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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 May 1953, p. 21

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 21, 1953 21 Value Beyond Compare Is What You Get With Times Classified Ads. Ph. 3-2233 "I Had Over 100 Calls" Exclaims Mr. W., After The Ad Appeared Only One Night. > 3 UNFORNIBRED HOGS. DIAL TS 8--Building Trades 12--CGardening & Supplies | 25--=Real Estate For Sale (25--Real Estate For Sale 28--For Rent S T R | CT LY B U S | N E S S by MeFeatters | BUILDING LOT ON FAIRLEIGH AVE. | 3:RO0M FRAME HOUSE, ONE BLOCK | DOUBLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN. i fessional || Business -- Professio { GENERAL CONTRACTOR -x OPEN FOR 75° x 103', price $500. Dial 3.9572. (117) | east of city limits. Immediate possession. | single beds. Dial 3-856& (118¢) I Ie YSET Ie | tenders, houses, doors, factories, Lek, CHOOSE YOUR SEED AND $2,100 full cash price. R. Payne, Varcoes | - rbd block, cement work, septic tahks and so. BUILDING LOTS, 98' X 150°. CASH OR | Rd. North, Phone 5-4069. (1i8c) | 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW terms. Dial 5-1953. (1130) heme, ground floor, sink in kitchen, suit D 1 R E C T 0 R Y forth, Phone Ajax 19wl. (Jun20) GARDEN EQUIPMENT FROM . LASALLE AVE, 1%-STOREY BRICK, 5 | couple, abstainers, no. children. Axil sof. SIX-ROOM BRICK WITH GARAGE, | rooms and finished recreation 'room; 00d | Arthur St. o HO 8 i 2 Guaranteed work. Murray Holliday, | 5-1286. (June20) {a--Accountants, Chartered HOUSE! . | PAINTING, CARPENTRY AND ALL ODD MONTEITH AND MONTE: 2 EAR jobs, satisfactory work. Dial 3.8329. Bulk Vegetable Seeds--Over 100 varie- tered Accountants, "Resident (June20) | ties of flower seeds - Gladiolus Bulbs- 54662. R. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., Resident | een orators - No, 1 Bulk Lawn Seed. Partner, ; 0X ants - gore - ur Gain ET DE Ar ours (A | Tian Tou © Shee. Manure Bone Sivoo Duncan SITE, eal Fertiliz mar - um large lot, Gibbs St. $2,700 43 Bond West GARAGE ON ALBERT ST., NEAR KING, , to Motors and downtown; continuous hot': $3,500 Realtors water. 44 Colborne E. (118c) EAVESTROUGHING--FREE ESTIMATES. ' | r dial OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUPPLY | good location, north. New - furnace, oil | down payment required. Early E 3-ROOM, SELF-CONTAINED APART. heat, fully insulated, open fireplace, laun: | Dial 3-4119, after 6 MPLOYMENT dry tubs, new roof. Close to church, (Tues, Thurs, FriMay30),| ment, immediate possession. Abstainers, §choo) and bus. Suet leaving city. te Dial 5-4072. (118¢) 0X » Times-Gazette. > 11% ' OFFICE DAVID McLEAN LTD. CLEAN, COMFORTABLE ROOM, CLOSE 2--Auditors and Accountants cq, phone 38is3. (June20) | (soil conditioner) - Peat Mots + Mil. - Dial 52895. (118d) organité for a lawn you wi proud fi wn, ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, S. T. HOP. |; gy HENDERSON -- CONCRETE AND | of - completé line of Garden Tools - 4 kins, Certified General Accountant. 172| cinder blocks, large stock on band. Dial | Fertilizer Spreaders - Garden Cats - { LOTS, 45' X 165. PRICE STREET, piAL| $21,000--Income home, rug | LRooM no RR MENT wi. TERT King St. East. Dial 5-3509. (Jun2) | 34412, (Junel2) | Wheelbatrows - Lawn Rollers - Lawn ' 5.0878. (1130) brick, 10 large rooms, oak floors, | fuo® nos Cn and store. mail at door,' : RATIONS Ab FE | Mowers ysis Serders Seen ¢ : oak trim, large kitchen, living | $15" month; elderly couple, mo children.' i CARPENTRY, a awn er Fence - Wire Fencing - . ih / lik hy Mis. . ; i, | s 3--Barristers pairs, old and new work. Phone Whitby | Extension Ladders. Complete line of Properties 'Solicited room 18° x 22', with fireplace, Ni Soorge ayIor,. RE 1 Canninglony SRRErER ci | J, (Juneld) | Feeds and Farm Hardware. Ask about : good divided basement, steam a) LOUIS & HYMAN, QC, BARR TR our Master Hog or Turkey Finance Properties For Sale heat by oil, double garage. Lot | FURNISHED - 3ROOM APARTMENT, ' fae (oth Xetngea. 