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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Jul 1953, p. 11

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{ P00R CROWD Local Cricketers Win Match | : | 'TED RACE COPS FEATURE Harness Assoc. First Meet ButAre Upsetby Peterborouh Club a En A wher Jo, [eturued way Ron Fawcett Shows He Knows : : : scored, Oshawa Cricket Club chalk- the batsmen and Oshawa, which Has Eig ht Good, Fast dup a vausble win in a Godin batted first, cracked up iis runs Steering Wheel Well As Mot eering Wheel Well As Motor THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, July 18, 1053 494 ; i ; i mell with 27, Len Harri ith 24, | Before one of the poorest crowds Toronto did better. over the longer ba Grattan. L'il A was driven Was: Sown 10 2 Surprising Selon 31 Pin hand vin ES nat has ever been the misfortune vege Mg © feat and scored an py Milt Post ands owned by O.|Club in an exhibition game yester- with 14 and Seargant with 1. t Ron Fawcett, driving Mort Pet-ture while Neil Taylor, who was Neil Taylor, Don McLellan, Bert I harness drivers and owners here |*°tX Wo oo 0000) be Hie ang |Fallis of Peterboro. day afternoon. Both games were Roto) neh TAA kon ha Htit's No. 20, showed the fans at the second in the opening heat, 'also|Beckell. Don Wilson, Mort Petit, \ Oshawa, the first presentation |Gordon of Cobourg and driven by| The only near mishap occured |Plaved at the Lakeview Park pitch. She oan PL a al aime [Oshawa Raceways on Saturday | took second in the little feature. Merl Hepburn, M. Wilson, Don fries Tore Racing, Ascot bgt vor oon lh HE Pl Weck decal. Amiens to Uo, the iting ta plied SE, 10,0800 SHALE The ran which rived, Js a Mivke and Cond Rolle La $ . | up or three wickets. They were |; : i! : -- i » conjunction with the Oshawa| L'il Abner with a second in the | wheels for second on the south Pe or Soto BS a within four runs of Oshawa's total | IES. Jhoter, adiatop, gears, etc. | made he track very slippery and Renwick, Bert Bekell, Mal. Little- ions Club was held at Alexandra first heat of the Non-Winners of | turn with Homewood. The: drivers | nob 4H, J batting and scored 34 when the excitement started. about: the Thro and. om there were a few *"slews" and john, Meryl Hepburn, Ralph Spen. ark Saturday. $300 became a winner of the longer | cleared the trouble in a second and |p partnerships with Lefty Howart THRILLING FINISH Whee), 2 he de iayel Corns OF gear spi, but no 'serious dam- fer, Maur; Beeler, ed Hulton, second heat, besting Lucky Rhum-'hardly slowed pace in doing so : Sargant, only a few yards in : ol 8. A good track, clear sky and fast agg 2 8 im ig Rho front of the batsman, took a trem. |20i skill in winning the special| "pirot Race _ Don Wilson, Neil |Cocchio, Al. Rowland, Ron Gi FEE RC EA NON-WINNERS OF $300 caught in the slips when the score gulons drive E. his Jet Jena, His " a ri Seats vent Tasux, Bert Becks. Fi Guthrie, Te. m stood at 81. 5 8 open but he hel . ed Boyden and Gord. Rollins. ay a great one for the fandol Horse Driver j Oweer boro 1 Oshawa's captain, Al Haley, was |O0 to the ball. That left Peter-| Fawcett was in a class by him- | Second race -- Don Marks, RECORD RULED OUT 1at did turn out. 1. L'il Abner (M. Post) O. Fallis, Peter on form and thrashed up a _ quick | 2°T0ugh with four men to get four | self as he took top honors in the eryl Hepburn, Mort. Petit, Don There were four classes of races) , 1 Silly Mahone 1D Dern) {y-Dermo, Pt. Hope tre 23, which included two