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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 May 1953, p. 20

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ROA Oe mI FETT 20 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 21, 1953 Fun For Passengers Hard Work For Crew By DON PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer KINGSTON, Ont. (CP)--For a leisurely trip there's nothing like travelling: up the St. Lawrence river canal system aboard a Great Lakes freighter provided you're not a member of the crew. In that case you'll likely be too busy winching the boat into the | 'narrow locks or shovelling coal to enjoy the scenery. On its first trip from Montreal to Fort William this year.the SS Fernie spent 40 hours covering the 180-odd miles to Kingston, Ont., be- fore entering Lake Ontario. That's an average of 4'%2 miles an hour. Even in open, motionless water, the Fernie seldom exceeds 10 knots. The vessel's coal consump- tion is at the rate of 12 tons every 100 miles. TOUGH CLIMB Time is a big consideration in climbing the 207-foot incline from Montreal to Kingston--time and 19 lift locks. But, snail-paced or not, vessels like the Fernie last year between April and December car- ried a record 17,738,515 tons through the Welland canal that link Lake Ontario with Lake Erie, The Fernie, one of 52 Canada Steamship Lines vessels, carried o the trip a 1,500-ton cargo: every- thing from sugar and building sup- plies for Fort William and an Eng- lish-made automobile for Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to oil-well equipment for Calgary. Much of her cargo was destined for points west of the 1skeliead, going from there by On her return the 259-foot-long Fernie, named after the British Columbia mining town, carries grain. She can haul about 70,000 bushels of wheat. On deck she may have newsprint, or automobiles from factories in Windsor. She averages about 16 round trips every season, some 40,000 miles and requires a 24-man crew, plus captain, to ktep her under way. She's manned by men like Eu- cher Desgroseilliers, 51-year-old French-speaking Canadian from Cascade Point, Que. He's been a St. Lawrence pilot for 28 of his 138 years on the big river and he | spends the shipping season guiding Canada Steamship Lines boats like | the Fernie through the currents and channels between Montreal and Kingston. Capt. John P. Kimmerly, 53, of | Owen Sound, Ont., who's been a Great Lakes seaman for 36 years, steers the Fernie through the can- als and into the locks. Then, from Kingston, he charts her course through the lakes to Fort William. SHOT-GUNS AND JOKES He's used a shot-gun to drive off strikers who boarded his vessel in the Cornwall canal back in 1948, but he'd just as soon discuss the trip--by automobile--he and his wife plan next winter, or kid the second mate, Mike Taylor, 26, of Port Colborne, Ont., about all the money he's making. There's something to the cap- tain's kidding, too, for Mr, Taylor earn; $292.50 a month, room and | boa:d. 'The captain's salary runs betws2on $4,500 and $5,000 yearly and even a deckhand on his first boat lwe Dcbert McKenzie, 17, of Bras 1x1, N.S, starts at $190 a mouth, plus a bunk in a cabin with three otners and whatever the first cook, Nick Ogg of Owen Sondu has on his menu, which may in- clude inch-thick pork chops or a tender steak. The men work eight hours a day, in a split shift--four hours on, eight off. They get time off only when convenient while in port. The porter, Lee Button, and his wife, Mary, the second cook, who spent the last three years in Re- gina, want to save and buy a farm. Fireman Neal Howe, 31, of Toronto said maybe he should have stayed with the Northern Alberta Railway. There he had only one firebox to (fill. On the Fernie he's got three. | Even Onesiphore Menard, the | tall, taciturn first mate, also from | Cascade Point, figured being a newspaper man, even, was better | than working