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Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Jul 1953, p. 10

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40 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursday, July 16, 1058 BEST GAME OF SEASON SPORTS MENU "Everything from Soup to Nuts" by Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR The league - leading Brantford Red Sox eked out a 2-1 win over Oshawa Merchants after 13 innings of thrill-packed baseball before the If the Oshawa Merchants ever start to get lucky -- they'll zoom to the top of the Inter - County League race in about two full weeks. They dropped a heart- breaking 13-inning decision here last night, heart-breaking because the season's biggest crowd was on hand to see the game between Merchants and the league-leading Brantford Red Sox and also heart- breaking because pitcher Bill Han rahan deserved a better fate. Lee Griffeth, the Brantford hurler didn't deserve to lose either, for that matter, but at that, Hanrahan had more strikeouts, fewer walks and allowed less hits -- so we figure he deserved to win. Both teams played errorless ball. Extra - base blows, two-bag- gers to be more explicit, were the deciding factor and ° they came with runners on bases but what was even more ironic, each of the two-base hits that drove in a Brantford run, was a wrong- field double. Dick Berning was the vietim in each case. The first one he almost caught and from the press box it looked as if they ball had already gone foul but the umps ruled otherwise. The second one, scoring the sin- ning run in the 13th inning, was also hit by a left-handed batter' a hard-hit drive that got past Berning and went to the wall. Ted O'Connor's homer over the' right-centre wall tied the score in the sixth and it was a gruel- ling pitching duel from there to the 13th climax. Hanrahan pitched another great ball game. He chalked up 11 strike- outs and gave up only seven hits ~--two of these in the 13th inning after there were two out. Lee Grif- feth crossed the plate with the winning run himself, to make vic- tory even sweeter for the Brant- ford hurler. Oshawa left 13 run- ners stranded on the bases again-- far too many. Jones, Turk and Imbra each had two hits apiece. Merchants loaded the bases in the first inning and one more hit there would have changed the entire complexion of last night's titantic struggle. Just what happened--or didn't happen in Oshawa's half of the 13th is a matter for much con- jecture this morning and the grandstand managers are having a field day. Butch Lawing got a _ double into the wrong field. (Oshawa's only lucky break of the game) to open the 13th and Fran Dyson then went in to run for the big outfielder. Johnny Imbra came through with a hit to put Dyson on 3rd but he couldn't score. We thought he should have "faked" a spurt for the plate, because if he had drawn the throw -- Imbra was ready to go to second. However, it didn't happen that way. Ted O'Connor bunted on the second pitch -- and if it 'was to have been a sfueeze® play -- some- body either forgot to tell Dyson or he muffed the signal. He didn't move -- Imbra was forced to 2nd and that was one out. That was bad but when Herman Mas- on then bunted and still Dyson wasn't underway for the plate with ghe tying run -- and Mason was thrown out at first, that really blew Oshawa's big chance. Mike Garbark, pinch-hittipg for Dick Berning, slarpmed one into deep centre but Lockington was away back there waiting--and the game was over. 4 : Some of the fans were of the opinion that both O'Connor and | Mason should have been hitting away. In O'Connor's case, if "he I hit into a double play, Dyson could | still have scored and either batter | might have hit a fly to the outfield, which would have let Dyson score | after the catch and so tie up the