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Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jun 1953, p. 7

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ty wut D ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR won DIAL 3-2233 HILD GUIDAN Some Basic Facts to Counter Communism's Lure to Youth 'By CLEVELAND MYERS Every American child old enough 0 go to school knows that our liberties and way of life are hreatened by communism which has its source in Soviet Russia and ts satellites; that representatives of those countries, and some of heir agents lurking in our midst, trying to cause us and our hildren to lose faith in our gov- ernment and way of life and to d their ways. missionaries for communism different in their methods from he religious missionaries you and I know. The former have no free- doms fo attract us and our chil- dren. Their way. of life has no promise of growth and opportun- lities for personal development of the individual. Nor have they a comparable standard of living to offer. They try to picture America as a country owned by a few "bil- onaires" while the rest of its people are ground into dust as "wage slaves." They deliberately try to tell their own people what JIFFY-SEW! By ANNE ADAMS Sewing? EASY? 'Ironing? None # you make the sun'semble of wash-and-wear seersucker or ny- lon. She'll tan beautifully in that halter top, and toss on the bolero for Sunday dressup. Whip this up in a jiffy, then relax the rest the summer. Quick, send now! This pattern, easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has pi ] attern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to. ANNE. ADAMS, ¢-0 Daily Times Gazette, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. . .. at KARN'S KODACOLOR FiLM FOR FULL-COLOR SNAPSHOTS AND ENLARGEMENTS WITH ALMOST ANY ROLL-FILM CAMERA for those Special with Kodak Color Film KODACOLOR PRICES Kodacolor List Price Film No. ° Per Roll 127 ....... esc '82.60 828... ...0u.. 225 120 or 620 . 3.00 Hi6or'6l6...... 3350 List Price Kodacolor Prints Enlargements, 5x7 Enlargements, 8x10 .... 28 King St. E. « Dial 3-4621 i ' is 'not so about America, and spread these lies in other nations, even in ours. And a few of our own people unfamiliar with the facts believe these false statements, alas. Perhaps the part of our own pop- ulation most ready to believe such falsehoods are our teen-age youths. Always look for something dif- ferent and feeling they have some ht that their parents and other ults don't see clearly, and hear- ing some of the monstrous stories spread by missionaries of commun- ism from the Kremlin, some of titese youths are not only ready to pt se falsehoods as facts, but to argue with their parents or teachers that they are facts. These gullible youths are not much impressed when they are just told they are talking mere non- sense and sound like Communists. They need to be faced by facts, Their parents and teachers should arm themselves with these facts. Here are some basic ones: To 98 per cent of our population goes 81.7 per cent of the national income, aftér taxes, and the top one per cent of the 'rich' receive six per cent of the nation's income, because 'of the high-bracket income taxes. Half our nation's wealth is owned by families earning less than $5,000 a year, accounting for 80 per cent of all families. Over half of all the families of the United States own their homes. WIDER DISTRIBUTION The nation's economy is owned by 4,043,500 individual business con- cerns and not by a few giant cor- porations. Moreover, our American consumers have a combined wealth of $800,000,000,000 at their disposal as a shock-absorber against any possible slump. Progressively there has been over the years a wider and wider distribution of our na- tional wealth and national income. Such are facts made available by the U.S. Department of Commerce. What we need to do at the din- ner table, fireside and in the classroom is to recount with our children the blessings of freedom and free enterprise we are enjoy- ing in the United Stats. WIFE PRESERVER Playing cards are mow made of plastic, which may be simply wiped with a damp cloth. Ordin- ary paper cards may be clean- ed with a bit of cotton moisten- ed with spirits of camphor. Wipe off with dry cotton. VOTERS