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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Jul 1953, p. 10

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40 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, July 10, 1058 DOUBLE PLAYS KILL GUELPH SPORTS MENU "Everything from Soup to Nuts" by Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR Galt Terriers play Oshawa Mer- chants here at the Stadium tonight and it could be one of the best ames of the season and quite a all game. That was quite a ball ame here last night as "Bud" or got his 7th Inter- County win of the season and the Oshawa Merchants chalked up No. 16 in the win column. The Mer- chants were a big help to their ace' hurler last wight. Facing Ed- die Drapcho, Guelph's left-hand- ed ace. Ripplemeyer won the ame on the strength of Oshawa's itting and their defensive play. Three double-plays in the first five frames were a big help to the big righthander -- for his wildness had him in trouble frequently. Big Bud issued eight walks and fanned only two while Drapcho, who didn't pitch much more than six full in- nings, had nine strikeouts -- but he issued seven free tickets. Merchants did well to hold Guelph to only one run in the first inning -- when the visitors had four singles and a walk but Sot only one run -- an early ouble-play being the answer to that, plus the fact they left the bases loaded. The big break came in the 6th. Drapcho issued two walks in succession, to Ted O'Connor and Butch Lawing. A sacrifice moved them along so Imbra was walked on purpose, to fill the bases, then Drapcho fanned Ronnie Ryba, for the second out. He had fanned Mas- on the last time Herman was up too but as Herman came to the late this time, Manager George 'Addario got 'an idea that he should use a right-hander against the right-handed Osh- awa shortstop so he brought in John Clarke. Mason promptly tripled with the bases loaded that broke the game wide mn. Drapcho came back to pitch the 7th but his heart wasn't in it then and Merchants added three more earned runs, on some solid clouting, to clinch came to their financial rescue a few weeks ago. Up at the Oshawa Raceways to- morrow night, they're a to try something new again. This time it's to be a special race for the mechanics -- the grease-pit Joes who keep those gallopin' jal- opies in running order. The rivalry between the drivers is keen but no k than the int p titive spirit that exists among the mechanics who "nurse" the stock cars. They've got a special atten- dance prize Saturday night too, a RCA Victor refrigerator to be won by some lucky patron. So far, the total points for the season at Oshawa Raceways show that Ted Race is leading with 74 points. He's just built a special-geared car to suit the Oshawa paved track and he'll be the driver to watch. Ralph Spencer is second with 67 oints followed by Norm Brioux, ed Hogan, George Boys and John Keeler in close order. BRIGHT BITS Last night's Inter-County results saw Waterloo win 2-0 over Brant- ford and so move up into third place, ahead of London Majors, who were surprised 12-5 by the Galt Terriers. Galt"s win and Guelph"s loss meant that they al- so traded places, Terriers moving |into sixth place, two and-a-half {games behind Oshawa Mercahnts ... Oshawa Merchants continue to {lead the Inter-County League in {team batting with O'Connor and | Lawing also ready to take over the {top spot again, once Dale Mar- | kert stops his current wildfire hit- ting pace... Local golf club mem- bers are reminded of the "movies" being shown at the club house to- night -- this must be compensa- tion for those who are unable to get up to the Canadian Open at Scarboro -- where about half of the Oshawa golf enthusiasts have been 'holed up" this week -- And don't forget, Oshawa Lions Club is the verdict. If D'Addario had left Drapcho to pitch to Mason, it might