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Daily Times-Gazette, 21 May 1953, p. 8

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ot ~ vi Ld pil ne aa ol "10 ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-2233 ¥ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 21, 1953 os TUCK SHOP VOLUNTEERS GET MANY REQUESTS SOMETHING TO Recently instituted at Fairview Lodge by the Oshawa Branch of the Red Cross the Tuck Shop is proving a tremendous success. in the picture top left Mrs. A. E. Mounce, convener of volunteers is listening intently to an old gentleman's request, while bare- ly seen is Mrs. T.K. Creighton, PERSONALS Mrs. H. A. Sweetman, Frankford was the holiday weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. G. R. Dulmage, land Mr. Dulmage, Elgin Street | East, Mr. Ronald McKee, who grad- uated recently from Ryerson In- stitute in Radio and Television Arts dis leaving today by plane for Saska- toon to take a position as announ- | P| cer with Radio Station CF'QC. Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin has kind- ly consented to lend her garden | at Parkwood for the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association tea to be held on Wednesday afternoon, | June 17. Miss Ruth Lott, Reg. N., daugh- "| ter of Mrs. C. D. Lott of Niagara serving another. Below, Miss Edith Wright and Mrs. Margaret Weyrich with their purchases | between them enjoy a cup of tea, and above Mrs, C. 8. Lee, | chairman of the Women's Work | committee chats over the well- { stocked counter. Photos by Scott Studios, Whitby By JO ALDWINCKLE Clutching a well<worn leather handbag, a little old lady ap- proaches the counter and asks, "Have you any grey hair nets, -- the kind without elastic?" The smiling Red Cross worker looks through her supplies and quickly realizes that all her hair nets have elastic. 4 "I'll bring you some on Friday," she promises. The brief scene is typical of the dozens of conversations over the counter of the Tuck Shop at Fair- | view Lodge where Oshawa Red #5 Cross workers are performing yet | another voluntary service. The idea of the Tuck Shop which comes under the Red Cross Wel- fare Department came from Mrs. A. C. McKenzie, district chairman, and she asked the Oshawa Branch to carry out the plan because, in her own words, "Oshawa has never refused to undertake a job yet". Vivian R. Lloyd | Feted Bride Elect 4 Morrison will Miss Vivian Ruth Loyd whose marriage to Mr. take place at St. George's United Church, Toronto, on Saturday evening, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower with Mrs. Glen Bamber, aunt, and # Mrs. William George Arnold, sis- Coronation Clothes Although Kate Aitken's visit to the Coronation is not a social one, women will be curious to know what type of wardrobe is required of a busy reporter who will be cov- ering events where the British stress on proper attire must be observed. For Westminster bbey on Coron- ation Day Mrs. Aitken has chosen a sheer white wool dressmaker suit with which she will wear a small flowered hat of white lilacs. Anoth- been chosen for afternoon events preceding the Coronation. A deli-' cate pink shade, the lapels and pockets are embroidered in pearls and rhinestones, - Her matching chapeau is trimmed in the same embroidery and her accessories are navy blue. When Mrs. A.'attends the Sunday morning Coronation service in St. Paul's Cathedral and later flies 150 miles outside of London for a typic- ally rural service of dedication and prayer, she will wear a tailored suit of aquamarine Shetland wool. The only long gown Kate Aitken is taking to the Coronation is the one she will wear at the gala din- ner party she is attending at the Dorchester Hotel and the series of parties being given throughout ndon on Coronation Eve. Of eer white chiffon, the jacket col- r is finely beaded in vari-sized white pearls. With it she will wear agfiny pearl tiara. 'Light on clothes; heavy on food' is Mrs. A's advice to those who are flying to Britain at this time. Her svner light-weight nylon lingerie, foundation garments, dressing gown, and stockings weigh a mere one and a half pounds while all clothing totals only twenty-five pounds. er sheer wool dressmaker suit has | Kate Aitken Selects [Despite Heavy Coronation Orders a Wel ght | Designers Plan Styles for Visitors By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Staff Writer | LONDON (CP)--If Canadians in London for the Coronation want a couture fashion show just for them, |it can be arranged. | Jo Mattli, member of London's "top eleven," has organized a cial fashion show for a party of 40 Americans, headed by the mayor of San Francisco--and he would be delighted to do the same for Canadians and other Common- {wealth visitors. : To his usual summer collection, {Martli has added about 20 special dresses for debutantes and visitors who want that "something special"' for