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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jun 1953, p. 21

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, June 18, 1953 21 Vacancies? Don't Give Them Another Thought After You Place Your Times Ad! § A Maximum Number Of Readers Will See Your Vacant Room. Another Convinced Advertiser Is Mrs. I--Leslie St. TT" 5> Ra et vec. "Ao on Lo T 8--Building Trades | 18--Lost & Found 25---Real Estate For Sale 25--Reaol Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale S T R | C yi L Y B U S | N E S S by MeFeatters || NEW 6.ROOM BRICK STOREY AND | BOWMANVILLE EAST BEACH--FUR. | 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 1 ACRE FRUIT Business -_ Professional OC ETE al FEERING AND SUL oe a evra Dn | half, hardwood and tile floors, 4-pe.|nished 6-room house, partly insulated. | trees. 9 Varcoe's Rd., evenings. - (140¢) bath, oil heat, air conditioning, large | Heavy wiring. Furnace, basement D | R E Cc T 0 R Y CARPENTER WORK ALTERATIONS, Tm = lot. Immediate possession. Dial 39952, f screened verahaah. oi nediate posses- . LA en VERA (3- (410) | © r 5,500, d antares About Birger Beg Wd Los? ry yh WL x a Phone Alvin Clemens, 38 Concession 250--Summer Properties For Dial 5-1754. (June29) | Whitby on Wednesday, June 10. Reward. NE eo LD INIER BLOCK Saree, Bowmanville. (142¢) Sale 4 b Smith Ltd., Bi ville. ps Accountants, Chartered | coro rinks CLEANED THE SANL | Sma she" or"sss. zh to Bowne ON 2e-acte Tobe AW, ORONO WINTEITH AND MONTEITH, CHAR. | 'ary way. Dial 5.3986. (July2) . Martin Bowmanville. Phone 2594. EXECUTIVES (142b) ; A Accountants, 37 King St. E., Dial 19--Money To Loan Homes, brick and frame, with . R. Gordon, W. Riehl, CA, Resi- Eno a, nt Sg y modern conveniences, suitable OPPORTUNITY Partner. (July®) | 30313, (Jly10) | MONEY TO LOAN ON' CENTRAL TD. f : " y Oshawa property, $10,000 upward pre- I DAVID McLEAN L . or apartments priced os 'low ., $15,000 BARGAIN--Worth Auditors EAVESTROUGHING -- FREE , ESTI- | ferred. Phone 3-312. (1420 RN . Realtor as $6,700. ,000-- --Wort : mates. Guaranteed work. Murray Holli- - STN eaitors Cc double. Lovely summer home, COUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 8. T. HOP. | day, dial 5-1286. (Jun20) | FIRST AND EE MORTGAGES, 4 43 Bond West ontact 3 acres, park-like trees; ab- Sale Agreements purcha and sol A NC | W. C. EVANS . solute privacy; 'boathouse, ified General Ace 2 BULLY - UP ROOFS, ASPHALT, | Hennick & 31 King r 4 East. Dial 5.3509. uly rgning. Apply 7. RISC E Dist som. (June26tf) \ : / A $2,900 Down--New 6-room Brok : Yocks, cabin, healthful, .rest- : Ph 3224. x - . i 5 Barristers Single. 319 obs Ave. Phone 5- wm. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT , ¥ clapboard ranch-style bunga roker fu. 60 miles north. Make of: : - or arranged. North Shore Realty Com- y low, three bedrooms, very ORONO --- PHONE 84.8 er. QUIS S. HYMAN, QC, BARRISTER. | piri FOR SALE, LARGE OR SMALL | pany Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, modern throughout. Lot 100° : : Altes Big 3 ing Strant East. quantities. Also fill removed. Dial 5-3422, | Oshawa. Dial 5-3568. (July) ; x 150, Only $7,500. Call Mr (142) Write Box 322, Times-Gazette gage an: ed. ones: . --------- ni 2 ' . . ak (1400) _ FIgage Soaus Arranged Puones: Of Guiyi0) | ors MONEY | TO LOAN ON Tindall, 5-0429, - ry BEDROOM BUNGALOW 27--_Real E Ww FOR SIDEWALKS, CURBS, CEMENT, | first jnortgages. Mortgages and agree- : \ ---Real Estate anted IS