igame. But if the strategy decided { upon was to bunt -- rather than | hit away for the long fly or another | safety --then Dyson should have been sprinting for the plate. If he had been under way with the pitch | --he'd have scored on either of the |two bunts. It was unfortunate that lit ended this way because it was quite the best ba.l game of the season and a real thriller and en- tertainment treat for the big crowd that turned out. , Other Inter-County results last night saw Kitchener keep right up there with Brantford, winning over London 7-6. Waterloo edged Guelph 1-0 while Galt -- those Terriers are red-hot right now-- defeated St. Thomas 10-6. If Oshawa had won that one last night, not only would they have knocked Brantford back into sec- ond place but the Merchants would have been only one full game out of 4 the place . . , and also they would have been over the .500 Pct mark. That's the big jump for Oshawa, they've been up even at .500 about four times in the past three weeks but have never been quite able to get over the hump and igiprove on .500 Pct. Galt Terriers are creep- ing up again and are only one full game behind Oshawa now. | The Merchants get another. big chance tomorrow. night and it | should see another banner crowd {on hand. The fans have really en- | joyed the two games this week and Friday night finds Waterloo Tigers | visiting Oshawa. It's 'Ladies' | Night" -- which means all ladies are to be admitted free -- provided |they are accompanied by a male | escort. Waterloo may have Al Ger- ringer, former Oshawa Merchants' | pitcher, on the mound here tomor- | row night. Merchants released | Gerringer after signing Eddie | Drapcho, the former Guelph pitch- |er, Drapcho is slated to go to the | mound for Oshawa on Friday night | against Waterloo, although Bud | Ripplemeyer is ready again. Osh- |awa plays back in Waterloo on !Saturday but the big one is right |here at the Stadium, tomorrow night. | BRIGHT BITS: Yesterday was | the last signing date for players in {the Inter-County League. . . . It {was also the deadline date for OASA softball certificates to be |signed. . . . Jack Durston pitched | Transporters to a 14-0 shutout over | the Ontarios in Port Hope last night |and had his second-straight no-hit, no-run game all ready to tuck away when the third batter of the last inning connected for a wrong- field hit. Port Hope got another hit before the inning ended as it turn- ed out but it was mighty close for Durston and a tough one to miss. . . . The Church League playoffs arefmow under way and St. Gert- rudes defeated St. Gregorys last Northminster and St. Johns clash tonight in their series. ... It was to be expected -- The Great Togo didn't like the way Tomothy Geo- hagen "refereed"' the bout the oth- er night and claims Geohagen fav- ored Whipper Billy Watson. He has | challenged Timothy Geohagen and they'll settle their argument next St. Gertrude's Take First Of Semi-finals St. Gertrude's defeated St. Gre- gory's 7-3 last night at Alexandra Park, in the first game of their 2-out-of-3 Inter-Church League semi final playoff series. St. Gregory's scored two runs in the first inning on three walks and a hit by Depratto but Tuak got ov- er his wildness after he walked three more batters in the third ot give St. Gregory's their third and final run. After that the Saints went down in 1, 2, 3 order almost every inning. St. Gertrude's got a run in the first on two walks and single. by Piontek and the game stayed at 3-1 for Xt. Gregory's until the fifth when Hardie, Tuak and Pion- tek all scored for the winners. St. Gertrude's added three more runs in the seventh on two walks and two solid hits by Fleming and Ter- williger, 'to clinch the victory. ST. GREGORY'S -- McLellan, 3b; Thompson, ss; Healy, cf; De- Gamish Moulding Win Over Weldits | Garnish Moulding defeaged Wel- dits 12-9 in their UAWA Sho League game at Alexandra Park on Wednesday. Weldits got their runs in the early stages with two in the first frame and three in the second but the Mouldings boys caught up with them in the third to make it 5-5 and took a lead in the fourth in- ning. A 4-run splurge in the fifth put the Moulding team well in front and they held that lead to the end of the contest. 