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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 May 1953, p. 16

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46 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, May 18, 1958 AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative Phone Pickering 355-)-3 AJAX SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT AT CAPACITY The existing sewage disposal t at Ajax, built to serve the fence Industries Plant, has mow, due to industrial and resi- dential expansion, reached capa- city. The plant has performed its function remarkably well and, even now; there 1s a complete ab- sence of any obnoxious odors commonly associated with more modern installation. Last sum- mer tests taken from Duffins Creek showed a total absence of any colonic bacteria. Photo by John Mills. PLAN SALVATION ARMY HALL AT AJAX This is a drawing of the pro- posed Salvation Army Hall In Ajax. The auditorium will seat 160 people and the attached lv- ing quarters contain, Mving room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath- room. At present the Salvation Army is holding services in the Ajax Legion Hall. and the Whit- by officer, . Ingoldsby, looking after the work in Ajax. The site of the new hall is at King's Crescent North and Exe- ter Street. Architects are John Parkin Associates. Photo by John Mills. 'Work Parties Planned For Scout Camp AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re- porter) -- Work on the Boy Scout camp is going ahead rather slow- ly. The Scout Group Committee hag organized work parties for Wednesday and Thursday evenings starting at 6.30 p.m. Fathers of Scouts and Cubs are particularly invited to join these work parties. Come equipped with hammer and saw and help the Scouts and Cubs help themselves. The opening ceremonies at the | camp are scheduled for three | weeks hence. Hear DP Camp To Be Closed AJA X(Times-Gazette Staff Re- | porter) -- While official soxfirma- tion is lacking, it is Jarred from | a reliable source, that the Dis- | placed Person's camp at Ajax will cease to operate as such by Julie | 30 and the camp will close books by July 30 when all the Pood nishings and other saleable items will be turned over to Crown As- sets Corp. for disposal. All the buildings are slated for demolition. During the years of operation thousands of immigrants have found a temvorary abiding place here, before being placed in emnloyment. Six Degrees To Be Conferred MONTREAL (CP)--Six persons, including two Americans, will re- ceive honorary doctorates of civil law from Bishop's University, Len- noxville, Que., at the convocation Saturday, it was announced today. John Bassett, chancellor, an- Growth Of Ajax Brings Headaches AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re- porter) --The current boom in this new town is bringing in its train new headaches for the sub- divider and the Board of Trustees. The water and sewage services have, until now, proved adequate but if the progress of Ajax is to continue unretarded, these services must be enlarged. MUCH DISCUSSION The problem is no new one to the local authorities who have held many discussions on their mu- tual problems, foremost has been schools, sewage disposal, sewers, and Jncreased daily gallonage of The: proposed sale of water to Pickering Village does not affect {the situation unduly. It is antici- "pated that all the serviced residen- tial lots will be built upon this vear. Some 60 homes are under construction or planned and the season only just started. A multiple housing scheme is under consideration and consider- |e eo} commercial construction is will load the cxisiing. sewer services to capa- |e NEED TRUNK SEWER Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation In its capacity as de- Jeloper or subdivider is anxious Spen up further residential Roh rhoods, and this cannot be done until a new trunk sewer 1 serve these new neighborhoods is constructed. A new trunk sewer will require a major addition to the existing sewage disposal plant or a com- pletely new plant. This is a mu- nicipal problem -- the subdivider will bear the cost of the trunk sewer estimated to cost $175,000; a new disposal plant will cost in the neighborhood of $250,000 un- less the decision is made to en- large the existing plant, when the