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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Apr 1953, p. 5

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J. H. ORMISTON Editor and Manager PHONE 703 # THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, April 10, WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS R. L. ROBERTSON News Editor PHONE 703 1953 Grand Lodge Officers Here Can Use Pool This Summer Committee Hopeful Swimmers While much remains to be done ming Pool Committee it was sug- before the Whitby Community gested that an effort be made to Maplebuds Gumdrops Allsorts Lollipops Humbugs 64,664 Jellybeans 6 67,309 That ends the fourth and final section with the Lifesavers winning 71,735 66,756 66,810 68,845 i WHITBY LADIES' CANDY LEAGUE singles: B. with a total of 20 points. Next week is the playoffs. We would like to take this op- . {portunity to wish Clara Watts, a member of the Jellybeans, a speedy recovery. DEAD TRAPPER KAPUSKASING, Ont. (CP)--Pro- F. Lott 541, H. Moore 575, L. Wat. | vincial police found the body af son 612, Konradt Yanenko, 71-year-old Rus- Team Standing: Pts. Pinfall sian trapper who lived alone, in Lifesavers 20 57,808 | his cabin north of Lost river, Death Vimy Ridge Lodge 639 LOBA wads honoured by the presence of Grand Lodge Officers at their annual ban- quet, on Monday night, April 6. Those present were: Right Wor- shipful Sister Johnston, Grand Mis- tress of Ontario; Right Worship- ful Sister Harvey, Grand Chaplin; Very Worshipful Sister Gibson, Jun- ior Deputy Stand Mistress couty Lodge: Right. Worshipfu SIeL | should be delivered Mo we oar Alsmber Ye weeks. The housing for the filter High Swimming pool in Kinsmen park | have the footings and floor built an. gsi oan open, the Committee is very by voluntary labor, so that the v be ; » H, hopeful that swimmers will be cost might be cut down. More will . 0; J. splashing in the water this sum- be heard about this as the build- mer. The pool of concrete has ing contract is awarded. come through the winter well, and | FEW SEE POOL with spring weather now on tap| In the opinion of the committee, the work still necessary will be few citizens have actually seen the pushed as quickly as possible. pool which has been under way The filter has been ordered and for some years, and it is suggest- in a few ed that those who have not are in {for a real surprise. It represents The thousands of dollars in cash and Moore 225; L. Watson 266. High triples: C. Denyer 595: B. Courtley 633, FF. Missett 554, E. Bartell 727, C. Watts 545, H. Moore 652, G. Wiles 669, J, Campbell 512, will also have to be built. MYTERIOUS EXPLOSION WRECKS U.S. SHIP which set the vessel ablaze while | The U.S. steamship President Pierce is shown as she limped {into Yokohama harbor, crippled by four myslerious explosions Challenges Legion To Uphold The Solid Sides Of Democracy True democracy has four solid of bank balance cunningly ac-iers of the high standards of the sides, said Group Captain D. C. M. Hume, speaking at the Vimy Anniversary in Whitby Legion Hall Thursday night. They are disci- pline, honesty, tolerance and team- work, he said. Group vaptamn Hume, for 25 years a member of the RCAF, addressed Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion at Whithy at the Vimy Anniversary dinner. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN still 135 miles off Japan. The | veloped a 14-degree list after 800 quired." | CANADA'S POSITION | Canada, said the speaker, as she gains in stature must preserve her roots and her standards of be- haviour, not only national but per- sonal as well. He asked that Can- ada, made up of many migrated nations, bécome "a stock pot of the best, not a melting pot of the { mediocre." Canada, he said, is a | democracy and he offered a basic perial Lodge. Also present were 1 will have to be painted, more | volunteer labor. Citizens, say the freighter and passenger ship de- | tons @f water had been pumped | | inte the hatches to quell