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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 May 1953, p. 7

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FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR STYLISH steppers are of the highlights of the Shoss for 'wear this. spring and ot' the barefdot-l n W) is s0 tremendously pop- Lu this 'season. The ones pic- tured are. delicately made san- dals. They feature the Jriansulir sole which i | He IR : Rebekah Bazaar : Well Patronized Mrs. George Morgan, 5 planist 'of for Ontarto vener .of the bazaar and Mrs. in the - booth, Mrs. : y MeColl 7 Mrs. Charles. Read and "Prosctt looked afier the Ne store and * Joseph Wood" oid: the. "while hephante. was cashier. Tea room: assistants wére 'Mrs. R..G. Gr Gerald Seely ens. with Mrs as ial Bu room convener. - winner inthe cake draw, and Mrs. Stanley Collins was awarded the rich hela" maha Heke the, quilt, . igs exet-on izes the foot. eon w. note is 'the contrast of black Ttalian straw bands with a winding strip of black suede over the instep and heels. By TRACY ADRIAN| . MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL 'Man's Affair With Family Friend Threatens to Undermine Marriage 'DEAR MARY' HAWORTH: ' My- an. affair with an A SERA, his weakness if you didn't feel so weak yourself--so dependent upon this bumbling creature to make your way for you. You feel \|as insecure, facing life, as his love |- for 'you seems unrelfable,| appraised in retrospect--a love you can't take for granted any more, since initial trust. NOT MATURE Actually your immediate suffer- he betrayed your 13nd, begged for (ing | (Sheed and Ward), If you were - | sufficiently pig to love your |. husband concernedly, with pro- found regard for his welfare; or| you had the spiritual stature Ito see the whole problem in per- spective, you would be examining if conscience, with an 'eye % g your performance, the wake of the great shock. You youd feel chastened rather than|- teful, as he bids for coopera- tion in trying to restore unity. : Substantial re-education about the human and moral nature' of . mankind is Setussary to we your ess a plane of for- giveness. And og my opinion, you'll in' Prank : {find such teac Sheed', hing J. 's book "Society and Sani which con ot | fascinating shapts gs: on' love, sex % Meked.. Hines that wounded' pride 'won't sta blued: 1 Talent ¢ infatuation, si folly, igh premeditated, Cheap, affair. accompan- iby pretended ' friendsh! 5.1 Just - much 3 over is wives. * mates? Or do. all men Bre a'fling hen they 'reach: 40? PARTLY RESPONSIBLE ; 'DEAR D.G.: If you- loved your husband. and. really 4 valued him as | } and marriage. Mary Haworth I als through & ther column, not by mail or per- sonal. interview. Write her in: care of this newspaper, Anointing of the monarch with entation of nl + HALF-SIZE 'Malcolm R. Foes) were in hares ol, "a Jo ! Marshall - | believe that eentree, Mrs. and Mrs. J. K. Wick- | 90 . 'Daniel MacFarlane was spent |shapters" for 'libraries, magazines Jecting |HOLLYWOOD: HIGHLIGHTS - . . 8S stimulate gambling. ad of 'You may have hei some {of the fantastic figures. paid to |Sur entertainers by the Las. Vegas hotels ; id by & fantastically true Insiders here re fan the $35,000 weekly figure announced for Betty Hutton is close: to vg Tg eh tli, id "8h ht be wo! " ph. e ign rng which is an I he salary for a week's 'work of an hour or two a night." 3 : nt headliners - Eddy Amold at the Sabare. Jane Pow- ell, Desert Inn; . i Rancho Vegas. Pg Ta gg ht to a dozen girls, an could adorn' any have. = fight ne other Places eto ig Brg [alent et oa late. betting." best attractions. "for the amblers are oldtime nitery sare ike Jos 'E. Lewis ody "snow. ob on. Ito the ta | donmid and Nelson: Bd 'way, American Film Favorites Draw: Big Fees. - For. Aopeastny | in Gambling Halls| ement was a stimulus es tite explanation was Crosbys have many well- by's en; that the | Ir acts like Jeanette Mac- # ,- who ap- peared _separately- at - e Sahara, atiract a big first-show business, meaning the-well-heeled. crowd. who ¥.