'Phones. Ofc | YOUR LOCK ROOFER SINGLING, | Elta Ne inlet Ne caring > X08 Farms, Dwellings EER CR 0 aki i 8 » . pooh > : or co . i +1 h 3.4943; Residence 5.0254. (Jun3) | insul-bric, fat roofing, ook, even Hark 0s or Finn pf market En- --- / 4 Building Lots Mr. Tindall 5-0429, couple. Dial (118e) . ; quire today, under no Obligation - 4 : BED-SITTING ROOM, SUITABLE F\ ANNIS; JONES AND CAMERON, os Terms. H. Tucker, dial 56161 May No Red Tape. $14,000--On No. 2 Highway, business couple or gentlemen, Ry Ing Street Fg pio Bony B.A. Money | EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING AND | poo. we shill have a good supply : We have inquiries for good 6-room cedar grain siding," all Dial 3- 02. ake 'to loan. (Junl) | chimney repairs. Dial 3-4373. (Junell) | of goad oats, seed barley, grass seed, property with down payments extra large rooms, 3-pc. bath, TWO LARGE DOWNSTAIR ROOMS, WITH , - mixtures, Sudan grass, seed oh ideri oak and tile floors, well decor- sink and cupboards, near new GM. Phone HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYR, BARRIS sxrute TANES CLEANED THE Sant corn. oh worth considering. ated . throughout, - screened-in 3-3190. (118¢) ters, solicitors, 6 King West. ones: . bing Call us today and we will set your verandah, electric hot water, gy io}tox 5.4604, Whitby EE. BECKET ) + | ROOM IN RURAL HOME WITH WIDOW, Office S117; Resdences $-460% YJuni) | CONCRETE WEEPING AND CULVERT | order aside. | ; c T coal furnace, good basement, | conveniences. Reasonable rent in retard Real Estate choice variety of good bearing for some companionship and duties. Ab- stainers. Write Box 115, Times-Gazette. 2761. Money to loan. | tile. Dial 5-4052. Juneé) er ps = X moon ome | et Ba Bi tho TEDO, BARRISTERS by Solicltors. Clients' funds available for | CARPENTRY SERVICES AVAILABLE, MISS LYLIA M. McBRIEN Salter 5-0429. 1 ACCOMMODATION FOR GENTLEMEN, willing to share bedroom and kitchenette, t. N. Phone | cupboards, roofing and remodelling. Also is Beg BI . Fv) Edgar F contracting for new homes, all or part. 54 CHURCH ST. DIAL 3-2229 . - d > (May24) | Layout assistance for people building own ri (Wed, Sat,.tf) . Juned) $9,800 with only $5,000 down-- Must be neat, clean and abstainer. Phone 6-room brick, oak and tile floors | 376%: (117¢) Bastedo. | homes. Phone 5-0650. (Junel) \ CONANT AND CONANT, BARRISTERS p Lo yt "Conant, B.A.. of- | FOR SIDEWALKS, CURBS, CEMENT. |13--Household Repairs ; 708 - 712 CEDAR ST., EACH HOUSE HAS in ni i ui = iments and Solicitors, Roger G. Conant, ®. | porchs, ete, Dial 51474 evenings. Jes) p ok, CEDAR SaaS BOUIB BAS | in fice condition, fullsize base- FURNISHED BEDROOMS, VERY CEN either. E. Power, 702 Simcoe 8, ment, flowers an shrubs, ga- ral, gentlemen preferred. Dial i TE yi e fices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. h Dial 3-2227: Ajax, Ont., Phone 25. CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOVER. ed ny (Juneld) HARDWOOD FLOORS ed. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates My age is 27 years and 72 months! eA ne age. Ohaws Bivd. Call Mr. FORRES Rats ee are f d iy igi ; : : - ; 00MS, GIRLS OR GEN- AW. S. GREER, QC, BARRISTER, LAID, SANDED, FINISHED Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa U) For employment ot any age advertise in The Daily Times-Gazette NEW -ROOM BRICK, HaRDWoOD tlemen, central. Apply 213 Oshawa Bivd, Boor ee aines io so M Greer OR REFINISHED Co. 10 Bond Ct. West. Gund) | Classified Ads. Call 3.2233, conditioning; large lot. Immediate posses. | $5,500--40 acres on No, 12 | Dial 33641. aim) BI sts Teaent 9.3368. une10) LILLEY'S FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP. sion, Dial 39957, une) |; Highway, 9-room brick, house, MODERN OFF A. Sts iy holstered, See our materials for recov: LOT, 75 X 200, KENDALwoop sus.| hydro, hardwood floors, - good N ICE Zion. ster 10s Simcoe Sirest, Norin MODERN FLOORS Saf, Price Tu Dullen. 18 Quarles, 5) | 22--Radio Repairs 25-=Real Estate For Sale |9vnen wes est. Pose 5506 ¢ dil | | bow, geod stream. Immeginte | | 19" x 167,12" x 16" hogs vi r 3 3 -- A TR possession, Appl Dial: office 5-3741, residence 5-5542. DIAL 5-4902 DIAL 5-4851 pply , 4) : p (May und | 14 Instruction RADIO SERVICE STORE FOR SALE OR RENT, VILLAGE PORT HOPE Others from 2 acres up to 200, ROSE BOWL AN, 2.C.. BARRIS i i i phone Pickering 16owa, = 7 AM | $8,750--3-room frame apart Joserh & ANG to loan. Office 14% LEARN TO DRIVE THE SAFE WAy,| Cor installations, small appliance | phone Pickering 160w3. ment House. Modern convene Call Mr. Tindall, 5-0429 24 BOND ST. W. King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3.8232. HANSON & dual control cars. Phone Club Cabs, 329 repair. Ten years' experience. 6-ROOM BRICK, ALL CONVENIENCES, | ences, Hot-air furnace. $4,500 (1172) DIAL 3-7331 Residence. Dial 5-3405. (Junl) CAMERON _-- Same day service. central, garage, $5,000 down. Phone 3- cash, balance -- terms. See (1176) MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLICI DANCING SATLET, TOE, TAD, IRENE DIAL 5-4311 yh a my ick Hall 25a--Summer Properties ERNEST MARKS, , : arvey, Burk St. Register for the fa -- Ne FROM, : . .. er FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, GOO tor, 11 King Fast, Room 2. Dial Office PLASTERERS term, Thursday afternoons, Orange Hall, 102 WILSON RD. SOUTH oN TROT $7000 COTTAGE FOR SALE, ON LAKE DAL- | location. Dial 5-1036. : rey 3.4211; Residence 3-4325. (Junl) Stucco and general Bruce and Simooe. (May30) OPEN DAY & EVENINGS cash or best offer. Write 111, Times- GROCERY AND HOME rymple, near Brechin, 4 rooms. Price ' : : y Sh | $1,500 cash. Phone TU. 4-1108, or Derek | 3:ROOM APARTMENT, BUSINESS COUs Gazeite. APH Confectionery, fresh and cooked Andrews, Box 206, Richmond Hill. aie) ple preferred, abstainers. References. ' \, J. PARKHILL AND J, A. YANCH, LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND (June12) A sae a cement work fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing: & ROOM COTTAGE AT HEAD LAKE,| meats, stationery, school sup- | | Write Box 104, Times-Gazette. (117), arristers, Mortgage loans, National Hous- ve Silat inal -- A imcoe North. Dial - Prin 5 h H " 9 i | SMALL LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, WIN- SRA. pri Ast Jona 8 (Jun1) DIAL 5-4285 Ho cs St. Dial $0001 or Residence 5-150. | 223...Shoo Repairs electricity, Well and boat, Diat $432. _ TR $ Fy | terized, at Scugog Point. For information | FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR 1 OR 2 MANNING F. SWARTZ, A BARRISTER. - COURSES IN STENOGRAPHY, TYPE. NINE ALOE REPAIRING, DE Tk -- Ta 198: DOWN. Attractive 2-storey living quar- I= ii Dex) | seatiemen, neat Motors. Dm) PY: AT : y . Mone: loan, Bassett acoountil comptometry and as- , --$1, | 27 = Butte No. 4 Dia) 3-4697, Resi lence WEEPING TILE hier subjects. Dy and. night school | 37143 William Allison, 181 Bord St! very IAN 51,9 > Cshowa Be, home with good | 27--Real Estate Wanted 3 FURNISHED BEDROOMS, GENTLE. 