'WELDITS -- Alronowitz, 2b; Childerhose, ¢; Lupel, p; Hodg- son, 1b; Matthews, rf; Moss, If; Shouldra, cf; Smegal, ss; Loge- man, 3b; Tippett, 1b. MOULDING -- Cirka, 2b; Kel- lar, cf; Rospond, 1b; Muney, ss; Wilson, 3b; Stadnick, p; Wiltshire, ¢; Roach, rf; Stauffer, If. Gray, 1b; Depratto, 2b; Osborne, If; Stovin, c; Fry, rf; Tamblyn, p. ST. GERTRUDE'S -- Bathe, 2b; Hardie, cf; Monaghan, ¢; Tuak, p; Piontek, 3b; Fleming, 1b; Ter- williger, rf; Gardian, If; Taillon, ss; Rolland, cf. Umpires M. Meulemeester and J. Guiltinan, night in their semi-final opener ... | "BUTH" LAWING Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium last night. It was a terrific struggle all the way, a sensational pitching duel Brantford's way., They made the most of their breaks too -- Osh- awa didn't! Merchants had their big chance in the first inning when Jimmie between Bill Hanrahan of Oshawa and Lee Griffeth of Brantford-- with the Oshawa pitcher having the edge in every department but still losing a heart-breaking ver- | dict. Hanrahan fanned 11 batters | as against 8 for Griffeth while the Oshawa pitcher gave up only three biggest crowd of the season, at} walks compared with five by Grif- feth and the hits were nine-to-sev- en in favor of Oshawa. Both teams Jiaved errorless ball for the full 13 innings and there was a spectacular play almost ev- ery inning and often two or three as the two high-class clubs put on this sensational baftle. BREAKS DECIDED IT In a game that close, with both pitcher in top-notch form. it was und to be te breaks that would decide it -- and the breaks went Jones started off with a single and Bill Turk beat out a hit when hi grounder took a dirty bounce an caromed off shortstop Ron Hodar's arm. Ron Ryba fanned but Butch Lawing was walked to fill the bases. Johnny - Imbra grounded, forcing Jones and the plate and Ted O'Connor also grounded out. Each team got a run in the sixth inning. Jim Wilkes singled with one out and scored when Johnny Lockington hit a wrong-field double that Dick Berning almost got to --the umpire ruled it was just in- side the line when Berning tipped it with his glove after a long run. right-centre wall, after two out, to knot the count in the bottom of the sixth. was even greater as both hurlers style. THE LUCKY 13th when he singled after two out, in the 13th inning. He scored from first base when Jim Wilkes hit a wrong-field two-bagger that got past Dick Berning and went to the wall. The story-book finish almost materialized even after th #t. "Butch" Lawing got a wrong-field double, down the right line, te open the 13th for Oshawa and he was promptly replaced by Fran Dyson, Ted O'Connor poled one over the |: It. had been a pitcher's batle un-/|: til then and after that the tensiom |: mowed down the opposition in great | : Les Griffeth won his own game : Red Sox Win 13-Inning Thriller Breaks Decide Terrific Struggle to do the running. He didn't do enough of that, as it turned out. Johnny Imbra came through with his second hit of the night, Ted O'Connor watched one strike go by and then bunted on the sec- ond pitch. Dyson didn't ty to come in and Imbra was forced at 2nd base. Then Herman Mason bunted and again Dyson wasn't moving with the pitch and with the Brantford infield playing right up close, he couldn't go after the bunt had been laid down. Mason was thrown out at 1st for thé second out, O'Connor taking 2nd. Manager Mike Garbark came in as a pinch-hitter for Dick