cost will be much lower. But the problem must be met and soon to ensure the continued progress and development of Ajax. NEED ADEQUATE WATER Water problems are not so seri- ous but the two go hand in hand and increased development is con- tingent upon an adequate supply of water. Here again CMHC, which owns the water pumping station, plans to construct another main from the pump house to Third Street and subsequently this will be ex- tended to the overhead tank. The pumping station is to be remodeled and a reservoir con- structed in close proximity to the station. This program will be ex- tended over the next three or four years. The 16-inch main to Third Street is scheduled to be started in a few weeks. With the enlarged pumping fa- cilities the town will be assured of adequate water for many years to come, and will be able to kesp pace with both industrial and resi- dential expansion. Offer to Supply Merry-Go-Round AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re- porter) -- The Ajax Industrial As- sociation has offered to supply a merry-go-round for the free use of Ajax children on Coronation Day. The Coronation committee is now asking for volunteers who will operate the merry-go-round during the afternoon of June 2, or failing volunteers, who will do this fou} for a reasonable remunera- 0 Contact the Coronation Commit- nounced that the following will be awarded the degrees: Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., United States representative to the United Na- tions: Lt.-Gen. Sir Archibald E. Nye, high commissioner to Canada for the United Kingdom; Msgr. Ferdinand Vandry, rector of Laval University, Que.; Rt. Rev. William L. Wright, Anglican bishop of Al- goma; James Muir, president of | the Royal Bank of Canada, and | Robert W. Pilot, president of the Royal Canadian Academy, The degrees will be awarded in conjunction with a special anni- versary of the granting of the royal charter to Bishop's Queen Victoria. Kingston Hospital G.ven Special Grant | | TORONTO (CP)--Premier Frost of Ontario announced today the approval of a capital grant of $340,- 000 to the Kingston General hos- pits r- psychiatric treatment of tienis. The grant is for 40 psych- Biric treatment beds. ho tee | Chairman at 355J3. Pickering. Want to buy, sell or trade -- A WESTCLIFFE, England (CP)-- Mrs. Miriam Costa, who is be- lieved to have been married at the age of 11, died in this Essex com- munity at 103. " DODDS KIDNEY - Nn o" AnD TIRED AGH ro ny SHEE rR Wrover 015¢% 1g Classified ad and the deal is made, CAN'T PLEASE ALL Lord Salisbury, in charge of seating arrangements for peers at the coronation, found himself with too many noble lords and too few seats in Westminster Abbey. So he drew names out of a hat and the losers were con- signed to a pavilion outside, Pay Increases | For Workers in Packing House STRATFORD (CP)--Final settle- ment of the strike of Swift Cana- mediate pay increase of 7% c an hour, and an additional Son cent increase Aug. Plant manager Ww. D. Sinclair said it might take a week to get the plant into full swing following the shut-down which has lasted since March 6. The 61 striking employees are members of the United Packing- house Workers of America (CIO- CCL). Settlement followed three days of talks under chief concilia- tion officer Louis Fine The present Swedish Rikadog or national Parliament, was born about the year 1435. dian employees calls for an | BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Representative--Donald Hendry, 113 King St. E., Phone 881 Softball League Plans For BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow- manville Men's Softhall League re- presentatives met last night in the Lion's Community Centre for the purpose of discussing business for the current season, and the draw- ing of a tentative schedule. Plans were laid for the inclusion teams, with Jim Coyle, Office; Ralph Mcintyre, Jill Club; Harry Hamm, Canadian Order of Foresters; and Fred Coxle, Bill's Billiards, repre- Seniie the four respective en- The members present decided that teams may sign up to 20 play- ers, and instituted a clause which read, "An eligible player will be one residing in, or working in Bow- manville. Any other player pre- sented for signing by any club must be brought before the pres- ent executive for consideration." It was mentioned that this clause would prevent the obvious stack- ing of any one club, but definitely would not be adverse to the sign- ing of players which would en- hance the quality of the league so long as the balance between the teams was not damaged by such inclusions. DRAW UP RULES The body also decided that: 1. Rules of the Canadian Amateur | Softball Association would be en-| forced. 