3.4029. un classes begin any Monday. Oshawa Bus- est. (Junel) 4 i 5 . men preferred, near bus stop, 111 Arling- iness College. Dial 5-4343, (May22) Whitby, Toronto via new four- For further information phone O Of 0 ton. Dial 3-8531. (117h) FRASER AND DRYNAN, ; i 0 4 ne ur ---- Cy Bank_of | Concrete culvert tile supplied | gormans surriien. Keer tiem | 23--YWomen's Column jane highway, New 3 bedroom Bowmanville 3138. : PARTLY FINISHED BASEMENT, CAR. Bldg, 5 Simcoe St. N. Dial i home. Yours on completion. Free trial brick. bungalows, forced air Executives gesiey work in exenange for rent. Dia) 346. T. K. Creighton, Q.C.. N. C. Fraser. and installed. lesson. Bell's Hawaiian School. Leave | CHARIS = DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL| heating with oil, laundry tubs, IMMEDIATE 33519. aife) . . he al . . -- Q.C. G, K Drynan, G. L hs inD) $9 HUNDRED - phone at 5-0251. (Junel) | Bi" s 3434, Jans) completely modern throughout, POSSESSION Requires A ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME, VERY CEN. Sewer and water in. These: new $7,600 $5.000 CASH tral. Breakfast and lunch if desired. Single ' an ' 15--Insuran r ruc- , . DIAL 5-4052 urance PRENTICES BEAUTY PARLOR | . homes are now under construc. DANCE TAA Small House rn emma 4--Chiropodists af) 2 (Mayl5) | MeMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, AUTO, A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF SUR Burglary, Life (Rep., Imperial Life) ~ | NEW LOCATION--72 CHURCH ST. Bowmorwville > == 5-foom brick FURNISHED BEDROOM, ALL CONVENI- 21 King West. Dial 3-3722, (Junel7) sive agent. manyi H MH ences, bus stop at door, suitable for ones bungalow, furnace, full base- 8 as or two gentlemen. JAMES . clalizing in foot and % gical Chiropgdy. épe Roofing, Insul-bric, all types of Opening Special 299 Simcoe 8. (1006). leg diseases on Sr thopediat, X-ray diag: : nosis. Suite ce 5-5621. masonry. PRUDENTIAL OF ENGLAND SHERWOOD AVE. ment, 4-pc. bathroom, iving es (Jun1) Fireplaces, chimneys, stucco, side- ASSURANCE COMPANY $10 COLD WAVE FOR $7.50 2-storey brick home situated in room, 17' x 13', modern kitch- $2,500 on EF rus! ISHED. boi Na ITABLE i walks, blocks. ' i attractive Sun Set Heights, forced en, detached garage, nicely land- desired. Dial 35-6382. (116£) 7. 5--Dentists ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN | 1s represented in Oshawa and District by DIAL 3-4521 (May29) air heating with oil, modern scaped lot on paved highway; * To Pay LARGE FRONT ROOM, TWO GENTLE. FRANK E.. TURNEY, C.L.U., kitchen, tiled bath, natural fire- also 2 building lots adjoining, Down men, single beds. Very central. Dial 3373, (116¢) awa Clinic. Hours he o dally. Saturday GORDON MAY 47 PRINCE STREET - DIAL 50833 25 Real Estate For Sal place in large living room extra price mornings. Dial 3.8632 or 3-3792. (JunD) Dial 3-9911 Life, Fire and Auto Insurance al Gsiate hor male storms, screens, etc. Asking (Jun3) | overseas policies given special attention | ATTRACTIVE HOME, MODERN 1%. price $14,000 -- terms. BOWMANVILLE--PHONE 3138 pI Send Hors O FF | re early occupancy contact exclu- R. COLLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIMCOE §. Siig 8 leo". Sarda mors it | Bes rc, on Srv 8 Spon. ic a MRS. VICKI HALL, Saleslody { p i Representing Particulars To ings, Diaf 5-02 Pre-Cast Concrete i " ig 18--Lost & Found ment, ££ Diece bath upstairs, recreation Y : ' cellar, laundry tubs, hot wat, 6-room, 2-storey brick home 6--Nursing Services SEPTIC TANKS LoST_BROWN WALLET WITH Strom | leans. Owner lramslerred. "Would ex-| oak floors new roof built-in cup- LLOYD P..BABCOCK T. L. WILSON ed edges, on Bond St. between 5 and 5:30 | 3350, " ire) | boards in kitchen laundry tubs, a1) THE TIMES-GAZETTE S P A C E = LAD TLEMEN" REST |' H LADIES Be Mkt Phone 2 heed nd nalles p.m. Reward, Phone 3-4738. (118a) | L roof insulated, garage, storms, Juets) LADY'S NAVY BLWE PURSE, LOST SELLING OUT screens, etc. Asking price $9,- NORTH WEST sn $11,500--Half down, 6-room, district. Dial ¥TIAL = BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS | near Hilltop Snack Bar. Dial 3.8188. 