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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Jul 1953, p. 9

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PICKERING Rotary Club Reviews Year At Luncheon BARRY MURKAR Correspondent PICKERING -- At Rotary on Monday, Ray T. Doble, president of Pickering Rotary for the past year, relinquished the gavel and |g5; chair when he handed control over to John R. Boyes, Phm. B., the new president. Past President Doble reviewed some of the accomplishments of the past year, $300 was spent on local crippled children; Christmas baskets to needy families; assist- ing Boy Scouts and money grant to same, sending student Robertson to Ottawa, spent money on the rink which never froze enough to be used, a number of grants to other charity groups, contribution © of park benches, Coronation Day contribution. President Boyes outlined, briefly some of his plans for the coming year. The club will continue to meet at the high school cafeteria through- out the summer. The directorate, R. T. Dobie, L. C. Briggs, Neil R. Shortreed, C. E. Morley, Jas. Koch and Har- old Richardson, secretary. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The June meeting of Pickering Women's Institute was held in the ardens at the home of Mrs. W. awson, Greenwood. It was decided to furnish a room of the Nurse's Residence at the new Ajax Pickering Hospital. Mrs. Howes gave a report on the district annual and Mrs. T, J. Wheeler told about the CAC meet- ing which she had attended. Mrs. Demaine read a very in- teresting letter she had received from the Holdenborough Institute, Kent, England, with whome we correspond regularly. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. T. J. Wheeler, Brock Road. VISIT FILTER CENTRE Last Thursday evening the chief observers visited the new filter centre which was officially opened in Barrie. Their host, Flying Of- ficer Shepherd, explained how -the plotting board operates, and how telephone calls are handled when they reach the filter centre. The first test exercise was held last Sunday when each observa- tion post in the area was requested to report aircraft flying over their district. This coming weekend, be- ginning Friday, July 10, an extend- ed exercises will be held when all aircraft flying over the area will be reported and plotted. The filter centre is set up for the purpose of keeping track of aircraft that. is not visible to radar. The following chief observers are in charge of lecal posts: Jas. K. Lawrence, Myrtle; Bill Baker, Port Perry; W. H. Gould, Ux- bridge; Claude Watson, Goodwood; Garfield Brown, Stouffville; Ross Vincent, Agincourt; Chas. Joliffe, Pickering; Sid Crowley, Oshawa; Municipal Airport; Jim Fitzpatrick, Highland Creek; Grant Johnston, Brougham; Q. J. Roe, Seagrave; Jim Rushton, Markham. Each observation post in the area would welcome two or more of- ficial observers who would be call- ed in from time to time to give a little time, on a voluntary basis to help in this vital air defence pro- gram which is supervised by the oyal Canadian Air Force. TO VISIT GARDENS Members of the Horticultural So- ciety will take a chartered bus at the *'four-corners"' here on Friday, July 17, at 9 a.m. to visit "Violet House", Cooksville, then on to the Rock Garden, Hamilton, for picnic lunch; then to Royal Connaught Hotel for the International Lily Show. While a regular annual fea- ture in the U.8., this is the first international showing in Canada. St. George's Church here will next Sunday dedicate the new Wurl- itzer organ, spinet model, install- ed during the past week. A 16-stop edal, two manual organ, it has autiful tone and ample volume for this auditorium. J. McLearnon, Mus. B., Toronto, will give a re- cital before and during the serv- ice. The new organ will add an in- spiring contribution to the services in St. Georges. PERSONALS . Little Miss Bonnie Bray, Scar- boro Bluffs, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Bray. Lewis Briggs has accepted a seat in the Board of the Ajax-Pickering Hospital. Mrs. Henry Westney and family spent several days at Hamilton with her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. Gun- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mekolash and family have returned from a motor trip to Winnipeg where they visited Tom's parents. Mrs. W. W. Tomlinson has been enjoying a week's holiday at Chi- cago. We are glad to note Miss Gladys Burns is able to be about after her recent accident and is convalesc- ing at the home of her sisters in the village. Campaign Treasurer Neil R. Shortreed reports that the gross re- ceipts from the recent Easter Seal sale amount to $1,106.30. John and Mrs. Remmer, J. D. and Mrs. Remmer visited H. J. and Mrs Marquis of Lefroy on Sunday, EB was the occasion of Bert's birt ay. " Miss Lynda Morley is spending 2 few days with friends in Scar- ro. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bath, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Liscumbe, all of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hurd of Orangeville, were among those attending the funeral of the late Ella Andrew. HAS BAD FALL Mrs. Geo. Martin, Elizabeth Street, fell from a ladder on Wed- nesday fracturing her left arm and Tight leg. . r. McIlveen who has been with Dr. W. Tomlinson for the past year has taken over the practice of the late Dr. Dinniwell in Ajax. Chas. Jolliffe is with the secur- ity division, General Motors, during the holidays. Mrs. Stewart MacLean, of Ohio, called on J. D. and Mrs. Remmer and other Pickering friends on Wednesday Mrs. MacLean is the former Roberta Bedson, known to many of our older residents. Ross Thexten, Mr. and Mrs. E. Crockett and Katharine, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wright, West Hill. Mrs. Fred Balsdon, Burford; Dr. and Mrs. Wright, Stettler, Alta., former members of St. An- drews Presbyterian Church, as well as visitors from Whithy, Oshawa Contingent settlement of the 12- week-old strike of some 435 em- ployees at the Quaker Oats Co. of Canada plant here was announced Sunday . by William Triggs, presi- dent of Local 293 of the United Packinghouse Workers of America (CIO-CCL). Triggs said the employees voted -46 to accept a company com- promise offer as soon as a similar offer plus union security is nego- tiated by some 130 employees at and West Hill, were present, for the mortgage-burning ceremony on Saturday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton and Robert left by motor last week for a trip of several weeks through to the coast. Several of our citizens visited and enjoyed the Ringling Bros. Circus in Oshawa last Friday. Mrs. Morey of Sarnia 'has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raffey for the past week. Mrs. L. Johns is acting librarian during Mrs. Ashton's absence. The MacRae family has moved and is getting settled in its new house in Lincoln Avenue. Plant Employees | Stick Together PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP)-- the Quaker plant in Saskatoon, who are members of local 418 of the same union. The compromise offer accepted established the basic wage rate at 31.39%, an hour effective Jan. 1 and provided for a modified swing |§ shift applicable to some 60 em- ployees in the flour mill. A com- pany offer of a 40-hour week was also accepted. Previously the company had of- || fered the wage increase effective July 1 and the union had rejected any form of a swing shift. The Saskatoon employees, who went on strike last April 22 with the Peterborough local, have been seeking union-security benefits in |! addition to the wage and hour |} agreements. ocal President Triggs said the men would return to work as soon | as the Saskatoon workers had worked out an agreement with the company. ; LUTHERANS ELECT EDMONTON (CP)--J. E. Berg- buck of Saskatoon Friday was re- elected president of the Evangel- ical Lutheran Synod of Western |} Canada. ROOM AND BOARD THE EARL HAS GONE ON A WRESTLING TOUR AND LEFT TH PEAR-SHAPED DIAMOND, THE GREAT KAMOOGA! WITH ME FOR IT'S AN ANCESTRAL GEM HE INHERITED, BUT HE WON'T PUT IT IN A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX BECAUSE OF A LEGEND IT SHOULD ONLY BE IN THE ACTUAL CARE OF A PERSON! I'D GUESS IT WEIGHS 100 CARATS. OR ABOUT 75000 POUNDS JN TENDERLOIN STEAKS! LETS SING THE TATTOO SONG...» *I'VE GOT You UNDER MY SKIN* [eYT3% IN YOUR POCKET Sold on demonstration only to ensure complete satis- faction, Orders Taken in Strict Rotation own home within a radius of 200 miles of Montreal. roe semen 0 ve OSHAWA NEW CANNISTER VACUUM SLIGHTLY MARKED NO MESSY DUST BAG TO EMPTY GUARANTEED ONE YEAR $19.95 DIAL 35-3672 You Need Health Insurance? Sure you do. So does every Canadian family. Today, it's say to go broke if you're sick . .. even with private