sixes. He Tiss One [rire he pos Sniskeq | special [lassie While Tl Major's | Fleming, Don McLellan, Don' Row- oy ree It Jie ith two heats each....a Non-| . , ' 3s was not ) ; Showing brilliant form | mechanic, George McPhail from land, M. Wilson, Lorne Pollard 3 on June 7inners of $300, another of $1,000, 4 Lacks Riuinba (rausn, (W- Sokce) Vv Boscer Bel. Scare of out snd Oshawa's final snapped three wickets in one over. | Toronto, took second place in No. |Ray Bittorf. and | 57 was thrown out of the record 2.20 Class race and a Classified 6. Ari 0 F L. Perk A ah % of pe cee > It took Oshawa less than an hour | 4 eV sliors were eight wickets 51. George Mercer, Myrle Hep-| phird race -- Ralph Spencer books Sunday by the British Ama- rot. . Arion Strange (L. Perkins) L. erkins, Toronto 5 to get the visitors out for only 41 gown or 135 when Higgins walked | burn's mchanic for No. 8 stock meq Race, - Mal. Littlejohn, Phil teur Athletic Board. : nie 7. Woodlawn Guy (Powell) Woodward, Oshawa 8 runs. The arteck of Melman and in and pasted a ball for three runs. |car, took third Place in the me-|Renyick, Phil Major, Doug. Coc-|, It ruled the race 'was not a Under the direction of the Mc-| 8 Daisy Chips (A. Brown) H.Wallace, Oshawa ... : Arthur Sargant, which was not Lat tied the game and Higgins | chanics' race and the entire event | cpio and Mauri RK ooir . bona fide competition according to onnell starting gate from Hamil-| 1st Heat, distance. 8% furlongs,time -- 155; 2nd heat, distance, changed, was deadly and Mcpop. | 2nd Cotton joined together in a |was well driven, with surprisin ! {the rules" bn, the events went off in good | 1 mile, time, 2.26. ald's final analysis was six wickets ast-wicket stand that only won the [speed shown by the top cars ang : ine and a good business was NON-WINNERS OF $1,000 rd Vp game but went on to raise the|a combination of skill and caution Mauri Keeler, Al. Rowland, M. he De Te N- ) fob - total to 179. by all drivers that resulted in no |'ilson, Don McLellan, Doug. Coc- STAFFORD BROS 4 Horse Driver Owner : Ist. Heat 2nd Heat » GAME DIFFERENT In the last five weeks, Oshawa's [serious crack-upx in this race. |chio and Gord. Rollins. . ETER VAN D : i ; Yesterday was a different story. team has passed ¥ ios' 1. Empress Elgin (T. Atkinson) T. Atkinson, Toronto 3 McDonald was injured early in his | seven times. ¢ 100TUl Mark | ACCIDENTS TAKE TOLL dt ees McPhail, George Mor. | Monumental Works Big winner of the day was Bill] 2 Molly Elgin (J. Gordon) Hieand Gordon, Cobourg 1 : p's Oshawa entry of Peter| 3 Touie Abbedale (G. Wetherup)G. Wetherup, Oshawa 4 The warm-up session prior to cer, Jack Livingston, Doug. Skin-|| 318 DUNDAS ST. E, WHITBY ner, Tub Piney, Mac McPhail, Ted PHONE WHITBY 552 D. The big racer ran away | 4 Peter Direct L. (W. Anderson)C. Longboat, . . the first race, took a heavy toll om the field in both heats of the Oshwegan, N.Y. North Area Giants Storie and Harmony on Saturday night when Normie |Colby, Bill Irwin, George Emons, 0 Class" becoming the omly| 5. Rose Belwin (M. Post) M.Post, Peterboro °.. Whip South D. Lead O a Drioux Ieceived abrasions to_his | Vince Sleep, Bill Dwyer and Larry || Memorials ® Markers buble heat winner ay. 6. Harry Van (W. Boyce) .McNally, Oshawa .... od arm in a crack-up, serious |Disney. me for a 4 Surin firtt heat| 7 Wee Jack o Con) 5 Hoskin Oshawa | a 7 : o » u . gers ea wn Sections slough ois is competing | Little Feature -- Gord Huttan, as tl st for the day, 1.45....! 