JONES AND Fase. rai p24 | porchs, etc. Dial 51474 evenings. J mentdf sor sale purchased on "favorable $8,500--North section, 5- Unfinished--kitchen, large liv- Janes, B.A. John A. B.A. nis ld 0 I eof ce Chambers, room brick bungalow, all ing room, 3-piece bathroom, ey to loan. WIyD | YOUR LOCAL PAINTER BY CON: (June2?) z os tract or by the hour, r ble rates. )] rn, full dr lar, new Good furnace, city water and sewer, PHREYS & BOYCHYN, BARRIS # CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR \////~=4 ern, Tul cry ce'lal, X ' ; 4 hott: sglicitors, . Jing West, { Phones: W. J: Howard, Dial 35700. (Inez?) | frat and second mortzages. Mortgages $ Cheer furnace, garage with full Sosement, Situated on ce 5-1177; Residences 5-461. Y|J. H. HENDERSON--CONCRETE AND | and agreements for sale purchased. A ¢ = cement floor, nice lot, low Nassau St. in Westbrooke WANTED TO PURCHASE FARM UN. 2781. Money to loan. uly) | cinder blocks, large stock on hazd. Dial YHA Rin Builders Joana sreanged, = \ \ y taxes. Early possession. Call Park, Large ravine lot, $2,300 der V.L.A. within 20 miles of Oshawa. 3-4412, Jly12) Apply---M, z, ' % } -- Il > Mr. Salter, 5-0429. down. Dial 3-8337. | Write Box 323, Times-Gazette. (140£) ABBON & BASTEDO, nis" avaiable t. S., Oshawa, Dial 3-4697. cvitors ents' funds available Jiyl) X /! CARPENTER WORK, CABINETS AND y N= (142b) URGENTLY REQUIRED oF first mortgages. 20 Simcoe N ' » . .' | trim. By the Hour. Phone 3-8048. I Osh Blvd--6- brick ares = e 53566. Charles C. McGibbon, Qc. = shawa vd--=6-room rick, -- Se ------, lione 5 70 | 20--Personal << ; *3 bedrooms, a nice homelike, CAR AGENCY Properties, large or small edo. (June24) 'well-built house, oak and tile Have buyers waiting HOUSES WANTED } FOR CLIENT TS, ALL 3 : 4 : cash or your equity. For quick results good-sized rooms, very mod- including electric fixtures and | ana satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, | | | Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512. Resi- dence 5-2133. July?) ANT AND Conavr TATRISTERS CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES BUY | sometre roiling, Ankush. _ ; nd Solicitors, Roger G. Conant. B.A. A ere, re airs acres | Clair will be at 78 Church, Wednesday, floors, good garage, lots of One of the big three with new W. E. HOLMES pi Thursday and Friday evenings from 7 : flowers ond shrubs. Only modern garage ond show. ! This Oshawa, Ont., 7%2 Simcoe St. S. 6. Wly3) : 3.2227: Ajax, Ont., Phone 25. to 11. Side door. (141c) : 4955. Pubtaners nym. ; % (0513) | PAINTING -- VERY REASONABLE. ; ; OR --n $10.000, 'Coll Mr. Tindal) room, all equipment, steady re- 31 Bond E. PAINTING B3or; | WANTED PASSENGERS, '53 METE 5-0429. 2 : Diol 5.2363 AL W. 5. GREFR, QC, BARRISTER, | D hy 2 | leaving" Oshawa 'for Tofonto 6:30, re : par business, new car sales. Nei% = . ete, in ree: Easl. a ing 5. Monday to Friday. Dial 3- 3 H is i i y ATR RII Rages SB ag iy NINDOY SCREENS MADE TO. ORDER. IUIBing 5. Monday y aaa | "You should know better than to fire a man when he's at| LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED is is 0 seal opportunity © ( AR A.. St. Resident 5.3368. Jiy10) sash, 'ye-scre = h f yer (142a) get established in a good busi- BERNEICE | H. . PATRICK (410) | YOUNG MAN REQUIRES TRANSPOR- the water fountain! : ness. $30,000 down will 'han Real Estate Broker Z.. T. SALMERS, B.A., BAKRISTER, tation from Whitby to Toronto daily. : : : 1 ' y Ralicitor, ete. 13% Simcoe Strent Norih. GRAVEL FOR SALE BY THE. YARD