REJECT BAR ST. WILLIAMS (CP)--Voters in South Walsingham township Wed- nesday rejected proposals to estab- lish a dining lounge and cocktail bar in the township. Both propo- sals, which needed 60 per cent of the total vote for passage were defeated decisively. SCHOOL BUS BURNS # SARNIA (CP(--A dozen Sarnia township school children escaped unhurt Wednesday when a school bus caught fire and burned to the bare frame on the second line road, of | three miles east of the Plank road. The driver, Harold Arnold, quickly got the children out of danger. » Iron-on Designs By ALICE BROOKS Garden-ful of roses 12 luscious motifs in two Sparkl shades of red, one green -- fresh as if you just picked them! No embroidery, simply iron on sheets, pillowcases, clothes, napkins -- you'll have the beautiful, expensive - looking linens you've dreamed of! . Washable! Easy! Iron on Pat- tern 7119 includes 12 motifs two each of the following sizes: 1x11%, 4x4%; 4x5%, 1%x2%; 2x3; 21% x6% inches. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to Daily Times- Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. CHALKY white jewelry is this season's favorite with all types of clothes from sportswear to evening gowns. This set is the latest version of the trend and consists of earrings, bracelets, Print NAME, ADDRESS, PA NUMBER. and a necklace. The large hoops are both smart SET FOR SUMMER and becoming and are of white enamel. A long rope of beads is worn looped in three strands but can be arranged in every so many different ways according to taste. Two sparkling white bracelets complete the white ac- cents. --By TRACY ADRIAN HOLLYWOOD HIGHLIGHTS Husbands of Shining Movie Stars Are Not Eclipsed by Their Wives By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Two men who will not be hidden in the shadow of their famous wives-- are Vittorio Gassman and Michael Wilding. Gassman is an intense, hand- some young Italian with a classic profile. Wilding is also handsome, but in a suave, mature, English way. Gassman is married to Shelley Winters and Wilding to Liz Taylor. Both men have made their mark | in their native lands and now are| establishing themselves with the North American film audiences. Gassman has been called Italy's best young classical actor. A strap- ping six feet two and 200 pounds, he is a man who knows what he | wants. He wanted to be adept in| the classics, and he plowed through performances of 93 plays, includ-| ing Ibsen's "Ghosts," "Romeo and] Juliet," "Othello" and many other Shakespearian offerings. Now that! DRAPES - CURTAINS VENETIAN SHADES stayed longer, widely-acclaimed caused his absence during the birth of his daughter; Vittoria. appearing im a "Hamlet." This : working miracles is among | pair Thousand Uses For Magic Eye Besides revealing the "inside is being used to trap smugglers, make flowers grow to unusual sizes, detect imperfections in métal castings, examine precious jewels and to inspect food products. Oranges and other fruits are in- spected by x-ray. Dirt and stones and imperfections in nut and bean crops are shown up by the same means as are the hollow hearts in potatoes and cabbage. Another field in which xray. x e farm animals. At one time when a horse or a cow injured a leg, it usually wound up in the glue factory or the butcher shop. Today x-ray puts the finger on the injury and ensbles the veterinary to re- Some modern synthetic jewels are so perfect, jewellers can only tell the artificial from the genuine ~ | article by resorting to x-ray. Mu- seums, too, find it invaluable in solving mysteries about the con- 1 struction of ancient relics. Researchers in scientific horticul- ture and agriculture are producing some strange and wonderful plant . | mytations with x-ray radiation. New species of flowers have been developed in this way. None of these things was possible a little more than 50 years ago - |when x-ray was first discovered. Its development has been so great | that even the most daring radio- logist will not dare to predict the future. For instance, sending an x-ray of a bone fracture around the world by radio or wire -- and in colour, too -- may sound impossible but it's already in the cards. Radio- logists are working on colour x- rays and a technique to transmit radiographs over great distances has already been perfected. This means that small rurai hospitals, ships at sea, and rem outposts with x-ray equipment, but no radio- | logists, will be able to get a fast eating" which migh save human ves. film fame has beckoned him, he is mot giving up 'the theatre. "I think it's a mistake to aban- don the stage," he said. 