have been different. Mason might still have belted a triple but up until then, the locals hadn't been doing very much with the left-hander's offerings. Oshawa had a runner on 3rd (Ronnie Ryba) in the fourth inning but when Mike Garbark walked half-way to the plate to discuss strategy with the batter, Fran Dyson, everybody in the Lg got the idea that he was go- to t to have Ryba steal home. Ryba tried -- on the first pitch at that -- but Drapcho was ready, took his time with a de- liberate pitch-out to Dyson, who tried to bunt the ball but couldn't reach it -- catcher Eudie Napier even had trouble getting it --but he did and tagging Ryba out then was a simple matter. Herman Mason had a big night. He had two singles along with his three-run triple, for a total of four RBI's and he figur- ed in the thick of each Oshawa's three snappy double-plays, alon with some nice single plays his own. Jones, Ryba and Im- bra each had a couple of hits. Ted O'Connor went hitless but drew a couple of walks. Tonight the Merchants are at home to the Galt Terriers and this should be another snappy ball game. Oshawa will be looking for their 17th win of the season tonight --which will put them back in the .500 percent class. Galt Terriers will be turning on the heat here tonight -- they've been doing much better si they took the new lease on life --when their local businessmen p ing a harness racing meet at Alexandra Park tomorrow after- noon and this should be a real treat for the lovers of "trotting races' -- | and we hear thy'll have a chance | to invest in support of their choice, too! Oshawa Merchants . chalked up their 16th Inter-County League vic- tory of the season and turned in a sparkling display of defensive field- ing to help "Bud" Ripplemeyer get his seventh straight pitching victory of the season, as the locals defeated Guelph Maple Leafs 8-3 at the Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium last night. With Ripplomeyet, rated one of the best in the Inter-County loop this season and his record proves it, facing Eddie Drapcho, the sen- sational teen-age lefthander of the Guelph Leafs, a sizzling pitching duel was expected -- but instead defensive play proved the decid- Merchants Still Lead In Batting TEAM BATTING AB R H Pct. 1077 191 317 .294 968 167 249 . 941 146 248 870 114 930 Oshawa London Waterloo Guelph Kitchener Brantford 1028 Galt 940 St. Thomas 947 TEAM FIELDING Kitchener Waterloo London Brantford St. Thomas Guelph Galt Oshawa 815 333 57 .95. Double Plays: Brantford 35, Galt 34, Waterloo 33, St. Thomas 31, London 25, Oshawa 24, Kitchen- er 23, Guelph 16. Triple plays, Waterloo 2. INDIVIDUAL BATTING Individual batting to Monday night, 25 or more at bats .250 or better. AB H Pct. Rbi Markert, St. T. 45 23 511 1 Jessup, Galt 34 441 O'Connor, O. 123 1396 Lawing, O. 106 377 | Steele, Galt 65 . Walker, Kitch.100 22 27 10 17 Body Shop Weldits Top Shipping 35-1 Body Shop Weldits defeated Ship- ping 5-1 in a GM Inter-department Softball League game played at Alexandra Park last nigh' Sutton pitched for the losers with Pollock taking over in the fifth. They allowed seven hits for five runs. The winners scored two in the second, two in the third, and one in the fourth. the win with the Shipping scoring their lone run in the top of the seventh when Peterson doubled to score Sutton. Turkovitch and Hodgson led the winners at the plate. SHIPPING -- Sanderson, 3b; Puotinen, 2b; Cox, ss and ¢ in 5th; Starr, 1b; Sutton, p and ss in 5th, Outerkirk, rf; Peterson, ¢ and cf in 5th; Pollock, cf and p in 5th; and Burkitt, If. BODY SHOP --Albonowtiz, ss; Childerhose, c; Sholdra, p; Hodg- son, 1b; Matthews, rf; Moss, cf: Umpires id Smith, Balson. DROWNED IN RIVER WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--An uni- dentified man was drowned a few feet off shore in the Detroit river Thursday night as a policeman prepared to go