AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative © -- Phone Pickering 355-J-3 de EN UNSPOILED WOODLAND throughout the unspoiled wood- | trilliums and the lower picture, lands wild flowers bloom in | a glorious vista of golden Marsh abundance. The top picture Marigolds. shows a patch of lovely white ~Photos by John Mills. AJAX 18S KNOWN primarily as sn Industrial district, but over two - thirds of the township of Pickering is strictly rural, and More Contracts Let |WI Elects For Hospital Work |New Officers AJAX (Times-Gazette Stal Re- SPECIAL GRANT RECEIVED AJAX -- The annual meeting of porter) -- The contract {0 con-| The treasurer reported receipt of the Ajax Branch of the Women's ice wing, adminis- : | Institute was held at the home of struct the servic 8 | $3,400 special provincial grant, and | yr "Gritfiths. "34 Glynn Av- i ting room : b tion sgl Bas General | also reported sufficient funds on | enue, with a good attendance of Hospital has been let to the Her- (hand to proceed with the next | members. The reports for the year cules Construction Co. phase of the hospital project. |were most gratifying, and when Work is already underway w| It was noted that the superinten- | complete brought the realization complete the nurses' residence, dent's office is now located in the | that time and effort had not been and the building 736, which will |Red Cross room in Rotary Hall. wasted, but had been put to good be moved and reconstructed, :s| Chairman George Lawrence, in |use both within and outside the now being raised and cut into sec- | general discussion, spoke of the { community. : tions ready for removal to the new | work of Superintendent Miss Helen | Officers for the coming year foundations which are ready. Hughes in the warmest terms. | were elected as follows; President, BUY X-RAY EQUIPM He said some criticism had been |Mrs. W. Griffiths; 1st Vice-Presi- "The hospital board of directors heard of hiring a superintendent dent, Mrs, J. Neill; 2nd Vice-Presi- gave the purchasing committee au- | before the hospital had been com-| dent, Mrs. T. 8. Davies: Secretary- thority to purchase X-ray equip-|pleted. Mr. Lawrence went on to treasurer, Mrs. W. McNevin; Dis- ment. This committee has spent |say that Miss Hughes had saved trict director, Mrs. C. Purdon; al- several weeks in reviewing the her salary many times over and |ternate, Mrs, R. Pepper. needed equipment and ascertain-|the work in equiping a new hospi-| Conveners; Historical research, ing the better machine for the re- tal required the administrative | Mrs. W. Shannon; home economics quirements in the new hospital. ability ability of someone who was |and health, Mrs. H. Hutchison; The proposed purchase will be !well aware of the requirements agriculture and Canadian indus- made at a considerable saving and |and what was much more impor- | tries, Mrs. D. Devolin; citizenship | will be adequate for years to come, | tant, sources of supply. and education, Mrs. J. Woods; pub- and capable of handling all but We The hospital board will meet |lic relations and community ac- most specialized jobs. every two weeks in future to ex-|tivities, Mrs. J. Neill current A contract was also intered into |pedite the plans which are now events, Mrs, H. Lawson, with Canadian Liquid Air Co. for after a long while, beginning to | Directors, Mrs. G. Coady, Mrs. The next regular meeting will when Clajemont Spiitires were the | 35500 To, Sua "alked was scar. Romy 0 oho, at, MeN and effort to get the ball park in|er to score Greenough and Ren- |S. Shelenkoff, basés. i ly. bear fruit. |D. Devolin and Mrs. Davies. Audi- piped In oxygen supply T tors, Mrs. Pepper and Mrs. Woods. Stellar Pitching Wins {be held at the home of Mrs. W. Shannon, 3 Glynn Avenue on May | opened by Chief Constable Traves, ed by a two base hit by Bradshaw | "or AREMONT -- P : Bev- Chairman of the Ball Park Com. | {1 the seventh that ended the 860" | erley, ¢;. Morley, 1b: "Booth, 2b; | readiness. | nick. Morris, next up, hit a triple. | Final score, Ajax 7; Clarem The game played under lights Collins followed with a two base |2: errors, i 1, a rafemon Cy The district annual meeting is being held this year on May 22 {at Brougham. Those wishing to at- | tend are askel to contact Mrs, W. 0 . G F ).§ ; | Griffiths to arrange transportation. AJAX -- (Times-Gazette Staff masies all the nay and struck out |27 at 8 p.m. Reporter) -- The ball season op-|t!Wo hits and three walks. 