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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Apr 1953, p. 14

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44 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, April 21, 1953 HEADING UP FAIR COMMITTEE Home Builders and ishings Fair. HARVEY MOYER, Vice chair- man of the Jaycees Committee which has organized the Home Builders and Home Furnishings Fair Is Planned To Boost Local Trade Behind the Home Builders and Home Furnishings Fair, being pre sented in the Oshawa Arena on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, there is a definite | purpose. The primary objective is to promote Oshawa business by giving the merchants an opportun- ity of seeing the latest products in the home building, furnishing and decorating fields. Also as an objec- tive, of course, is the aim of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to raise funds for local Jaycee pro- ects, such as contributions to the ospital, the Oshawa Santa Centre, the "Get Out the Vote" campaign and -the present traffic safety pro- ject which is sugaging the atten- tion of the members. In conjunction with the Fair, there will be many special events and exhibits. There will be a free motion picture theatre, showing films in the west lobby of the Arena, and made possible through the co-operation of the Ontario De- partment of Lands and Forests. There will be a special display by the Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario. Each evening, a $100 merchan- dise certificate will be given away ALMONDS MRS, LOYAL POGUE Correspondent ALMONDS -- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trip and children t several days recently with former's parents at ay Mrs. Mercer of Pic spent Sunday at thd home of , and Mrs. G. Bowcott. Two student teachers from -the Toronto Normal School spent the past week at the local school. Mr. teinberg and Mr, Green and the Shildren were well impressed with em. Mr. Kuzix and two daughters have returned home after spending Easter vacation with relatives in Montreal. Mr. Brock and Mr. Bate's broth- ers-in-law are building a new doubl house on the Pascoe property. Come see nd heat, Jou will enjoy the evening of ama - monds church on Thursday night, April 23, "Arin Slick from Purnp- kin Crick." Many farmers are busy seeding and report its going in well. In- spte of the cold weather, things are growing. Mystery Gland Key To All Human Body By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE DENVER, Colo. (AP)--A myst- ery gland in the brain seems to be the real boss gland of the hu- man body, it was disclosed today. It even translates thoughts of love, sex, fear or hate to order to the person whose name is drawn | other glands into action. This could from a drum, and who has answer- | explain how n "In what | stimulate production of sex hor-| city?' | mones. Or how seeing sudden dan- is re-|ger spurs adrenal glands to give, ed correctly the question, year did Oshawa become a This merchandise voucher deemable at any of the places of business of exhibitors. Other at- tendance draw prizes will be pre- sented on behalf of exhibitors who intend to make draws. One of the outstanding features will be the building, right in Arena, of a model home, which will be built to a modern plan by the Osh- awa Box and Lumber Company, and will be completely furnished by Oshawa merchants The large variety of exhibits of | thoughts of love could you extra adrenalin, in order to fight or run. is big-chief gland is the hy- pothalamus. Scien tists haven't been sure just what it does, or how it works. It's been called the seat of the emotions, and apparently is involved in the strange mechanism of sleep. . In insect experiments Dr. Berta Scharrer, University of Colorado school of medicine. finds the hy- pothalamus has two vital controls products and services available to [over the pituitary, the gland at the the householder and prospective | base of the brain which up to now builder will set up the theme for has been considered the boss gland. the Fair. The hours during which the fair will be open are as follows: Thurs- day and Friday, April 23 and 24, 7 p.m, to 10.30 = Saturday, April , 1.30 to 10.30 p m. Spring Raincoats Modeled On Lines Not every Sprig full and fair. Many creep in with damp, gray days and the steady , drip, drip of week-long rain. sing! with inset sleeves, fly front and notch collar. Raincoat fabrics follow the gen- eral trend in topcoat fabrics when they are made of wool, The 'wool look' is the name derived from fashion preference for textured wools such as saxonles, cheviots, tweeds, etc., and it is heavily represented in rainwear. Of Topcoats First to come to mind among the naturally waterproofed fabrics is worsted wool