'An actor can learn to grow only before an audience. I am particularly inter- ested in the classics; the stage is the only place where I can do them." He drove a hard bargain with MGM, which likes to own its talent exclusively. He wouldn't sign un- less he received the right to spend six months of each year with his theatrical company in Italy. "After I signed with the studio, I had to make a quick trip to Italy because my actors were leav-| ing me," he said. 'They thought I| wouldn't be coming back after signing in Hollywood." Gassman made another trip and for BABY'S TUMMY UPS Give Baby's Own Table = Sweet, simple little tablets. Used for over 50 years to quickly help relieve minor digestive upsets, gas, constipation and fretfulness resulting from irregularity at teething time. No "sleepy" stuff -- no dulling effect. Get a package today at your druggist. BABYS Qu NCC RA>J IN A CL ENSEMBLE DIAMONDS STORE NAME Give her the ring she would select for herselt--a gugran- teed BLUEBIRD for happiness See Our New Array 145 1--$ 5.00 Down « $1.25 Week 2--$10.00 Down - 3--$15.00 Down - 4--$14.50 Down BURNS "" 32 KING ST. W. $2.50 Week $4.00 Week * $3.75 Week ' JEWELLERS LTD. DIAL 3-7022/ #995 --Gleaming white satin strapless broidered cwp panels. what goes on the top half? . . . bike a cool million . . . that's how you'll look in these wonderful Exquisite Form bras . . . now at Reitman's. Five-0-Five _siitched undercup, black or white satin or white broadcloth. 130 to 36, A cup: 32 to 38, B cup: 32 to 40, C cup. (Plunge neck style, black or white satin, A & B cups) 1-50 with em- Firmly boned, 32 to 36, A cup: 32 $0 38, B cup. LJ 2:00 Equalizer Circular ~Addjng with WP. out padding, to give you a folter, flattering figure. stitched white Circlo- Form -- with Floating Action, in gleam- ing white circular stitched satin. 32 to 36.'A cup; 32 . #038, B cup: 32 t0 40, C 250 satin, 30 to 36, A cup; 32 "» 38, B cup. 23V2 Simcoe S. 3.00 eilman, Dial 5-6221 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, June 25, 1958 7 story' of human bodies, the x-ray | Holiday Time is Camera Time! ALL FOUR AND MORE KODAK DUAFLEX 11 CAMERA ONLY $16.78 BROWNIE HAWKEYE CAMERA ONLY $8.25 KODAK PONY CAMERA 138 ONLY $41.00 KODAK TOURIST II CAMERA ONLY $29.00 KODAK and BROWNIE CAMERAS Available at SIMCOE S. DIAL 5-3546 A Money. IVAL TIME -- at -- FABRIC TOWN Just, arrived . . . another 5,000 yards OF SUMMER COTTONS New weaves, beautiful prints and colors ® FROSTED ORGANDIES REGULAR VALUE ® POLISHED COTTON 1.49. YARD WEEK-END ® NOVELTY oan SPECIAL © GLAZED COTTOWS ' yd. 98 © EMBOSSED PIQUES ® PATTERNED ANP NOVELTY PIQUES Come Early for Best Selection ! ALSO THESE WEEK-END SPECIALS 16" SPECIALS yore fr or neesnennn: 31400 $1.69 COTTON EYELET In 8 beautiful shades -- SPECIAL In 10 beautiful shades -- SPECIAL... yord > 1409 $1.89 69° $1.49 NYLON PLISSE In 15 beautiful shades -- SPECIAL $1.39 89- 36" yard 44" 46" yard AMERICAN PERCALE PRINTS In assorted colors and designs -- SPECIAL, yord ENGLISH -TRICOLINE In 10 beautiful shades -- SPECIAL ...... yard CELANESE TAFFETAS : In 15 beautiful shades -- SPECIAL PRINTED RAYON CREPES--On light ond dark grounds. Regular $1.89 yard -- SPECIAL, yard 36" 36" a" a2" 36" DENIMS In oll shades--SPECIAL yd. 36" -42"" CHANTILLY LACE In 12 shades--SPECIAL, Pi 98 $1.69 CREASE RESISTANT SLUB SPUN RAYON--In 12 beautiful ai shades -- SPECIAL .. yd. A PRINTED NYLON SHEERS § SPECIAL yd: $1.49 . FROM OUR DRAPERY DEPT. PRINTED BARKS AND PEBBLE CLOTHS--in assorted colors and designs, Regular values up to $3.98 yard -- SPECIAL yard $2.98 PLAIN DRAPERY ~-- In assorted colors, Regular values up to $3.50 yard . SPECIAL yard $ . SATEEN LINING SPECIAL . Seana iyard 98¢ For Quality Merchandise at Lowest Prices. . . Shop and Save at FABRIC TOWN 75 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 5-1611 PINWALE CORDUROY In 10 shadgs--SPECIAL, 36" : 38" 48" 48" 52"

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