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Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Jul 1953, p. 9

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SUMMER BACHELORS Bachelor Cooking School to be con- Fourteen well known Canadian |ducted nightly in the Kitchen The- men will show how they manage |atre, Women's World at the Can- their meals, when their wives are | adian National Exhibition which at the cottage, in the Summer |opens August 28. TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 16, 1953 § OSHAWA TELEVISION CRA PROGRAMS CBLT -- CHANNEL § THURSDAY 5:00--Telestory Time 5: I hudrea's Fim CROSSWORD PUZZLE Times prints ane = Tabioa ; avd | : a i Ro for the Blind. aot sibility for : men's Corner ACROSS 82. Letit stand 20. One of IRIE] x 0% oat ub Room for 3 : 1 Flat-opp driat ECON IAIERITS ™ secreation Program _ THURSDAY EVENING : ym PRIDA 2 ns Sow hu HOmAG Hy Superins followin, Parks: North sa Sol on um RADIO LOG WGR 550 ® CKEY 580 © CBL 740 @ CJBC 860 © CHML 900 WBEN 930 © CFRB 1010 e CHUM 1050 ® CKOC 1150 CKLB 1240 © WKBW 1520 @ CHVC 1600 A THURSDAY Recreation of office open all day. 9.00 ig Lions Club Room for the Blind. 9.00 - 530 p.m FRIDAY Recreation office open all day. TREATRE pe Sthama, Fernhi w, Con- 745 P.M. on 4h houp 2. Baby} ag Wooden. Re ado, Rundle: sorrow ; onian unnyside, Bathe, Eastview, Har- pried va vous 9. Of extra. water god Rhythm [ony Storie, Victory, Harman, CFRB-Record Shop gn, Ind ordinary (poss.) Lakeview, SS No. 6, Alexandra R-News 9:30 TV. Sound Stage 30. Celestial 3. A sharp 10:00--Film body with and Thornton's Corners. 9.00 - 11.45 : projection rvised Recreation Program was Gti Be pd ' » Tod 4 Dressed on Sie following Parks: North : . Having 8. Air Corps Oshawa, Thornton's Corners, Fern- Square 8: 100--Seience at Work 8 handle (abbr.) , hill, Valleyview, Connaught, Wood- CFRB-Johnny Mercer Orehesia PIL. 14. Flutter 6. Humble ; , view, Radio, Rundle, side, WGR-Orchestra :30--Spe aking of Tn, 35. Greek 1. Oriental) Bathe, Eastview, Harmony, Storie, CKLB-Airlane Trio y letter hurse Victory, Harman, Lakeview, Alex- CFRE EE for Tonight; 36. Bestow 8. Cuts andra and SS No. 6. 1.00 - 5.00 p.m. 11. rnold -38. Female 9. Forms of Bathe Park Field Day. CKLB-News; Sports :45--Camel News ¢ Caravan fowl recreation Man About : cho Moods Music 4 : a the yd 3. Anglo. 11. Doctrine Guest Stars WGR.G.E. Playhouse CBL-Nocturne Saxon letter 33. Always WER Skyway Reporter; WBEN- Father Ruows Best lec News 21. Shades of 8 17. Man's -INew WBEN-Mike Mearian CKLB-News; Oshawa Fish |CKEY-Les Lye Show 1 primary nickname 6.45 P.M. and Game WGR-News; Glacey's : 3 color ZBL-The Ode Basement 11: 15--Broadway to Hollywood ¥ Se Lyis's Coles CIBC Summer Cruise WBEN News; Sports; FRIDAY 3 Music are THURSDAY, JULY 16 7.00 P.M CKEY-News: Back Talk 1.15 P.M. engaged in Local Art Exhibit -- all day, Office CKLB-News; Band; Tele Joe Crysdale; Baseball | CIJBC--UN Today Bunting open -- 9.12 am.; 1-5 pm.; 7-10 hts Dong - |pm. { 10: :30--Take It Easy FRIDAY, JULY 17 Hig Music CFRB-Orchestra WBEN-Counter Spy CPHB Bing. Crosby WGR Romance 11:00--Hawkins Falls .. a ila rrr .30 P.M. CBL Winnipeg Drama 11:15--Bennett Story YWCA Day Camp -- all d CKLB-Haunting Hour CJ relude 11:30--Strike It Rich 8 Local Art Exhibit -- all day, ores | oom open -- 9-12 am.; 1-5 p.m.; 7-10 VBEN-King Cole CJBC-Music Dreaming 12 Noon--Bride WGR-Family Skeleton CRL-Yoliday Inn CFRB-News; 12:15--Love of Life CFRB-George Murray 12:30 Sears iid p.m. : uiding SATURDAY, JULY 18 :00--Make It And Market \ Fe Miaa Local Art Exhibit -- all day, Of- fice open -- 9-12 am.; 1-5 p.m.; 7.15 P.M, NBEN-Eddie Cantor 1:30--Garry Moore Show 7-10 p.m. CBL-As Tunes Go By CFRB-Record Shop WGR-On_ Stage CKLB-News; Man About 2:00--Double or Nothing 3. Spinning 2:30--Ladies' Fair toys WGR-Johnny Mercer 10.00 P.M. Music 'WBEN-Les, Paul and CKLB-News; Obsession CBL-News Mary CBL-News CJBC-News 7.30 P.M. WBEN-Judy Canova CFRB-News; Sports; CKLB-Great Musie CKEY-News; Baseball Orchestra $8. Girl's name WBEN-News Cr aig Aprsciner Way WEEN News; Stars in 30. Ignited EY-Bi Sings 1st Precinct ZZ od we nny Me 41. Young deer 438. Tellurium 5: 130-- Howdy v= (sym.) FRIDAY EVENING 44. Western 6:00---News Adventures state WGR-Johnny Mercer 5 P. CKEY-News; House Party CBL Mid: Week. Review CJBC-H 6:15--News 46. Planted CJBC-Choral Time WGR-News; Glacey's CBL- 6:25--Almanac o Sorts 48. Spanish title 10.30 P.. CBL-Eventide || HEALEY] Box PIANITIS] CFRE Music by Monta. ElEREMARIER CBL-Elections WBEN-Keyboard Melodies; i CJBC-City of Time Jane Pickens ty mes WGR-News: C. Adams; DEBRA # PAGET: HUNTER ARNOLD Supper CB Maytair Melodies B-Show Hits y WGR-Heart Beats ia Sports WBEN.-Sports on CBL- mmen CKLB- CIBC News: Sports CBL Thurs. Playhouse CFRB-News; Sports; pel of SATURDAY Recreation office open. 9.00 -12.00 Y.W.CA. LAST DAY . 'Francis Covers the Big Town' Rolin FEATU STARTING TOMORROW 0--Ladies' Choice 0--Atom Squad 5---Gabby Hayes Doody sE3eses OSHAWA'S TELEVISION Servicing Centre To All Makes of one Television Commodores irom vy 80. Showers FRIDAY MORNING 7:00 it's 81. Part of 5 A.M. CBL-News; Sports CFRB-News; Waltz won chars' Time; This I| WGR-Mus. Clock; News Money Jingles 7:00--It's Your I Health 7:30--Fisher-Ameche Show edestal tween false CCRC LT] OFF IT [ele] 3 Y 11:10--Almanac 11:15--My Little Margie WBEN -- TV, BUFFALO--CHANNEL { THURSDAY EVENING 6:00---Sagebrush Trail ner ggBCMusic; News rried A ame CFR! CFR! :00 A 6:45--8§ orts Spotlight WGR-Musieal Clock: Morning: Gospel Singer - ; Say It With 8:48 sport Kid News 9:00 A.M 7 30--Miss Melody CJBC-Coffee with Bruce | 7:45--News Caravan (NBC) CJBC-Breakfast Club CBL-Road of Life 8:00--Groucho Marx CBL-News: Music CKEY-News; Ballroom 8:30--Place the Face CKEY-News; Jay and CFRB-News; Interlude Ginger WBEN:-Strike It Rich CFRB-News: Neighbor- 11:15 AM, hood News: Ann Adam | CFRB-Memory Lane