotions 9.15 CRLE -Listen While You rk CFRB-Ann Adam WBEN-Lenox Breakfast WGR-The Keatans 9.30 A.M, CFRB-Homemaker CFRB-Claire Wallace: Homemaker Harmonies | CBL-Ontario School WGR-Memory Time 10.00 A.M. Pop Hits |CJBC-Roses For You |CFRB-News; Money Jingles CPRB. Band; News WBEN-Welcome Travellers WGR- Ane Godfrey 15 A.M. CFRB-Worth Knowing Carmen Cavallaro 10.30 A.M. CKLB-Music in 3% Time | CBL-Ruth Harding Jane Weston CJBC-Kate Aitken CFRB-Martha -Reid |WBEN-Double or Nothing 10.45 A.M. CKEY-Ballroom CBL-Song Shop CFRB-Interlude Rosemary Box CJBC- Bos Scrapbook Whitby News: Mu CFRB-News: Birthday Party CKEY-News; Ballroom WBEN-Strike it Rich 1.15 AM CBL--Back-Stage Wife (CIBC-Kirkwood ; Coffee with Bruce CFRB- Memory rag 1.30 A CKLB- Hotes of Peter McGregor CBL-Front Page Farrell CJBC-Cote Glee Club |CFRB-Kate Aitken CKEY-Mona Gould WGR-Grand Slam WBEN-BoD ad i Ray BL. Laure imited A.M. A.M. Ballroo: CKEY-Songs of Our Times: Claire's Kitchen [oes -June Dennis -Rosemary WBEN-News: Music Clock OBL Kinaergarian of the Ate| WHEN Bob Hope Ladies "KLB-Forbidden WGR-Musical Clock: New:CJJBC-Hope for the MEAT DEAL WITH UK MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (Reut- ers)--An Anglo-Uruguayan meat treaty was signed here Friday by the minister of livestock, Juan Quilici, and British ambassador FATAL CAR CR. CHENER ( KIT Schmidt, 25, of Kitchener was fatally injured here Friday night when the car he was driving crashed into a tree on Highway Douglas Howard. Britain will pay | No. 7-8, three miles west of here. '"'pilot price' of $450 a long ton [The top of the vehicle was sheared oF meat--the same as she is pay- |off. Mr. Schmidt died shortly after ing Argentina. in the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital. ASH CP) -- Harold | 11:00 50-A-Day CJBC-Doris Day CKEY-News; Pick the Hits; Housewife's Holiday WGR-News. 12. P.M. 16 JBL-Aunt Lucy CJBC-What's New WGR-Aunt Jenny WBEN: Saddlebags JFRB-Farm and Home . News 12.30 P.M. CKLB-News; Sportlite. CEL Fatt Broadcast me Signal CIBC News (Bowles CFRB-News Meknight). CKEY-News (Gresne). WGR-Helen Trent WBEN- President = Eisenhower C CKLB-Vocal Spothiznt. >JBC-Small Types Club. CBL-Happy Gang ORR Wadder Brown. WBEN-Lenten Series CFRB-Dr. Malone Wer: Dr. 6.00 P.M, CKLB-News; Sports CKEY-News: Ballroom CBL-CBC News: Sports CFRB-Bing Crosby WGR-News; Behind Head. Hines, Spots, Heartbeats s Spo! WBEDY.-News 6.15 P.M. CKLB-Schedules Supper Club CFRB-Path of Duty CBL-Mayfair Melodies WBEN-Sports 630 P.M. CBL-UN Commentary; WBEN-Mike Meany Show WGR~J. Lascelles Show 6.45 P.M. CJAC-Byng's Choice WGR-News WBEN-3 Star Extrs 7.00 P.M. CKLB-News in a Kinute, Follow the Band; News Hig CBL-News Roundup CKEY-News: Ballroom CFRB-Kate Aitken WBEN-Cisco Kid WGR-Beulah 7.15 P.M, WGR-Junior Miss CFRB-Junior Miss CBC-Road Show 7.30 P.M. CFRB-Denny Vaughan WBEN-World News THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saiurdsy, March 28, 195 8 Les P. CFRB-Helen Trent WBEN -Home Edition News 2.30 P.M. CKLB-8etty and Bob YOu Nora Drake WE CFRBGAl Sunday 2.45 P.M. WGR-Brighter Day CKLB-Meet the Menjous CFRB-Brighter Day WBEN-Doctor's Wife 3.00 P.M. CKLB-News; Showcase CBL-Life Can Be Beautiful CJBC-Concert WOR silliop House WBEN-Life Can Be Beautiful - . |CKEY- News: Show Bin Quiz MONDAY AFTERNOON WGR-Lasten Service CBL-Encores. CJBC-Styles in Song CKLB-News; Showcase WBEN-Backstage Wife WGR-News; Keaton CKEY-News; Club 580 ICERE News; Hollywood CBL Voices of Pasniin JM. LX WBEN-Woman in My House CBL-Music 5.00 P.M. gis Nor Supper Club CBL-Your Program Party Peggy Brooks Keaton; COREY ewe CFRB-News; WGR-News; Barometer WBEN- "Plain Bill 5.15 P.M. CFRB-Devitt kd In CBL-Your Program. WBEN-Front Page