Phone Whitby 783 or Oshawa 3-7317. There moy be a right and a wrong time to do some things, $2,500 Cosh buys good semi- dle. LISTINGS WANTED fal: office' 5-3741, residence 3-3342. i ey Tie do ary ace | (140¢) but it's always the right time to use The Times-Gazette Cl bungalow at Caesarea with PERSONAL SERVICE . (June24) y P! a assi- : i ; -- | ity. Apply Elmer Collins and Son, RR 4, | comune or Ts DESIGNED fied Ads. Coll 3-2233, 34-acre land, oll furniture in- WALTER R. SMITH | 16 BOND ST. EAST -- DIAL 5-3692 PASEPH _P. MANGAN, Q.C.. BARRIS.| Uxbridge, Ont. Residence, concestion | opporis for style, comfort and health. . cluded. This house is in good Broker : , Solicitor.' Money to loan. Office 14% . bn BRI nM i CR . -- | condition and clean. Full price 15 BONE oT. W 100 WILSON RD. N. -- DIAL 3.3800 Ghg Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3.8232. ierre. Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park ivy : ' fidisidence, Dial 3-340. July) PLASTERING ; Ra. N. wuyil) | 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale $4,200, with immediate 'pos- DIAL 3-291] Salesman R. J. Fursey -- Dial 3.7035 YENEST MARKS, BARRISTER, G0. SO7ce work o specially. Ce | oir | pre \_STOREY AND HAL gs -- | : session. Exclusive fisting. July) BRN M A STER. SS ment. work..Painting 'and dec- GO OUT? J) J] - | $5,500 DOWN--STOREY AND HALF, | 6-ROOM FRAME, $3,500, 10 MILES i hee Ro J Room 2 ny orating on All enced babysitters, reliable middle: | brick home, hardwood floors, hot water, | north of Uxbridge, l4-acre - lot. Apply 11-room solid brick house HENRY R. STINSON 28--For | Rent pik 4 \ aged women. Phone Baby-Sitters Club, | electric. Full price $11,000. Apply 389 | 15702 Olive Ave. (140b) . Salesman Ridin i mir with bathroom, double garage, DIAL 5-2130--Evenings [2 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ND J. A, YANCH, work carried out by first-class 5-4310. Mrs. Weeks. (JIy7) | Jarvis St. (1380) SERA) 4 a. PARKHILL AND Y - ha 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FINISHED large lawn, close to lake and (1420) | with sink in kitchen couple preferred. ¢) | Phone 3-8672. (1420) Barristers, Mortgage loans, National tradesmen, Call the Scottish 5 ! iuine 'Act loans, 3p "Simcon Nord | Plasterers, for free estimotes. | 20a--Cartage $11,000 Senitally located. Good, 'mcome pome| highway near Bowmanville, |. Tg v1) - ated. G . : rm even pri - ial 3-4619. Res. 3 ind DIAL 5-3262 WE MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING ANY- 8 rooms, brick, on.Simcoe S., | OF large family. Write Box 326, Times. | Would make ideal -guest or 5. ROOM BUNGALOW | LARGE HOUSEKEEPING RO OM, MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER Julyin ti Dial 5-2621 (July3) . Gazette. (140¢c) rest home. About $11,000 $9 800--Th bi 1 suitable for two men or couple, every- Bdlicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas. | Hime, D : -- oil heated, garoge, $3,000 BE - nmr cash required. Terms arranged n% is new nee ow thing furnished, one block from Motors. $e Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3487, HARDWOOD FLOORS FOR GENERAL CARTAGE catia. E gosh will heridle is good | SNACK BAR for balorce. " reanne Sompletion, Shuated | Apply 313 French St. (142¢) idence ~3-4029. Wy Pretty, 5-0965, 444 Simcoe S. une2l) ouse, near Simcoe S, School. | . ity i | err PREIGHTON, FRASER AND DRYNAN, LAID, SANDED: VisiED 21 P 1 S i ! Business fixtures and lease, * Also some good building lots Whitty, heated with off fur. | Phone. 