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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Apr 1953, p. 5

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AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Pickering 355-J-3 WINNERS IN SCHOOL PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST EE is any pk ud lic speaking con e Ajax Home and School Ausociatos 1m eeting this week. Left to right: FRONT ROW, Janet Stratton, Bill Sibeon, win- ner of the Home and School Assn. , Donng Jones, Bob Falby. ROW, Gary Winter, Garnet Watchorn, Sheila Me- Whirter, Bob Peebles, Noel Mc- Nein. BACK ROW, Miriam John- Virginia Campbell, Beryl Phy Donna Nicholls. Bill St beon won highest marks for his speech on the topic "Mother"' and was awarded the Home and School Assn. Cup. Bill Sibeon is a salesman for the Times-Gazette in his spare time, and has four brothers. Rather small for his age, Bill is a live wire salesman and won the hearts of everyone with his speech, which he closed with these words, "So maybe she hasn't a figure like Marilyn Mun- ro, or a face like Shirley, Temple. But to me she is the most won- derful person in all the world! My Mother!" Coronation Essay Contest For Children Announced AJAX -- (Times-Gazette Staff Reporter) The Varsity Chapter JODE have announced the contest ,~wjles for their Coronation Essay 1 title of which is "The Corona- ."" There are two age groups at the Coronation Civic Serv- Coronati forms will ne available in . The rules are as fol- eligible are all children years of age who live in First age group will consist and girls 12 to 14 years age group will con- boys and girls 15 to 17 old. forms to be completed ep SE2RR i ] ra the Jone Eucatioan) Secre- . Oland, 5 Tudor i Fo a or contain descrip- i] facts of previous parations of towns of ind individuals or of necessary to make the Cor- a successful event. Books, J used as references. on or bfore April | and other literature may | tion 5. Essay may be written in pupils own handwjring or type written. 6. The essay must be composed by the applicant, and certified by contestant's parent or guardian. 7. Essays must be handed in to Mrs. Oland on or before May 15. 8. Results will be made known and prizes awarded at the Ajax Coronation Exercises June 2, 1953. 9. Judges to be announced. 10. Essays to be judged on: tion; presentation of story. nak Decision of judges to be nal. The IODE is exceedingly anxious that this essay contest receive the attention it deserves and recom-| mends that intending entrants get busy righ away to stdy subject material. Parents and guardians are also asked to interest their children in the contest and inspire them to do the research work ne- | cessary to compiling a creditable | essay without actually assisting in | its composition. Details of another competition open to everyone will be announc- ed soon in the form of a com- petition for a poem on the Corona- theme. This is an opportunity for budding poets. Smelt Run Has Now Started AJA X--- (Times-Gazette Staff Reporter) Quite a number of Ajax fishermen are spending their evenings and in some cases "- the night in pursuit of the AI lent smelts which are just com- mencing to arrive along the shores of Lake Ontario. While the run is Lian at present, smelts are being taken in increas- ing numbers and each night from now on will see the favoured spots lined with hardy souls with dip nets trying their luck. LANDMARK GOES SPIRITWOOD, Sask. (CP)--The Winding nearby Noroury demolished. A landmark built by settlers in 1918, it had served as s town hall ever since. BOWLING NEWS Standing in the CMHC Bowling' League i§ as follows: High singles, ladies, Foams Bote erson, 284; men, E. Klugmee, 247. High triples, ladies, Jean Sander- son, 610; men, Harold Cooper, 640. FUNERAL OF MRS. 8. DILLON AJAX--Rev. A. E. Young, pas- tor of Pickering United Church, of- ficiated at the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Dillon on Wednesday. The service was at Markham and in- terment at Locust Hill Cemetery beside her husband John 8. Dil- on, | Ma- | meeting is at the home of Mrs. terial used; grammatical composi- | 1% Galley, 20 Nelson Street. AJAX PERSONALS AJAX -- The pupils of the South Junior School, under the direction of their principal, Mr. J. Wilson, presented their annual Spring Fes- tival on Wednesday evening in Rotary Hall. The hall was filled with families and friends of the pupils for the occasion. The pro- gram. was as follows: Grade I -- Rhythm Band and chorus, some 60 strong, presented two numbers, "The Wind" and "Yellow Bud." Teachers, Mrs. Pain and Mrs. McLachlan, Grade 2 -- "The Seasons," four young ladies depicting the four seasons Or as the chorus put it, this is how they would look "if they were