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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 May 1953, p. 24

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jor. The rivers normally flow into | ' { Mayer hag made his financial Wednesday he has invented a new | wirephotos and would be of '"'uts Hudson Bay. J | um I | reform bill a confidence test. Party {form of modulation which will allow | most use" to planes flying i : |leaders will announce their atti-| Canada obtained permission to | ; trans-Atlantic transmission of tele- storms or fog, he said. change the flows to augment its " {tudes after the premier has made | vision programs. | hydro-electric supply during the Comin U a statement. Then the motion will| ge said he has applied for pat-| Second World War. Ostertag saic ; {be voted. te {ents on the invention and is await- | no provision was made for termin-{ PARIS (Reuters)--France ap-, The debate has been going on |ing permission to erect an experi- ation of the diversion, {peared headed for J, another | Foe oricy to Mayer Is eSking | mental station to test the new ni : | or ey oes areas | ollapse ot Premier Rene Mayer's {and reform the administration, re- a ifte? also could be air p Thea ah eT : TORONTO (CP)--The federal be more understanding towards | feel that the additional water com- Administration virtually certain be-| OTERNIZING ne Selionslifed subaia. | applied to the transmission of effects of extreme A government's insistence that muni- | municipal problems and not be so| High Point Marie Supreme, a ing into the Great Lakes has con- fore nightfall. g do : e purebred Holstein owned by Smith 24 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 21, 1953 Mayors Are Critical 0f Ontario's New Grants Seal Producer # EXPAND RESEARCH 4 STOCKHOLM (CP)--Upsala Uni# versity has opened a laboratory: for aero-medical research and and {other for climatological investig: Smith Bros. Holstein Is STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 DUNDAS ST. E, WHITBY PHUNE WHITBY 5352 Memorials © Markers Quickly and Accurately Filled PRESCRIPTIONS MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N, Diel 3-3431 ~\_ HOT, TIRED FEET? Soothe them' quickly and effectively.' Get fast-drying Minard's | Liniment--rub it on. Feel the coolness--get relief, quick!' ial "KING OF PAIN" cipalities must not only pay the arbitrary. ; | tributed to high water conditions. Downfall of Mayer's government, lies to producers of spirits. excise tax on their municipal pur-| Mayors and reeves in their first | Bos. Port Perry, has qualified for | France's 18th since the war will | chases, but also the 10-per-cent session criticized the ratio of the 5 Raq Seal Certificate of Longtime - this afternoon, sition," Barry Atkinson, reeve of ince will start paying next Vear.|siein-Friesian Association of Can- Em 1 East Sandwich, said Wednesday.| The grants range From $1.50 a ada by producing in excess of 100,- P oyment {quest for special powers to solve | ] tion of the Associa- to $4 in municipalities over 750 # ine country's current Naavoi an Th annual convention re "| She has a nine lactation total T k B J ; crisis, tion of Ontario Reeves and Mayors, | 000. d inister for Production of 106631 lbs. milk con- 00 1g ump Mayer has been in office since | Mr. Atkinson said: William Orr, deputy minis er or | Prod » ; brn Ne Tig Me Gung lps 1 1 The 87-strong Gaullist group de - the federal government sees fit to are weighted in favor of the large |3.96 per cent. SIX r J Pp e 87-s - exempt the provincial governments centres because they have greater cords have been made in the 305 In Il vided h Joe against his Tequest | S alm from these taxes on all their pur- | welfare costs as well as others not | day division and all of them have | Faullis! pokesm S joi i i {took a sharp jump in April, the pers were unani A nting | Fred Pade, 32 f RCAF in' $ f municipal councils,| Elmer Brandon, Progressive Con-| 'Marie' is classified as "Ver, | Ss were unanimous in wanting | Fre ardo, 32, a former A Be a aoe school |servative member of the Ontario |Good' and has a Very Good daugh. | BOvernment reported Wednesday. a change of government. radar expert, said in an interview boards." |legislature