Farrel 5.30 P.M. CKLB-Community News: Boxcar CKEY-Ballroom CFRB-Songs of Our Times; CBL-Ma Delkin P.M. CBL Pepper Young WEEN: Pefier ri CBL-WBEN Right 'to Happiness 7.45 P.M. CBL-Provincial Affairs WBEN-One Man's Family WGR-News CFRb, Beulah 8.00 P.M. |CBL-Now I Ask You CJBC-Press Conference CKEY-News; ster; CFRB-Share the Wealth WBEN-Railroad Hour WGR-Suspense 8.30 P.M. CKLB-Radio Market Blues for Monday CJBC-Opportunity Knocks 'FRB-Double or Nothing WGR-Arthur God WBEN-Voice of Wirestone CBL-Farm , Forum 9.00 P.M, CKLB-News; Hillbilly Jamboree CJBC-Court of Opinions CKEY-News; L. Rumble; Crysdale and Ce. FRB-Lux Radio Theatre VGR-Lux Radio Theatre WBEN-Telephone Hour CBL-Symphonic Encores 9.15 P.M. CEEY:Ciidties Auta CBL-] Musi CJBC-The Adventurer WBEN-Band of America CKEY-Voice of St. John; Jamaica Calling 10.00 P.M. CJBC-Viscount Waverley Hi Li KLB- CBL-Nat. News WGR-Bob Hawk WBEN-Dinah Shore CKEY-Boxing Ford Featurette MONDAY EVENING 10.15 P.M. CBL-CBC Symphony CJBC-Music WBEN-Words in the Night 10.30 P.M. CKLB-News: Sports CJBC-Sports 'BL-Music CKEY-Crysdale CFRB-Jo Stafford WGR-News; C. Adams WBENPassover, The Seder 10.45 P.M. CKLB-Airlane Trio CKEY-Operation Safety CFRB-Song For Tornight; Passing Years WGR-Three Suns 11.00 P.M. CKLB-Man About Musie CBL-Bob McMullin CJBC-Dominion News CKEY-News: Music CFRB-News; Sports: Mern Go Round WBEN-News WGR-News 1.5 P.M. CJBC-UN Today WBEN-Sports: Diane WGR-Sports 1.30 P.M. WGR:-Glacy's Basement CJBC-Prelude CFRB-News; Go Round 12.00 MIDNIGHT CELE News: For Pete's e CBL-News CJBC-News CKEY-News; House Party CFRB-News; Sports WGR-News; Basement WBEN-News Medici TELEVIS PROGRA 1:30 ION MS 2:30--Burns 3:00--Roy 4:00--Names CBLT, TORONTO: RDAY. 5: mn siopaions pisbi 7: :00--Tabloid 7:30--Jazz with Jackson 8:00--Jackie Gleason Show 9:00--~Now's Your Chance 9:30--NHL Hockey 10:30--Wrestling SUNDAY 5:00--Children's Films 5:30--~Small Fry Frolics 6:00--Favorite Story 6:30--Leslie Bell Singers 7:00--News Magazine 7:30--Victory at Sea 8:0 0--Sunday at Eight 9:00---TV Playhouse 10:00--This Week MONDAY 5:00--Cowboy Corners 6:00--Music 6:45----Let's See 7:00--Tabloid 7:30--Oval Theatre 8:00--The Big Revue 9:00--Feature Film 10:00--Studio One 11:00--U.N. Today 6:00--Ozzie and Harriet 6:30--Wild Bill Hickok 7:00--~Who Said That? 7:30--U of R Open House 8:00--All Star Revue 9:00--Your Show 10:30--Wrestling 11:30 CHANNEL ¢ WHAM -- CHANNEL 6 SATURDAY EVENING of Shows 5:00--Super 10:00--The 10:30--What's 7:00--Today 10: 15--Arthur 11:30--Strike H News 12:30--Search 5:30--Howdy 6:30--News SUNDAY 11:00--"Hill Number One" 1:00--Wizdom of the Ages 1:30--Catholic Hour 2:00~Name the Sam 2:30--Trouble With Father 3:00--Victory at Sea 3:30--What's My Name 4:00--Godfrey and Friends 4:30--Hollywood S: 5:00--Super Circus 6:00--This Is Your Life 6:30--Red Buttons Show Skelton 10:00--The Doctor 10:30--Fairbanks Presents 11:00--Fireside Theatre 11:30--Talent Scouts MONDAY 7:00--To-day 8:25--News 9:00--Test Pattern 9:55--Though for the Day 10: 00---Ding Dong School 12:30--Search for Tomorrew 12:45--Film 1:00--Mid-day Midway 1:15--You and Your 1:30--Garry Moore Show 2:00--Double or Nothing 2:30--Guiding Light 2:45--Ladies Fair 3:00--Big Payoff 3:30--Welcome Travelers Smith MONDAY 7: :00--City Club Corner 7:15--Do It Yourself 7:30--Those Two 8:00--Mr. and Mrs. North 8:30--You Can Be A Star 9:00--1 Love Lucy 9:30---City's Heart 10:00--Studio One 11:00--News 11:10--Almanac 11:15--The Web 11:45--Talent Patrol WBEN-TV, 6:00--Sports 8: 15--News 10:15--Charles Laughton 10: 30--Your Hy Parade 12:00--Palm Sunday Service creen Test 3:30--Terry and the Pirates EVENING 7:45--Camel News Caravan BUFFALO---CHANNEL ¢ SATURDAY EVENING 6:45--S; 