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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 May 1953, p. 4

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J. H. ORMISTON ~ Editor and Manager PHONE 703 WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS 4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, May 26, 1953 81 lodge 40th anniversary appearing !in The Times-Gazette on Friday MASONS HONOR LATE PDDGM | and also took a prominent part Composite Lodge AF and AM No. | in the civic, educational and re- 30, R. C., last evening, a | ligious life of the community. He handsome oil painting of the late | was lodge historian for several Rt. Wor. Bro. Graydon M. Good- | years, Death claimed him sud- fellow, was unveiled and dedicat- | denly on the morning of Feb- ed. The late Mr. Goodfellow for | ruary, 1951, while-he was on a many years was a very active | holiday in the United States. Mason and Past District Deputy |Photo Reproduction Scott Studio, Grand Master of Ontario District | Whitby. Whitby Schools Will Observe Coronation Whitby's public, high and separ- dances are also scheduled 2 the 7 ¢ iv ro- | Schools and recitations wi Sie schools have extensive ro heard. At 3.30 p.m., the functions grams scheduled for the obser- Kui niove to the Town Park where vance of Coronation Day. Their | i 0 Public School. softball tearn vhich being at 1.30 in|. programs, Ww Bab | will meet the Grade IX softball the afternoon, include special SD€a- to 1 in a challenge game kers, presentation of flags at three | . schools, the presentation of Social | AT THE HIGH SCHOOL Studies prizes, flag drills, recita-| Coronation Day will be marked tions and a softball game, says |in the Whitby High School on Mon- Principal Earl Fairman. | day When a special assembly il ; " the | De called, at which a new school Wore amie ember 2 (fies will be presented and Rev. address the student body of both | Channen, pastor of All Saints Ang- King Street' and Dundas Street {lican Church, will address the stu- schools. Rev. C. A. Hill, pastor of {dent body. Mrs. W. I. Carroll, Re- Whitby Baptist Church, will ad- | gent of the IODE, will present a dress the students of Hillcrest new flag to the school. Principal School and Mr. Patterson, student |D. Tutt, of the High School, states minister at Port Whtby, will ad-|that Rev. Channen will speak on dress the Brock Street School stu-|the religious significance of the dents. Representatives of the IODE | Coronation. On Tuesday, of course, will present prizes to top Social (the High School will be closed, Studies students in grades VII and |AT ST. BERNARDS SCHOOL VIII of the schools and other re- | The approaching coronation will presentatives of the same Order |be marked in a very special man- will present new flags at Hillcrest, [ner at St. Bernard's School. There Dundas Streets and Brock Street | will be an appropriate program Schools. Mrs. Rowe, the music sup-|and a flag will be presented to the ervisor, will also visit all four school by the IODE. The school schools during the afternoon to will loan its flags to the Corona- lead the students in Coronation tion Celebration Committee for the hymns. Flag .drills and Maypole 'parade on Tuesday. Tries To See Fish Caught Boy Drowns CORNWALL, Ont.--John Regin- | ald Eastwood, four-year-old son of | Constable J. 8. Eastwoed, of Lan- | caster detachment OPP, and Mrs. | Eastwood, was drowned in Lake St. | Francis 17 miles east of Cornwall Saturday. The boy apparently tumbled into about four feet of water off a wharf near his home. | EFFORTS UNAVAILING Fellow officers of the victim's | father, hydre workers and mem- | bers of the St. John Ambulance | were provided by Howard Smith association from Cornwall worked | Paper Mill and the city fire de- four and one-half hours in a futile | partment. attempt to revive the hoy by arti- The funeral service was held at ficial respiration, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church The youngster's sister, nine-year- | Lancaster, this morning. Interment old Ruth Anne, had caught a fish | was at Whitby this afternoon. His about 300 feet from their home. | grandparents live in Whitby, At the regular convocation of She ran to