for York West, said the [ter this being the second highest | For the first time since early turbing and most important part tee will study the possibility of | | crease in the number of Canadians | t ieipal burden is educa- splitting the province into 19 eco- working full time, the labor depart- | one piv gr are fast be- nomc areas for the administra | ent and the bureau of statistics! PE PROVIDE vauther | pre. He asked Ontario legislators to 'service would be children's aid. | The bureau estimated that at] doorways and steps. All ei 'Blamed For Floods April 18 there were 4,645,000 per- | " aH 4 | {sons working full time, compared | snow, rain, and sleet and 4 Did Not Si al |, WASHINGTON (AP)--A bill call- | with 4,534,000 a month earlier. | in the summer they protect orona 10n {ing for an end to an executive In the same period, the number you from the hottest sun. | agreement under which Canada is [of jobless looking for work fell Fireworks rales: FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DETAILS PHONE OR WRITE - | come observers | sales tax, is an "iniquitous impo. per capita grants which the prov-| production presented by the Hol- {agree, on a vote in the coamoet| TJ Across |of Deputies on the premier's re-| In his presidential report to the person in municipalities under 2,000 | 500 Ibs. milk in her lifetime. "It is a strange anomaly that Municipal affairs, said the {the beginning of the year, ACP) wae S chases, yet does not see fit to do so faced by smaller municipalities. | been on twice-a-day milking. | ZOTTAWA (CP Employment between 60 and 70 of their mem-| CEDAR SPRINGS, Ont. (CP)-- Mr. Atkinson said the most dis- | provincial-municipal fiscal commit- | ating attainable for type. last fall, there was a marked. in-| CIRCULAR AIRSHADE AWNINGS | coming a national emergency. {tion of certain services. One suen | Flow Into Lakes |said in their periodic joint survey. 'winter long they keep out D - Fi d $10 civerting 5.000 cubic feet of water to an estimated 165,000 from 172.- ver ine a second into the Great Lakes basin | 000, Donald Beer of Brougham, plead- | Was introduced Wednesday by Rep-| The survey said the chief causes | | resentative Harold Ostertag (Rep. of highér employment were a Reach City | A dozen or more crates contain- ing fireworks and Coronation de- corations of all kinds arrived this morning at the central fire hall on Simcoe Street North. They will be kept there until June 2. Included among the Coronation trappings are shields, crowns, pla- cards, flags, bunting and street banners, At least nine of the cartons con- tained fireworks of all kinds. Along with them were included charts and pipe-like containers from which the largest of the cartridges will be discharged. Site of the fireworks display which will be held on the evening of June 2 after the day-long fes- tivities, has not yet been definitely decided upon. Among the alterna- tive sites suggested were the flats near the brewery warehouse south of King Street West and the flat and level area behind Centre Street School. Members of the fire department will be in charge of the display. Driving Case Is Dismissed An elderly prospector from up Bancroft way, Cyril Williams of Wellandport, figured in a careless driving case heard before Magis- trate R. P, Locke yesterday. He had been sleeping in his sleep- ing bag in a borrowed car parked at the side of Highway 401 at 4 a.m. on April 19, when his vehicle was struck by other car driven by Joseph Reader of Toronto, who ask- ed why he didn't have flares out. Provincial Constable C, D. Stan- ley spoke of a 165-foot tire mark | ed not guilty before Magistrate | R. P. Locke yesterday to a charge | of failing to signal for a left turn, | yiiteq under the agreement to di- | requirements . . ) . Canada, since 1940, has been per- sharp increase in seasonal activ- ities and steady growth of labor in the consumer 110 VERDUN RD. AIRSHADE ALUMINUM AWNING of OSHAWA DIAL 5-4332 was convicted and fined $10 and |yert the flows of the Long Lac goods, defence, building supplies | £ costs or 10 davs. Beer is driver of a bus| which brings workers into a | local industry daily, and on this occasion a car driven by Ivan Taylor, RR. 1, Claremont, which was attempting