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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 May 1953, p. 25

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For the first time in Egpyt's history, a military training pro- gram was launched exclusively. for er of the Egyptian cabinet. Ministers donned khaki uniforms and marched to the training ground near the Uni- versity of Cairo for their first instruction in the use. of the rifle. The cabinet ministers train for one hour every morn- ing for the 15-days. Above shows minister of state Fathi Radwan leading the single line of min- isters in the march toward the training ground. Right, deputy prime minister Soliman Hafez receives instruction in use handling of the rifle. --Central Press Canadian Duke's Niece Still Nurse In Training LONDON (Reuters)--Among the royal, titled and famous guests staying at Buckingham Palace for the Coronation at the special in- vitation of the Queen will be a pretty, fair-haired nurse not yet out of training. She is Princess Margherita Von Baden, 21, daughter of a noble family in southern Germany and niece of the Duke of Edinburgh. ing her titles, Margherita does a nine-hour day along with other raining nurses at St. Thomas' hospital, a large state- run hospital in A over By ALEX DIMEO The recent drop in the value of the Canadian dollar will affect] many Canadians and Americans. To the average Canadian it will mean the end of holiday or -busin- ess travel at a premium across the border. To the American tourist in Ca- nada, it will end the nuisance of having to use a 95-cent dollar. Tourist officials, however, don't think the disappearance of last summer's five-per-cent premium on the Canadian dollar will have much effect on their industry. The fact the two currencies rec- ently have come to almost even terms won't mean a great increase «| in tourist travel or tourist spending Stratford Shakespeare Festival Will Go On STRATFORD (CP)--The Strat- ford Shakespearean festival will be held in July as planned, its direc- tors decided Monday at a special meeting. Tom Patterson, general manager of the festival which will star Brit- ish actor Alex Guinness, said Sat- crowded Lambeth, Southeast Lon- don. urday $90,000 in additional dona- The princess, who seldom sees - her uncle, puts away her starched | Palace with my uncle and the uniform May 28 to join her parents | Queen. What an honor to be in- at the Palace. Her mother is the | vited." Duke's eldest sister. The Duke's| Margherita began nursing two other sisters also married |years ago after attending a finish- ing school in Britain. She has German noblemen and live in moved out of the "probationary" Bavaria. Margherita will see the crowning | stage of making beds and chang- ceremy inside Westminster ing bandages but still has 18 Abbey June 2 from seats reserved | months to go before she is fully qualified. What "One for foreign royalty. will she do then? "I love nursing and enjoy. every minute of my work," she says, cannot plan ahead these days," ot I am looking forward enorm- She Be a way, it is more un " to staying at Buckingham tions may be needed to meet costs before the festival opens. The board was told Monday sub- stantial donations were cc ved during the week-end but ...iher subscriptions will be needed. Many promises of financial help had been made by business firms, or- ganizations and individuals throughout Ontario, as well as in Stratford, The board decided to increase both the membership of the board 21, |and of the Stratford Shakespear- ean Festival of Canada Foundation to broaden representation to the whole of Ontario. LUTON, England (CP)--So many residents of this Bedfordshire dis- trict planned "Coronation gardens" of red, white and blue flowers that Luton seed salesmen were soon sold out of seeds of the na- tional colors. Famous go-fogethers boy...qgirl...Coke Coke is the most asked-for soft drink in the world. And no wonder--it's so wholesome, 80 delicious and pure as sunlight. = DN "3 Carton ga. | eek fl d- wa throu neetil 36° focleding Federal Taxes Plus deposit 2c por