Berning z BILL HANRAHAN and slammed a long drive to deep centre but it was right at Johnny Lockington, who was playing deep a single that right-fielder Jim Wilkes fielded quickly, to hold Dy- son at 3rd base. At that, Oshawa had runners on 1st and 3rd with nobody out and it looked as if they would certain- ly at least tie up the game again. --and the game was over. Jones, Turk and Imbra all had two hits for Oshawa with Wilkes, Lockington and Griffeth doing the same for Brantford. THE BOX SCORE BRANTFORD bd wooo~ooNmME - ~osONBNWOD Lipka, 3b Hodara, ss Clifford, c Griffeth, p TOTALS OSHAWA wosasananl ~oo000oo~y DUD TTC TT J I 33 CON UUARNNG Hanrahan, (z) Dyson . (zz) Garbark Pp TOTALS ..... "7 1 © (z)--ran for Lawing in 13th. (2z)--Batted - for Berning in 13th. RH 000 001 000 000 1--2 7 .... 000 001 000 000 0--1- 9 Runs batted in: Lokington, O'Connor, Wilkes; two-base hits: McGrattan, Lock- ington, Wilkes, Lawing; home run: O'Connor; stolen bases; Mason; sacri- fices: Mason; double plays: Turk to Imbra to Jones; left on bases: Brant. ford 6, Oshawa 13; bases on balls: off Hanrahan 3, off Griffeth 5; strike-outs: by Hanrahan 11, by Griffeth 8; hits off: Innings: BRANTFORD . OSHAWA Hanrahan, for 2 runs in 13 innings; off Griffeth, 9 for 1 run in 13 innings; earned runs: Brantford 2, Oshawa 1: wild pitches: Hanrahan; winning pitch- er: Griffeth (Brantford); losing pitcher: Hanrahan (Oshawa). Umpires: J. Swan, plate, and G. Fav- ero, bases, both of Toronto. Time: 2 hrs., 5 mins. 8-GAME WINNER ! Gentry 'Jeep' Jessup, Galt Ter- riers big Negro mound man, has moved into the lead over Brant- ford's Alf Gavey in the race for Intercounty strike out records. Jes- sep has fanned 60, Gavey 54. u "Bud" Ripplemevyer . Intercounty Sr. Pitchers straight wins heads the percentage column. The Oshawa star has ap- peared in both starting and relief roles while Frank Parker, Brant- ford, who is credited with six wins has won all these in relief roles. Mel Duncan, Kitchener, is second in victories with seven. d Ripplemeyer with eight Over Pedlars In an Industrial League game |played at Alexandra Park last | night, Duplate knocked off the | league-leading Pedlars team 8-4, in |one of the best games of the sea- |son. | | Jack' McConkey was on the mound for Duplate and gave up | seven hits while Cowle, pitching for Pedlars, was nicked for 15 | safeties over the distance. Duplate took the lead in the sec- fond inning when Planche scored |the first run of the game on his | own hit and singles by Spencer and | Harding. 'Duplate added two more {runs in the third when Weatherup | homered and then Spencer homer- led in the 6th, McConkey hOmered |in the 7th; Spencer homered again | in the 8th while Harding walked, |and scored later on a single by | Bass then Aitchison doubled in the | 9th and scored later on a double by | Spencer. night at the plate, was easily the big hitter of the game. McConkey, Aitchison also hit well with Sammy Stark being the best for Pedlars. Two singles meant one run in the third for Pedlars and a walk to Bemis, single by Stark and double by Naylor gave them two more in the sixth and Stark's double scored Bemis with the last Pedlar run. DUPLATE: Bass, .¢; Weather- up, 3b; Aitchison, 1b; J. McCon- key, p; L. McConkey, 2b; Plapche, cf; Spencer, If; Harding, ss; Edgar, rf. PEDLARS: J. Weatherup, 2b; Campbell, ¢; McCann, If; Stark, 3b; Naylor, cf; Bathe, 1b; Harding, rf; Cowle, p; Morey, ss; Bemis, If. Umpires: D. Reading and B. Motorettes Whip Duplate Wins Juvenile Wildcats The CKLB Juvenile Wildcats were no match for their rivals, Motorettes, when they clashed last night at Radio Park in a league game, the Motorette Juveniles winning out 21-3. ! ildcats couldn't do much with run in the first, third and fished off with one in the 9th when Hale tripled after Wilson had walked. Motorettes got three runs