3.9237. Apply 193 Bloor Kas Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of | OR REFINISHED ersona ervice Cia $9,500 | Simcoe St. Full price $2,500. on No 2 Hopor, 9 nace, Jorge ol, sak floors, | ; (1426) Evie TK Creighton: GC» N. C. Fra: | LILLEY'S MACHINE SHOP WORK. SMALL, 6 rooms, off Albert St. Only About half cash. Stock at in- 4 Ta ot Pry. natural | ER RENT, JULY AND AUGYE 7. , QC, G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch parts made to order. Sample or blue-| $2 500 cash down, balance as voice. See NOBLE METCALF rep oe : own poy: {em house furnished, North Oshawa, yl) MODERN FLOORS print. Apply P.O. Box 309, Ajax. aan | rent. A good house in good, Broke meri. his is a well-built | Dial 5-6247. Ee -- DIAL 5-4902 DIAL 5-4851 | -------- | clean condition. { W. McAULEY | ome, | THREE - | ROOM APAR NT, BUSI- iropodists (Junell) GARDEN | FURNITURE | Realtor 31 CHARLES ST. 14 STOREY f ness or middle. aged couple, 2vailable 4 rs wee! ol uly. rite 0x > Aas A A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF Roofing, insul-bric, all types of and JONES REAL ESTATE | 13 PRINCE ST. DIAL 3-9128 $6,500--This six-room house | Times-Gazette. (140c) cal Chiropody. Speciatzing in foot masonry. LAWN ORNAMENTS 6 PRINCE ST. DIAL 3-2512 - 5.2133 (142a) is situated on Montrose Ave. | FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR Foot (140b) in Oshawa, with a grand view | 2 single beds. Apply 24 Fairbanks St. leg 3 i ) deg dies Suite 2, a Prince St. Fireplaces, chimneys, stucco, Made to order. Reasonable DIAL 5-6412 | 5-5621, Jiyl) sidewalks, blocks. prices -- best materials and (1400 | Came ifr --_--_-- RICHMOND STREET EAST -- of the surrounding country, | ll Dentists Estimates. Cheerfully Given workmanship. ------ | sali Loks, 2 cottages Attractive family type 7-room, finished with insul-bric, hard- | LARGE CLEAN FUR nts | ng. lake, hydro, .g 4-bedroom brick home, ver wood floors, fireplace, garage, for 2 gentlemen or working c . GO DIAL 3-4741 : : ; y ; ce, garage, : pl ER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, OSH- RDON MAY L3 (July18) LOT-- PARK RD. 5 | electric stove in one, drilled tastefully decorated through- hot-air furnace. This is o sub. - {Central Apply 81 Ontario; = (42e) ; : ; ; $1,500 Full Price--Size 40' x | Well, .water tested. These cot- out, spacious modern kitchen, stantial house in the low-price | FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR wa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily .Saturday Dial 3-9911 -- tages are well built, nice lots housekeeping, two gentlemen or 2 girls. " i p xt | A eme i ' full-sized dining room, newly brackets, | Dial: 3.7800. Sie proings. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Jlyl) (July5) % 110°, with cement block base- PHONE 5-5854 ment, near new GMC plant, | ©n paved highway. Good in- ¥ y ' decorated living room, second a ee RR COLLARD, DENTIST. Ma Iv Pre-Cast Concrete DON SMITH sewer and water available. vestment at $4,000 for both, floor hos 4 bedrooms each JOS. E. SHIELDS |LARGE piGnT HOUSEKEEPING . 2 i ial foe N. Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturday nornings. Dial 5-4832. (Jne24) SEPTIC TANKS Terms arranged. with wardrobe closet and 3- Real Estate Broker { room, Suit girls, abstainers. D | 3-8222, (142a) Delivered and installed FOR KINGSTON RD. E. E. BECKETT piece bath, Good-sized lot with 124 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY i rier Nursing Services Sizes 300 gallons and up CORONET TV. $3,000 Full Price--Lot 45' x REAL ESTATE garage, handy to bus, school. MR. J. E JONES | Gent TO SHARE Room, MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME. BROOKLIN CONCRETE SAVINGS -- SERVICE 150°, with liveable closed-in Lome, oil hected, is well in, STR iy ingle' beds, very eemral; Dial S705. . vo - ted. : : | hma-- i 24' x MISS McBRIEN Suite Sking price $13, PHONE 2874. {| LARGE ROOM FOR THREE MEN, one Bowmanville 2974. Vacancies, PRODUCTS GUARANTEED cement block basement, n and women. Good care. (Jnel9) Brooklin -- Phone 155 (July15) 28', wired for heavy duty serv- Phone BROOKLIN 60 terms, EVENINGS 2473, 2719 {LARGE BOOM a=. THREE MEN, (June18) j ices. Immediate possession. (141b) CADILLAC AVE. SOUTH -- (142a) ers. Dial 5.0840. (142a) * TEE WER OW eR ae a AR PERE Be Lo --Optometrists | P i i Let us thoroughly | DARLINGTON BLVD. | $13,900--$7,000 down, 5-room, 3-bedroom brick bun- H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, Disney | 89--Sharpening Service . H. » 7 AS | . rooms, brick, hardwood floors galow, modern throughout, {Ean pe Mo ATTENTION-LAWN MOWERS PRECI- | $1800 Donita: soem ew throughout oil heated with partly finished recreation V tact lenses and plastic eyes. Dial 5- Son rng ak Susianteed. | a us TENA Full | hot-air and radiators, recrea- room, electric hot water heat- i | | Y ide s er, new aluminum push-button t JiyD) | or "5.4360. (140¢) ice. $3 800 tion room, close to schools, price ' . churches and shopping dis- storm windows. Asking price 'a--Surveyors AUTOMATIC Sav FILING: SEpTING -- YOU = FOX RD | "trict. Now bringing income of $10,700, $4,400 down, i T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR- | 5aws_ lawnmowers, shears, etc., shar- : $200 a month, - or, Civil Engineer, 37 Woodhouse pened. Stan's Sharpening Service, 227 . $1,000 Down--3-room new $2,000 down--Summer cot- GRETA STREET--Neor Maos- i King West. 220) | 3 ¥ y V4 acre son Street--7-room, 2-storey on YA tage at lake, 6 rooms and scent, Ajax. Phone 247-R, Ax, om \V I insul-bric house e ; or un: ad . ey | of land, has 2 chicken coops summer kitchen. brick 'home, 4 rooms on main 9--Business Opportunities | - Nn e a Nn and many extras, Immediate floor, 3 bedrooms and bath | BROKER DNEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTAR- Land Surveyors, and professional en- | MEATS, GROCERIES, ETC. LARGE possession. Full price $5,500. E. L. WHITELY on 2nd floor, modern kitchen, i oil ers. 715 King St. E. Phone 55632. | turnover, 6-roomed apartment. Other in- . Real Estate Broke forced air heating with , (J1y6) | terests force to sell. Apply .583 Albert R | nN ls VERDUN RD. 111 SUTHERLAND AVE. double garage, asphalt drive, 0.4: Street. ; Building Trades $1,500 Down--5-room insul- PHONE 5-3308 | Early possession arranged. bric, 3-pc. bath, hot-air heat- io (June17,19,20) Asking price $12,300. Sub- ing, many extras, Full price S room solid brick, i excel stantial cash payment required. er LTERATIONS AND REMODELLING, 11a--Tailoring es and throom. lent condition, large garage, | CARNEGIE AVE.--6-room, 2- modernized: WN : = Ey on? Se" | EPO TAM wR | DIAL 5.0858 {2205 guaranteed. G. Parks 3.2631. Coe ly avenitls of fhe finelt SO-BRITE VENETIAN BLOOR ST. E. good lot beautifully landscap. storey brick home, oak floors, TWENTY-THREE FOOT LIVING ROOM SJuirD) | Dial soem 'Janey BLIND LAUNDRY $2,000 Down 6-room brick chil legving town. Abeut goed sized living jouw, oil ' -- 6-100 i alf cas heati . ; i ' =e ; EW PLASTZRING AND REPAIRS, 12 ardeni & Supplies (July2) bungalow, good: condition, con- A-room buncalow. 