to his rescue. | Ryba, Sholdra tossed a three-hitter for | . | Dadson Logeman, 3b; Turkovitch, If; and {27 Costain, 3b LY w C va, Duncan, K. LeFevre, B. Berning, O. Flick, W. Wilson, L. Evon, L. Biasatti, W. Psutka, K. Lipka, B. Imbra, O. Kaiser, G. Kvasnak, K. Schnurr, W. Dyson, O. 26 101 49 17 16 17 10 17 14 17 18 14 15 a8 0. | Jones, O. Fedoris, K. Fisher, W. Herchenratter, Waterloo 74 Halkard, L. 92 OTHER 03HAVA 4 Garbark 43 Grandcolas 1 Gerringer 12 Mason 105 1 Turk 17 Walters 20 LEAGUE LEADERS Runs batted in: Lawing, Oshawa Two base hits, Lawing 11. Three base hits, Finney 4. Home runs, Markert 6, Cline 5, Jessup 4, Steele 4, Laing 4. Stolen bases, Welker 21, Gray 10. Bases on balls: Jones and Law- ing, Oshawa 36 each, Halkard Lon- don 29, Rassmussen, St. Thomas 28, Napier, Guelph 22, Biasatti, Walterloo, 23. 28 109 A 5 8h SB. ERs888288888 9 20 PL 2 4 0 2 5 5 1 wad eosn Ripp 0 did well ing factor -- as both hurlers turned in erratic performances. PLENTY OF FREE TICKETS Both pitchers were in a generous mood -- with Ripplemeyer giving up a total of eight walks while Drapcho walked seven. The Guelph hurler fanned a total of nine bat- ters in just a little over six innings while best the Oshawa hurler could do was "'whiff"' a couple over the full route. Guelph had their best chance in the first frame, Pete Gray opened with a single but was snuffed out when Nick DiCarlo grounded into a double-play. That proved to be the first of three the smooth Osh- awa infield pulled off in the first five frames. It was this trio of twin-killings that pulled Ripple- meyer out of his early troubles and kept Guelph's attack smothered, until Merchants broke out in front. With two out in the first frame, Guelph followed with three hits and a walk but only got one run out of it all. Ripplemeyer had trouble with his control, besides walking eight he was behind bat- ters most of the time but he only gave up five hits in the last eight frames -- all singles. Frank Kinder and Phil Smolin. ski each singled in the 4th, but they came after two were out and Drapcho flied out to end the frame. Two errors and a walk had Ripple- meyer in a bases-loaded hole with only one out in the fifth but George 236 | D'Addario grounded into a double play. In the 7th, Ripplemeyer issued 966 four walks to give Guelph their second run, without a hit and they got their final tally in the 9th when George Carruth got his sec- ond hit of the night, advanced to second on an infield out and scor- ed when D'Addario got his second 1 safety. With Eddie Drapcho mowing down the Merchants in fine form, even though they were getting at least one hit every inning, the game went into the 6th, all even at 1-1. Oshawa had got their run to tie it up, in the fourth, when Pete Gray made a great run and then failed to hand on to Butch Lawing's lift into right. Lawing scored from 1st base when Ronnie Ryba singled to centre and George Carruth the pick-up. Drapeho had fanned seven and issued only two walks up until the sixth and then he cracked. Ted O'Connor walked to start it off, Lawing also walked, and Ryba sacrificed. Johnny Imbra was pur- ly passed to fill the bases then i 4 fanned Fran Dyson for the third-straight time, to make it two out. At this point, Manager George D'Addario elected to bi hander John Clarke to pitch to Herman Mason, despite the fact Mason had fanned on his last ap- pearance. Clarke took the mound and Drapcho stayed in the game, taking over the mitt-at 1st base. 