WGR-Musical Clock CBL-Backstage Wife WB. 11:30 A.M. -News 9:15 A.M. CKLB-House of Peter Review CKLB-Listen While You McGregor WGR-Mus. Clock; News Work CBL-Best by Bing WBEN- News, Musie WGR-The Keatons CJBC-Cote Glee Club 7:30 AM. WBEN-Breakfast Club CFRB-Music Maestro, CKLB-News; Koffee 9:30 A.M. Please Korner CFRB-Lady Fare; Home- | WGR-Grand Slam CBL-News- Concert maker Harmonies WBEN-Phrase That Pays Melody Highlight 9:45 AM. CKEY-, Mona Goulq Show CKEY-News; Music CBL- Light 4 Lyrical 1:45 WGR-Gema m, = News '. . CKLB-News; Pop Hit CBL Must Parade CFRB-Los and Found WGR-Arthur Godfrey 8:00 AM. lg News; Ballroom CJBC-News; Sport CKLB-News; Sports FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 NOON WGR-Dr. Malone 3:45 P.M. CKLB--News; Community |CKEY-Tea Time WGR-Helen . BTC eu Ta ,, | Sr ews t to Ha CJBC-Di CBL-Invitation to the PM CRE News; "Fick the CPR Helen Trent WGR-News: Keaton cia) Mudie Bx WOR-Guiding Light CKLB-News Showcase R! al 's House; Consoles 2:00 P.M. Wo many CKLB-Women's News WBEN-News CBL-Brave Voyage 12:15 P.M. CKEY-Women's News; Show Business CBL-Aunt Lucy CPRB.Farm and: Home CFRB-Guiding Light ews -What's New WGR-Mrs. Burton CJBC WGR-Aunt Jenny WBEN-Ev'ry Day CJBC-Double or Nothing WBEN-Old Saddlebags 12:30 P.M. CKLB-News; Sports CBi-TransCanada CBL-Farm Broadcast; CFRB-Ma Perkins 4:45 P.M. Time Signal WBEN-Pauline Fredrick | CFRB-Hollywood Date CJBC-News: Small WGR-Perry Mason WBEN-Woman in My Types Club 2:30 House CKEY-Lorne Greene = CJBC- Maitland or 5:00 P.M. CFRB-News; Women's Manor CKLB-News; Supper Club News CKLB-Betty and Bob CKEY ;News-Studio Party WGR Helen Trent CFRB-Gal Sunday CBL-Year Program WBEN-Luncheon Club WGR-Nora Drake CFRB-News; P. Brooks MRS. HILDA CROSSMAN 12:45 P.M. WBEN- Pave Garroway Organ C pondent CKLB-Vocal Spotlight 2:45 P.M. WGR-News; Keaton; \ orres| CKEY-Round Up CKLB-Meet ey Menjous Outdoor Barometer HAYDON -- Miss Shirley Grer- CFRB- ar CFEB Brighter Day WBEN-Just_ Plain Bill ard, Toronto, was at her home WGR-Gal Sunday WGR-Brighter Day 5:15 P.M. d 1:00 P.M. WBEN-Doctor's Wife CFRB-Dick Haymes over the week-end. CKLE News; Stop the 3:00 P.M. WBEN- Front Page Farrell Mr, amd Mrs. g Amictaon, and CKLB-News; Showcase | CBL-SI Time st Carolyn, Downsview; Mrs. Jol CKEY-News; Barry % |CBL-Life Can Be i siecry me' sary Anderson, Mimico, were at Mr. Betty; Tops in Pops Beautiful CKLB-Community News; [and Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. . a. ay Man aye Show LAIR Mrs. Johnson and Wilson, Hamp- WBEN Luncheon Ciubj | WBEN. Life Can Be CFRB-Songs of Our ton; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Denby, | Better Business Beautiful Times; Barry and Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon | €38C Haina. Manor WGR- PHilitop House CJBC-News; At Ease Baker, Long Sault, visited Mr. and | CFRB-Widder Brown Mrs. Frank Den by. L-HI! WGR- Ma Perpins 1:30 P.M. CFRB-Dr. Malone WBEN-Sally Work Barons' now have the lat- est and most modern tech- nical equipment for ser- vicing and repairing of all makes of TV regardless of where obtained. Our ex- pert technicians are your guarantee of complete satisfaction. Won Bob Hope 6:45 AM. 5 $09 CFRB-Top 0° Morn CHL News! 7:00 AM. CKLB-News; Koftes Xi orner CBL-News; Concert CKEY-N H Devotions 11:25 oseups 11:30--Baseball Hall of Fame 11:45--Your Garden FRIDAY 7 a.m.