8 Broo e . Brown .Conlin, Oshawa ss n Friday morning the No 1 . hile the second heat mile time| jst Heat, distance, 6% furlongstime -- 149; 2nd Heat. distance, |Area Giants travelled to the home P ee Wee Softball Ted Race s No. 3 suffered a bext as a tie for the best of the day,| 1 mile, time -- 2.21. diamond of the South Area Dod-| The Oshawa Neighbourhood As- ™ to. Ber ie Sapalted 16 gers and emerged victorious. Be- i A . 2.20 CLASS $ 3 sociation Pee Wee Boys Softball | Irwin compet th ics' hind the brilliant no-hit pitching of | Schedule i 4 e in the mechanics Most exciting event of the day Owner 1st Heat 2nd Heat ; chedule is now past the half way race and Gord Rollins drove it too as tue foal Toat of the Classified Hoge, Driver iD. Co harp. Othawa Peat ] Lynn Middleton they whipped the |mark and if things keep up the |in the Little Feature -- but Ted | - Dodgers 11-1. j A x own Hol . ; same in the last half it will b |. Ag 1 os mare truck- | 2. Charles G. (W. Anderson) W. Anderson, Hagersville 3 The Dodgers got their one run(a very tight schedule and could | cop ver ser to] 2 ' 3. Miss Highlight (B. Samons)B. Samons, Cobourg 2 3 on two walks and a wild pitch. | prove to be a very exciti i --whi oh he LY om Cass oe! 4. Homewood (M Brown) M Brown, Dihava 25 4 Middleton struck out eight and| The following is a eg series. [ic Byam is a pean 5. Mabel Mack (H. Boyce) W.Boyce, Belleville 4 5 walked five, and his team made games played and total points. |pour of rain that struck the North on na Lith Place Ul jhe fist Joat 1st Heat, distance 6% furlongs,time -- 1.45; 2nd Heat, distance 1 |one error. McConkey was the los- | This list is far from complete as Oshawa area shortly after t other Sharp entry, in the home mile, time -- 2.16. ing picher, allowing twelve hits|a fair number of scores have not | o'clock. en OL v CLASSIFIFIED TROT ; _ |and five walks. His team com-|been reported. Don Wilson, driving No. 777, cap- . Dri OWiter 1st Heat 2nd. Heat mitted three errors. The big it. All coaches and managers are |tured the first race of the night Calumet Baldwin, a W. Beacock Horse ver (D. Cox) W Sh Osh st Hea "5, ab (ters for the Giants were E. West- | asked to phone the scores of their | This much improved Oshawa dri . try from Port Perry picked up| 1. Hillcrest Adam (D. Cox i shawa ov. 2 fall with 3-for-3 and Doug Taylor (games into CRA at 51111. It is |er handled his car well on the . second and a third, looking fine| 2. Chlumet Baldwin (J. Millman eacock, Pt. Perry 2 who hit 3-for-4, including a double | very necessary that this is done |tricky corners and fully ea ii hg "both heats. 3. Hope Bingen (H. Wilson) H. Wilson, Cass City, Mich 5 and a three-run homer in the 4th so that the tally sheets may be |his win. y same 4. Chillo Sheehan (F. Vincent) F. Vincent, Midland .... 4 inning. * | kept correct at all times. So will| Don Marks, sponsored by th OSE FINISH 5. Van Baldwin' (B. Innes) B.Innes, Toronto .... 3 DODGERS -- McConkey, Mc- the coaches of the Pee Wee Boys |Skitch Bros. of this city, captured : t 1] P th rs Favoured Empress Flgin was| 6. Lady Chennualt (L. Barr) HWilson, Cass City, Cristall, Miklas, Maly, Chascoow- teams please check at CRA about |the second race o the Rg with C ener un © oped at the wire in the first Mich. 6 ski, Nicolishen, Craggs, and Paf!-| the scores as soon as possible. |Myrle Hepburn second and Mort at of the Non-Winners of $190 nt Beat, distance 6% furlongs,time -- 1.49; 2nd Heat, distance 1 Beles, ie Calbult. S. 