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Daily Times-Gazette, 14 May 1953, p. 36

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Atkinson Foundation Aids 'Orphan' Scouts Situated in the heart of Halibur- ton, Camp. Kenabi, a 4,150-acre game preserve, owned by the To- ronto Metr itan Boy association, is to become head- quarters for the 'summer or- phans" or leaderless Scouts in the province. FOUNDATION GRANT Development of this new camp- ing program, announced today by F. J. Chalk, metropolitan area Jresident is made possible by a ,000 grant from The Atkinson! Charitable = Foundation. Spread over five years, the grant permits immediate organization and ap- pointment of permanent staff to supervise what is called its "com- posite camp' project. Along the shores of Ken-ne-Big Lake, things are progressing at a feverish pitch, but there is much building to complete. Because of this the maximum capacity will not be reached this coming summer, but in 1954 the camp will be able to accommodate 1, Scouts during its two months of operation. "Summer camp, to more than 60,000 Ontario Boy Scouts, is the big adventure of the year," said Mr. Chalk in announcing the grant. "But thousands of these boys have been denied this camp- | ing venture because of the scarcity of trained volunteer leaders. Now, | thanks to the generous contribu-| tion of The Atkinson Charitable | Foundation, we will be able to in- stitute this camping project and hire permanent staff to supervise the activities. I means the "As general chairman of this] ear's financial campaign of the oronto Boy Scouts association, | I am deeply grateful to the At- kinson Charitable Foundation for | the splendid financial assistance they are gi to the associa- tion," said H. LL. Enman, dent of the Bank of Nova Scotia. "The Foundation's generous ant," he added, 'will enable arge numbers of boys, who would pot otherwise be able to do so, to enjoy the camping facilities of the association's fine camp in the Haliburton Highland." Scouts' | reams | of these youngsters will be real- | ized." presi- | | TDEAL FOR CAMPING { Fred J. Finlay, metropolitan | commissioner of the Boy Scouts | association, said: "Camping forms a most impor- tant part of the program of the Boy Scouts association and it is our constant endeavor to increase the number of boys going to camp, It was for this reason that the To- ronto Boy Scouts association ac- quired their present property in the Haliburton Highlands. This prop- erty provides an ideal setting for | summer camping and enables us to | further our program of teaching |boys a love of nature and the great outdoors. "We in the association are in- deed grateful to The Atkinson Foundation for their generous as- sistance, which will enable us to provide adequate. leadership for a much-enlarged camping program. With the Foundation's timely help, we look forward in the future to having more and more boys take advantage of the fine facilities | which our Haliburton camp site | has to offer." | It is a well-known fact that | outdoor life is the basis of all | scouting and, in addition to a | number of actively rated scout | camps throughout e province, the metropolitan association has provided two types of camping to meet its own special needs. Crook- ed Creek Camp, situated on 100 acres, 15 miles east of Toronto, is operated the year-round. It is used | for weekend camping and hikes with supervision supplied for the safety of the patrols. During 1952, 12,000 camping days were record- 'ed at this camp. 15,000 IN AREA Camp Kenabi until now has been host only to troop-sponsored scouts, and last year entertained 1,853 campers, representing a very small percentage of the local scout population. In the Toronto area alone, there are more than 500 units with a population in excess of 15,000. | The proposed new composite | camp fills the gap between these two programs by providing trained personnel to supervise the activi- ties of leaderless units. Troop-spon- sored camping will be encouraged will have first call on such eamp- ing facilities, the Kenabi compo- site camp will cater to Scouts from anywhere in the province should accommodation be avail- able. "Our ultimate goal is to provide camping for every Scout," said W. H. J. Tisdale, provincial com- caps has been the lack of trained | leaders. The composite camp proj- | ect is the answer to this, and the provincial association is grateful for inclusion in the Foundation's support of this camping experi- ment." WANT MORE TO CAMP "Toronto, during the past few seasons, has recorded approxi- mately 42,000 boy camp days year- ly under the old program," said Herbert B. Greenaway, executive commissioner, "and while this to- tal is regarded In some quarters as a satisfactor record, the asso- ciation has long been concerned about the many boys who do not camp, "It is true," he said, "that only about 35 per cent of Toronto's troops provide these camping fig- ures. There