bottle * Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Lid. HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES ed coi145 KING STREET WEST ata ot Me a registered trade-mark: DIAL 3-2733 " Coke" | here. Canadian holidays will be just a bit more pleasant for Americans. To the business man, the in- crease in value of the U. S, dollar should mean higher returns for many basic Canadian exports, in- cluding pulp and paper, lumber, Canadian Dollar's Drop Affects Both Countries base metals, grain and gold. As an decline to the reduced demand for Canadian dollars, caused by a de- cline in Canadian exports. Other causes noted were the tendency of American investors to sell Cana- dian securities and the reluctance of Canadian companies to float bond issues in the United States at a time of rising iniovest rates gam le, pulp and paper compan- in also partly responsible. A spokesman for the Canadian Association said the decrease in value of the Canadian dollar is a boon to Canadian ex- porters. With the Canadian dollar Jemium, they said it was virtually impossible for the expor- Exporters' at a ter to realize a profit. A survey of some companies, rt to the United States, reveals all-welcome the Canadian whic! import component parts of el products and export the whole, also consider the change a healthy e fact that they must pay more for incoming which e: dollar's decline. Impor t-e compani those comp development, despite material. Canadian officials attribute the showed profits last year as much as 18 per cent less than the|t, $900 previous year. This was blamed mostly on lower returns in U. S. money. Increased labor costs were that country. Canadian exports ein the first Et oparter of 1953 dropped $989,000,000 for the 90040 jro period last year. In New York, bankers attributed the drop to erican investors (0 selling Canadian securities and re- investing their money in United States issues for greater interest rates. This, they say, has increased the supply of Canadian dollars on foreign exchange markets, and tended to push down their price in terms of Canadian dollars. London brokers expressed still another view. Some observers said it was the cessation in American investment rather than a with- drawal of capital from Canada that has caused the current setback. Also, some continental interests which have transferred funds to Canada now are taking their prof- its, they said. Foreign exchange officials in Montreal say that Canadians can look forward to a leveling off near THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, May 18, 1958 28 Appeal To Government To Broaden Prisoner Grant OTTAWA (CP)--Howard Green (PC--Vancouver-Quadra) a vet- eran of the First World War, ap- pealed Monday to the government widen the regulations covering the granting of payments to pris-|with oners of war during the last war. Speaking in the House of Com- mons during a veterans affairs de- Mr. Green said the biggest group of wartime prisoners in Ger- many can only get reparations when they can prove maltreatment | Europe and can prove they were incapable of working on discharge. There was a 'nasty slur' creep- ing into the question. There had been suggestions--not in the Com- mons but in parts of the country-- that these men "surrendered" and don't deserve consideration. One of the largest groups of par, and if trade balance is achie- ved the Canadian dollar will return to a premium in terms of Amer- ican funds. prisoners, he said, were veterans of Dieppe. They were thrown that operation "without the slight- est chance of coming through' and many were left on the es no choice but to surrender. These men were shackled month by the Germans, yet that apparently did not count in the eyes of Canadian authorities. Thousands of Canadian airmen were shot out of the skies over and were Yet they couldn't get anything unless they proved 'maltreatment. had af- fec their abnity > work on dis- charge. Mey these men had Suffered terribly from forced mar- ches. TAMWORTH, England (CP)-- Among documents dug up by the clerk's office in this Staffo: town was an order