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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Apr 1953, p. 10

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'SOLINE ™ Ileen Balson Is Honored At Family Gathering GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent SOLINA -- Joe Walker, Orono, of the National Film Board show- ed interesting and educational film in the community hall on Friday evening. During a brief intermis- dason Patsy Davis played a piano HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE Mr. and Mrs, John Leger, Osh- awa entertained at a family party at their home, Saturday evening. An enjoyable time was spent play- ing progressive card games. 'During the evening, Ileen Bafson was very pleasantly surprised when ted with several lovely gifts honor of her approaching mar- riage to Alan Taylor of Duncan, B.C. In her own charming manner: Tleen graciously expressed her sin- cere appreciation of the gifts. The party included cousins, aunts uncles and several friends. Lovely refreshments were served. Miss Ada Pascoe visited at A. Moore's and Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. EASTER SERVICES The Easter program presented at the opening of Sunday school on Sunday included a vocal solo by Patsy Davis, a recitation by Phyl- lis 'Anne Westlake and a story "The Flower with Tiny White Bells," given by Gladys Yellow- ee; 8, The church altar was graced by a beautiful worship centre with an Easter lily and several bouquets of spring flowers and potted plants at the church service on ip Sunday. The choir sang the anthem "In Joseph's Lovely Garden" and a duet "The Old Rugged Cross," was contributed by Elma and Olive Cryderman, Rev. Empey's sermon was in keeping with the day. Mr. and Ms. Russell Gilbert and Velma attended the funeral of Mrs. J. E. Elliott in Bowmanville on Sunday. VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin an children, Enniskillen, visited at Mrs. Hazel Harris. Miss Mabel Harris spent the weekend with relatives at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnson, Miss Eileen Johnson and Bob Johnson, ronto, visited at R. Gilbert's. Velma Gilbert, Toronto, is the vacation with her par- Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. John Anthony and fam- ily and Miss Joyce Anthony, White- vale, visited at Geo. Hamlin's. Leger and Ken McMinn, Oshawa, | were Sunday visitors at Everett Ss. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy were Sunday tea guests at J. E, H. Davis in Oshawa. , Mr, and Mrs. Harry Knox were Sunday visitors at Hilton Tink's at Ebenezer. Lorraine Farrow, Bowman- ville, spent the weekend at George Knox's Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, Ronnie, Larry and Teddy, were Sunday visitors at John Broome's to at : e. Mrs. W. A . Ormiston, Brooklin, was a weekend visitor at Bruce Tink's Mr. and Mrs, Fred Crome; Osh- awa, visited at Mrs. Rose Blan- chard's Mr, and Mrs. McGill, Keith en; Mr. and . Lunn and Teddy, Peter- ; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pres- Gary and Miss Ruth Brock ville, were Sunday visitors and Charles Langmaid's. and Mrs, Wes. Hills and were Easter Sunday visitors . McCarrell's at Omemee. Miss cCarrell returned wi Mr, » H. Malcolm, Brougham, visit- ohn Knox's. spent Gordon Pascoe, . the weekend at his home. PARTY Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe en- tertained friends at an ejoyable on Heir Party on Saturday even- Chas. Johnson, Sunnybrook Hos- pital, Mrs. Johnson and children, rboro; Miss Helen Baker, T ronto, were Easter visitors at J. Baker's, 10th ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. Tom Baker were red by their families on the fon of their 10th wedding an- 5 sary. The gathering was at eir home on Saturday evening. Mrs, E. Latcham, Uxbridge; Art Knight, Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. W. Glaspell and Mr. Oliver Glas- . jell, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. red Hardy, New Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, ville, were Sunday visitors Isaac Hardy's Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spires, Mill- brook, were visitors on Good Fri- day at E. Spires. at Burrows in their new home in Osh- awa, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Cook and children, Bowmanville, Mr. anc Mrs. Jack Ovenden and family, Maple Grove, visited at Frank Westlake's Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Bow- manville, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Westlake, Sr. . and Mrs. Walter Parrinder Bowmanville, 8. Chas. Allin, Bowmanville and Miss Nan Allin, Toronto, were Sat- urday visitors at Wes. Yellowlees. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Millson, Glen and Grant, visited at David Beaths at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman were Sunday tea guests at Jack- son Wray's in Oshawa. SOCIAL EVENING The Young People enjoyed a so- cial evening in the hall, Monday night. Lost heir, crokinole and oth- er contests and relays were under the direction of Harvey Yellowlees. Don Taylor and Ewart Leask re- creation conveners. Refreshments were served by the boys at the close of a pleasant evening. At- tendance 20. Several farmers from this com- munity were hosts to the Oshawa Rotarians af a dinner and enter- tainment at Varcoe's recently. All report a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Culling, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Middle- ton, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Potter, Bobbie and Jimmie, Maple Grove, were Sunday visitors at Alec Potter's. THORNTON'S CORNERS Sunday School Session Draws Large Crowd MRS. CHAS. WHITE Correspondent THORNTON CORNERS -- There were 84 in attendance at the Sun- day school service on Sunday af- ternoon. Miss Fern Ledgett brought 8 Shecial Easter message to the class. Mrs. Kilgour sang a beautiful solo "I Walked today where Jesus Walked." Mr. and Mrs. Kilgour sang 8 duet, "God is Love," ac- compenied by Miss Lucille Lick. The Easter story was told by Miss Evelyn Tindall. While telling the story she depicted the scenes on a flannelgraph. The room was greatly beautified by lovely spring flowers. One large ket of flowers was in memory of Mrs. Henry Dennis. Mrs. George Lofthouse also had on display her African violet. Miss Betty King, Toronto, spent a few days holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack King. Sympathy of the community goes Mrs. T. Kerman and family in the passing last week of her moth- er Mrs. Henry Dennis, Mrs. Willlam Wylie, Coldwater, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. William Perryman. FORMER SARNIAN DIES WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Ma Anastasia Brady, 69, a native pt nearby Essex and former resident of Sarnia, died Thursday folowing a lengthy illness. From 1911 to 1920 she managed the Ontario Can- ners Ltd., in Sarnia. ENNISKILLEN Mr and Helen visited at J. Large's at | pros Annual Easter Thankoffering Is Next Sunday MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN + Correspondent ENNISKILLEN -- The March meeting of the WA was held at the home of Mrs. K. Svanefelt. The president called the meeting order with a poem. A hymn was . Mrs. Milton Stainton read the Bible reading taken from Cor- inthians. The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. Lorne Lamb on "Working Christians" and closed 1g; with a hymn and prayer. The roll call was answered by your mother's maiden name, Watch for those "Hobo' teas., Mrs. R. McLaughlin presented the following program: accordian music by Gloria Wright; an inter- esting paper on the Coronation by Mrs. M. Hobbs; humorous read- ings by Mrs. R. Seymour and Mrs. N. Wright were given. A vote of thanks to the hostess was extended by Mrs. F. Werry and Mrs. E. Ashton. A contest was conducted by Mrs. R. Seymour. Lunch was served by group in charge, PLAN THANKOFFERING On Sunday, April 12, the WMS is holding its annual Easter thank offering service, Mrs, Gordon Beech, Mrs. Ted Hoar, Mrs. Art Burgess, Maple Grove, are provid- ing special music. Mrs. R. Sey- mour is the speaker. The WMS is forming the choir. The CGIT meeting was held at the home of Eleanor Heard on Sat- urday, April 4. The worship was im charge of Reva McGill and Nancy Wood. A story from our Study Book was told by Nancy Wood. An enjoyable game was led by Nancy. The program consisted of a poem by Carrol Wright; piano solos by Eleanor Heard and Gloria Wright and a story by Reva McGill. Re- creation was conducted by Nancy Wood. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess and her mother. The meeting closed with Taps. Next meeting is in the form of a party held at the home of Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Glad to report that Mr, J. A. Stainton, Toronto, is making good progress after his recent operation in Toronto Western Hospital. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. Leadbeater, Dale and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. O. Buea- mont and Jimmy, Miss L. Reed, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, and Alpha Bender, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mrs, David Gray and Carol, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Milford McDonald and family, Miss Ruth Adams, and Steve Shred, Bowmanville; Mr. Henry Adams and Bruce, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallis and family, Cadmus, visited Mrs. J. Adams on Sunday. Miss Joy Smith, Toronto, is spending her Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin. Miss Diane Lee, Kedron, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and Garry, Mr. and Mrs, John Oke, Oshawa, were with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Oke. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland and family, Lapeer, Michigan, are visit- ing Mrs. John Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay and Mr. Bill Kay, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. . Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey, Port Perry and Miss Lois Jeffrey, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Miss Joy Smith, Toronto, accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin and family on Sunday to call on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wotten, Osh- awa, to congratulate them on their 30th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mrs. O. Bueamont and Jimmy, Toronto, are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Leadbeat- er. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Doug- las and Jim, Scarboro Bluffs, Jere Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry visited Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stainton and Don Tamblyn, Orono, were last week's callers with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Or- ono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne mb. Miss Marguerite Wright, 8t. Cath- arines, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks, Grace and Beryl, Weston, visited |w Me and Mrs, John Griffin on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Maurice and Beverley, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson and family, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs, Ross Page and family, Newcastle, Jistied Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brad- ey. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Saskatchewan, called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Miss Heather Mitchell visited Miss Julie Saunders in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Douglas and Clare were with Mr. and Mrs. 8, Kersey at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carr and Gail, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Howell's. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, visited Mr. and Mrs, S. Rodman, Port: Perry. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope, at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Svanefelt visited relatives in Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and family visited Mr, and Mrs. Archie Virtue at Tyrone. Mrs. A. L. Wearn, had the mis- fortune to fall down her stairs, We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. E, Strutt is much improved from her illness. We hope to see her out soon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Lar- ry and Wayne, and Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Marie and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Sheryl and Glen, Haydon, were Easter Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Or- miston's. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and family, Oshawa, were with her par- Svanefel visited Mr, and Mrs, N. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wilson and Teddy, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. K. V. felt visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Reva and Keith, were recent visitors at Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Langmaid at Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCrae, Oshawa; Mr. Leo Mitchell, North Battleford, Sask. visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Mitchell. Mrs. O. C. Ashton, is getting around with out her crutches, but has to be very careful as her ankle is very weak. LOST BOY FOUND ASLEEP SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)--A two-year-old boy, who wandered Wednesday from his St. Norbert, Que., home, was found Thursday sleeping in a farmer's field. Rich- ard Houle was found by searchers about a mile from his home, appar- ently suffering no ill effects. The first thing he said was that he was hungry. Mr. and Mrs, E. Spires and chil- Over 80,000 Toridheet Ol Burners in CONROY TORIDHEET OIL BURNERS LEADER IN SALES FIRST IN ECONOMY Conadion Homes, make Toridheet the eader In sales and their high effi- ciency ond low operation ere proven reasons for Toridheet's popularity. Remember you con be sure of the best ot the lowest price when you see your Conroy dealer for Toridheet. IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION McLAUGHLIN Coal and Supplies Ltd. 110 KING STREET WEST PHONE 3-3481 1300 SIMCOE NORTH dren visited Mr and Mrs. Frank A smile now and then is the best tonic in the world. OTTAWA AND . BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED WINDSOR Brading's present the lighter side of life as des picted by Canadian Artists. . . for your enjoyment. *Oh Harry; yon broke his little truck." TYRONE Mrs. George Alldred Hostess For Easter WMS Meeting MRS. W. RAHM