1 ating, garage. Lot size 40 + + . and broadloom covered at thot. Even the hall and stairway ehways, Yemodeling, water proofing --G ng PP 22 Radio R t Samoa ee. Out Sool PIN le ho ows 4) foci x 180°, Asking price $12,000, have neutral mushroom runners. Stainless steel sink, arborite coun- A. Woods. ' (Jly10) | CUSTOM = GARDENING DONE BY | 44--Ravio epalrs A Ah 1 price $9 500. : and ye jg dr tp Substantial. cash. poyment: re. es lops ond cupboards in the kitchen, three: bedrooms: and: threes Roto-tiller. Dealer for roto-hoes and | EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, AERIAL ' : ot $3000. » Priced to se quired. | piece bathroom upstairs. Storms and screens, oil heat, double laun=- , 1 paved drive," garage and picket fence around backyard. MES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND | roto-tillers -- Harold McDiarmid, 304 | installations television and appliances, J k-| Bloor West. Dial 3-7901. (IneZ8) | sales and service. Parkway Television. NORTH EAST SECTION We also have a few choice DIAL 3-3849 of A 3331 oy bing home in good residential district where shade trees have "service. Tiling itch s ; . ! li work guaranteed. Free estimates. PRIVET HEDGE, 18" - 24" HIGH, Ij. | FPone 3-3043. isin $4,000 Dow eS oa, Tear: building lots for sule; Property UNTIL 6 survived the axe. Listed at $12,900 with terms available to buyer x Vaida, Modern Woodworking Shop. | mediate delivery, $25 per 100 plants. RADIO SERVICE new modern bric ungalow, aiting clients, LEON B HASH with reasonable down payment. EINERAL EN i: Re oe a Car installation, small appli- LE al br DONALD SCOTT Real Estate Broker and GRETA ST. FAMILY HOME ders, houses, sores, {actorles, brick. For sodding, nursery oi Ro Ws oil, 'extra large lot. Full price ZING Rel ANY General Insurance Agent Jost the blags for tittle: okt faint blic sshobl ond. thet. 55s forth. Phone Ajax 19wl. (June27) stock and'quality work- DIAL 5-4311 $10,500 DIAL 713 or 2620 hie 134 SIMCOE ST. N. ae 0.cv 1 hres Se hue ata ar LE iy, ep nsreredim, | ON Ro ly NE | Me | I | a " ' 25 PRINCE ST. | 3-2988 -- LLOYD METCALF the family man. (Ny12) 3 Shecioom. dvice and - stone OSHAWA 3.2612 | (Sales Representatives) x f b I -condition- ; ; 23--Women's Column | Bo dn welkhui iL ass Call 5-6165 Regarding your property. LL AND FLOOR TILES LAID,| walks and rockeries, ---- me a. boards made to measure. Collect SPECIAL-PERMANENTS $450 UP. | ond attractive home. Imme- HOMES WITH INCOME 37 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA manville 2753. (Julyll) Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Ave. Dial | diate possession. Full price ENT SIDEWALKS, STOOPS AND Hillside Nursery hii YJuness) | .. $10,500, . . Also cellars, y -- hi EE RTA | oo re 52704 Con | os Ee CELINA ST Well situated u cold wave for .50. a ----| and Allan Shank. (June3n) | $4,000 Down--7-room, 1Vi- Present Rental show 15% on $17,000.00 UMBING AND HEATING PIPES, ; s, fixtures, new and used. Instal (July10) pir) storey good brick home, hot- aif: 1 CHARIS DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL wate. heating: gurdge, many Index To Want Ad Classification ons at reasonable prices. Dial 5- . types of Foundation Garments, . | (Nyl10) 13--Household Repairs Blatter. Dial 5-3434. (Julys) extras. Immediate possession. IN NORTH - Accounts Sharpening Money to Loan " | 2 | " ; TROUGHING, FING AND Full price $11,300. (Chartered) . 