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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 May 1953, p. 23

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TRS me T L] >= ry It And See For Yourself--You Can Get More For Your Money With Ties Ads "= Mr. Mc. Sold The Car The First Night His Ad Appeared. It's Hard To Equal Results Like This. '37 CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion, Motor recently overhauled. Dial 3---, (104b) dh nea 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 41--Articles Wanted 43--Male Help Wanted USED RED BRICKS, CLEAN, ot "$300. Apply 174 Church, after ar 30,000 whole 1 5:30. b) LADIES' BICYCLE; PORTABLE GRAM. | ophone, both good condition. Dial 5-1261. | | (118a) | FULL-SIZE BED, SPRING-FILLED MAT- tress, in good condition. Dial S389, Aly ©) ', 7-PASSENGER SKIFF, condition. Apply 216 Gliddon Ave. ave c JOHNSTON MOTOR, 10 H.P., REASON- able. Dial 5-0790. . (117b) GURNEY STOVE, COMBINATION WOOD, good condition,. Apply 307 Bloor St. SEWING MACHINE, DAVENPORT, | kitchen set, single and double beds. Sum- EXCELLENT | § E., | (1166) | | | CLASS "M'" HYDROPLANE AND MO- | tor, 5 h.p. Johnson. Dial 3-9752. (118a) | TWO SINGLE BEDS FOR SALE. P -5796. FLAGSTONE FOR SIDEWALKS, PATIOS, | dry walls and driveways. Dial 3-8840, (118¢) NEW RECESS BATHTUB, TOILET WITH seat, wash basin, taps, attachments, shower and rod $159. Pipe threading fit- tings, new and used. Phone 3-7088 (Jun9) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. LOVE- gay stripes, solid colors. Can mer cottage e. Dial 3-7 b RUGS REWOVEN rugs and. clothing, ? (1150 FROM YOUR OLD Reversible and seam- any size to 13 feet wide Solids, without a seam. any , tone patterns. For (information on-tones and dial 5-1553, Continental Rug Co. SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE ON ° -- AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER REG. PRICE $519.00 Special Clearance Price 350. (Junel9) As low as $35.00 down Payments as low as $4.25 weekly B. F. GOODRICH STORE 453+ SIMCOE STREET SOUTH + OSHAWA, ONT. 17th) 3 sets heavy, single har- ness. Also 3 horses, city broken, quiet and de- pendable. BEATON DAIRY accept a few more orders for early deliv- ery. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and banquet 'ables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Juneld) YOUR HOME DESERVES THE BEST-- the All-Flexalum venetian blinds with washable vinyl plastic tapes and cords. Made by Met-Wo Industries and carrying the Good Housekeeping seal of quality. Special steel or aluminum blinds, 60c per square foot. Free esymates and installa- tions anywhere. oJ. W." Melley. Dial dan | (Jun: 'CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Loca! and out-of Hong | town calls pick up free. 100 Annis (118a) | St. east ot CNR Station. Dial 5-3432. Res, dial 5-4159. (Junel$) 42--Female Help Wanted YOUNG LADY AGE 17-22 YEARS High school Some typing, figures. education. good at APPLY T. VERVOORN TIMES-GAZETTE PART TIME EMPLOYMENT We require 3 men, for outside contact work, in connection with the making of confidential insurance reports, If you are interested in meeting people and have a car this will afford an opportunity for a substantial | part-time income. No selling. | Applicants should have time | available during the day and be | able to type. | WRITE BOX 118 | TIMES - GAZETTE age) | 4TH CLASS FIREMAN Papers and references required. Holidays with pay. P.H.C. and P.S.1. and other employee bene- fits available. Apply CHIEF EN- GINEER, OSHAWA GENERAL AJAX BND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Pickering 355-J-3 Guide Mothers' Guests At Enjoyable Banquet AJAX ~The Sunday School hall | faseinating stery, and it held the of the United Church was the scene | girls enthralled, as she told of dif- of a happy gathering on Tuesday, ficulties surmounted by Guides when the members of No. 2 Com- when they set their minds on do- pany, Ajax Girl Guides, entertain- ing certain things, carrying out ed their mothers, and