'Westtall Friday following points are as of | Pettit in' third spot. (Inter-County League Leaders) in. ress, owned | mile, e -- 2.10. -- (rarbutt, S. Wes ' y y : » . Molly Elgin Emp Starting gate -- H. McDonell, Hamilton. J. Cole, D. Taylor, L. Middleton, | TEAM "A" DIVISION SPENCER'S CR DAMAGED s Ralph Spencer topped Ted Race -- VS. -- : f d driven by Ted Atkinson from E. Westfall, Weir, Reeson, M. Ry- . . . an, Pollard, Kirk, BRIER, P. Ryan. | Storie in the third race, fast heat of the Indians Down Bel-Rirs . v fan came off mad prem but hia Ww is ' 2 OPEN WINNER Sime n radiator, two 'laps I he d (0) ha Merchan C H E C K I N G 9-2 In GM League KINGSTON , (CP)--Anne Sharpe | Foran Ph 5 a Indians defeated Bel-Airs 9-2 in|of Lookout Point, Ont, won her | Rundle Valleyview adio of the race. Spencer, who is spon- sored locally by Beimont Motors, 8:00 P.M a GM Interdepartmental softball [fifth Ontario golf tournament Sat-| TEAM "B" DIVISIO Son the race but his car was hors snag ieague game played at Alexandra |urday when she defeated Shirley | Harmony Park last night. Woodley of Toronto, one-up, in the | Connaught ok de combat for the balance of the poy night. Ted Race was second in Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium SPORT Siblock pitched for the losers al.|18-hole final of the Eastern On-|Sunnyside lowing one run in the first, four tarlo Ladies' Open Championship | Woodview in the second, ome in the at the Cataraqui Club. Bathe | this one and Malcolm Littlejohn, driving much better than ever be- runs The Eastern Ontario Champion- | Eastview fourth, three in the sixth. ship was the follow-up of an 18 v fore, finished a good third. Gord Hutton won the Little Fea- Foster was the winning hurler hole medal round for the Interna- for the Indians giving up single tional Ladies' Golf Cahmpionship runs in the second and fourth in-|(\yon by Miss Woodley with a 42-40 nings. for an 82 gross. The 16 low gross * been present for the Lions Club Aldreck and Brown scored for|scores in the International medal affair. the Bel-Airs, while Harman and |round qualified for the Eastern On- There were eight heats of Sharer led the winners at the tarlo championship. a trotters Jacers aud Jovieng was Win INDIANS -- 1b; Fos- RELIEVES the Non- for, p; , rf; Del , 3b; » JAG JOEY arer, 3b; Csuhas, ¢; Mart, IM; y pi Dingman, ss; McWilliam, cf. var tt al wonoy bod BEL-AIRS -- Sonley, 1b; Earl, [DB.D. Prescription pos A ss; Siblock, p; Bonifent, 2b; Haw- |S. by Ciema. rashes. ecalp of Hope Bingen in ley, If; Aldreck, rf; Brown, c; Ev- | ce' station sls vier bostieimies, Gomme half of the 6% furlong Glassi- |erett, 3b; McKinley, cf. Donel eck, Ask you druggist for D.D.D. fied Trot. It was a great race, Umpires -- Waddell and Smith. rence. After that, well... that final, with Hope suming down to the last turn . The Jarade Fd Sa Playels second hole, then pulling out hd y pr ggg ine and nosing Hilcrest Adam Bl Share Oshawa entry right » and at the wire. other : : the Few 'players were around | way grom Cass City, Michigan ong enotigh to show snyibing by H. Wilson for the meet. - . . and some of those Fastest horse with the best re, had less than the re- | mes was Bill Sharp's Peter quired amount. Van D in the 220 class. The Ah well, it was for fun. The odds were 5-2 that he'd win ffeams will both now get back and there was little doubt at dg fo business in their own the finish of both heats. The A x feagues. time for the 6% furlongs was a, i YE ARS T e Merchants do it tonight 145...for the mile it was : : at the