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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Apr 1953, p. 4

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SE * 1. H. ORMISTON Editor and Manager PHONE 703 WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS # THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, April 2, 1953 Shirley Patricia Rooke, 10- months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pooke of Whitby is @ charming, bright-eyed child, She is grandaughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Rooke of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin of Aps- ley, Ontario. Photo by Scott's Studio, Whitby. Churches Mark Good Friday Special services in connection with Holy Week are being held in some Whitby Churches. Today (Holy Thursday), there was mass at 745 am. at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, followed by a reception in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, All day and night until Friday morning, there will be the Exposition of the Blessed Sacra- ment, with some person in the church all the time. On Good Fri- day at 9 am. there will be cele- brated the mass of the Pre-Scanti- fied, and in the afternoon at three o'clock, The Way of the Cross. At All Saints' Anglican Church the rector, Rev. Gordon Channen, will conduct a family service at 10.00 aim. on Good Friday morning, and a devotional] service from 2 to 3 pm. ; At 8t. John's Church, Port Whit- by, Rev. J. E. Harvey will conduct morning prayer and sermon. There will also be special Easter services Sunday. Movie Portrayal Annoys Niagara TORONTO (CP) -- Hollywood's treatment of Niagara Falls in the recent film "Niagara' was criti- cized in the legislature Wednesday night. W. L. Houck (L--Niagara Falls) said the film, starring Marilyn Monroe, had not portrayed Nia- gara Falls in a favorable light and the star's acting had been criticized. "I'm not so keen on Marilyn Monroe myself," said Labor Min- ister Daley. "KNOW CANADA" Folk School To Promote' Native Arts and Culture Last month a, widely-discussed article appeared in a Canadian magazine in which the anonymous writer strongly condemned life in a small town with its supposed lack of educational advantages and total disregard of any cultural en- terprises. The writer wanted 'high-tail' it back to the city. bviolisly he had not heard of community activities such as the annual Ontario County Folk School which is being held next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Ham Lawson at Greenwood. Culture? Discussion? Craft Training? Poetry, Photography? Music? Recreation? Here all of them will be found in plenty. A European idea, the Folk School is just now catching on in Canada. Leader of this is Ray Hergott, school mother and publicity to | work; chieftain is Mrs. I. L. McLean. of Greenwood. Students are asked to bring certain necessities of life for the three-day school and 'your thinking cap". Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown will conduct daily classes on leather- Mrs. McLean on needle- work and Milton Campbell on pro- jector training. Members of the County Planning Committee in- cludes Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pearson, Uxbridge; Cloyne 'Stearman, Ux- bridge; Anson Gerrow, Port Per- ry; Russell Rodd, Uxbridge. Theme of the school: 'Know Canada'. Portions of the program bearing on the theme are: Compar- ison of Canada today and 100 years ago; Federation of Agriculture work; Canadian poetry; Under- standing of New Canadians; Our natural resources; Our jury sys- tem; Canadian Music; y does . WHITBY } pay BY Day Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and James of visitors are apprecia- The VON will meet on Monday, April 13, in the Library, at 3 o'clock. . Birthday congratulations are be- ing received today by Ronald Pas- coe, 403 Chestnut t, Whitby. Mr. William Bradley, Brock Street North, very quietly yester- day marked his 85th birthday, The octogenaran received the good vebally and through cards. A re sident of Whitby for over 44 years, Mr. Bradley, his friends will glad to learn, is recovering from a recent accident. A few friends of Mr. and Mrs. John McMinn surprised them at their home on the hospital grounds Tuesday evening the occasion being their 40th wedding anniver- sary. During the evening good wishes were extended and a gift presented, and all enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Bert Johnston arrived home yesterday from Fort William, where he was confined to the McKellar Hospital following an accident at the grain elevator be | Roblin sister at Vancouver. His con- dition is very much improved and his many friends are glad to see him around again, NEW GOWNS FOR CHOIR Thanks to the Chancel Guild and other workers at St. John's Angli- can Church, Port Whitby choir will wear gowns for the first time at the 11:30 service on Easter Sunday. They will be formally dedicated by the rector, Rev. J, E. Harvey. PRESENT "LIFE OF CHRIST." At the Legion Hall in Whitby Monday evening there will be pre- sented a motion picture film de- picting "The Life of Christ." The presentation is by the Salvation Army Home League at 8 p.m. The film is said to be one of the best on this sacred subject in circula- tion, and a large number should be out to see it. Proceeds will be used Jor jhe fresh air camp at e. much of our cultural talent leave Canada. As a wind-up feature, there will be a Community Night program in the Township Hall at Brougham at 7.30 on Wednesday. Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whitby office by 5 p.m. the dey preced- ing publication. Mayor Talks On Education The regular monthly meeting of the Brock Street Home and School Club was held in the school Tues- day night. The meeting opened with the singing of "O Canada', Mrs. A. Harkness at the piano. Two min utes' silence was observed in hon- or of the late Queen Mary. This was followed by the Lord's Prayer. Due to a lengthy program of entertainment the business portion of the meeting was brief, dealing with a Field Day for tht pupils in June and a Home Baking Sale. Dates for both will be announced in the near future. Albert Edwards then took over as President and expressed his ap- preciation at having the honor of doing so, as it was the first time in the long history of the school that the circumstances were thus. A very humorous and side-split- ting skit, "I Went to Your Wed- ding"', was presented by Mr. Bill Hill and his troop of Rover Scouts. They were assisted by Eric Lat- robe, Blake McCoy, Hugh Perry and John Harkness. The wedding guests were escorted in by Don Gillchrist. Mr. Edwards then introduced the guest speaker, Mayor Jermyn, who stated that his visit brought back happy memories of some 20 years ago when he taught at Brock 'Street School for four years. He was pleased to see in the audience people like Gaynour Whitney and John Harkness. Mr, Jermyn com- mented on the education standards of today and those of 20 to 40 years ago. Mr. Jermyn stated that the aims of education should be: a good citizen, a pupil should be taught that he has a part to play in his country. He should be open- minded, respect the moral laws of his country, and safety of his fel- lowmen, and that he should go out and vote, The Mayor stated that in the middle thirties, a famous educa- tionalist introduced a system of teaching which was anything but beneficial. For example, arithme- tic was taught by painting piec- tures. The result of this system was that all discipline was lost. Abstract t hinking could not be taught by acting. Mayor Jermyn claimed that 60 per cent of all Canadians get their education in elementary schools and they are not afraid to work. But the system of higher educa- tion makes one shiftless and lazy. The system certainly has tobe revised. 1 His Worship went on to say that the* young people of today live on canned music and blood and thun- der comic books. He pointed out the serious effects it has on the INSULATE YOUR HOUSE NOW FOR winter with PAL-O-PAK loose fill. Chea and better, Free estimates. Made In Whitby. Phone 2374, Whitby (Apra2) young ple. Radios, record play- ers and moving pictures have tak per len the responsibility off young people's shoulders today. To be (to Probation Plan May Cut Crime TORONTO (CP)--Reforms Min- ister Foote said Monday night he opes soon to have an improved probation system in Ontario which will help law-breakers to mend their ways without sending them to prison. He said in an address prepared for brodacast over a Ontario network in a free-time political series that a study of British ex- perience has shown availability of a full probation service contributes to keeping down the prison popu- lation. "I hope that we may shortly have a probation system in On- tario which will rehabilitate many offenders in civilian life without the necessty of them being com- mitted to institutions," he said. LIVELY CENTENARIAN KELWOOD, Man. (CP)--Andrew McCutcheon celebrated. his 101st birthday by doing a lively step- dance for his friends and relatives. Native of Arthur, Ont., he came to Manitoba in 1896 and has been a resident of this town for 17 years. In the last few years child de- linquency has increased a thous- and-fold. The cost to the province is tre- mendous for the upkeep of juvenile courts and homes for delinquents. His Worship stated that Dr. Dun- lap was revising the system and the trend was towards days of old. Home and School clubs could cer- tainly give assistance. Individuals collectively can do something about it. Children should *be en- couraged to make their own way; should be capable of entertaining themselves and not be bored stiff when they have already seen the show or heard all the records and read all the comic books in wn. . Children should be taught music. His Worship recalled that one time there were seven music teachers in town and all kept busy, but at the present there was only one and that one only taught part- time. Children should be . taught dramatics, not especially during school hours but on their own time. Encourage them to do some- | thing for themselves and be able to provide their own entertainment. In closing, Mr, Jermyn stated, "that to be eternally giving, you weaken the person to whom you are giving". 