formal and informal social occasions during the Coronation season. Recently, Mattli launched a ser- ies of evening dresses for debu- tante dances at the all-time low of 60 and 70 guineas. These are above ankle length in the simple lines that lend young personalities a so- phistication in keeping with their youth Such dresses include a white lace design in princess lines, the bateau | cap | neckline finished by tiny sleeves, the lace pattern picked out in mother-of-pearl and bugle beads. Equally enchanting are dresses in jade green organza and guipure lace, two in primrose tulle and mauve tulle and one in cinnamon chiffon. LATECOMERS WELCOME Despite heavy Coronation orders, London's '"'top eleven' are laying out the red carpet for last-minute customers. From such royal de- signers as Norman Hartnell, Hardy Amies and Victor Stiebel, salons are ready to go to town on gowns required at short notice. They are preparing to cope with orders given by those who feel safer buy- ing British designs for wear at: social functions here. Saturday, or cottage, including ION SALE: May 23rd Commencing at 1:00 p.m. and continuing until everything is sold. at the Hillcroft St. Scout Hall corner Hillcroft and Mary Sts. A large variety of articles suitable for the home outboard motor, radio, lawn mower, furniture, clothes, lamps; beds, jig saw, springs, record players, jacket heaters, skates and other items too numerous to mention, Auspices 8th Oshawa Sea Scouts | { Lilian Hyder, secretary of a so- ciety formed by the "top eleven," | figures couture buying is also a good investment. "One learns so {much about one's good and bad pints," she said, "when fitted by a couturier," She added that learn- | ing what' your best line and color | are is a help when buying ready- made clothes. She now makes "far fewer mistakes' than before, One royal lady who sticks to the lines that suit her is the Duchess of Kent. She favors styles by Vic- tor Stiebel and keeps right in the fashion forefront without deviating. Among smart women who will wear Coronation clothes designed by Mattli is Mrs. Peter Thorney- croft, wife of the president of the board of trade. The dress she will | wear 'in the abbey is a copy of Mattli's parchment silk satin ball gown, slightly Edwardian in style. A wonderful piece of parchment and silver brocade, nearly 100 years old and taken from the court dress of Mrs. Thorneycroft's grand- mother, will form the train of | Mattli's design, EASIER TRAVEL TO CUBA OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian citi- zens now may visit Cuba without |a passport, the Cuban embassy an- | nounced Wednesday. Dr. Americo Cruz, embassy counsellor, said the Cuban government passed a decree {last month to permit entry of Canadians without passport re- {auirements. Previously, passport {and visa stamps were required he- | fore admittance. Mr, |toons of white and yellow ter of the bride - elect ag hostesses, assisted by Miss Myrtle Rose of Toronto, a great aunt of the fu- ture bride, The party was held at the home of the brides parents, and Mrs. Merritt\S. Lloyd, Ritson Road South, Oshawa. Fes- with wedding bells graced the rooms and the future bride was seated in a festive chair under a green um- brella to open the many attrac- tively parcelled gifts contained in a decorated basket. Several clus- (ters of spring flowers were also received by the honored guest. A buffet lunch was served by the hostesses. Miss Myrtle Rose presided at the coffee urn while Mrs. Glen Bamber poured tea. An attractive decorated shower cake was arranged on a candlelighted table. The cake was "cut" by Miss Lloyd in the traditional manner. Out of town guests included Mrs. Cecil Morrison, mother of the pros- pective bridegroom, Miss M. Blanche Luke, an aunt, and Mrs. A. E, Aylward, all from Toronto, | Mrs. Everett Hooper of Black- water, another aunt of the pros- pective bridegroom, and Mrs. Jean Holtby of Port Perry, a cousin; Mrs. Lloyd Green, aunt of the bride-to-be, and Mrs. M. 8. Green, of Toronto, and Mrs. Woodcock of Bowmanville. Before |leaving everyone present graphed a white moire bride's {book which was included among the gifts. The future bride was also guest of honor at a dinner at the Boule- vard Club, Toronto, arranged by | her office associates, when she was presented with an electric clock. Following the rehearsal on Fri- day evening the wedding party will {be entertained at the home of the {bridegroom's parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Cecil Morrison, Toronto. | William John | Norman | auto- | ANNUAL of of YOUNG WOMEN'S ADELAID bpm" You and Your Friends Are Invited to Attend the CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND THE CITY OF OSHAWA Thursday, The Twenty-eighth Day of May, 1953 AT EIGHT P.M. 199 Centre Street, Oshawa -- SPEAKER -- MR. EDWARD MITCHELL Regional Director, Boys' Clubs of Canada MEETING the the CHRISTIAN ASSN. E HOUSE Tuck Shop Operated by Red Cross Is Busy Spot at Fairview Lodge Every Tuesday and Friday after- noon from 2 till 4 volunteer work- ers convened by Mrs. A. E. |Mounce and her assistant, Mrs, | Mrs. Harold Luke, come loaded {with an assortment of chocolate | bars, fruit, candies, tobacco, writ- {ing paper and pencils, and all the I small requirements of elderly shut- {ins, | Business is brisk. In fact the customers begin to assemble about 1.30. 