4 . le; Caldwell, 1b; Deeth, 2b; Ren- ened fn Ajax on Tuesday evening| A home run by Bradshaw in the | nick, 3b; Smidke, ig Morris if; Loudfoot, rf. McNiven mittee who pitched the first bail [ing by Claremont. Allman, 3b; Pilkey, ss; Norton, If; to John Mills Vice' Chairman of the | - Greenough at bat for Ajax start- | Bradshaw, rf: Reynolds of: aa Board of Trustees, Jack Sanders, 'ed an eight inning rally with two on, C. Norton and Hewston, altern- Hydro manager catching. All these | strikes on him which saw six runs | ates. ? men 'have contributed much time | scored when Smidke hit a hom-| Umpires -- D. Mitchell, plate, was, for spven Sings Sicily a | hit. Louafooy, up next, sent another pi ers' duel. Pascoe for are- |out into the darkness to make the Built on reclaimed land, the pen- mont only allowed two hits until score seven to two. That ended |tagon, military h ) the eighth and struck out ten men. |the scoring. 8 oe austin 3 Greenough, pitching for Ajax was AJAX -- Greenough, p;- Collins, ellie ees canta" i oro saree oe sr ------_e ---- Washington, rests on 41,492 con- crete piles, : For a mountain of holiday fun come to Banff and Lake Louise in the spectacular Canadian Rockies. Enjoy thrilling mile-high golf, dancing, swimming, boating, hiking and trail riding on sure-footed mountain ponies. ROTARIANS VOLUNTEER In the top picture, Rotarians J. Klugman and Glynn Jones move a log of driftwood from the west- ern beach, with Bill Scarff in the AJAX ROTARIANS have un- dertaken the task of clean%g up the beach at Ajax, to make it an ideal picnic and bathing spot. Mr. Jack Gorman who has been on the sick list again is in Sunny- brook Hospital where he will un- |dergo an operation on his spine. {He would be very pleased to see | any friends and neighbors who are in the vicinity. James Mills who is in Northern i: specialized troining which equips them os leaders or as instructors. They will form the nucleus. . . the training staff of our defence forces in emergency. YOU SERVE YOURSELF RT SPITHEAD Able Seaman Bud Ogden of Ajax who is on board HMCS Sioux which has arrived at Spit- head, Isle of Wight. HMCS Sioux is part of the Canadian Corona- tion Fleet and will represent Can- ada in the Naval Review. Sea- man Ogden has served 14 months in the Royal Canadian Navy and has been a resident of Ajax for 10 years. "The first traifi drawn by a steam locomotive in the United States ran | Jom Algany to Schenectady, N.Y. | n . of all Canadians. For the young man of abifity ¥nd ambition, Wert #6 outstanding opportunities for immediate advancement as a THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, May 20, 1953 13 Citizenship Day Contest Awards Are Announced AJAX---Announcement has been; Outstanding man, Jack McKay, made of the winners in a' Citizen- active in Boys' Club movement. ship Day contest held under the| Outstanding woman, Mrs, Wal- auspices of the citizenship com- ter Sloan, many years hard work mittee of St. Bernadette's Roman |in Girl Guides. Catholic Church. Winners of awards | Honorable mention in outstand- in the various classes were as fol- | ing citizen class, Grace Mills, Mrs ows: 4 Alex Russell, Mrs. Schell, First child born in Ajax -- Brian [Rowland and the Rowland family. Milne, born -January 27. 1943. | The following were entertained Oldest citizen, Mrs, Lucy Leh- at a patriotic social evening at the man, 89 years old. (home of Mrs. E. O'Hare on May Youngest resident, John Anthony [15; Mr. and Mrs. F. Von, Pilis, Berney, born May 10, 1953. Mrs. Augustus and Mrs. Lynde Longest time resident, Mr. and from Whitby: Mrs. Art O'Connor, Mas. Alex Russell, came October. Pickering: Mr. and Mrs. Azzapar- 3 {di, Mr. and Mrs. McDonnell, Mr. First New Canadian, Sam Hux- | and Mrs. Belanger and Lucille and ter, cgme from Newfoundland, Au-' Mrs. Gilchrist, Singing and games Last New Canadian to arrive, tions with Canadian leaders or em- Frieda Blacha, came from Germ- blems as subjects proved very in- any, May 13, 1953. | teresting. ' i took & number of the boys on a Legion Ladies following boys turned up, Larry | Gillard, Pat Derrane, Dennis Grier- . son, Jimmie Paterson, Paul Moore, . Gordon Reed, Ian Donnelly, and To President they passed over 50 tests which AJAX--The Ladies Auxiliary tolincluded Fire Lighting and Cook- Branch 322 Canadian Legion enter- |ing, Scout's Pace, 2nd Class Knots, tained the members of Bowman- Trees and Shrubs, Care and Use at the Legion Hall on Thursday. got himself a Scout Staff. Among the entertainers were Mrs.