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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Jul 1953, p. 7

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SENSATIONAL GOWNS TO BE SHOWN IN MOVIE REVIVAL OF JAZZ SINGER Three of the sensational gowns ¢0 be seen in the movie revival of the Jazz Singer. Filmed in technicolor the true beauty of, these dreamy wardrobes is not lost. With numerous changes, ranging from evening gowns, ex- | quisitely tailored suits to casual wear, there is little doubt as to the feminine reaction to this ar- ray of finery. Imported gun me- tal re - embroidered lace over coral taffeta is the basis for the waltz - length formal shown on the left. Gun metal bugle beads are embroidered into the bell shaped skirt which retains its | shape with the help of three mauve nylon tulle petticoats which extend several inches be- low the dress. Three layers of pure silk chiffon -- ivory over shocking pink, over mimosa yel- low make up the stufining for- mal shown in the centre. The bodice is intricately draped form- ing criss-cross design across bust and long torso. The skirt is made in uneven panels shorter on the left side with long panel trailing Slim Sheath Silhouettes Are ¥ Favored by Top Designers ' By DOROTHY ROE NEW YORK (AP)--Milady is due to change her shape again this fall, as new fashion silhouettes call for a string-bean midriff and snake hips. SHOW APRON! 7094 By ALICE BROOKS This rooster-embroidered apron fs meant to be seen -- and ad- mired! Note the safety-first pot- holder -- it's a hen! Embroider these in colorful stitches in a jiffy! Easy to make! Fun to give! Pat- tern 7094: two embroidery trans- fers, cutting chart, directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to Daily Times- Gazette, Household Arts Dept. Osh- awa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. TEN COMPLETF PATTERNS to sew, embroider, crochet--print- ed right in the Alice Brooks Needle- craft Book! Plus many more pat- | terns to send for -- including ideas for gifts, home accessories, toys, fashions! Send 25 cents now! REPLACE YOUR OLD BURNER NOW WITH A WINKLER BURNER Hf you haven't seen the Winkler Qil Burner, come in today for a demonstration. You'll see proof of oil-and-money saving efficiency you wouldn't otherwise lieve possible. The Winkler Ha can be matched exactly to the size of your heating plant-- ends the waste of over-firing-- burns just enough oil and me * more. ih handlgs the hard-to. « burn "hard-eracked" oils without nomle-clogging. , t00, that the si ' Reme: rn of he * ends costly service work. Daytime clothes, as currently previewed, are skin-tight through the middle, ruler-slim through the skirt and curved and'draped about the top. sheath silhouette for daytime, sof- | Most designers favor the slim | of printed calico shown on the right is designed with a quilted bodice and a skirt of numerous, circular flounces of white eye- let embroidery, tfffeaded with ribbon, matching colors in the printed bodice. The apron is of French blue -calico draped in Polonaise fashion, ending in a in back. The peasant costume | | | | | bustle bow. to gals with good figgres, but are designed to conceal no bulges. An era of elegance is in the cards for fall and winter. Full- length evening gowns are back with a bang, fabrics are luxurious and trimmings are brilliant. For example, one wholesale manufac- turer shows an evening sheath completely embroidered in sequins with coat to match, to retail at $3,000. That gives you a rough idea. The costume suit continues the ay mi LULIN0N THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, July 10, 1953 ¥ LODGES AND SOCIETIES VICTORIA LODGE - ed to. Sister Elsie Arkle and Sis- ter Hazel Mitchell were welcomed back. The Charter was drape® for the late Brother Hawley. A vote of thanks was expressed to the Bingo committee. The sick committee report was given. Sister Peggy Keeler, Broth- er Robert Barrett and Sister Howe Try These Recipes and be Mistress In the Art of Biscuit Making Make 'em plain, or with raisins. tainly appreciate if when you in- Roll 'em out, or drop 'em. What-| clude some such little extra, | ever way, if. you follow this recjpe, i ig fear no biscu% The regular meeting of Victoria Lodge No. 55, was held recently with worshipful mistress Sister Su- san Spencer presiding assisted by Sister Sarah Logeman in the ab- sence of deputy Sister Elda How- ard. Brother Willard Spencer read the minutés and caMed the roll. Sev- ard were all wished a speedy re- covery. The prizes donated by Sis- ter Keeler and Sister Elsie Mor- ton were won by Sister Robina Rookburn and Brother Gordon Wil- son. Members were reminded that the next meeting would be held on you'll be successful! You'll get ex- tra light biscuits for sure. Just watch them fly off the plate! Young cooks, especially, are apt to be a little timid about biscuits. Maybe because there have been so many jokes about a tearful bride's leaden efforts. Maybe be- cause so many tactless husbands have really talked about the bis- cuits "mother used to make." Once any homemaker -- begin- ner or experienced--makes these biscuits, she'll throw humility to the winds, and positively preen her self. Rightfully! ' You break one open -- and feel as if your thumbs were in feath- maker, past or present. You're mistress of the art! RAISIN BISCUITS (Makes 16 to 20) 2 cups sifted flour | 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1% cup raisins % cup Crisco % cup milk All measurements level: Mix flour, baking powder, and salt in bowl. Cut in Crisco (with two khives or a pastry blender) until the mixture looks like coarse meal. Stir in raisins. Add milk and stir just enough to hold dough togeth- er. Place dough on board or pas- |try cloth which has been dusted eral items of business were attend- | July 21. Another "First" in Oshawa! ® TOXALL eo Waterproof and protect your