'Special orders", of course, are first -on the list, and range from a small thimble to a large Spanish onion. Unlike ordinary shoppers who {usually make a quick purchase and rush off, these customers take time over their selections 'and like a little social visit at the same {time, And whether they make a purchase or not they are served a cup of tea or coffee and a cookie or some ice cream, which makes for a very sociable atmosphere, The opening of the tuck shop is another step toward fuller consid- eration of the aged. Age in this day of medical knowledge does not necessarily imply infirmity, and soon it is hoped to 'establish a craft shop, in which minds and {fingers will find constructive em- ployment. OPENS NEW SCHOOL TEESWATER, Ont. (CP)--Speak- {ing at the official opening of the (new $35,000 separate school here | Wednesday night, Hon. W. J. Dun- lop, Ontario minister of education, said in order to produce good eiti- zens students today must have a thorough basic training in |eration was needed in all three, Training should not be left to the school and church only. | SOCIAL NOTICES | MARRIAGE The marriage is announced of Lorna Galloway, daughter of Mrs. | Arthur Galloway of Oshawa and the late Mr. Penrose Sonley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley of Uxbridge, Ontario. The marriage took place on Priday evening, May 15, with the Reverend George Telford of- ficiating. ...500 @ demonstration of the famous JUNO FLOOR CONDITIONER The Juno Floor Conditioner Js far more than just a polisher. does everything to give you the most beautiful floors you have ever had In your home--it cleans, scours, waxes, polishes ond buffs. And the attachments are so easy to change--even a youngster can do it. YOU MUST SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT McLAUGHLIN HEATING & APPLIANCES 104 KING W. 1290 SIMCOE N. 3-348 5-4432 / the | home, school and church. Co-op- | Galloway, to Lloyd | Falls, New York, formerly of Osh- awa left Malton on Saturday for Winnipeg, after five weeks train- ing in Montreal, to assume the position of stewardess for the Trans Canada Airline. | Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Ramey, King | | Street East, and Mr. and Mrs. J. | P. Higgins, Simcoe Street North, % are spending a few days in Ottawa | attending a Regional meeting of The Independent Grocers' Alliance being held in that city. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. English will {attend the graduation exercises of | Hospital | School of Nursing in Convocation | the Toronto General Hall this evening when their daugh- Iter, Miss Audrey English, who is graduating will receive the General | | Proficiency prize. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, Rog- ers Street, had as recent guests, | Alec McLeod, Mr. | Lorne Gould and Mrs. | Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Margaret Mason all of Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Mac- Queen of Toronto; Miss Hilda | Payne and Mrs. Howard Shackle- | ton and children, Paul and Grace, all of Chatham. Chief O. D. Friend and Mrs, Friend have as their guest, Chief Friend's sister, Miss E. E. Friend, | from Ramsgate, England. Miss Friend who arrived from England on the S.8. Scythia was met at | Quebec by Mrs, Friend and Mrs. E. E. Bathe. When passing through Trenton on the return journey they visited Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kirby, formerly of Oshawa. Miss Cora Kilborne. Reg. N. a | former missionary in West China, {will address the 30th anniversary | meeting of the Jessie Panton eve- | ning missionary auxiliary to be | held in the chapel of St. Andrew's United Church on Tuesday, May | 26. Mrs. Kelvin James will be the | | guest soloist. Former officers have | been invited to attend and an en- | |joyable evening is anticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Elburn Parr, Bev- erly Street, had as guests week, Mr. and Mrs. William Mac- Kenzie of Calgary, Alberta. While Mr. MacKenzie attended meetings of the National Barber-Ellis Sta- tioners' Convention held in Toronto, | Brantford and Cornwall, several parties were arranged in honor of Mrs. MacKenzie. {hostesses were Mrs. Earl Wallace {and Mrs, Herbert Schuerman; cof- {fee parties were arranged by Mrs. | {James Peirce and Mrs. Jack Leigh, | Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mrs. James Hyslop and Mrs. Howard Luke | were hostesses