1B | Service BA | Barristers mney repairs. Disl 34075. IID) | ered Line mas Wee ALT: (RECOV: | 25--Real Estate For Sale Well-planned 5-Room. Brick Bungalow. Build 1951 by Automobiles [ Dentists... .T8Y Rony Borate - - | rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- | pres---- ALBERT ST Owner himself. Owner moved to Toronto. Repairs 34 | Dressmaking | Agents ¥ INTING, CARPENTRY AND ALL | anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up NEW BLOCK STUCCO, STOREY AND : : N 6-R 13 Accounts . 1A | Enployment | Nursing Services .. Jibs. satisfactory work. Dial. 3-830; Roistering. Co. 10 Bond St. Wem. Di half, Groom house, bathroom. large | $4,000 Down--7-room, 2 ew oom, 13%4-storie Brick home. 3-bedrooms, Atticles for Rent |. 40| Wanted .. ....... 46] goioris) Sot (June) | 5.0311 Wiy19) ame Bs on Nand, gy storey brick house, close to large lot. Owner moving to Hamilton. ens Sale .. ) i II "37 | Personal : . . p Janted .... 451 2 i P 1 Services .. 2 ERICR, AND EXTERIOR PAINTING FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE. | Villeneuve, 3.8070. a41d) King St, - hardwood floors 5-Room Brick Bungalow. Oil heated--All conveniences, Agents Wanted en 5 Female Jieip Persona Services ; ecorating. Gardens clea and cul- | upholstered. See our materials for re- os -- ROOM _ BUNGALOW. TR throughout, heating by oil, and $9, 200.00. cles e Wanted .......... Pesci ed, Free satimates; all work Sie covering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles yes TB NGaL Close ARDWOOD numerous other, extras, Full 2. Auction Sales pes iy por Root oh Physteiane as a St. Dial 3.7212. Quid) | DoT" 59.000. 302 Chestnut Street. Whithw. | price $11,300. storie, 6-Room Brick and Stucco home. Sunroom, yeh Te Gorden and Real t te Thom, 135 Simcoe Street North. 3.2551. Jun20) Modern kitchen, Oil heating, Oak floors. Laundry tubs, All Sle orion W]Supnlies revi d2f Tor al Qulyl0) | 14--Instruction ~ eR RPENTRY SERVICES AVAILABLE, ERPERT REET I ELE AJAX $4,000 BRIjCE ST. 3 Air- conditioning, Double garage, Asphalt drive. T.V. Wanted .. 33] Repairs .. . 13| Exchange 2 ERE Alf oiey Nal a Sais 300 Down--6;rpm ood | aerial, Va-Block from North Simcoe School. Guiting Trades 4] Inher Nae oi . ting for new homes, all o _ | bedroom dining room suites, antique -room house, must be sold by end d 4 i trating fo r part of room, With or WHILE fits brick house, has 2 3-pc. bath ASInCEs ities. ... Insurance wei Room and poard 2 t as nee for le buildi chairs, our specialty. For free estimates : out _Jssigtanes Ton Te Yuan phone" Oshawa Uphostering Co. 5-0311, | Including T.V., refrigerator and rooms, and 2 kitchens. A good S WwW WARD Business Service Veoh Wanted .. : 10 Bond Si (Jun17tf) | Piano, $2,500 Down--$3,400 Furnished. income home. Full price $11,- . . Opportunities Legal Notices .... Summer Resorts . I Wanted Ab Loan Wantea ..... Surveyors D, Balance of $2,400 at $28 monthly. STOM WOODWORK KITCHEN CUP- ; { rds designed to save. Doors, win. | LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND Apply 900. $6,500.00--4-Room Cottage all conveniences. | Cartage Lost and Found .. Veterinavies .... 3 Chiropodists ..... 4 | Male Help Wanted to Rent ... ie Sil Phases woodwork, expan | 8 3 he Oshawa Srudio Davios, 25 BEACH STREET, AJAX BLOOR ST. W. $6,500.00--5-Room Clapboard all conveniences. || Chiroprattors "4A | Wanted... ..... 43| Wearing 'Apparel .. 