the nearby home of Dow Biggin where she asked the gardener, Percy Pigeon, to take her fish off the hook, It is believed the little boy, who | had been playing in the vard and loved fishing, went to the wharf by himself to see the fish, unnot- ticed by the others. FOUND IN WATER When Pigeon and the little girl went back fo the wharf, they found the little boy's body in from three to four feet of water. Dr. A. B. Peachey said he believed the boy had been in the water between five and 10 minutes. The "victim was moved to the home of Rev. J, U. Tanner where revival attempts were continued. Oxygen tanks for the inhalator sup- plied by Cornwall township police WHITBY PHONE 618 BROC NOW PLAYING Essen 3% 3 YEARS IN THE MAKING! 3 MILLIONS TO MAKE! CAST OF TENS OF ROBERT HAGGIAG proses AND FOR NEWS DARI MONTEZ PAUL CHRISTIAN THE CARDS ARE STACKED Papi \t0 |the best of good fortune to them 'as they move to their new resi-; | May 28th, at 8 o'clock. The new {will be installed by Mrs. Douglas WHITBY DAY BY DAY Accounts of social events and news items of locai interest and names of visitors are apprecia- ted. PHONE 703 Mr. Fred W. Marsh, Dundas Street West, has just returned from Quebec where he visited his moth- er, who has reached the ripe age of 90. CLUB GOES BOWLING The Tri Phi Club members will be bowling at Brock's Bowling Al- ley, Ajax, on Friday evening. It is the last bowling night of the sea- son for the club. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mantle are wishing dence at 208 Starr Ave., Whitby. The annual meeting of Hillcrest Home and School Association will be held in the school, on Thursday, officers and executive members Holliday. Miss Margaret Frost will be guest. pianist. PRESENTED WITH JEWELS In the report of the Rebekah Miss M. Gifford, who has tak- en over her duties as superin- tendent of Fairview Lodge, the last, the following information should have been included. Fifteen- county's home for the aged, pre- sents a bouquet to her predeces- year jewels were presented to Sis-| ter Greta Barker and Sister Gladys ; McConnell by Sister Ruth McKay, also to Sister Alma Dewey, § TO VISIT AJAX Grade VII and VIII of King Street School, Whitby, will visit Mrs. Hood's School at Ajax this § evening for a music demonstration. They will be the guests of the Home and School Association there where, under the direction of Mrs. Kathleen Rowe, music supervisor, | ihey will perform for the Associa-| tion. CORONATION MEDALS HERE Over 6,000 bronze coronation medals have been received by Pub- lic School Inspector A. A. Archibald | for distribution in the schools of his | inspectorate. In weight the package in which they came registered over 260 pounds, The medals, bearing a fine portrait of Her Majesty Queen Hlizabeth II, will be given to the school pupils just before coronation. CORRECTION In this column on Friday of last week there appeared a story of a | fire at 991 Dundas Street E. The | article stated that the property was the home of G. E. Crawford. The | Times-Gazette has learned that Mr. | and Mrs. Crawford had moved to 121 Maple Street a few days before the incident and 991 Dundas Street is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Way. The error is regretted. JUNIOR CASTLE CHAPTER OFFICERS The following officers have been elected to the Junior Castle Chap- ter Alumnae of the OLO: Presi- dent, Mrs. Harry Taylor; vice Harry Rowland, former head- master of two English Schools and for nearly two decades as- sociated with a naval training school 'is today observing his 91st EDUCATIONALI sor in that office, Mrs. Kathleen Read. Photo by John Mills. | birthday, As the photo shows, Mr, Rowland, who resides Fairview Lodge, Whitby, is quite hale and hearty for his years, Only last week, \ Mr. Rowland I. president, Mrs. Donald Brown; corresponding secretary, Miss Ann White, recording secretary, Miss Mae Storie; treasurer, Miss Doris Batty; program committee, Mrs. Fred Brown; press, Miss Diane Lee; representative to council, Miss Doris Batty; refreshment com- mittee, Mrs. Eric Pym flower con vener, Mrs. E. A. Hillmer, Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whitby office by 5 p.m. the doy preced- ing publication, Brooklin Home