hcnored their projects, and winning their way to Commissioner at their annual ban- 'the top in Guiding. Mrs. Grosart quet. Thirty-five Guides and guests brought with her all her pins and sat down to a delicious cold plate badges she had earned through dinner, served by the WA of the | her years as a Guide, and they church. { jnake guile a gisplay. ; sspecially Mrs. Arlene Bonnetta, captain of ra Obe COT 8, the Mhighes No. 2 Coy., welcomed the guests, | Commissioner Sloan thanked and following the dinner, acted as | Mrs. Grosart for her inspiring talk Phone 3-2233 AND SINK, { | BATH TUB, TOILET BASIN $90. Stack pipes, 50c foot. Dial 3-7088. (118t6) (May20) | GIRL WITH KNOWLEDGE OF PHOTOG. | | PIANO, GOOD CONDITION, RED MA- | | hogany, best offer takes. 531 Simcoe N., | after 6. (105tf) raphy to do photo finishing work. Steady employment. - Apply Nu Way Photo, 10 Richmond East. 117¢) BE-CHROME BUMPERS, GRILLS, ETC., with "Bumper Re-Nu!" Not a paint or | polish! Just like chrome. Last' year's! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) | (May16tf) | | 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD (GREEN): 50-LB. | capacity ice-box, both good condition. Ap- | ply 589 King East. (1156) | | SINGER TREADLE MACHINE, IN GOOD | condition, $20. Apply 330 Centre St. Dial | 35-3407. (118¢) | TRACTOR PLOW AND CULTIVATOR. | Phone 5-1425, or 266 Drew. (118¢) { BEATTY VACUUM CLEANER, ALL AT- | tach new condition, $35. 'Dial 3. { 970. (118¢) | COLEMAN GASOLINE STOVE, 3 BURN. | | ers, small metal refrigerator, sultable for | | summer cottage. Dial 3-7706. (118b) | | HAMILTON CLOTHES DRIER, PER. | | fect condition, one year old, price when new, $339. Sale price, $250 cash. Dial 3- | Sleep in. Dial 3-4029. GIRL FOR LUNCH COUNTER AND | store. Apply 86 William E. S essary. Apply Atkins Store. (117d) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; live-in. Dial 3-7707. (117¢) GROCERY CLERK WANTED. APPLY 74 Simcoe St., N. La Vine Bros. (116¢) (117¢) | | ALES CLERK. NO EXPERIENCE NEC. | HOSPITAL. (108tf) PLUMBER A w Apply 251 Simcoe South. 5-0: ages. Phone 243. (117¢) MAN TO DRIVE DELIVERY TRUCK. | Apply 251 Simcoe South. Phone 5-0243, (117¢) ns abn | 1 NEED TWO MEN WITH CARS. FULL or part-time to sell Watkins products. Phone 3-2652, or 244 Tresane St. (June20) RELIABLE DRIVER WANTED. WRITE Box 109, Times-Gazette. (117b) USED CAR SALESMAN, PAID ON i B. Stringer Motors, GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, EX- cellent salary, good home, liberal time off. Ful? OR PART TIME Apply 610 Brock St. N., Whitby 2555. 1176) 2 MEN FOR STEADY FULL-TIME | selling jobs. Must have car and be un- der 35 years of age. We work every day | and evening except Saturday and Sunday, { no canvassing. We arrange the appoint- {| ments. There is big money to be made | if you can qualify. Dial 3-4954. arn | LARGE AMERICAN CORPORATION RE- quire men for making confidential insur- | ance reports. An interesting career with a definite future: good employee benefits, salary, bonus and car allowance. Promw- | tion through ability rather than seniority | Applicants should have. minimum Sr. . chairman for the program. _To | and added that it was her most THE AILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 21, 1953 23 Coronation Park Not Ready Will Alter Day' The unveiling and dedication of the Coronation Park gates will not take place on Coronation Day in Whitby as planned earlier in the year, The Whitby Coronation Com- mittee learned at a meeting this week that circumstances are such that this part of the day's program for celebration will have to be abandoned for the time being. The remainder of the day's program will be carried out however. George Munns, who is a mem- ber of both the Coronation Com- mittee and the Coronation Park Committe, made the announcement that the Coronation Park would s Program works which will be let off by the Fire Brigade. RELIGIOUS SERVICE Rev. George C. R. McQuade, re- presenting the Whitby Ministerial Association on the Coronation