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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jun 1953, p. 8

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ho vot JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR onion DIAL 3-2233 $ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, Jume 18, 1953 WED IN DOUBLE- At Knox Presbyterian Church recently Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Albert McLean exchanged nup- tial vows. The bride, the former Miss Margaret Ruth Anderson, is RING CEREMONY the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Leonard L. Anderson of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James K. McLean of Ottawa. --Photo by Hornsby Studio. SEW-THRIFTY y¢ [liam Chester and secretary's re- |port by Mrs. Harry Young. Flow- < | Pretoria, with a large attendance. 4717 14%--24% By ANNE ADAMS Need a cool dress -- but fast? You'll love this one! Easy to sew, Pleasure to pop into, jiffy to iron. roportioned for your short, fuller figure--no pattern alteration prob- lems. Make it in cotton, ice with eyelet edging for a pretty touch. Pattern 4717: Half Sizes 14%, 16%2, 182, 20%2, 22'%, 24%. Size 16'2 dress, 8% yards 35-inch fab- ric; bolero, 1%. yards. This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (35¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of Daily Times-Gazette, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. :| siding. Mrs. Robert GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CENTRE STREET WA On Friday evening, the East Group of the Women's Association of Centre Street United Church met at the home of Mrs. Herbert Ogden, Bruce Street, with Mrs. C. I. DeGuerre, group leader, pre- irk was in the charge of devotional. The poem entitled "Father's Prayer", was read by Mrs. Kirk. Treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. Wil- Come Double Club Holds Yearly Picnic The Come Double Club of Northminster United Church held its annual picnic at Lakeview Park on Wednesday. In spite of threatening weather, sixty people, counting club mem- bers and their children, sat down to a picnic supper. Following the supper there were races for both children and adults. The results were as follows: chil- dren's race, 3 years and under: Terry Thompson, Glen Jeffrey; girls race, 6 years and under, Judy McLean first, Debby MacMillan second; boys' 6 years and under, Steven Jarvin, Barry Hicks; girls 10 years and under, Linda Thomp- son first, Lynn MacMillan second; boys, 10 years and under, Terry Garbutt first, David MacMillan second; mixed sack race, Lynn MacMillan with Steven Jarvie sec- ond; sack race, 10 years and over, Graham MacMillan, Terry Garbutt second; balloon race, Teddy Mac- Lean first, Terry Garbutt second; minute race, Jean Jeffrey; bean guessing contest, Glen Walmsley; mixed sack race, Mary Walins| and Cloyd Morey. Prizes were awarded for each event and presented to the win- ners at the finish of each race. The party ended with the friend- ship circle. SOCIAL NOTICES PERSONALS Mrs. Frank Edmunds, London, Ontario is spending this week ing her sister, Mrs. William ] er, Fairbanks Street. a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruyea, San- dra Street, have had their uest, Mrs. Bruyea's' rgeant Bertram. member of the . Corps, ancougs who is flying tham, from Vancou on July 29. Mrs. Finley McEwen of Midland, formerly of Oshawa, will sail on Sunday from Montreal on board the S.S. Rijndam for a three months' visit with her parents in Rotterdan, Holland. She will be ac- companied by her two daughters, Susan and Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Raae Schad} of Panama, Canal Zone, were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Schaap's cousin, 'Mrs. John Heran- court, Drew Street. Miss Colleen Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clarke, Alma Street, received first class honors in her first year in the gen- eral course at St. Michael's Col- lege, University of Toronto. Mrs. Ewart Cornish and Mrs. Sandford Perry will