MRS. M. A. DYER . Correspondent BROOKLIN -- The May meeting | of the Weman's Missionary Society | of the Brooklin TTnited Church was | McKinney. The program was arranged by | Mrs. Arthur Elliott under the title | "United Nations and Christian Mis- | sions," Five members Mrs. Arthur | Elliott, Mrs. M. Routley, Mrs. N. J. | White, Mrs. R. Scnley and Miss | Edna Burton, presented a skit un- der this title The program of the United Na- | tions has been welcomed by the] churches, for it was the mission- | FOR SALE--SPACE HEATER, GURNEY kitchen heater, bed, dresser, 3-burner gasoline stove; ladies' bicycle; lawn mow- er. Phone 2156. (122¢) WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED. ALSO septic tanks. D. Ferris, 639 Brock N. Phone 2961 after 6. (Jun22) LAWNMOWERS, SHARPENED, REPAIR- ed. Saws sharpened, Pick up and deliver- ed. R. Bailey, 917 Centre South. Phone 708. (Jun22) EARLY SUMMER LISTINGS ARE BETTER BUYS $3,000 Down -- With good monthly payments, buys a semi- ranch style 3-bedroom brick bungalow with open fireplace, air-conditioned oil heating, and large lot. DON'T SIMMER THIS SUMMER. INSU- | late now with PAL-O-PAK. Do it yourself or have us do it. Phone 2374. PAL-O-PAK MFG. Co., Ltd. (Jun23) ROCKWOOL INSULATION, FIREPROOF. Cool in summer; warm in winter. Free estimates. Walter Ward, Insulation Con- tractor, 204 Chestnut West, phone 2563. (Jun19) WANTED- STENOGRAPHER FOR MEDI- cal office at Ontario Hospital. Good start- ing salary. Apply Superintendent. (120c) FOR SALE CIRCULATOR LIVING ROOM stove, kitchen stove, oil burner, two oil drums and carburettor. Apply evenings. 12 Maple Street, Ajax. (121¢) FOR SALE--USED REFRIGERATOR AND Hot Point range. Both in working condi- tion. Apply 1344 Brock South. Phohe 434. (122¢) Owner needs money and will sacrifice 4-bedroom brick home on large lot with all modern conveniences. Full price only $9,800. Large family home with all the latest gadgets, extra out-size rooms, 2 bathrooms and air- conditioned oil heating. Full price $12,900 with convenient terms. WANTED RELIEF NURSE FOR VON work for month of July. For information call Miss N. Greig 2914 between 6 and .7 p.m. (122¢) PAINTING DONE IN SPARE TIME, $1.25 an hour. Apply 301 Byron Street North, Whitby. (Junel) FOR SALE -- TUDHOPE 4-BURNER stove, good condition. Reasonable price. Phone 2600. N. Williams, 124 Broek North. (1222) "49 CHEV. (1011), IN GOOD CONDITION, undercoated, accessories. Apply after 6 p.m., 211 Ontario St. West, Whitby. (1 Imagine a 3-bedroom modern home with oil heating on large town lot and the total price is only $9,350. A down payment of $2,750 will take this one, $2,000 Down will buy a six- room home in Ajax with low taxes. Monthly payments on balance of $4,500, only $39 monthly includes principal, in- terest and taxes, 22a) DESIRABLE LOCATION Three blocks north of Four Cor- ners, fronting on Brock St. Lot, 45' x 195'. Reasonable for quick sale. STANLEY MANN Realtor PHONE AJAX 500, or WHITBY 2850 Here is an older six-room home in good town residential dis- trict with extra large lot and garage with workshop. $2,500 down will buy this comfortable home. (122b) $2,300 Down payment and rent like payments will let you move in this smart 5-room bungalow with oil heating, large lot and beautiful view. CORONATION THURSDAY, MAY 28TH COUNCIL CHAMBERS Auspices of Rebekah Lodge 8:30 p.m. 50 cents For these and many other real buys Call GORDON OSBORNE Broker 117 KING ST. -- WHITBY PHONE 2677 Refreshments aries of the church who proclaimed | C. Jolitte Addresses and School the gospel of human rights and lifted the sights of the. people among whom they dwelt to higher levels of hope and aspiration. It proved a most interesting study and held at the home of Mrs. J. H.