Committee, reported that plans for the religious service for the even- ing preceding Coronation Day had been practically completed. He said that tentative arrangements had been made to have the Legion Band lead a procession to the ser- vice in the High School grounds where seats would be provided for the older members of the audience, He expected, he said, that a town truck would be available for use Guide Lynn Kingman went the | " honor of proposing a toast fo Her |SUTER, WSL 10, 5¢ | Sold cords Majesty the Queen. Guide Mur-|fore she retired from Ajax. At line McDonald proposed the toast |thic' point in the program, Mrs to the Guide mothers, which was |" noDonald, on behalf of the gbly Cesponded to by Mrs. Alex Guide Mothers' Committee, had | Russell, 'president of the Guide the pleasure of presenting = Mrs. {Sloan with a beautiful bouquet of | mothers' committee. Captain Bonnetta gave a report | rcse carnation and baby's breath, | on the year's activities of the com- tied with the Guide colors, blue pany which proved very interest- and gold, explaining that a few ing. District Commissioner Mus, |days previously, Mrs. Sloan had Mary Sloan thanked the Guide and | been chosen by the judges of the Brownie mothers' group, who had | Citizenship Day Committee as the worked hard during the past year Woman who had done the most to make it possible for a number [Outstanding thing to help her fel- of the Guides to go to camp, and |low citizens of Ajax. to provide for a banquet for Hig] Mrs. Sloan has worked with the | company at the close of the sea-|Guide movement sisce she was 11! son. She also extended sincere |Vears old, and since coming to thanks to Captain Bonnetta, a for- |Ajax in 1945, has been outstanding mer Guide, who came back and |in her efforts with the girls, first took over No. 2 Company when [aS Guider, then, Lieutenant, Cap- leaders were so.hard to find.and |tain, and now District Commis- also to Guider Lyns Crompton who | sioner. She has been a source -of had so ably assisted the Captain | inspiration to leaders and girls in teaching the girls. Mrs. Bon-|alike. " netta was the first Girl Guide to| In tharking the mothers, Mrs. earn the second class badge in| Sloan urged that the need for lead- Ajax. [ers was very great, and asked not be ready by Coronation Day. He said that there were actually three reasons why the park would as a platform for :the service and added that arrangements had been made to use a piano at the High not be ready. First, he noted, there had been an unofficial announce- | ment that the County of Ontario | might grant the town a strip of | land, bordering along the south side and it would be unwise for the com- | mittee in charge of the park to make any move to use this land until it had been officially granted by the county. Secondly, he pointed out, until this matter was decided, the lccation of the gates could not be settled. Thirdly, he said, recent wet weather had prevented Racher Construction from completing the grading and other work on the field. CHANGES PROGRAM Councillor Everett Quantrill, | chairman of the Coronation Com- | | mittee, observed that this would |gpeers, a teacher | mean some changes in the plans School, and a Kinsmen Club mem- | already laid and announced. Earlier | ber of the Committee, asked if it School for the occasion. Mrs, Kath- leen Rowe, ATCM, will be in charge of the music for the occa- | sion and a massed ch.ir will be on hand. A printed order of service, he said, was already made out and Boy Scouts would be on the grounds to assist with seating and other duties. The address at the service, he said, would be delivered by Rev. George Little, of Toronto. Mrs, Doris Holliday, also a member of council and the Committee, will arrange for the decorating of the truck to be used for a platform. Mrs. Holliday, who is in charge of all decorations for the occasion stated that her committee had planned on having the dec- orations up by May 28th. Jim at the High |it had been planned to have the | would be possible for races to be (118¢) matriculation, a car, and be able to use | Products Ltd. 247 King St. W. (117¢) SMALL COOK STOVE, SUITABLE FOR tt le. Dial 3-3277 (117b) STEEL ICE BOX, SMALL SIZE. PHONE 3-2887. (117b) STUDIO COUCH, CHROME ARMS, GOOD condition. Phone 3-4796 after 6. 