the fire | that burned for 24 hours. Sixty. | | two persons were aboard. | | Royal service stamped on the scrolls of time by such as fought summer training and at Vimy and Dieppe." TRIBUTE TO CANADA In closing his remarks, Group Captain Hume paid tribute again | to Canada, "that jewell of the! British Empire" which arose only | one generation after Vimy to suc- cour Mother England in ner hour! of need. "Without Canada, there | Exactly 36 years after Vim y framework in which to hold fast' would be no Briain, as we unae:- Ridge, Group Captain Hume ask- ed his listeners to "siop, 100£ and listen". *'Stop in our tracks a mo- ment," he asked, "look back at that great deed, and listen to ils echoes across the vale or time." In recalling the years that had passed since Vimy, he mentioned some of the events that had oc- curred that would be entered in the pages of history. "As we re-' treat from any great event," he said, "it slips slowly into its place in the perspective of history. it sheds glamor in exchange for dig- nity, excitement in exchange 1or importance and magnificence in exchange for meaning." CHANGES OF YEARS Group Captian Hume noted the changes in the years, in flying, for instance, 'much that was ro- {8 true democracy. "It has four 'solid sides," said Group Captain Hume, "They are discipline, hon- esty, tolerance and teamwork." He then explained his four walls: dis- cipline as the ordering of one's own self; honesty, the mainstay 'of any code of life; tolerance to work together to a common end. HEROISM AT VIM Speaking more particularly of Vimy, Group Captain Hume said, "Great deeds are only great when greater follow them. Of such was Vimy." He continued, "Let us place it with a laurel wreath of triumph, in its place in history. {Let us bare the brow to the | brave. Let us bare our teeth to the {foe, Let us bare our hearts to the {needy." The men of Vimy, he said, died fighting for a freedom which has yet to be achieved, the free- mantic risk is now deliberate dan- dom from fear. "One of the duties ger. "Why are we thus and of the Legion," Group Captain us?" he asked. "I suggest be- Hume stated, "is to see that the cause we have mistaken pretence majesty of Vimy never dies. They for e, possessions for riches are the stewards of the service and theories for stability. Too often | man's reputation. Let it not be has the craftsman with his pride said that the Legion is all beer of work well done been supplanted land berets, but rather all drive by the crafty man with his pride 'and dignity as befits the preservy- stand the name, today," he said. "Only an island of slaves and June | 2nd, 1953, would mean no more to a lady named Elizabeth, or to you | or me, than April 8th -- yester-| day." NOTED CAREER | A mai. who has had a distinguish- { ed engineering and military car- eer in Great Britain and Canada, Group Captain D. C. MacKenzie Hume was the guest speaker at the Vimy memorial banquet held last evening by Whitby Branch 112 of the Canadian Leagion. | Group Captain Hume, born and | educated in England, is an As-| sociated Fellow of the Royal Aer- |onautical Society, an Associate Fel- low of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, USA, and a member of the Engineering Institute of Can- ada, After 12 years in the Volunteer | C Territorial Service in the Royal Engineers, Group Captain Hume {Joined the RNVR in 1915 and eight | years later came to {sign aircraft for the now defunct | Laurentide Air Service later to join the CAF as second senior Technical |Officer. In 1931, he started the first Technical Training School at WHITBY (ONTARIO HOSPITAL DAY BY DAY MEN'S LEAGUE Accounts of social events and | EAM news items of local interest and Is T* Pluss names of visitors are apprecia- | Rockets & *+ ,|Corn Huskers PHONE 703 {Stomach Robbers | Destroyers Dreadnoughts PF PTS 78833 10 76240 10 77052 7 77279 6 74365 71968 5 | Question Marks 65887 | Nightshirts 76336 3 Farmer Killed As 'Train Hits Truck I MARKHAM (CP) {Lloyd, 52, a farmer