for $16.80, paid by Tamworth council for "rejoic- ing" at the Coronation of William and Mary in 1689. TAKE NOTICE THAT: mentioned: NAME OF STREET Athol Street East Athol Street East .. Ballard Street Fourth Avenue ... Monash Avenue Monash Avenue .. Arthur Street Arthur Street Athol Street East ... Athol] Street East .... Athol Street East .. Beverly Street ... Bruce Street .... Central Park Boulevard .. Central Park Boulevard .. Central Park Boulevard .. Chadburn Street College Avenue Douglas Street Drew Street Elgin Street East Elgin Street East Eulalie Avenue Gliddon Avenue James Street Me ¢ Street ... Mitchell Avenue Oshawa Boulevard Park Road South ...Ritson Road South shaves 12' E. of W. Limit Lot 42, Plan 258 ... Willingdon Street South ...Highland Avenue ...Central Park Boulevard ...E. Limit Lot 20, ...E, Limit Lot 27, Plan 427 ... Beverly ... Beverly Street ... Richmond Street FROM TO W. Limit Lot 4, Plan 427 ......... Sarasa sassesaesns aren aenree W. Limit Lot C-1, Sheet 15, Plan 335 Chadburn St. W. Limit Lot 30, Plan 247 ..W. Limit Lot C-1, Sheet 15, Plan 335 ... sasssssesssnsarsnnsarinsnsaresesess Be Limit Lot 31, Plan 247 ..W. Limit Lot 393, Plan 148 ............ Sesesneisins arava asiriy 57.80' E. of W. Limit Lot 393, Plan 148 Chadburn Street Chadburn Street .. Willingdon Street South Plan 427 Street ..Gliddon Street ..Park Road South .. Wolfe Street ..Eulalie Avenue .. Roxborough Avenue ..Central Park Boulevard . Cadillac Avenue ..Chadburn Street ..Stacey Avenue .... ..Centre Street ... Drew 8. Limit Lot 189, Plan 150 .... ..N. Limit Lot 38, Plan 206 .. arses nssisansrrerarsanneranst erste nan rare rnn E. Limit Lot 28, Plan 258 Cesar ssensinersa veers E. Limit, Lot 43, Plan 258 W. Limit Lot 11, Plan 427 seavs eases esse sisssnssvesarersansanasssecses+ We Limit Lot 12, Plan 427 ... massa ssessaserssnsreateatraeretenranses E. Limit Lot 60, Plan 428 ET TOS Re PR PE SURREY E. Limit Lot 41, Plan 289 Wilson Road South Patricia Avenue W. Limit Lot 23, Plan 427 W. Limit Lot 24, Plan 427 Elgin Street East Priestess asin taneeranee ssssssssnssssssees Elgin Street East ..N. Limit Lot 5, Plan 385 19.25" S. of N. Limit Lot 131, Plan 195 Cubert Street Conant Street Stacey Avenue Sta asec trssen sister rens inte eines E. Limit Lot 5, Plan 460 Roxborough Avenue Wilson Road South Willingdon Street 120" N. of S. Limit Lot 95, Plan 145 81'05" Ritson Road South E. of W. Limit Lot 9, N. Limit Lot 189, Plan 150 .. testis ns mses ner aner rasan S. Limit Lot 858, Plan 178 ... PE ET seseanes LOCAL, IMPROVEMENT NOTICE 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct, as local improvements, cement concrete sidewalks on the following sireets between the points McGrigor Plan C PS PR SREP North N. Limit Lot 19, Plan 193 Luke Street St. Eloi Avenue . Limit Lot 80, Sheet 11D (4), Plan 357 , McKim Street .. Gibbs Street ..W. Limit Lot C-4, Sheet 2, Plan 335 ...Vimy Avenue ..33'0" N. of 8S. Limit Lot 7, Sheet 11D(1), Plan 357 Park Road South Richmond Street St. Julian Street Simcoe Street North .. Stacey Avenue ' Warren Avenue ... ...Elgin Street ...Elgin Street ..Gliddon Avenue ...Gliddon Avenue Willingdon Street South Willingdon Street South Willingdon Street Wilson Road North .. Wilson Road South ... Wilson Road South ... Wilson Road South . Alice Street Anderson Avenue ... Bloor Street East ... Cedar Street Cromwell Avenue ... Cubert Street Darcy Street Devon Street Devon Street Drew Street ... Eldon Avenue Eldon Avenue . Eldon Avenue Fairleigh Avenue Fairleigh Avenue Gibbons Street Gibbons Street Gibbons Street ...King Street East .. ...Gliddon Avenue (eo VIMY AVERUE ,... ¥isssrvsancsnsananssscssuntranstssvnncssensnnes 8. Limit Lot 42, Plan ++..N. Limit Lot 25, Plan ..Ritson Road North ... ... Wilson Road South ... .N. Limit Lot C-27 ... .Elmgrove Avenue .. ... Hibbert Street ..Mary Street .. Wilson Road South . .. Wilson Road South . ..First Avenue ..James Street ..Drew Street ..Drew Street .. Stevenson Road . deserves iunsiuannns si +E. Limit Lot 18, Plan 278 32' E. of W. Limit Lot 38, Plan 278 .. "rar acsvine Sassseicusrunrernrnense E. Limit Lot 452, Plan 145 .. Shessrasisasanneensrtunens Fernhill Boulevard .. Gibbs Avenue .... .. Miller Avenue .. Robert Street ....... ..Rossland Road East . Baxuss Bessie ns stn vera rasine 50' N. of 8. Limit Lot 125, Plan 403 Suse esainesns nessa rinse denen E. Limit Lot 184, Plan 312 sense ssesssessesseses. E. Limit Lot 5, Plan 449 . E. Limit Lot 4, Plan 248 ..... salicnnasitnerencannss Pg +. North sessressanes serarsanisnasensavsveN. JAmit Of Street ........ conc vecsssrscasssssessrsssrinsrrenss ESE .Park Road South LT seeeseisiiia.... Park Road South PRYOR Cr OR EA Srssavsearevarre +s... E, Limit Lot 1, Plan 426 Ee Bled NE terssanes sess sensans 4110" W. of W. Limit Lot 277, Plan 310 Baise suns naei aber isannas ve... 4068 W. of W. Limit Lot 250, Plan 310 Fernhill Boulevard Hibbert Street ... Hibbert Street ... Hillside Avenue Hortop Avenue Johnston Avenue Johnston Avenue Jones: Avenue Louisa Street esr nse sree Park Road South .. seer ian aia res Jones Avenue .... ...Cubert Street Cubert Street Somerville Avenue ..Fernhill Boulevard ..W, Limit Lot 250, Plan- 310 ..Stevenson Road ..Stevenson Road ..Laracor Avenue ... ..Laracor Avenue . .Darcy Street ..Darcy Street .. Fernhill Boulevard , ..39 E. of W. Limit Lot C-18 .. N. Limit Lot 576 : 8. Limit Lot 179, Plan 150 Gibbon Street ..Grierson Street ... ..Conant Street Mary Street ........ Masson Street Masson Street ... Miller Avenue Mill Street Montrave Avenue ......... . Oshawa Boulevard Ridgeway Avenue sessssssssisssessssanssess W. Limit Lot 8, Plan 448 52' W. of E. Limit Lot C-16, Sheet 22, Plan 335 ...... wener rie it sess sarser sammie esses... 8, Limit Lot 573, Plan 178 N. Limit Lot 185, Plan 150 Fernhill Boulevard sess sruasens sevsessasso Mary Street Annis Street N. Limit Lot C-19 ... .. Athol Street East ..759' N. of 8. Limit Lot, 21, Sheet 6(c) 1, Plan 357 ... Fernhill Boulevard + Mitchell Avenue Elmgrove Avenue Alexander Boulevard. .. Floyd Street ........ Wessiiviie; Gibbons Street Highland Avenue ..... didiirdiins Vimy Avenue Highland Avenue Vimy Avenue Hillside Avenue ........c0...00.... E. Limit Lot 4, Plan 248 .. Huron Street Eldon Avenue LaSalle Avenue ...... el Ty a Eulalie Avenue Luke Street ......... ssssseseses.. Richmond Street Miller Avenue .. Fernhill Boulevard ... St. Lawrence Avenue ..57 N. of 8. Limit Lot c- 18, Plan 335 . Willingdon Street ..Eulalie Avenue Wilson Road South ... a N. of 8. Limit Lot 375, Plan 302 . Woodcrest Avenue Gibbons Street and intends to specially assess a part of the cost the land abutting directly on the work. All the said sidewalks are to have a width of four @ feet except the sidewalk on Metcalfe Street which is to have a width of five (5) feet. The estimated cost of the work is $131,582.65 of which $48,740.73 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot front is $2.60 t for the lk on Metcalfe Street for which the estimated cost per foot frontage is $3.25. The special assessment is to be paid in ten (10) equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 252 cents except for the sidewalk on Metcalfe Street for which the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 31.6 cents, 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice; file with the Board his objection to the sald work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken but, before doing so, it may appoint atime and place when any objection to the said work will be considered. King Street East ...............i. cicadas tet srnns East 55'11" 8S. of N. Limit Lot 2, Sheet 6(c) 1, Plan 357 GIDbonS. Street... .... er xrvricirivasvnionnees Creare enone South George Street Cromwell Avenue' ++ Rosehill Boulevard N. Limit Lot 112, Plan 305 N. Limit Lot 79, Plan 305 E. Limit Lot 7, Plan 248 RMI SEIS S. Limit Lot 340, Plan 145 N. Limit Lot 229, Plan 301 ...... Colborne Street : vases. Stevenson Road tessa vs iver arnsnsnaes 8S. Limit Lot C-18, Plan 335 ... sstaneruvnennns ver. Vimy Avenue Woodcrest Avenue Drew Street 23 DATED at Oshawa this 4th day of May, 1953. F. E, HABE, Clerk.

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