117¢) STUDIO 'COUCH, PERFECT CONDITION, used about five months; convertible car- | | 9888. | 2PIECE CHESTERFIELD, | into full-size bed. Bissell carpet swee | like new. Dial 3-8581. | 118 CONVERTS (118¢) CABIN HAMPSON ALUMINUM trailer, sleeps four, contains bath, ice- box, electric grill, Quebec heater, suitable for travelling -- living. Must be seen to appreciate. At Wagon Wheel, 1 mile north Brooklin. Reasonable. (118a) GARDEN TRACTOR WITH SCRAPER, plow and cultivator. Apply 172 Harmony Rd. North (118¢) BOAT, 11' CLASS A & B RACING RUN- about, excellent shape. Can be seen at 83 Ritson S. (118¢) riage, Phone good 3-2751. Apply 119 Huron St. 117¢) ICE-BOX, '$10; RANGETTE, $15; BED chesterfield, $10; pink baby carriage, $12. 5-2963 (117¢) DOUBLE 'MAPLE LEAF BED WITH spring-filled mattress, $60, almost new. Write (Box 107, .Times-Gazette. 117e) 17" WESTINGHOUSE TELEVISION, RA- dio-phono combination, with aerial, used 2 months only; 2-piece Sklarline chester- field suite; laz-y-boy chair, red; chester- field, one chair, chartreuse. Dial 5-4901. after 6. (118b) | MANURE FOR SALE. DIAL 5-6028. | 117¢) FULL-LENGTH * BED, mattress, spring. Very reasonable. 83724. SPRING-FILLED | Phone | (117¢) | 3-4209 CONDI- Phone | 115d) | VACUUM CLEANER, IN A-l tion, Will take any reasonable offer. WAITRESSES REQUIRED Apply Box 119, Times-Gazette. WANTED Men, 23 yrs. to 47 yrs -- Learn chemical processing. Earn while you learn. We train you. Apply GENOSHA HOTEL | PHONE 3-4641 J. HUMPHREYS 16d) ENGLISH - SPEAKING GIRL. APPLY Star Laundry, 13 Celina St. (118¢) RELIABLE WOMAN WANTED FOR ironing and cleaning, no waxing, end, 75¢ hour. One day per week. Dial 5-0250, after 5:30. au 8c) S$WHEEL TRAILER, IN FIRST-CLASS condition, new tires and tubes. 521 Madi- | son Ave. Phone 3-4700. (117¢) | Additional Copies of the TIMES-GAZETTE 1953 PROGRESS "= "EDITION ARE STILL AVAILABLE AT THE TIMES-GAZETTE OFFICE bn arn APARTMENT - SIZE REFRIGERATOR; boy's bicycle, also roller skates. All in good condition, reasonable. Apply 730 Simcog- 5. (117b) IDS -- THE ADVANCED The most startling develop 10 venetiap. blind history Flattened haped slats give better and nore grace ll eficlosuré. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm imates without obligation. George Reid. ial 5-0633 - 66 Bond St. West. ' (Junel2) c= AWNINGS Canvas awnings, 40 patterns to choose from. Ten days delivery. Free Estimates DIAL 5-5563 BARRIE TENT & AWNING CO. (June6) NSURE YOUR HOME CONTENTS ADE. | 18% azainst, fire We make a complete | (Jnes) aventory for you. Phone 3-7863. , COMPLETE STOCK OF" WINGER | olls and belts tor all makes of washers. ack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N Dial | -3-1179. (May25) | HRUBS: PRIVET, SPIREA, HYDRAN- ea. Sweet William plants. Dial 3-9036. 30 | OXED PANSIES, FLO VEGE- | able plants. Over thousand to choose from, | iso fertilizers, Steele-Briggs seeds, seed otatoes. Open until 10 p.m. every night. | Adecoff's I.G.A. Supermarket, Ritson Rd. 5 2 5 (Junel2) | 1000 GOOD USED BRICKS, CLEAN AND | iled, 3c each. Apply' R. Jamieson, 579 litson Rd. North after 5. (118b) SED JACKET HEATER, INCLUDING ink and piping. Apply 563 Ritson Rd. S. | (118¢) EFRIGERATOR, 4-BURNER COMBINA- on electric stove, 4 tables and chairs, | eds and dressers, after 6 phone 5.3342, | 117¢) PI E CHESTERFIELD, 6-PIECE | ning 'room suite, vanity dresser, writing | sk, excellent condition. Must be. sold. | All sacrifice. Phone 35-2342, { dressers, | Crysler Furniture, (118¢c) | rent, Phone 3-8580. | BEECH COOK STOVE, FIRST CLASS condition. Phone 5-2586, evenings. 11s) HARDY 'MUM PLANTS, 10c and 15c different colors, also Sweet William plants. Apply 80 Rossland Rd. West. (118¢) | WHITE ENAMEL STEEL ICE BOX. EX- | cellent condition, 50-lb. capacity. | 5-4868. 