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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Apr 1953, p. 8

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' Sicloy wath JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR zi DIAL 3-2233 Cuidado $ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, April 21, 1953 ---- PERSONALS | Accounts of soclal events and news of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Department, Telephone Mrs. James Young will open the | bazaar to be held at Cedar Dale | United Church tomorrow afternoon | under the auspices of the WA. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ward, Mary Street, have returned after spend- ing the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gascoigne, | Varcoe's Road South, recently re- turned from an interesting holiday | in Greece. LJ Mr and Mts. Kenneth Sands, Buckingham Avenue, had as re- § |cent guests, Mrs. Sands' brother, PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY Oshawa will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roy Kil- i ed ag Ringe recently ing Stree ' United Church. The bride, the : former Miss Goldie Catherine Ross, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ross of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank P. Kilburn of Fredericton, New Brunswick. Photo by Hornsby Studio. 'Members of South Simcoe H. &S. 'Taken by Pictures, Words to Europe Mrs. A. G. Rogers, a member of the Seventh Day Adventist College .and Music Supervisor of the Osh- The speaker, who was one of the missionaries interned in the Phil- Hpines during 'the last war showed trip was a form of relaxation after the strain of being in an intern- rs told many interest- using incidents in con- th her trip and high- talk with "such out- ictures as the abdica- King Leopold of Belgium, Vimy Ridge Momument, picturesque Cathedral in Italy; Buckingham Mrs. Rogers was introduced by Mrs. Samuel Gibbs and Mrs. Don- ald McDonald thanked the guest artists. Miss Jean Maskill introduced Gerald Olark, who sang very sweetly, The Young Musician ac- companied at the plano by Doreen Morrison. The president, Mrs. A. 8. Cooper presided ' for the business session. Mrs. Jame Barron and Mrs. Richard Gifford gave comprehen- sive reports on the OE.A. Confer- ence. The attendance prize was won by Miss Jean Maskill's room. Mrs. Richard Gifford made a dona- tion of a sum of money to the association. It was decided to have a Panel Discussion at the May meeting. A box was available for those who wished to submit questions. A social hour followed when re- freshments were served by the mothers of the pupils in Miss Mar- garet Knight's room, Grade One. HOUSEHOLD HINT Leftover wallpaper can be made into atiractive place mats. Cut Mr. Edward J. Botting, and Mri Botting, from Providence, Rhode Island. 'Mr. Donald Crossley who recent- ly left The Daily Times-Gazette to join the staff of the Chatham Daily News, spent the weekend at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crossley, Oshawa Blvd. Mrs. W. J. McNeill, Mrs. Allan Switzer, Mrs. Wolfe Miller and Mrs. William Gibbie attended the Girl Guide provincial convention held in Hamilton on Friday as delegates from the Local Associa- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Henkelman and their children Mark, Mary and Anne, have returned from a motor trip to New York City ahd Atlantic | City. Mr. George Frise and his| daughters, Miss Gladys Frise and | Miss Nora Frise, Rowe Street, left on Sunday from Montreal by plane for a month's trip to England and the continent. | to - 99 TOMORROW Mrs. Hezekiah Murray who is quietly celebrating her 99th birthday tomorrow. Mrs. Mur- ray who is in fairly good health makes her home with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Hedley Henderson, and Mr. Henderson, McGregor St. and is looking forward to a visit from 'her many friends. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CHRIST CHURCH EVE. GUILD At the regular meeting of the Evening Guild of Christ Church on Thursday last, final arrangements were made for the Bride's Fair and Coronation tea to be held on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Tickets can be obtained from members or at the door and all ticket holders are eligible for the lucky draws take place at intervals during the evening. Conveners for the affair are as follows: General conveners, Mrs, | F, G. Ponter and Mrs. W G. Jack- |son; tickets, Mrs. Stanley Gales; Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Swallow, | Mary Street had as recent guests, | Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stilborn from | Regina, Saskatchewan. | Miss Joan Canning, King Street East, and Miss Helen Lamon, | Connaught Street, accompanied by | Miss Helen Woodrow of Toronto, | left recently for an extended vacation trip to England and the continent. - On behalf of the local Branch of | the Red Cross, Mrs. C. §. wishes to express thanks to the many volunteers who responded to her recent SOS. The local office has now taken on another quota of 500 sheets to be hemmed within the next three weeks for