500 -- terms, 7--Optometrists (118b) Greenhouse -- Everything must ' Fil JARVIS STREET 2-storey brick, living room 14' x 1600 square feet over : Brooklin = Phone 155 : METRIST, DISNEY LOST -- LL DOG. AN! : A Cc. TUCK, OP TOE Da P0 ayia) { HOST COLLIE | 00 BWERS Ho go, at reduced prices. Near Connaught--=8-room brick 20°, 3 large bedrooms, 3-pC. | HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL Bullding, opposi ost bungalow, containing 5 rooms on bath, modern kitchen, dining | cash or your equity. For quick results and S S K . S. Kresge Co. , BUILDING LOT IN GOOD RESIDENTIAL 8223. Mon., Wed., and Fri. evenings, 7-9. Con- 1 M Ferguson Greenhous use floor, 3- tment 2' 14' -si satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, realtor, 9--Money To Loan main , 3-room apartment in room 12° x 14', fullsize bose. .|satisiasiory sale. see W, Modules, raslior, tact lenses and plastic eyes. Dial 5-6143. (Jun) basement, completel modern t, oil heating; od % BULLDOZING FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, 292 PACIFIC ST. throughout, nr Toes, fries men f! eguing: uo Serene Lune) DIAL 5 0732 A 7a--Surveyors GRADING Homie & Hennich, Barnmers 1 os (UU | bath, 3-pc. bath for basement CENTRE ST. URGEMTLY REQUIRED . G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR- St. E. Dial 3.7232. (May26tf) $3,000 Down--4 rooms, lovely, apartment. Asking price $11,- $9,500--Full price, half down, Properties, large or small. van veyor, Civil Engineer, dodliouss Cres : K ) clean clapboard, heavy electric 500. -- terms, 8 rooms, good income home, at- H b iti cent, Ajax. Phone 247-R, Ajax. Sand, Gravel, Brick and Block A AE JMURTQAGES a ond hot-air oil. 30 days' pos- tic floored, make two nice rooms, ave buyers waiting. DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTARIO (| 0 Dlociar: d Limited, 113 Simcoe St North, Oshawa, | Session. Full price $6,800, Ga- GRIERSON STREET * | automatic coal heating, good lot W. E. HOLMES TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS. COULD Land Surveyors, and professional engl | -QYing, Plastering an Cement Dial 538568 (20346) Togs. 7-room brick and stucco bunga- with garoge Bron S9uip ote for, light housekeeping, every ears. 213 King 8. E. Phone 33602,» | Work, Prompt Service low containing 5 rooms on main : Ph Write Box 116 Times-Gazette. + C1170) un . CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST $2,400 Down--Lovely 5-roomed floor including 4-piece bath and NORTH RESIDENTIAL SL a Coll for Estimates mortgages, Mortgages and agreements {or | cottage, lovely living room, 3 shower with 2 rooms and wash- 9.room red. heart brick. coms Dial 5-2363 ays) | VE, FINISHED BEDROOMS FOR MEN. 8--Building Trades Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, Canadian bedrooms, 3-pc. bath. 30 days' room in basement. Oil heating, bined living and dining room ey Vie Iv Mots ArT Bre , ALTERATIONS AND REMODELLING, LILLEY BROS Bank of Commerce Chambers. (May27) | possession at $6,700. storms, screens. Asking price LPT So tn Bi WANTED--HOUSE WITH 2 ACRES, $6,000 ER gigi ges Oshawa CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE FOR| $4,800 Down--S5-roomed, 3-yr.