gabardine, for iis ability to shed water was known in Shakespeare's time. Other waterproof wool fabrics are known, and many wool fabrics are also used with a waterproof treat- ment. Considerably more of a new- comer to rainwear fabrics is the self-sealing cotton weave which expands when wet and is water- proofed only enough to hold out moisture until the. fibers are swollen. DROP CITY HALL SITE SARNIA (CP)--In abandoning Victoria Park as a potential site for a new city hall, council Mon- day night passed a resolution urg- ing the board of parks commis- sioners to '"'put the park in such 3 congwion that we may be proud of it." One control, she finds, is that the hypothalamus actually produces some hormones and sends them to what, in humans, would be the back | part of the pituitary gland. These hormones regulate the salt and Jaler and fluid balance of the ly. The brain gland sends these hot- mones through a nerve to the pituff tary, for storage and release when necessary. Sending hormones along nerves is a new thing. This same nerve coming from the brain gland also has a branch line running to what, in humans, would be the front part of the pitui- tary gland. That part of the pitui- tary makes the hormones which control the sex glands, the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland. The h us apparently controls when these pituitary hor- mones shall be released, Dr. Schar- rer's work indicates. The hypothalamus sends a mes- sage along the nerve to the front part of the pitul , giving it or- ders. one nerve line is cut, the them out until it gets orders by tel- ephone from the boss, and the tele- phone line is cut. Dr. Scharrer and her husband, Dr. Ernst Scharrer, found this evi- dence in work with giant South Am- erican cockroaches, one to two in- ches long. Stop an d See!... BOOTH -- at the -- Home Builders and Home ~ Furnishings Fair! ""We Are Oshawa's Largest Floor Specialists" etc. Let Us Show You How Inexpensively You Can Beautify Your Floors! We carry all types of Floor and Wall Tile, Linoleum, Marboleum, "Get our Free Estimate First" 80%2 § CUSTOM FLOORS IMCOE ST. N. ROSS E. MILLS DIAL 3-7641 [Response of Exhibitors Has Been Gratifying Response of Oshawa industries, business people and merchants to the appeal of the Jupior Chamber of Commerce for co-operation with the 1953 Home Builders and Home Furnishings Fair, to be held in the Oshawa Arena on Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday of this week, has been tremendous according to Dob Dewland, chairman of the Booth Sales Committee. Practically every available inch of booth an exhibit space has been taken up and the result will be a remark- ably fine show of Oshawa products, and of building and furnishing ma- terials handled by Oshawa busi- ness people. Everything for the home, In- cluding building materials of all kinds, landscape gardening mate- rials and services, furnishings and fittings for every room of the mod- ern home, will all be on display by well over 50 exhibitors. Seventy booths have been arranged at the Arena, and it is confidently expect- ed that every one of them will be occupied by the time the Fair opens on Thursday evening of this week. The following is the list of booth numbers and their occupants, as|Li compiled by the committee, al- though there may be some last minute additions to this list: No. 1---A. W. Rundle, landscape gardener, Nos. 2 and 3--Patte's Paint and Wallpaper. Nos. 4 and 5--Meagher's Appli- ances. " Nos. 6, 7 and 8--Libby Plumb- ng. No. 9--Home Appliances. Nos. 10 and 11--Leon Nash, real estate. No. 12--Oshawa Public Utilities Commission. Nos. 13, 14 and 15--Neill's Hard- ware. Nos. Products, Limited. Nos. 18 and 19--Zeller's, Limited. No. 20--Koolvent Sales. No. 21-City of Oshawa. No. 22--Sharp Electric. PERSONNEL CHAIRMAN VINCE CREMONA, chairman in charge of personnel for the Home Builders and Home Fur- nishings Fair. d | Corporation, 16 and 17--Oshewa Wood | Nos. 23 and 24--Harleigh Manu- facturing, . Nos. 25 and 26--Ward's Dry No. 27--Bond Brothers, No. 28--Fixit Shop. Nos. 29 and 30--Ross Mills. Nos. 31 and 32--.R B. Reed and Sons Hardware. : No. 34--F. F. Welch, Contractor. Nos. 35 and 36--Canadian Tire No. 37--Peacock Lumber. No. 38 -- Wearever Aluminum (Dalziel, King Street Bast). Nos. 39 and 40--~McLaughlin Coal |. and Supplies. Nos. 41 and 42--R. D. Werner Company, Ltd. No. 43--H. Mosier Sheet Metal . 46--Victor's Sports and Cycle . 49--Stark Plumbing. . 50--Lander - Stark, Limited. . 51--Oshawa Appliances. . 