insurance plans. The Liberals have promised national health insurance since 1919. They're at it again. And they're bluffing again. The Conservatives now talk health insurance. They know you want it, So they've pulled it out of the election bag. They'll put it back again after the election. You can be sure of this -- the only way you'll get a NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM is to support the CCF: COMPLETE HEALTH CARE FOR EVERY CANADIAN WITHOUT WORRY. We are already spending half a billion dollars a year on sickness, We can get BETTER VALUE for the SAME MONEY with @ National Health Plan. What About Tax? Clipped again by the Liberal's rich man's budget? Suppose you earn $3,000 a year and have a wife and two ehilgren. our saving with the new budget is a few cents a week. But if you earned $100,000, you save nearly $100.00 a week | "Them what has, gits!" That's the way it is with both Liberals AND Conservatives. Don't forget it! The CCF says: Cut taxes on Low incomes. Jack up taxes on high incomes. Put on an excess profits tax. IN SHORT, GET THE MONEY WHERE THE MONEY IS. ™ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, July 18, 1958 9 You Need a Home? Maybe you are one of over 500,000 Canadians who do. You are tired of Liberal promises about houses. They've been in power for 20 years. Why haven't they delivered? You can be sure of this -- the only way you are going to get J a house you can afford is. . . 1. Cut the interest rate to 2% 2. Cut the down payment to 10%. 3. Extend the pay-off period to 30 years. 4. Buy land without big profits to speculators. ONLY THE CCF PROGRAM CALLS FOR ALL 4 POINTS, CHECK THE LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE PROGRAMS, THEY DON'T. THEY'RE JUST BLUFFING YOU. You need an adequate Pension? How would you like to get along on $40 a month? That's what the Liberals and Conservatives expect our pensioners to do. It can't be done at today's prices. Many pensioners are living in miserable circumstances. Can we afford to pay them more? The pension was $40 in 1949. Today we are producing 50% more than in 1949. We can afford to pay 50% mere. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE CCF WANTS TO DO . . - RAISE THE'PENSION TO $60. How about the Old Parties ? The Conservatives accuse the Liberals of graft and corruption. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. The CCF believes that the 'dog-eat-dog, devil-take-the- hindmost" philosophy of the old parties is wrong, dishonest and against all religious teaching. Liberal and Conservative parties are controlled by campaign funds from their big-money friends. They can't serve your interests. The CCF is the only party free to carry out its election program .. . a program decided, point by point, in democratic conventions every year. SO... HOW ABOUT GETTING OFF THOSE OLD CRUTCHES? STAND ON YOUR OWN TWO FEET WITH THE CCF. ; ; ; Yes, It's Time For a Change... The CCF was the first to fight for . . . Old Age Pensions, Family Allowances, Unemployment Insurance . . . and every other important social measure Canadians enjoy today. The only way you can be sure of forward-looking legislation for the benelit of all the people is by electing CCF candidates. Let's 3 both the Liberal and Conservative crutches. LET'S A CHANGE FOR TNE BETTER... Are You Confused ? You can't be blamed. Come elec- them into effect. . . in the House tion time, Liberals and Conservatives of Commons at Ottawa (Libere make their election promises sound als) . . « at Queen's Park in like the CCF platform, Toronto (Conservatives). They know that CCF policy is right, and that it's CCF policy you - want, they dress up a housing WHO PAYS THE PIPER P , @ healt Pp and so on, so that you can't tell one +++ CALLS THE TUNE! Both old parties, Liberals from the other -- and they throw in tax reductions for good measure. and Conservatives, are running this election with millions of It's tough, isn't it? But it's not so tough if you look at the record. dollars from big business. They'll keep the promises Liberals and Conservative : opbate a large scale i bgt they. wake 1° big business, ublic low-cost housing and h ne election promises ealth insurance, when they they make to ¥ have the opportunity to put C.C. F. Committee Rooms 12% KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 3-9431

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