31 p. Phone 51680 or 3.2477. o idence Peas ; : 430 | +1860, Ie PHONE 561 $6,500 Down--8-room, full $5,000.00--5-Room 1V2-Storie frame. Coal-Cok>-Fuel | Male & Female" "| Women's Column . A SR hh 1370) 3 1 COURSES IN STENOGRAPHY, TYPE- iri 2-storey, new home, has k 6 oor. DIAL 3484, 30) | writing, accounting, comptometry ~ and bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, oil heat- S. E. WARD CLASSIFIED AD RATES } a bien, Day, meh) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ed. A well-built home, handy i ) = BRICK AND BLOCK LAYING |awa Business College. Dial 5.4343. to new GM plant. Full price 10-Room Revenue bearer contains 3-room, self-con- 20 words or less (June22) Owner's dttractive 2-storey $11,850. tained apartment. ; Cash Charge PLASTERING AND GENERAL SOFA S SUPPLIED REED THEM brick home on corner lot, cen- 2 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ae : is CEMENT WORK . home. Yours on completion. Free trial tre hall plan, conveniently lo- MILLER AVE, HARMONY ROAD 6 CONSECE TiVE INSERTIONS rt - es a : f F prompt service. Call for esti- lesson. Bell's Hawaiian School. Leave cated, close to transportation $4,500 Down--6-room, near f not paid within 10 days the charge rate will apply mates. Phone a so iy) | and shopping. Large modern new brick, 1)2-storey, "4-bed- 6-Room Brick Home, 3-bedrooms, Modern kitchen, Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. LILLEY'S BROS 15--insurance | tiled kitchen, family-size din-y room home, is air-conditioned, Large living room, and large Dining room, Oil heating Subsequent insertions. ordered at a later date constitute 'a i ---- da ing room, extra large living oil heated, has large lot, is . 2 vid " 4 3 A ig) . OSHAWA -- DIAL 54902 MeMURIRY INSURANCE. HERE Tourn, # budrobis; rodern A close: 10 school, and. ios. many with air conditioning, Recreation room, partly furnish- Profc sional and Business listings, £5.00 Per month for i 20 worgls or less. 20c addiu or over X es Surslary, ies sen. Imveriai | piece bath, divided basement other worthwhile features. ed, very large lot. + Each initial rig abbreviation, § and c¢ sign, figure, count as a word. BULLDOZING WIAD | including shower, stool," basin Di | 3 3822 Box charged 15c¢ additional, | ond laundry tubs, oil heating, a > All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a m. the day of EXCAVATING PRUDENTIAL OF ENGLAND Office hours: Daily, 6-5: Saturday, 8-12. | | private . drive, garage and publication. GRADING ASSURANCE COMPANY | breezeway, lovely wide lof, H. GOLDSTEIN RP BULATIONG SAND and GRAVEL 1s Yepresanted i Sehawa and beautiful landscaped grounds Broker Wa I ISI e The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors in adver- P Se. eb By a back and front. $19,000, half 1 tisements submitted otherwise then in wriling, nor for more than one rompt Service FRANK E. TURNEY, C.L.U. cash, 3 Bond St. E. incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charged LILLEY BROS. 47 PRINCE STREET -- DIAL 35-0832 Realtor for a single insertior. of the advertisements in which 'error occurs. And OSHAWA Life, Fire and Auto Insurance | WRITE BOX 339, Salesmen also reserves the right te classify advertising according to its own Overseas policies given special IME TTE classifications. DIAL 5-4902 attention TIMES-GAZETTE J. PENICKA--J. BARNOSKI 82 Simcoe St. S Dial 3-2333 (June27) (June29) (1420) | (1422) Free estimates Suaraitesd. ms. H. Tucker. Dial 5-616 i . cke! Gena ing walls, flagstone WET TATE SWE PORES LEEPER ER EN SE WERE ERR AWW we Rg EE AWE PAN WOW WEE WR er SEPT Taam <2 Br =

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