in the first inning, taking full advantage of Wildcats' errors. It stayed at 32 until the fifth inning when Motorettes scored three runs on three hits and an error and then they added five runs on a walk, two hits and three bad errors, in the sixth, but it was the 10-run parade in the 7th when Wildcats came apart completely, that clinch- ed the victory for Motorettes. WILDCATS -- McEachern, cf; Delves, rf; Johns, ¢; Thomas, 3b; Anderson, 1b; Bull, If and p; Hale, p and cf; Ayleswood, 2b; Fice, ss; i Duger, ss; Gibbens, p; J. Wilson, Spencer with two homers, two |p doubles and a single for a perfect | | MOTORETTES -- Long, 3b; | Stark, cf5 Honeyman, ss; Bottom- ley, ¢; Sawyer, 1b; Luke, p; Buz- inski, 1f; Ogden, 2b; Walters, rf. Umpires--J. Childerhose and W. Blair. Woodview Pee Wees Upset Sunnyside Pk. Woodview Park's Pee Wee soft- ball club scored a 12-8 upset win over Sunnyside last night in a CRA league game. Yeo pitched for the losers allow- ing one run in the first, one in the second, three in the third, three in the fifth and four in the seventh. Thomson hurled the win, giving up one run in the fifth, six in the sixth and one in the seventh. Leading the winners at the plate were Bell and Thomson, while for Luke's good pitching. They got one | another in the Pacing PITCHING RECORDS TO MON- | DAY NIGHT: 1 | Player Team | Ripplemeyer, Osh. Hanrahan, Osh. Stragier, London Weller, Kitch. Duncan, Kitch. Sposato, Waterloo Copeland, Brant | Parker, Brant | Benny, Lon. |G. Fisher, Brant M. Lipka, Brant Gavey, Brant Koval, Galt Yount, O-Guelph { Brumm, London Biasatti, Waterloo Fedoris, Kitch. Jessup, Galt Walters, Oshawa Yorks, Waterloo Arriss, Waterloo R. Butler, L-Galt Clark, Guelph Philp, Guelph Allan, Kitch. Schnurr, Waterloo White, St. T. Best, London Gerringer, Oshawa Handel, Galt Burke, London Easton, Galt Drapcho, Guelph Sommers, St. T. Stone, Oshawa | Beggs, K-St. T. | Costa, St. Thomas | Larouche, K-Wat. |L. Fauth, Guelph Grasso, St. Thomas Griffeth, Brant Moore, Brant Symanski, Galt Deasy, Oshawa Lare, St. Thomas Bricker, Wat.-Kit. >9 2 Pt fk fod ok 55835352938 538 5333] SHH sii BRIAR COD DDD mt it mt mk DD ok DD 03 00 65 1D BO DD 60 DS 60 1 mi ek 1 863 03.35 U1 BD on sn 1 O13 BD 35 0 63 obs =F et bet pt 00 283 Pt ND ht CO DINO UT LI COB ND Be TD UTI GO SO 00 IND G0 ht dk hd NI ND I SO = NIN i CO ht i NN i i i DO DO SIGNS NEW BACK TORONTO (CP)--Frank Clair, coach of Toronto Argonauts of the Big Four football league, revealed Wednesday night he has signed Al Brosky, 26-year-old former &]inois University defensive back. the losers it was Topping and Sad- owski. WOODVIE W-- Bell, 1b; Hobbs, ss; Pipher, ¢; Kemp, 2b; Dowe, 3b; Mason, If; Hoosima, rf; Thom- son, p; and Armstrong, cf. SUNNYSIDE -- Smith, ss; Eld- ridge, rf; Crowells, c; Suddard, 3b; INTERCOUNTY STANDINGS LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS Brantford, 2; Oshawa 1. (13 in- nings; Kitchener 7, London 6; Waterloo 1, Guelph 0; Galt 10, St. Thomas 6 W L Pet. GBL 646 -- 24 13 22 12 647 % 20 14 .588 2% 20 16 .556 3% 1819 457 7 1619 457 7 Guelph 1321 .382 9% St. Thomas 827 22915 FUTURE GAMES Thursday--Kitchener at London. Friday--St. Thomas at London; Galt at Kitchener; Waterloo at Oshawa; Brantford at Guelph. Saturday--London at Brantford: Kitchener at St. Thomas; Oshawa at Waterloo; Guelph at Galt. Brantford Kitchener Waterloo London Oshawa Galt Bowmanville Girls Upset Eveleigh's In a Lakeside Ladies' Intermediate game at Bathe Park ' last night, Bowmanville Coal Dust- ers upset Eveleigh's Cleaners 14-8. | The visitors got a lone run in, the third inning and then Eveleigh's | Cleaners staged a 6-run splurge in the fourth, with B. Fry hitting a homer to climax the rally. How- ever, as it turned out, Eveleigh's didn't do much with E. Braggs's pitching for the rest of the game. They got their ar two runs on