to pass, was hit by the bus (turning into a gas station to renew air in its tires) and forced off the road into a telephone pole. Two provincial constables, A. C Whiteside and J. N. Pogock testi- fied that Beer had admitted giving no signal, and had only come into! the station three hours after to re- | port the 9 am, accident, | Defence attorney R. D. Hum- | phreys, QC called several witnesses who had been passengers on the | bus to testify that they had seen | accused giving a hand signal before | using both arms to turn the wheel | to get off the road. The bench pre- ferred to believe the constables, stressing the special responsibility that is required of bus drivers to observe the rules of the road. T. M., Moore acted for the crown. The | accident occurred on No, 7 High- way near Kinsale, Have To Drink Or Go Crazy Laughter was heard in police | court today as Allan White, 398 | Jarvis Street, explained how he | had become intoxicated while serv- | ing. gas at a Bloor Street East service station on Sunday, May 5. | ('Some woman came along," he | told the court, "and offered me a drink. I told her to get it in her and get going. You have to drink { | and Ogoki rivers into Lake Super- 'and construction industries. o Dependable Merchandise o Satisfaction Guaranteed ER . (a 4 lami IY V# ions? Leatherite Covered Cases with Matching Cowhide Binding Blue, Wine end Green Shades with Matching Silky Lining Looking for the right travélling compan= Val" label, you're guarantee of depend- able quality aot less than you expect to LINIMENT. 3 Zeller-Value is the keynote of this big selling event! We've assembled some of the members of the "Zel-Val"' family for the occasion . . . There's reason for pride , . and we're showing them off. . these items are becoming more ond more popular be- cause the reliable ""Zel-Val" label represents savings for you. We're adding to our family all the time as your response grows to these money-saving "Extra-Values'! 14-In, Train Case 18-In. Dressing Case 9.75 13.75 21-In. Travelite Wardrobe Case Look for luggage with the ""Zel- SUMMER FEATURE EVENT! MATCHING LUGGAGE AT THRIFT PRICES Nylons with the in the shoulder of the road leading | " to the scene of the accident: de. | 33WR A hat territory. he confid- scribed an estimated $50 worth of |cragy" 8 + OF you 0 damage to the Toronto car, and | "| A . Wy somewhat less to the prospector's In Why, 1s that the wine belt?" vehicle. He said accused was norm- | Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs wanted to al in every way. | know | Magistrate Locke dismissed the | charge against Reader. DEDICATES (Continued from Page 3 ties of loyalty, devotion to' duty |. 4 prove fitting examples as a way of when put in the cells had created life for those left behind. Their best | disturbance, rattling the bars memorial would be for Canadians |?" cursing. to carry out in daily life the char-| The magistrate took into account acteristics thesoldiershaddisplay- |ihe plea of quiet - spoken Mrs. acter s the soldiers had dispiav- White, wife of the accused, who ed with lovalty to the fine tradi- Promised that she would "try hard tions handed down in the church of |t0 do something with him, if you Christ. give him a chance." After the ceremony, guests were| Instead of imposing a jail term, | invited yo inspect the new organ|as is usually the case on third and remain for a social half-hour, | conviction for a liquor: offence, His | with refreshm-nts provided by the Worship fined White $100 and costs | Women's Guild. or three months. | pay. Well designed cases with secure post w : Zel-Val"' handles in three favourite sizes. label PC Ken Young told of arresting White while he was attempting to | neon Exe serve gas at a station which didn't belong to him. Accused was un- steady on his feet and smelled of ! liquor, said the constable. Sgt. {John Powell added that when White was brought to the station he was "absolutely drunk", and BLUE JEANS ® DUNGAREES ® MEN'S -- Denim Dungarees, Sanforized to keep their fit. Pockets, bar tacking and rivetting. 2 98 Sizes 30 to 44 . A . ® BOYS' -- Sanforized Dungarees in sturdy blue denim, made with double knees, double sewn seams, 2.98 Zeller-Value! ® LADIES' -- of Sanforized denim. Styled with side opening, rivetting at pockets, double seams. 