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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 May 1953, p. 8

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repre Aaa en SET TERRSA a 4 TERT BT LRT T TOT TEELESISFT asso BRS L LL gresacassss hdd td EE EE EE EF I ETF TNT TITS FTIR YY TN ree eeeeene w. Th JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-2233 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, May 26, 1953 PERSONALS Accounts of social events and Fhe ave sppeesiaad by. the Social Department, Telephone Mrs. Melville G. Fer Huson. BR 3, Oshawa, has returned a three months vacation trip to Scotland Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Priest of Mrs. Xx e and dayghter, 1, is ts, Mr. and Me EE » Mary Street, this Mr, and Mrs, Pelow. Mrs. George Finley, president of St. Gregory's Catholic Women's League, attended a luncheon held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. H. um in Toronto in honor of Mrs. P. H. Swan, president of the CWL of England and Wales. a and Mrs. R. Ape of Lon- sttended the' laying of By i tone of Northminster United vd ag which they were former members. While in Oshawa they are the guests, of Mr. and Mre. A. J. Hicks, Cadillac Avenue North and vigiting their many | friends, . PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY At St. Gregory's Roman Catho- lic Church recently Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Jose Pindar ex- changed nuptial vows. The brie, the former Miss Maxine Agatha Shaw, is the daughter of Mr, George Roy Shaw of Oshawa and the late Mrs. Shaw, and the bridegroom is the son of S. Gordon Annis of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Joseph Pindar. Photo by Dutton--Times Studio. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES RENDEZVOUS CLUB The regular meeting of the Ren- desvous Club was held at Adelaide House on Thursday evening with Mrs, Gordon Rooney presiding. Mrs, James Gibbs read the min- utes of the previous meeting. A social evening was much enjoy- ed and prizes were won by several members. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Walter Axtell and her com- mittee. The next meeting will be held on the first Thursday in October and members are requested to bring new ideas for the program for the coming season to that meeting. PMA CLUB Mrs. Doris Law presided at this week's meeting of the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club. Ms 8. sung for Mrs, P. Hall, Readings were given by Mrs. John Parker and Mrs. A. G. Tumer, Mrs. Doris Law presented Mrs. John Callison with a bon-voyage gift for her trip to Scotland. A |jows children's hymn was sung. Refreshments were served by and . 'WESTMOUNT WA Westmount WA held its Ma meeting recently, Mrs. BE. A, president presided. Mrs. Miles Stoughton's took charge of the devotions and study of Africa. Miss M. A. Luke led in the de- asin hr hem, Cr n A . James ter and Mrs. Alfred Pursey read the Scripture, Plans have been made for a Coronation Tea to be held at the church on Saturday, May 30, Tuck SUDDEr of Be. Jibs Ticoting ck supper une m 5 The supper to start at 6 o'clock, Refreshments were served by the group in charge. WIFE PRESERVER If you do not possess an egg separator and want to use the white of an egg and not the yolk, or vice versa 'use a small funnel, Drop the egg in and the yolk will remain in the funnel, while the white slides into the dish below. Oshawa B&PW Club Holds Election Miss Jennie Pringle was re-elect. ed president of the Oshawa Busi: ness and Professional Women's Club at its annual meeting held at Adelaide House last evening. MISS JENNIE PRINGLE fol- : Immediate past president, Dr. Thelma Blair; vice presidents, Mrs. T. J. and Miss Iso- belle ; recording secre- tary, Miss Grace Winnell; corres- Poding secretary, Mrs. Olive Pet- ey; treasurer, Miss Gwen Paw- son. Conveners: Membership, Miss Bourne; program, Dr. Thel- ma Blair; ways and means, Miss Evelyn Moore; entertainment, Miss Irene Barton; inte Mrs, Ivor Davies, business wom- en's week, Miss Isobelle Morrison. SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE The marriage of Barbara Joan Selleck, daughter of Mrs. W, E. Selleck, RR 1, Oshawa, and the late Mr, Selleck, to Arnold Miller, 200 8 Mr\2ud Mrs. A. Miller of 8 eld, Nova Scotia, will take place at Memorial Church, Oshawa on Saturday, May 30, 1953, at 3 o'clock. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Albert Terwillegar, RR 2, Oshawa, will be at home to their friends, neighbors and rela- tives on Tuesday, June 2, from 3 to 5 and 8 to 10 p.m. on the oc- casion of their fiftieth wedding an- niversary. + | East, Friends of the Rev. and Mrs. H. cornerstone at Northminster Church were Mrs. Andrew inson, 'ihe Rev. Bagil W. Thome. ev. Ba . Thomp- son, Mr. apd Mrs. James Thomp- son, Mrs. Donald Thompson, Miss Bessie McVicar, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jackson and Mrs. R. A. Snod- grass all of Leaside. mily surprise al her with a set x fokgage. @ pres- entation was made by Mr. Richard Callison. Tea was Harvey Hunt Aux. Marks 29th Birthday The Harvey Hunt Auxiliary of Simcoe Street United president, welcom Miss Muriel had charge of the evening. Mrs. Louise conducted the worship service along the theme of Richness of the o # The guest speaker was Miss Wil. dws, a missionary who had been h at Seagrave, Ontario. Miss Willows xave inspiring address a {llustrated it with coloured 8 . Miss Leah Garrow sang two solos accompanied at the piano by Mrs. George Fleming. A social half hour was enjoyed. The of which was the miss | Oshawa ' Couples Mark Anniversaries At Surprise Party A surprise party for two couples observing their silver wedding an- niversaries was held on Saturday. night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Copeland, Colborne The honored couples were Mr, and Mrs. Reginald F. Norris, Warren Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs, Gatdon Pirie, Lakeshore. . en guests gathered when Mr. and . Norris and Mrs. and Mrs. Pirie arrived, They were im- mediately presented with corsages und ol . The guests spent 4 social evening and cards, and relfresh- played A ments were served by Mrs. Cope- 0 land and Mrs. Jack Francis, Both couples have lived in Osh- awa since their marriages. Mrs. Norris is the former Miss took place In BE, Georse's Anion . rge's can Church, Mr. and Mr: . attends Centre Street School and who presented her parents with a purse of silver on their anniversary. Mrs. Pirie is the former Miss Mary Hambly of Woodstock. Mr. Risie Ng born in Blenheim, On. couple were married in King Street United Church, Fertilizers, bone meal, seeds, Dutch sett and multiplier onions, seed 'potatoes, bug killers GLECOFF'S LGA." SUPER MARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH FLOWER AND VEGETABLE PLANTS. Lovely, healthy, over 2.000 to choose from. 35¢ Per Box $3.95 por doz. boxes Steele Briggs Call todoy end selection, AY ~~. Ls OPEN - TILL 10 P.M. EVERY NIGHT get a choice "DIAL 54721 Bazaar and Tea Successful Event At Christ Church The bazaar and tea held by the Afternoon el '| was as always, a compl e of fancy goods and . W. G. H] Kate McLaurin Elects Officers Mrs. Mabel Joyce was elected jdent of the Kate Mclaurin fi le E Try Sausage Patties Stacked With Apple e and her group [and and part sausage with the (whole wheat shreds to bind mixture. SAUSAGE AND APPLE STACKS 13%; cups whole wheat shreds 3 cup milk 1 egg, slightly beaten J Ee (Ta: u sausage 3% X18 poon pepper 2 tablespoons minced onions 2 medium apples Combine wheat, milk and egg: let stand until most of moisture is and hn mix thoroughly Divide mixture into twelve équal portions ang form into patties. 'e, core apples oross- wise. Place apple slice between two patties and press toget! TO dn aeY San, ) 30-35 min- utes or until meat is done and apple is tender. Yield: 6 a i 4] Street | the floor covering, and a shade for the coun- Jel to make the ceil- A YOUNG CANADIAN OF THE FUTURE This smart young man is Rod- erick Douglas Spencer son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spencer, Bowmanville, Ricky, who is two years old, is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer, North Oshawa, and Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Dinniwell, Bowmanville. Photo by Robert D. Spencer Special Coronation Ball Dress {#% Can be Made from Simple Pattern All across Canada women are planning social events for the cor- onhation. They are arranging some- thing special in addition to official civi¢ ceremonies. Some hope to or- ganize a coronation ball or recep- tion, Others plan a tea or garden party if the weather is fine. Every woman is concerned to be sure the gown she will wear for such an event will reflect the dig- nity of the occasion. Many women are sewing their own gowns--even for a coronation ball. For such am- bitious home dressmakers, sewing centres have a practical sugges- tion. It is not always necessary, Jay the experts, to buy expensive fabr . ics to achieve a richly formal looking effect. They point to Nor- man Hartnell, the designer to Her Majesty the Queen who has design ed regal looking robes for peeresses who will walk in the procession at Westminster which are not unduly expensive. The formality and grace in a ball gown comes from the styling. There {| are several fashion details which The regal look in this gown comes from tucks and pleats, Sewing centres suggest this mag- ic treatment for home dressmak- ers who want something stately but inexpensive for coronation parties. You can learn how to use the machine tucker yourself in any sewing centre. The skirt can be sent out to be pleated. To appreciate the effect, picture the above dress plain. It could be a bare-top cotton for the beach. Use any strapless top and circu- lar skirt pattern, five yards of rayon satin, add the tucks and pleats, and you have a ball-gown fit for a queen. A quick swith With a] "damp cloth, and those greasy marks will be off thet Panelyte wallt five same applies ol smetics, ink, alcohol , Jjond other stain-mak. es, Panelyte Is a cinch ro )tnsteh, end a cinch Jo keep sparklingly clean. ASK pvove remseeNoaMouitonGEMmATER ALS ESUPPLIER 473 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Your