are troops that do not camp even on weekends, and many reasons can be given for this. There are volunteer leaders who run excellent Scout meetings in the various city churches, but who cannot get away with their boys to camp. Other volunteer leaders, while they would like to camp with missioner, "but one of the handi-|all » their unit, feel they must share their holidays with their families. On the other hand, there are lead- ers, who, because they have had | little camping experience, do not | feel qualified to take a group to camp, and lastly, there are the few leaders who have no inclina- tion to take their boys to camp at "Under the proposed composite camp program,' added Mr. Green- away, "the association will be able to meet this problem and provide supervised camping for 200 boys each week. Leaders who for vari- ous reasons cannot take their oops to camp will be able to send their boys to the composite camp at Kenabi and rest assured that adequate provision is made for the health, safety and happi- ness of the youngsters. CITES POST-WAR PROBLEMS "'One of the problems that has faced city scout officials,' he con- tinued, "particularly since the war, is the ever-increasing number of parents who find it necessary for both to work to make ends meet. Without school to occupy them this means that many thousands of lads become summer orphans left to their own devices. The many so- cial agencies are doing their best to meet this problem Vacation Bible schools, day camps and play- ground groups do much to help and Toronto scout officials are anxious to contribute something as well, particularly for the young- | er boy who seems most in need. "The association has not had either the facilities or the person- nel to take care of such lads in our present camping program. But now with the help of the Rotary club of Toronto, which has pro- vided the necessary buildings, and with provision of adequate and qualified personnel made pos- sible by The Atkinson Charitable foundation, we will be able to care for an estimated 200 additional campers each week for the cost to them of food only. This should add another 12,000 boy days to To- ronto's camping record. "Also," concluded Mr. way, "it is believed that the benefits of this experimental camp- ing project will extend far beyond | the mere attendance. Lads who do not at present camp will, from such an experience in the compo- site camp, go back to their re- spective units and encourage troop and patrol camping. this could lead to our long-range objective of depriving no Scout the oppor- tunity to camp and denying him the benefit of such communal liv- ing and outdoor experience in Scout lore." KILLED BY TRUCK TORONTO (CP)--Eight-year-old Billy Masters was killed in subur- ban Etobicoke township Wednes- day when struck by an expres: truck as he darted onto the road near his school. The impact tossed him under the vehicle's wheels. Greena- | rear TO REPAIR CASA LOMA TORONTO (CP)--Old and stately Casa Loma will not be left to crumble after all, Board of control said Wednesday it will set aside $50,000 for repairing the stone castle in the next two years. A yearly trust fund of about $25,000 will take care of it after that. The turreted mansion was built in 1911 by the late Sir Henry Pellatt. It was turned over to the city in 1927 for taxes. The Camadian Army Active Force needs men willing to serve onywhere in the world. Here's your opportunity --if you are between 17 and 40 (trades- men, 45) and con meet army requirements. Ses RECRUITING OFFICER of Oshawa Armoury Simcoe St. North I5 May 53 1000 to 1400 Hes. PLUS N3-3 SERVINGS IN EVERY 8 QT. BAG CRYSTAL CLEAR eee JACOBEAN TUMBLER Springtime or Anytime... YOU CAN DEPEND Unmatched variety in your every day needs courteous, he!nful service And ! FOR EXQUISITE TASTE « + - . AND YOUR PURSE Thi LIPSTICK --keeps the lips smooth and soft os satin, . , in 7 harmonizing ond lasting shades 1.50 e Most welcome and timely is the grant from The Atkinson Chari- table Foundation," said E. C. Scythes, chairman of the advisory | board. "This contribution will add materially in making available the ivileges and facilities of the Hali- rton camp to scores of boys, 0s orev ; Sith iamssevakitia ei many of whom, might not other-| SCALDS . BURNS ' L x wise be able to enjoy its health | Dab on a paste of Baking Soda / |. Re ~ and morale building advantages. and water and cover with a iit : y -- da EN A -- Also spread fi , the fund bin] A Figg | rae >) SANITARY NAPKINS a (OW BRAND {| with Petal-Smooth Covering =" BAKING SODA | ing experiment that will provide | 0 = i] 2 Pl coo | i 9@ REGULAR ; 2 S : / ¢ lp 12% 219 Kraft guarantees'it! v CREAM, o gentle ond efficient cleanser for &..1.25, 2.50 with the gomposite plan caring for | the "orphan" scouts lacking lead- ers to direct their ' holiday under canvas. Although Toronto district Scouts full value in every item --all are yours at your nearby Rexall Drug Store. | COSMETION