employed at | Fairfield farm near Richmond Hill, | was crushed to death Thursday when his panel truck was thrown 42 feet by a Canadian National Rail ways friehgt train. Joseph Kent, 21, of Newtonbrook, pcied up only 600 feet from the level crossing, was .thrown clear |of the truck after the impact and | Clifford | ten members of wood Lodge. Lucky prize winners were: Mrs. Watson, Mrs, V. Rae and Miss Joan Rae. i A very enjoyable evening was pent, | | WHITBY COUNCIL | Whithy's council has taken the lead in a move to permit persons wishing to attend summer Reserve | Force training camps to do so. he cornell, after raading a letter | from the Hon. Brooke Claxton, | Monistes or National - Defense, is | issuing an advertisement advocat | ing that all emplovers in the town | permit their employees to attend! summer training. The letter from Mr. Claxton stat- ed thay this summer training, "the | culmination of their winter pro- gram a local headquarters," is of vital importance to all armed serv- | ices and the degree of success | achievd will be in cirect propor- tion to the number who attend. Municipalities, said the letter, | had contributed greatly to he na-| ional security by permitting their | employees to attend the annual again re-| quested that the town permit those | of its employees who also serve on the Reserve Forces to attend this year's summer training. [ ACCEPT SUGGESTION Councillors accepted the sugges- tion and further authorized the | clerk, John Frost, to place an ad- | vertisement in the newspaper urg- ing employers to co-operate in this matter. | | CARDS OF THANKS | We wish to extend our sincere thanks ki encing erected and painted, elec- committee, should go and look it tric, water and sewer connections over. made and other work carried out.| When the pool is completed the The extra $1100 forwarded by the committee hopes to get the as- | government will greatly help in the 'sistance of the Red Cross in the | financing. promotion. of swimming and way- | The major job. of course. '~ +» er safety. The Society a proriated | erection of the bath house which 3600 for this purpose last year but | has been undertaken oy uic ...- as the pool was not ready it could tary Club, and for which tenders not be used. A financia Approp- | are now being called. |riate .and training assistance have At the last meeting of the Swim- 'been promised for this year. LADIES' CIGARETTE peed go: tA Bartell 208. LEAGUE NEWS : 182. * High averages up to-date with League Standing: Xports | Sandford 182; C. Denyer 182. | | High triple flat, H. Watson 774; | high single flat, V. Sandford 337; Pts. Pinfall | high triple with handicap, H. Wat- 4 65576 | son 843; high single with handicap, Sportsman 40 65386 P. Greenfield 345; high three-game Players 33 64074 | total, Players 3240. Sweet Caps 22 56410 | -- High triples Tuesaay! E. Bar-| : fell 640, M. Anderson 639, C. Watts 586, E. McBride 571, L. Connors 542, Ww. C. TOWN & SONS H. Hickey 441, A. Bradley 536, H.| Watson 52M. Dewell 506, P. FRIGIDAIRE Greenfield 506, | High singles: E. Bartell 243, 218; | AUTHORIZED DEALER M. Anderson 221, 232; H. Watson H. Hickey 541, A. Bradley 536, H. | §_" ro 10Y PHONE 410 201; C. Watts 223. 221. Peppermints 19 . 69.238 was altributed to heart failure, Visi isit Our New... ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT You are cordially invited to visit our new ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT just completed -- modern 'and well- equipped in every detail, Whitby Paint and Wallpaper Co. 135 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY PHONE 488 FIRST CLASS PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPERHANGING Badly chipped or too heavy layers of point can be removed by Electric Stripper. Safe, and no mess. $15.00 Cedar-Line Your Closets with Cedarwall, average cost BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE NOW FREE ESTIMATES T. C. MYGLAND $. F. RUTHERFORD and appreciation for the many 1 expression of sympathy from our