ladies." Teachers, Mrs. Falny and Miss Hill Kindergarten -- The large kin- dergarten class presented a story in song, entitled 'Pussy Cat Visite the Queen." The acting of these little tots, and the marvelous costumes of the king in admirals anitori and his lovely little Queen in white with her ermine trimmed purple cloak and train were a real delight and round after round of applause brought them out for curtain calls which weuld have delighted the hearts of adult actors. The little guards in scarlet coats and tall itary fashion, when bringing the stranger, Pussy cat, before their majesti . Following this the Tumblers eight boys ad hd girls of Grades 4 and § on an exhibition of tumb! By 3 acrobatics under the Spring Music Festival Of South Junior School direction of Mr. Marsh, BPHE. Grades 3, 4 and 5/presented an Operetta. '"The Farmers Dell" combination of nursery rhymes and songs. In which the Rooster wakes the scarecrow before nine o'clock and got kicked for his trouble. But the scarecrow was awake just in' time to save Snug the bug in the Rug from the two black crows who were determined to make a break- fast of him. Mistress Mary was so contrary that she did every- thing backwards, but still had a lovely border of Silver Bells and Cockle Shells growing in the gar- den. This was directed by Mrs. Wardley, Miss Hill, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Marsh. Robert Pattison, supervising prin cipal of the Ajax schools and O, J. Wilson, principal of the South Jun- for school in brief speeches thank- ed the teachers who had worked Tug-of-War Challenge : Thrown Out AJA X--- (Times-Gazette Staff Reporter) -- In response to the invitation for ideas to provide en- tertainment on Corontion Day in Ajax, Mr. Jon Gibb of Field Avia- tion, Oshawa Airport has Jrasply thrown out a challenge to Ajax to a tug o'war pull on that day. Last year Field Aviation team won the McLellan Challenge cup and are prepared to put this cup up again and are confident that they will retain it. The challenge has been given and accepted through John Mills, Chairman of the Coronation Com. | mittee, who has been canvassing the heavy weights of Ajax, so far without success, so perhaps a little publicity may help. The honour of so hard with the preparation of|Ajax is at stake. Applications will the program and also the mothers who had helped with the costumes and make up in putting over such a wonderful festival. The music was under the direc- tion of Mrs. M. Fisher, ATCM, and the piano accompaniment for the operetta was by Mrs. Jane Greer. Special mention must be made of the teachers, who worked under sbys, stepped it out in real mil- | great handicap for only a couplg of days before the show two of them fell sick and one of the prin- cipal dancers went down with measles and a substitute was coached to take her place as Au- tumn in "The Seasons" at the last minute and was a success too. be received by the Coronation com- mittee from anyone 200 lbs or ov- ery in good physical condition with lots f pull. THE DAILY TIMBS-GAZETTE, Thursday, April 3, 1008 § AJAX--Following a meeting of the executive committee of the Women's Auxiliary to the Ajax and Pickering Township Hospital, i was announced to the Times- dr ry that plans for the Corona~ tion Ball to be held in Pickering District High School on April 10 are completed, and tickets for this event are finding a ready sale. These may be purchased from any member of the auxiliary until Tues- i of dancing and C! an Lars, in aid of the auxiliary's pro- to furnish the Nurses' Resi- wh B the hospital, will be held under the esteemed patronage of the following well known doctors and their wives: Dr. W. W. Bald- win and Mrs. Baldwin, Dr. W. Guthrie Grant and Mrs. Grant, Brooklin; Dr. N. F, Tomlinson and Mrs. Tomlinson, Claremont; Dr. WwW. W. Tomlinson and) js. Tomlin- Wd Dr. J . G. N. PARK FOR CITY HALL SITE SARNIA (CP)--Victoria Park, in the heart of downtown Sarnia, will be chosen as the site for a pro- posed new city hall next Tuesday, if city council adopts a recommen- dation of the city hall building | committee. Clayton Saylor, chair- man of the committee, said Wed- nesday night he has considered every possible site in the city, and is convinced there was no loca- tion more suitable or convenient than Victoria Park. and Mrs. Ruddy, Whtiby: Dr Mellveas and Mrs. Mcllveen, Pick- ering; Dr. G. Glyn Jones and Mrs. Jones, and Dr. Oliver C. Dinniwell and Mrs. Dinniwell, Ajax. Several handsome door prizes will be given away. Conveners of the ball committee are Mrs. C. 8. Bryant, Mrs. John Lay, Pickering. Miss Violet Lwann, Rosebank, and | Mrs. James Smith, Ajax. All members selling tickets are asked to have all moneys and un- sold tickets in the hands of their conveners