on the boats. | But how does he spend all his | Spare time? Studying the river's |currents and channels for the day {when he will be a pilot, too. LOTUS MRS. LULU JEWELL Correspondent LOTUS -- Mr. and Mrs. Bodin, Miss Diane Bodin and friend also Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Hamilton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. McMahon. ® Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMahon St. Laurent Says Leaders NEW YORK (CP)--Prime Minis- In Agreement : BROUGHAM Seek Costumes For Pageant NINA L. SHEPPARD Correspondent BROUGHAM -- The Women's Institute met in the Township Hall Tuesday afternoon, May 12. The president, Mrs. Ellicott, was in the chair. A letter was read from Mrs. Maynard of the WI committee, ar- ranging for the coming ACWW Tri- ennial Conference fo be held in Toronto, on August 12 to 23, ask- ing for loans of costumes and 'props', such as primitive pioneer farm implements, firearms, wag- ons, etc. These would be used mn the pageant depicting the history of Canada from Indian days to the present. It was voted to share in the cost of tuning the Hall's piano, Although the canvas for the blind has not yet been completed, it was eported $42.40 has been col- lected. so far. Members were reminded of the | District Annual meeting to be held at Brougham on Friday, May 22, | and the Institute Annual Amateur { Nigiit for the school children of Brougham and surrounding com- munities on Thursday evening, May 28. A demonstration on sandwich making by Mrs. Mervin Annis and Mrs. Norman Burton gave the la- dies many good ideas. The social tea hour had as hostesses, Mrs, A. Harvey, Mrs. B. Harvey, Mrs. L. Johnston, Mrs. C. Wannup, Mrs. Sheppard. . David Norton is to be congratu- lated upon winning second prize and a silver medal on Friday night also first prize and gold medal Saturday night, at York Memorial Festival. Brougham ball team is having a Coronation Dance in the Town- ship Hall the evening of June 2. Everyone welcome. Eric Woodward is returning home from Korea Wednesday. All Brougham is happy to welcome Eric home. MedalsReady For Children OTTAWA (CP)--The mint has completed distribution of some 13,000,000 special Coronation med- |allions for Canadian schoolchildren, | The bronze medallions, bearing the effigy of the Queen, crowned, on one side, and the royal cipher on the other, have ben sent to provincial departments' of educa- | will be up to the provinces {to make their own distribution to and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry McMahon | ter St. Laurent said Wednesday he |€ach school. of Bowmanville, also Mr. and rs. | believes there are "no real differ- | The medallions will be about the Jas. Gray and family were Sun- ences in the aims" of Prime Min- {only commemorative memento or- day guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. ister Churchill and President Eis- Jered by the federal government McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. | enhower, . In a shipboard interview before {his departure aboard the liner {for the June 2 Coronation. There will be no special silver |coins nor any special markings or M. Gray and family on Sunday. {Queen Elizabeth for the Corona- |iSSues of new currency to mark the Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerr were at home for the wekend. Miss Maureen Stintson spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Vivian Gilbank. Mrs. Ian Hovey and son spent several days recently with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. E. Gray. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Strong and Earl accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Lathangue and family on a trip to Niagara during the week- - end. Sorry to report that Mrs. Jas. McMullen is on the sick list and hope for a speedy recovery. Elmo Gray has accepted a posi- | tion as bus driver for the Garton Coach Lines and commenced his work on Monday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen included Mr. and Mrs. Virtle Mc- Mullen and Allan of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Baker and Leonard Kellett and Betty Anne, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stin- son and David, Bailieboro; Mr. and Mrs. H. White, Ida. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe (nee Jean Hickson) on the marriage on Saturday, May 16. Mr. and Mrs. D. Jewell were re: cent business visitors in Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. McAuley and son Sammy, also Mrs. McAuley's moth- er of Newtonville have rented the house owned by Mrs. Gaston Bou- chard, Sault Ste Marie, and are now moved here, We welcome them to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Knapp have purchased the white brick house formerly owned by Mr. Wm. McCabe and expect to take up residence shortly. . and Mrs. Cy Churchley, | Lindsay, spent Monday afternoon | with Mr. andd Mrs. M. Gray and | family. At the Mother's Day services | eld last Sunday in Cadmus church | avid Gray infant son of Mr. and | Mrs. Ken Gray was baptized. The regular meeting of Lotus | WA for April was held at the home of Mr. and were former residents was the de- cision to hold an anniversary ser- vice during the month of August in Lotus Church. It was hoped that these services continue at least once a month in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Dy Jewell visiting recently with Mr.'and Mrs. Doug- las Fair and Mrs, M. J. Fair, Sunderland. It is expected the work will start soon on the new bridge to be built across the creek east of Lotus, and also on the hill that must be straightened. Earl Gilbank had his premises wired for hydro during April. Jas. Mackie is at present hav- ing his buildings wired for hydro and expects to have the power turned on in the near future. TO PROBE LINER FIRE LONDON (Reuters)--A formal inquiry will be held to determine cause of the fire which destroyed the 20,325-ton Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Canada at Liver- pool Jan. 23, Transport Minister A. T. Lennox-Boyd said Wednesday in the House of Commons. He said the time and place where the pub- lic hearing will be held will be announced later. ' Mrs. M. Gray. An | item of spcial interest to all who | "WETS" LOSE VOTE STRATHROY (CP)--In record voting Wednesday the electors turned down a proposal to estab- " lish government beer and liquor stores in Strathroy. The wets Jost by the slim margin of nine votes for liquor and 14 votes for beer. {tion, St. Laurent said: | "Both desire to bring about what- |ever is necessary to relieve world | enslons. There may appear to be {diverging views as to when it is ,effactive to make positive steps toward conciliatory discussions." But on the whole, the two lead- ers were in agreement on goals. St. Laurent was in high spirits as he boarded the liner with Mrs. St. Laurent and their daughter, Mrs. Frank Lafferty. Also aboard the Elizabeth when it sailed at 12:30 p.m. EDT were Lieutenant-Governor Louis Brei- thaupt of Ontario, Premier Frost {of Ontario and Mayor Allan Lam- port of Toronto. CAUGHT SEEKING SELF MINNEDOSA, Man. (CP)--A car | thief was captured Wednesday searching for himself. Alex John- son, 28, of Birtle, Man., was sen- tenced to three months at hard la- bor after pleading guilty to taking a car without the owner's consent. { Police said Johnson took a car, {rammed it into a culvert, then {Joined.a crowd watching a ball |game, He was | among the volunteers searching for the car thief. Canada spent $24 per capita on from $20 in 1950. later arrested | highway construction in 1951, up | | occasion. Canada is designing new paper currency bearing the figure of the Queen, but the surrency won't be ready until 1954. However, the Queen herself has approved a Coronation medal, her personal souvenir of the Corona- ion. A number of these will be digtributed to Canadians, probably to troops taking