i Tiffany is exclusively Canadian . . . created for Canadian women and : our particular climate. Many of Canada's loveliest women have made SR PASI Oi Re Latest "Tiffany Cosmetics" their first choice. Ask the Beauty Consultant at [J J Gillette pour REXALL Drug Store to show you the complete Tiffany line, BLUE BLADES new evallable in handy 10-BLADE DISPENSER '30 Shaving Tdges 30 you need pay no more than the prices shown here for this Rexall dependability Shop at your Rexall Drug Store regularly. You'll be glad you did PACE POWDER Hvety th oo « In § flattering shodes 90 suit every skin 1ON8..ccovseecssssirsnrrsrersnsnsrnnes LIPSTICK BRUSH==sable halr.. UQUSFYING TYPE CLEANSING CREAM, o "deep pore eleansing eream for normol ond oily skin. ........000 ASTRINGENT LOTION, stimulating and drying==for oily skin, BEAUTY LOTION=--delightfully softening highly pros fective (for dry ond normal skins). MINTED FOUNDATION CREAM ==softens and protects . . . in light, medium and dark . . . for dry and normal skins. 75, 1.50 FINISHING CREAM==light, non-greasy . . for normal or oily 1 25 EE TR PER RYT TTY HAND CREAM WITH CHLOROPHYLL, a medicated ereani, olds healing, keeps your hands lovely always. .4.. 1.25, 2.50 DUSTING POWDER . . . delightfully soothing textures, delicate frogranee .. With puff. ...co00vvivnnesns roseere 2.00 TALGUM POWDER , . . Tiffany-perfumed, absorbent ond WMEAING e. 2 12s 1 0reres0nessrrerssnresseesss 1HOKD 1 coke inbox 50 purse size perrume 1.25 1.50 Tat, 1 son | dressing oble es 2.50 thousands of boys from all parts! @) *'Soaping"' Dolls Hair 34 HALO SHAMPOO Glorifies i! 4-woy relief from upset stomach | Rexall BISMA-REX Neutralizes excess acidity, relieves heartburn, soothes irritated stomach membranes, eases gastrie distress. 2% oz. - 60 4 oz. - 1.00 160z.- 2.25 Fast, lasting relief alwoys Relieve pain quickly 3 cokes TFOREY SOAP in box 1.50 Rexall Puretest : A-SA-REX B yiprany speciat orrens TABLETS | -- --isasmamaminlt. for headache « neuralgia neuritis . Tn CREAM DEODORANT 24's »25 100's .65 with GHLOROPHYLL : Safe and effective. Will not iritate sensitive skin, 6) Doosn't dry out in the for. ; J (Hl) nd b-gel TOUCH MAKS- - new ol quid a . i shades fo blend with face powder 123 NewParkay | [228 LJ 98 J MI-31 SOLUTION i Kills harmful germs quickly doz. - «+33 Box. - 65 160z. - 98 An ideal gorgle, nasel spray and antiseptic for general home WHEN MY BACK BEGINS TO ACHE spreads smoothly even when ice cold ! 200's 1.19 3 ox. jor regulor 1.50 Have them with you when you Anitetiel (for 9 fwited lime only) 1.00 travel | Seve 760 COLOGNE CREATION SKIN FRESHENER =a mild astringent for ell tpt of skim... 143 REXALL PRO-CAP; ADHESIVE PLASTER gx {inch x § yds.) § regular price 1.50 ond Tiflany CRYSTAL COLOGNE (purse size) Npules price 1.25 ln the delightfully different Tiffany frogronce | Speciol (for o limited fine oni n 2.00 Amazingly Lasting . Lipstick Stays On until takeitoff! 1,50 Refills 1.00 OOTY TY GOHAN RR LADY WILDROOT Shampoo SOAPLESS CONTAINS LANOLIN A LIQUID CREAM VACUUM BOTTLES Keeps Things Hor! Keeps Things COLD! Various Styles ond Shes i 7 oz. 501. 0r 30 02. oy Qe \Y Priced from 1.8510 84.50 43¢ = 73¢ pr ) RICHARD HUDNUY with revolutionary BEAUTY RINSE NEUTRALIZER Safer, Easier, Foster $1.75 LC Pormula discovered and developed by US. Department of Agriculture with LANOLI Ti Enriched SHAMR9O clifton CREAM PETALS c=) russe comract 50 LARGE JAR OF . oJ0 A = ROUGE, creom or powder In 6 matching shades . . o eoom 1.25 1.50 powder HEINZ PHILIPS Great, New STRAINED AND ° PHILISHAVE H JUNIOR FOODS $5.10 - 2for 09 ELECTRIC SHAVER Famed for the world's - : easiest, cleanest Sensational BEACON HOUSE ra-s3 shave, the PHILISHAVE 12 is new 7 MOTHPROOF RINSE easy fo hold, easy to clean. Erases beard with no pull or SAFE = BASY TO USE -- 100% SURE MOTH PROTECTION FOR ALL WASHABLE WOOLENS Suktable for all types of hair. hathers abun. § dently in hard or soft water, rinses eosily. Regular 1.00 jor Leaves hair soft and Special (for @ limited time only) 79 Box of 10's Box of 40's 1.49 Al N Parkay Margarine never needs a warm-up. It's ready to serve the in- stant you take it from your refrigera- tor. Kraft guarantees New Parkay will spread smoothly on the freshest slice of bread. Wonderful eating always. Get a pound today. *Your money back if you don't agree! Thoroughly cleanse 4 tone the skin i] CLEANS YOUR BREATH AS IT CLEANS YOUR TEETH 33¢- 59¢- 89¢ Taking Vitamins 2 Toke the kind that gives you 8 VITAMINS plus LIVER and IRON Rexall Puretest PLENAMINS 50's 2.00 100's 3.50 , 200's 6.00 The ideal diet supple- ment. Easy-to-take capsules. OLN "11, LIT) > DOLCIN TABLETS For quick relief from RHEUMATISM, ARTHRITIS, SCIATICA x burn, leaves face soft, 2 1 5 100's 2.39 200's 3.95 500's 8.85 smooth, relaxed - « Z0f Always fresh--always smooth-spreading EN © Ne olly residue, a0 stains, nO on BR) piectont stow Peneirates right inte woo! 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