4 Dial (118¢) McCLARY COAL -AND WOOD STOVE. | Good condition, best offer. Dial 5-0162. (118¢) | SINGLE BED WITH SPRING-FILLED | mattress, high riser springs, like new. Dial | 5-1572, 103 Warren Ave. (118¢) Both A-1 condition, $250. Dial 5-2130. (118b) AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER: MODEL B | Ford coach. Apply 255 Gibb St. Phone | 51407. . (116¢) ! i ERRARD - HEINTZMAN PIANO WITH ich, good condition, $100. Apply 117 Yonge St. (116¢) "DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE" Unless you get the right one. We carry the largest selection in pew and recon ditioned Sewing Machines. From $20 up. Easy terms -- no Interest charges. | COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 3-2548 | BOAT AND 5-H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, | | (Jun?) SCOTT'S RECORD BAR 2 and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Juneld) | 39a--Fuel Wood CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, MAPLE, hard and soft slabs delivered. Phones 37R33 Bethany. or 52R12 Blackstock. (JJJunel6) | | SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, #4 single cord: hardwood slabs, $5.50 single | cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 5-2490. (Jun2) 41--Articles Wanted MAN'S BICYCLE. APPLY JOHN KAE- ser, 273 French St. (117¢) 12" LIGHTWEIGHT BOAT, MUST BE IN | good condition, Dial 3-2339. (17m) | GOOD USED FURNITURE WAaNTED. | stoves, heaters, kitchen ' scis, 56 King West Dial (May23) 5-0132. | WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, | scrap iron, metal, rags and mattresses. Dial L. Turner, North Oshawa, 3-2043 col- lect. (Juni2) | SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid. for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory | accounts appreciated. | 166 ALMA ST. Dial 5-231] J. Shaw Res.: 3-9111 | (Juné) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO | now. Wilson & Lee, 72 Simcoe N. Dial | 5-2822. (May23) ELECTRIC _ POP-COOLER, BUY OR are) ALL KINDS OF USED BUILDING MATERIAL LUMBER -- DOORS -- WINDOWS BATHE & McLELLAN #; SITY HALL JOB Centre and Athol Sts. or "USED BUILDING MATERIAL HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 357 Simcoe St. S. (1182) | LIFE RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES HOUSE- | work from 9 till 5. Write Box 120, Times- (118b) INSURANCE. CO. REQUIRES A secretary for branch office work. Good salary, pl working Gazette. short hours. Please give details by letter | to Box 48, Times-Gazette, Oshawa. 18¢) LAUNDRY WORKER. APPLY OFFICE manager, Oshawa General Hospital. (118tf) EXPERIENCED COOK APPLY CAFETERIA YWCA OSHAWA (118b) 43--Male Help Wanted | WANTED--MESSENGER, GOOD CHANCE | learn railway business. Pacific, 11% King St, E. AMBITIOUS? THEN We have the perfect opportu- nity for you in our sales field. Only. men with an honest desire need apply. Training and demon- strator provided. Car essential. Apply Canadian (118tf) Apply in person between 9-12 to A. A. ARTINIAN CORONET T.V. 74 CELINA ST. ONE AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC AND ONE APPRENTICE MECHANIC Wanted PS. BLUE CROSS TOP WAGES FLAT RATE SHOP COVERALLS SUPPLIED AND CLEANED SUMMER VACATION WITH PAY GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS 48-HOUR WEEK Apply Service Manager DONALD MOTORS Phone 304 Whitby or 5-4831 Oshawa (118e) (117d) north | DOMINION VISCOSE PRODUCTS LTD. AJAX a17 ROUTE SALESMEN, CHAUFFEUR'S LI- cense necessary, 5-day week, hospitaliza- tion, sick benefit and pension. Westons Bakeries, 40. Albany. (116¢) WANTED COLLECTION BOYS For north west and south west districts. Must be neat, reliable and have a bicycle. Apply Classified Advertising TIMES-GAZETTE (115th) 45--Agents Wanted | RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Oshawa. Trade well established. Excellent | opportunity. Full time. Write at once. | Rawleigh's Dept. E-310-189, Montreal. ! (May7,14,21,28) | 46--Employment Wanted a typewriter or be willing to learn, Write | ) { \ (118c) an interesting