| stay for dinner. Eddy Tennessee y ont: for the oR) : New 'Home Wave Answers Demand "a3 | For Speedy. Process | In their: quiet, but determined | women. are .de-|grou manding 'and. getting, more from science: than was ever dreamed Stars | possible a few 'years ago. Take, |V! erve | for instan ce, theypermanent wave. As. s00n- as 'used to the idea that. the: .could permanent |a their hair at' ie, women de-|a manded more. They. wanted. better curling solutions and' more. speed, And, Scientists, . probably many af them ma! "men, know . that what the ttle © wofnan wants, she gets, soohér or later. » At least; that's what's behind the development of .a new. home perm. anent,. with. the instant - neutraliz- xii: method. The demand for speed without sacrifice of quality prompt- elopment of new Lg be) It away with clock watching, he 'waiting hours' dfies on Li 2 Re Tation. pie ng you hair on. in the usual and leavin At rolled up for the number of minutes by the chart: for. Jour Jarl texture of hatr. Then tl neutralizer takes- over, Be 54 in- stantly, and as quick as -you cen . "saturation", makes your wave permanent. It A nat. .zequire: pouring over and over your curls. You. can un- roll your hair from the rods im- mediately and set it. Not Diy that, 'softer than with # | but.. you! ¢ old fashioned home waves because the new instant neutralizer has a built in wave conditioner. Beauty experts who have examined hair after a new: . permanent say . ohn even feel the difference. 2 Jule one who lives by Fig clock, 'theré's no need to sac- rifice: beauty -for lack of time. EDMONTON (CP)--The Imperial | Order Daughters of the Empire | spent $172,938.27 on educational pro- Jects. during 1952-53 for. de- report. prepared %. 5 at the 53rd annual ectity of the national chapter be! dete this week, Mrs, O. M. national educational sec- A Farouts 'said that Dull of 'the mount represented a outlay. by: the oe provincial chapters, - 'the largest in the history of the 'order.' .. Mrs. Martin said that $41.73048 | 4 on 1514 schoo 618 lendars, and other mgple : total :used 'for students was $86,795.98 including scholarships, bursaries, monetary assistance and "Prize TS of of bug +47 ha wer ents," i us- Yu ted, to stu. order" personnel, were helped by the . Martin. said ist the col: eol- and "preserving of was a new project of [cost headed dian legends plainly the 10! BR Sud a commitsee Raymond, Braiitiors, v8 been jo: up for this pu reported vineial educa- tional secreiaries ot the -IODE are tl he Smbrs r. Be ative use re 28 Tre show more e 'placed on mu- terature."' The Sucational Tan also magazine {Annual Meeting IODE At Edmonton Indicates Growth During 1952-53 .completed for the a special JODE edi- George E. Tait's "'Fa- mous Stories.' were. urged to :purchase copleg as Empire and Gilsepship Duy prizes for grades VIL OBSCENE LITERATURE Mrs. Martin referred to a brief presented . last summer on behalf of the order by Mrs. J. D. Det- wiler, Paris; Ont., to the special committee . of the Senate on sale and distribution of salacious and indecent literature. "The 1a] committee of the Senate: even yer scope re- Sithed 4 'its hearings in February and has now presented its report to 'the Date: withthe single ma- jor .. that border controls be expanded to halt the imports of:« obscene books," she an. the national, Com- monwes h and Empire committee, Mrs. Scott, Peterborough, said that Mi 'are under way: to Dring .&, nurse, Miss Gnanaselvam d, from India this autumn to atend the. Universit school of nursing. Scott Cana. [it was estimated that the-over-all -of he 3wovear: degree course Mrs. Laurence: "Grout, Toronto, national secretary of the OPE ** sald in her that "revenue from adver- d for 1952-53 and pub ton fon of Prot, ng increased last yea sald. In a re| & small "profit on the ears operation despite the rising costs 'of publication, she said. size Canadan Guides Tour: Scotland Before: Coronation EDINBURGH (CP)--A group of 70 Canadian: Girl Guides started a four-day tour of Scotland today as a prelude to their Coronation gi to London. p is the second of three coronalion n contigents under spon- | this sorship the gommanweaith Youth Moves, "The staying in private homes will leave for Chester, Wednesday Sunday they will check into Chig- well 'camp, -Surrey,. on skirts of Pah Comoe persons will ive Slow Corsten Se. group land ed at Greenoch, Si Friday after bot . good. aboard the Empress : good rip It includes 15-year-old. Fd Rodick. Winlipey orphan whose. trip' was by Morris; pocnov, Wil | has nipeg 'restaurant owner. The first: contingent of the: total [10 group of 150 Canadian' youngsters to arrive was comprised of the | most vile Gut. 3 s' choir "from ey ry back i from Win Hampanire, and 'made their first arance in'Britain last 'Sunday ' St. Paul's Cathedral, the same day Uiey 4 docked at Liverpool." third contingent scheduled to disembark next week, will include representatives of various youth organizations. 