|was followed by a lively discussion. | The worship service by the same group followed the theme "A great deor and effectical is open." Plans were made to hold a on the afternoon of June 17th, when members from the whole Presbyterial will be invited to vie the supplies sent in for the Pres- bvterial which are shipped from this centre. The supplies 'e par- ticularly interesting this year and C. JOLIFFE (Continued on Page 18) iea Whitby Sports In Brief Review Whitby will be the scene of a juvenile . softball tournament on Friday June 12th when teams are communities totake part. pal Earl Fairman, of Whithy's Public Schools, repotrs that there ior teams present. He expects teams from Port Perry, Ajax, Pic- kering and maybe other centres. On the following Friday, King Street School holds a field day. REPORTS APPRECIATED The Times-Gazette desires to ex- press its appreciation to heads of baseball, softball and other sports organizations who are sending in well written reports of their games and other activities, We want them all and continued co-operation will be very welcome. ; CARDS OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to friends who so kind- ly sent fruit, candy, cards, also for inquiries made during my illness in the hospital and convalescing at home. A special thank you to all Mrs. Reta Barnes, 'Additional Whitby News on Page 18 ST, MUSICIAN IS 91 TODAY at | expected from several surrounding | Princi- are to be four junior and four sen-| flowers and lovely | played the bells at a social func- tion at the lodge. He was for a | number of years associated with { the Oshasva Public Library. | --Photo.by Scott Studio, Whitby Coronation Gift Of the Local IODE | At the monthly meeting of the Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE it was anncunced this would be "Flag Year" for the Chapter, as each school would receive one for their flag pole, on June 1, as a Coronation gift. The adopted Nor-| thern school at Spring Bay would | also receive Coronation colouring books, puzzles of 'Know Ontario," London illustrated news, and flag folders. Eight food parcels were sent to adopted persons in Britain and six | to Whitby men in Korea. Plans | were made for the Coronation Fes- tival being held on June 19th, and committees formed. The Summer Day Camp will |be opened for the month of July. Details as to applications forms and the camp personnel will appear in the press. | The Chapter will have a float in | the Coronation celebration. | The regent, Mrs. W. I. Caxfoll, | as Chapter's delegate to the thirty- | third annual meeting of Provincial Chapter gave a most descriptive and inspiring 'account of the en- trance of standard bearers; and of the various departments of the Or- ~|tain with a number | day évening will long remember | fellow, reviewing his Masonic ca- R. L. ROBERTSON News Editor PHONE 703 a In recognition of her faithful service, Mrs. Kathleen Read, re- tiring matron of Fairview Lodge, was presented witha gold watch, Here Mrs, Read is seen receive ing the watch from W. H. West+ ney, former warden of Ontario County. Photo by John Mills, Gives Concert At 91, Harry Rowland Celebrates More than 100 guests at Fairview Lodge last Friday evening thrilled to hear a stately gentleman enter- of melodies played on the bells. Any who did not know the man, would have been more than thrilled, they would have been amazed, to learn that the spritely artist lacked only four days f reaching his 91st birthday! Harry Rowland, the distinguished looking gentleman with the features of King Edward VII, is today ob- serving his 91st bir thday. On Friday evening, »Ontario County Council and County officials made a presentation to Mrs, Read, superintendent of Ontario's home for the aged for 19 years. On the | program with other local talent, ! was Mr. Rowland, a resident of Fairview Lodge, who played sever- al melodies on the bells to the ex- treme delight of all. With stage presence that would be the envy of any younger professional, Mr. Rowland outlined briefly the history of each of the melodiés of his re- pertoire before beginning his cop- cert. Hale and dignified, Mr. Row- land's appearance greatly belies his 91 years. ' APPEARED AT 13 Mr. Rowland, a native of Eng- land, is of the fifth generation of bell players. His father was a viol- inist and on many occasions play: ed accompaniment to the bells as CONCERT (continued on Page 18) The large number of members of of Composite Lodge, Afram, Whitby, and visitors from Port Per- ry, Newcastle, Pickering, Oshawa and other Masonic ladges who at- tended the regular meeting on Mon- the impressive ceremony following the degree work of the evening. ing of the portrait of Rt. Wor. Bro. Graydon Goodfellow, V. W. Bro.. W. G. Augustus took the worship- ful master's chair and the other officers were filled by the follow-| ing members who had worked many years with Bro. Goodfellow; W. Master, V. W. Bro. W. G. Augustus; 1 P. M., W, Bro. Fred Gale; Sr. Warden, V. W, Bro. J.