explanation of the | Commissioner Sloan then gave | {emblems on the Guides' 'World {Flag". The Goldes Trefoil on the | blue background, represents the | sun in the blue sky, and is a con-| stant reminder of the Guide Prom. ise. The two stars have five points that any girls, or women, interest- | ed in the Guide movement and would like to help next season, get in touch with her at 13 Durham Street, when she would be glad to welcome them. The Commissioner presented Guider Lynn Crompton with four which she = had. earned. each, representing the Guide law, | P2dges Any 'Guide who lives by these 10 First, her coveted 2nd class badge, points of Guide law will never go |then Proficiency badges for cook far wrong in the love and friend- [iN8. laundry and needlewoman. ship' of Guiding throughout the Captain Bonnetta presented Guide world, meaning that any creed, | Carol Wright with a Guide ring in color, age can be good friends sterling silver and enamel for her under the 'World Flag" of the |eXcellent work in selling Hot Cross Guides. bong at Easter. Carol sold 42 doz- The guest speaker of the eve- |? Duns. ning, Mrs. T. J. Grosart, of Osh-| FF otore closing Mrs. Sloan spoke awa, was introduced by Commis-|0f the kindness of Mr. Jennings sioner Sloan. Mrs. Grosart, a mem. | 20d Mr. Kingman of Central Mort~ ber of World Guides, told in her |838€ Corporation in obtaining a own whimsical and entertaining [T00m for the Guides to hold their manner of her great ambition as [Meetings in this past season. a small girl to join the @irl| The Guides entertained with a Guides and how that ambition was NeW Negro spiritual they had just made a reality. She has followed |learned entitled, 'Just Got to Guiding through the years, in Eng- | Heaven, Got to Look Around". The land, France and now in Canada, |€vening closed with the Guide where she teaches French at Cen- | hymns, taps and the National An- tral Collegiate, Oshawa. Hers is a 'them. Reduce Sentence, Charge In Appeals Heard at Whitby Two appeals were allowed by Hi tence on an intoxication charge Honour Judge J. F. MacRae in | was too great, that "apparently a Ontario County Court in Whitby | six month sentence doesn'§ do you on Wednesday. Herbert Harriscn, {any good." He then cited that sentenced to six months definite Harrison had been sentenced to six and three months indeterminate, | months in 1948, 1949 and 1950, heard his sentence reduced by the | However he did remove the three YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE LIGHT housekeeping job in return for board, small wages. Phone 5-1639. 18b) YOUNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE POSI- tion at light housework. Phone 5-6081. a | ing or building. Dial 3-9982. YOU TEAR IT--I'LL REPAIR OR MAKE | | it over for the kiddies. Mae's, 3-4840. 47--Legal Notices | NOTICE TO CREDITORS All per: | estate of Homer Jay Goyne, who died at | the City of Oshawa, in the County of On- | tario, 'on the 5th day of May, A.D. 1953, are notified to send particulars to the undersigned on or before June 15th, 1953, after which date the estate will be dis- | tributed having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. Dated at Oshawa, this 19th day of May, A 1 .D. e JOHN F. GOYNE, Executor, by JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, 14}2 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, His Solicitor. | (M21,28-J4) | i will not be responsible for any debts | contracted in my | May 20, 1953. | James W. Everitt, | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS (118¢) | RELIABLE MAN EXP ERIPNCED AT | | carpent: work--cupboards, trim, finish- | Tor b i * (usa) | Greer, QC, of Oshawa. (May29) | complained that six month sen- | sons having claims against the | | Hot Point Heavy-Duty Range: Leonard El- | ectric three months indeterminate. Harry | Mercer, of Orono, convicted of driving while intoxicated and sen- | tenced to seven days in jail, was | months indeterminate. MERCER CASE In the appeal by Mercer, an found guilty instead of driving | OTONO Barage operator convicted in while his ability was impaired and | November of last year by Magis- { was fined $100 and costs. The latter | trate F. S. Ebbs of drunk driving, 3 res " | Sgt. Diamond and Constable Peter man was represented by A. W. S.