- $10,975 ~ terms, large bedrooms, 3-pc. bath, 2 4 © Potay Toaan | 29--Wanted to Rent pals. Floor and wall tiling. Work guaran- DIAL 902 fit ang_second worigages, Mortgages old bungalow, very clean ond DIAL 3-3849 OR 3-3331 bedrooms in basement with hard- WANTED -- A GOOD BUILDING LOT, | LARGE 10-ROOM HOUSE OR APART- teed. G. Parks 3-2631. (June9 5-490 A Tauuents for Sie Puichasd. landscaped, large living room UNTIL 6 P.M wood floor, air-condition oil heat- | must have water. Dial 50501. (115b) | ment block with income. Phone 5.1369, ". NEW PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, (May2D) | Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3| With 2 begrooms, Brick and ih ing; side drive, 2-car garage, (118b) water fing | - - Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. stone, at ,200. WANTED--STORAG AC © b Free imat Phone 3-8912. 8a--Sharpening Services (Junl) LEON B. NASH BUYING OR SELLING, URGENTLY NEEDED storage. Home SE SPACE &OR DRY A. Woods. (June10) $5,000 Down--Lovely 5-room Real Eaiale Stoker ani General DIAL 5-3889 South. Dial 5-5332. (118b) AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, 20--Personal bungalow near bus with good : LY I h fe de RS, AND : rge or sma omes i Tg TL retoothing 13V4 Simcoe Street North LLOYD AYERS 9 ? 4 OR SROOM HOUSE IN OR NEAR OSH. and gumming. All types of d d land d well. Soli y wekiag garden and landscaped well, d Kitchens bathroom. All ay Rowe, Shears, tic. Siarpes IF HAROLD THOMAS DOES NOT CALL | block and oil, at $9,500, After 6 P.M. please dial Broker List now Phone 3.3650. (17c) rk Free ex | West. 22th) Lot Me Bn hen, Ont. for : 3.2988 -- LLOYD METCALF Cli i ; grep - Shop. Ph : ame will be sold to defray ex- 5,100 --R --- i ients waiting THREE- a, Modern Woodworking Bp. Phose Jame efray ex $ Down ug brick home 3.3507 DOUG WILSON ROSS WEST Representative Tunse BOOM APARTMENT 1] JOUNG Bial 3-9851. ) | SAWS FILED AND SET, RETOOTHING (118) | on bus route, 6 rooms and oil, (1182) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING |etc. Lawn mowers, shears sharpened. | WOULD PERSON ON CENTRE ST. WHO | hardwood floors and a good buy 3428) =~ REYERETY ELLIOTT y) LLOYD AYERS Nite Bon i Te CNN DL and decorating, free estimates. Dial 3. | Percy Nell, 102 Highland Ave., Oshawa. | received letter for Marshall, 432 Centre, at $10,400, es Representatives) W. J. MOWAT 9313. (June10) (Junel3) | please phone again 5-5693. (117¢) : : i (1172) Broker 4ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE, 3 TRICT ; Tr SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED | 2 Down will take beautiful ve op fa Broker adults, June 30th. Abstainers. Best of ref- i RR mort. 9--Business Opportunities supports for style, comfort and health, home with 3 good bedrooms and THIS BUNGALOW TO Summer resort--Cabins booked DIAL 5-3889 efonces. Dial pM, lias a BE ET Mrs Beste Ps Bes Coon ond briohi--a aream | BE SOLD THIS WEEK | head, uptodate resauro, a yo y 3 . . . e, ren, 8 hd y PHONE 5-5854 3-8403, clean an bright dream lots of boats, good fishing. Couple 3, Sila 0 good Tefetencss r ye (Jun11) ; 3 : PLASTERING, STUCCO REPAIRS, BASE. DON SMITH SW ea tome true, ot $15,000. $5,700 rst mill=gil_ new machinery, BERNEICE H. PATRICK are) i d out. ? - : i , A st a z DE P Prameting Conaadtors, Dial 5 enced babysitters, reliable middieazed| Berneice H. Patrick $1,500 Down--New basement- Sheop io operale; taxes : Rea) Ewate Srv YOUNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE FUR-" 4382. (May29) women. Phone Baby-Sitters Club, 5-4310. . less, four rooms and bath. Steady New motel doing thriving busi- Listings Wanted nished room with housekeeping privileges, * ING AND HEATING PIPES, FIT. FREE DEMONSTRATION NT Wels, {Juney) Real Estate Broker sewer water and heavy duty wir- ness, 5 rooms for purchaser, Personal Service hear homua. Write Bex 12, Tunes Gor FILME 5 talla. 