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Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jun 1953, p. 21

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Africa Prepares For Royal Tour By STANLEY HAWKINS SALISBURY (Reuters) --South- ern Rhodesia is busy preparing to the last detail for the 16-day visit of Queen Mother Elizabeth and Princess Margaret to the colony in the first half of July. The tour, starting and ending with Comet jet airliner flights be- tween London and Salithury, crowns an historic year for South- ern Rhodesia which in April voted to join Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland in a Central African Federation and now is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Cecil Rhodes. The royal visit, designed pri- marily to open the Rhodes Centen- ary Exhibition at Bulawayo, is the climax" to six months of festival throughout the Rhodesias com- memorating Rhodes. Leading centres in the colony away from Salisbury and Bula- wayo such as Gwelo, Umtali and Fort Victoria are getting ready for | beautiful scenery on Southern Rho- royal visits which will include | garden parties, laying a founda- | tion stone of the new Rhodesia | University and visits to missions, | villages and townships. | Two days after landing at Salis- | bury's new airport July 1, the] {Queen Mother and Princess Mar- garet will be in Bulawayo for a| exhibition in which Britain and 17 governments on the African con- tinent have joined. At the exhibition's 3,000 - seat span auditorium in Africa, the Queen Mother and Princess Mar- | garet will attend gala perform- ances by Britain's Halle Orchestra and a pageant of Rhodesia based on the life of Cecil Rhodes. From Bulawayo, the royal train will travel overnight to Gwelo, largest mi ning and industrial centre in the Rhodesia midlands, later moving on to Umtali, amid SALLY'S SALLIES ceremonial opening of the Rhodes | _ theatre royal, the largest single |. p 100F PRESIDENT Miss Emma Bothwell, Ottawa, was installed as 1953-54 presi- dent of the 30,000 b BERN (Reuters) --Switzerland, watching the success already achieved in the United States and Brita' in experimental work for the application of atomic energy for power and heating purposes, is considering the construction of an atomic pile of its own. A decision is expected to be reached this year by the Swiss atomic commission. Although Switzerland possesses no uranium ore, the material used to produce a nuclear chain reac- tion, Swiss nuclear scientists have been studying, both the®retically and experimentally, the funda- mental problems raised by the in- dustrial use of atomic energy. Extensive research work has been undertaken by Swiss univer- Swiss May Erect Own Atomic Pile sity institutes as well as by certain | branches of Swiss industry. The Swiss atomic commission, which was set up in 1946, has or- ganized several teams of research workers who have made valuable progress. decision by the European council for nuclear research to {construct a nuclear laboratory in Geneva will also prove of great use to the Swiss scientists in their research work. There is, however, some polit- ical opposition to building this laboratory and a referendum in which all the inhabitants of the canton of Geneva will Be asked whether or not they.are in favor of such an undertaking has al- ready received more than: the statutory number of signziures needed for the calling of a vote. bekau Assembly of Ontario, at the annual sessions of the IOOF in Toronto. Miss Bothwell, who suceeds Mrs. Caroline Cutler, of Welland, has been active in Rebekah fraternal work since 1922. She heads the largest single chapter of Rebekahs in the world. --Central Press Canadian Power Versus U.S. Air Force WASHINGTON (AP) -- In the d World War Japan was hit Q desia's mountainous border with Portuguese East Africa. me 20 miiles from Umtali, the Queen Mother and Princess Mar- garet will have a day without en- gagements at the Leopold Rock hotel, built mostly by wartime Italian internee labor nearly 5,000 feet above sea level amid the mountains and valleys of Rho- desia's great Vumba range. The hotel took ite name from a family of Leopards which used to sun themselves on a rock near the site before it was built and opened in 1946. From the hotel the royal party will 'continue their journey by road to Fort Victoria, oldest European settlement in Southern Rhodesia and one of the first places identi: | with the pioneer column dis- tched by Rhodes into this part iof Africa in 1890. Seventeen miles from Fort Vie- toria, the Queen Mother and Prin- cess Margaret are to visit the Zimbabwe ruins, one of the world's riddles of history where remnants of an early settlement still stand unidentified after half a century of investigation. The ruins, vaguely known to early Arab and Portuguese travel- lers, have been linked by some authorities with Ophir, source of gold for King Solomon's temple, u others put them much later, belonging to the period between 900 A.D. and 1550 A.D. in nylons, French, OR HOT- DRESSES - Choose From Oshawa's Largest Selection + + « of cool cotton dresses. Bright os a summer garden are these new prints DRESSES for cool S SUN 1.98 - 2.98 - AND BEAUTIFUL COTTON SKIRTS In various styles in plo and printed patterns. From 1.98 up NYLON HOSE" Beautiful sheer nylons, substand- ards of high-priced lines. SPECIAL! LARGE SELECTION CHILDREN'S SUN DRESSES BATHING SUITS SHORTS SUITS (Opposite Centre) "wear. A large selection of everyone. A complete range. for pre-teens, misses