three hits and a pair of walks, in the seventh but this wasn't nearly ig Bowmanville got a run in the | fifth and then tied up the game | in the sixth by scoring four runs | on five hits as Fry weakened. I the seventh, the visitors re | four more runs to break the sie and they added three in the 4 on a homer by Goulah and got one in the ninth on three walks and | an error. | D. Kilpatrick was the big hitter for the winners with Nesbitt best at the plate for the Cleaners. BOWMANVILL Brock, c; Goulah, 2b; Kilpatrick, cf; Caswell, 1b; Jones, ss; E. Bragg, p; Don- oghue, rf; Battams, If; Hosckin, 3b; Joli, ss. EVELEIGH'S CLEANER S-- Smith, ss; Beevor, 3b; Haines, 2b; Nesbitt, ¢; Davey, rf; Porayko, cf; Sutton, If; Cardinal, 1b and p; Fry, p; Shaw, p; Bukowski, 1b. Umpire--R. Waddell. SPORTS CALENDAR THURSDAY UAW JUVENILE SOFTBALL Whitby vs. Connaught Tigers, at Alexandra Park, 6.45 p.m. CHURCH LEAGUE SOFTBALL St. John's vs. Northminster, Al- exandra Park, 6.30 p.m. (ist game of 2-of-3 semi-finals.) INDUSTRIAL MEN'S SOFTBALL Fittings vs. Piggotts, at Lake- view Park, 6.30 p.m. LAKESIDE LADIES' SOFTBALL INTER. -- Eveleigh's Cleaners vs. CKLB Lakelanders, at Bathe Park, 6.30 p.m.; Ajax at Bowman- ville (1st game of Inter. "B" play- off series) 6.30 p.m. JR. and JUV. -- Brooklin vs. Trimble Construction, at Harmony, 6.30 p.m. PEE WEE BOYS' SOFTBALL Harmony at Woodview; East- view at Bathe; Sunnyside at Con- naught; Radio at Rundle; Fernhill at alexview and Storie at Simcoe Hall; all games at 6.45 p.m. MINOR GIRLS' SOFTBALL BANTAM - MIDGET -- Rundle Park at Radio Park, 6.45 p.m. UAWA SHOP SOFTBALL Buicks vs. Bel Aires, at Alex. Park, 1.30 p.m.; Bodybusters vs. Glass Line, at Alex. Park, 1.30 p.m.; Cardinals vs. Arrows, at Alex. Park, 6.30 p.m. What's Your Game? BINOCULARS DOUBLE YOUR ENJOYMENT OF ANY SPORT! JUPITER JR, 6 POWER ONLY 22.50 WITH CASE League |' FRIDAY INTERCOUNTY SR. BASEBALL Waterloo Tigers vs. Oshawa Mer- chants, Civic Stadium, 8: p.m. UAW JUV. SOFTBALL Rundle Rockets vs. Brooklin, Brooklin Park, 7:30 pm.... . .. CRA PEE WEE SOFTBALL East vs. North, Connaught Park, 6:30 p.m. DURHAM SOFTBALL Janetville vs. Bethany, Bethany, 6:30 p.m. LACROSSE s Brooklin at Alliston. LAKESIDE LADIES SOFTBALL PLAY-OFF: Bowmanville vs. Maple Grove, Maple Grove, 6:30 ps (1st game of 3-of-5 semi- inal series?) NEIGHBORHOOD GIRLS SOFTBALL Fernhill vs. Valleyview, at Valle view, 6:30 p.m. (Section 2 bantam and midget girls league.) Valleyview vs. Woodview, at Woodview, 6:30 pm. (Pee Wee girls). Fernhill vs. Rundle, at Rundle, 6:30 p.m. (Pee Wee girls). GM SHOP SOFTBALL Shipping vs. Chev Line, andra Park, 6:30 p.m. Parts-Service vs. Flyers, Alex andra Park, 6:30 p.m. Alex- - You can depend on HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC to give you the © Big, Clearer 17" Pictures © Exclusive CINEMATIC SIGHT ® Hondsome Hand-Crafted Cabinet ® Matching Base At Slight Extrg Cost Compare Owr Easy Terms YY INSTALLATION & SERVICE CONVENIENT TERMS NO FINANCE COMPANY HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC LIMITED "We Service What We Sell" 50 PRINCE ST. DIAL 3-2248 ROLLER FRIDAY & SATURDAY At The SKATING ¥ Wright, cf; Yeo, Desroches, 1b; Topping, 2b; p; Jacklin, If and Sadowski, rf in 5th. 2 OSH * FRIDAY WATERLOO nee - VS AWA MERCHANTS: § Why teke chances on Faulty Brakes when it's so easy and economical te have us inspect " your brakes and if need be put them in OK shape. Remember! « » « the life you save may be your own. | rN 45 Minutes of JuLy 7h § 2 Bugs Bunny Cartoons PLUS APS ADULTS 1.00 I'S < CHILDREN 25¢ FREE Cartoon Buttons GIVEN AWAY ON THE PLAYGROUND at the AT gsHAvS Kinsmen Stadium HWY. 2A 3-4972 | a a " al " # 4 <F «| Tl oF - Ot == ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIM KING BE. AT MARY ST. ITED DIAL 3-2256 |

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