16 BOND ST. E. DIA ) ind. Bu i ; : : ol h yer to finish inside trim, -- hii, ki 5:3492 Salesman--JOHN A. WINTERS 16 BOND E ~~ DIAL 5-3692 | SMALL HOUSE OR 3-4 ROOM APART. - , d used. Installa- a vsnable prices. Dial 34%, CORONET T.V. 20a--Cartage ~ DIAL 5-5165 Westbrook Park Sub-division. 174 CHURCH ST. ment for you le with child. Refer- ' 100 WILSON RD. N -- DIAL 3.3800 | gnc. "Redionable. Dial 3.8865. (liber (June10) (Juni) WALTER BEATTIE -- ial 3- - sey 7055 WE MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING ANY. L IE -- Salesman Dial 3-8337 or 5-5378 DIAL 5-2009 Senin Re 7 Fuses. Dis 3 ; he (May30) {| VERY URGENTLY NEEDED BY ELD- CARPENTRY, CUP BO A RD 8, TILE : (Jun3) (1180) atre flooring, shingling, all general repairs. FOR RENT oR GEE ERAGE re L. BROWN aly woman. unturnished oom central. v RAL CALL, ¥ i Free estimates. Dial 3-7578. (May30) : EMENT WORK, PORCHES, STEPS,| Food market in the best location | Fre!t7s 30965, 444 Simcoe 8. (Maya) Yorks yA 28--For Rent a ! i 3 bs, chimneys, | * j i i : ont Manager desires 5-6 room er Eek floors, Small Hy pn ol Dees: cy siioeed with 21--Personal Service as | SALE BL or larger i anh house apart- conveniences. Private entrance. Dial 3-8169 ment or summer cottage within 34 . Dial 5-3422. (May20) y e ia laity. Di frigerated meat counter, electric | COLLARS TURNED, SOCKS RIPS AND $10,800 after 6. (118¢) ; ; 7-room clean home in residen- | - : : 25-mile area of Ajax, June - CONCRETE WORK - FONDA TIONS meat grinder, slicer steak ma- holes neatly repaired. Free pick-up and a a ute a floor - JSniveways and wake ree ent; chi , cash register, shelving, delivéted. Mae's, 3-4840. (May28) : tial section, hardwood floors, 3- 2 INRUSNISHED i] Poa July - August. is HA wr etc. i : » vate entra . u L . " c. bathroom, oil heating, ga- CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES, BUILT| A real opportunity for the right CAR WASH Tbs Te Rng. So (118¢) CALL AJAX 101 9AM. -- 5PM and repaired. Call Lou Rasicott after 6. J 4 a i party. Apartment availabl th ' I . Dial 5-1474. Wet) pry aii vailable wi Keith's 10 minute car wash. Now BROKER lot, CEMENT BLOCK WELLS BORED AND TILED. FOR IN. open at 160 King W. across from the 4 $8,000 (117d) formation call Maurice Babiuk, 86 Indian WRITE BOX 1 14 Brewer's. Free pick-up and delivery 6-room home, Park Rd. district, WAREHQUSE Quiet business couple de- Grove, Toronto. Phone Rodney Ber. 1 p St / Ae ork R Sis ; une! rom 8 to 6. . close to King, hot-air heating : : TIMES - GAZETTE 5 «6 6 5 on, ag, oral ting 4,600 50. 7. Yloor specs, gre us fumished rooms NOW 1S THE TIME no DIAL 5-5184 lasits basement, laundry tubs, double ground floor, high base- Sand, gravel and fill for driveways, 11--D . garage, : i : --=pres n i foundations, For quick service call smaking Don't Break Your Neck NORTH-EAST 4 t lighti ide loadi Let Me Do It br; incl cent lighting, side loading FTER 7 COCHRANE HAULAGE ALL TYPES DRESSMAKING, ALTERA- We consider it a pleasure to show this home. It isn't new and it isn't 6-room brick home, in clean door A CO tions, specializing in wedding, brides- | I take your storm windows off and clean i PE : Teich condition, in Westmount, hot- * maid's. growns. Prompt service, exporen - brick but it is new in appearance inside and out and has every com- y DIAL 5-5930 done. Dial 3.7947, * unel) | Windows; also painting roofs and summer fort. Six large rooms with oak floors up and down, new