shipment to Holland. Enquiries regarding sewing at the workroom or at home should be made as soon as possible to Mrs. Harold Luke, 3-8794, or at the workroom, 3-2933. aprons, Mrs. Alvin Hilts; fancy- work, Mrs. W. H Gibbie; novelties, Mrs. H L. Harding; candy, Mrs. George Fitches; tea room, Mrs. T. A. Day and Mrs, J. A. Robins. KATE McLAURIN CIR. The April meeting of the Kate | McLaurin Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Sidney Par- rott, Grierson Avenue. Mrs. G. W. | Besse led in prayer and Miss Edna | Greenfield led in the devotional | period and read a short story on | Lee | foreign missions. Mrs. J. D. Smart | |read the scripture. Mrs. L. D Begg presented a foreign missions life membership to Mrs. Harold Audley on behalf of the circle Mrs. Rob- ert Britton presented the last half of the study book, "Dawn over the Bolivian Hills", It was decided to set aside money from the treasury to pro- vide a food parcel for India next month, A nominating committee was named as follows: Mrs. Harold is, | Audley, Mrs. Richard Britton, Mrs. their home on Sunday in honor of Mr. Herbert Holden who leaves today for his home in Larne, Northern Irela after a visit of five months Oshawa. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter of Toronto, accompanied by their children, William and Mary, and Mr. George Neill and Mr. Samuel Haagh who have recently arrived in Oshawa from County Armagh, Northern Ireland. SCOTTISH CELEBRATION INVERNESS, Scotland (CP)-- Many Scots from overseas will at- tend a Coronation ball June 12, J. D. Smart. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Britton's group. JESSIE PANTON AUX. Mrs. FP. L. Mason, Brock Street East, entertained members of the | north group of Jessie Panton Mis- sionary Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church at her home one | evening recently. | Different money - making ideas were discussed and tentative plans made to hold a rummage sale later on, Flying Club End Social Season |Merry Mates Hold With a Successful Dance One hundred and fifty membersDr. and Mrs. D. and friends of the Ontario County Flying Club attended the last dance of the season held in the recrea- tion hall on Friday night. The spot dance prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritchie. Among those seen dancing to Bernard Tierney's orchestra were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Parkin, Mr. and Mrs. T. Currell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Monayhan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pritchard, Miss M. King, Mr. G. Flintoff, Mr, and Mrs. Clark Hub- bell, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Petre, Miss Shirley Chute, Mr. Grant Hart, Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. J, Stead, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. T. Grigg, Mr. and Mrs. G. Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fisher, Mr, and Mrs. J. Ritchie. . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. LaBrash, Mr. and Mrs. D. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wragg, Mr. and Mrs. G. Walmsley, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Neal, Mr, and Mrs N. Ruth- erford, Mr, G. J. Belind, Mr. Paul Hermansen, Mr. and Mrs. G. Curley. Mr, and Mrs. G. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greer, Mr, and Mrs. J. Toppings, Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Balfour, Mr. and Mrs. F. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cruwys, Mr. and Mrs. F. LaSalle. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weeks, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Burk, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Berry, Mr. and Mrs. D. Willoughby, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Perkin, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Willson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Walker, Mr. and Mrs. S. Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs. I. Per-| rin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs. C. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Broadbent. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vice, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bathe, Mr. and Mrs, W. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mills, {Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gaus, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cranfield, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reed, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Luke, Mr. and Mrs. El- burn Parr, Mr. and Mrs. William Bellingham, Mr, and Mrs. A. Joh- ansen, Dr. and s: J. E. Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Seed. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lane of North Oshawa wish to amnounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Beatrice Edna, to Ro- bert Ralph Brear, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brear of Parry Sound, Ontario. The wedding is to take place in North Oshawa United Church on May 15 at 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard L. Ander- son of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Ruth, to Kenneth Albert McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. James K. McLean, of Ot- tawa, Ontario. The marriage will take place in Knox Presbyterian Churn on Saturday, May 16, at p.m, CIVIL DEFENCE NURSING Course for Graduate Nurses McLAUGHLIN HALL OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL APRIL 28 - 29 - 30 and MAY § - 6 - 7 "TIME 2 TO 4 P.M. or 7:30 TO 9:30 P.M. All Nurses who have not yet taken the course, please contact M. WICKHAM, 3-2211 or 3-4062 SEE CORONET T.V. ON DISPLAY HOME BUILDERS and FURNISHINGS FAIR The hostess read excerpts from | the book, "A Man Called Peter" {by Katharine Marshall and dis- | cussion of it followed. | The group will be responsible April Meeting At the April meeting of the Christ Church Merry Mates held on Wednesday last it was decided the club would have a picnic in June in conjunction with the Sun- day school picnic. It seemed prob- able the Merry: Makers could as- sist in the organization of games for the children, and so on. As the Rev. H. D. Cleverdon pointed out, the Sunday school picnic was ac- tually a Parish picnic and all members of the congregation and their children were welcome. In order swell the treasury, members of "the Merry Mates are asked to bring along their surplus plants, 'and 'cuttings to the May meeting for sale at nominal prices. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flutter hav- 'ng organized a variety of games the recent meeting concluded with a pleasant session of fun and chat- ter. Once again Mrs. Clarence Me- Cullough provided the much ap- preciated refreshments. Mrs. Edgar Bradley Entertains Group The members of Group IIT of the Woman's Association of Simcoe Street United Church met at the home of Mrs. Edgar Bradley, group | leader, last Friday afternoon for the April meeting. Mrs. Bradley | conducted the business. { Plans were completed for the rummage sale to be held on April group will be in the Church Pes lour on April 30, 3:30 pm. Mrs. R. P. Aitchison, Mrs. E. W. Webber and Mrs: J. N. Thichson assisted the hostess in serving re- freshments. Bassotts has arranged for you a special display of WALLACE STERLING PATTERNS by famed designer WILLIAM S. WARREN Here's our special invitation to you to see the most beautiful Sterling silver in the world. Hold one of these exquisite pieces . . . turn it around in your hand . . . see the full formed sculptured beauty in front, in profile, in back. It's the only Sterling with "Third Dimension Beauty." 30, 1:30 pm, in the Sunday School | basement, The next regular meeting of the | Binns Benoit | contains everything needed for indoor-ovtdoor snapshooting -- AT THE -- out rectangles to standard place mat size, using. a pinking ghears for a finished edge, if you like. Then add a coating of shellac to give mats a surface which can be wiped clean with a damp cloth. Elizabeth II and Prince Quebec Queen Philip, when they visited Hamilton in 1951. sponsored by Scottish clan socie- | for refreshments to be served at ties. Most clan chiefs have already the monthly meeting in the chapel consented to be patrons and invita- of the Church on the 28th. tions to overseas visitors have been! Mrs. L. M. McMurtry assisted sent through clan societies and Mrs. Mason in: serving refresh- tourist orggnizations. | ments. A personal Invitation to you... Willian S. Warren, famed designer of Wallace exclusive "Third Dimension Beauty" Sterling Silver, cordially invites you to see his designs now on display at Wi dealers in OSHAWA HERE are the silver history in Cana from any other sterling ever created! Rasterns that are making sterling « « « because they are so different World-famous William S. Warren has taken precious sterling and fashioned it with the full-formed contours of sculpture . . . iven it "Third Dimension Beauty." This perfection of design from tip to tip, from front to back, is a Wallace exclusive found in no other sterling. It makes Wallace truly Canada's Extra-Value Sterling! _ See these lovely patterns today. Then you will appre- ciate why more and more Canadian women are proudly saying: "My pattern is Wallace !" WALLACE SILVERSMITHS, TORONTO RANDE BAROQUE 95 Sosy Torms 1 year worra parts end Tube. "239 ooo Dull in Goronet's own factory in Windeor, Omterle, Coronet TV is entirely Ganedion owned end eper- oted. Union made. Assembled from stendard DB ports found in ony nationally known television set. ooo 0M direct from factory-to-you Goromet T.V. eveileble only ot Coronet stores. No middleman profits, thet is why Coronet gives you the lowest priced 20" TV in oll Canads. Coronet saves you money. GUARANTEES you satisfaction or your money back. eo. serviced by Coronet factory-troined technicions. Your set will be serviced by Coronet's own service depart ment that has been set wp right in Oshawa. Over 25,000 sets in use up to dete. The Balmoral The Viceroy The Imperial $329.95 $379.95 $429.95 for a FREE home demonstration within one hour! oollin.., Cont in... 5.1101 74 CELINA ST. GRANDE BAROQUE Bassotts DIAL 3-3332

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