as follows: in Ajax, to Auxiliary To Hospital Plans Coronation Ball Mrs. Lancaster or Mrs, Smith not later than Tuesday, April 7, and in Pickering and district to Mrs, Moirison, or Mrs. Messer by Wed- nesday, April 8. The next general meeting will be on Monday, April 13, at the Picker- ing United Church at 8 p.m., when the guest-speaker will be Miss Mary Bourne, supervisor, Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, who will Speak o on He relation of the Auxiliary to hospital. Film entitled 'Piped id gen" will also be shown. All ladies interested are invited to attend. Ajax and Pickering Township Hospital CORONATION BALL Pickering cod. Distriet High School April 10 at 8:30 p.m. DANCING AND CARDS Dress Optional $1.50 per person | several years, and was buried just Mr. and Mrs. Don Milne attended the funeral of Mr. Milne's mother, the late Mrs. T. W. Milne in Fer- gus on Tuesday. Mrs. Milne died in Hamilton following an illness of 30 years to the day of her late hus- band's funeral, EUCHRE CLUB NEWS The weekly Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. W. Hannon, Mrs. Anne Batherson was the winner of first prize, Mrs. 8. Wilson second and Mrs. E. McAllister received the consolation prize. The next Miss Mary Kathleen Young, of | Victoria College UTS Toronto, was a weekend guest of her room-mate, Miss Beverley Falby at the latter's { home, 2 Churchill Avenue. Mrs. Charles Bell is able to move around a little with the help of & walking cast. Mrs. Bell suffered a broken ankle several weeks ago. The Central Mortgage and Hous- ing Corporation Recreation Club will provide an evening's entertain- ment at Arbor Lodge on April 16. Proceeds will be in aid of the Easter Seal Campaign. time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dade stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better--sleep better -- werk better. Ask for Dodd's Ki Pills ot any drug counter. ss g LJ . . . . ¥ - » . LJ . . LJ] . ¥ . . ¥ . ¥ * » . . J » . » LJ] - . . * . * . . ( Know the Date 7 Observance Act... During this year, the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission was established . . . the chorus of the New York City Metropolitan Opera went on strike . . . Parliament passed the Lord's Day U.S. Congress authorized a vin for a lock canal at Panama srnean GENERAL E ELECTRIC LECTRIC BLACK =-37U/5 TELEVISION ww Imagine! GE QUALITY TV at this new low price! ---. a ay, - LIFELIKE SOUND SIMPLIFIED TUNING HANDSOME STYLING FRINGE AREA SENSITIVITY The "GAIETY™ ; 3 s Popular 17-inch Blache Daylite model, with Dynapower speaker, automatie sound, built-in antenna. This smartly-styled set-- superbly finished in lustrous Walnut or Light Ozk ts on display right seer at pour G-E dealer's ssoses TOP QUALITY TELEVISION AT THE PRICE YOU'VE WAITED FOR .. « Today at your G-E Dealer's--discover how this hi powered TV set gives superb performance Se penetrates deeply into fringe areas . . . how it filters out interference . . . virtually eliminates annoying flop-over . .. tanes picture and sound with a single adjustment. See the sharp, clear image across the full face of the Black-Daylite picture tube . . . hear the powerful reception. As well, the "Gaiety" is a fine furniture piece that will add charm to the most tastefully decorated home. I's the TV value of the year... priced for everyone... with the General Electric everybody wants. "quality performance" NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE GE WARRANTY When you buy G-E TV there are no extra charges for warranty. When you buy this new low-priced G-E model--the price smcludes both a full 90-day warranty (parts and labour) on the whole set and a replacement warranty for an entire year on the G-E Black. Daylite picture tube. Ask to see the "Gaiety" #odey/ Radio and Television Dept., Canadian General Blectric Co. Lid, Toronto. + + « and control of the military garrison at Halifax was transferred to the Dominion Government and the British soldiers left Canada. MATCHING STAND AVAILABLE... Also avollable of remarkably low price Is a handsome matching stand which quickly ransforms the "Gaiety" ino a stylish consolette. The Year-- 1906. The Farewell Dinner in honour of the last Imperial Officers fo command a garrison in Canada took place in Montreal on the eve of their embarkation, Wednesday, May 23. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA APPLIANCES WHITTINGTON RADIO SERVICE 504 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 5 BOND STREET WEST DIAL 35-4331 DIAL 5-5633 WARNER WILLIAMS STROWGER'S FURNITURE RADIO and ELECTRIC 123 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY 78 SIMCOE STREET NORTH DIAL 611 DIAL 3-7752 bf SB pe eS de tb rt

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