| Later in the afternoon, the Troop Jean Severs, soloist; Miss Dolly [proceeded to the camp area where Cross, piano: Mrs. Kay Wilson, | they cleaned out a lot of debris na Newsome and Anita Brunnelle, |ing briskly to the accompaniment dancers. of a battered mouth organ, the During the evening a presenta- | boys all arrived home again short- tion was made of a lovely match- (ly before nine o'clock. ine pin and earrings to Mrs. Oep-|stand at: Antelopes, 341: Lions, ping, who has resigned as ir 245; Eagles, 214 and Foxes, 188. dent. Mr, and Mrs. Oepping are [Five points will again be given to leaving for British Columbia at the |€ach -boy going on the 'Working of Bowmanville, the Zone repre-|that gets the most work done will sentative was presented with - a |be given extra points. Another op- purse set of Yardley's perfume as | ening for P.L. has occurred, and a a bon voyage gift as he leaves Second in one of the other patrols Refres of the Fox Patrol. There are one Refresim SNE Saved i the | or two vacancies for new boys to i : join the Troop, so if any of you Scouts know anyone you would li SCOUT NEWS {him dlong nei, Monday Mad ane i : . meeting -- or better still, take background. The lower picture Being a holiday, there was no| him with you on the working party and George Robinson clearing Up |Troop last Monday: but meetings | oooroe: farther down the beach. will recommence next Monday, and --Photo by John Mills. |everyone should be in his Patrol Corner at 6.45 sharp. The meet- gust 3, 1 were enjoyed. The game of 20 ques- hike to get some tests passed. The Present Gift | Bernard Shaw, and amongst them ville Auxiliary at a social evening lof Axe and Knife, and everyone Shirley Keetch, Joan Hannon, Don- |from the cellar of the cabin. March- ing set of rhinestone and aquamar-| The Patrol point scores now end of the month. Miss Rose Bate |Party' Saturday. and the Patrol for England and the Coronation. | be promoted to Patrol Leader ke to have in your Patrol, bring shows Rotarians George Finley |maeting of the First Ajax Scout Ju aiid ACHE ALL OVER? Ontario on Photographic Surveys ing will open at ten minutes {0 |Do you seem to "ache all over"? Or do (Kenting branch) was rushed to |seven. you find it hard to stoop or bend? Get the hospital in Kapuskasing on Mon-| Next Saturday, May 23, all Scouts | quick relief you long for with Templeton's day morning where he underwent |are to meet at 8.45 a.m. at Head- | T-R-C's. T-R-C's are specially made to an emergency operation for the |quarters to go to the camp area [relieve you quickly of such throbbing; removal of his appendix. Mrs. |to work. Bring along your claw |unrelenting Neutitic; Arthritic, Sciatics Mills flew to Kapuskasing this hammers and lots to eat. Rheumatic pain; umbago and Neuralgia. morning to be near him. Last Saturday the Scoutmaster |65¢: $1.35 at drug counters. -83 Yravel ond Adventure ...These are port of the We of Canada's soldiers, today. Interesting and challenging, fife in the Army brings new scope ond breadth to the outiook of a young mon. Physical Condition . . . The health and physicol con- dition of Canada's soldiers is a vital concern of the Army, especially in the field units. Sports play oa imporiont port in keeping the men fighting Mh. you SERVE IN THE ARMY A "strong" Canada, today, i essential if we are to preserve Apply right away. Por fell information write or visi the our freedom, our own way of life. This is the responsibiliy Asmy Recreiting Cenize nearest your homes Your Local Reserve Force Armoury or Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. leader in the Infantry. From Corporal, to Sergeant, so Warrang Keep two 4 packages handy. FREE 18.paGE s0OKLET GIVES DIRECTIONS AND A MANY USES. CHURCH & et?" DWIGHT LTD, SUN LIFE BLDG A We=1 COW BRAND 2 BAKING SODA RE BICARBONATE OF SODA x Officer, you can build a well-paid career for yourself in the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. You will receive free medical and dental care, 30 days annual leave with pay and the beng fits of an outstanding pension plans You are eligible #f you are T7 to 40 years of age and able 80 meet Army test requirements. Applicants should being birth certificates or other proof of age when veporting for interviews Your holiday begins when you board your comfortable, air-conditioned Canadian Pacific train. Choice of accommodation from berths to drawing rooms. Delicious meals and thoughtful service. Plan it now! Information and reservations from any Canadion Pacific office, yoor travel agent or 11% King Street E, Oshowe Tek 40 CW NE FR 5. TM RN SOFAS