--Today, Dave Garroway 9:00--Your Figure, Rollie Huft 9:15--Garry Moore Show 9:30----Learn and rive 9:45--Children*s Theatre i: :00--Shoppers' Guide Fast, dependable service is yours by Dialing 5-4822 BARONS' 426 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Wr a ------ paramount Musical Comedy of All Time! Starring % BING CROSBY % BOB HOPE % FRED MacMURRAY % FRANCHOT TONE % RAY MILLAND % VICTOR MOORZ % DOROTHY LAMOUR % % PAULETTE GODDARD VERA ZORINA CKEY songs of Our Times 11:00--Plain and Fancy Cooking Claire's Kitchen CBL-Laura Limited 11:30-Strike It Rion Warten Hull 12:00--~News-- V.rgil CFRB-Strike up the Band WGR-Rosemary 12:15--Love of Life, drama «CB | WBEN-Second Chance :30--Search for Tomorrow (CBS) 12 BC-Roses For You CJBC-June Dennis 12:45--Guiding Light WEEN Welcome Travelers CKLB-Forbidden Diary 3:00 M i Plavhonss 2:00--Double or Nothing 2:30--Meet the Millers '3:00--Big Payoff 3:30~Bride and Groom 3:45--Welcomeé Travelers 4:00---On Your Account 4:30--Ladies' Choice ""% MARY MARTIN 5:00--Fun To Learn 7 songs that'll soon 5:15--A Time for Beany : : i % DICK POWELL :30 Howdy Doody rT oNLY | ec | have you whistling! _ 0 erry HuTTON FRIDAY EVENING R= ! : 16 0 %* 6:00--Sagebrush Trail $2 8 i 2 ana many more of % EDDIE BRACKEN 6:30--News % our favorites! % VERONICA LAKE a DOWN $145 Sports % ALAN LADD BIG NEWS Spotlight 7:00--Terry and the Pirates 7:30--Film 7:45---News Caravan (NBC) : Quiz FOR SMALL KITCHENS! LOOK AT THE DELUXE FEATURES YOU GIT: @ 14.2 3q. N. of shelf aren ' © Full-width freezer choo! i © 2 Proo-ize cube trays BRITAING FOREMOST © Pull-width Griep-O-Later Hipsorisi © Adjustable shelves © Top-to-Base refrigeration ® Butter saver compartment © Extra racks in the doer Price $289.95 and up CJBC-Toast & Jamboree | CJBC-Just Around The Melodies CFRB-News: Top o' the CFRB- Caren Ca Cavallaro 8:00-Pantongime CPD Breaktast on the A um Clock i 10:00--Cavalcade of Sports 8:30 AM. CIBC Jus Around The Epi BL WGA News; Chore "Time: \coL-Muste CELE News: Koften 8:45 AM. y ""COOLERATOR" WBEN-News 10:15 A.M. CFAB Morning Jiaodies CKLB-Koffee Korner Corner 7:45--Camel News Caravans 10: AM Morning 9:00--Doorway to Danger base and eap i Jane Westo Farm TTP ita Morning RE. 0 Am 10:30--Greatest Fights CKEY-News; Musical Clock CKLB-News: Musical B-News; Top o' the Get All This FREE | | REFRIGERATOR | LAST THREE DAYS ! 