awnings, tents, etc., against mildew and rot. Clear and in ers. You snuggle a piece of butter | with flour. Fold dough over sev- inside, and it sinks gratefully into | eral times. Roll out dough %" to the fluffy tenderness. Then you|%' thick. Cut in squares. Bake stealthily watch somebody take a on cookie sheet in hot oven (450 bite, and see that first "Can-this- degrees F) 10-12 minutes. be-true?" look, then the big bliss- | DROP BISCUITS ful smile. And it's fun! A thump-| Follow recipe above but omit ing big reward for the little bit | raisins and increase milk by 4! of trouble you went to, getting out | tablespoons. Drop from a spoon your board and rolling pin. Let |onto cookie sheet them eat without counting, too. | i These . biscuits are as digestible | as they are light and fluffy. | Best part is, when you can turn | out such biscuits as part of our | regular bag of tricks, you can make an ordinary, run-of-the-mill lunch or dinner taste positively Skill has been a tradition with us for over a quarter of a century. LEWIS... OPTOMETRISTS on June 6, at the Clan Donna- chaidh gathering at Pitlochry, Scot- | land. {food than usuai. And people cer- inspired! Which is what we all like to do, these days of high prices || 3 KING ST. E. DIAL 5-0444 150 Per Quart 315 Simcoe S. when we serve less glamorous OSHAWA PAINT & WALLPAPER We Deliver Dial 3-2472 ter, full skirts for after five and |all-time favorite, consisting usually a choice between the draped sheath | of a seath dress and cover-up and the crinolined look for formal | jacket. In many instances the dress | evening wear. [1s low-cut and glitter-trimmed | above the belt, making it suitable | A dream come te For those who have become ac- | customed to full skirts, there is, | fortunately, a compromise. This is | the skirt which appears slim in front, but acquires walking width through back fulness, in what is called the Edwardian silhouette. The lady with the midriff bulge is going to be out of luck this fall, unless she rushes for one of the new foundation garments de- signed to cope with this problem --or goes on a diet. The new clothes are becoming for cocktail and dinner wear. With the jacket, it becomes a daytime suit. As in coats, suit lines are softer | this season, with drapery and de- tail concentrated above the belt. The "tulip" look becomes the '"'chalice" this fall, the rounded look of the shoulder-to-bust line achieved by cut and drapery rather than padding. Casualties of the 'season are the poodle and petticoat, except, in the latter case, for evening wear. V.Y-[, 114-18 Nine Centuries of Scottish Monarchs Traced Through Documents at Edinburgh Visitors to Edinburgh, Scotland, jed '"Marie R', with a holograph this summer will be able to see dated April 9, 1565. Later in the an exhibition illustrating the con- |exhibition comes the "Dyet Booke tinuity of Britain's Royal Line by |for the Kinges Hous", showing thes documents associated with Sover- entry for the day of the Corona- eigns of Scotland, England, and | tion at Scone of King Charles later the United Kingdom, from [II on January 1, 1651. the 12th to the 20th century. Docu-| The exhibition, entitled "The ments in the exhibition, which is |Royal Line", continues until Sep- being held at the General Register | tember. House, Edinburgh, are arranged so that they start with a charter issu- | A Canadian is the new Presi- ed by David, King of Scots, in dent of the Clan Donnachaidh As- 1114 to the Monks of Newbattle, | sociation. He is W. McL. Robert- and end with one dated July 25, son, leader of the Canadian Sen- 1952, under the Sign Manual of | ate, who received the appointment Queen Elizabeth, for the issue of | letters patent to 'Robert the Third | Earl of Balfour and others .. ."! to form the Royal Commission for | Scottish Affairs. Among the exhibits is a charter issued by King Robert I of Scot- land to the Monks of Melrose in 1315. Also on view is a letter from Mary Queen of Scots to Mr. John Spens of Condy, an advocate, sign- DRAPES - CURTAINS. VENETIAN SHADES - Made-to-Measure FREE ESTIMATES WARD'S Simcoe Athol Dial 5-1151 ot REFRIGERATOR DOOR SHELVES MORE STORAGE SPACE! You get more Food Space for your dollar in less kitchen space with an Admiral. Features -- built-in butter keeper, full-width freezer s and freezer drawer, full width crisper and 4%2 big shelves. Freezer and drawer hold nearly 40 Ibs. of frozen foods. == 9 cu. ft. Refrigerators Begin at SEE OUR LIMITED STOCK OF FLOOR MODELS FROM FREE For the Best Deal . .. See $959.00 AN ELECTRIC FAN OR CLOCK WITH EACH REFRIGERATOR FREE HEATING SURVEY FOWLERT.V. 16 BOND W. DIAL 5-1685 AH: LOR | 251 BRUCE ST. . _NE 3-8614 Here's the newest idea in kitchen 's Admiral exclusive 7-Minute Flash Defrosting . . . the fastest, lowest-cost automatic de- frosting system ever devised. Push a button and in a few short min- utes defrosting is completely fin- ished. It even tyms itself back on convenience. again automatically! frosting at your convenience . . . quick, easy, frouble-free | PLUS all these most-wanted features: ® Full-Width Freezer ® Full-Width Freezer Drawer ® New Drop-Type Freezer Door ® Adjustable Shelves @ Butter Conditioner ® Door Shelves ® Removable Handi-Tray @® "Glacier Blue" Color Styling 21% MORE FOOD SPACE Admiral == A DMIRA Here's de- Comparison proves Admiral gives you 21% more food space per dollar. Think of it! That's room for two bushels of exira food--at no exira cost! Admiral's space-saving compact, design gives you MORE storage space in LESS kitchen space. See and compare these features in Admiral refrigerators. Prices begin as low as $299.95. (Slightly higher in the West). -- : Prices and specificotions sibject te chonge without sotice There is an ADMIRAL Dealer Near You! Distributor for Central and Northern Ontario -- Canadian Admiral Sales Lid., 135 Jane Sireel, Toronio 9, Oniario

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