| A : Harrison | White were chief Crown witnesses. | They testified Hat they frst saw the Mercer car proceeding south on told Harrison, who | proc Street about 12:30 am. on the morning of September 30th, | 1952, weaving across the street. | They stated that they stopped the vehicle, watched the accused climb | | from the car and later lean against | BEING FAVORED WITH INSTRUCTIONS |g rear fender for support. They oom the Sxecutors of the estaiy of he late | stated that they could smell alcohol S. N elm, St. EE. ra, | there will be sold nie av on the accused and asked him to Stirtevant/s Auction Room, 33 Hall St, walk down the street. This he did, they stated, but Sgt. Diamond Thursday evening, May 21, at 7:30 p.m., is household contents. General Electric . { 1. | brought the accused back lest he get injurad in the traffic. had 'no solicitor. | His Honour | | 48--Auction Sale Refrigerator; May Tag Electric | Washer; Comb. Radio and Record Player; tresses; | Cleaner; | name, by my wife, Dial 5-5751. Doors open at 7:15. 117) | In the Estate of EDITH BEATRICE AY- | LING, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the |-estate of Edith Beatrice Ayling, late of | the City of Oshawa, in the County of On- | tario, Widow, deceased, who died on or | about the 6th day of May, 1953, are here- | by notified to send in to the undersigned | Personal Representatives of the said de- | ceased on or before the 4th day of June, | 1953, full particulars of their claims. Im- | mediately after the said date the said | Personal Representatives will distribute | the assets of the said deceased having re- | gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 12th day of May, 1953. JOHN CHARLTON AYLING FRANCIS McILVEEN, Executors. by McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers, etc., 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Their solicitors herein. 48--Auction Sale Auction Sale--27 Park Rd. South, Thurs- day, May 21, at 6:30. Kitchen suite, single bed and mattress, kitchen Findley range, Astral refrigerator, utility table, dresser, kitchen cabinet, bookcase, dresser, gar- den seed drill with attachments, other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: cash. E. J. Pomeroy, auctioneer. (117b) 5 Auction Sale, Saturday, May 23rd, from 1 p.m. until everything is sold, at the Hillcroft Street Scout Hall, near corner Mary and Hillcroft Sts. Sale, auspices 8th Oshawa Sea Scouts. Many items for home, garden and cottage for sale, includ- ing such items as lawn mowers, outboard | motor, 4ig saw, stoves, radios, record players, tables, beds, chairs, books, vases, | Jacket heaters, electric motors, also | clothes, skates, coats and articles too | numerous to mention. Frank Stirtevant, | auctioneer. Come early and avoid disap- | pointment. If it rains sale will be held | inside the Scout Hall, am (May14.21,28) | | 8-piece Dining Room Suite; China Cabinet. | Dressers; High Boy; Floor Lamps; Cedar | Chest; Full-Size Beds: Springs and Mat- | i able; Hall Seat: Iour- e: Electro Vaguum Rug and Pad: Bedding; Linens; Cooking Utensils; Dishes and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer. (117b) -- James Corner and Leonard Orr, two Whitby men, also testified to seeing a car weaving across the street while they talked to the two police officers who later halted a car and charged Mercer, CLAIMS ILLNESS Mercer. mounted the stand to state that he had been performing gates of the new park unveiled and | a dedication service at the park. | Also, the IODE had planned on | presenting a flag to stand at the park and this dedication service will now have to be dispensed with, Now, he said, the activities of the afternoon would take place at the Town Park on Brock Street S. The parade of floats, decorated