2. Signed Player certificates must | be placed in the hands of the sec- retary treasurer, Mr. Murray | Tighe, no later than June 30. 3. Team fees, decided to be set for the present, 'but it was noted ! at $15 per team, must also be | placed in the secretary' 's hands by i first game scheduled. 4. Games to be called at 6.45 p.m. 5. Umpire will allow 15 minutes | leeway until 7.00 p.m. If one team | does not field their entry by that hime the game must be reschedul- ed. 6. nings, with four and one-half .in- By-law months of May, June or July, 2.--No person shall allow a dog cause annoyance or damage time of the year. DOGS Township of E. Whitby 1.--No person shall allow a dog to run ot large on parcels of land of five acres or under within the limits of the Township during the Township from sunset to sunrise at any time of the year. 3.--No dog shall be allowed by its owner to become a nuisance or 4.--Any dog found running ot large may be disposed of by the Police or any person appointed for this purpose by the Municipal Council. No. 1545 to run at large anywhere in the to any person or property at any GEORGE FARNCOMSB, Clerk. Master model refrigerators offer auvtematic joo Mig and other de luxe advantages at medium price. Ing up to 462 pounds. 90 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Frigidaire Food Freezers now in two big sizes--9.2 and 13.2 cv. #t.--~hold- HOME APPLIANCES Hugh Morrison, Prop. trends. A fogd freezer and r are in the Cycla-matic Frigie daire. Completely auto matic defrosting. Roll-to= You shelves. done] All games will be seven in-| * B/G in capacity R4 BEAU TIFUL in appearance % BETTER aie than ever <=: FRIGIDAIR] APPLIANCES gt Mew Low Prices --as much as 20% lower than last year NEW IDEAS have come to modern living. And ready now at your Frigidaire Dealer's are Frigi- daire's wonderful 1953 contributions to the exciting new Season nings constituting a compl..e game in case or inclement weather. 7. Spikes will be classified as optional. 8. The playoffs within the four- team league will be played between the first and second teams, best 3 out of 5 series. 9. Home team managers will be responsible for: Liming base lines, and preparing field for play; ar- ranging for and returning loaned equipment; for league scorer; taking collection and tur- ning in to secretary of the league. 10. Postponed games will be re- schiediled at end of regular league play Financial report for past season: Murray Tighe, secretary-treasur- er of the League, read the financial report, which appears as follows: Bank balance from 1951, $102.79 Receipts Collections Bank interest Sale of old bases Entry fees, 5 teams 75.00 Expenditures Umpire fees | Equipment | Championship crests Discount, American money Bank service charge 140.65 12.32 13 .32 $241.37 Bank balance to date $120.24 SCHEDULE PRESENTED | A tentative schedule was drawn that changes might possibly be ef-' | fected. 2 Office -vs. COF. 27 -- Bills vs. J. and J. 29 -- Office vs. Bills. June 1 -- COF vs. J. and J. 3 -- J. and .J vs. - Office. 5 -- Bills vs. COF 8 -- COF vs. Office. $180.31 Al! 3.00 i $258.82 Total receipts plus balance $361.61" $87.95 | Open House At Hospital LLE -- Many inter- WMANVI 5 pi visitors were shown about Bowmanville Hospital yesterday afternoon, as part of regular Hos- pital Day observances. The "Open House" which was planned by the Bowmanville Nurses Association climaxed a program of observance which included an eve- ning church parade at St. Paul's United Church this Sunday past, with all the members of the As- sociation attending. As a special treat to the many visitors a tea was also served by the Nursing Staff, assisted by the Doctor's wives. A beautiful homemade quilt raffl- | pon ed by the group was won by Mr. Ed Willets, who is an employee of Memorial Hospital. 10 -- J. and J. vs. Bills, 12 -- Bills vs. Office. 15 -- J. and J. vs. COF. n Office vs. J. 24 -- Bills vs. J. and J. 26 -- Office vs. Bills. 