9:00--1 Love 9:30--March 10:00--Studio 11:00--News, 11:20--What's 9:00--Your Figure, 2:00---Armchair Adventure 2:15--~News Adventures and Allen Rogers 3:30--Red Button's Show the Same 4:30--~Amateur Show Circus 6:00--Sunday Party 6:30--Let's Play Charades 6:50--News 7:00--Red Skelton 7:30--Private Secretary 8:00--~Comedy Hour 9:00--Television Playhouse Doctor My Line 11:00--Late News and Waather 11:10--Late Sports Review 11:15--Montgomery Presents MONDAY Rollie Huf® how 9:45--Children's Theatre 10:00--Shoppers" Guide Godfrey 11:00--Plain and Faney Cooking It Rich 12:15--Love of Life, drama for Tomorrow 12:45--Guiding Light 1: 30--Matinee Playhouse 5:15-A Time for Beany Doody MONDAY EVENING 6:00 p.m.--Sagebrush Trail, Westera © story ports 7:00--Ozzie and Harriet 7:30--Stranger Than Fiction n 8:30--Voice of Singer Lucy of Time One Sports, Weather the Record 11:30--Heart of the City 12:00--Suspense BROADCAST Sunday 9:05 p.m. -- Subject -- "Discussion on the Annual Wage" Listen in to the UAW. over CKLB 1m: OS aay iT length film SUNDAY 11:00--Mass 11:59 Anostolie Clock, time 12:00--News 12: 15--Film 12:30--~Candy Carnival 1:00--1 Married Joan 10:45--What One Person Can Do feature REPAIRS TO T.V. WASHERS Fast, Expert Service WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. - RADIOS DIAL 3-7752 Easter Seal Radio Party On Sunday Radio's big Easter Y Party, which originates each year from the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toron- to, will go out this year to the biggest network in the program"s history. More than 80 stations, from New- foundland to Victoria, R carry the show, which runs from 3 to 4 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Sunday, March 29. Theme of the show this year is '"'accent on youth", with a num- ber of Canada's rising young radio, TV and stage stars being featured throughout. One of the highlights of the broadcast will be the Appleby Boys' Choir, from Appleby school in Oakville, near Toronto. The choir has been invited to represent Canadg musically at the Corona- on. Others to be featured include: Teresa Gray, star of the recent Opera Festival in Toronto; Ed McCurdy, Canadian Balladeer; Denny Vaughan, the Toronto sing- er who has made such a hit with the big recording companies in New York; Jack Allison and his group: King Ganan, cowboy sing- er; Gordon Tapp and Alex Reid, a team of comedians from Hamil- ton; Chico Vallee, of Latin - Ameri- can music fame, and Bobby Gim- by, one of Canada's top trumpet- ers. Music will be under the skilled direction of Lucio Agostini. Production, as in previous vears, is under the supervision of CBC senior producer, Esse W. Ljungh. For the hour prior to the radio show, the 15,000 or so persons in the Gardens will be given a spe- cial one-hour stage performance featuring several European stars. Proceeds from the sale of East- er Seals are used entirely for medi- cal, therapeutic and other work among Canada's crippled children. JACK DENNETT--Monday nfin through Saturday Jack Win you local and world news at 8.00 A.M: and again at 6.30 P.M., on CFRB. ou MADISON, ays the part of ** Fhe westerner who To Hickok's pal, Ji another movie Saturday, 7.30 P.M W. y, 8.00 P.M,, ARTHUR GODFREY makes more money, and more friends, than any- body! Has a careless eharm that hod t be copied. Hear Godfrey, Saturday, 8.00 P.M. and Friday a¢ 9.30 P.M. on CFRB. EVE ARDEN--school was never like this! Hear Eve as Connie 2 Broke, AMOS 'N' ANDY--lon e radio favourites, these two "boys" draw plenty of chuckles ith their in. volved get-rich-quick schemes that | come off like lead balloons! Hear "Amos 'n' Andy" Sunday might at %30 on CRB.

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