bicycles, etc., would now march to the Town Park rather than the Coronation Park, Accordingly, a new schedule was drawn up. At 7:30 pan. Monday, there will be a religious service at the High School grounds. At 10:30 am. on Coronation Day, Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion will parade to the Cenotaph on Dundas Street E., to lay a wreath at 11 am. At 1:30 pm, floats, bicycles and other entrants in the parade will line up at the high school grounds to move off at 2 p.m. for the Town Park rather than the Coronation Park, The parade will proceed north | on Centre Street to Dundas Street | ------ |W, east to Brock Street and south | to the park. His Honour Judge J. F. | MacRae will deliver the address of the day at the Town Park from 2:50 pm. to 3:20 pm. Two junior high school teams will stage a baseball game beginning at 3:30 pm. Races are planned for the children of the public schools dur- | ing the baseball game. A softball game is scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm. and at 9:30 pm. the street dance begins. The dance will be halted at 9:45 for a display of fire- a difficult welding operation dur- ing the day and had been sickened by the fumes. He admitted having taken three drinks of whiskey about 7:30 p.m. on the evening pre- vious to his arrest but denied hav- ing any liquor after 8 pm. A sales- man further testified that he had given Mercer only two drinks of liquor that evening. Wilfrid Hawk, 8 farmer in the Orono district, stated that it was his machinery that Mercer had been welding and that he too had been made ill by the fumes of the operation. Alex Duff, a concrete contractor stated | that he had encountered Mercer about 10 p.m. that night and the | accused had installed a magneto in | a 'cement mixer motor in a matter | of minutes. He stated that he thought Mercer had been ini but denied that he was intoxicated. Mercer's son, Ross, also testified | that he had been sickened by the | fumes, His Honour allowed the appeal | but found Mercer guilty of the | lesser charge of driving while his | ability was impaired and levied a | fine of $100. He also ordered Court | costs, set at $25. | run off in the park while the base- ball game was in progress. This permission was granted and he was authorised to purchase prizes. Only one entry has been received for a {float in the parade but members learned that several other businesses and firms were contem- plating entering a float but had not yet filed an entry form. Since this was the last meeting of the Coronation Committee, Councillor * Quantrill thanked the members of the committee for the work they had put into the effort and Mayor Harry Jermyn thanked the committee on behalf of the town council for making all the arrangements, - SMART GROLP HALIFAX (CP)--The Canadian Women's Army Corps need not take a back seat to any similar group in training, appearance and smartness, says CWAC officer- cadet Patricia Keene, who joined women's army officers from vari- ous NATO countries on a tour of the eastern United States. AGED BRUIN . MONTREAL (CP)---Foncine, a tired bear who spent most of her life in captivity, died at the age of 18 at the Lafontaine Park zoo. Known to thousands of Montreal- ers, Foncine became sick during her hibernation this winter and died despite efforts of a veterin- ary. Attention! A number of farmers or acreage owners wanted to set out @ minimum of one acre of raspberries or strow- berries immediately for the purpose of supplying ber- ries for Toronto Wholesale Outlets. Trucks will pick up berries. Dial Oshawa 3-4641 Tues., May 26 only Ask for Mr. Scott .M. J. COLDWELL, M.P. JAMES M. LOWNIE, FRIDAY, 8:00 U.AW.A. HALL © C.C.F. TO NAME CANDIDATE e MAY 22 P.M. - BOND ST. E. Speakers: M. J. COLDWELL, M.P. NATIONAL LEADER C.C.F, * GEORGE BURT REGIONAL DIRECTOR U.A.W.A. - C.1.0. | Everyone President Welcome Ontario Riding Association Co-operative Commonwealth Federation o T. D. GREEN, Secretary GEORGE BURT

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