52--Ken Maynard, aluminum No. 53--Alf, Harrell and Son. Company. No. 55---General Printers, Nes, 56 to 60--Dixon Coal Co. No. 62--Aluminum Installations, Toronto. No. 63--Salad Master, Nos. 65 and 66--Almatex Paint Stores. No. 67--W. Allin, Cabinet Maker, Bowmanville, Nos. 69 and 70--Airshade 'of Osh- wa, All booths are being handsome- ly decorated, and will carry dis- plays of eye - catching products that should prove of exceptional interest to all Oshawa citizens, and particularly those who are contemplating home - building, or | home renovations or alterations. CLAREMONT MRS. SAM TAYLOR orrespndent CLAREMONT -- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Arksey on the birth of their son. A brother for Murray and Dennis. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pugh on the birth of their sen. A brother for Barbara and Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Norton and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Coppins on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh and Palmer over the weekend. . 54--Oshawa Box and Lumber son of Dublin visited with Mr, Wm. | the party Scouts and Wolf Cubs. A lovely lunch was served at the close of the demonstration. Mr. visited with his parents, Mr, and|Baptist Church. All girls between |robe peers at the ages of eight and eleven are and is a leading onial dress and Mrs. Fred Morley on Sunday. Miss Patsy Woods has been con-! cordially invited to attend. The money was given to mee Joe Morley of the RCAF |o' Sting 55-year-ol The Brownies will hold their next [ter Westminster Abbey on Thursday night at 7|Coronation Day to official in the basement of the|robing of the peers. He helped CP) d master tailor, will fo the 1937 coronatl authority on ¢ decora Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan and Jamily of Newmarket visited with her mother, Mrs. N. Sanderson of Claremont. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Cook attend- | ed the wedding of Mr. Tom Bur- | ton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beelby of | Toronto visited with his parents, Ns: and Mrs, Bob Beelby on Sun- ay. | At time of writing we are sorry to report that Mr. Walt Hardy ic {not too well. Friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Doris Graham is in bed with the flu. We wish her a speedy recovery. About 40 ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Milne, north Clare- mont, for a demonstration by Mrs. | Durston. Mrs. Fryer won the door prize and Mrs. Bill Browing the | mame pize. Mrs. McConnell won | the lucky draw for the carving set. AT It's the LOW-PRICED buyl You are assured Sportsmen's Show Naturally, easy BUDGET TERMS like rent! ® HOMES 39 Prince St. SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY OSHAWA HOME BUILDERS AND HOME FURNISHINGS FAIR OSHAWA ARENA -- APRIL 23-24-25 ENJOY YOUR SUMMER IN COTTAGE! . « . and COLONIAL summer cottages are the best thet sen of. COLONIAL QUALITY phe advantages of MODERN PREFABRICATION. The Sportsman above is one of many models designed to sult every family, every taste and EVERY POCKETBOOK! See them at the . . . see them at our dealers . . . or phone or write for our COTTAGE CATALOGUE (10c per copy). Your order now will ENSURE delivery date. And YOUR eottage will be delivered fo that favourite vacation spot when you want H. WH ean be easily assembled in a fow days. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ON * ® GARAGES VISIT OUR DISPLAY AT THE FAIR Oshawa Branch THE COLONIAL Sportsman! all the are avallable . . . you pay for B e COTTAGES Dial 3-8337 A JE tyes To SSE oF HoOOLVENT Toridiitideal ienrstarie AWNINGS o COMFORT, e BEAUTY o PROTECTION eo UTILITY day in the year « + o When you install KOOLVENT Aluminum Awnings, you dress up your home for year 'round comfort. In summer, they keep rooms up to 20° cooler, In winter, they protect against snow, ice and storms. Users everywhere like the convenience of these modern awnings. No struggling with pi frequent replacement! and rods twice a year! No storing! No nce KOOLVENTS are installed, you can forget them. They won't sag, rot, rust, tear, burn or wear out. And KOOLVENTS are" as easy on the pocketbook as they are on the eyes. They'll actually pay for themselves out of replace- ment savings in just a few years time. Why not start enjoying all the benefits of KOOLVENTS right now! You'll soon discover why more KOOLVENT Awnings are being sold than all other types of metal awnings combined. SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE HOME BUILDERS AND HOME FURNISHING FAIR sues BE © QL VE N (1 SERVICE 49 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA PHONE 5-4632 ALF HARRELL & SON Invite You To See Equipment! (At Booth No. 53) OSHAWA ARENA FREE GIFTS! FOR YOUNG AND OLD DON'T MISS THESE! See the BEST in modern heating and warm air conditioning made by the world's largest manufacturers of warm air heating systems! - and sold in Oshawa by - 1080 SIMCOE ST. N. ALF HARRELL & SON DIAL 5-0438

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