'Mason greeted Clarke with a triple to the wall, scoring his three mates to break the deadlock and from there it was all over. Clarke fanned Ripplemeyer to end the in- ning, at 4-1. Drapcho came back to the mound for the 7th inning but he'd lost interest apparently, for certainly his "fire" was missing. Starting off with Jimmie Jones' single, although both Bill Turk and Ted O'Connor went out~the Mer- chants followed with two walks and two hits off Drapcho for two more runs and then Clarke again came to the mound. Mason came through with a sin- gle this time, with the bases loaded but again Clarke fanned Ripple- g in right (Cc The lowly Galt Terriers have finally dug themselves out of seventh place in the Senior Inter- county Baseball League. Showing a sharp reversal of form, the Terriers trounced the fourth-place London Majors 12-5 Thursday night to move up into sixth place ahead of Guelph Maple Leafs. Oshawa Merchants maintained their hold on fifth place by drop- pine Guelph 8-3. In the other game played Thursday night Waterloo Tigers blanked R Sox 2-0. Galt, playing at London, ham- mered five Major pitchers for 16 hits, one of them a three-run homer by Mike Pontarelli in the 7!second inning that gave Galt a {lead they never lost. They made sure of the win in the ninth by piling up five runs on four straight walks and three hits. Henry Burke | London starter, was the loser. Bob Stragier got the win, Bud Ripplemeyer, aided by a crack infield, led the Merchants to victory over Guelph. at home. Youthful Eddie Drapcho opposed ippl yer on the 1 d and until the sixth when Osh- awa broke a 1-1 tie as Herman Mason greeted relieving pitcher John Clarke with a triple. Drapcho had loaded the bases with three walks. Oshawa added three more runs before going out. George York, in addition to doing a masterful job on the mound for Waterloo, also drove in his team's only runs with a double in the second inning. Southpaw Leo Grif- fith made his start on the mound for the Red Sox a losing one. Brantford threatened to score in the ninth but with two men on the bases the third man up missed on Waterloo Beat Brantford, Hold Intercounty Lead a bunt and the next struck out. Tonight Kitchener plays at Guelph, London at Waterloo, Brant- ford at St. Thomas and Galt at Oshawa. two men Merchants' Stellar Defense Play Help Ripplemeyer Gain 7th Win meyer to end the inning. Jones was hit by a pitching ball in the 8th and scored on Turk"s single in the hit-and-run play and an out- field flyout by O'Connor. It was Herman Mason's big night. He had four RBI's out of his triple and two singles in four tries and also figured prominently in each of Oshawa's three double plays. Jones and Imbra each had two-for-three while Ryba had two for-four and Turk two-for-five. But Lawing had one-for-three, Pete Gray, George Carruth and George D'Addario each had a pair of Guelph's total of nine hits. THE BOX SCORE GUELPH Gray, rf DiCarlo, arruth, Napier, ¢ ... D'Addario, 2b Rich, ss ..... Kinder, If | Smolinski, we Drapcho, p & 1b ... (x) Clarke, p & 1b (xx) Yount, If ... (xxx) Philp, 1b Totals .. 34 (x) Pitching in 6th and 8th. (xx) Batted for Kinder in 7th. (xxx) Replaced Drapcho in 8th. OBHAWA AB Jones, cf . 7, Turk, 3b ... O'Connor, rf Lawing, If . bd -] - AOOWOONNNO OP A ts ny Ohh © Ok Ut Dt ooocococoooN~oN cocoon oNoNnE ~ © Coon cwommoonwnR onSavpwoa maouncoNSP» EN Ripplemeyer, Totals Innings GUELPH .. ... 100 000 101-9 9 OSHAWA . 000 103 31x--8 12 Errors: Carruth, Ryba, Imbra, Clarke: Runs batted in: D'Addario (2), Mason (4), Rich, Ryba, Imbra, O'Connor; Two- base - hits: Jones; Three-base hits: Mason; Earned runs: Guelph 3, Oshawa 7; Sacrifices: Ripplemeyer, Ryba; Youbie plays: Ryba to Mason to Dyson; ich to D'Addario to DiCarlo; Imbra to Mason to Dyson; Mason to Imbra to Dyson; Left on bases: Guelph 12, Osh- awa 9; Bases on balls: off Ripplemeyer 8, off Drapcho 7; Strike-outs: by Ripple- meyer 2, by Drapcho 9, by Clarke 2; Hits 'off: Drapcho, 9 for 7 runs in 6 1/3 innings; off Clarke, 3 for 1 run in 1 2/3 innings; off Ripplemeyer, 9 for 3 runs in 9 innings; Hit by pitcher, by: Clarke (Jones); Wild pitches: Ripplemeyer; Winning pitcher: Ripplemeyer (Osh. awa); Losing pitcher: Drapcho (Guelph); Umpires: A. Sfanley, G. Favero and J. Swan, all of Toronto; Time, 2 hours 