4 Seymour Whitney at this time thanked Mayor Jermyn for the fine message that he had present- ed to the Home and School club. Lou Pritchard showed two fine films, "Pete the Piper" and "Fishing across Canada'. A lovely and appetizing lunch was served. accomplish the new arena with DOWN TO BRASS TACKS ROBT. CORBETT News Editor PHONE 703 Rink Board To Conduct Preliminary Money Survey Laying its plans carefully and wisely, the Whitby Community Arena Board held a meeting this week at which a general discussion took place on methods of financing and the procedure which will be followed. A preliminary financial survey is to be undertaken next week which should indicate to the Board whether the public will extend sufficient financial support to artificial ice which the public is Dodd Pleased At Good Response Red Cross Campaign Chairman Willard R. Dodd expressed satis- faction today with the progress of the campaign. Although canvassers | have been slow in making their returns. to the Empire Life office, | it would appear now that the $3, 500 objective may be reached be-! fore many more days. ! Yesterday $3,000 had been de-| posited to the Red Cross account, a figure comparable to receipts at | the same date Ist year. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Barlow announce the of their daught Mary Mildred, to David William, son of Mr and Mrs. James Miller, all of Ajax. The marriage to take place quietly Sat- urday, April 25, 1953. All Saints' Anglican Church Good Friday Services 10 a.m. Morning Prayer and Family Service 2 pm. Devotional Hour MARRIAGE phine Stell of Ashburn to Mr. Kenneth Carson of Greenwood, The marriage was solemnized by Rev. M, 'C. Fisher, on Tuesday eveging, March 31, 1953. DOES THE SNOW MELT ON YOUR roof? Insulate with Mineral Wool.-Save- Fuel. Add comfort, fire-proof, weather proof. Home Insulation, 204 West. Phone 2563, Whitby. Terms. (Apr19) ARTICLES MOTHPROOFFED WITH Berlou are guaranteed against moth dam- age for 5 years. Dry cleaning cannot re- move Berlou. Average cost to mothspray COMING EVENTS IT'S GIRL GUIDE COOKIE E again. Order now from Brownies Guides. 25c per box -- delivery May 2. Proceeds will be used to further guid: 2 suit or dress is 9c a year. Hardware, Whitby. Phone 560. (78a) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men, in private home. Abstainers. Phone 2352. (76¢) FOR SALE--2 LOTS ON BYRON STREET North. Phone 2543. (78¢) FOR SALE--6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, oors 3-pl 908 Brock North. Phone 2385. WANTED TO RENT--3 UNFURNISHED rooms by working couple, no children. Phone 770. after 4:30. (76c) WANTED---THREE OR FOUR-ROOMED apartment by middle-aged couple, long resident at Whitby. Advertiser would like to comtact any person contemplating con- version of home fo apartments or erecting new structure. Would sign reasonable lease. Box 120, Times-Gazette. (Aprd) POULTRY, JAKE PARKER WILL PAY the highest prices for poultry of all kinds. Special price for Easter holiday, also new and old feath Phong 486, Whitby, or STUDENT PRANK KINGSTON, Ont. (CP)--One of the two metal lions at the foun- tain in front of the court house here was found by city workmen on the Queen's University campus after it had been stolen, presum- ably by student pranksters. IN MEMORIAM NEWTON--In loving memory of a dear ig mother, Pauline Newton, who passed away April 2, 1949. --Sadly missed and ever remembered city while en route to see his! Bin NOW PLAYIN BROCK oi 2 PHONE 618 EVENING SHOWS 7 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 at HOLIDAY MATINEE GOOD FRIDAY (:30 P.M. FOUR STAR TEC ALSO HOLIDAY SHOESTRING BASEBALL SNAPSHOTS HNICOLOR HIT! by daughter, Margaret, and son-in-law, S Oshawa 3-7333. (AprS) YOUNG COUPLE WITH A LITTLE BOY |} urgently desires 3 unfurnished rooms on ground floor or a small house in Whitby or Brooklin vicinity. Trustworthy and ab- stainers. Will someone please help us? Reasonable rent. 'Phone Oshawa 35-5905 collect. (77¢) ing your local Pack and Company. W.C. TOWN & SONS FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY PHONE 410 (78a SEALED TENDERS marked Lodge, County Court House FOR COAL "Tenders for Coal" will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 1953, for the supplying of coal for Fairview and Gaol. Tenders must be submitted on County tender form. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. : Dated at Whitby this 30th day of March, A.D., 1953.. WM. G. MANNING, County Clerk-Treasurer, Court House, Whitby, Ontario. FOR SALE--GASOLINE WASHING MA- chine, $180. Good condition, used 8 months. Write Box 119, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (76¢c) FOR SALE--6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. Full price $3,000. Apply 879 Byron Street North, Whitby. (76c) FOR SALE--GREY PRAM CONVERTO- bed. Condition like new. Apply 809 Sing treet. FOR SALE--'47 CHEV, 2-TON COMBINA- tion stake dump, in excellent shape. Ap- ply Doug Coates, 1 mile north Kinsale Sghool off No. 7 Highway. (Apr8) FOR SALE--PIANO, UPRIGHT. REA- sonable. Phone 2898. 7m) FOR SALE--1950 METEOR, FOUR NEW tires, A-1 condition. Apply 801 Green St. Phone 512. (Aprl) FOR SALE--TREADLE SINGER SEW- ing machine, A-1 condition. Phone Brook- lin 1r23. Mrs. H. McCool, Brooklin RR. (Apr2, 4) FOR SALE--BALED HAY AND STRAW. Phone 2438, Whitby. (Aprl) FOR SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE, good condition. Phone 2506. FEMALE HELP WANTED----YOUNG GIRL for general office work, with Knowledge of typing. Apply Exquisite Form, John Street East, Whitby. (Apr2 4) FEMALE HELP WANTED -- CASHIER wanted, experienced preferred, Apply Whitby I.G.A. Store. Phone 3583 Whitby, 204 Brock South, Phone 2873 after 6 p.m. (76c) CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE In new subdivision, North of No. 2 Highway light on Ajax sideroad, Also several good lots in Town of Whitby. Apply ISAAC PUCKRIN WHITBY, 914 (Thurs. &Sat..t) WHITBY, BROOKLIN, LIMITED Orders Delivered in An Easter bouquet of beau- tiful flowers or a potted plant are always appreci- ated. We have a wide selection grown in our greenhouses, and we invite you to come and see them. Your order will receive our best atten- tion. AJAX AND DISTRICT PASSA ASSN demanding. Method of the survey will be to obtain preliminary financial pledges from 50 citizens. If a certain total is met in this survey, the Board is confident that the. $100,000 project can be accomplished. If not, it is pro- posed to raise money immediately for an ice plant which would be installed in the present arena, to be operating by next November. The plan for a new rink would not be abandoned in any event, but merely deferred until it appears to be financially possible. At the first meeting of the Board, it was clear that the bulk of public support favors an entire new pro- ject. The question to be settled now is simply whether or not citizens are ready and willing to pay for what they are demanding. Present at the last Board meet- ing were: F. J, McIntyre, chair- man; Mayor Harry Jermyn, Judge F. J. MacRae, Go Mahon, D. J. Cuddy, QC, Morrison, Norman Irwin, bers of the Board, and Corbett, representing The Gazette. » n Mo A. C. em- rt Girls Wanted Part Time Work Poultry Picking APPLY: Pickering Forme WHITBY Phone 336 NOTICE! CHANGE OF STORE HOURS BEGIN- NING MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1953: es a MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY and SATURDAY 9 AM. to 6 P.M. FRIDAY 9 am. to 9 p.m. Snelgrove's Drug Store 2 LARGE BEDROOMS UTILITY ROOM WELL-PLANNED KITCHEN LIVING ROOM DINETTE GOOD VIEW TOTAL PRICE $8,400 LARGE LOT EXTRA ROOMY KITCHEN LIVING ROOM 18' x 18' 4-PIECE BATHROOM LIVE IN THESE HOMES FOR A NEW OWNER! 3 BEDROOMS MORE POSSIBLE UPSTAIRS Wonderful opportunity for family to have large extra i ot your door to summer residents. room and living room areas. Situated on the fringe of village in the Oshawa-Port Perry district with heavy wire service and pressure water system in house. The house and barn are not new and not decorated too well but the possibilities are tremendous for @ handy man. Terms due for 2 years. Total price is only $6,950. ! These and Many Other Fine Homes To Show You GORDON OSBORNE | Real Estate -- Insurance ARE LIVING LARGE DOWN ECONOMY STYLE $2,800 DOWN PAYMENT FORCED AIR OIL HEATING EXTRA LARGE 4-PIECE BATHROOM LOOKING WHAT A DEAL 3 BEDROOMS LARGE LOT CLOSE IN LOCATION ROOM 14 x 16 DINING ROOM HOT AIR HEATING TOWN SEWERS AND WATER COMPLETELY INSULATED APRIL 15 POSSESSION FIRM PRICE $8,950 PAYMENT $4500 5-ROOM BRICK BEDROOMS -- POSSIBLY 3 LOW MONTHLY 'PAYMENTS TAXES INCLUDED IN PAYMENT 4-PIECE BATHROOM CORNER LOT DOWN PAYMENT $3,500 BALANCE AT 42% * FORCED AIR HEATING WITH OIL A BASEMENT YOU WILL WANT TO $4,000 DOWN--BALANCE LIKE RENT $2,500 DOWN -- 8 ACRES, .7 ROOMS -- VEGETABLE BOOTH Hl, fruits and selling right House has 3 bedrooms and possibility of 4, with large kitchen, dining WHITBY AA PHONE 324 WHITBY are excellent, with only interest Phones: 2677 or 522

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