part in the Corona- tion: procession as well as to prom- inent Canadian citizens: The British coronation service at Westminster Abbey is primarily a solemn religious act. 3 One of a series to interest you in a holiday in your owe Ontario RANGE BREWING CO. LIMITED WEVE oT IT! CORD which costs very than a s GOODYEAR'S NEW ALL-NYLON TIRE little tire ! Now available for the tire. You get all this. . . Come im... see the ALL-NYLON Super-Cushion TODAY! ALL-NYLON CO Super-Cushion , CLIFF B 162 KING STREET EAST a -- first time--an auto tire that gives you the miracle strength of Nylon . . . * that costs only a few dollars more than a standard PLUS an entirely new type of tread rubber that increases tire mileage by as much as 21%! RD by GOODSYEAR ARAGAR DIAL 5-5512 VITAMIN ENRICHED SLICED or UNSLICED 24.0Z. LOAF [ o SWIFTS PRODUCTS o Swifts Prem ner 33 Swifts Swiftning Hy 34 Swifts Jewel Shortening wh 27 Swifts Household Cleanser 2 mm 27 Swifts Classic Cleanser 3 ws 25 Swifts Pard Dog or Cat Food 2 HE 25 Libbys Spaghetti With Cheese & Tomato Sauce 2 Aris 27: Vi-Tone Fudge Mix vanilla or Maple Flavour we 3 Quaker Muffets a re Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese wr Monarch Cheese sai iou Ge 01d Cave Old Cheese we Ie Nucoa Margarine 39. Club House Pimento Manzanilla Olives <i" .% 34 Rose Brand Dill Pickles Genuine Whole ok 39e McLarens Jelly Powders AAR 3 ma 23e McVitie & Price Macvita "oan we 2c Liptons Frostee Dessert Mix 5% 29e Stokelys Rice Dinner spanish style o*ths 31 Welchs Grape Juice Coit &3e Grimsby Sweet Mixed Pickles oe Bde Mil-Ko skim Milk Powder we 37 Staffords Sundae Sauce A505UR 43% VANILLA OR 2 CHOCOLATE FLAVOURS TINS 27: Belmar Soup Mix co Lies, chs, » wer mes. DBe Burns Chuckwagon Dinner 5 39 Blue Ribbon Orange Pekoe Tea We Bde WESTON'S ASSORTED BISCUITS Coronation Package Tue 55 SPECIAL! CANDIES 1-18. CELLO. PKG. c . * Springtime Assortment SPECIAL! WESTON'S ° . Lemon Blossoms Biscuits «ih 27- EACH 31 i 10 Mother & Baby Magazine OO | 2 NOW ON SALE EXCLUSIVELY AT LOBLAWS--VOLUME 15 SPECIAL! A QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY [J (J New World Family Encyclopedia =. 89: Dundee Cake ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE LOBLAW FEATURE--JUNE ISSUR SPECIAL! WELL-FILLED PODS, TENDER SWEET Green Peas 2 =: 35. GOLOEN RIPE SELECTED QUALITY ON GARDEN FRESH Banana sour ]§e A VER REN AOR | sina NO. 1 GRADE 2 LBS, 35: VEGETABLES St Yams NOW AT ITS BEST! TENDER ALL-GREEN Ontario Fresh Asparagus VITAMIN-RICH! SERVE OFTEN! EACH 19. CRISP, FRESH, SOLID HEADS Iceberg Lettuce so TALK OF THE TOWN | SPECIAL! Margene Margarine SPECIAL! ALUES! 39 Choice Tomatoes id 2:35 Coronation Cake Mix SPECIAL! Sovereign Salmon SPECIAL! Kraft Miracle Whip REGULAR MOUNTAIN VIEW OGILVIES FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALAD DRESSING Robin Hood White Cake Mix WE AY. Sugaripe Jumbo Prunes eald®ne 310 Garden Patch Choice Cut Wax Beans 2 oi*%i. 29: Aylmer Choice Quartered Beets 2 he 27 Libbys Fancy Ungraded Peas 2 os 39 Treat Choice Green Gage Plums ah 14. New Modess 2 %& 79: Kleenex Facial Tissues Hanky or Chubby Size ~~ ra. 20c Javex Concentrated Javel 16.0%. 15: 3g 0z. 25: Camay Toilet Soap : 2 &&% 17 Oxydol : 1 Dreft 3 Surf bE Lifebuoy Soap wus 13. Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap Deal 4 "Sit 29: 2 in | Paste Floor Wax We 39 LOBLAW QUALITY BEEF . CHOICE--SHORT CUT FIRST 5 RIBS Prime Rib Roasts 1» 53 Lamb in ve Basket = 29- Meaty Legs Lamb» 59- LEAN--IDEAL FOR POT ROASTS Boneless Brisket Plate LEAN--IDEAL FOR POT ROASTS Boneless Shoulder Roasts EXTRA LEAN--IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF OR HAMBURGERS Minced Beef Countrystyle Pure Pork Sausage 1b. 51 » 35. ® FROSTED SEA FOODS eo PAN-READY SPECIAL! Cod Fillets ib. 31 'Haddock Fillets 1.47. Ocean Perch Fillets 1. 47. na I LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 21, 22, 23

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