| R. Frost; Jr. Warden, W. Bro. G. B. Whitfield; Chaplain, W. Bro. Fred Marsh; Treasurer, W. Bro. J. M. Roblin; Secretary, W. Bro. R. McNee; Dir. of Ceremonies, Rt. .\W. Bro. Wm. Davidson; Sr. Deacon, W. Bro. H. L. Pringle; Jr. Deacon, V.W. Bro, W, M., Pringle; Inner Guard, W. Bro. H. Curtis; Sr. Steward, W. Bro. F. Wetrs: Jr. Steward, W. Bro. F. S. ills. In' the unavoidable absence of W. Bro. R. A. Hutchison a brief dedication address was given by W. Bro. Archibald. This was fol- lowed by the unveiling of the por- trait by W. Bro. Ing and the de- dication prayer by Bro. Rev. A. Gordon Channen. W. Bro. G. B. Whitfield then read the following tribute to Rt. Wor. Bro. Good- 4] from its beginning in April, PAYS ELOQUENT TRIBUTE In April, 1915, Graydon M. Goodfellow entered the doors of For this ceremony, the unveil-| R Masonry being the 316th member to join Composite Lodge. In 1920 Masons Honor Memory of the Late Right Wor. Bro. G. M. Goodfellow he served a year as secretary, and in 1923 was placed in the chair of King Solomon as Master of this Lodge. Throughout these and succeeding years his devo- tion to the Craft in Whitby and in Ontario District was such that in 1928 he was unanimously elect ed to Grand Lodge in the office of District Deputy Grand Master. . Bro. Goodfellow always showed a most enthusiastic in. terest in Craft affairs, and our records show that his counsel and presence were always in demand. His counsel was only given after mature deliberation and always with' due regard to the teachings of our Craft, He collaborated in the publish- ing of "One Hundred and One Years of Craft Masonry in the town of Whitby," giving as his contribution the printing of this book without cost to the Lodge. In 1927 he was appointed Historian of Composite Lodge which posi- tion he held til the time of his decease. His work in this position will be a constant reminder of his fidelity to our Lodge. R. W. Bro. Goodfellow was a member of a committee appoint- ed to investigate and negotiate the purchase of our present Ma- sonic Temple in 1926, and was a member of the first Board of Directors of Sofiposite Company NN TASONS (Continued on Page 18) W.C. TOWN & SONS FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY PHONE 410 |der's work for the year. The Standard bearer, Mrs. | Purdon, was also present and gave | | a comprehensjve report. | All information in detail as to | {the Coronation Festival and the | Summer Day Camp, will be an- {nounced through the press. New Brunswick now has more white-tailed deer than at any time in recorded history. ENGAGEMENT Moore of Whitby Mr. Mrs. Harold wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Verna Madeline, to Frank Sidler, son of Mr. and Mrs, Karl Sidler, Oshawa. Marriage to take place June 13, 1953, in All Saints' Church, and | REG BRYANT c.! 8:30 ELECTRIC Wiring & Repairs 213 BYRON ST. SOUTH TELEPHONE 628 135 BROCK ST. N. afe. average cost T. €. MYGLAND (1228) Whitby Paint and Wallpaper Co. FIRST CLASS PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPERHANGING Badly chipped or too heavy layers of paint can be removed by Electric Stripper. and no mess. Cedeor-Line Your Closets with Cedarwall, BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE NOW WHITBY PHONE 488 $15.00 FREE ESTIMATES 5. F. RUTHERFORD - EDWIN Is is the eyes? Admission $1.00 Sensational Attraction DO NOT MISS THE LAUGHTER SHOW OF THE CENTURY THE AMAZING WORLD'S MASTER HYPNOTIST M. B. H. Direct from London, England and Britain's Leading Theatres Is it the personality? It's Exciting -- Amusing -- Fascinating with Laughs, Screams and Yells MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIEVED!!! WHITBY KINSMEN CLUB PRESENTS NT Whitby Town Hall Thursday, Friday, Saturday May 28, 29 and 30 P.M. HEATH Is it the voice? Reserved $1.10 - Plan at Snelgrove's Drug Store a ------ a HES Bo om ral Ra

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