Correspondent TYRONE -- The Easter WMS meeting was held at the home of Mrs. George Alldread with 11 ladies present. The president, Mrs. A. Hills, read an Easter Poem. Mrs. J. C. Cook read the minutes and roll call in the absence of our sec- retary, (we trust she'll soon be feeling better). Thankoffering service is to be held April 19 with Rev. John Kitch- en, Orono, as guest speaker. The Mission Band and CGIT girls are requested to attend and sit in a Hee in the church. The May meet- will be a quilting in the Sunday School room with a pot luck dinner. Anyone having clothing for the bale is asked to leave it with Mrs. m, The Easter worship service was given by Mrs. Doonan, Mrs. Cook and Miss J. Philp. A reading was given by Mrs. W. Rahm, Mrs. E. Doonan, group leader, gave the last chapter of the Study Book. Miss G. McCulloch is spending the holiday with her parents at Campbellford. Mr. and Mrs, J. Gibbs and Mich- ael spent the holiday weekend with friends in Hamilton and London and attended the Shepherd wed- ding, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mountjoy. Ron Tennant, Sudbury, spent the weekend at the home of C., W. Woodley. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and boys, Solina, visited Mr, and Mrs. J. Broothe. H Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo, Enniskillen, who cel- ebrated their 15th wedding anniver- sary Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley attended, Mrs. Walter Rahm attended open house, Saturday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wot- ten in Oshawa. It was their 30th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McBride and family, Brampton, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Cresswell and family, Lindsay, spent Monday at the Cook home. Miss Joanne Mackie, Ebenezer, is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. M. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson and family, Trenton, spent the week iy with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stain- n. Mr. and Mrs. J. Delaney and Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Polmateer at Belleville. Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs, W. Polmateer at Bellevile, Douglas remained for a holiday. Shelagh and Kenneth Murphy, So- lina, visited' Don Davey"s. Helen Cole, Bowmanville, - is spending a few days with Gloria Brent. Jo-Anne and Kathie Hoar spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. John Broome and family attended a family gathering on Saturday night at the home of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and Ronnie, Blackstock, visited Mrs. E. Shantz. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rooker and Adran, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Park and chil- dren and Ron Steele, Peterborough, spent the long weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Park. Mr. and Mrs. O. Youngman and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman at Pontypool, Mrs. C. FP. Awde, Mr, and Mrs. D. G. Hooper and Mrs. Mienelly, Orono, were dinner guests last Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Miss Yvonne Saunders, Weston, is spending two weeks holiday' with Mr. and Mrs. 8S. F'. Cowling. Mr. and "Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John visited Mrs. Chas. Shaw in Oshawa. Ross Wilson, Oshawa, is spend- ing the Easter holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Pattyson and | Mrs Geoffrey, Atikokan, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis, Mr, and Mrs. F. L Byam visit- jr Mrs, John Lillicrapp at Can- nington. Rowland Coombes, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with his par- ents and was guest soloist at the Geisberger Park wedding. Miss Mary Wilkinson is spending Easter holidays with her parents near Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston and Willie visited Mr. and Mrs, John Wotten at Burketon. Mr. and Mrs, N. White, Mrs. Butler, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Tom Tabb has been doing more improvements on his Haydondale Want a beautiful lawn? Let RENNIE'S help you RENNIE'S GRASS SEEDS with regular grass feeding will give you a greener healthier lawn for more months of the year. SCOTT'S TURF BUILDER is recom- mended by Rennie's as a com- plete grass fertilizer formulated especially to keep lawns healthy, vigorous and sparkling green. Has no offensive odour. RENNIE'S also recommend 4-XD WEED CONTROL, a granular dry product for con- trol of broad-leaved weeds . . . SCUTL CRABGRASS CONTROL dry compound . . . SCOTT'S ME- CHANICAL DISTRIBUTORS for quick and accurate seeding, feeding and weed control. For complete information see your dealer or contact Wm. RENNIE SEEDS Limited ..