at bridge parties. GETTING MARRIED? Large Selection of WEDDING INVITATIONS ARJAY PRESS "Oshawa's Newest Printer" 182 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 5-2066 Don't buy until you've compered with us. last | Among the tea | | -- Wedding at Millbrook Unites Pink and white blossoms and | vari-colored tulips formed the set- | ting for the marriage Saturday in | St. Andrew's United Church, Mill- | brook. of Margaret Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Daw- | son, to Robert Henry Rehder, son {of Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Rehder, of Bowmanville. The Rev. A. M. But- ler performed the wedding rites, assisted by the Rev. A. L. Sisco, of Warkworth, a former pastor. Before the bride entered the church, Mr. Fraser Carr of Cavan sang 'The Lord's Prayer' and during the signing of the register he sang "'O Perfect Love." The wedding music was played by Miss Mabel Clarry. The bride who was given in | marriage by her father wore a gown of lace and net over satin. The fitted bodice had a round neck- line with the lace outlined in sil- ver. The long sleeves ended in lily points over the hands and the full skirt had fan-shaped insets of pleat. ed embroidered net and ended in a train which also had a fan-shaped inset of the same material. Her fingertip veil of embroidered net fell from a tiara of stiffened satih and she carried a bouquet of pink carnations and Sweetheart roses. Mrs. Harold Lunney of Port Hope attended her sister as mat- ron-of-honor and Miss Betty Wright was bridesmaid. They wore strap- | less gowns of net over taffeta | made with fitted bodices and full skirts in shades of mauve and green with matching boleros. Their headdresses of pleated net in the same shades as their gowns were flower-trimmed and 'hey car ied bouquets of chrysanthemums and spring flowers, Little Miss Christine. Rehder of Bowmanville niece of the bride- groom was flower girl. She was dressed in yellow net over taffeta | with fitted bodice short puffed sleeves and bouffant skirt, She wore a matching head-dress and | lace mittens and carried a basket of pansies and lily-of-the-valley. Mr, Tom Rehder of Bowmanville | was best man for his brother and ushers were Mr. Brenton Dawson and Mr. Ned Rehder brothers of the bride and bridegroom. The wedding reception was held at the home of the brides' parents where her mother received in a gown of mauve lace over taffeta 'Margaret Dawson, Robert Rehder with small matehing hat, whitt a- cessories and a corsage of Job n- na-hill roses. Receiving with ber was the bridegroom's mother wo wore a gown of navy nylon net over flesh pink with flesh pink yoke and matching hat. Her cor- sage was also of Johanna-hill roses. There were guests present from Bowmanville Montreal Toronto Peterborough Port Hope Bailei- brook. * The , bride and bridegroom cut their weddin cake with an heir- loom knife which had been used at the wedding of the bride's parents and at those of two of her brothers and two of her sisters. For the wedding trip by plane to New York city the bride chose a wool cashmere suit in mauve taupe shade with a pink sequin beret and tan accessories. On return they will live in Peter- borough. The Coronation procession return- ing from Westminster Abbey June 2 has 468 bands, totalling 2,000 bandsmen. £ LAUGHS even at Teething Time Baby's Own Tablets have long been a faithful standby -- used confidently "¥ mothers for over 50 years. Especic lp helpful during teething time use they give prompt, dependable, and effective relief from feverishness, restlessness, tummy upsets, and other minor infant troubles resulting from irregularity at teething time, No "sleepy" stuff -- no dulling effect. Help keep your baby happy. Get a packawe at your druggist -- today. BABY'S OWN Tablels SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE! WOMEN'S -- CHILDREN'S -- MEN'S WEAR ALL PRICES REDUCED FOR THIS WEEKEND ! WOMEN'S SUMMER DRESSES WOMEN'S BLOUSES Choice of materials, shades and sizes. Regular 6.00 and 7.00. NOW 3.98 Clearing out odd sizes in smartly styled pastel dresses. Regular 9.00. CLEARING 2) 00 .e . Corduroy, Blues, maroons. Reg. 16.95. SALE PRICE MEN'S JACKETS Gabardines, etc. 10.00 PRICE .... Children's wear for boys and girls. See our specials this weekend. SHOP AND SAVE FULLE 286 ALBERT ST. WOMEN'S SWEATERS Regular 3.98. SALE ..... IN SOUTH OSHAWA S Dry Goods Store QUALITY-VALUED .... 8.49 DIAL 5-2062 Watch for it at your grocer's! Such a merry-go-round of values at this gala Heins shopping event. Such a colourful carnival of festive foods to brighten family and gentlemen. Join the Make the most of your g headed toward the Heinz Big 0) fare. Step right up, ladies crowd of cheerful shoppers Value Fair displays. endl, Sank Stock up with gh of the f rari % 87 enjoy a long adventure in good eating. to

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