35 minutes. » bd] my pel INTERCOUNTY STANDINGS THURSDAY'S SCORES Oshawa, 8; Guelph, 3; Waterloo, 2; Brantford, 0; Galt, 12; London, Kitchener Brantford Waterloo London Oshawa Galt Guelph St. Thomas 8 22 . Friday -- Kitchener at Guelph; London at Waterloo; Brantford at St. Thomas; Galt at Oshawa. Saturday -- Waterloo at London; Guelph at Kitchener; Oshawa at Brantford; 'St. Thomas at Galt. Admirals Defeat Motorettes 20-3 Kellys Admirals blasted the Osh- awa Motorettes by a 20-3 score in a girls' softball game played at Eastview Park last night. Lyons was the winning pitcher for the TV-types, allowing one run in the third, and two in the ninth. Peter's homer in the ninth was a big blow. Honeyman started for the losers with Luke taking over in the fifth. They allowed two runs in the first, three in the second, four in the fourth, six in the fifth, three in the seventh, and two ig the eighth. . Sluggers for the winners were Germond with two homers and Nosal with one. ADMIRALS -- Bull, 1b; Reader, ss; Lyons p; Scero, 3b; Hodgson, 2b; Blouin, cf; Milosh, rf; wosai, If; Germond, c¢; and Gibbens, rf in 6th. MOTORETTES Stark, cf; Luke, ss and p in 5th; non:yman, p and ss in 5th; Bottomley, If; Sawyer, 1b; Peters, 2b; Lang, 3b; Johnson, c; Ogden, rf; and Thomp- son, ¢ in 7th. Connaught Park Clips Bathe Pee Wees 10-8 Connaught Pee Wee boys clipped a'10-8 win from Bathe Park in a CRA game played at Connaught Park last night. Whitely pitched the win, allow- ing two runs in the second, five in the third and one in the, sixth. Lopack was the losing hurler. He gave up three runs in the first, three in the second and four in the sixth. Westfall and Eagleson topped the winners at the plate, while Gab- ona and Gow paced the losers. CONNAUGHT -- Kirk, cf; West- fall, 2b; Pollitt, e; Delong, bj Garbuitt, 1f; Whitely, p; Eagleson, 1b; Brier, ss; Waite, rf. BATHE -- Gow, c¢; Maclnally, ss; Lopack, p; Gabona, 1b; Spears, f; Sobudski, 2b; Foster, 3b; Mc- ougal, .1f; and B. Foster, rf. Umpire -- Westfall. SPORTS CALENDAR FRIDAY INTER-COUNTY BASEBALL Galt Terriers vs. Oshawa Mer- chants, Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, 8.00 p.m. LAKESHORE INTER. BASEBALL Oshawa Transporters vs. Lind- say Merchants, at Lindsay, 6.30 p.m. UAW JUVENILE SOFTBALL Connaught Tigers vs. Brooklin, at Brooklin Community Park, 6.45 p.m. MINOR BOYS SOFTBALL Connaught Park vs. Rundle Park, at Rundle Park, 6.45 p.m. Radio Park vs. Sunnyside Park, at Sunny- side Park, 6.45 p.m. CRA GIRLS SOFTBALL PEE WEE -- Rundle Park at Woodview Park, 6.45 p.m. UAW SHOP SOFTBALL Chev. Line vs. Arrows, at Alex- andra Park, 6.30 p.m.; Stampeders vs. Cardinals, at Alexandra Park, 6.30 p.m. SATURDAY INTER-COUNTY BASEBALL Oshawa Merchants vs. B antford Red Sox, at Brantford, 8.00 p.m. LAKESHORE INTER. BASEBALL Cobourg Legionnaires vs. Mec- Callum Transporters, at Kinsmen | Civic Memorial Stadium, 8.00 p.m. CRICKET Oshawa at Toronto C.C. "B" vs. C.C. (Godin League match) Lakeview Park, 2.30 p.m. STOCK CAR RACING Program of stock car races, at Oshawa Raceways, 8.30 p.m. CRICKET Peterborough C.C. vs Oshawa C. C. (Friendly Game) at Lake- view Park, 2.30 p.m. EX BASEBALL Oshawa Merchants vs McCallum Transporters, at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, 2.30 p.m. HARNESS RACING A program of harness horse rac- ing, at Alexandra Park, 2.30 p.m. sponsored by Oshawa Lions Club. The Brighter Side... ' A smile now and then is the best tonic in the world. BRADINGS BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED OTTAWA AND WINDSOR Brading's present the lighter side of life as de- picted by Canadian Artists... for your enjoyment. bof & ON INSTALLATION 6.00/16 6.70/15 As Low As As Low As 134 16. Treads give skid con- Naturel Tree Rubber trol; more positive stop-sbility, end 50% greater traction pull. A CTC exclusive. 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