- 151 King St. East, Toronto 1 TTT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, heen 16, 1988 ) house with two new verandas and painting of the garage. Stuart Hall, Toronto, is spending Easter holidays at his home. EASTER SERVICE There was a very good atten- dance out Sunday morning at the Easter church service. The sub- ject was "The Hands of Jesus." The anthem, '"Hail Mighty Vie- tory," was nicely rendered accom- panied by Mrs. H. Brent. The flowers were much appreciated that adorned the pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. Earlby ens, Sutton, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Park Sr. Mr, and Mrs. H. Philp, Ron and Marilyn and Miss Jean Philp visit- ed Hon. and Mrs. W, A. Good- fellow at Codrington. : Miss C. Turner and 8. Hush, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. Kloffen and children, Newcastle; Mr. an Mrs. J. Colbary and family, Brook- lin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Van Blaircom and children, Oshawa, visited Mr. and . E. Doonan. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Geisberger, nee Doris Park, who were married Saturday even- ing in Tyrone United Church with Rev. D. Lute officiating. Miss Wilma Richards, Oshawa General Hospital was dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Bonson, St. Catharines on Satur- ay. Mr. and Mrs. Don Murray, Mrs. R. 8. Murray and Joyce, Toronto; Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, spent the Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardy. T. H. Tabb's sister, Mrs. L. Pres cott and family have recently mov- ed to their new home east of Bow- manville hospital. ' Several more in the village hav measles. Mrs. George Alldread received word Monday evening that her father, A. Gi , was very ill at Moncton. She left by plane early Ine ied to Me, and ym e! \ Mrs. H. A. Bounsall on the sudden passing of their daughter Nancy Ann, who former- lived in Tyrone. OK SUNDAY PASTRY-MAKING MONTREAL (CP)--Pastry-mak- ing in Montreal on Sundays now is d|legal. Judge E. J. M noting that the city's baking ine dustry has been making pastries Sundays for more than 50 years, Thursday dismissed Crown a ery was violating Lord's Day Act, The defendant company claimed it was necessary to manufacture pastry to deliver fresh to jobbers Monday. BRONCHIAL COUGH Are you kept awake by a nerve-racking bronchial cough? Is phlegm so tightly packed in your bronchial tubes, no amount of coughing seems able to dislodge it? Templeton's RAZ-MAH capsules are . especially made to loosen phlegm, so it comes away easily and you are relieved of coughing and wheezing. Get Raz-Max for quick relief, 65c, $1.35 at druggists. R-5¢ Sensation of the LOW PRICE FIELD Pay less and get more--amazing but true with Ruud-Pacemaker automatic GAS Water Heaters. Never have so few dollars bought so much instant, automatic water heater value. Just look at features: immersion heat tube design, twin-dial fuel control, automatic safety pilot, fully auto- matic hot water service, and many more. See it today. the ONTARIO SHORE GAS 15 KING STREET EAST | IF IT'S AN OUTBOARD MOTOR OR SERVICE WE can reas YOU! We specialize in outboard motors --- THEY ARE NOT JUST A SIDELINE WITH US - in . offering you the we feel sure we offer you the best. BIG TWIN Canada's top outboard motor . . . powered for the highest level of peri yet moderate in size; weight, cost. Lowest cost per horse- power of any outboard. Easy to start and handle as a small motor. Amozing power range from low trolling speed to 30 miles or better, The motor for largest family boats, big runabouts, cruisers. Gearshift with neutral-forward-reverse, long range Cruis-a-Day Tank, Roto- Matic speed control. Big Twin is engineered for quick and easy at- tachment of the new Evinrude Simplex remote control, 25 HP. 479% SUPER FASTWIN Brand new for '53, the most od- vanced motor in the 10-to0-20 horsepower class! Up to 25 miles on hour on good-sized family end fishing boats, capably handles sev eral water skiers superb trollin performance. Weighs only 6 pounds. Exceptionally quiet -- new twin-chamber acoustically tuned carburetor silencer mutes motor noises far below motors of com- parable power. New Auto-Lift hood for instant accessibility. Gearshift with neutral-fo rward-reverse Cruise a-Day Tank, Roto-Matic speed control, 'SUPER FASTWIN 4 15 HP. 5379% . ~ TRADE IN YOUR OLD MOTOR ON A NEW ONE MOST ATTRACTIVE ALLOWANCES 'SECOND-HAND MOTORS For the best outboard repair service -- See 20 RAY ST. OSHAWA -- PHONE 3-8853 OUTBOARD MOTORS + SALES EVINRUDE SERVICE : OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 6 P.M. -- EVENINGS 7 TO 9 P.M. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR '® PETERBORO BOATS © @ PLYCRAFT BOATS @ LAKECRAFT BOAT KITS (Build Your Own Boat) 2-14 H.P. EVINRUDE 1952 FASTWIN-REGULAR 325.00 - NOW 300.00 1-10 H.P. JOHNSON GOOD AS NEW-REGULAR 275.00 - NOW 250.00 4 ]

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