and women. Priced to suit everyone. Come in -- see our complete stock of clothing for men, women and children. COLLIS & SONS 50 - 54 KING W. cotton and many other styles and sizes to fit 3.98 - 498 up DIAL 5-6311 by United States Air Force raids ranging up to 500 planes in strength. But single planes drop- ping single atomic bombs jarred the enemy into final surrender. Today the United States. has stockpiled atomic bombs far more destructive than the bombs that exploded over Hiroshima and Nag- asaki. President Eisenhower said re- [cently security cannot be» pegged to any. given number of planes. As an example he noted that three aircraft with "modern weapons," the atomic bomb, '"'can practically duplicate the destructive power of all the 2,700 planes we unleashed in the great breakout from the Normandy beachhead." This being true, why shouldn't the United States Air Force trim down the size of its planned force in relations. to the increased de- structive power of the atom bomb, rather than insist on an immediate Numbers Argues decision to build up to 143 wings? There is strong Air Force needs. number of planes needed cannot be related to the power of the atomic bomb in this fashion. In open revolt, the air force is urging congress to accept its 143-wing goal rather than wait for the Eisenhower administration to re- view the entire defence field. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, United States Air Force chief of staff, told senators: "Any relationship between the amount of payload that you can carry on a bomber today does not give you anything at all in relation to the number of planes you need." the same number of planes to get atom bombs on a target as it needs to deliver the old-type bombs on a jtarget. He explained this is so be- cause the bomber formations have interlocking fire to protect each other and ensure delivery of the bombs. . However, there are some who are skeptical of the Vandenberg argument. And part of this skeptic- ism can be traced to past air force estimates of needs in manpower and planes. The air force first advocated a goal of 155 Wings in August, 1951, and estimated it would have to have 22,790 planes to equip them. Two months later, it figured the number of planes to equip 143 wings would total 22,700. Thus 'THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, June 25, 1953 29 planning, only 00 planes were eliminated. ' Also, at one time the air force estimated it would need 1,900,000 men, but before the cutting was | through this manpower figure had almost been halved. SHREWD COMMON SENCE James I, during whose reign the first successful New England col- ony was established, had a shrewd streak of common sense. When the application of the Pilgrim Fathers to settle in the New World was placed before him, says the Na- tional Geographic Society, the king | "What profits may arise in the parts to which they intend to go?" "Fishing," was the reply. The Pilgrims, if they ever recall- ed the King's words, probably re- gretted that they did not pay more attention. Apparently they landed at Plymouth without fishing tackle. CHOSEN BY LIBERALS OTTAWA (CP)--John H. Me- Donald, a lawyer, Friday night was nominated Liberal candidate to oppose Opposition Leader Drew in the riding of Carleton in the Aug. 10 general election. Mr. Me- Donald ran against Mr. Drew in the 1949 election. evidence | the Eisenhower administration had | | this same question in mind in call- | | ing for a review of United States But the air force argues the | LOAFERS MOCCAS Then he went on to argue that, | roughly the air force must use | | while dropping 12 wings in the asked sensibly: INS JOLLA FARM FRUITS and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA Cantaloupes CALIFORNIA LEMONS APPLES CALIFORNIA BUNCHED CARROTS STANDARD JuMBO SIZE 252' 2 29° 19° 419° nosis 55° 2 BUNCHES 21° 45's GEORGIA YELLOW FREE-STONE Jubilee Peaches WASHINGTON WINESAP ECONO - TRIM QUALITY MEATS SWIFT'S PREMIUM LEAN BONELESS BEEF POT ROAST BLADE REMOVED SWIFT'S PREMIUM BOLOGNA Lamb Front Rolls BLADE ROAST u 99° uw 39° uw 39° 3.1.00 SWIFT'S PREMIUM TABLE-READY MEATS PREMIUM COOKED HAM SUGAR & CLOVE LOAF Va-lb. 63¢c Va-lb. 35¢ DESSERT /N RAGGE 15-02. HALVES NY, - 190 : pr -- FANS 20.08. 1.00 Tins -- FANCY ASSORTED CHOICE ROBIN H CAKE MIX IGA "DOG HOUSE" DOG Foop Peanut Butter MARGARdh RINSO CREAM Sty, i 3 15.02, Ting OICE 1. 00 8% 1.00 1.00 1.00 20-0, Ting 00D -- WHITE 15-02, Pkgs. 1.00 1.00 1.00 3..x.1.00 351.00 15-0x, Tins 16-0x, Jars JIVE - WELCH GRAPE JUICE V16-0u. Bul. @ _ 32-0m. Bel. GREEN GIANT VAC PAK NIBLETS tor. mm 18° CLOVER LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON % Tin 39° WELCH GRAPELADE 12-02. Jor Be GLOVER VALLEY SANDWICH SLICES Sox. Pho. £F° YORK -- ICE BOX JAR PEANUT BUTTER 16.00 Jor 31° McLARENS BAR-B-Q RELISH toon Jr 3 1° SANI FLUSH Reg. Tin 29° HAWES FLOOR GLOSS Pint TD 9° JUNKET POWDERS Reg: Pky. 13¢ DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1-Ib. Print 21° SILVER SWAN SERVIETTES 2 Pkgs. of 70 35¢ WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 2 Reg. Rolls 25¢ KELLOGGS VARIETY PACKAGE 10 Ass't. Pes 3° LUX TOILET SOAP 2 Reg. Bags 17 2 both Sie bors 80° 166 ALICE STREET DIAL 5-0622 IGA MARKET 120 WILSON RD. S. DIAL 3-2032 IGA MARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. DIAL 5-4721 HIGGINS' EASTVIEW GLECOFF'S COLLEGE HILL IGA MARKET IGA MARKET 534 CUBERT ST. DIAL 35-1604 SOUTH-END IGA MARKET 204 Brock S., Whitby PHONE 583

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