'WRAP 'N" TIE sundress--it's a prolly Bor dress--and it doubles with a. full *h Fd good a er e--Sa to alteration by Tris 7A ttern is proportioned to fit and flatter you! 4748: Half Sizes 4%, Pattern 16%, 1835, 20%, 22%, 18% dress. takes 4 ya fabric; bolero, "13 yar This pattern ea to' use. simple to sew, is tested for fit. Simple plete illustrated" instructions. : Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (3§) in coins (stamps cannot be ed) for this pattern. ADD SIZE, NAME, NUMBER. Send. order to ANNE ADAMS, care of Daly Times-Gazette, Pat. tern | wa, 'Ontario, OREPES - CURTAINS VENETIAN SHADES WARD'S ' You and Your Friends Are Invited to Attend he ANNUAL MEETING sic, art and A Your favoprite straps « "less, now in dainty eye- fet! Waist-low back hook, firm uplift, 32-36,' indreds 1 ac k Bart py RESS | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, May 26, 1058 7 'To Baby Sitter By 'CLEVELAND MYERS tne grandparents who readin 'column never heard the words 'baby sitter" twenty-five years irst saw. :this name : n print. Now it is a very popular term. . On any evening, thousands of baby 'sitters. are left dren in homes is wholesome for the parents and thelr children. Nowadays, typical ynmar- ried aunt, the baby. sitter of days , -works: outside oe home and *'her 'own place of 'residence, e obligation she |th: if she lived with a married - brother or, sister. Even most grandparents, Ancluding the i" | widowed ones, try to ent .when they can. ENO BARRIER chester, | AGEN Often the older person makes a more desirable "baby sitter than an Sgiescent boy or girl, 'seem- ing to the young.parents to afford more security and stability than the younger. person. Yet the lat- ter may be more adaptable to the child, aes 10 10 o 12. Some, indeed, at winning the child's Ly And the "baby sitter may greatly en- responsibility and the op- BD ar #0 earn some money. Often young parents are able to secure 'the services of 'a youth, and |dren ie independ-| 'Parents Have an Obligation They Employ are ago. Some parent, indeed, may |this and | well; 'remember * when they fl Parents who bring their children well prepare these chil- for any kind of Leia cluding possible aun are Samer it the ughter Vas ependab enjoys the service. thet .daug] -- is By that r she won't Shen have to be denied for use in Oklahoma, it would be a courteous gesture to gacloty 1 dime in this envelope to cover cost of printing and handling.. there's a fine '"'Manual for Baby Sitters," by Marion 'Lowndes which your local bookstore might order for you. LAW Berry and LAC ig .. Jonna ay proposed the toast. For the honeymoon trip to Sas- katoon the bride wore a grey suit with black accessories and & cor TOBeS. CORONATION FEATURE BOOKHAM, England (CP)--Five thousand people, including Corona- tion visitors, are expected to see an all-Surrey open-air performance of Shakespeare's play "As You Like It" here on June 27. administration. HOTCHPOT? - Neither art mor culinary knowledge will help in interpreting this term as used in estate or trust A 32.38; B:and C cup. 295. B Lots of figure: flotte dainty' eyelet, with: matc ing eyelet 'straps end firm uplift.' 32-36, A;.32:38,8.ond C cup. 1.95 € Garter belt.and tummy:flatfener) cool and comfortable: in: fresh cot= ton eyelet. Sizes-24, 26. and 28 » waist, 1.95 of 'the (CHILDREN S AID SOCIETY of the - COUNTY. OF ONTARIO AND 'THE CITY OF OSHAWA, Thursday, The Twenty-eighth Day of May, 1953 : RT EIGHT P.M. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSN. J ADELAIDE HOUSE 199 Centre Street, Oshawa -- SPEAKER -- MR EDWARD MITCHELL 'Regional i Director, Boys' iClubs of Canada Successful exocutorship means a combination . of many skills. A friend or relative may be a leader in his own line and yet find it difficult to sie time out to loarts how to be your executor, 'When you appoint National Trust as your 7 "Executor, the services of all departments are available . ; ; on a fulltime seale . ; ; at no extra cost. Your estate will be setiled with quiet efficiency and with sympathetic understanding' 4 We shall be glad to answer your inquisics. swiss cotton eyelet vos completely fined with fing = net... . in white 'only... oo BW. ' coolicomfort. by-one of the. finest: mabast" ve ul 20 KING ST., EAST TORONTO 23% Snowe 8. Dial 521)

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