8:15 AM. CBL-Fancy Fingers mmENEi Roperier 8:00--Pantomime Quiz CKLB-News; Koffee CBL Devotions CKLB-Musie in "a Time DN on WBEN-Musical Clock CIBCous Around 10:45--1t Happened in Sports WBEN-News; Musical March Past | 6.30 A.M. Morning; P. Brooks Ww . with the Purchase of a NEW . ON OUR STAGE "isin, n ov C CKEY-News; CFRB-News; Records WBEN-Backstage Wife 4:15 P.M. CFRB-Aaunt Lucy WGR-Keaton WBEN-Stella Dallas 4:30 P.M. OF ITS KIND EVER SEEN IN CANADAL CFRB-Manhattan Musie CBL-Play It Safe WBEN-Widder Brown CJBC-Of All Things 10:45--It Happened in 11:00--News: Weather; 11:30--My Little Margie 12:00--Adolph Menjou HAYDON Reco! CJBC-Afternoon Concert LAUGHTER SHOW OF THE CENTURY CBL-News: Weather MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIEVED STAGE SHOW AT 2:30, 7:00, 10:00 P.M. 'ON THE SCREEN Sas mromaroy. mu \ O'HARA" NICOL w- Hey Kids! {Added | to Motiness Only TWO THRILLING SERIALS "James Bros. of Missouri | PUPP & "Federal Agents" Joram 0] 0] 13 Ice Cregm 1 Pkg. Velveeta Cheese Mr. and Mrs. "Wilbert Blackburn i i i i, 1 ™ LOOKS -- WBENFready Marta [80d family visited the Blackburn 5 Pkgs. Birdseye Frozen Lb. Jewel Domestic { H EA family were at Mr. and Mrs. Rob- i 2 Quarts of Milk 60 Tender Leaf Tea Bags WGR-Mr. Keen 2IBe.Na several girlfriends on Wednesday CKLB-Crime Does Not Finals; Man About Trewin picnic, which was held at Ale CFRB-News; Sports CJBC-Music 9.00 P.M. 11:15 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon | : Bottle Libby's Catsup P.M. home at Newcastle. Foods Shortening ert Spencer's in Oshawa. 6 Bottles of Coca-Cola Tom: CBLIntonbiE: oncert |THE Pon ScMullin afternoon, it being her birthday, 1 Carton Tomatoes CFRB- Music Orono Park, on July 12. WBEN-Name That Tune ' WGR-News Jamily visited Mr. Wm. MeLaugh- | Dole's Blended Juice CKLB-News; Open Heuse | CJBC-UN. Today {called on Mr. and Mrs. Will White | Jar Libby's Mustard CHECK THIS LIST--LOOK AT THE SAVINGS 1 Chicken 1 Jar Libby's Olives 1 Roast of Beef or Pork 1 Lb. Butter 5 Pork Chops 1 Lb. Margarine Va-Lb. Bacon Jar Miracle Whip 1 Brick Neilson's Famous Mayonnaise P.M. WBEN- Lorenzo Jones CBL-Ma Perkins 5:45 P.M. WGR-House Party CFRB-Personalities; News | Gordon We and Boyd i Yel, WBEN-Road of Life CBL-Trio Toronto, visited at CBLWBEN Ppp Young's Ford Feature" . Lio od: Ashton's. Win. Robison. and : GRCure Madey Donilee, Ancaster; Mr. and Mrs. FRIDAY EVENIN G Joa Dawson and family, Bro Brooklis: visited Mr. and Mrs. and family. WGR-Johnny Mereer 7.45 P.M CKLB-News; Sports CJBC-Rhythm Rendezvous CBC-Sports Bill sho, Toronto, is holiday- ing at their cottage in the village. WGR-News CJBC-Jackson Trio CBL-Speakers' Choice CKEY-News; Joe r. and Mrs. Roy Graham and baby visited ih a Mrs. Walter +1 WBEN-One Man's Family Cysdale; Music Box CFRB-Record Shop CFRB-Music by Rahm, at n Sund PRM the Act Manavani P.M. Amsche 10:45 P. CBL-Waltz . Program CRRE Srl Tams SR omnny perce | SKLB-Airlane Trio WHEN Bands for Boa WEEN TR Si Cm 1 Jar Gold Medal Peanut Butter 1 Pkg. Lemons 2 Bunches Carrots 1 Dozen Oranges 2 Cans Libby's Evep. Milk. 1 Head Lettuce 1 Jar Libby's Pickles "1 Doz. Grade "A" Eggs THIS OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY 5401 SE 0 WLACL STARRING DANNY THOMAS PEGGY == i JUST ONE OF ™osE HiNOsd (Pees, Beans, Corn, Strawbe Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and Nabors POY Lb. Package Prunes Karen Thompson entertained usic in the Air CKLB-News; Sports The Trewin family attended the 1 Large Wilson's Ginger 1 Jar Strawberry Jam CKEY-News; Les Ly ayame That Tune ews abd Mf. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and. WGR-Baseball WBEN-News lin, Burketon, on Sunda; Heinz Tomatoes CREY: News; Back Talk WGR-Sports; Glacy's and Miss Nancy Johns, Hamplon, | ion Sunday evenin Ivan Sharpe and Marie Ashton | were at Allen Henry's cottage at | Coboconk. Haydon W.A. is planning a sale | of home baking, at the Kitson, Lockers on Friday, July 31. Miss Aked of Tyrone will show pictures of her tour of England in church 'on Friday evening. Sunday School on Sunday morn- ing will be at 10:30 and. Church | Service at 3 P.M. Sacrament will be administered. Rev. Tute is goin, on his holidays and we n have church service until August The July Meeting of the W.A. was held on Thursday afternoon MOTORISTS WARNED at the home of Mrs. T. Cowling. SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--Don't | Mrs, WGR-News rysdale Basement WBEN-Mike Mearian WEEN All sap Bands WBEN-Sports; - Diane Show P.M. CFRB-Midnight Merry-Go- 7.00 P.M. CKEY- Baseball Round CKLB-News in a Minute; M. 11:30 P.M. Follow the Band CJBC-Prelude to CBL-News; Roundup Dreaming CEEY. News: Ballroom CBL-Songs of My People | CFRB-News; Sports; CFRB-Bing Croshy CFRB-World Dances Merry-Go-Round WGR-Family Skeleton WBEN. CBL-Music WBEN-Cisco Kid h . WOR. -Glacy" s Basement 7.15 P.M. R H : MIDNIGHT CFRB-Record Shop WGR-Johnny Mercer CBL-Trip to the Moon 7.30 P.M. CKEY-News; House Party CKLB-Great Music CJBC-Canadian Musie CFRB-News; Sports; CJBC-Safety Clinic WBEN-All- American rry-Go-Round CBL-Brigadiers Show 2 ; Glacy's CKEY Elections t WBEN-World - News CFRB-B i FRE roadway is My ms avery 1M LOOKING OVER vour-itar crovee/ FLL STRING ALONG) SAINT JOHN, N. B. (CP)-- 4 Smoke Marked increases in traffic through Saint John municipal airport were noted in the first six months of 'th's year. The airport handled} 25,.31 passengers, an a 4,379 over the same period in 1 uick up hitchhikers, warns C. R. Hopgood, secretary-treasurer of the Maritime Automobile Association. 'Many a would-be good samaritan of | has ended ap wi without cash or with- | 952. | out his car,' said. Ww. Se re, 2 residént, opened the meeting. The Devotional was given by rs. T. Cowling. Several items of business were dealt with. Mrs. Olsen gave a reading. Mrs. Cowling conducted a short contest. Luseli was served. ' LARGEST SELECTION IN OSHAWA 426 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL 5-4822 Po fi 55% TW Gr Ye =) ay. : ? i id | "TECHHIGOLO 5s le LA w= RY "TOM TOM TOMCAT" Color Cartoon =

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