2 Sizes 12 to 20 . sha ; ® GIRLS' -- popular play wear. Denim jeans San forized for lasting fit. Belt loops, rivetting, sewn seams, Sizes 8 to 14 ; . ® TOTS' -- Boxer Jeans of Sanforized denim with all 'round elastic at waist, Popular blue 1 69 Sizes 2 to 8 . 1.98 Novelty Print--Sizes 3 to éx I-SHIRTS ® BOYS -- cotton mesh pullovers styled with erew necks and short sleeves. Flat lock seams; hemmed bottom. White, blue, canary, beige. He Small, medium, large ... . ® TOTS -- English interlock cotton shirts. Styled . Buy your Spring amd Summer supply of Nylons in this 45-gauge, 15-denier weight . , . you'll save money, when the label says "Zel- Val"! Choose from lovely new beige shades. Sizes 9 to 11. "ZEL-VAL" SWAGGER AND SPORT BAGS Here are wonderful little pieces for carefree Summer jaunts . . . ideal too to team with "Gar-Pack'" when needed. They're made with a neat compact. look and have aon amazingly big capacity with @ wide zipper opening for easier and quicker packing. Look for the ""Zel-Val" label! Child's Red Plaid Swagger Bag. noone 1.35 Women's 12-In, Red Plaid Swagger Bos. ... DP OF "ZEL-VAL" TERRY TOWELS For extra choose hondsome, absorbent towels with the "Zel- Red" or green soft-toned Q4c bar tacking, rivetting for durability. Sizes 6 to 16 ® MISSES' -- Neat cotton pullover with round neck and cop. sleeves. Top shorts, slacks, skirts, 69 large SALLY'S SALLIES Multi-color stripes. Small, medium LE Nr) ® MEN'S -- knitted cotton-mesh polo-style shirts, with ribbed necks, two-button shoulders, short sleeves. Crew neck, short sleeves. White, yellow, 1 00 White, yellow, blue, pink, red. £9 grey, beige. large . ; ivi LADIES', MEN'S WORK GLOVES ® COTTON GLOVES -- for men! Snug fitting with cotton knit wrists, Practical "buy" for c "ZEL-VAL" BRAND 1.87 Beautiful, straight-cut crepe slip, highlighted with o sheer camisole top, lavishly trimmed with lace and nylon. Two-in. lace hem. White. Sizes 34 to 42. Extra Zeller-Value! 16-In. Red Plaid Sport eS 18 18-In. Red Plaid Sport Small, medium, ® RUBBER GLOVES -- comfortable, sturdy gloves to protect ladies' hands at household chores. 35¢ Bonded. Red. Sizes 772 to 8 . gardening and other hond-taxing chores Compact! Comfortable! Summer Porch Chairs "Buys" for the Thrifty! BOX-SEAT WOODEN DECK CHAIRS ROCKERS So handy for summer cottages and With a varnished hardwood frame town porches. Made with arm rests and attractively striped canvas. A and kidney rest, Varnished hard- favorite with all who like to watch wood frame and colorful striped in comfort the passing parade! Sav- 2h Sd TEA TOWELS 4.49 3.49 37. : DECK CHAIR A grand value for thrifty homemakers! Cotton tea towels of RENEWERS that durable quality that goes with the "Zel-Val" label. leni ly at i ice! Spruce up those older porch chairs Replenish. your supply at a soving price with these gaily colored, heavy duck renewers ' rei A ETN PE Zeller = Value label! pottern w ] jacquard border. Bath Towel 20 by 40 Ins. Guest Towel 14 by 28 Ins. 54 Nou Sow 19¢ 2 for 34c "VEL-VAL" BRAND Timely SLING SEAT DECK CHAIRS Varnished hardwood frame. Sturdy canvas in gay multi-color stripes. In- vest now for leisure hours this sum- mer at this low Zeller-price. 3.29 WOODEN PORCH CHAIR With a shaped seat and back. Varn- ished hardwood frame with a front fold. « "Don't worry, Madam. A safety valve will pop just before it can blow up." : A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE PORCH CHAIR "Light as a feather; Strong as ogk"'. The height of porch comfort. Sturdy aluminum tubular frame and a front fold. Rounded arms The Investment Dealers Association of Canade THOMSON, KERNAGHAN & CO. (MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE) BOND and BROKERAGE OFFICE : 16. KING ST. W., OSHAWA ; SHOPPING HOURS * Daily 9 a.m. -5:30 p.m. ERIC R. HENRY ym om Resident Mgr. Wed. 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Approximately 1472" x 48", with sturdy rope .ends, they come in five assorted colors and de- signs 5.29 9.95 98 ZELLER'S LIMITED 21 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE For Information PIAL 5-1104 DBAS ADDADDADANANDNDALD

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