friends: relatives and neighbors, during the illness and death of a loving husband and father, | and for the beautiful floral tributes and ' use of automobiles. | ~--Wife and daughter. Charlotte Gentles. | Camp Borden, which moved five years later to Trenton. In 1940 he | was named Director of Technical Training at AFHQ in Ottawa and two years later became National | Director of the Air Cadets of Can- | ada. He retired in 1944 and was | appointed Ontario Supervisor of | anadian "Vocational ining at Toronto. He was appointed lecturer | in Civil Engineering, University of | Toko. (Ajax and Toronto), in| AT HEAD TABLE Presiding at the dinner was Past President James Fraser, chairman of the Committee in charge of the banquet. At the head table were: Past President Harry James, W. F. MacCarl, Frank Threadgold, branch secretary and | vice-chairman of the Provincial Command; Rev. David Marshall, chaplain; the guest speaker, Group Captain D. C. M, Hume, Chairman James Fraser, President Harold Augustus, Joseph Wilson, Pred | Little and Robert McNee. Robin Nicholson was at the piano for the national anthem, and the dinner was prepared and served hy the Ladies' Auxiliary under President Mrs. Fred James. Over 50 ex- servicemen graced the festive board. Canada to de- [194 SEE US FIRST ABOUT... We specialize in Auto Body ond Fender Repairs, also Welding. DUCO and DULUX refinishing. Estimates given at all times. "You Wreck 'Um... We Fix 'Um"' DRACON Here you will find the best in Refriger- ators, Electric Ranges, Washing Machines and Dryers, Floor Lamps, in fact lamps of every description neatly displayed for your convenience. Watch For Our Special Anniversary Announcement STROWGER FURNITURE CO. LTD. 123 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY PHONE 611 EL MOTORS LIMITED Pontiac © Buick © GMC Trucks 103 Dundas St. E. Whitby Goodwill Used Cars Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradley, of Edmonton, Alta., are getting his arents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Brad- : ey, Brock Street North. |, High scores for the week April, !3: High single flat bowling, G. The Young Women's Group of Borg, 263: High single H. cap, G. St. Andrew's Church will meet on | Borg, 204: high triple flaf, C. Dan.| PORT SEVERN, Ont. (CP)--Pro- Monday evening, at 8.15 p.m. in iels, 664; High triple H. Cap., C. Vincial police Thursday dragged the Sunday School room. Mr. Hunt- Daniels, 718. {the Severn river for the body of ert and Mr. Bremner of The T.| High scores to date 75 game John R. McKim, 71, of Toronto, Faton Co. will present the inter- max.: High single flat, J. Gale (Whose smashed boat esting coloured film, "This is Can- 350; High single H. Cap., D. Den. Wednesda ads. |yer, 373; High triple Flat, w.|Wh |Moore. 838; High triple H. Cap. |th W. Moore, 855. | pany staff in Toronto, has been in | High averages to date 75 game de Abit of opening his Muskoka | max.: T. Morton, 215; J. early eacl ular meeting on Tuesday evening, | arrol, 201: i Li Me- and living in it all Sach, spring April 21st, and a feature will be a {Mace, '193; T. Semple, 190: R. Dy- Publle Speaking Sontes, for the [er 187; S. Peake, 185; C. Daniels, . og pupils of the school. {185; D. Thomas, 185; J. Gale, 184: Whitby Classified COMMISSIONER BUSY D. Denyer, 184. | Whitby's new industrial commis- | sioner C. H. Chayter, is a busy | TO HEAR APPEAL man these days. His office is in The appeal of John Fialka, of | the board room of the Public Lib- Oshawa, from his conviction by ! rary, and since his appointment | Magistrate Frank 8. Ebbs on a! |eharge of selling liquor illegally, | will be heard in the Ontario County | Court on April 22, Previously, on | has made several outside trips on March 23, Fialka wes sentenced to industrial keads. It is hoped to have him meet the members of {three months in jail by Magistrate | Ebbs. Silly Mag: the Chamber of Commerce at the next meeting, no date for which has yet been set. BROCK P NOW PLAYING Evening Shows 7 - 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee 1:30 THAT RASH, BRASH, RECORD-BREAKING BEST-SELLER'S ON THE SCREEN AT LAST! | received a wrenched arm. DRAG RIVER FOR BODY BODY SHOP Phone Brooklin 100 EDWARD DRAPER TOM CONLAN Proprietors Guest speaker was introduced by the presiding chairman, James Fraser. Earl Alexander, British defence minister and former governor-gen- eral of Canada, is one of eight living British field-marshals. CLEAN, DEPENDABLE and PRICED RIGHT 1--Model 269, Chev. Sedan, 1950, Radio and Heater 1--Model 2008 Pontiac Sedan, 1950, Radio and Heater. 