receive at the strawberry supper to be held at Northminster United Church on Wednesday, June 24, under the i t ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Helen Larsen of Columbus and Mr. Fred Larsen of Celoron, New York, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Jennie Eleanor Larsen, to Ivan George Wray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wray of Port Perry. The wedding wi fake place on Saturday, Aug- ust 1, AT HOME The Reverend L. D. Begg and Mrs. Begg, 629 Carnegie Avenue, will be at home to the congregation of the First Baptist Church on Sat- urday, June 20, from 3 to 6 o'clock. IMMUNIZATION EASY There is an easily available form of immunization against diphther- ia. Every child should receive diphtheria toxoid protection, available from the family doctor or public health clinic. { SIMPLE-SEW! er report was given by Mrs. Wil- | liam Riding. Birthday box was | passed and money was handed in | . | for everyday greeting cards. Mrs. C. I. DeGuerre read a poem by Wilson MacDonald en-| titled "Elizabeth II'. Mrs. Charles | Edwards expressed thanks to Mrs. Ogden. The reading, "This Is My Father's World', and Mizpah Ben- ediction closed the meeting. Re- freshments were served by hostess and committee. HELPING HAND AUX. The Juge meeting of the Help- {ing Hand Auxiliary of Simcoe | Street United Church was in the form of a picnic held at Camp The business was dispensed with {and a social time enjoyed follow- | ing - the supper. * | HOME ACCIDENTS Home accidents kill more people than industrial accidents. To make the home safe for living, it should be checked for possible accident | hazards. Loose verandah rails, ar- ticles left on stairs or in dark | hallways, too highly waxed floors | and protruding nails are a few of | the things that can cause injuries | around the home. | { HEAVY SNOWFALL | In Oregon's Crater Lake Nation- |al Park an annual snowfall of 50 to 60 feet is not uncommon. | | DRAPES - CURTAINS BRA L ERLE } Mode-to-Measure FREE ESTIMATES WARD'S Dio mcoe ot Athol HAVE BEEN SLASHED' TO THE BONE! -- During -- HORWICH CREDIT EWELLERS {to sew, embrojder, crochet--print- P A A wedding" anniversary dinner was held last evening at the Guild Inn in honor of Dr. and Mrs. R. L. McTavish who were celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary and their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wil- son, and Mr. Wilson, who were celebrating their 18th anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. McTavish were mar- ried in Manitou, Manitoba on June 17, 1908, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were married in Oshawa on June 17, 1935. Mrs. Robert Gow, Mrs. Verda Jackson and Mrs. Ernest Pattman were co-hostesses at a post-nuptial miscellaneous shower held last evening in honor of Mrs. Lloyd P. Sonley, the former Miss Lorna Gal- loway. The party was held at the home of Mrs. Gow, St. Julien Street. Yellow and white stream- ers decorated the room and on ar- rival the honored guest was seat- ed on a yellow and white hassock and presented with a corsage of yellow rosebuds and showered with confetti. The attractively packag- ed gifts were arranged in a decor- ated basket. Contests were enjoy- |ed with prizes awarded to Miss | Barbara Plowright, Miss Marjorie Perry, Miss Sheila Gallogley, Miss Evelyn Lawrence, Miss Peeling, Mrs. William MacFarlane, Mrs. Bruce Hudson and Mrs. Son- |! ley. Refreshments were served by the co-hostesses. Tea, Showers Honor | Miss Joan Stephens Mrs. Roy Stephens entertained at a trousseau tea for her daughter, Miss Joan Diane Stephens, whose marriage to Mr. Eric J. Wigmore will take place on Saturday, June 20 Miss Barbara Latham opened the door to the guests. Pink larkspur and white carnations centered the tea table which was softly lighted | with pink tapers. Pouring tea were | | | | 7382 SIZES ; | n»-20_ WI By ALICE BROOKS Bright daisies bloom on this simple-sew sunback that has its own town-bound bolero! Easy-to- | embroider or buy organdy daisies ! by the yard. Pattern 7382: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Tissue Pattern and | transfer. State size. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in| coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to Daily Times- Gazette, Household Arts Dept. Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN | NUMBER and SIZE. | TEN COMPLETE PATTERNS | bo ed in the new 1953 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book! Plus many more patterns to send for -- including ideas for gifts, home accessories, toys, fashions! Send 25 cents now! Mrs. Vernon Markle, great aunt of the bride-elect. Mrs. Albert Evans, aunt of the bride-elect, Mrs. Manson Ellicott and Mrs. Harry M. Smith. Assisting were Mrs. Robert McNab, Mrs. Robert Lath- am, Mrs. George Matthews, Mrs. Frank McCullough, Miss Aileen Gibbs, Mrs. Ross Steele, Miss Olga Zemko, Miss Margery Ennis and Miss Kathleen Dobos. Also entertaining were Miss Erna Reading at a miscellaneous | shower. The guests were co-work- | |ers of the bride-to-be from the | Collegiate and 'Administration of- fices. Mrs. Donald Anderson and Miss Kathleen Dobos were hos- tesses at a dinner and presenta- tion and Mrs. George L. Roberts at' a tea. The co-workers of the prospec- tive bridegroom entertained for the bridal pair at an evening party. They presented the future bride- groom with a white Kenwood blan- ket, a pair of superform pillows and a sum of money. The Staff Players club of the. Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute presented the bride-elect with a place setting of sterling at their closing banquet. Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Gomoll, Au- burn, N.Y., gave a dinner for the bridal party after the rehearsal at the Guild Inn. OLD FASHI ; FULL-WIDTH + FREEZER | AND | FREEZER \DR/ | GLACIER | BLUE COLOUR STYLING DNED DEFROST | 21% MORE | FOOD SPACE Bt | ' TWO DEEP CRISPERS tt ROOM FOR TALL BOTTLES AND BULKY FOOD Exclusive Flash Defrosting !™ Admiral ING CHORE GONE FOREVER BUILT-IN BUTTER CONDI- * TIONER SHELVES ri SUPER- STRONG THERMA- al: dian Dental » B.C. for Korea 7 Erlene |: hit LT in WD el AND BROWNIE PACK QUALIFIES FOR CORONATION BADGES In honor of her Coronation Her | uniform. These '"'good Turns' will Majesty the Queen has asked that | be compiled into a book form Guides and Brownies all over | and forwarded to Her Majesty the world do an extra "good | at a later date. Pictured above turn" for which they would be | with their Brown Owl, Mrs. A. presented with a special "Coro- | G. Wiskin, are the Brownies of nation Badge' to wear on their | the 2nd Oshawa Pack who have INCOMING AND OUTGOING PRESIDENTS MRS. DAVID HUTCHEON named president. She succeeds Mrs. David Hutcheon who has been president for the past three years. MRS. GORDON TOMLINSON In the election of officers held recently by the North Oshawa Home and School Association Mrs. Gordon Tomlinson was you're right out of one of the in- gredients). A perfect main dish for summer evenings is a jellied salad or mousse. The two receipes given here are made with canned sal- mon -- nutritiows, colourful, and deliciously appetizing. | GETTING MARRIED? Large Selection of WEDDING INVITATIONS ARJAY PRESS "Oshowa's Newest Printer" 182 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 5-2066 Jellied Salmon Perfect Main Dish For Warm Evening Plenty of time to check last- minute meal preparation . .. a cool | kitchen . . . and a meal that will | grace your table with an air of | sparkling festivity -- this is the aim of every hostess. | A little planning and. forethought can make the preparation of sum-| mer meals a delight instead of a| chore. The best way is to concen-| trate on menus that can be prepar- | ed in the cool of the morning. Have | your salad greens washed and ready in your crisper; make! a check-list of all the ingredients | you'll need and make sure you have everything on hand (nothing | F | salmon. Add salmon, pepper, onion is more annoying than to find your- || Don't buy until you've compared self right in the midst of concoct-| ing something delectable and find | IT WAS GOOD IN 1875 «+. and every day since --the Wilson's family formula--the unchanging Wilson's Standard of Quality--and the Wilson's skill of blending and manufacture--have com- bined to produce a sparkling jewel LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH . Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 held its regular meeting in the | Lodge rooms. The attendance was {not as large as usual due to. the fact that a number of members | were attending the Grand Lodge sessions in Toronto. { Noble ' Grand Sister Lillian | French was in the chair conduct- |ing the business assisted by Vice Grand Sister Victoria MaGee, who reported on the members who were ill. Nominations for the ensuing term were held. There will be further nominations at the next meeting -- in September. Tentative plans were made for a lodge picnic: to be held at the Odd Fellows Home in Barrie. Lodge closed in regular form. 4 JUST WHAT DAD ALWAYS WANTED ! BINOCULARS qualified and are wearing their "'Coronation Badge." In the ! background is their "good turn' collection of dressed dolls and | other small toys for the Grenfell Mission, Labrador. --Pheto by Dutton-Times studio. SALMON MOUSSE 2 tbsps. gelatine Ya cup water 1% cups cream sauce 1 Ib. canned salmon 2 tbsps. chopped green pepper 1 tsp. minced onion [ 2 tbsps. chopped clery 1 tsp. Wocestershire sauce 1 cup whipping cream Cucumbers Soak gelatine in water. Add gela- | tine to cream sauce and cool. Flake Hustrated above: 6 x 15 Jupiter Jr. Originated in World Wor MN for secret agents Hondiest Prism Binoculor Paim-pocket size Unbelievable clear Magnification Extra wide angle view Weight 5 ox. Brushed Chrome finish Complete with genuine Cowhide Case 22.50 Others In stock mow: 8 x 30 Cartier Ranger .. 39.78 6 x 24 Jupiter Jr. . S250 Lumex Field Glass 4 x 32 18.00 Diagal Field Gloss 4 x 40 10.00 AH include Hendsome arrying Cese Ask for FREE Booklet "Using Binoculars" six - power {and celery to sauce. Fold in stiffly | {beaten cream. Pour into melon mold. When firm, unmold on salad platter. Surround mold with sliced tomatoes and watercress. This | mousse is also delicious with cu- | cumbers when they are available. Serve with toast or hard rolls, a beverage and chocolate cake, and you have a tasty menu. JELLIED SALMON SALAD 1 1b. can salmon 1 pkg. lemon gelatine 2 cups boiling water 1 tbsp. sugar 1 green pepper 3 Jani *ooked eggs Sps. lemon juice or vine | % tsp. salt gar, 1 cup diced celery { 3 red pimentos | Dissolve gelatine in two cups | boiling water. Add lemon juice or | vinegar, salt and sugar. Just as | the gelatine begins to set, add sal. | mon flaked, diced celery, pimentos | cut in narrow strips, green pepper cut fine, and hard cooked eggs. Canned peas may also be added. Mold in individual molds or one| large mold and serve on lettuce. | Use any dressing desired. prices Cc | | | | | | | | 8 KING ST. KE DIAL 3.4621 for your favorite father... bi After Shave Set by Fabergé refreshing men's lotion and waterproof shaker of talc handsomely gift boxed 3.80 the set dry, sophisticated Ahprodisia or crisp, woodsy Woodhue DRUG KARN'S sore COSMETIC DEPT. Admiral 9 CU. FT REFRIGERAT IRS el 1341 AT Push @ button ond in a few shert minutes the whole defrosting job is done. Here's defrost- ing at your convenience--quick, easy, frouble- free! These new Admiral refrigerators hold more food, keep it hondier, save you time ond cost you less. Ask for a demonstration today. 3 SEE THEM NOW AT "FOWLER T.V. DIAL 35-1685 of a Product. When you buy Wilson's Diamond Jubilee Dry Ginger Ale, your taste confirms its Quality. . . your pocketbook registers its Economy. BIG STOREWIDE ~~ REMODELLING SALE Sensational Reductions on DIAMONDS ® WATCHES ® SILVERWARE DINNERWARE @® GLASSWARE ® LUGGAGE, ETC. REMEMBER, IT'S AT 20 Simcoe St. South DIAL 3-7133 % DIAMOND JUBILEE DRY i '&4GoDEN AMBER GINGER ALES! 2 kine sT. E 8 | ' IAL 3-4621 16 BOND ST. Ww. DIAL

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