Sole Oshawa Dealer for Panelyte GEO. MACKO LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 3-2732 'will give a gown of rayon satin, for instance, a stately appearance gracious enough enough for a. cor- onation ball. One of these which the home dressmaker can easily achieve herself in the discreet placement of tucks and pleats. By horizontally tucking the bodice and vertically pleating the skirt of a satin evening dress, you can add lustre and Septh to the appearance of the satin' The straight horizontal lines enhance the moulded curve of the bodice, and the straight verti- cal lines dignify the flowing skirt. The tucks can be sewn on the sewing machine with the tucker. The skirt can be sent out to be pleated. Any basic pattern, avail- able in all standard pattern books, for a strapless bodice and circular skirt is adequate, for a ball-gown. Purchase enough additional mater- ial for the bodice to allow for tuck- ing. The bodice fabric should be tucked On the machine before the sections are cut out. A circular skirt pattern will usually allow enough fullness for pleating. The skirt should be sent out for pleat- ing, after the side seams have been sewn and before it is joined to the bodice. Now -- for an expenditure of about thirty dollars you have a ball gown graciously complete in it- self. Few accessories are needed. A: simple necklace, perhaps a bracelet and 'hair ornament if you wish. TITLE STAYS BATLEY, England (CP)--The Shoddy and Mungo Manufacturers Association will retain its name, it was decided by the people who make shoddy--a cloth made of re- covered woollen materials. 1| slonary Leader of Oshawa Represented at Meeting The Seventh-day Adventist Dor- cas Federation held a meeting re- cently in its Hamilton church. There were approximately twelve societies represented. Over one hundred ' members were present. The societies representd were from areas of Oshawa, lord Pastor R. H. Fickling, Home Mis- the Ontario-Que- bec Conference of Oshawa offered er, and Mrs. A. Niergartch, the Federation Leader spoke words of welcome to those assembled, Pastor C. A. Reeves of Hamilton i had charge of the devotional per- iod, taking as his theme, "An Un- derstanding Heart'. Mrs. B. Black of Welland receiv- ed the reports of the different so- cieties. The total of these reports, although not complete, was as fol- lows: 5,688 articles of clothing had been given away: 172 food baske given away; 4,138 hours were spen! on Christian help work; and the estimated cash value was $6,- 639.23. The Hamilton members were hos- tesses at the buffet dinner given at the noon hour. The food was contributed by all the societies. During the afternoon session Pas- tor Pickling spoke on the need of Welfare Centres and gave a supply of arm bands to each society. Nurse F. M. Henderson of Hamilton gave an address on world-wide work. Of Adventist Dorcas Federation It was decided that the next Feds eration meeting would be held on the first Sunday in November, at 3 Awde Street, Toronto. Locust Hill Bride To Live At Ajax The ma e of Muriel DA a aE erend H. Lackey in the home of e wore a semir the bride's 3 farents last afternoon. The bride is the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan of Locust Hill, bridegroom is the son of Mr, Mig. silk De Caire of a. vod e wi m was pla; by Miss Barbara Stewart, a cOue sin of the e. : The bride was given in marriage by her father. formal gown of blue nylon net over taffeta with a matching headdress, She carried a bridal bouquet pink roses and wore rhinestone jewelléry, the bridegroom's gift. Miss Georgina Duncan, the bride's sister, was her bridesmaid in' yellow nylon net over with matching headdress and & bouquet of mixed flowers, The bridegroom's brother, Mr, Gordon De Caire was the best man, and Mr, James Duncan, the bride's brother, ushered. Foll the ceremony a tion Jowing Later the pies left on a wedding trip to northern Ontario, and will return to make their home at Ajax. economical heat. , B FURNACE OIL SUPPLY GUARANTEED FOR AS LONG AS YOU WANT IT... 4 with" an imperial *0il "Evergreen Contract ; IN > ge % fmperial Oil controls every step in the production of Esso Furnace Oil to guarantee you top quality in a fuel especially developed for automatic off burners. And an Imperial "Evergreen Contract" -- guaranteed by Imperial Oil Limited --means automatic weather-controlled delivery and sure, write or phone the nearest office of ' Y{MPERIAL OIL LIMITED FOR SALE BY MOSIER SHEET METAL 21 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA DIAL 5-2734 717] ALEVES \/* ARE ON CROSLEY Canada's puce-setting valve in 21" DELUXE TABLE MODEL ONLY FREE! CROSLEY MAP OF THE CORONATION ROUTE These are beautiful colored maps done in regal style -- all you have to do is drop in Children must and secure yours. be brought in by grown-ups. AND WE HAVE COLOR- ED GLASSES FOR THEM, TOO. ~-- REMEMBER -- You can "see it better" on a Crosley. $25.00 down puts a Crosley in your home. JACK BIDDULPH 68 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-1179 APS EEL ANEOR. DAR", EEAE)

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