Stadium against Kit 2.16. * chener Panthers, while the Speaking of fast races and | ; ia. Trans ers play away in the like, we hear from Osh- | Port Hope on ednesday night. awa's Shamrock Athletic Club ] bh and low The first mentioned will be a via it's director, Ben Fallman, | i o ball game. ..the second will that one of their boys did | y § - carrying be a boat race. : . things in the 100-yard heat . : Methinks the one interesting of the Ontario Track and Field fact about the Sunday after- meet. moon affair was the sight of The boy's name is Jackie some McMillan Drive cheap- Bell... yep, the young ball- eaters still in their favorite player with the tby Mer- spots . . . despite the free ad- chants of the Lakeshore Inter- mission! mediate League. Perhaps it's not the price of There's little wonder the cat- admission that keeps them up chers in the league play it there. Could be the view is |close to the vest when he's on so good they don't want a bet- base. ter seat. Guess we'll have to Speaking of the Lakeshore try for,a spot in the second League reminds us that this ow, curb section tonight. is the week of the league's east-west All-Star game. It takes place in Colborne Wed- / 3 CHECKLETS --We had a nesday night. We've not yet / 3 against faulty materials and grand time at the Harness |. heard who the Oshawa choices ea manvfaciuring. Included are Races on Saturday at Alexand- for spots on the club are as i ? ra Park's big oval and felt that yet. complete check-up of bummer, more persons than the 300-odd By Bob Rife. efficiency test, service calls, and free = inspection every 90 days. [® : DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD! Esso OIL BURNER The Most Spine-Tingling, Blood-Curdling Consolation -- Gord. Hutton, - a) a NAIR IZ Wena CRNBRRYI Own H NWN WWaOwWr coco coco Are you sure your oll is at a safe driving level? Have w li B f h Y y with the #e/- saving ECONOMY CLUTCH it checked today at any B-A Service Station « .e Y t B-A Peerless Heavy Dut otor res: ng out of tie Year Its saty to bb Canada's dop-duslity Oil Burner ie a on 3 del Sr torge nt that i Your motor -- Will Toke Plece -- Oi Borner. FSi amit Sor wl aes mie cloan-- protection against power.rabbing deposits. "Comfort Engineered Oil Heating". The Esso Oil Burner You can't buy a better motor o TOMORROW NIGHT - 8:45 P.M. is equipped with the amazing "Economy Clutch" which " reduces soot deposit and smoky stops and starts, saves fuel, THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED -- at the -- cuts vibration and noise. An Esso Oil Burner installed in a | The Largest Oil Company Owned by Canadians new home---or individually engineered to fit your present SH AW A AREMN A heating system--gives you quicker, cleaner, more depend- ; able heating. And an Imperial Oil "Evergreen Contract" brings you a guaranteed supply of Esso Furnace Oil for as "WHIPPER" BILLY * THE GREAT long as you want it. * WA t SO N Vs. ! 0GO | Contact your nearest authorized IMPERIAL > A wDirs caine id Esso Burner Dealer : os" frrt ."Boy, what FROM TORONTO FROM Jara or the nearest office of & SS (0) dejergen vA a performance. r's " y clean 3rd Meeting Between These Two Wrestlers iM PE RIA L (o ) | L PRODUCTS ) or the answer" LIMITED 2 Other Great Wrestling Bouts FOR SALE BY applies to Peerless RINGSIDE $1.25 GENERAL $1.00 MOSIER SH EET METAL ey ™ CHILDREN 50¢ : On Sale at Casino Restaurant 21 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA DIAL 5-2734

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