oil burner, air heating, garage, quick pos- DICK BRADLEY URGENT--3 OR 4 - ROOM FLAT OR « (May30) 3 ¥ it and do all kinds of garden work. venetian blinds, awnings and a backyard like a fairy tale with a rockery session, apartment for Desponsibie married £ouples 11a--Tailorin and picket fence. $3,500 down payment with possession July 1st. GENERAL STORE Box 103 Times-G. 1 (166) NO DOWN PAYMENT g R. MAEDER -- DIAL 5-1724 This is a mew listing and first time offered for sale, $12,000 h 2S OF thi MOTORS ox Bier Tanai : 24 Months To Pay IOP TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN May20) Bee i el ee 299 Simcoe S. -- Dial 5-1549 r ents' le - to - measure NAILS Sol Amit 2 " ; HOLIDAY AT HOME 90 bushes Ino nal pasar: 2! Snsain OFFICE SPAC aw Specializing In clothes. All materials of the tinest British 21a A uctic in Sat : Insul-bric Siding, Roofing, Kitchen | Woollens. 18% Simcoe North. Dial 5-0632. 21a--Auctioneers - $13,700 new condition. Also equipment; [FURNISHED BUNGALOW. CENTRALLY : ; ion (May2s) ' doi ood t ' located: suit two adults, no children, for 300 - 400 5Q. ft. in business section, ng g Urngver. 4 months. Phone 5-0128 or 3-9054. (118b) DIAL 3-7788 FRAMES, ;kitchen cu service. PHONE $8 750 ment, furnace, floures- PICKERING 209J1 o" (118¢) Cupboards \ 3 A : ti pee ee er------ JAMES WOOD It is hard to believe that this home is only one year old when you DIAL 5-0865 12--Gardening & Supplies AUCTIONEER look at the well-kept lawn, shrubs and patio ready for your summer- $6,500 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WORK GUARANTEED time enjoyment, Open fireplace with heatilator in living room, full- 3 acres. of land with a nice Conveniences, suit adult couple, vacant. A 3 Dial 3-4861, 24 Elgin E. (18a) After 3 p.m. gC i cs, Jn Livestock, furniture, purebred live- size dining room, well-planned kitchen with Jaspe tile floor, vestibule white clapboard home, lovely A . with .closet, three dandy bedrooms with plenty of closets and four- garden soil and landscaped. Ga-.. [FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING 3-8908 Oshawa. (Junel2) | stock sales; no sale too large or small ; ' . iece tiled bathroom upstairs. Steel beam construction, air-conditioned room. Central. Abstainers. Apply 174 ; ? : rage and chicken hous. om, aie URGENT ; . INDUSTRIAL PHONE US REGARDING YOUR GAR- Dial 5-5980 Oshawa with oil heating, storms, screens and venetian blinds, Beautiful oak : Rs For first class painting Ts a Jive : Giiel0s floors and attractively decorated throughout. Just move in and relax, WALTER R. SMITH 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING | House or 3 or 4-room unfur- and best material. greens. _tockers, fas aud enromentove. | 5 Radio Repai a. Possession the end of June, Broker joome, clown, sights, pt ng mackie nished, self-contained apart- seed, sod and annuals. George Hardsand. f-- I epairs ---- - ma fh stds . ( FREE ESTIMATES Dial $1721, (June?) P : CALL 5.6165 REGARDING YOUR PROPERTY 18 BOND yh 32811 [apes PEE ER TC ie ment by young couple. Good : eee ese | EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, AERIAL IN- ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED RQOM, SUIT- : DIAL 5-1019 GARDENING DONE IN PRIVATE | stallati levision and appli sales 37 PRINCE ST 'OSHAWA : HENRY R. STINSON able for 2 girls. Central location, light PHONE 5-6483 homes, by Swiss gardener. Write Box 106, | and * service, Park Television. Ph . - Dial 3-2130 -- Evenings i ired, 3278. Pn i (1181) Times-Gazette, aire | 330ae vey On ues 4 [BN ; en, ETT Yousekeering dosirey. Dial $3 1180» Ph (118¢) >

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