1--Model 2519 Pontiac Sedan, 1948, Under- seat Heater. See this one. 1--Maodel P23 Plymouth Club Coupe, 1951, Air Conditioned Heater, Low Mileage. 1--Model P19 Plymouth, 2-Door Sedan, 1950, Radio and Heater. A very clean car. 1--Model 2271 Pontiac Sedan Delivery, 1951, Air Conditioned Heater. A lovely job. 1--Model 2519 Pontiac Sedan, 1941. A good car at low price. 1--Model 9543 GMC, 2-Ton Chassis and Cab. 2 Ton. Low Mileage. A top-quality truck. 1--Model 9763 GMC, 3-Ton Heavy-Duty, 1952, 2-Speed Axle, 270 Motor. This chassis \and cab is new and selling at greatly reduced price. A real opportunity. was found y below a dam. McKim, 0 retired eight years ago from e Canada Wire and Cable Com- | PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST The Brock Street Home and | School Association will hold its reg- NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whitby office by 5 p.m. the day preced- ing publication, LET US TUNE UP YOUR CAR FOR SPRING INSULATE YOUR HOUSE NOW winter with PAL-O-PAK loose au. and better. Free estimates. Whitby. Phone 2374, Whitby (Apr22) DOES THE SNOW MELT ON roof? Insulate with Mineral ool. aor Fuel. Add comfort, fire-proof, weather proof. Home Insulation, 204 Chestnut West. Phone 2563, Whitby. Terms. . (Apr19) BERLOU GIVES YOU A WRITTEN GUAR- antee to repair or replace your posses- sions if they are damaged by moths with- in 5 years. One spraying with Beriou does ou pays for the damage. the job or Berl Mcintyre Hardware, Whitby. Phone 360. (84a) | WANTED TO RENT -- YOUNG COUPLE with small family urgently require a house to rent, in Whitby or vicinity. Phone 784. (s1te) FOR WHITBY HONE 618 DH FOR SALE--1 LAWN MOWER, REFRIG- erator and jacket heater, good condition. Phone 2845, (82¢) | FULLETS FOR SALE. CASH IN ON high summer egg prices. 8-wk.-old Barred Rocks. Don McQuay, le 414 Whitby. Et (Apr9,10,11) FOR RENT -- THREE UNFURNISRED rooms, young couple preferred, also two garages for rent. Apply 117 Euclid Street, Whitby. (82¢) | pr A ARS Ab ste oe FOR SALE--ENGLISH LAWN MOWER, $10. 'Phone 744. ? phi WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR working girl. Phone 315, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (84¢) | FOR SALE -- WALNUT DINING ROOM | suit, good condition, 2 unmatched French | | doors. Phone 984, 339 Perry Street. (84c) | - Ane oi asiinbor pi oki { FOR SALE--CHESTERFIELD AND TWO | | chairs, bedroom suife, vacuum cleaner, | Portable electric heater, ice box, desk, | 2-burner electric stove, buffet, lamps, end | tables, radio. Phone 326. (84b) FOR SALE--BRICK HOUSE, 5 ROOMS. Kood Shar Y2-acre, bus service. Im- | ate possession, village of Woodville. | price $2,000, Box Woedwille, oh) re in We take pl equipment. Why not teke advantage of it in your spring and summer change over to ing that we have just installed an ultra modern greasing e the best operation of your car. We Handle Only All Suneco Products TIRES | CARR'S SUNOCO SERVICE STATION BROCK STREET NORTH PHONE 2252 We have a complete stock of B. F. Goodrich Tires and Tubes, including the fabulous tubeless tires. Rhonda Sterling LEMING - HAYDEN wn HELENA CARTER + JOHN SUTTON A COLUMBIA PICTURE Sen fo he cman by MORE £ BINT « Sesod w0 Who nol by Frank Vor + Produced by SAM KATZMAN Directed by SIONEY SALKOW Joe McDoaks ** Soapy Opera" "Half Dressed for Di nner" - "Vaudeville" Terms PLUS! Regula he HI romp i | Doin Basham

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