29 -- COF vs. J. and J. July 3 -- J. and J. vs. Office. 68 -- Bills vs. COF 8 -- COF vs. Office. 10 -- J. AND .J vs. Bills. 13 -- Bills vs. Office. 15 -- J. and J. vs. COPF. 17 -- Office vs. J. and J. 20 -- COF vs. Bills. 22 -- COF vs. Office. 24 -- Bills vs. J. and J. 27 --Office vs. Bills. 29 -- COF vs. J. and J. i. -- J. and J. vs. Office. 5 -- Bills vs. COF. 7 -- COF vs. Office. 10 -- J. and J. vs. Bills. 12 -- Bills vs. Office. 14 -- J. and J. vs. COF. 17 -- Office vs. J. and J. 19 -- COF vs. Bills. This schedule would allow each team to play three games within two weeks, The games falling on Mondays and Wednesdays will be played at Memorial Park, and the' games called for either Thursday or Friday would be at Franklin ark. Will Present Musical Comedy BOWMANVILLE -- An entertain. ing musical comedy, '"The Belle of Barcelona," featuring the St. drew's Choir of Millbrook will presented at 8.15 p.m. today in the Newcastle United Church Sun- day School. The performance will be sponsor- ed by the Mill Street United Church choir of Newcastle. Following tonight's performance the group will again produce the play in Enniskillen on Monday eve- ning, May 18. AIR CADETS (Continued from Page 3) Don't be in a hurry to get a job. Many of the things you plan to do you will be able to do because you stay in school," he continued. It was suggested that the cadets "|might enrol in either the Royal Military College or Royal Roads as both institutions offer a wonder- ful opportunity for advancement and the cost is not great. VISITORS ENTERTAINED Following the inspection the visiting officers from Treas to- gether with members of the Ro tary Club, the officers of a local squadron and their wives were the guests of the 420 Wing of the RCAF association in the lounge of the airport recreation building. The members of the ladies auxil- iary of the RCAF Association were hotesses to the cadets of the squadron in their quarters. INTERNATIONAL SHOW NEW DELHI (CP)--The All-In- dia Fine Arts and Crafts Society is organizing an international ex- hibition of eontemporary art «ith exhibits from 29 countres, mtlud- ing Canada. After a month's show- ing here the exhibition will be taken to other cities in India. NO CAKE-EATER WINDSOR, England (CP)--Baker George Lewis, 70, who made thous- ands of cakes in 55 years in busi- ness, came out of retirement to handle orders for Coronation cakes iced in royal designs. George him- {self hasn't eaten a cake since he 'was a teen-ager. Your Frigidaire Dealer has a thrilling new Frigidaire Appliance that will add greatly to the convenience, the attractiveness and the comfort of almost every room in your home. But the biggest news of all is the price tags! Frigidaire prices for 1953 have been reduced as much as 20%! Better- than- -ever famous Frigidaire quality at these new low prices Here's Frigidaire's famous Wonder. Oven electric ran = the vitimate in cooking conveni- once. make this the bargain year for you -- the year of years to buy! SO VISIT YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER'S SPRINGTIME- DECKED SHOWROOM! See the special demonstrations now going on. Learn how easily you can bring the New Ideas of Living into your home! Standard model Hiefrias- rators bring and roll Frigidaire features in the lowest price range. Frigidaire Appliances are built and backed by General Motors Only 30 inches wide, the "Thrifty. 30" Frigidaire Elaeitic Ranges have features in per. pn; ovens--de | Thoroughly supeble Fig Frigidaire spaces -- only 21" wide. Frigidaire's new two-oven electric range priced below many single oven ranges. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS EASY TERMS DIAL 5.5332 Frigidaire Avtomatic Washer brings com- pletely safe automatic washing to finest fab. rics. 60 cycle only. TOWNSEND SALES & SERVICE HARWOOD "AVE. AJAX No, Bo Frigidaire Electrie Water ters are completely autos matic--available - three sizes. xe Air Condis tioners bring cool comfort -- freedom from Juiside dust and pollen. 60 cycle only. 126 BROCK ST. S. Frigidaire Electric Dee humidifier prevents rust, mildew and moisture dame Frigidaire Biltra-matic Dry- ers end all the familiar clothes drying problems -- yet keep excess moisture and lint out of room air. W. C. TOWN & SONS WHITBY PHONE 410

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